Siegmund PRIEBE

Ancestors of Siegmund PRIEBE

        /-Hermann PRIEBE
Siegmund PRIEBE
        |                   /-Gustav DITTMER
        |         /-Paul DITTMER
        |         |         \- UNBEKANNT
        \-Edith DITTMER
                  \-Else MOLDENHAUER

Descendants of Siegmund PRIEBE

1 Siegmund PRIEBE
  =Veronika SCHADE
      2 Enrico PRIEBE

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William PRIEBE

Descendants of William PRIEBE

1 William PRIEBE
  =Wilhelmina LIEBENOW
      2 William Albert PRIEBE
        =Edith FLATH  Marriage: 26 NOV 1902, Embden, North Dakota
            3 Alvin PRIEBE
            3 Evelyn Regina PRIEBE
              =Clarence Franklin HAASE  Marriage: 05 OCT 1925, Moorhead, Minnesota
            3 Lillian Edith PRIEBE
              =Walter JOHNSON  Marriage: 02 MAY 1942, Moorhead, Minnesota

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William Albert PRIEBE

Ancestors of William Albert PRIEBE

        /-William PRIEBE
William Albert PRIEBE
        \-Wilhelmina LIEBENOW

Descendants of William Albert PRIEBE

1 William Albert PRIEBE
  =Edith FLATH  Marriage: 26 NOV 1902, Embden, North Dakota
      2 Alvin PRIEBE
      2 Evelyn Regina PRIEBE
        =Clarence Franklin HAASE  Marriage: 05 OCT 1925, Moorhead, Minnesota
            3 Mildred Edith HAASE
              =Paul Guarde COLTON  Marriage: 26 MAR 1955, Huntington Park, California
            3 Robert Franklin HAASE
              =Helen Jo BRANT  Marriage: 23 JUN 1956, Huntington Park, California
      2 Lillian Edith PRIEBE
        =Walter JOHNSON  Marriage: 02 MAY 1942, Moorhead, Minnesota
            3 Donna JOHNSON
              =Jerry F. ISLEY  Marriage: 19 JUN 1971, Horace, North Dakota
            3 Jeanne JOHNSON
              =Dennis OLSON  Marriage: 20 JUN 1981, Horace, North Dakota
            3 Judith JOHNSON

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Gottlieb PUDER

Descendants of Gottlieb PUDER

1 Gottlieb PUDER
  =Friedericke PAHLHORN
      2 Hulda Minna Natalie PUDER
        =Reinhold RAU
            3 Hermann Reinhold Franz RAU
              =Charlotte Ida HAMANN  Marriage: 10 APR 1920, Haiger

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Hulda Minna Natalie PUDER

Ancestors of Hulda Minna Natalie PUDER

        /-Gottlieb PUDER
Hulda Minna Natalie PUDER
        \-Friedericke PAHLHORN

Descendants of Hulda Minna Natalie PUDER

1 Hulda Minna Natalie PUDER
  =Reinhold RAU
      2 Hermann Reinhold Franz RAU
        =Charlotte Ida HAMANN  Marriage: 10 APR 1920, Haiger
            3 Hans Friedrich Paul RAU
              =Inge Gerhardine BLEICKEN
            3 Margarete RAU
            3 Helmut RAU

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Dorit PUFF

Ancestors of Dorit PUFF

        /-Willi PUFF
Dorit PUFF
        |         /-Wilhelm RHEDER
        \-Erna RHEDER
                  \-Marie PUFF

Descendants of Dorit PUFF

1 Dorit PUFF
      2 Karin ROSENSTENGEL

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Ingolf PUFF

Ancestors of Ingolf PUFF

                  /-Willi PUFF
        /-Manfred PUFF
        |         |         /-Wilhelm RHEDER
        |         \-Erna RHEDER
        |                   \-Marie PUFF
Ingolf PUFF
        \-Hannelore CORDS

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Ingrid PUFF

Ancestors of Ingrid PUFF

        /-Willi PUFF
Ingrid PUFF
        |         /-Wilhelm RHEDER
        \-Erna RHEDER
                  \-Marie PUFF

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Klaus PUFF

Ancestors of Klaus PUFF

        /-Willi PUFF
Klaus PUFF
        |         /-Wilhelm RHEDER
        \-Erna RHEDER
                  \-Marie PUFF

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Manfred PUFF

Ancestors of Manfred PUFF

        /-Willi PUFF
Manfred PUFF
        |         /-Wilhelm RHEDER
        \-Erna RHEDER
                  \-Marie PUFF

