Ancestors of Sohn HANS

                  /-Joachim HANS
        /-Friedrich Wilhelm HANS
        |         \-Dorothea Elisabeth JUHRE
        |         /-Karl Fr. KLEINSCHMIDT
        \-Sophie KLEINSCHMIDT
                  \-Sophie RESE

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Sophie HANS

Ancestors of Sophie HANS

                            /-Joachim HANS
                  /-Friedrich Wilhelm HANS
                  |         \-Dorothea Elisabeth JUHRE
        /-Paul Ernst HANS
        |         |         /-Karl Fr. KLEINSCHMIDT
        |         \-Sophie KLEINSCHMIDT
        |                   \-Sophie RESE
Sophie HANS
        |                   /-Matthias KOSTER
        |         /-Johann Friedrich KOSTER
        |         |         \-Eleonore FECHNER
        \-Johanna Ernestine Flora KOSTER
                  |         /-Ernst HOSENFELDER
                  \-Ernestine Pauline HOSENFELDER
                            \-Caroline SEIFERT

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Stephanie HANS

Ancestors of Stephanie HANS

                            /-William Friedrich HANS
                  /-Henry William HANS
                  |         \-Pauline (Polly) KOPLIN
        /-Gene HANS
        |         \-Rhoba JEWETT
Stephanie HANS
        \- PEGGY

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Stephen HANS

Ancestors of Stephen HANS

                            /-William Friedrich HANS
                  /-Henry William HANS
                  |         \-Pauline (Polly) KOPLIN
        /-Russel HANS
        |         \-Rhoba JEWETT
Stephen HANS
        \-Barbara JEAN

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Steven HANS

Ancestors of Steven HANS

                            /-Bernard (Ben) Gotholt HANS
                  /-Allen Wesley HANS
                  |         \-Mary Augusta KOEPSEL
        /-Glenn Roger HANS
        |         |         /-Jonathan Harvey BELLMORE
        |         \-Grace BELLMORE
        |                   \-Hazel Emily FARLIN
Steven HANS
        |         /-Henry HEUER
        \-Donnajean Grace HEUER
                  \-Frieda O. JAMKE

Descendants of Steven HANS

1 Steven HANS
  =Darlene STENBERG  Marriage: 28 OCT 1978, Fargo, North Dakota

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Stillborn Child HANS

Ancestors of Stillborn Child HANS

                  /-Joachim HANS
        /-Julius Martin HANS
        |         \-Dorothea Elisabeth JUHRE
Stillborn Child HANS
        |         /-Julius WITTE
        \-Emilie WITTE
                  \-Albertine WITTE

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Susan HANS

Ancestors of Susan HANS

                            /-Bernard (Ben) Gotholt HANS
                  /-Allen Wesley HANS
                  |         \-Mary Augusta KOEPSEL
        /-Glenn Roger HANS
        |         |         /-Jonathan Harvey BELLMORE
        |         \-Grace BELLMORE
        |                   \-Hazel Emily FARLIN
Susan HANS
        |         /-Henry HEUER
        \-Donnajean Grace HEUER
                  \-Frieda O. JAMKE

Descendants of Susan HANS

1 Susan HANS
  =Robert STEVENSON  Marriage: 14 DEC 1979, Reno, Nevada
      2 Joshua STEVENSON

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Timothy HANS

Ancestors of Timothy HANS

                            /-Bernard (Ben) Gotholt HANS
                  /-Allen Wesley HANS
                  |         \-Mary Augusta KOEPSEL
        /-Harvey HANS
        |         |         /-Jonathan Harvey BELLMORE
        |         \-Grace BELLMORE
        |                   \-Hazel Emily FARLIN
Timothy HANS
        \-Shirley TESCHENDORF

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Tochter HANS

Ancestors of Tochter HANS

                  /-Joachim HANS
        /-Friedrich Wilhelm HANS
        |         \-Dorothea Elisabeth JUHRE
Tochter HANS
        |         /-Karl Fr. KLEINSCHMIDT
        \-Sophie KLEINSCHMIDT
                  \-Sophie RESE

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Ancestors of Tom HANS

                            /-William Friedrich HANS
                  /-Henry William HANS
                  |         \-Pauline (Polly) KOPLIN
        /-Gene HANS
        |         \-Rhoba JEWETT
        \- PEGGY

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Vera Adeline HANS

Ancestors of Vera Adeline HANS

                            /-Joachim HANS
                  /-Ferdinand August HANS
                  |         \-Dorothea Elisabeth JUHRE
        /-Paul HANS
        |         \-Wilhelmine Caroline SCHOECHERT
Vera Adeline HANS
        |                   /-Friedrich Ferdinand Julius WITTE
        |         /-Franz Emil WITTE
        |         |         \-Ernestine Wilhelmine HANS
        \-Eleonora Lydia WITTE
                  |         /-Karl YAECK
                  \-Anna Theresa YAECK
                            \-Henriette PASCHMANN

Descendants of Vera Adeline HANS

1 Vera Adeline HANS
  =Reinhold HEUER  Marriage: 01 FEB 1923

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Vincent HANS

Ancestors of Vincent HANS

                            /-Bernard (Ben) Gotholt HANS
                  /-Allen Wesley HANS
                  |         \-Mary Augusta KOEPSEL
        /-Harvey HANS
        |         |         /-Jonathan Harvey BELLMORE
        |         \-Grace BELLMORE
        |                   \-Hazel Emily FARLIN
Vincent HANS
        \-Shirley TESCHENDORF

