Meta (Mada) Elizabeth FLATH

Ancestors of Meta (Mada) Elizabeth FLATH

                  /-Ferdinand Friedrich Adolph FLATH
        /-Gustav Adolph FLATH
        |         |         /-Joachim HANS
        |         \-Dorothea Wilhelmine HANS
        |                   \-Dorothea Elisabeth JUHRE
Meta (Mada) Elizabeth FLATH
        |         /-Julius SCHOECHERT
        \-Pauline SCHOECHERT
                  \-Maria WENDORF

Descendants of Meta (Mada) Elizabeth FLATH

1 Meta (Mada) Elizabeth FLATH
  =Fred BUSCHOLD  Marriage: 26 JUN 1919, Moravian Church at Embden, North Dakota
      2 Violet BUSCHOLD
        =Cecil SABE  Marriage: 18 MAR 1948, Grand Forks, North Dakota
            3 Bette Jane SABE
              =Roger HOVELSON  Marriage: 16 NOV 1974
            3 Donna Jean SABE
              =Kevin HARSTAD  Marriage: 24 APR 1981
            3 Nancy Ann SABE

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Michael FLATH

Ancestors of Michael FLATH

                            /-Emil Otto FLATH
                  /-Kenneth Robert William FLATH
                  |         \-Hulda LUCKOW
        /-Robert FLATH
        |         \-Shirley OLSON
Michael FLATH
        \-Kathy ROSS

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Michael FLATH

Ancestors of Michael FLATH

                            /-Albanus Ferdinand (Barney) FLATH
                  /-Kenneth FLATH
                  |         \- KENNETH
        /-LeRoy FLATH
        |         \-Pauline MOHR
Michael FLATH
        |         /-Vernon MATTHIESEN
        \-Sharon MATTHIEESEN
                  \-Loretta LEHMKUL

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Michael Herbert FLATH

Ancestors of Michael Herbert FLATH

                            /-Johannes Ferdinand FLATH
                  /-Herbert Gerhard FLATH
                  |         \-Martha Elizabeth SCHOECHERT
        /-Richard Allen FLATH
        |         |         /-Herman DOERING
        |         \-Esther Martha Matilda DOERING
        |                   \-Minnie (Wilhelmine) STRABNOW
Michael Herbert FLATH
        |         /-Lilburn DAVIS
        \-Yvonne DAVIS
                  \-Fern VOIGHT

Descendants of Michael Herbert FLATH

1 Michael Herbert FLATH
  =Nersrin URAN  Marriage: 03 DEC 1984, Turkey
  =Donna Jean HARMS  Marriage: 05 OCT 1991, Watertown, Wisconsin
      2 Joshua Michael BRANHAM
        =Jaime WAGNER  Marriage: 24 SEP 2010
      2 Harley Johanna FLATH
      2 Michael Herbert FLATH Jr.
      2 Samuel McCormick FLATH

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Michael Herbert FLATH Jr.

Ancestors of Michael Herbert FLATH Jr.

                            /-Herbert Gerhard FLATH
                  /-Richard Allen FLATH
                  |         \-Esther Martha Matilda DOERING
        /-Michael Herbert FLATH
        |         |         /-Lilburn DAVIS
        |         \-Yvonne DAVIS
        |                   \-Fern VOIGHT
Michael Herbert FLATH Jr.
        |         /-David Franklin Aldrich HARMS
        \-Donna Jean HARMS
                  \-Jean Lorene PETERS

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Mildred FLATH

Ancestors of Mildred FLATH

                            /-Ferdinand Friedrich Adolph FLATH
                  /-Gustav Adolph FLATH
                  |         \-Dorothea Wilhelmine HANS
        /-Emanuel F. FLATH
        |         |         /-Julius SCHOECHERT
        |         \-Pauline SCHOECHERT
        |                   \-Maria WENDORF
Mildred FLATH
        |         /-Friedrich ERDMAN
        \-Helen ERDMAN
                  \-Emilie SCHLIEKER

