Gertrude Irma TSCHANZ

Descendants of Gertrude Irma TSCHANZ

1 Gertrude Irma TSCHANZ
  =Ronald Dean HERMSMEIER
      2 Dawn Marie HERMSMEIER
        =Ronald GARCIA  Marriage: 21 APR 1979
            3 Justin Leigh (adopted) GARCIA
            3 Kayla Maria (adopted) GARCIA
      2 Renee Ann HERMSMEIER
        =Ronald Alan SHOWERS  Marriage: 01 DEC 1978
            3 Nichole Renee SHOWERS
            3 Melissa Marie SHOWERS
      2 Miachael John HERMSMEIER

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Christine Rae TURNER

Descendants of Christine Rae TURNER

1 Christine Rae TURNER
  =Justin Andrew HASH  Marriage: 24 JUN 2006, Lincoln, NE

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Daniel Richard TURNER

Ancestors of Daniel Richard TURNER

                  /-Ira TURNER
        /-Richard TURNER
        |         \-Helen DOWD
Daniel Richard TURNER
        |                   /-Carl BENEDETT
        |         /-Herbert BENEDETT
        |         |         \-Theresa TREDER
        \-Carol BENEDETT
                  |         /-Albert ZASTROW
                  \-Dorothy Meta Emily ZASTROW
                            \-Emma Mary Magdaline NIENOW

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David Allen TURNER

Ancestors of David Allen TURNER

                  /-Ira TURNER
        /-Richard TURNER
        |         \-Helen DOWD
David Allen TURNER
        |                   /-Carl BENEDETT
        |         /-Herbert BENEDETT
        |         |         \-Theresa TREDER
        \-Carol BENEDETT
                  |         /-Albert ZASTROW
                  \-Dorothy Meta Emily ZASTROW
                            \-Emma Mary Magdaline NIENOW

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Descendants of Emma TURNER

  =Andrew BACKUS
      2 Wetzel BACKUS
        =Jean HANS  Marriage: 20 JUL 1947

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Descendants of Ira TURNER

  =Helen DOWD
      2 Richard TURNER
        =Carol BENEDETT  Marriage: 01 AUG 1958, Berea Moravian Church in St. Charles, Minnesota
            3 Daniel Richard TURNER
            3 Susan Carol TURNER
            3 David Allen TURNER

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Richard TURNER

Ancestors of Richard TURNER

        /-Ira TURNER
Richard TURNER
        \-Helen DOWD

Descendants of Richard TURNER

1 Richard TURNER
  =Carol BENEDETT  Marriage: 01 AUG 1958, Berea Moravian Church in St. Charles, Minnesota
      2 Daniel Richard TURNER
      2 Susan Carol TURNER
      2 David Allen TURNER

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Susan Carol TURNER

Ancestors of Susan Carol TURNER

                  /-Ira TURNER
        /-Richard TURNER
        |         \-Helen DOWD
Susan Carol TURNER
        |                   /-Carl BENEDETT
        |         /-Herbert BENEDETT
        |         |         \-Theresa TREDER
        \-Carol BENEDETT
                  |         /-Albert ZASTROW
                  \-Dorothy Meta Emily ZASTROW
                            \-Emma Mary Magdaline NIENOW

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Ancestors of Auguste UCHTENHAGEN

        /-Johann Friedrich UCHTENHAGEN
        \-Marie Sophie EWALD

Descendants of Auguste UCHTENHAGEN

  =Emil SCHMIDT  Marriage: 08 FEB 1882, Ketzin
      2 Helene SCHMIDT
        =Ernst HENSEL
      2 Margarete SCHMIDT
        =Johannes HECHLER  Marriage: 16 DEC 1909, Potsdam
            3 Ruth HECHLER
              =Dietmar  Raimund  Joachim HEINECKE
            3 Werner HECHLER
              =Ursula STÄRKE  Marriage: 14 AUG 1941
      2 Emil SCHMIDT
        = UNBEKANNT
      2 Ella SCHMIDT
        =Emil KALDUN

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Johann Friedrich UCHTENHAGEN

Descendants of Johann Friedrich UCHTENHAGEN

1 Johann Friedrich UCHTENHAGEN
  =Marie Sophie EWALD
      2 Auguste UCHTENHAGEN
        =Emil SCHMIDT  Marriage: 08 FEB 1882, Ketzin
            3 Helene SCHMIDT
              =Ernst HENSEL
            3 Margarete SCHMIDT
              =Johannes HECHLER  Marriage: 16 DEC 1909, Potsdam
            3 Emil SCHMIDT
              = UNBEKANNT
            3 Ella SCHMIDT
              =Emil KALDUN

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Andy William UECKER

Ancestors of Andy William UECKER

        /-Louis William UECKER
Andy William UECKER
        |         /-Darwin MRSNY
        \-Linda Lou MRSNY
                  |         /-Ernest SPORN
                  \-Ruby Beatrice Winifred SPORN
                            \-Helen Louise WEGENER

