Ancestors of Kimberly Michell FLATH
/-Emil Otto FLATH
/-Gordon Emil Erdmann FLATH
| \-Hulda LUCKOW
/-Richard Ernest FLATH
| | /-Ernest F. WOLFRAM
| \-Rosa WOLFRAM
| \-Rosa A. W. RIECK
Kimberly Michell FLATH
\-Sandra Kay CROSSMAN
Ancestors of Kristina FLATH
/-Emil Otto FLATH
/-Kenneth Robert William FLATH
| \-Hulda LUCKOW
/-Robert FLATH
| \-Shirley OLSON
Kristina FLATH
\-Kathy ROSS
Ancestors of Lawrence FLATH
/-Ferdinand Friedrich Adolph FLATH
/-Gustav Adolph FLATH
| \-Dorothea Wilhelmine HANS
/-George A. FLATH
| | /-Julius SCHOECHERT
| \-Pauline SCHOECHERT
| \-Maria WENDORF
Lawrence FLATH
| /-Julius MILLER
\-Lena (Helene) MILLER
\-Ottilie JANKE
- Partnership with: Sharon MATTHIEESEN
Marriage: 24 JUL 1976, St. John's Lutheran Church, Wadena, Minnesota
Ancestors of LeRoy FLATH
/-Herman Traugott FLATH
/-Albanus Ferdinand (Barney) FLATH
| \-Maria (Mary) Minna PODEWELLS
/-Kenneth FLATH
\-Pauline MOHR
Descendants of LeRoy FLATH
=Sharon MATTHIEESEN Marriage: 24 JUL 1976, St. John's Lutheran Church, Wadena, Minnesota
2 Michael FLATH
Ancestors of Lillian (baptized Lilly Clara Elisabeth) FLATH
/-Ferdinand Friedrich Adolph FLATH
/-Herman Traugott FLATH
| | /-Joachim HANS
| \-Dorothea Wilhelmine HANS
| \-Dorothea Elisabeth JUHRE
Lillian (baptized Lilly Clara Elisabeth) FLATH
\-Maria (Mary) Minna PODEWELLS
Descendants of Lillian (baptized Lilly Clara Elisabeth) FLATH
1 Lillian (baptized Lilly Clara Elisabeth) FLATH
=Richard Paul (Rex) LINDEMANN Marriage: 11 AUG 1919, Lisbon, North Dakota
2 Donald Rex LINDEMANN
=Verna Harriet SEVERSON Marriage: 24 DEC 1943
3 Vicki Diane LINDEMANN
=Arnold Jack DRENDEL Marriage: 25 JUN 1966
=Duane Martin VOSKUIL Marriage: 07 JUN 1975
=Kenneth James SLAG Marriage: 19 JUL 1980, Enderlin, North Dakota
3 Rex Bradley LINDEMANN
=Joyce Marie HUMMEL Marriage: 21 DEC 1985, Valley City, North Dakota
3 Bette Louise LINDEMANN
=Jerry Lydell SCHNEIDER Marriage: 21 DEC 1978, Enderlin, North Dakota
Ancestors of Linda FLATH
/-Herman Traugott FLATH
/-Herman Wilhelm FLATH
| \-Maria (Mary) Minna PODEWELLS
/-Clarence Rinehart FLATH
| | /-John BAHLS
| \-Ida BAHLS
| \-Mary DAMLO
Ancestors of Lisa Michelle FLATH
/-Herbert Gerhard FLATH
/-William FLATH
| \-Esther Martha Matilda DOERING
/-Paul William FLATH
| | /-August RAETHER
| \-Arlene RAETHER
| \-Mary TIETZ
Lisa Michelle FLATH
| /-William SCHNEIDER
\-Kathleen Linda SCHNEIDER
Ancestors of Lloyd FLATH
/-Ferdinand Friedrich Adolph FLATH
/-Gustav Adolph FLATH
| \-Dorothea Wilhelmine HANS
/-George A. FLATH
| | /-Julius SCHOECHERT
| \-Pauline SCHOECHERT
| \-Maria WENDORF
| /-Julius MILLER
\-Lena (Helene) MILLER
\-Ottilie JANKE
Ancestors of Louis FLATH
/-Ferdinand Friedrich Adolph FLATH
/-Edmund Emanuel FLATH
| | /-Joachim HANS
