Harlan Lee HANS

Ancestors of Harlan Lee HANS

                            /-Henry William HANS
                  /-Hugo HANS
                  |         \-Rhoba JEWETT
        /-Harlan HANS
        |         |         /-John BEHNK
        |         \-Clara BEHNK
        |                   \-Frieda BROCKMOULLER
Harlan Lee HANS
        |         /-Roger George ANDERSON
        \-Dana ANDERSON
                  \-Fayette L. ANDERSON

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Harvey HANS

Ancestors of Harvey HANS

                            /-Ferdinand August HANS
                  /-Bernard (Ben) Gotholt HANS
                  |         \-Wilhelmine Caroline SCHOECHERT
        /-Allen Wesley HANS
        |         |         /-Carl Frederick Ferdinand KOEPSEL
        |         \-Mary Augusta KOEPSEL
        |                   \-Ernestine Wilhelmine Augusta WENDT
Harvey HANS
        |         /-Jonathan Harvey BELLMORE
        \-Grace BELLMORE
                  \-Hazel Emily FARLIN

Descendants of Harvey HANS

1 Harvey HANS
  =Shirley TESCHENDORF  Marriage: 20 APR 1955
      2 Timothy HANS
      2 Rodney HANS
        =Pat MEDINA
            3 Cy HANS
            3 Melanie HANS
            3 Fluare HANS
      2 Cynthia HANS
      2 Vincent HANS

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Hattie Wilhelmine HANS

Ancestors of Hattie Wilhelmine HANS

                            /-Joachim HANS
                  /-Ernst Julius HANS
                  |         \-Dorothea Elisabeth JUHRE
        /-William Friedrich HANS
        |         |         /-August Ferdinand WEGENER
        |         \-Charlotte Alvine Ottilie WEGENER
        |                   \-Maria Elisabeth HAMMEL
Hattie Wilhelmine HANS
        |         /-Frederick KOPLIN
        \-Pauline (Polly) KOPLIN
                  \-Wilhelmina KOPLIN

Descendants of Hattie Wilhelmine HANS

1 Hattie Wilhelmine HANS
  =Guy JEWETT  Marriage: Jahr unbekannt, heiratete an einem 8. Februar
      2 Vernon Charles JEWETT
            3 Ronnie JEWETT
            3 Jolene JEWETT
      2 Betty JEWETT
        =Leo DOYLE
            3 Stacey DOYLE

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Helena (Magdalene) Marie HANS

Ancestors of Helena (Magdalene) Marie HANS

                  /-Joachim HANS
        /-Ferdinand August HANS
        |         \-Dorothea Elisabeth JUHRE
Helena (Magdalene) Marie HANS
        \-Wilhelmine Caroline SCHOECHERT

Descendants of Helena (Magdalene) Marie HANS

1 Helena (Magdalene) Marie HANS
  =Wilhelm (William) Friedrich OTTOW  Marriage: 25 FEB 1892, Canaan Moravian Church Ferdinand Han's church
      2 Ella Amalia OTTOW
        =Ewald Robert BUCHHOLZ  Marriage: 26 JUN 1919, Davenport, North Dakota
            3 Verdi BUCHHOLZ
              =Pearl Marion TOPPIN  Marriage: 18 MAY 1954
      2 Clara Helena OTTOW
        =Theodore W. FRAASE  Marriage: 29 MAY 1917, Canaan Moravian Church Ferdinand Han's church
            3 Harold Elmer FRAASE
              =Hazel E. JOHNSON  Marriage: 07 JUN 1947
            3 Lawrence Theodore FRAASE
            3 Arline Helena FRAASE
              =Curtiss HOGEN  Marriage: 22 NOV 1941, Buffalo, North Dakota
            3 Earl Erwin FRAASE
              =Elsie Marie ZICK  Marriage: 18 JUN 1947, Leonard, North Dakota
            3 Charles Edward FRAASE
              =Betty Mae STEELE  Marriage: 12 JUL 1959, Bemidji, Minnesota
            3 Nyla M. FRAASE
              =William L. NOLTE  Marriage: 29 MAY 1952, Wichita Falls, Texas
      2 Flora Meta OTTOW
        =Herman Carl APPEL  Marriage: 02 DEC 1919, Davenport, North Dakota
            3 Alvin L. APPEL
            3 Lois L. APPEL
              =Alfred KURTZ  Marriage: 06 OCT 1945, Canaan Moravian Church, Davenport, North Dakota
      2 Totgeburt OTTOW
      2 Clarence Ferdinand OTTOW
        =Johanna (Josephine) CRAMER  Marriage: 04 JUL 1926
            3 Donna OTTOW
              =David EGLESTON
            3 Clarence OTTOW
      2 Lester Reinhold OTTOW
      2 Wilbert William OTTOW

