- Birth: 20 FEB 1893
- Death: 18 MAR 1976
- Burial: Chapel Lawn Memorial Gardens, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Descendants of Henry BROTON
1 Henry BROTON
=Florence Meta Selma PIPER Marriage: 23 FEB 1922
2 Kenneth Owen BROTON
2 Warren Carl BROTON
=Vera LOFTO Marriage: 28 DEC 1948
3 Glenn Arnold BROTON
=Lynn JACOBSEN Marriage: OCT 1982
3 Wayne Calvin BROTON
3 Craig Dennis BROTON
=Brigitte FESER Marriage: 26 JUN 1976
3 Ronald Warren BROTON
=Yolanda RICHARD Marriage: 23 SEP 1978
3 Barry Eugene BROTON
2 Vernon Nels BROTON
=Vivian MOAR Marriage: 20 APR 1948
3 Kenneth James BROTON
=Ann SOBOLSKY Marriage: MAR 1976, Geraldton, Ontario, Canada
3 Wendy Victoria BROTON
3 Debra Lee BROTON
=Dewey ROY Marriage: 25 MAR 1972, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
3 Pamela BROTON
3 Timothy BROTON
2 Shirley Florence BROTON
=Clarence Christian BENUM Marriage: 06 APR 1963
3 Susan Barbara BENUM
=Kent REID Marriage: 28 MAY 1976
- Partnership with: Ann SOBOLSKY
Marriage: MAR 1976, Geraldton, Ontario, Canada
Ancestors of Kenneth James BROTON
/-Henry BROTON
/-Vernon Nels BROTON
| | /-Karl August PIPER
| \-Florence Meta Selma PIPER
| \-Pauline Auguste Emilie HANS
Kenneth James BROTON
\-Vivian MOAR
Descendants of Kenneth James BROTON
1 Kenneth James BROTON
=Ann SOBOLSKY Marriage: MAR 1976, Geraldton, Ontario, Canada
2 Richard Wayne BROTON
2 Darin James BROTON
Ancestors of Kenneth Owen BROTON
/-Henry BROTON
Kenneth Owen BROTON
| /-Karl August PIPER
\-Florence Meta Selma PIPER
| /-Julius Martin HANS
\-Pauline Auguste Emilie HANS
\-Emilie WITTE
Ancestors of Kyle Jonathan BROTON
/-Henry BROTON
/-Warren Carl BROTON
| \-Florence Meta Selma PIPER
/-Glenn Arnold BROTON
| | /-Ted LOFTO
| \-Vera LOFTO
| \-Florence OLSON
Kyle Jonathan BROTON
Ancestors of Marc Warren BROTON
/-Henry BROTON
/-Warren Carl BROTON
| \-Florence Meta Selma PIPER
/-Craig Dennis BROTON
| | /-Ted LOFTO
| \-Vera LOFTO
| \-Florence OLSON
Marc Warren BROTON
| /-Edward FESER
\-Brigitte FESER
\-Giesla NAGEL
- Birth: 14 MAY 1886, Davenport, North Dakota
Descendants of Nora BROTON
=Edmund (Edd) Ferdinand (Fredrick) PIPER Marriage: 21 NOV 1908
2 Percey E. PIPER
=Winnifred LEE Marriage: 08 NOV 1939
3 David PIPER
=Tami MEYERS Marriage: 29 JUL 1978
3 Linda PIPER
=Alan G. BARON Marriage: 20 JUL 1974, Carberry, Manitoba, Canada
2 Frances Louise PIPER
=Lorne MCINTOSH Marriage: 16 SEP 1939
2 Norma PIPER
=Stanley QUALLY Marriage: 15 NOV 1939
3 Carole Lynn QUALLY
=Maurice GELLATLY Marriage: 08 JUN 1963
3 Gwendolyne Frances QUALLY
=Victor BARTNIK Marriage: 27 AUG 1971
2 Arnold PIPER
=Mabel QUALLY Marriage: 30 JUN 1940
3 Wayne PIPER
=Joyce MCGHAN Marriage: 31 MAR 1961
3 Marlene F. Dr. PIPER
3 Lois PIPER
=Jock MCINTOSH Marriage: 26 JAN 1968
3 Joanne PIPER
=Douglas LULSTER Marriage: 23 AUG 1980
Ancestors of Pamela BROTON
/-Henry BROTON
/-Vernon Nels BROTON
| | /-Karl August PIPER
| \-Florence Meta Selma PIPER
| \-Pauline Auguste Emilie HANS
\-Vivian MOAR
Descendants of Pamela BROTON
1 Pamela BROTON
Ancestors of Richard Wayne BROTON
/-Henry BROTON
/-Vernon Nels BROTON
| \-Florence Meta Selma PIPER
/-Kenneth James BROTON
| \-Vivian MOAR
Richard Wayne BROTON
| /-Steve SOBOLSKY
\-Donna SARDUK
Ancestors of Robert Wayne BROTON
/-Henry BROTON
/-Warren Carl BROTON
| \-Florence Meta Selma PIPER
/-Craig Dennis BROTON
| | /-Ted LOFTO
| \-Vera LOFTO
| \-Florence OLSON
