Christopher Walter MCFERREN

Ancestors of Christopher Walter MCFERREN

        /-Walter Carl MCFERREN
Christopher Walter MCFERREN
        \-Patricia Ann ROBINSON

Descendants of Christopher Walter MCFERREN

1 Christopher Walter MCFERREN
  =Janet Lee KRAUS  Marriage: 21 DEC 1995, Mauston, Wisconsin
      2 Tavis Carl MCFERREN
      2 Ashley Nicole MCFERREN
      2 Samuel Tucker MCFERREN

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Samuel Tucker MCFERREN

Ancestors of Samuel Tucker MCFERREN

                  /-Walter Carl MCFERREN
        /-Christopher Walter MCFERREN
        |         \-Patricia Ann ROBINSON
Samuel Tucker MCFERREN
        |                   /-Jospeh KRAUS
        |         /-Harold Joseph KRAUS
        |         |         \-Elizabeth GOEBEL
        \-Janet Lee KRAUS
                  |         /-John Berthold FLATH
                  \-Ruby Marie FLATH
                            \-Hilda Wilhelmina Elizabeth DOERING

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Ancestors of Tavis Carl MCFERREN

                  /-Walter Carl MCFERREN
        /-Christopher Walter MCFERREN
        |         \-Patricia Ann ROBINSON
        |                   /-Jospeh KRAUS
        |         /-Harold Joseph KRAUS
        |         |         \-Elizabeth GOEBEL
        \-Janet Lee KRAUS
                  |         /-John Berthold FLATH
                  \-Ruby Marie FLATH
                            \-Hilda Wilhelmina Elizabeth DOERING

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Walter Carl MCFERREN

Descendants of Walter Carl MCFERREN

1 Walter Carl MCFERREN
  =Patricia Ann ROBINSON
      2 Christopher Walter MCFERREN
        =Janet Lee KRAUS  Marriage: 21 DEC 1995, Mauston, Wisconsin
            3 Tavis Carl MCFERREN
            3 Ashley Nicole MCFERREN
            3 Samuel Tucker MCFERREN

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Helen Irene MCGEE

Descendants of Helen Irene MCGEE

1 Helen Irene MCGEE
  =Joe Lloyd BRANT
      2 Helen Jo BRANT
        =Robert Franklin HAASE  Marriage: 23 JUN 1956, Huntington Park, California
            3 Cindy Jo HAASE
              =Timothy Prescott ELDER  Marriage: 28 NOV 1981
            3 Mark Robert HAASE

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Descendants of Norma MCGEORGE

  =Ralph VERGENZ  Marriage: 06 MAR 1943
      2 GeorgeAnn VERGENZ
        =Larry SKORUPAN
            3 Stephanie Michelle SKORUPAN
            3 Derrin Matthew SKORUPAN

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Descendants of Joyce MCGHAN

1 Joyce MCGHAN
  =Wayne PIPER  Marriage: 31 MAR 1961
      2 Nolan PIPER
      2 Trev PIPER
      2 Renay PIPER

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Descendants of Patrick MCGINLEY

1 Patrick MCGINLEY
  =Gretchen FLATH  Marriage: 22 NOV 1975

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Gerald Lee MCGLONE

Ancestors of Gerald Lee MCGLONE

                  /-John James MCGLONE
        /-James J. MCGLONE
        |         \-Dorit Virginia SNYDER
Gerald Lee MCGLONE
        |                   /-Charles Edwin PERSONS
        |         /-Orville Charles PERSONS
        |         |         \-Lydia Wilhelmina Augusta NIENOW
        \-Sylvia Ann PERSONS
                  |         /-H. James GEGAN
                  \-Selma Naomi GEGAN
                            \-Sovinnia HENDRICKS

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Ancestors of James J. MCGLONE

        /-John James MCGLONE
        \-Dorit Virginia SNYDER

Descendants of James J. MCGLONE

1 James J. MCGLONE
  =Sylvia Ann PERSONS  Marriage: 19 JUL 1958
      2 Marguerite Anne MCGLONE
        =Michael N. KAZANJIAN  Marriage: 10 AUG 1985
            3 Ashlee Naomi KAZANJIAN
            3 Chelsea Anne KAZANJIAN
      2 James Joseph MCGLONE
      2 Gerald Lee MCGLONE
      2 Michelle Marie MCGLONE

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James Joseph MCGLONE

Ancestors of James Joseph MCGLONE

                  /-John James MCGLONE
        /-James J. MCGLONE
        |         \-Dorit Virginia SNYDER
James Joseph MCGLONE
        |                   /-Charles Edwin PERSONS
        |         /-Orville Charles PERSONS
        |         |         \-Lydia Wilhelmina Augusta NIENOW
        \-Sylvia Ann PERSONS
                  |         /-H. James GEGAN
                  \-Selma Naomi GEGAN
                            \-Sovinnia HENDRICKS