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Helene HANS

Ancestors of Helene HANS

                  /-Joachim HANS
        /-Friedrich Wilhelm HANS
        |         \-Dorothea Elisabeth JUHRE
Helene HANS
        |         /-Karl Fr. KLEINSCHMIDT
        \-Sophie KLEINSCHMIDT
                  \-Sophie RESE

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Henry HANS

Ancestors of Henry HANS

                            /-Ernst Julius HANS
                  /-William Friedrich HANS
                  |         \-Charlotte Alvine Ottilie WEGENER
        /-Henry William HANS
        |         |         /-Frederick KOPLIN
        |         \-Pauline (Polly) KOPLIN
        |                   \-Wilhelmina KOPLIN
Henry HANS
        \-Rhoba JEWETT

Descendants of Henry HANS

1 Henry HANS

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Henry William HANS

Ancestors of Henry William HANS

                            /-Joachim HANS
                  /-Ernst Julius HANS
                  |         \-Dorothea Elisabeth JUHRE
        /-William Friedrich HANS
        |         |         /-August Ferdinand WEGENER
        |         \-Charlotte Alvine Ottilie WEGENER
        |                   \-Maria Elisabeth HAMMEL
Henry William HANS
        |         /-Frederick KOPLIN
        \-Pauline (Polly) KOPLIN
                  \-Wilhelmina KOPLIN

Descendants of Henry William HANS

1 Henry William HANS
  =Rhoba JEWETT  Marriage: 18 DEC 1914
      2 Gene HANS
        =Charlyne DALHELM
            3 Carol HANS
            3 Darrel HANS
        = PEGGY
            3 Mary Ann HANS
            3 Stephanie HANS
            3 Tom HANS
      2 Hugo HANS
        =Clara BEHNK  Marriage: 13 OCT 1938, North Hollywood, California
            3 Harlan HANS
              =Dana ANDERSON  Marriage: 13 JAN 1962, Las Vegas, Nevada
            3 Sandra HANS
              =Thomas COSGROVE  Marriage: 18 JUN 1977
            3 Dennis HANS
              =Donna OVERSTREET  Marriage: 13 MAY 1964, Granada Hills, California
      2 Russel HANS
        = GOLDIE
            3 Barbara HANS
            3 Judy HANS
        = WILMA
            3 William HANS
        =Barbara JEAN
            3 Stephen HANS
            3 Greg HANS
            3 Virginia HANS
        = CAROLE
      2 Margaret HANS
        =Robert BLAMEY  Marriage: 30 SEP 1948, Las Vegas, Nevada
            3 Barry BLAMEY
              =Linda HUGGARD
            3 Robert BLAMEY
              =Darlis LEHMAN  Marriage: 15 JUL 1976
            3 Kathleen BLAMEY
              =Paul FARRENS  Marriage: Wurde an einem 24.Oktober geschlossen, Jahr fehlt
      2 Marcele HANS
      2 Henry HANS
        =Doris WILLIAMS
      2 Wayne HANS
        =Deidre (DeeDee) OWENS  Marriage: Anchorage, Alaska
        = FAYRENE  Marriage: 01 APR 1984
      2 Bonnie HANS
        =Leroy AXELSEN  Marriage: 09 DEC 1946, Reno, Nevada
            3 Susan AXELSEN
              =John MRGICH  Marriage: 07 SEP 1965
            3 Michael AXELSEN
              =Penelope MENSINGER  Marriage: 13 APR 1969
            3 Marsha AXELSEN
              =Stanley CORTEZ  Marriage: 11 JAN 1969, Fremont, California
              =Jerry DALLA  Marriage: 21 APR 1979, Paradise, California
            3 Jeri AXELSEN
              =Steven STRUSIS  Marriage: 12 AUG 1981, Reno, Nevada
        =Vern LACLEAR  Marriage: 29 JUN 1966
      2 Gayle Richard HANS
        = LORETTA
            3 Laura HANS
            3 Daniel HANS
            3 Sheri HANS