| \-Dorothea Wilhelmine HANS
| \-Dorothea Elisabeth JUHRE
| /-Louis EHRHARDT
Descendants of Louis FLATH
1 Louis FLATH
=Cora B. SHANNON Marriage: 19 JUN 1926
Ancestors of Lydia Marta Ruth FLATH
Lydia Marta Ruth FLATH
| /-Roger WENDORF
| | \-Mrs. WENDORF
\-Diane Ruth Flath WENDORF
| /-Richard Allen FLATH
\-Carolyn Diane FLATH
\-Yvonne DAVIS
- Partnership with: Frank VERGENZ
Marriage: 24 FEB 1909, Watertown, Wisconsin
Ancestors of Lydia Selma FLATH
/-Ferdinand Friedrich Adolph FLATH
/-Johannes Ferdinand FLATH
| | /-Joachim HANS
| \-Dorothea Wilhelmine HANS
| \-Dorothea Elisabeth JUHRE
Lydia Selma FLATH
\-Martha Elizabeth SCHOECHERT
Descendants of Lydia Selma FLATH
1 Lydia Selma FLATH
=Frank VERGENZ Marriage: 24 FEB 1909, Watertown, Wisconsin
2 Arthur VERGENZ
=Hazel LEMKE
3 Joanne VERGENZ
3 Elaine VERGENZ
3 Jay Kevin VERGENZ
2 Grace Marie VERGENZ
=Norma MCGEORGE Marriage: 06 MAR 1943
3 GeorgeAnn VERGENZ
=William Frederick KEHL Marriage: 01 JUN 1940
3 William Frank KEHL
=Sandra COOK Marriage: 01 JUN 1963
3 Shari Jo KEHL
=Steven Charles HELLER Marriage: 14 SEP 1968
Ancestors of Lynae Leah FLATH
/-Emanuel F. FLATH
/-Chester Lloyd FLATH
| \-Helen ERDMAN
/-Chester Lloyd FLATH
| | /-Berthold LIEBENOW
| \-Wanda LIEBENOW
Lynae Leah FLATH
| /-Kenneth MYHRE
\-Devonna MYHRE
\-Esther HEGER
Ancestors of Mabel Myrtle FLATH
/-Ferdinand Friedrich Adolph FLATH
/-Johannes Ferdinand FLATH
| | /-Joachim HANS
| \-Dorothea Wilhelmine HANS
| \-Dorothea Elisabeth JUHRE
Mabel Myrtle FLATH
\-Martha Elizabeth SCHOECHERT
Descendants of Mabel Myrtle FLATH
1 Mabel Myrtle FLATH
=Lawrence A. KELM Marriage: 14 JUN 1924, Wauwatosa, Wisconsin
2 Eugene Lawrence KELM
=Grace Ethel PIPER Marriage: 14 JUN 1947, Watertown Wisconsin
3 Margie Grace KELM
=Steven HERSH Marriage: 29 DEC 1975, Madison, Wisconsin
=Stephen HERSH Marriage: 29 DEC 1975, Madison, Wisconsin
3 Jill Mary KELM
=Carl TESSMAN Marriage: 01 NOV 1977, Reno Nevada
3 Peter Gene KELM
=Dionne KAGERBAUER Marriage: 29 SEP 1979
=Dionne Louise KAGERBAUER Marriage: 29 OCT 1979, Glendale, Wisconsin
=Pearl KLINGBEIL Marriage: 04 DEC 1982
2 Eugene Laurence KELM
=Grace Ethel PIPER Marriage: 14 JUN 1947
3 Margie Grace KELM
=Steven HERSH Marriage: 29 DEC 1975, Madison, Wisconsin
=Stephen HERSH Marriage: 29 DEC 1975, Madison, Wisconsin
3 Jill Mary KELM
=Carl TESSMAN Marriage: 01 NOV 1977, Reno Nevada
3 Peter Gene KELM
=Dionne KAGERBAUER Marriage: 29 SEP 1979
=Dionne Louise KAGERBAUER Marriage: 29 OCT 1979, Glendale, Wisconsin
=Pearl KLINGBEIL Marriage: 04 DEC 1982
2 Virginia Mabel KELM
=Orval VOGT Marriage: 01 NOV 1947
3 Dale John VOGT
=Linda MUNDY Marriage: 15 AUG 1970
3 Bruce Allen VOGT
=Teresa Lynn WEAVER Marriage: 09 OCT 1976
3 Brad Scott VOGT
