Betty Lou FLATH

Ancestors of Betty Lou FLATH

                            /-Ferdinand Friedrich Adolph FLATH
                  /-Johannes Ferdinand FLATH
                  |         \-Dorothea Wilhelmine HANS
        /-John Berthold FLATH
        |         |         /-Julius SCHOECHERT
        |         \-Martha Elizabeth SCHOECHERT
        |                   \-Maria WENDORF
Betty Lou FLATH
        |                   /-Carl DOERING
        |         /-Herman DOERING
        |         |         \-Ernestina ERDMANN
        \-Hilda Wilhelmina Elizabeth DOERING
                  \-Minnie (Wilhelmine) STRABNOW

Descendants of Betty Lou FLATH

1 Betty Lou FLATH
  =Ralph MONTGOMERY  Marriage: 02 JUN 1958
      2 Faith Marie MONTGOMERY
        =Duane Donald LAHLUM  Marriage: 19 MAY 1984
            3 Nicholas Jonathan LAHLUM
            3 Ian Benjamin LAHLUM
              =Angela STARKEL  Marriage: 02 JUN 12
            3 Bethany Morgan Moriah LAHLUM
      2 Beth Robin MONTGOMERY
        =Leo FORSMAN
            3 Brockway Brandon FORSMAN
      2 George Stephen MONTGOMERY
        =Michelle Tara SMITH  Marriage: 04 MAR 1995, Cokato, MN
            3 Stephen George MONTGOMERY
            3 Matthew Dean MONTGOMERY
            3 Elizabeth Elsa MONTGOMERY
            3 Lydia Fay MONTGOMERY
      2 Melinda MONTGOMERY
        =Corey BANNISTER
            3 Jaiden Kayne BANNISTER
            3 Camberia BANNISTER
      2 Tony MONTGOMERY
        =Marissa MASTILAR
            3 Sylis Mason MONTGOMERY
            3 Skylar Joe MONTGOMERY

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Blanche FLATH

Ancestors of Blanche FLATH

                            /-Ferdinand Friedrich Adolph FLATH
                  /-Herman Traugott FLATH
                  |         \-Dorothea Wilhelmine HANS
        /-Herman Wilhelm FLATH
        |         \-Maria (Mary) Minna PODEWELLS
Blanche FLATH
        |         /-John BAHLS
        \-Ida BAHLS
                  \-Mary DAMLO

Descendants of Blanche FLATH

1 Blanche FLATH
  =Harry DORNBUSH  Marriage: 1952
      2 Donna Jean (death by birth) DORNBUSH
      2 Clifford DORNBUSH
      2 Sharon DORNBUSH
      2 Sandra DORNBUSH
      2 Susan DORNBUSH

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Carolyn Diane FLATH

Ancestors of Carolyn Diane FLATH

                            /-Johannes Ferdinand FLATH
                  /-Herbert Gerhard FLATH
                  |         \-Martha Elizabeth SCHOECHERT
        /-Richard Allen FLATH
        |         |         /-Herman DOERING
        |         \-Esther Martha Matilda DOERING
        |                   \-Minnie (Wilhelmine) STRABNOW
Carolyn Diane FLATH
        |         /-Lilburn DAVIS
        \-Yvonne DAVIS
                  \-Fern VOIGHT

Descendants of Carolyn Diane FLATH

1 Carolyn Diane FLATH
  =Roger WENDORF  Marriage: 01 DEC 1978
      2 Corrie Ann WENDORF
            3 Luke WENDORF
      2 Daniel Lee WENDORF
        =Irisa DIVINE  Marriage: 06 SEP 2008
      2 Diane Ruth Flath WENDORF
            3 Lydia Marta Ruth FLATH

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Chester Lloyd FLATH

Ancestors of Chester Lloyd FLATH

                            /-Ferdinand Friedrich Adolph FLATH
                  /-Gustav Adolph FLATH
                  |         \-Dorothea Wilhelmine HANS
        /-Emanuel F. FLATH
        |         |         /-Julius SCHOECHERT
        |         \-Pauline SCHOECHERT
        |                   \-Maria WENDORF
Chester Lloyd FLATH
        |         /-Friedrich ERDMAN
        \-Helen ERDMAN
                  \-Emilie SCHLIEKER

Descendants of Chester Lloyd FLATH

1 Chester Lloyd FLATH
  =Wanda LIEBENOW  Marriage: 23 NOV 1937
      2 Claudia Ann FLATH
        =Gary VON BANK  Marriage: 11 FEB 1961, Buffalo, North Dakota
            3 Jan VON BANK
              =Jeanine HANSEN  Marriage: 27 JUN 1980
            3 Jeff VON BANK
            3 Jacki VON BANK
            3 Jodi VON BANK
            3 Jeri VON BANK
      2 Chester Lloyd FLATH
        =Devonna MYHRE  Marriage: 16 JUL 1966, Casselton, North Dakota
            3 Lynae Leah FLATH
            3 Corey Llloyd FLATH
      2 Gayle Susan FLATH
        =Alan KLEFSTAD  Marriage: 03 OCT 1973, Fargo, North Dakota
            3 Andy (Andrew) KLEFSTAD
            3 Justin KLEFSTAD
            3 Quin KLEFSTAD