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Virgil Roland HANS

Ancestors of Virgil Roland HANS

                            /-Ferdinand August HANS
                  /-Adolph Gustav HANS
                  |         \-Wilhelmine Caroline SCHOECHERT
        /-Clemens Cornelius HANS
        |         |         /-Friedrich Martin OTTOW
        |         \-Hulda E. OTTOW
        |                   \-Caroline Henrietta BORTH
Virgil Roland HANS
        |         /-Herbert L.BUCHHOLZ
        \-Adeline Margaret BUCHHOLZ
                  \-Minnie FREDERICK

Descendants of Virgil Roland HANS

1 Virgil Roland HANS
  =Dorothea Thelma HEUER  Marriage: 28 JUN 1953, Fargo, North Dakota
      2 Dean Rodney (adopted) HANS
      2 Roberta Ann (adopted) HANS
        =Roger William HUDSON  Marriage: 14 OCT 1983
            3 Hope Marie HUDSON
            3 Roger (Trar) Micah HUDSON
      2 Neil Alaric (adopted) HANS

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Virginia HANS

Ancestors of Virginia HANS

                            /-William Friedrich HANS
                  /-Henry William HANS
                  |         \-Pauline (Polly) KOPLIN
        /-Russel HANS
        |         \-Rhoba JEWETT
Virginia HANS
        \-Barbara JEAN

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Virginia Eloise HANS

Ancestors of Virginia Eloise HANS

                            /-Ferdinand August HANS
                  /-Adolph Gustav HANS
                  |         \-Wilhelmine Caroline SCHOECHERT
        /-Alvin Edward HANS
        |         |         /-Friedrich Martin OTTOW
        |         \-Hulda E. OTTOW
        |                   \-Caroline Henrietta BORTH
Virginia Eloise HANS
        |         /-Halvor BJORNSON
        \-Valborg BJORNSON
                  \-Mrs. BJORNSON

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Walter HANS

Ancestors of Walter HANS

                            /-Joachim HANS
                  /-Friedrich Wilhelm HANS
                  |         \-Dorothea Elisabeth JUHRE
        /-Wilhelm HANS
        |         |         /-Karl Fr. KLEINSCHMIDT
        |         \-Sophie KLEINSCHMIDT
        |                   \-Sophie RESE
Walter HANS
        \-Anna "UNBEKANNT"

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Wayne HANS

Ancestors of Wayne HANS

                            /-Ernst Julius HANS
                  /-William Friedrich HANS
                  |         \-Charlotte Alvine Ottilie WEGENER
        /-Henry William HANS
        |         |         /-Frederick KOPLIN
        |         \-Pauline (Polly) KOPLIN
        |                   \-Wilhelmina KOPLIN
Wayne HANS
        \-Rhoba JEWETT

Descendants of Wayne HANS

1 Wayne HANS
  =Deidre (DeeDee) OWENS  Marriage: Anchorage, Alaska
  = FAYRENE  Marriage: 01 APR 1984

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Werner HANS

Ancestors of Werner HANS

                            /-Joachim HANS
                  /-Friedrich Wilhelm HANS
                  |         \-Dorothea Elisabeth JUHRE
        /-Wilhelm HANS
        |         |         /-Karl Fr. KLEINSCHMIDT
        |         \-Sophie KLEINSCHMIDT
        |                   \-Sophie RESE
Werner HANS
        \-Anna "UNBEKANNT"

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Wilhelm HANS

Ancestors of Wilhelm HANS

                  /-Joachim HANS
        /-Friedrich Wilhelm HANS
        |         \-Dorothea Elisabeth JUHRE
Wilhelm HANS
        |         /-Karl Fr. KLEINSCHMIDT
        \-Sophie KLEINSCHMIDT
                  \-Sophie RESE

Descendants of Wilhelm HANS

1 Wilhelm HANS
      2 Walter HANS
      2 Werner HANS
      2 Maximilian HANS
        = UNBEKANNT
      2 Käthe HANS
      2 Lotte HANS
        = UNBEKANNT
            3  UNBEKANNT
            3  UNBEKANNT
      2 Grete HANS
        =Pastor FROMMHOLD
            3 Helmut FROMMHOLD
              =Lisa UNBEKANNT
            3 Walter FROMMHOLD

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Wilhelm Gustav Emil HANS

Ancestors of Wilhelm Gustav Emil HANS

                  /-Joachim HANS
        /-Friedrich Wilhelm HANS
        |         \-Dorothea Elisabeth JUHRE
Wilhelm Gustav Emil HANS
        |         /-Karl Fr. KLEINSCHMIDT
        \-Sophie KLEINSCHMIDT
                  \-Sophie RESE

Descendants of Wilhelm Gustav Emil HANS

1 Wilhelm Gustav Emil HANS
  =Emma Emilie SCHMIDT  Marriage: 12 NOV 1881, Podelzig
      2 Gertrud Dora Sophie HANS
      2 Margarete HANS
        =Carl GUTERSOHN
            3 Hans Wolfram GUTERSOHN
              =Else GARBE
            3 Edith GUTERSOHN
              =Bruno JUST

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