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Bryan Jason UECKER

Ancestors of Bryan Jason UECKER

        /-Louis William UECKER
Bryan Jason UECKER
        |         /-Darwin MRSNY
        \-Linda Lou MRSNY
                  |         /-Ernest SPORN
                  \-Ruby Beatrice Winifred SPORN
                            \-Helen Louise WEGENER

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Louis William UECKER

Descendants of Louis William UECKER

1 Louis William UECKER
  =Linda Lou MRSNY  Marriage: 28 JUN 1973
      2 Bryan Jason UECKER
      2 Andy William UECKER
      2 Nicholas Louis UECKER

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Nicholas Louis UECKER

Ancestors of Nicholas Louis UECKER

        /-Louis William UECKER
Nicholas Louis UECKER
        |         /-Darwin MRSNY
        \-Linda Lou MRSNY
                  |         /-Ernest SPORN
                  \-Ruby Beatrice Winifred SPORN
                            \-Helen Louise WEGENER

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Amalia ULM

Descendants of Amalia ULM

1 Amalia ULM
  =Ferdinand ULM
      2 Emelie Ida ULM
        =Johannes (John) WITTE  Marriage: 20 MAR 1883
            3 Laura Emilie WITTE
              =John (Johannes) Emanuel PIPER  Marriage: 12 AUG 1908, Ebenezer Moravia Church, Watertown, Wisconsin
              =John Emanuel PIPER

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Emelie Ida ULM

Ancestors of Emelie Ida ULM

        /-Ferdinand ULM
Emelie Ida ULM
        \-Amalia ULM

Descendants of Emelie Ida ULM

1 Emelie Ida ULM
  =Johannes (John) WITTE  Marriage: 20 MAR 1883
      2 Laura Emilie WITTE
        =John (Johannes) Emanuel PIPER  Marriage: 12 AUG 1908, Ebenezer Moravia Church, Watertown, Wisconsin
            3 Ervin Witte PIPER
              =Pauline DOOLITTLE  Marriage: 21 JUN 1940
            3 Esther Anna PIPER
              =Clarence Carl WOLLIN  Marriage: 25 SEP 1943, Watertown Wisconsin
            3 Olive Viola PIPER
              =William Dean LONG  Marriage: 01 OCT 1932, Watertown, Wisconsin
            3 George Washington PIPER
              =Helen Maybelle (May) FREDRICH  Marriage: 25 MAY 1941, Watertown, Wisconsin
              =Ethel OWENS  Marriage: 27 FEB 1960
            3 Carl John PIPER
              =Eleonora SCHMIDT  Marriage: 16 NOV 1941
            3 Milton Walter PIPER
              =Margaret Henderson RICHARDS  Marriage: 04 SEP 1950
              =Bernice PFEIFER
            3 Sohn PIPER
            3 Alvin Ralph PIPER
              =Marion C. GALLOWAY  Marriage: 29 JAN 1950, Watertown, Wisconsin
            3 Arden Louis PIPER
              =Betty Louise WEIDENHOEFT  Marriage: 03 NOV 1945, Watertown, Wisconsin
            3 Grace Ethel PIPER
              =Eugene Lawrence KELM  Marriage: 14 JUN 1947, Watertown Wisconsin
              =Eugene Laurence KELM  Marriage: 14 JUN 1947
        =John Emanuel PIPER
            3 Grace Ethel PIPER
              =Eugene Lawrence KELM  Marriage: 14 JUN 1947, Watertown Wisconsin
              =Eugene Laurence KELM  Marriage: 14 JUN 1947

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Ferdinand ULM

Descendants of Ferdinand ULM

1 Ferdinand ULM
  =Amalia ULM
      2 Emelie Ida ULM
        =Johannes (John) WITTE  Marriage: 20 MAR 1883
            3 Laura Emilie WITTE
              =John (Johannes) Emanuel PIPER  Marriage: 12 AUG 1908, Ebenezer Moravia Church, Watertown, Wisconsin
              =John Emanuel PIPER

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Descendants of Don ULMAN

  =Vicki FLATH  Marriage: 21 JUL 1967
      2 Jeff ULMAN
      2 Julie ULMAN

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Ancestors of Jeff ULMAN

        /-Don ULMAN
        |                   /-Emil Otto FLATH
        |         /-Kenneth Robert William FLATH
        |         |         \-Hulda LUCKOW
        \-Vicki FLATH
                  \-Shirley OLSON

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Ancestors of Julie ULMAN

        /-Don ULMAN
        |                   /-Emil Otto FLATH
        |         /-Kenneth Robert William FLATH
        |         |         \-Hulda LUCKOW
        \-Vicki FLATH
                  \-Shirley OLSON

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