Descendants of Mildred FLATH

1 Mildred FLATH
  =Stewart William LINDSEY  Marriage: 27 JUN 1937, Durbin, North Dakota
      2 Stewart (Stew) William LINDSEY
        =Louise CHRISTOPHERSON  Marriage: 11 MAR 1961
            3 Todd LINDSEY
            3 Wayne Terry LINDSEY
      2 Loree LINDSEY
        =DeWayne EBERTOWSKI  Marriage: 07 APR 1961, Grafton, North Dakota
            3 Joel EBERTOWSKI
            3 Jay EBERTOWSKI
            3 Angela EBERTOWSKI
      2 Mark Flath LINDSEY
        =Bonnie SABOURIN  Marriage: 11 MAY 1974, Grafton, North Dakota
            3 Leah LINDSEY
            3 Teresa LINDSEY

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Natalie Jean FLATH

Ancestors of Natalie Jean FLATH

                            /-Herbert Gerhard FLATH
                  /-Richard Allen FLATH
                  |         \-Esther Martha Matilda DOERING
        /-Richard Allen FLATH Jr.
        |         |         /-Lilburn DAVIS
        |         \-Yvonne DAVIS
        |                   \-Fern VOIGHT
Natalie Jean FLATH
        |         /-Edward BAUTZ
        \-Valerie Jean BAUTZ
                  \-Sandra ACKER

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Nathan Timothy FLATH

Ancestors of Nathan Timothy FLATH

                            /-Emil Otto FLATH
                  /-Gordon Emil Erdmann FLATH
                  |         \-Hulda LUCKOW
        /-Richard Ernest FLATH
        |         |         /-Ernest F. WOLFRAM
        |         \-Rosa WOLFRAM
        |                   \-Rosa A. W. RIECK
Nathan Timothy FLATH
        \-Sandra Kay CROSSMAN

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Oscar Edgar FLATH

Ancestors of Oscar Edgar FLATH

                  /-Ferdinand Friedrich Adolph FLATH
        /-Johannes Ferdinand FLATH
        |         |         /-Joachim HANS
        |         \-Dorothea Wilhelmine HANS
        |                   \-Dorothea Elisabeth JUHRE
Oscar Edgar FLATH
        |         /-Julius SCHOECHERT
        \-Martha Elizabeth SCHOECHERT
                  \-Maria WENDORF

Descendants of Oscar Edgar FLATH

1 Oscar Edgar FLATH
  =Esther Juanita SCHULTZ  Marriage: 21 JUL 1926
      2 Vada Mae FLATH
        =Kenneth KADDATZ  Marriage: 27 NOV 1952
            3 Tod Alan KADDATZ
              =Lori BRASEE  Marriage: 06 AUG 1983
            3 James Kent KADDATZ
        =Harry BEHRENS  Marriage: 07 AUG 1982
      2 Grace Eleonor FLATH
        =Scott BENTZIN  Marriage: 05 SEP 1959

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Patricia Ruth FLATH

Ancestors of Patricia Ruth FLATH

                            /-Johannes Ferdinand FLATH
                  /-Herbert Gerhard FLATH
                  |         \-Martha Elizabeth SCHOECHERT
        /-Richard Allen FLATH
        |         |         /-Herman DOERING
        |         \-Esther Martha Matilda DOERING
        |                   \-Minnie (Wilhelmine) STRABNOW
Patricia Ruth FLATH
        |         /-Lilburn DAVIS
        \-Yvonne DAVIS
                  \-Fern VOIGHT

Descendants of Patricia Ruth FLATH

1 Patricia Ruth FLATH
  =Barry PICKERALL  Marriage: 04 OCT 1986
      2 David John PICKERALL
        =Megan GOSSELL  Marriage: 12 MAR 2011
      2 Andrew PICKERALL
      2 Caroline Esther R. PICKERALL

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Paul William FLATH

Ancestors of Paul William FLATH

                            /-Johannes Ferdinand FLATH
                  /-Herbert Gerhard FLATH
                  |         \-Martha Elizabeth SCHOECHERT
        /-William FLATH
        |         |         /-Herman DOERING
        |         \-Esther Martha Matilda DOERING
        |                   \-Minnie (Wilhelmine) STRABNOW
Paul William FLATH
        |         /-August RAETHER
        \-Arlene RAETHER
                  \-Mary TIETZ