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John James MCGLONE

Descendants of John James MCGLONE

1 John James MCGLONE
  =Dorit Virginia SNYDER  Marriage: 19 JUL 1958, Elkton, Maryland
      2 James J. MCGLONE
        =Sylvia Ann PERSONS  Marriage: 19 JUL 1958
            3 Marguerite Anne MCGLONE
              =Michael N. KAZANJIAN  Marriage: 10 AUG 1985
            3 James Joseph MCGLONE
            3 Gerald Lee MCGLONE
            3 Michelle Marie MCGLONE

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Marguerite Anne MCGLONE

Ancestors of Marguerite Anne MCGLONE

                  /-John James MCGLONE
        /-James J. MCGLONE
        |         \-Dorit Virginia SNYDER
Marguerite Anne MCGLONE
        |                   /-Charles Edwin PERSONS
        |         /-Orville Charles PERSONS
        |         |         \-Lydia Wilhelmina Augusta NIENOW
        \-Sylvia Ann PERSONS
                  |         /-H. James GEGAN
                  \-Selma Naomi GEGAN
                            \-Sovinnia HENDRICKS

Descendants of Marguerite Anne MCGLONE

1 Marguerite Anne MCGLONE
  =Michael N. KAZANJIAN  Marriage: 10 AUG 1985
      2 Ashlee Naomi KAZANJIAN
      2 Chelsea Anne KAZANJIAN

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Michelle Marie MCGLONE

Ancestors of Michelle Marie MCGLONE

                  /-John James MCGLONE
        /-James J. MCGLONE
        |         \-Dorit Virginia SNYDER
Michelle Marie MCGLONE
        |                   /-Charles Edwin PERSONS
        |         /-Orville Charles PERSONS
        |         |         \-Lydia Wilhelmina Augusta NIENOW
        \-Sylvia Ann PERSONS
                  |         /-H. James GEGAN
                  \-Selma Naomi GEGAN
                            \-Sovinnia HENDRICKS

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Ancestors of John MCGOWAN

        /-Percy MCGOWAN
        \-Blanche OXBORO

Descendants of John MCGOWAN

  =Donadean FETZER  Marriage: 03 OCT 1967, Shakopee, Minnesota
      2 Sandra Kay Ecklund MCGOWAN
      2 Tracy Alane MCGOWAN
      2 Paula Jean MCGOWAN

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Paula Jean MCGOWAN

Ancestors of Paula Jean MCGOWAN

                  /-Percy MCGOWAN
        /-John MCGOWAN
        |         \-Blanche OXBORO
Paula Jean MCGOWAN
        |                   /-Edward C. FETZER
        |         /-Lloyd Nicholas FETZER
        |         |         \-Myrtle HARTGROVE
        \-Donadean FETZER
                  |         /-Rheinhold Carl PIPER
                  \-Gladys Wilhelmine PIPER
                            \-Alice Meta (Matah) HANS

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Descendants of Percy MCGOWAN

  =Blanche OXBORO
      2 John MCGOWAN
        =Donadean FETZER  Marriage: 03 OCT 1967, Shakopee, Minnesota
            3 Sandra Kay Ecklund MCGOWAN
            3 Tracy Alane MCGOWAN
            3 Paula Jean MCGOWAN

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Sandra Kay Ecklund MCGOWAN

Ancestors of Sandra Kay Ecklund MCGOWAN

                  /-Percy MCGOWAN
        /-John MCGOWAN
        |         \-Blanche OXBORO
Sandra Kay Ecklund MCGOWAN
        |                   /-Edward C. FETZER
        |         /-Lloyd Nicholas FETZER
        |         |         \-Myrtle HARTGROVE
        \-Donadean FETZER
                  |         /-Rheinhold Carl PIPER
                  \-Gladys Wilhelmine PIPER
                            \-Alice Meta (Matah) HANS

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Tracy Alane MCGOWAN

Ancestors of Tracy Alane MCGOWAN

                  /-Percy MCGOWAN
        /-John MCGOWAN
        |         \-Blanche OXBORO
Tracy Alane MCGOWAN
        |                   /-Edward C. FETZER
        |         /-Lloyd Nicholas FETZER
        |         |         \-Myrtle HARTGROVE
        \-Donadean FETZER
                  |         /-Rheinhold Carl PIPER
                  \-Gladys Wilhelmine PIPER
                            \-Alice Meta (Matah) HANS

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Descendants of Charles MCGRADY

1 Charles MCGRADY
  =Lucinda HANS
      2 Sohn Mc. GRADY
      2 Lyle Mc. GRADY
        = INGA
            3 Kind GRADY
            3 Kind GRADY
            3 Kind GRADY
            3 Kind GRADY
      2 Joy Mc. GRADY
        =Harlen WYRICH
            3 Rosana WYRICH
            3 Jake WYRICH
        =Willard SCHMIDT
      2 Gene Mc. GRADY
        = DARA
            3 Tochter GRADY
      2 Charles Mc. GRADY
      2 Allen Mc. GRADY
      2 Ellen Mc. GRADY
        =Ehemann GESCHIEDEN
            3  KINDER

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