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Chester Lloyd FLATH

Ancestors of Chester Lloyd FLATH

                            /-Gustav Adolph FLATH
                  /-Emanuel F. FLATH
                  |         \-Pauline SCHOECHERT
        /-Chester Lloyd FLATH
        |         |         /-Friedrich ERDMAN
        |         \-Helen ERDMAN
        |                   \-Emilie SCHLIEKER
Chester Lloyd FLATH
        |         /-Berthold LIEBENOW
        \-Wanda LIEBENOW
                  \-Mrs. LIEBENOW

Descendants of Chester Lloyd FLATH

1 Chester Lloyd FLATH
  =Devonna MYHRE  Marriage: 16 JUL 1966, Casselton, North Dakota
      2 Lynae Leah FLATH
      2 Corey Llloyd FLATH

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Christopher Andrew FLATH

Ancestors of Christopher Andrew FLATH

                            /-Emil Otto FLATH
                  /-Gordon Emil Erdmann FLATH
                  |         \-Hulda LUCKOW
        /-Richard Ernest FLATH
        |         |         /-Ernest F. WOLFRAM
        |         \-Rosa WOLFRAM
        |                   \-Rosa A. W. RIECK
Christopher Andrew FLATH
        \-Sandra Kay CROSSMAN

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Ancestors of Cindy FLATH

                            /-Herman Traugott FLATH
                  /-Herman Wilhelm FLATH
                  |         \-Maria (Mary) Minna PODEWELLS
        /-Clarence Rinehart FLATH
        |         |         /-John BAHLS
        |         \-Ida BAHLS
        |                   \-Mary DAMLO
        \- WIFE

Descendants of Cindy FLATH

1 Cindy FLATH
  =Glenn NIEHAUS

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Clarence FLATH

Ancestors of Clarence FLATH

                            /-Ferdinand Friedrich Adolph FLATH
                  /-Herman Traugott FLATH
                  |         \-Dorothea Wilhelmine HANS
        /-Herman Wilhelm FLATH
        |         \-Maria (Mary) Minna PODEWELLS
Clarence FLATH
        \-Frieda BAHLS

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Clarence FLATH

Ancestors of Clarence FLATH

                            /-Ferdinand Friedrich Adolph FLATH
                  /-Gustav Adolph FLATH
                  |         \-Dorothea Wilhelmine HANS
        /-George A. FLATH
        |         |         /-Julius SCHOECHERT
        |         \-Pauline SCHOECHERT
        |                   \-Maria WENDORF
Clarence FLATH
        |         /-Julius MILLER
        \-Lena (Helene) MILLER
                  \-Ottilie JANKE

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Clarence Rinehart FLATH

Ancestors of Clarence Rinehart FLATH

                            /-Ferdinand Friedrich Adolph FLATH
                  /-Herman Traugott FLATH
                  |         \-Dorothea Wilhelmine HANS
        /-Herman Wilhelm FLATH
        |         \-Maria (Mary) Minna PODEWELLS
Clarence Rinehart FLATH
        |         /-John BAHLS
        \-Ida BAHLS
                  \-Mary DAMLO

Descendants of Clarence Rinehart FLATH

1 Clarence Rinehart FLATH
  = WIFE
      2 Cindy FLATH
        =Glenn NIEHAUS
      2 Helen FLATH
      2 Verna FLATH
        =Scott MEAD
      2 Judy FLATH
        =Kenn MASSEY  Marriage: Appache, Arizona
      2 Linda FLATH
      2 Roger FLATH
      2 John FLATH
      2 Robert FLATH
        =Kathy ROSS  Marriage: 04 SEP 1971
            3 Allison FLATH
            3 Kristina FLATH
            3 Michael FLATH
      2 Mark FLATH
      2 Jeffrey FLATH

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Claudia Ann FLATH

Ancestors of Claudia Ann FLATH

                            /-Gustav Adolph FLATH
                  /-Emanuel F. FLATH
                  |         \-Pauline SCHOECHERT
        /-Chester Lloyd FLATH
        |         |         /-Friedrich ERDMAN
        |         \-Helen ERDMAN
        |                   \-Emilie SCHLIEKER
Claudia Ann FLATH
        |         /-Berthold LIEBENOW
        \-Wanda LIEBENOW
                  \-Mrs. LIEBENOW

Descendants of Claudia Ann FLATH

1 Claudia Ann FLATH
  =Gary VON BANK  Marriage: 11 FEB 1961, Buffalo, North Dakota
      2 Jan VON BANK
        =Jeanine HANSEN  Marriage: 27 JUN 1980
      2 Jeff VON BANK
      2 Jacki VON BANK
      2 Jodi VON BANK
      2 Jeri VON BANK