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Herman Cornelius HANS

Ancestors of Herman Cornelius HANS

                            /-Joachim HANS
                  /-Julius Martin HANS
                  |         \-Dorothea Elisabeth JUHRE
        /-Julius Herman HANS
        |         |         /-Julius WITTE
        |         \-Emilie WITTE
        |                   \-Albertine WITTE
Herman Cornelius HANS
        |         /-Herman MEINERT
        \-Magdalena (Lena) Elizabeth MEINERT
                  \-Pauline FREITAG

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Herman Johann HANS

Ancestors of Herman Johann HANS

                  /-Joachim HANS
        /-Julius Martin HANS
        |         \-Dorothea Elisabeth JUHRE
Herman Johann HANS
        |         /-Julius WITTE
        \-Emilie WITTE
                  \-Albertine WITTE

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Hubert Walter HANS

Ancestors of Hubert Walter HANS

                            /-Joachim HANS
                  /-Ferdinand August HANS
                  |         \-Dorothea Elisabeth JUHRE
        /-Paul HANS
        |         \-Wilhelmine Caroline SCHOECHERT
Hubert Walter HANS
        |                   /-Friedrich Ferdinand Julius WITTE
        |         /-Franz Emil WITTE
        |         |         \-Ernestine Wilhelmine HANS
        \-Eleonora Lydia WITTE
                  |         /-Karl YAECK
                  \-Anna Theresa YAECK
                            \-Henriette PASCHMANN

Descendants of Hubert Walter HANS

1 Hubert Walter HANS
  =Cecelia Florence GLASOW  Marriage: 04 JUN 1953

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Ancestors of Hugo HANS

                            /-Joachim HANS
                  /-Ernst Julius HANS
                  |         \-Dorothea Elisabeth JUHRE
        /-William Friedrich HANS
        |         |         /-August Ferdinand WEGENER
        |         \-Charlotte Alvine Ottilie WEGENER
        |                   \-Maria Elisabeth HAMMEL
        |         /-Frederick KOPLIN
        \-Pauline (Polly) KOPLIN
                  \-Wilhelmina KOPLIN

Descendants of Hugo HANS

1 Hugo HANS

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Ancestors of Hugo HANS

                            /-Ernst Julius HANS
                  /-William Friedrich HANS
                  |         \-Charlotte Alvine Ottilie WEGENER
        /-Henry William HANS
        |         |         /-Frederick KOPLIN
        |         \-Pauline (Polly) KOPLIN
        |                   \-Wilhelmina KOPLIN
        \-Rhoba JEWETT

Descendants of Hugo HANS

1 Hugo HANS
  =Clara BEHNK  Marriage: 13 OCT 1938, North Hollywood, California
      2 Harlan HANS
        =Dana ANDERSON  Marriage: 13 JAN 1962, Las Vegas, Nevada
            3 Harlan Lee HANS
            3 Laurence Grace HANS
            3 Genevieve Louise HANS
            3 Darin Albert HANS
            3 Darik Ole HANS
      2 Sandra HANS
        =Thomas COSGROVE  Marriage: 18 JUN 1977
      2 Dennis HANS
        =Donna OVERSTREET  Marriage: 13 MAY 1964, Granada Hills, California
            3 Deena HANS
            3 Donald HANS

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Ancestors of Jean HANS

                            /-Joachim HANS
                  /-Ernst Julius HANS
                  |         \-Dorothea Elisabeth JUHRE
        /-Arthur HANS
        |         |         /-August Ferdinand WEGENER
        |         \-Charlotte Alvine Ottilie WEGENER
        |                   \-Maria Elisabeth HAMMEL
        |         /-George W. AYRES
        \-Mamie L.AYRES
                  \-Laura A. BERNARD

