Rodney Earl (adopted) HOGEN

Ancestors of Rodney Earl (adopted) HOGEN

                  /-Orin G. HOGEN
        /-Curtiss HOGEN
        |         \-Bertha M. FOSS
Rodney Earl (adopted) HOGEN
        |                   /-Henry FRAASE
        |         /-Theodore W. FRAASE
        |         |         \-Johanna LENTZ
        \-Arline Helena FRAASE
                  |         /-Wilhelm (William) Friedrich OTTOW
                  \-Clara Helena OTTOW
                            \-Helena (Magdalene) Marie HANS

Descendants of Rodney Earl (adopted) HOGEN

1 Rodney Earl (adopted) HOGEN
  =Judy KROEPLIN  Marriage: 27 APR 1968
      2 Michael Lee HOGEN
      2 Marby Lee HOGEN
  =Wanda GLEMMING  Marriage: 12 JUL 1980
      2 Darin Carter HOGEN

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Steven Charles (adopted) HOGEN

Ancestors of Steven Charles (adopted) HOGEN

                  /-Orin G. HOGEN
        /-Curtiss HOGEN
        |         \-Bertha M. FOSS
Steven Charles (adopted) HOGEN
        |                   /-Henry FRAASE
        |         /-Theodore W. FRAASE
        |         |         \-Johanna LENTZ
        \-Arline Helena FRAASE
                  |         /-Wilhelm (William) Friedrich OTTOW
                  \-Clara Helena OTTOW
                            \-Helena (Magdalene) Marie HANS

Descendants of Steven Charles (adopted) HOGEN

1 Steven Charles (adopted) HOGEN
  =Marla G. DIMMER  Marriage: 27 APR 1972
      2 Amy Jolene HOGEN
      2 Jennifer JoAnne HOGEN
      2 Deborah Jonell HOGEN
      2 Victoria Jo HOGEN

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Victoria Jo HOGEN

Ancestors of Victoria Jo HOGEN

                            /-Orin G. HOGEN
                  /-Curtiss HOGEN
                  |         \-Bertha M. FOSS
        /-Steven Charles (adopted) HOGEN
        |         |         /-Theodore W. FRAASE
        |         \-Arline Helena FRAASE
        |                   \-Clara Helena OTTOW
Victoria Jo HOGEN
        |         /-Lawrence DIMMER
        \-Marla G. DIMMER
                  \-Verna STANGLER

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Amanda Ann HOHMANN

Ancestors of Amanda Ann HOHMANN

                            /-John William HOHMANN
                  /-Leonard HOHMANN
                  |         \-Stella Anna ARDUSER
        /-Daniel Henry HOHMANN
        |         |         /-Henry NELSON
        |         \-Priscilla NELSON
        |                   \-Martha Emma HANS
Amanda Ann HOHMANN
        |         /-John WALCH
        \-JoAnn WALCH
                  \-Ann WALCH

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Daniel Henry HOHMANN

Ancestors of Daniel Henry HOHMANN

                  /-John William HOHMANN
        /-Leonard HOHMANN
        |         \-Stella Anna ARDUSER
Daniel Henry HOHMANN
        |         /-Henry NELSON
        \-Priscilla NELSON
                  |         /-Julius Herman HANS
                  \-Martha Emma HANS
                            \-Magdalena (Lena) Elizabeth MEINERT

Descendants of Daniel Henry HOHMANN

1 Daniel Henry HOHMANN
  =JoAnn WALCH  Marriage: 22 JUL 1967
      2 Daniel John HOHMANN
      2 Matthew Laird HOHMANN
      2 Amanda Ann HOHMANN

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Daniel John HOHMANN

Ancestors of Daniel John HOHMANN

                            /-John William HOHMANN
                  /-Leonard HOHMANN
                  |         \-Stella Anna ARDUSER
        /-Daniel Henry HOHMANN
        |         |         /-Henry NELSON
        |         \-Priscilla NELSON
        |                   \-Martha Emma HANS
Daniel John HOHMANN
        |         /-John WALCH
        \-JoAnn WALCH
                  \-Ann WALCH

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John William HOHMANN

Descendants of John William HOHMANN

1 John William HOHMANN
  =Stella Anna ARDUSER
      2 Leonard HOHMANN
        =Priscilla NELSON  Marriage: 06 JUN 1941
            3 Daniel Henry HOHMANN
              =JoAnn WALCH  Marriage: 22 JUL 1967
            3 Judith Catherine HOHMANN
              =William STROMGREN  Marriage: 16 MAR 1970, Sioux Falls, South Dakota

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Judith Catherine HOHMANN

Ancestors of Judith Catherine HOHMANN

                  /-John William HOHMANN
        /-Leonard HOHMANN
        |         \-Stella Anna ARDUSER
Judith Catherine HOHMANN
        |         /-Henry NELSON
        \-Priscilla NELSON
                  |         /-Julius Herman HANS
                  \-Martha Emma HANS
                            \-Magdalena (Lena) Elizabeth MEINERT

