Hope Marie HUDSON

Ancestors of Hope Marie HUDSON

        /-Roger William HUDSON
Hope Marie HUDSON
        |                   /-Clemens Cornelius HANS
        |         /-Virgil Roland HANS
        |         |         \-Adeline Margaret BUCHHOLZ
        \-Roberta Ann (adopted) HANS
                  |         /-Clarence Henry HEUER
                  \-Dorothea Thelma HEUER
                            \-Freida Olga JAHNKE

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Roger (Trar) Micah HUDSON

Ancestors of Roger (Trar) Micah HUDSON

        /-Roger William HUDSON
Roger (Trar) Micah HUDSON
        |                   /-Clemens Cornelius HANS
        |         /-Virgil Roland HANS
        |         |         \-Adeline Margaret BUCHHOLZ
        \-Roberta Ann (adopted) HANS
                  |         /-Clarence Henry HEUER
                  \-Dorothea Thelma HEUER
                            \-Freida Olga JAHNKE

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Roger William HUDSON

Descendants of Roger William HUDSON

1 Roger William HUDSON
  =Roberta Ann (adopted) HANS  Marriage: 14 OCT 1983
      2 Hope Marie HUDSON
      2 Roger (Trar) Micah HUDSON

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Ancestors of Susan HUDSON

        /-Edward HUDSON
        \-Mary Lou ANDREWS

Descendants of Susan HUDSON

1 Susan HUDSON
  =Robert Ray SIXEL  Marriage: 01 AUG 1970
      2 Jason SIXEL
      2 Justin SIXEL
      2 Jarrod SIXEL

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Delores Ardell HUEBNER

Descendants of Delores Ardell HUEBNER

1 Delores Ardell HUEBNER
  =LeRoy Franklin FREDERICK
      2 Daniel FREDERICK
        =Lynn Sue WESEMAN
            3 Kimberly Kay FREDERICK
              =Jason MARTIN
            3 Pamela Jean FREDERICK
              =Brent BAST
            3 Jodie Ann FREDERICK
              =Derek BORCKMANN

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Lorraine HUEBNER

Descendants of Lorraine HUEBNER

1 Lorraine HUEBNER
  =John D. STAFEIL
      2 John Larry STAFEIL
        =Beth Louise HOMANN  Marriage: 10 MAY 1969, Lake Mills, Wisconsin
            3 Kristina Beth STAFEIL
            3 Kevin John STAFEIL
            3 Brian Robert STAFEIL

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Descendants of George HUETTL

1 George HUETTL
      2 Kathy HUETTL
        =Larry Lowell LINDEMANN  Marriage: 28 DEC 1970, Max, North Dakota
            3 Tiarra LINDEMANN
            3 Rachelle LINDEMANN
            3 Ryan LINDEMANN

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Ancestors of Kathy HUETTL

        /-George HUETTL
        \-Elna SCHMIDT

Descendants of Kathy HUETTL

1 Kathy HUETTL
  =Larry Lowell LINDEMANN  Marriage: 28 DEC 1970, Max, North Dakota
      2 Tiarra LINDEMANN
      2 Rachelle LINDEMANN
      2 Ryan LINDEMANN

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Descendants of Linda HUGGARD

  =Barry BLAMEY

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Descendants of Geneva HUGHES

1 Geneva HUGHES
  =Sam ILICE  Marriage: JUL 1945
      2 Sandra Jean ILICE
        =William Nicholas HILGER Jr  Marriage: 06 JAN 1979, Chicago, IL
            3 Lauren Illice HILGER
              =Curtis Gregory FLINT  Marriage: 20 SEP 2008, Delafield WI
            3 Elizabeth Jeanine HILGER
            3 Allison Ilice HILGER

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Luella L. HUHNER

Descendants of Luella L. HUHNER

1 Luella L. HUHNER
  =Martell N. STENBERG
      2 Darlene STENBERG
        =Steven HANS  Marriage: 28 OCT 1978, Fargo, North Dakota

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Marialys HULL

Descendants of Marialys HULL

1 Marialys HULL
  =Horace Milton BENSON
      2 Jan Marie BENSON
        =Steven Donald MONSON  Marriage: 27 MAY 1973, Omaha, Nebraska
            3 Kristofer Steven MONSON
              =Marie Beth GOULART  Marriage: 12 JUN 2007, France

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Henrietta HULST

Descendants of Henrietta HULST

1 Henrietta HULST
  =William TOPPIN
      2 Pearl Marion TOPPIN
        =Verdi BUCHHOLZ  Marriage: 18 MAY 1954
            3 Brenda Renee BUCHHOLZ
              =Mark FREIER  Marriage: 14 AUG 1976
            3 Janice Faye BUCHHOLZ
            3 Dale Curtiss BUCHHOLZ

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Descendants of Loretta HULTMAN

1 Loretta HULTMAN
      2 Jeffrey LILJESTRAND
        =Debra JOHNSON  Marriage: 05 MAY 1973
            3 Jason Michael LILJESTRAND
            3 Jill Maria LILJESTRAND

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Joyce Marie HUMMEL

Descendants of Joyce Marie HUMMEL

1 Joyce Marie HUMMEL
  =Rex Bradley LINDEMANN  Marriage: 21 DEC 1985, Valley City, North Dakota
      2 Kathy Celeste LINDEMANN
      2 Christina Marie LINDEMANN

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Albert HUNT

Descendants of Albert HUNT

1 Albert HUNT
  =Margaret BARTLETT
      2 Ivor HUNT
        =Shirley Jeanne PERSONS  Marriage: 18 MAR 1972, Minneapolis, Minnesota
            3 Andrea Sara HUNT

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Andrea Sara HUNT

Ancestors of Andrea Sara HUNT

                  /-Albert HUNT
        /-Ivor HUNT
        |         \-Margaret BARTLETT
Andrea Sara HUNT
        |                   /-Charles Edwin PERSONS
        |         /-Cyril Dale PERSONS
        |         |         \-Lydia Wilhelmina Augusta NIENOW
        \-Shirley Jeanne PERSONS
                  |         /-Eugene Levine MICHEL
                  \-Elizabeth Jeannette MICHEL
                            \-Anna Laura WIGGLE

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Ancestors of Ivor HUNT

        /-Albert HUNT
        \-Margaret BARTLETT

Descendants of Ivor HUNT

1 Ivor HUNT
  =Shirley Jeanne PERSONS  Marriage: 18 MAR 1972, Minneapolis, Minnesota
      2 Andrea Sara HUNT

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Catherine M. HURLEY

Descendants of Catherine M. HURLEY

1 Catherine M. HURLEY
  =George E. PAYNE
      2 George M. PAYNE
        =Julie L. WISENSTINE  Marriage: 06 AUG 1977, Lakewood, Colorado
            3 Christopher Michael PAYNE
            3 Brianne Jenea PAYNE

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Descendants of Alan M. HUSBY

1 Alan M. HUSBY
  =Toni Elaine FLATH  Marriage: 09 JUN 1990

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