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Claudia Rose FLATH

Ancestors of Claudia Rose FLATH

                  /-Ferdinand Friedrich Adolph FLATH
        /-Ernest Ferdinand FLATH
        |         |         /-Joachim HANS
        |         \-Dorothea Wilhelmine HANS
        |                   \-Dorothea Elisabeth JUHRE
Claudia Rose FLATH
        \-Martha Philipina LEHMAN

Descendants of Claudia Rose FLATH

1 Claudia Rose FLATH

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Clement FLATH

Ancestors of Clement FLATH

                  /-Ferdinand Friedrich Adolph FLATH
        /-Herman Traugott FLATH
        |         |         /-Joachim HANS
        |         \-Dorothea Wilhelmine HANS
        |                   \-Dorothea Elisabeth JUHRE
Clement FLATH
        \-Maria (Mary) Minna PODEWELLS

Descendants of Clement FLATH

1 Clement FLATH
  =Martha SOMMERFELD  Marriage: 19 DEC 1928
      2 Marilyn FLATH
      2 Colleen FLATH
        =Roderick J. LOSS  Marriage: 27 JUL 1968, Bloomington, Minnesota
            3 Rebecca Jeanell LOSS
            3 Christopher Mark LOSS

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Colleen FLATH

Ancestors of Colleen FLATH

                            /-Ferdinand Friedrich Adolph FLATH
                  /-Herman Traugott FLATH
                  |         \-Dorothea Wilhelmine HANS
        /-Clement FLATH
        |         \-Maria (Mary) Minna PODEWELLS
Colleen FLATH
        |         /-Emil SOMMERFELD
        \-Martha SOMMERFELD
                  \-Ernestine FISHER

Descendants of Colleen FLATH

1 Colleen FLATH
  =Roderick J. LOSS  Marriage: 27 JUL 1968, Bloomington, Minnesota
      2 Rebecca Jeanell LOSS
      2 Christopher Mark LOSS

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Corey Llloyd FLATH

Ancestors of Corey Llloyd FLATH

                            /-Emanuel F. FLATH
                  /-Chester Lloyd FLATH
                  |         \-Helen ERDMAN
        /-Chester Lloyd FLATH
        |         |         /-Berthold LIEBENOW
        |         \-Wanda LIEBENOW
        |                   \-Mrs. LIEBENOW
Corey Llloyd FLATH
        |         /-Kenneth MYHRE
        \-Devonna MYHRE
                  \-Esther HEGER

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Daniel Roy FLATH

Ancestors of Daniel Roy FLATH

                            /-Herman Traugott FLATH
                  /-Herman Wilhelm FLATH
                  |         \-Maria (Mary) Minna PODEWELLS
        /-Marvin FLATH
        |         |         /-John BAHLS
        |         \-Ida BAHLS
        |                   \-Mary DAMLO
Daniel Roy FLATH
        |         /-Paul FIX
        \-JoAnn FIX
                  \-Helen TOTZKE

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David (adopted) FLATH

Ancestors of David (adopted) FLATH

                            /-Gustav Adolph FLATH
                  /-Arnold William FLATH
                  |         \-Pauline SCHOECHERT
        /-Raymond FLATH
        |         \-Else Ida Margaret FRAASE
David (adopted) FLATH
        \-Ruth EVANS

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Deborah Leigh FLATH

Ancestors of Deborah Leigh FLATH

                            /-Herman Traugott FLATH
                  /-Herman Wilhelm FLATH
                  |         \-Maria (Mary) Minna PODEWELLS
        /-Vernon FLATH
        |         |         /-John BAHLS
        |         \-Ida BAHLS
        |                   \-Mary DAMLO
Deborah Leigh FLATH
        |         /-Robert NYGAARD
        \-Rosella NYGAARD
                  \-Esther GARRRISON

Descendants of Deborah Leigh FLATH

1 Deborah Leigh FLATH
  =Douglas FLISS  Marriage: 16 OCT 1971

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Deborah Rose FLATH

Ancestors of Deborah Rose FLATH

                            /-Herman Traugott FLATH
                  /-Emil Otto FLATH
                  |         \-Maria (Mary) Minna PODEWELLS
        /-Gordon Emil Erdmann FLATH
        |         |         /-August LUCKOW
        |         \-Hulda LUCKOW
        |                   \-Friedricka POLZIN
Deborah Rose FLATH
        |         /-Ernest F. WOLFRAM
        \-Rosa WOLFRAM
                  \-Rosa A. W. RIECK

Descendants of Deborah Rose FLATH

1 Deborah Rose FLATH
  =John Charles VIETS  Marriage: 26 DEC 1979
      2 Rachel Rose VIETS
      2 Elizabeth Ann VIETS

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Deneva Kay FLATH

Ancestors of Deneva Kay FLATH

                            /-Gustav Adolph FLATH
                  /-Arnold William FLATH
                  |         \-Pauline SCHOECHERT
        /-Arnold W. FLATH
        |         \-Else Ida Margaret FRAASE
Deneva Kay FLATH
        |         /-Gordon RAMAGE
        \-Reita RAMAGE
                  \-Retta BLAIR

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