Mildred E. MILLER

Descendants of Mildred E. MILLER

1 Mildred E. MILLER
      2 Marian SKILLMAN
        =Bruce Samuel OTTOW  Marriage: 14 JUN 1951
            3 Timothy Kent OTTOW
              =Bonney NYHOFF  Marriage: 31 MAY 1975
            3 Nanette Louise OTTOW
              =Brian KEMPSKI  Marriage: 07 AUG 1976
            3 Kenneth Paul OTTOW

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Descendants of Ruth MILLER

      2 Ardith L. GRONINGER
        =Norman MELCHER  Marriage: 06 JUL 1941, Norfolk, Nebraska
            3 Ronald Eugene MELCHER
              =Dawn Dorothy DORING  Marriage: 27 NOV 1965
            3 Donald MELCHER
            3 Joyce MELCHER

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Descendants of Scott MILLER

1 Scott MILLER
  =Terri HAJEK

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Stephanie Ann MILLER

Ancestors of Stephanie Ann MILLER

                  /-Henry MILLER
        /-Michael (Mike) MILLER
        |         \-Loretta STEARNS
Stephanie Ann MILLER
        |                   /-Herman Wilhelm FLATH
        |         /-Marvin FLATH
        |         |         \-Ida BAHLS
        \-Terry Ann FLATH
                  |         /-Paul FIX
                  \-JoAnn FIX
                            \-Helen TOTZKE

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Charles MILLS

Ancestors of Charles MILLS

                  /-Jack MILLS
        /-Charles A. MILLS
        |         \-Menla MILLS
Charles MILLS
        |                   /-Jacob HOFFMAN
        |         /-Ernest L. HOFFMAN
        |         |         \-Pauline LEHNER
        \-Maxine HOFFMAN
                  |         /-Ernst Ferdinand HANS
                  \-Lenora HANS
                            \-Matilda NENOW

Descendants of Charles MILLS

1 Charles MILLS
  =Linda STONE  Marriage: 27 SEP 1968, Elizabeth City, North Carolina
      2 Meighan Menla MILLS
      2 Charles Arthur MILLS
  =Sonia VELEZ  Marriage: 25 APR 1987
      2 Christina Ashley MILLS

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Charles A. MILLS

Ancestors of Charles A. MILLS

        /-Jack MILLS
Charles A. MILLS
        \-Menla MILLS

Descendants of Charles A. MILLS

1 Charles A. MILLS
  =Maxine HOFFMAN  Marriage: 07 SEP 1943, South Weymouth, Massachusetts
      2 Charles MILLS
        =Linda STONE  Marriage: 27 SEP 1968, Elizabeth City, North Carolina
            3 Meighan Menla MILLS
            3 Charles Arthur MILLS
        =Sonia VELEZ  Marriage: 25 APR 1987
            3 Christina Ashley MILLS
      2 Kathryn MILLS
        =Karl Walter ROETTGER  Marriage: 11 DEC 1971, Stevensville, Montana
            3 Andrew Robert ROETTGER
            3 Alexis Irene ROETTGER
      2 Jack Q. MILLS
        =Shirley Ann SCHUSTER  Marriage: 10 JUL 1983, Williamsburg, Virginia

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Charles Arthur MILLS

Ancestors of Charles Arthur MILLS

                            /-Jack MILLS
                  /-Charles A. MILLS
                  |         \-Menla MILLS
        /-Charles MILLS
        |         |         /-Ernest L. HOFFMAN
        |         \-Maxine HOFFMAN
        |                   \-Lenora HANS
Charles Arthur MILLS
        |         /-Clifford Leon STONE
        \-Linda STONE
                  \-Frances KIRCHER

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Christina Ashley MILLS

Ancestors of Christina Ashley MILLS

                            /-Jack MILLS
                  /-Charles A. MILLS
                  |         \-Menla MILLS
        /-Charles MILLS
        |         |         /-Ernest L. HOFFMAN
        |         \-Maxine HOFFMAN
        |                   \-Lenora HANS
Christina Ashley MILLS
        \-Sonia VELEZ

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Descendants of Jack MILLS

1 Jack MILLS
  =Menla MILLS
      2 Charles A. MILLS
        =Maxine HOFFMAN  Marriage: 07 SEP 1943, South Weymouth, Massachusetts
            3 Charles MILLS
              =Linda STONE  Marriage: 27 SEP 1968, Elizabeth City, North Carolina
              =Sonia VELEZ  Marriage: 25 APR 1987
            3 Kathryn MILLS
              =Karl Walter ROETTGER  Marriage: 11 DEC 1971, Stevensville, Montana
            3 Jack Q. MILLS
              =Shirley Ann SCHUSTER  Marriage: 10 JUL 1983, Williamsburg, Virginia

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Ancestors of Jack Q. MILLS

                  /-Jack MILLS
        /-Charles A. MILLS
        |         \-Menla MILLS
        |                   /-Jacob HOFFMAN
        |         /-Ernest L. HOFFMAN
        |         |         \-Pauline LEHNER
        \-Maxine HOFFMAN
                  |         /-Ernst Ferdinand HANS
                  \-Lenora HANS
                            \-Matilda NENOW