Descendants of Paul William FLATH

1 Paul William FLATH
  =Kathleen Linda SCHNEIDER  Marriage: 09 JUN 1973, Lebanon, WI
      2 Jennifer Lynn FLATH
        =Paul CAMONESCHI  Marriage: 28 SEP 2002
            3 Ava Danielle CAMONESCHI
            3 Qwen Henry CAMONESCHI
      2 Lisa Michelle FLATH

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Ancestors of Pearl FLATH

                            /-Ferdinand Friedrich Adolph FLATH
                  /-Gustav Adolph FLATH
                  |         \-Dorothea Wilhelmine HANS
        /-Emanuel F. FLATH
        |         |         /-Julius SCHOECHERT
        |         \-Pauline SCHOECHERT
        |                   \-Maria WENDORF
        |         /-Friedrich ERDMAN
        \-Helen ERDMAN
                  \-Emilie SCHLIEKER

Descendants of Pearl FLATH

1 Pearl FLATH
  =Dallas RADLOFF  Marriage: 06 JUN 1947, Goshen Moravian Church, Durbin, North Dakota
      2 Tim RADLOFF
        =Renee HANSEN  Marriage: 02 JUN 1973, Alice, North Dakota
            3 Jesse Joel RADLOFF
            3 Troy Jonathan RADLOFF
      2 Paula RADLOFF
        =Dallas GLASOW  Marriage: 12 JUL 1975, Canaan Moravian Church, Davenport, North Dakota
            3 Tracey GLASOW
            3 Trisha GLASOW
      2 Scott RADLOFF

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Rachel Lee (adopted) FLATH

Ancestors of Rachel Lee (adopted) FLATH

                            /-Gustav Adolph FLATH
                  /-Arnold William FLATH
                  |         \-Pauline SCHOECHERT
        /-Arnold W. FLATH
        |         \-Else Ida Margaret FRAASE
Rachel Lee (adopted) FLATH
        |         /-Gordon RAMAGE
        \-Reita RAMAGE
                  \-Retta BLAIR

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Ray Erwin FLATH

Ancestors of Ray Erwin FLATH

                            /-Ferdinand Friedrich Adolph FLATH
                  /-Johannes Ferdinand FLATH
                  |         \-Dorothea Wilhelmine HANS
        /-John Berthold FLATH
        |         |         /-Julius SCHOECHERT
        |         \-Martha Elizabeth SCHOECHERT
        |                   \-Maria WENDORF
Ray Erwin FLATH
        |                   /-Carl DOERING
        |         /-Herman DOERING
        |         |         \-Ernestina ERDMANN
        \-Hilda Wilhelmina Elizabeth DOERING
                  \-Minnie (Wilhelmine) STRABNOW

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Raymond FLATH

Ancestors of Raymond FLATH

                            /-Ferdinand Friedrich Adolph FLATH
                  /-Gustav Adolph FLATH
                  |         \-Dorothea Wilhelmine HANS
        /-Arnold William FLATH
        |         |         /-Julius SCHOECHERT
        |         \-Pauline SCHOECHERT
        |                   \-Maria WENDORF
Raymond FLATH
        \-Else Ida Margaret FRAASE

Descendants of Raymond FLATH

1 Raymond FLATH
  =Ruth EVANS
      2 David (adopted) FLATH
      2 Richard (adopted) FLATH

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Richard (adopted) FLATH

Ancestors of Richard (adopted) FLATH

                            /-Gustav Adolph FLATH
                  /-Arnold William FLATH
                  |         \-Pauline SCHOECHERT
        /-Raymond FLATH
        |         \-Else Ida Margaret FRAASE
Richard (adopted) FLATH
        \-Ruth EVANS

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Richard Allen FLATH

Ancestors of Richard Allen FLATH

                            /-Ferdinand Friedrich Adolph FLATH
                  /-Johannes Ferdinand FLATH
                  |         \-Dorothea Wilhelmine HANS
        /-Herbert Gerhard FLATH
        |         |         /-Julius SCHOECHERT
        |         \-Martha Elizabeth SCHOECHERT
        |                   \-Maria WENDORF
Richard Allen FLATH
        |                   /-Carl DOERING
        |         /-Herman DOERING
        |         |         \-Ernestina ERDMANN
        \-Esther Martha Matilda DOERING
                  \-Minnie (Wilhelmine) STRABNOW

