Ancestors of Marc Leon BOURGEOIS

                  /-Leonard BOURGEOIS
        /-Marc BOURGEOIS
        |         \-Maria BOURGEOIS
        |                   /-Joseph KRAUS
        |         /-Eugene KRAUS
        |         |         \-Elizabeth GOEBEL
        \-Kay Sue KRAUS
                  |         /-Herbert Gerhard FLATH
                  \-Marian Ruth FLATH
                            \-Esther Martha Matilda DOERING

Descendants of Marc Leon BOURGEOIS

  =Kristin FISCHER  Marriage: 21 JUL 2007
      2 Kylie Soleil BOURGEOIS
      2 Sophie Angelique BOURGEOIS

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Descendants of Maria BOURGEOIS

  =Leonard BOURGEOIS
      2 Marc BOURGEOIS
        =Kay Sue KRAUS  Marriage: 21 DEC 1974
            3 Marc Leon BOURGEOIS
              =Kristin FISCHER  Marriage: 21 JUL 2007
            3 Anastasia Renee BOURGEOIS
              =Gabriel YOUNG
            3 Benjamin Alexander BOURGEOIS
            3 Dominic Adam BOURGEOIS
            3 Philippe Gabriel BOURGEOIS
            3 Gabriel Julian BOURGEOIS

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Philippe Gabriel BOURGEOIS

Ancestors of Philippe Gabriel BOURGEOIS

                  /-Leonard BOURGEOIS
        /-Marc BOURGEOIS
        |         \-Maria BOURGEOIS
Philippe Gabriel BOURGEOIS
        |                   /-Joseph KRAUS
        |         /-Eugene KRAUS
        |         |         \-Elizabeth GOEBEL
        \-Kay Sue KRAUS
                  |         /-Herbert Gerhard FLATH
                  \-Marian Ruth FLATH
                            \-Esther Martha Matilda DOERING

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Sophie Angelique BOURGEOIS

Ancestors of Sophie Angelique BOURGEOIS

                            /-Leonard BOURGEOIS
                  /-Marc BOURGEOIS
                  |         \-Maria BOURGEOIS
        /-Marc Leon BOURGEOIS
        |         |         /-Eugene KRAUS
        |         \-Kay Sue KRAUS
        |                   \-Marian Ruth FLATH
Sophie Angelique BOURGEOIS
        \-Kristin FISCHER

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Brook M. BOURN

Descendants of Brook M. BOURN

1 Brook M. BOURN
  =Scott David LONG  Marriage: 30 JUN 1984
      2 Melissa Louise LONG

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Charles Henry BOY

Descendants of Charles Henry BOY

1 Charles Henry BOY
  =Augusta SCHWANKE
      2 Frank Ernest BOY
        =Ruby (Ellen) Grace WITTE  Marriage: 08 JUN 1940, Madison, Wisconsin
            3 Kathlyn Ann (adopted) BOY
              =Ross BENTE  Marriage: 20 DEC 1975, Madison, Wisconsin

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Frank Ernest BOY

Ancestors of Frank Ernest BOY

        /-Charles Henry BOY
Frank Ernest BOY
        \-Augusta SCHWANKE

Descendants of Frank Ernest BOY

1 Frank Ernest BOY
  =Ruby (Ellen) Grace WITTE  Marriage: 08 JUN 1940, Madison, Wisconsin
      2 Kathlyn Ann (adopted) BOY
        =Ross BENTE  Marriage: 20 DEC 1975, Madison, Wisconsin

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Kathlyn Ann (adopted) BOY

Ancestors of Kathlyn Ann (adopted) BOY

                  /-Charles Henry BOY
        /-Frank Ernest BOY
        |         \-Augusta SCHWANKE
Kathlyn Ann (adopted) BOY
        |                   /-Franz Emil WITTE
        |         /-Max Arthur WITTE
        |         |         \-Anna Theresa YAECK
        \-Ruby (Ellen) Grace WITTE
                  \-Clara Lydia Emma TRACHTE

Descendants of Kathlyn Ann (adopted) BOY

1 Kathlyn Ann (adopted) BOY
  =Ross BENTE  Marriage: 20 DEC 1975, Madison, Wisconsin

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Pearl BOYD

Descendants of Pearl BOYD

1 Pearl BOYD
  =Luther David SPECK
      2 Earl David SPECK
        =Adelyne FLATH  Marriage: 06 JAN 1944
            3 Vivian Joyce SPECK
              =Larry MEYERS  Marriage: 10 MAY 1964, Reno, Nevada
              =Richard SHARP  Marriage: 23 JUN 1973
            3 Jerry David SPECK
              =Joyce ERNEST  Marriage: 05 FEB 1966

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Christa BÖLKE

Descendants of Christa BÖLKE

1 Christa BÖLKE
  =Harry HECHLER  Marriage: 19 APR 1952
      2 Marga HECHLER
        =Hans-Joachim SCHULZE  Marriage: 20 DEC 1974
            3 Christian SCHULZE
            3 Sandra SCHULZE
      2 Lothar HECHLER
        =Brigitte MOSERT  Marriage: 29 APR 1976
            3 Doreen HECHLER
            3 Dana HECHLER

