Steven OLSON

Ancestors of Steven OLSON

        /-Raymond OLSON
Steven OLSON
        \-Adrienne DAIGLE

Descendants of Steven OLSON

1 Steven OLSON
  =Debra JOHNSON  Marriage: 01 JUL 1983

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Sylvia OLSON

Descendants of Sylvia OLSON

1 Sylvia OLSON
  =Earle HAMER
      2 Dale Victor HAMER
        =Patricia Barbara FETZER  Marriage: 07 SEP 1953, Minneapolis, Minnesota
            3 Lynn Marie HAMER
              =William Steven YOUNG  Marriage: 17 DEC 1978, Prince of Peace Lutheran Church
            3 Beth Ann HAMER
              =Clayton REMINGTON  Marriage: 21 DEC 1981
            3 Karen Leigh HAMER

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Descendants of Ester ORDING

1 Ester ORDING
  =Cornelius Arthur Wilhelm TRACHTE  Marriage: 15 JUN 1912, Milwaukee, WI
      2 Caroline Emma TRACHTE

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Ancestors of Dana OREDSON

                  /-Dennis OREDSON
        /-Dwight Dennis OREDSON
        |         \-Eleanor SMITH
        |                   /-Chancy PERSONS
        |         /-Curtis Alvin PERSONS
        |         |         \-Selma Hedwig Emmeline NIENOW
        \-Eileen Ruby PERSONS
                  |         /-Ralph Gerald HARCEY
                  \-Marjorie Estella HARCEY
                            \-Ruby Sophia SMALL

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Danielle Lynn OREDSON

Ancestors of Danielle Lynn OREDSON

                  /-Dennis OREDSON
        /-Dwight Dennis OREDSON
        |         \-Eleanor SMITH
Danielle Lynn OREDSON
        |                   /-Chancy PERSONS
        |         /-Curtis Alvin PERSONS
        |         |         \-Selma Hedwig Emmeline NIENOW
        \-Eileen Ruby PERSONS
                  |         /-Ralph Gerald HARCEY
                  \-Marjorie Estella HARCEY
                            \-Ruby Sophia SMALL

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Ancestors of Darren OREDSON

                  /-Dennis OREDSON
        /-Dwight Dennis OREDSON
        |         \-Eleanor SMITH
        |                   /-Chancy PERSONS
        |         /-Curtis Alvin PERSONS
        |         |         \-Selma Hedwig Emmeline NIENOW
        \-Eileen Ruby PERSONS
                  |         /-Ralph Gerald HARCEY
                  \-Marjorie Estella HARCEY
                            \-Ruby Sophia SMALL

Descendants of Darren OREDSON

1 Darren OREDSON
  =Michelle Rae SCHNELL  Marriage: 22 JUL 1989

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Ancestors of Dean OREDSON

                  /-Dennis OREDSON
        /-Dwight Dennis OREDSON
        |         \-Eleanor SMITH
        |                   /-Chancy PERSONS
        |         /-Curtis Alvin PERSONS
        |         |         \-Selma Hedwig Emmeline NIENOW
        \-Eileen Ruby PERSONS
                  |         /-Ralph Gerald HARCEY
                  \-Marjorie Estella HARCEY
                            \-Ruby Sophia SMALL

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Ancestors of Deanne OREDSON

                  /-Dennis OREDSON
        /-Dwight Dennis OREDSON
        |         \-Eleanor SMITH
        |                   /-Chancy PERSONS
        |         /-Curtis Alvin PERSONS
        |         |         \-Selma Hedwig Emmeline NIENOW
        \-Eileen Ruby PERSONS
                  |         /-Ralph Gerald HARCEY
                  \-Marjorie Estella HARCEY
                            \-Ruby Sophia SMALL

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Descendants of Dennis OREDSON

1 Dennis OREDSON
  =Eleanor SMITH
      2 Dwight Dennis OREDSON
        =Eileen Ruby PERSONS  Marriage: 30 JAN 1967
            3 Darren OREDSON
              =Michelle Rae SCHNELL  Marriage: 22 JUL 1989
            3 Dean OREDSON
            3 Deanne OREDSON
            3 Dana OREDSON
            3 Danielle Lynn OREDSON