Descendants of Jean HANS

1 Jean HANS
  =Wetzel BACKUS  Marriage: 20 JUL 1947

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Jeffrey HANS

Ancestors of Jeffrey HANS

                            /-Bernard (Ben) Gotholt HANS
                  /-Allen Wesley HANS
                  |         \-Mary Augusta KOEPSEL
        /-Glenn Roger HANS
        |         |         /-Jonathan Harvey BELLMORE
        |         \-Grace BELLMORE
        |                   \-Hazel Emily FARLIN
Jeffrey HANS
        |         /-Henry HEUER
        \-Donnajean Grace HEUER
                  \-Frieda O. JAMKE

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Jerome Russel HANS

Ancestors of Jerome Russel HANS

                            /-Ferdinand August HANS
                  /-Bernard (Ben) Gotholt HANS
                  |         \-Wilhelmine Caroline SCHOECHERT
        /-Allen Wesley HANS
        |         |         /-Carl Frederick Ferdinand KOEPSEL
        |         \-Mary Augusta KOEPSEL
        |                   \-Ernestine Wilhelmine Augusta WENDT
Jerome Russel HANS
        |         /-Jonathan Harvey BELLMORE
        \-Grace BELLMORE
                  \-Hazel Emily FARLIN

Descendants of Jerome Russel HANS

1 Jerome Russel HANS
  =Barbara Karen BAKKERUD  Marriage: 07 NOV 1970, Hickson Lutheran Church, North Dakota
      2 Christopher Russel HANS