Robert Wayne BROTON
| /-Edward FESER
\-Brigitte FESER
\-Giesla NAGEL
Ancestors of Ronald Warren BROTON
/-Henry BROTON
/-Warren Carl BROTON
| | /-Karl August PIPER
| \-Florence Meta Selma PIPER
| \-Pauline Auguste Emilie HANS
Ronald Warren BROTON
| /-Ted LOFTO
\-Vera LOFTO
\-Florence OLSON
Descendants of Ronald Warren BROTON
1 Ronald Warren BROTON
=Yolanda RICHARD Marriage: 23 SEP 1978
2 Ryan Richard BROTON
Ancestors of Ryan Richard BROTON
/-Henry BROTON
/-Warren Carl BROTON
| \-Florence Meta Selma PIPER
/-Ronald Warren BROTON
| | /-Ted LOFTO
| \-Vera LOFTO
| \-Florence OLSON
Ryan Richard BROTON
\-Yolanda RICHARD
Ancestors of Shirley Florence BROTON
/-Henry BROTON
Shirley Florence BROTON
| /-Karl August PIPER
\-Florence Meta Selma PIPER
| /-Julius Martin HANS
\-Pauline Auguste Emilie HANS
\-Emilie WITTE
Descendants of Shirley Florence BROTON
1 Shirley Florence BROTON
=Clarence Christian BENUM Marriage: 06 APR 1963
2 Susan Barbara BENUM
=Kent REID Marriage: 28 MAY 1976
3 Matthew Benum REID
Ancestors of Timothy BROTON
/-Henry BROTON
/-Vernon Nels BROTON
| | /-Karl August PIPER
| \-Florence Meta Selma PIPER
| \-Pauline Auguste Emilie HANS
Timothy BROTON
\-Vivian MOAR
Ancestors of Tracy Marie BROTON
/-Henry BROTON
/-Warren Carl BROTON
| \-Florence Meta Selma PIPER
/-Glenn Arnold BROTON
| | /-Ted LOFTO
| \-Vera LOFTO
| \-Florence OLSON
Tracy Marie BROTON
Ancestors of Vernon Nels BROTON
/-Henry BROTON
Vernon Nels BROTON
| /-Karl August PIPER
\-Florence Meta Selma PIPER
| /-Julius Martin HANS
\-Pauline Auguste Emilie HANS
\-Emilie WITTE
Descendants of Vernon Nels BROTON
1 Vernon Nels BROTON
=Vivian MOAR Marriage: 20 APR 1948
2 Kenneth James BROTON
=Ann SOBOLSKY Marriage: MAR 1976, Geraldton, Ontario, Canada
3 Richard Wayne BROTON
3 Darin James BROTON
2 Wendy Victoria BROTON
2 Debra Lee BROTON
=Dewey ROY Marriage: 25 MAR 1972, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
2 Pamela BROTON
2 Timothy BROTON
- Partnership with: Vera LOFTO
Marriage: 28 DEC 1948
Ancestors of Warren Carl BROTON
/-Henry BROTON
Warren Carl BROTON
| /-Karl August PIPER
\-Florence Meta Selma PIPER
| /-Julius Martin HANS
\-Pauline Auguste Emilie HANS
\-Emilie WITTE
Descendants of Warren Carl BROTON
1 Warren Carl BROTON
=Vera LOFTO Marriage: 28 DEC 1948
2 Glenn Arnold BROTON
3 Tracy Marie BROTON
3 Kyle Jonathan BROTON
=Lynn JACOBSEN Marriage: OCT 1982
2 Wayne Calvin BROTON
2 Craig Dennis BROTON
=Brigitte FESER Marriage: 26 JUN 1976
3 Robert Wayne BROTON
3 Marc Warren BROTON
2 Ronald Warren BROTON
=Yolanda RICHARD Marriage: 23 SEP 1978
3 Ryan Richard BROTON
2 Barry Eugene BROTON
- Father: Warren Carl BROTON
- Mother: Vera LOFTO
- Birth: 05 JUN 1952
- Death: 12 OCT 1968, Car accident
- Burial: Bethehem Memorial Gardens, Decotah, Manitoba, Canada
Ancestors of Wayne Calvin BROTON
/-Henry BROTON
/-Warren Carl BROTON
| | /-Karl August PIPER
| \-Florence Meta Selma PIPER
| \-Pauline Auguste Emilie HANS
Wayne Calvin BROTON
| /-Ted LOFTO
\-Vera LOFTO
\-Florence OLSON
Ancestors of Wendy Victoria BROTON
/-Henry BROTON
/-Vernon Nels BROTON
| | /-Karl August PIPER
| \-Florence Meta Selma PIPER
| \-Pauline Auguste Emilie HANS
Wendy Victoria BROTON
\-Vivian MOAR
Descendants of Mark Francis BROUILLET
1 Mark Francis BROUILLET
=Shawna Suzanne MRGICH Marriage: 11 NOV 1989
Descendants of John Clarence BROWN
1 John Clarence BROWN
=Harriet Marie GOHDES