Descendants of Judith Catherine HOHMANN

1 Judith Catherine HOHMANN
  =William STROMGREN  Marriage: 16 MAR 1970, Sioux Falls, South Dakota
      2 Tracy Allan STROMGREN
        =Kitty BURGESS  Marriage: 07 OCT 1989
      2 Brent Allan STROMGREN

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Ancestors of Leonard HOHMANN

        /-John William HOHMANN
        \-Stella Anna ARDUSER

Descendants of Leonard HOHMANN

1 Leonard HOHMANN
  =Priscilla NELSON  Marriage: 06 JUN 1941
      2 Daniel Henry HOHMANN
        =JoAnn WALCH  Marriage: 22 JUL 1967
            3 Daniel John HOHMANN
            3 Matthew Laird HOHMANN
            3 Amanda Ann HOHMANN
      2 Judith Catherine HOHMANN
        =William STROMGREN  Marriage: 16 MAR 1970, Sioux Falls, South Dakota
            3 Tracy Allan STROMGREN
              =Kitty BURGESS  Marriage: 07 OCT 1989
            3 Brent Allan STROMGREN

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Matthew Laird HOHMANN

Ancestors of Matthew Laird HOHMANN

                            /-John William HOHMANN
                  /-Leonard HOHMANN
                  |         \-Stella Anna ARDUSER
        /-Daniel Henry HOHMANN
        |         |         /-Henry NELSON
        |         \-Priscilla NELSON
        |                   \-Martha Emma HANS
Matthew Laird HOHMANN
        |         /-John WALCH
        \-JoAnn WALCH
                  \-Ann WALCH

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Robert HOLM

Descendants of Robert HOLM

1 Robert HOLM
  =Doris Margaret FLATH  Marriage: 18 MAY 1954

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Jeffery Ross HOLST

Ancestors of Jeffery Ross HOLST

                  /-William HOLST
        /-Morris Farrel HOLST
        |         \-Helen MCKINNLEY
Jeffery Ross HOLST
        |                   /-Victor Herman Albert NIENOW
        |         /-David Victor NIENOW
        |         |         \-Elsie FLUEGEL
        \-Leah Marie NIENOW
                  |         /-Kenneth HEACOCK
                  \-Janice Kay HEACOCK
                            \-Mildred HEIDECKER

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Ancestors of John HOLST

                  /-William HOLST
        /-Morris Farrel HOLST
        |         \-Helen MCKINNLEY
        \- WIFE

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Kimberly Ann HOLST

Ancestors of Kimberly Ann HOLST

                  /-William HOLST
        /-Morris Farrel HOLST
        |         \-Helen MCKINNLEY
Kimberly Ann HOLST
        |                   /-Victor Herman Albert NIENOW
        |         /-David Victor NIENOW
        |         |         \-Elsie FLUEGEL
        \-Leah Marie NIENOW
                  |         /-Kenneth HEACOCK
                  \-Janice Kay HEACOCK
                            \-Mildred HEIDECKER

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Morris Farrel HOLST

Ancestors of Morris Farrel HOLST

        /-William HOLST
Morris Farrel HOLST
        \-Helen MCKINNLEY

Descendants of Morris Farrel HOLST

1 Morris Farrel HOLST
  = WIFE
      2 John HOLST
  =Leah Marie NIENOW  Marriage: 05 OCT 1985
      2 Kimberly Ann HOLST
      2 Jeffery Ross HOLST

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William HOLST

Descendants of William HOLST

1 William HOLST
      2 Morris Farrel HOLST
        = WIFE
            3 John HOLST
        =Leah Marie NIENOW  Marriage: 05 OCT 1985
            3 Kimberly Ann HOLST
            3 Jeffery Ross HOLST

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Descendants of HOLZAPFEL

  =Isolde KOSTER
      2 Angelika HOLZAPFEL
            3 Britta HOLZAPFEL
      2 Manfred HOLZAPFEL
      2 Martina HOLZAPFEL

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Ancestors of Angelika HOLZAPFEL

        /- HOLZAPFEL
        |                   /-Johann Friedrich KOSTER
        |         /-Martin KOSTER
        |         |         \-Ernestine Pauline HOSENFELDER
        \-Isolde KOSTER
                  \-Thekla WERK

Descendants of Angelika HOLZAPFEL

1 Angelika HOLZAPFEL
      2 Britta HOLZAPFEL

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Ancestors of Britta HOLZAPFEL

        |         /- HOLZAPFEL
        \-Angelika HOLZAPFEL
                  |         /-Martin KOSTER
                  \-Isolde KOSTER
                            \-Thekla WERK

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Ancestors of Ella HOLZAPFEL

        /-Otto Gustav Albert HOLZAPFEL
        \-Emilie Amalie ZÜHLKE

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