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Joachim HANS

Descendants of Joachim HANS

1 Joachim HANS
  =Dorothea Elisabeth JUHRE  Marriage: 1814, Fürstenfelde Provinz Brandenburg
      2 Carl Martin HANS
        =Friederike Ulrike Ernestina Henrietta FLATH
            3 Friedrich Robert FLATH
            3 Louise HANS
            3 Anna Marie Pauline HANS
            3 Carl Herman HANS
            3 Carl Gustav HANS
            3 Carl Johannes HANS
            3 Carl Friedrich (Fred) HANS
              =Mary BRASCH
            3 Carl Ernst HANS
            3 Friedrich Wilhelm HANS
        =Minnie Christine MACK  Marriage: 1865
      2 Friedrich Wilhelm HANS
        =Sophie KLEINSCHMIDT
            3 Wilhelm Gustav Emil HANS
              =Emma Emilie SCHMIDT  Marriage: 12 NOV 1881, Podelzig
            3 Sohn HANS
            3 Sohn HANS
            3 Sohn HANS
            3 Wilhelm HANS
              =Anna "UNBEKANNT"
            3 Helene HANS
            3 Bernhard HANS
            3 Paul Ernst HANS
              =Johanna Ernestine Flora KOSTER  Marriage: 10 APR 1896, Berlin-Zehlendorf
            3 Auguste HANS
            3 Elise HANS
            3 Marie HANS
            3 Tochter HANS
      2 Calinia HANS
      2 Catalina HANS
        = RADOCK
      2 Ernestine Wilhelmine HANS
        =Friedrich Ferdinand Julius WITTE  Marriage: ABT 1849, In Preussen
            3 Franz Emil WITTE
              =Anna Theresa YAECK  Marriage: 17 OCT 1876, Farmington
            3 Johannes (John) WITTE
              =Emelie Ida ULM  Marriage: 20 MAR 1883
        =Friedrich Wilhelm Christoph (Christian) TRACHTE  Marriage: 24 DEC 1858, Watertown Wisconsin
            3 William Frederick TRACHTE
              =Emma Elisabeth HANS  Marriage: 27 OCT 1887
      2 Julius Martin HANS
        =Emilie WITTE  Marriage: 07 JUL 1853, Ebenezer Moravian Church
            3 Pauline Auguste Emilie HANS
              =Karl August PIPER  Marriage: 06 NOV 1870, Norton Township, Winona County, Minnesota
            3 Leberecht HANS
            3 Maria (Mary) Magdalena HANS
              =August Herman Julius (Ninow) NIENOW  Marriage: 18 JUL 1878, Hebron Moravian Church, Winona County, Minnesota
            3 Julius Herman HANS
              =Magdalena (Lena) Elizabeth MEINERT  Marriage: 22 OCT 1885, Hebron Moravian Church, Winona County, Minnesota
            3 Herman Johann HANS
            3 Emilie Albertine HANS
            3 Emma Elisabeth HANS
              =William Frederick TRACHTE  Marriage: 27 OCT 1887
            3 Anna Hans HANS
            3 Stillborn Child HANS
            3 Newborn HANS
            3 Child HANS
      2 Dorothea Wilhelmine HANS
        =Ferdinand Friedrich Adolph FLATH  Marriage: 18 JUL 1852, Watertown, Wisconsin
            3 Johann Emil FLATH
            3 Herman Traugott FLATH
              =Maria (Mary) Minna PODEWELLS  Marriage: 25 FEB 1879, Ebenezer Moravian Church, Watertown, Wisconsin
            3 Gustav Adolph FLATH
              =Pauline SCHOECHERT  Marriage: 12 MAR 1882, Watertown, Wisconsin
            3 Johannes Ferdinand FLATH
              =Martha Elizabeth SCHOECHERT  Marriage: 30 MAY 1888, Watertown, Wisconsin
            3 Maria Elizabeth FLATH
            3 Wilhelm Ferdinand FLATH
            3 Ernest Ferdinand FLATH
              =Martha Philipina LEHMAN  Marriage: 30 OCT 1890, Watertown, Wisconsin
              =Mamie CUNDY
            3 Wilhelmine Elizabeth FLATH
            3 Ferdinand Emil FLATH
              =Amanda Emilie LEHMAN  Marriage: 30 OCT 1890
            3 Wilhelm Robert FLATH
            3 Emil Edmund FLATH
            3 Ferdinand Friedrich Adolph FLATH
            3 Edmund Emanuel FLATH
              =Mary Ann EHRHARDT
      2 Ernst Julius HANS
        =Charlotte Alvine Ottilie WEGENER  Marriage: 14 AUG 1855, Ebenezer Moravia Church
            3 Amanda Emilie HANS
            3 Emil Gustav HANS
            3 Emma Ottilie HANS
            3 Ernst Ferdinand HANS
              =Matilda NENOW
            3 William Friedrich HANS
              =Pauline (Polly) KOPLIN  Marriage: 06 MAY 1889, Wisner, Nebraska
            3 Martha Adeline (Lena) HANS
            3 Emma Matilda HANS
              =John W. WISENSTINE  Marriage: 16 JAN 1893
            3 Arthur HANS
              =Mamie L.AYRES  Marriage: 09 JUN 1915, Bartlett, Nebraska
      2 Amalie Wilhelmine HANS
        =Ferdinand Julius Leopold WEGENER  Marriage: 30 APR 1854
            3 Gustav Adolph WEGENER
              =Wilhelmine Dorothea VILLNOW  Marriage: 16 APR 1880, Madison, Nebraska
            3 Loife WEGENER
            3 Luhis (Ludwig) WEGENER
            3 Elizabeth (Bessie) Dorothea WEGENER
              =William H. WIDAMAN  Marriage: 28 NOV 1878
            3 Amanda WEGENER
            3 Antonie Mina WEGENER
            3 Theodor August WEGENER
            3 Helene WEGENER
            3 Admond (Edmond) WEGENER
              = HATTIE
              =Lulu Frances DOTY  Marriage: 25 FEB 1889
            3 Robert William WEGENER
            3 Ferdinand Emil WEGENER
      2 Ferdinand August HANS
        =Wilhelmine (Minnie) Caroline STREHLOW  Marriage: 18 FEB 1859, Watertown, Wisconsin
            3 Martha Elizabeth (Maria) HANS
        =Wilhelmine Caroline SCHOECHERT  Marriage: 17 JUL 1868
            3 Martha Elisabeth (Maria) HANS
            3 Helena (Magdalene) Marie HANS
              =Wilhelm (William) Friedrich OTTOW  Marriage: 25 FEB 1892, Canaan Moravian Church Ferdinand Han's church
            3 Martha A. HANS
            3 Reinhold HANS
            3 Adolph Gustav HANS
              =Hulda E. OTTOW  Marriage: 12 NOV 1897
            3 Paul HANS
              =Eleonora Lydia WITTE  Marriage: 22 FEB 1900, Ebenezer Moravian Church, Watertown, Wisconsin
            3 Child HANS
            3 Selma Emma HANS
              =Julian Michael (Mike) ROESER  Marriage: 10 MAY 1900
              =Charles Herman PIPER  Marriage: 10 APR 1913
            3 Bernard (Ben) Gotholt HANS
              =Mary Augusta KOEPSEL  Marriage: 30 NOV 1899, Berea, Winona County, Minnesota
            3 Gerhard (Gary) Max HANS
              =Hedwig Lydia (Hattie) LEBUS  Marriage: 04 DEC 1902
            3 Alice Meta (Matah) HANS
              =Rheinhold Carl PIPER  Marriage: 18 DEC 1901
            3 Child HANS