Descendants of Manfred PUFF

1 Manfred PUFF
  =Hannelore CORDS
      2 Ingolf PUFF

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Marie PUFF

Ancestors of Marie PUFF

Marie PUFF

Descendants of Marie PUFF

1 Marie PUFF
  =Wilhelm RHEDER
      2 Charlotte RHEDER
        =Friedrich Gerhard SELLE
            3 Bernd SELLE
              =Doris MAHNKOPF
              =Monika BAHRKE
      2 Marie RHEDER
        =Oskar KÄMPFE
            3 Wilhelm KÄMPFE
            3 Hertha KÄMPFE
              =Walter OVERZIER
        =Paul GRAUSCH
      2 Erich RHEDER
      2 Willy RHEDER
        =Anna BIELKE
            3 Ilse RHEDER
              =Erich HAUCH
      2 Anna RHEDER
        =Walter HASELOFF
            3 Edith HASELOFF
              =Wilhelm POREP
      2 Frida RHEDER
        =Wilhelm MEIßNER
      2 Max RHEDER
        =Else BASLER
      2 Erna RHEDER
        =Willi PUFF
            3 Ursula PUFF
              =Walter SCHLEIER
            3 Manfred PUFF
              =Hannelore CORDS
            3 Ingrid PUFF
            3 Dorit PUFF
              =Karl-Heinz ROSENSTENGEL
            3 Klaus PUFF

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Ursula PUFF

Ancestors of Ursula PUFF

        /-Willi PUFF
Ursula PUFF
        |         /-Wilhelm RHEDER
        \-Erna RHEDER
                  \-Marie PUFF

Descendants of Ursula PUFF

1 Ursula PUFF
  =Walter SCHLEIER
      2 Elke SCHLEIER
      2 Marion SCHLEIER
      2 Nils SCHLEIER

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Wilhelm PUFF

Ancestors of Wilhelm PUFF

Wilhelm PUFF

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Willi PUFF

Descendants of Willi PUFF

1 Willi PUFF
  =Erna RHEDER
      2 Ursula PUFF
        =Walter SCHLEIER
            3 Elke SCHLEIER
            3 Marion SCHLEIER
            3 Nils SCHLEIER
      2 Manfred PUFF
        =Hannelore CORDS
            3 Ingolf PUFF
      2 Ingrid PUFF
      2 Dorit PUFF
        =Karl-Heinz ROSENSTENGEL
            3 Karin ROSENSTENGEL
            3 Nils ROSENSTENGEL
      2 Klaus PUFF

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Marie Elisabeth PUHLMANN

Descendants of Marie Elisabeth PUHLMANN

1 Marie Elisabeth PUHLMANN
  =Andreas HÜBNER
      2 Karoline HÜBNER
        =Johann Gottlieb HAMANN
            3 Johann Friedrich HAMANN
              =Helene Marie Sophie EMMERICH  Marriage: 24 SEP 1882, Möglin
              =Auguste ENGELBERT
            3 Wilhelmine Friederike HAMANN
              =Gottfried Johann HECHLER
            3 Karoline Luise HAMANN
              =Karl MITTELHAUS
            3 Johanna Friedrike HAMANN
            3 Johann Gustav HAMANN
              =Anna HASELOFF  Marriage: 31 JAN 1897

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Descendants of Erna PURPS

1 Erna PURPS
  =Friedrich STAPEL

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Descendants of Beth PURVIS

  =Edward NIENOW
      2 Elaine NIENOW
        =Duane NIENOW  Marriage: 07 JUL 1957, Plainview, Minnesota
            3 Beth NIENOW

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Alice Marion QUALLY

Descendants of Alice Marion QUALLY

1 Alice Marion QUALLY
  =Carl August Oswald PIPER  Marriage: 15 JUL 1923
      2 Baby (verstorben PIPER
      2 Eric Carl PIPER
        =Estelle Claire LACROIZ  Marriage: 05 OCT 1950, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
            3 Karen Rose PIPER
            3 Marshal Carl PIPER
            3 Garry William PIPER
            3 Dale Eric PIPER
      2 Trevellyan PIPER
        =Anne MCANEELEY  Marriage: 29 JUL 1961, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
            3 Karla Jo PIPER
            3 Tracy Anne PIPER
      2 Jean (adopted) PIPER
        =Russel JOHNSTON
            3 Valerie Jean JOHNSTON

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Carole Lynn QUALLY

Ancestors of Carole Lynn QUALLY

                  /-William QUALLY
        /-Stanley QUALLY
        |         \-Martha QUALLY
Carole Lynn QUALLY
        |                   /-Karl August PIPER
        |         /-Edmund (Edd) Ferdinand (Fredrick) PIPER
        |         |         \-Pauline Auguste Emilie HANS
        \-Norma PIPER
                  \-Nora BROTON

Descendants of Carole Lynn QUALLY

1 Carole Lynn QUALLY
  =Maurice GELLATLY  Marriage: 08 JUN 1963
      2 Shelley Ann GELLATLY
      2 Robert (Bobby) Wayne GELLATLY
      2 Shaun Edward GELLATLY

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Gwendolyne Frances QUALLY

Ancestors of Gwendolyne Frances QUALLY

                  /-William QUALLY
        /-Stanley QUALLY
        |         \-Martha QUALLY
Gwendolyne Frances QUALLY
        |                   /-Karl August PIPER
        |         /-Edmund (Edd) Ferdinand (Fredrick) PIPER
        |         |         \-Pauline Auguste Emilie HANS
        \-Norma PIPER
                  \-Nora BROTON

Descendants of Gwendolyne Frances QUALLY

1 Gwendolyne Frances QUALLY
  =Victor BARTNIK  Marriage: 27 AUG 1971
      2 Brigeeta Candice BARTNIK
      2 Bradon Qually BARTNIK
      2 Torey BARTNIK

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