=Charlene WOLFGRAM
3 Brian Jay VOGT
=LuAnn AUCHTUNG Marriage: 07 MAY 1983
=Laurie SWALHEIM Marriage: 02 SEP 2006
2 Lois Irene KELM
=Edwin David William BRATZ Marriage: 31 AUG 1952, Watertown, Wisconsin
3 David Carey BRATZ
3 Chris Alan BRATZ
=Debra Denise BROCKMILLER Marriage: 08 SEP 1979
3 Andrew James BRATZ
=Ruth KNAPSTEIN Marriage: 27 SEP 1980, Madison, Wisconsin
3 Lawrence Paul BRATZ
=Laurie TRANKLE Marriage: 22 OCT 1994
Ancestors of Maria Elizabeth FLATH
/-Ferdinand Friedrich Adolph FLATH
Maria Elizabeth FLATH
| /-Joachim HANS
\-Dorothea Wilhelmine HANS
\-Dorothea Elisabeth JUHRE
- Partnership with: Eugene KRAUS
Marriage: 01 SEP 1945, Watertown, Wisconsin
- Child: Kathryn Ellen KRAUS Birth: 04 JUN 1941, Watertown, Wisconsin
- Child: Karen Ann KRAUS Birth: 16 APR 1942, Watertown, Wisconsin
- Child: Karla Ruth KRAUS Birth: 05 MAY 1952, Waukesha, Wisconsin
- Child: Kay Sue KRAUS Birth: 05 MAR 1955, Waukesha, Wisconsin
- Child: Kamille Louise KRAUS Birth: 03 SEP 1959, Waukesha, Wisconsin
Ancestors of Marian Ruth FLATH
/-Ferdinand Friedrich Adolph FLATH
/-Johannes Ferdinand FLATH
| \-Dorothea Wilhelmine HANS
/-Herbert Gerhard FLATH
| | /-Julius SCHOECHERT
| \-Martha Elizabeth SCHOECHERT
| \-Maria WENDORF
Marian Ruth FLATH
| /-Carl DOERING
| /-Herman DOERING
| | \-Ernestina ERDMANN
\-Esther Martha Matilda DOERING
\-Minnie (Wilhelmine) STRABNOW
Descendants of Marian Ruth FLATH
1 Marian Ruth FLATH
=Eugene KRAUS Marriage: 01 SEP 1945, Watertown, Wisconsin
2 Kathryn Ellen KRAUS
2 Karen Ann KRAUS
=Joseph KOKAN Marriage: 31 OCT 1970, Waukesha, WI
3 Jami Kay KOKAN
=Michael HARTEL Marriage: 26 APR 1998, Waukesha, WI
2 Karla Ruth KRAUS
=Robert HANSON Marriage: 14 AUG 1982, Waukesha, WI
3 Joshua Robert HANSON
3 Jeremiah Eugene HANSON
3 Jacob Josiah HANSON
2 Kay Sue KRAUS
=Marc BOURGEOIS Marriage: 21 DEC 1974
=Kristin FISCHER Marriage: 21 JUL 2007
3 Anastasia Renee BOURGEOIS
=Gabriel YOUNG
3 Benjamin Alexander BOURGEOIS
3 Dominic Adam BOURGEOIS
3 Philippe Gabriel BOURGEOIS
3 Gabriel Julian BOURGEOIS
2 Kamille Louise KRAUS
=Albert WILKINSON Marriage: 18 JUL 1981, Waukesha, WI
3 Nathaniel Eugene WILKINSON
3 Emma Lee Kathryn WILKINSON
Ancestors of Marie FLATH
/-Ferdinand Friedrich Adolph FLATH
/-Herman Traugott FLATH
| \-Dorothea Wilhelmine HANS
/-Herman Wilhelm FLATH
| \-Maria (Mary) Minna PODEWELLS
| /-John BAHLS
\-Mary DAMLO
Descendants of Marie FLATH
1 Marie FLATH
=Vergil ANDERSON Marriage: 07 OCT 1950, Perham, Minnesota
2 Charlene Yvonne ANDERSON
=Chester Ray DEAN Marriage: 09 JUN 1973, Woodland, California
3 Tonya Yvolle DEAN
3 Sherry Lynn DEAN
3 Brandon Allen DEAN
2 Elaine Alfreida ANDERSON
=Keith Elwyn SCHANTZ Marriage: 05 NOV 1970, Colusa, California
3 Tephany Marie SCHANTZ