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Dwight Dennis OREDSON

Ancestors of Dwight Dennis OREDSON

        /-Dennis OREDSON
Dwight Dennis OREDSON
        \-Eleanor SMITH

Descendants of Dwight Dennis OREDSON

1 Dwight Dennis OREDSON
  =Eileen Ruby PERSONS  Marriage: 30 JAN 1967
      2 Darren OREDSON
        =Michelle Rae SCHNELL  Marriage: 22 JUL 1989
      2 Dean OREDSON
      2 Deanne OREDSON
      2 Dana OREDSON
      2 Danielle Lynn OREDSON

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Descendants of Bette OSBORN

1 Bette OSBORN
  =Theodore (Ted) MELCHER  Marriage: 18 JAN 1964
      2 Chad MELCHER
      2 Mark Anthony MELCHER
      2 Amy Barr MELCHER

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Descendants of Heidi OSCHMANN

  =Günter STAPEL  Marriage: 08 AUG 1964
      2 Silco STAPEL
        = UNBEKANNT
            3 Melanie STAPEL

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Gerald OTT

Descendants of Gerald OTT

1 Gerald OTT
  =Julie Ann (adopted) HERMSMEIER
      2 Joel Ott OKUM

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Bruce Samuel OTTOW

Ancestors of Bruce Samuel OTTOW

                  /-Reinhold Edward OTTOW
        /-Samuel Paul OTTOW
        |         \-Lydia Marie PIPER
Bruce Samuel OTTOW
        |                   /-Nicholaus ROESER
        |         /-Julian Michael (Mike) ROESER
        |         |         \-Margaretha KRAUS
        \-Blanche Wilhelmine ROESER
                  |         /-Ferdinand August HANS
                  \-Selma Emma HANS
                            \-Wilhelmine Caroline SCHOECHERT

Descendants of Bruce Samuel OTTOW

1 Bruce Samuel OTTOW
  =Marian SKILLMAN  Marriage: 14 JUN 1951
      2 Timothy Kent OTTOW
        =Bonney NYHOFF  Marriage: 31 MAY 1975
            3 Jordan Christipher OTTOW
            3 Lee Michael OTTOW
            3 Ellexandra Rose OTTOW
      2 Nanette Louise OTTOW
        =Brian KEMPSKI  Marriage: 07 AUG 1976
            3 Allison Brianne KEMPSKI
            3 Nathan Allen KEMPSKI
            3 Hayley Nicole KEMPSKI
      2 Kenneth Paul OTTOW

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Clara Helena OTTOW

Ancestors of Clara Helena OTTOW

                  /-Fredrich OTTOW
        /-Wilhelm (William) Friedrich OTTOW
        |         \-Caroline Henrietta BORTH
Clara Helena OTTOW
        |                   /-Joachim HANS
        |         /-Ferdinand August HANS
        |         |         \-Dorothea Elisabeth JUHRE
        \-Helena (Magdalene) Marie HANS
                  \-Wilhelmine Caroline SCHOECHERT

Descendants of Clara Helena OTTOW

1 Clara Helena OTTOW
  =Theodore W. FRAASE  Marriage: 29 MAY 1917, Canaan Moravian Church Ferdinand Han's church
      2 Harold Elmer FRAASE
        =Hazel E. JOHNSON  Marriage: 07 JUN 1947
      2 Lawrence Theodore FRAASE
      2 Arline Helena FRAASE
        =Curtiss HOGEN  Marriage: 22 NOV 1941, Buffalo, North Dakota
            3 Rodney Earl (adopted) HOGEN
              =Judy KROEPLIN  Marriage: 27 APR 1968
              =Wanda GLEMMING  Marriage: 12 JUL 1980
            3 Steven Charles (adopted) HOGEN
              =Marla G. DIMMER  Marriage: 27 APR 1972
      2 Earl Erwin FRAASE
        =Elsie Marie ZICK  Marriage: 18 JUN 1947, Leonard, North Dakota
            3 Diane Marie FRAASE
              =James Edward SMITH  Marriage: 24 NOV 1972, Fargo, North Dakota
            3 Linda Renea FRAASE
              =Michael William STEIDL  Marriage: 27 APR 1974, Fingal, North Dakota
            3 Cheryl Ann FRAASE
              =Norman Gene DIEHL  Marriage: 29 JUN 1974
            3 Donna Jean FRAASE
              =John Timothy KOHLER  Marriage: 20 JAN 1979, Messiah Lutheran Church, Fingal, North Dakota
      2 Charles Edward FRAASE
        =Betty Mae STEELE  Marriage: 12 JUL 1959, Bemidji, Minnesota
            3 David Charle FRAASE
            3 Keith Edward FRAASE
              =Sue GIBSON  Marriage: 26 JUN 1987
            3 Donald Karl FRAASE
      2 Nyla M. FRAASE
        =William L. NOLTE  Marriage: 29 MAY 1952, Wichita Falls, Texas
            3 Karen Rose NOLTE
              =Gordon ROSBY  Marriage: 08 JUN 1974
            3 Daniel Ray NOLTE
              =Gina LARSON  Marriage: SEP 1987
            3 Deborah Kay NOLTE
            3 Kathleen Ann NOLTE
              =Richard NAYES  Marriage: 06 SEP 1980