Descendants of Jack Q. MILLS

1 Jack Q. MILLS
  =Shirley Ann SCHUSTER  Marriage: 10 JUL 1983, Williamsburg, Virginia

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Kathryn MILLS

Ancestors of Kathryn MILLS

                  /-Jack MILLS
        /-Charles A. MILLS
        |         \-Menla MILLS
Kathryn MILLS
        |                   /-Jacob HOFFMAN
        |         /-Ernest L. HOFFMAN
        |         |         \-Pauline LEHNER
        \-Maxine HOFFMAN
                  |         /-Ernst Ferdinand HANS
                  \-Lenora HANS
                            \-Matilda NENOW

Descendants of Kathryn MILLS

1 Kathryn MILLS
  =Karl Walter ROETTGER  Marriage: 11 DEC 1971, Stevensville, Montana
      2 Andrew Robert ROETTGER
      2 Alexis Irene ROETTGER

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Meighan Menla MILLS

Ancestors of Meighan Menla MILLS

                            /-Jack MILLS
                  /-Charles A. MILLS
                  |         \-Menla MILLS
        /-Charles MILLS
        |         |         /-Ernest L. HOFFMAN
        |         \-Maxine HOFFMAN
        |                   \-Lenora HANS
Meighan Menla MILLS
        |         /-Clifford Leon STONE
        \-Linda STONE
                  \-Frances KIRCHER

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Descendants of Menla MILLS

1 Menla MILLS
  =Jack MILLS
      2 Charles A. MILLS
        =Maxine HOFFMAN  Marriage: 07 SEP 1943, South Weymouth, Massachusetts
            3 Charles MILLS
              =Linda STONE  Marriage: 27 SEP 1968, Elizabeth City, North Carolina
              =Sonia VELEZ  Marriage: 25 APR 1987
            3 Kathryn MILLS
              =Karl Walter ROETTGER  Marriage: 11 DEC 1971, Stevensville, Montana
            3 Jack Q. MILLS
              =Shirley Ann SCHUSTER  Marriage: 10 JUL 1983, Williamsburg, Virginia

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Descendants of Sarah MINOR

1 Sarah MINOR
  =Leroy John SHOESMITH  Marriage: 14 JUN 1963
      2 Jay Bradley SHOESMITH
      2 John Mark SHOESMITH

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Thomas Joseph MINTEN

Descendants of Thomas Joseph MINTEN

1 Thomas Joseph MINTEN
  =Pamela Joy RINAS  Marriage: 01 OCT 1988

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Angelica MISCHE

Ancestors of Angelica MISCHE

                            /-Fredrick MISCHE
                  /-Lowaine (Lou) MISCHE
                  |         \-Pauline JAEGER
        /-Gary Wayne MISCHE
        |         |         /-Clemens Cornelius HANS
        |         \-Caroline Laverne HANS
        |                   \-Adeline Margaret BUCHHOLZ
Angelica MISCHE
        \-Joyce SEIDEL

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Brian Douglas MISCHE

Ancestors of Brian Douglas MISCHE

                  /-Fredrick MISCHE
        /-Lowaine (Lou) MISCHE
        |         \-Pauline JAEGER
Brian Douglas MISCHE
        |                   /-Adolph Gustav HANS
        |         /-Clemens Cornelius HANS
        |         |         \-Hulda E. OTTOW
        \-Caroline Laverne HANS
                  |         /-Herbert L.BUCHHOLZ
                  \-Adeline Margaret BUCHHOLZ
                            \-Minnie FREDERICK

Descendants of Brian Douglas MISCHE

1 Brian Douglas MISCHE

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Ancestors of Chelsi MISCHE

                            /-Fredrick MISCHE
                  /-Lowaine (Lou) MISCHE
                  |         \-Pauline JAEGER
        /-Gary Wayne MISCHE
        |         |         /-Clemens Cornelius HANS
        |         \-Caroline Laverne HANS
        |                   \-Adeline Margaret BUCHHOLZ
        \-Vicky BLUMHAGEN

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Dale James MISCHE

Ancestors of Dale James MISCHE

                  /-Fredrick MISCHE
        /-Lowaine (Lou) MISCHE
        |         \-Pauline JAEGER
Dale James MISCHE
        |                   /-Adolph Gustav HANS
        |         /-Clemens Cornelius HANS
        |         |         \-Hulda E. OTTOW
        \-Caroline Laverne HANS
                  |         /-Herbert L.BUCHHOLZ
                  \-Adeline Margaret BUCHHOLZ
                            \-Minnie FREDERICK

Descendants of Dale James MISCHE

1 Dale James MISCHE
  =Susan WEISSER
      2 Jason MISCHE
      2 Leah MISCHE

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David Fredrick MISCHE

Ancestors of David Fredrick MISCHE

                  /-Fredrick MISCHE
        /-Lowaine (Lou) MISCHE
        |         \-Pauline JAEGER
David Fredrick MISCHE
        |                   /-Adolph Gustav HANS
        |         /-Clemens Cornelius HANS
        |         |         \-Hulda E. OTTOW
        \-Caroline Laverne HANS
                  |         /-Herbert L.BUCHHOLZ
                  \-Adeline Margaret BUCHHOLZ
                            \-Minnie FREDERICK

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