Descendants of Richard Allen FLATH

1 Richard Allen FLATH
  =Yvonne DAVIS  Marriage: 18 SEP 1954, Watertown, Wisconsin
      2 Richard Allen FLATH Jr.
        =Valerie Jean BAUTZ  Marriage: 07 JUL 1984, Watertown, Wisconsin
            3 Jonathan Richard FLATH
              =Annie DIRKS  Marriage: 17 DEC 2011, Rosemont, Minn
            3 James Allen FLATH
            3 Thomas Steven FLATH
            3 Natalie Jean FLATH
      2 Carolyn Diane FLATH
        =Ray STELZER
        =Roger WENDORF  Marriage: 01 DEC 1978
            3 Corrie Ann WENDORF
            3 Daniel Lee WENDORF
              =Irisa DIVINE  Marriage: 06 SEP 2008
            3 Diane Ruth Flath WENDORF
      2 Patricia Ruth FLATH
        =Barry PICKERALL  Marriage: 04 OCT 1986
            3 David John PICKERALL
              =Megan GOSSELL  Marriage: 12 MAR 2011
            3 Andrew PICKERALL
            3 Caroline Esther R. PICKERALL
      2 Michael Herbert FLATH
        =Nersrin URAN  Marriage: 03 DEC 1984, Turkey
        =Donna Jean HARMS  Marriage: 05 OCT 1991, Watertown, Wisconsin
            3 Joshua Michael BRANHAM
              =Jaime WAGNER  Marriage: 24 SEP 2010
            3 Harley Johanna FLATH
            3 Michael Herbert FLATH Jr.
            3 Samuel McCormick FLATH

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Richard Allen FLATH Jr.

Ancestors of Richard Allen FLATH Jr.

                            /-Johannes Ferdinand FLATH
                  /-Herbert Gerhard FLATH
                  |         \-Martha Elizabeth SCHOECHERT
        /-Richard Allen FLATH
        |         |         /-Herman DOERING
        |         \-Esther Martha Matilda DOERING
        |                   \-Minnie (Wilhelmine) STRABNOW
Richard Allen FLATH Jr.
        |         /-Lilburn DAVIS
        \-Yvonne DAVIS
                  \-Fern VOIGHT

Descendants of Richard Allen FLATH Jr.

1 Richard Allen FLATH Jr.
  =Valerie Jean BAUTZ  Marriage: 07 JUL 1984, Watertown, Wisconsin
      2 Jonathan Richard FLATH
        =Annie DIRKS  Marriage: 17 DEC 2011, Rosemont, Minn
      2 James Allen FLATH
      2 Thomas Steven FLATH
      2 Natalie Jean FLATH

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Richard Ernest FLATH

Ancestors of Richard Ernest FLATH

                            /-Herman Traugott FLATH
                  /-Emil Otto FLATH
                  |         \-Maria (Mary) Minna PODEWELLS
        /-Gordon Emil Erdmann FLATH
        |         |         /-August LUCKOW
        |         \-Hulda LUCKOW
        |                   \-Friedricka POLZIN
Richard Ernest FLATH
        |         /-Ernest F. WOLFRAM
        \-Rosa WOLFRAM
                  \-Rosa A. W. RIECK

Descendants of Richard Ernest FLATH

1 Richard Ernest FLATH
  =Sandra Kay CROSSMAN  Marriage: 30 DEC 1970
      2 Kimberly Michell FLATH
      2 Christopher Andrew FLATH
      2 Nathan Timothy FLATH
      2 Sarah Elizabeth FLATH

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Robert FLATH

Ancestors of Robert FLATH

                            /-Herman Traugott FLATH
                  /-Emil Otto FLATH
                  |         \-Maria (Mary) Minna PODEWELLS
        /-Kenneth Robert William FLATH
        |         |         /-August LUCKOW
        |         \-Hulda LUCKOW
        |                   \-Friedricka POLZIN
Robert FLATH
        \-Shirley OLSON

Descendants of Robert FLATH

1 Robert FLATH
  =Kathy ROSS  Marriage: 04 SEP 1971
      2 Allison FLATH
      2 Kristina FLATH
      2 Michael FLATH

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