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Clarence OTTOW

Ancestors of Clarence OTTOW

                            /-Fredrich OTTOW
                  /-Wilhelm (William) Friedrich OTTOW
                  |         \-Caroline Henrietta BORTH
        /-Clarence Ferdinand OTTOW
        |         |         /-Ferdinand August HANS
        |         \-Helena (Magdalene) Marie HANS
        |                   \-Wilhelmine Caroline SCHOECHERT
Clarence OTTOW
        |         /-Jacob CRAMER
        \-Johanna (Josephine) CRAMER
                  \-Katherine DOERR

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Clarence Ferdinand OTTOW

Ancestors of Clarence Ferdinand OTTOW

                  /-Fredrich OTTOW
        /-Wilhelm (William) Friedrich OTTOW
        |         \-Caroline Henrietta BORTH
Clarence Ferdinand OTTOW
        |                   /-Joachim HANS
        |         /-Ferdinand August HANS
        |         |         \-Dorothea Elisabeth JUHRE
        \-Helena (Magdalene) Marie HANS
                  \-Wilhelmine Caroline SCHOECHERT

Descendants of Clarence Ferdinand OTTOW

1 Clarence Ferdinand OTTOW
  =Johanna (Josephine) CRAMER  Marriage: 04 JUL 1926
      2 Donna OTTOW
        =David EGLESTON
      2 Clarence OTTOW

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Ancestors of Donna OTTOW

                            /-Fredrich OTTOW
                  /-Wilhelm (William) Friedrich OTTOW
                  |         \-Caroline Henrietta BORTH
        /-Clarence Ferdinand OTTOW
        |         |         /-Ferdinand August HANS
        |         \-Helena (Magdalene) Marie HANS
        |                   \-Wilhelmine Caroline SCHOECHERT
        |         /-Jacob CRAMER
        \-Johanna (Josephine) CRAMER
                  \-Katherine DOERR

Descendants of Donna OTTOW

1 Donna OTTOW

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Ella Amalia OTTOW

Ancestors of Ella Amalia OTTOW

                  /-Fredrich OTTOW
        /-Wilhelm (William) Friedrich OTTOW
        |         \-Caroline Henrietta BORTH
Ella Amalia OTTOW
        |                   /-Joachim HANS
        |         /-Ferdinand August HANS
        |         |         \-Dorothea Elisabeth JUHRE
        \-Helena (Magdalene) Marie HANS
                  \-Wilhelmine Caroline SCHOECHERT

Descendants of Ella Amalia OTTOW

1 Ella Amalia OTTOW
  =Ewald Robert BUCHHOLZ  Marriage: 26 JUN 1919, Davenport, North Dakota
      2 Verdi BUCHHOLZ
        =Pearl Marion TOPPIN  Marriage: 18 MAY 1954
            3 Brenda Renee BUCHHOLZ
              =Mark FREIER  Marriage: 14 AUG 1976
            3 Janice Faye BUCHHOLZ
            3 Dale Curtiss BUCHHOLZ

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Ellexandra Rose OTTOW

Ancestors of Ellexandra Rose OTTOW

                            /-Samuel Paul OTTOW
                  /-Bruce Samuel OTTOW
                  |         \-Blanche Wilhelmine ROESER
        /-Timothy Kent OTTOW
        |         |         /-Fred A. SKILLMAN
        |         \-Marian SKILLMAN
        |                   \-Mildred E. MILLER
Ellexandra Rose OTTOW
        \-Bonney NYHOFF

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