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Christian BÖLKE

Descendants of Christian BÖLKE

1 Christian BÖLKE
  =Christiane Friederike BLOBEL
      2 Christiane Friederike Maria BOELKE
        =Johann Heinrich Ludwig BOTH
            3 Emil BOTH
              =Elisabeth LIESERT
            3 Elisabeth Emma Agnes BOTH
              =Carl PEHMÖLLER  Marriage: 01 MAY 1887
            3 Fritz BOTH
              =Anna HENSCHEL
            3 Emma BOTH
              =Paul WERNICKE
            3 Max Otto Ernst BOTH
              =Elise CORRODI  Marriage: 18 JAN 1901, Potsdam
            3 Paul BOTH
            3 Ernst BOTH
            3 Georg BOTH

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Descendants of BÖRS

      2 Karoline BÖRS
        =Heinrich STAPEL
            3 Herrmann STAPEL
              =Emma DÖPKE
            3 Friedrich STAPEL
              =Gertrud KRÄNSE  Marriage: 02 APR 1932
              =Charlotte WEISE
              =Erna PURPS
            3 Wilhelm STAPEL
              = UNBEKANNT
      2 Friederike BÖRS
        = SCHMIDT
            3 Kind SCHMIDT
      2 Wilhelm BÖRS
        = UNBEKANNT
            3 Kind BÖRS
            3 Kind BÖRS
            3 Kind BÖRS
      2 Gusta BÖRS
        =Fritz DAHMS
            3 Herta DAHMS
              = KRÜGER

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Friederike BÖRS

Ancestors of Friederike BÖRS

        /- BÖRS
Friederike BÖRS
        \- UNBEKANNT

Descendants of Friederike BÖRS

1 Friederike BÖRS
      2 Kind SCHMIDT

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Gusta BÖRS

Ancestors of Gusta BÖRS

        /- BÖRS
Gusta BÖRS
        \- UNBEKANNT

Descendants of Gusta BÖRS

1 Gusta BÖRS
  =Fritz DAHMS
      2 Herta DAHMS
        = KRÜGER
            3 Gerda KRÜGER

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Karoline BÖRS

Ancestors of Karoline BÖRS

        /- BÖRS
Karoline BÖRS
        \- UNBEKANNT

Descendants of Karoline BÖRS

1 Karoline BÖRS
  =Heinrich STAPEL
      2 Herrmann STAPEL
        =Emma DÖPKE
            3 Herrmann STAPEL
            3 Annemarie STAPEL
              =Heinz PICHOTTKA
            3 Bruno STAPEL
              =Brigitte UNBEKANNT
            3 Heinz STAPEL
              =Karin UNBEKANNT
            3 Rudi STAPEL
              =Rosi UNBEKANNT
            3 Uwe STAPEL
            3 Anita STAPEL
              =Manfred RÜCKNER
      2 Friedrich STAPEL
        =Gertrud KRÄNSE  Marriage: 02 APR 1932
            3 Inge STAPEL
              =Fritz BÜNGER  Marriage: 01 AUG 1959
            3 Gerhard STAPEL
              =Käte KÜRT  Marriage: 28 JAN 1956
            3 Renate Helga Gertrud STAPEL
              =Werner BOTH  Marriage: 11 NOV 1961
            3 Günter STAPEL
              =Heidi OSCHMANN  Marriage: 08 AUG 1964
        =Charlotte WEISE
        =Erna PURPS
      2 Wilhelm STAPEL
        = UNBEKANNT
            3 Erich STAPEL
            3 Kurt STAPEL

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Ancestors of Kind BÖRS

                  /- BÖRS
        /-Wilhelm BÖRS
        |         \- UNBEKANNT
        \- UNBEKANNT

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Ancestors of Kind BÖRS

                  /- BÖRS
        /-Wilhelm BÖRS
        |         \- UNBEKANNT
        \- UNBEKANNT

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Ancestors of Kind BÖRS

                  /- BÖRS
        /-Wilhelm BÖRS
        |         \- UNBEKANNT
        \- UNBEKANNT

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Wilhelm BÖRS

Ancestors of Wilhelm BÖRS

        /- BÖRS
Wilhelm BÖRS
        \- UNBEKANNT

Descendants of Wilhelm BÖRS

1 Wilhelm BÖRS
      2 Kind BÖRS
      2 Kind BÖRS
      2 Kind BÖRS

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Charlotte BÖTTCHER

Descendants of Charlotte BÖTTCHER

1 Charlotte BÖTTCHER
  =Wendelin SCHMIDT
      2 Emil SCHMIDT
        =Auguste UCHTENHAGEN  Marriage: 08 FEB 1882, Ketzin
            3 Helene SCHMIDT
              =Ernst HENSEL
            3 Margarete SCHMIDT
              =Johannes HECHLER  Marriage: 16 DEC 1909, Potsdam
            3 Emil SCHMIDT
              = UNBEKANNT
            3 Ella SCHMIDT
              =Emil KALDUN
  =Unbekannt HORN

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