3 Keith Jacob SCHANTZ
2 Joyce Marie ANDERSON
=Robert Earl JEFFREY
=James Ronnie MAYBERRY Marriage: 14 JUN 1975, Carson City, Nevada
3 Janie Marie MAYBERRY
3 Jill Renee MAYBERRY
2 James William ANDERSON
=Paula Jean LOPEZ Marriage: 01 JUL 1977, Reno, Nevada
3 Kimberly Lynn ANDERSON
=Patricia Ann STORCK Marriage: 21 NOV 1981, Arbuckle, Sacramento, California
3 James David Vergil ANDERSON
3 Shannon Elizabeth ANDERSON
=Orlan WALKER Marriage: 08 MAR 1969
Ancestors of Marilyn FLATH
/-Ferdinand Friedrich Adolph FLATH
/-Herman Traugott FLATH
| \-Dorothea Wilhelmine HANS
/-Clement FLATH
| \-Maria (Mary) Minna PODEWELLS
Marilyn FLATH
\-Ernestine FISHER
Ancestors of Mark FLATH
/-Herman Traugott FLATH
/-Albanus Ferdinand (Barney) FLATH
| \-Maria (Mary) Minna PODEWELLS
/-Kenneth FLATH
- Partnership with: JoAnn FIX
Marriage: 02 JUN 1962, Park Rapids, Minnesota
Ancestors of Marvin FLATH
/-Ferdinand Friedrich Adolph FLATH
/-Herman Traugott FLATH
| \-Dorothea Wilhelmine HANS
/-Herman Wilhelm FLATH
| \-Maria (Mary) Minna PODEWELLS
Marvin FLATH
| /-John BAHLS
\-Mary DAMLO
Descendants of Marvin FLATH
1 Marvin FLATH
=JoAnn FIX Marriage: 02 JUN 1962, Park Rapids, Minnesota
2 Terry Ann FLATH
=Michael (Mike) MILLER Marriage: 23 MAY 1981, Park Rapids, Minnesota
3 Stephanie Ann MILLER
3 Mandy Lynn MILLER
3 Krista Marie MILLER
2 Daniel Roy FLATH
2 Tracy Kay FLATH
=Steven CUNNINGHAM Marriage: 05 JUL 1986
3 Craig Robert CUNNINGHAM
3 Heather Nicole CUNNINGHAM
2 Toni Elaine FLATH
=Alan M. HUSBY Marriage: 09 JUN 1990
- Partnership with: Ida BINES
Marriage: 23 FEB 1935
Ancestors of Melvin Harvey FLATH
/-Ferdinand Friedrich Adolph FLATH
/-Johannes Ferdinand FLATH
| \-Dorothea Wilhelmine HANS
/-Arno Ferdinand Frederick FLATH
| | /-Julius SCHOECHERT
| \-Martha Elizabeth SCHOECHERT
| \-Maria WENDORF
Melvin Harvey FLATH
| /-Charles NAATZ
\-Leona Maria NAATZ
Descendants of Melvin Harvey FLATH
1 Melvin Harvey FLATH
=Ida BINES Marriage: 23 FEB 1935
2 Sally Ann FLATH
=William Ivan SOMMERS Marriage: 20 AUG 1960
3 Jeffrey William SOMMERS
=Amie Jo COX Marriage: 21 NOV 1992
3 Susan Kay SOMMERS
=Eric Lee WALDEN Marriage: 26 SEP 1992
2 Barbara FLATH
=Allen HAWES Marriage: 15 OCT 1956, Atlanta Giorgia
3 Debra Lynn HAWES
=Dixon Irving GUNDERSON Marriage: 26 NOV 1977
3 David Todd HAWES
3 Bonnie Jean HAWES
=John William PFAFF Marriage: 19 MAY 1978
=John KLINKHAMMER Marriage: 02 JUN 1983
=John ATWOOD Marriage: 19 DEC 1972
2 Diana May FLATH
=Richard Allen SLAYTON Marriage: 18 MAR 1961
3 Gregory Allen SLAYTON
=Penny NELSON Marriage: 23 MAR 1985
3 Shelli Marie SLAYTON
3 Tammy Marie SLAYTON
2 Susan (Suzanne) FLATH
=George Coakley FIELD Marriage: 04 MAY 1968
3 George Coekley FIELD
3 Jason Cain FIELD
3 Michael Melvin FIELD