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Johanna Marie Charlotte HANS

Ancestors of Johanna Marie Charlotte HANS

                            /-Joachim HANS
                  /-Friedrich Wilhelm HANS
                  |         \-Dorothea Elisabeth JUHRE
        /-Paul Ernst HANS
        |         |         /-Karl Fr. KLEINSCHMIDT
        |         \-Sophie KLEINSCHMIDT
        |                   \-Sophie RESE
Johanna Marie Charlotte HANS
        |                   /-Matthias KOSTER
        |         /-Johann Friedrich KOSTER
        |         |         \-Eleonore FECHNER
        \-Johanna Ernestine Flora KOSTER
                  |         /-Ernst HOSENFELDER
                  \-Ernestine Pauline HOSENFELDER
                            \-Caroline SEIFERT

Descendants of Johanna Marie Charlotte HANS

1 Johanna Marie Charlotte HANS
  =Paul Hermann Emil Gottlob BECKMANN  Marriage: 18 FEB 1928, Berlin-Zehlendorf
      2 Dietrich Hermann Paul Friedrich Georg BECKMANN

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Jon (adopted) HANS

Ancestors of Jon (adopted) HANS

                            /-William Friedrich HANS
                  /-Conrad HANS
                  |         \-Pauline (Polly) KOPLIN
        /-Ron HANS
        |         \-Dorothy RASSETTE
Jon (adopted) HANS
        |         /-Jack EMMITT
        \-Patricia EMMITT
                  \-Madeline WEST

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Ancestors of Judy HANS

                            /-William Friedrich HANS
                  /-Henry William HANS
                  |         \-Pauline (Polly) KOPLIN
        /-Russel HANS
        |         \-Rhoba JEWETT
        \- GOLDIE

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Julius Herman HANS

Ancestors of Julius Herman HANS

                  /-Joachim HANS
        /-Julius Martin HANS
        |         \-Dorothea Elisabeth JUHRE
Julius Herman HANS
        |         /-Julius WITTE
        \-Emilie WITTE
                  \-Albertine WITTE

Descendants of Julius Herman HANS

1 Julius Herman HANS
  =Magdalena (Lena) Elizabeth MEINERT  Marriage: 22 OCT 1885, Hebron Moravian Church, Winona County, Minnesota
      2 Edmund Ewald HANS
        =Miriam WETTLAUFER  Marriage: 26 DEC 1952
      2 Lydia Elizabeth HANS
        =John FLUEGEL  Marriage: 30 SEP 1908, Altura, Minnesota
            3 Gerhard FLUEGEL
            3 Carlton FLUEGEL
              =Evangeline Ella EEN  Marriage: 06 APR 1938, Medo Lutheran Church, Mapleton, Minnesota
      2 Herman Cornelius HANS
      2 Gerhard Paul HANS
      2 Cornelius Daniel HANS
        =Lucille KENEGA  Marriage: 24 DEC 1923, Chicago, Illinois
            3 Daniel C. HANS
              =Eleanor MITCHELL  Marriage: OCT 1948, Ferndale, Michigan
            3 Lois Jeanne HANS
              =John SPIRES  Marriage: 19 DEC 1959, Detroit, Michigan
      2 Martha Emma HANS
        =Henry NELSON  Marriage: 12 JUN 1918
            3 Priscilla NELSON
              =Leonard HOHMANN  Marriage: 06 JUN 1941
              =Herbert WALCH  Marriage: 28 SEP 1950, Altura, Minnesota
      2 Emma Magdalena HANS
        =Vern MARKING  Marriage: 25 OCT 1924

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