Familie Hans

Edited by

Edith (Persons) Korpi


Materials submitted by 'relatives'

and from obituaries, court and land records.



Copies of this book may be obtained from:




Mrs. Milton Korpi

310 Fenway Terrace

Manitowoc, Wisconsin 54220








Foreword 1

How to Use This Book 2

Familie Hans 3

History 5

Moravian Church (Unitas Fratrum) 9

Ebenezer Moravian Church 11

Bethany Moravian Church l3



Generation 1 Joachim and Dorothea (Juhre) Hans 15



Generation 2


2- 1. Carl Martin Hans 18

2- 2. Wilhelm (William) Hans 19

2- 6. Ernstina (Hans) Witte Trachte 22

2- 7. Martin Julius Hans 73

2- 8. Dorothea (Hans) Flath 153

2- 9. Ernst Julius Hans 251

2-10. Amalia (Hans) Wegener 272

2-11. August Ferdinand Hans 297



Head of the Family Index 343









Information in this history was primarily gathered from individuals on family history sheets. Some dates were verified by birth, marriage and death records, as well as county land records and census records. Moravian church records were also used since many of the descendants were members of this church.


Meta Nienow, granddaughter of Martin Julius Hans, began this history of the Hans family and had hoped to compile the history after many conversations with Emma (Hans) Trachte, granddaughter of Joachim Hans. I, Edith (Persons) Korpi, inherited Meta's notes upon her death. On the basis of those, this history became a reality. I, therefore, dedicate this book to her memory.


I am indebted to the pastors of the following churches:

Rev. Lorenz W. Adam of the Ebenezer Moravian Church, Watertown, Wisconsin; Rev. Franklin C. Jones of the Berea Moravian Church and Our Saviour's Moravian Church of Altura, Minnesota (the merged Bethany and Hebron churches); and the Rev. James H. Hughey of the Canaan Moravian Church.


We have used pictures as submitted. Ella Trachte loaned many pictures, which had been in the possession of Emma (Hans) Trachte. Mrs. Victor (Elsie) Nienow loaned pictures, which had been in the possession of Mary (Hans) Nienow. These have added much interest to this history. It is impossible to acknowledge all the relatives who have contributed, but I am deeply grateful for everyone's help.


I have attempted to acknowledge individuals who have helped with entire branches of the families by indicating those who compiled the history of those branches. One of the sad facts of life is that many who have helped have not been able to see the final product. One of those individuals is my cousin Ruth Nienow who helped in contacting the relatives from North Dakota.


A sincere attempt has been made to eliminate mistakes, and I apologize if there have been errors. This has been a hobby, which has spanned over twenty years of searching. One of the rewards has been getting to know 'relatives' whom I never would have had the opportunity of meeting, both in letters and face-to-face meetings. I hope all of you will enjoy the fruits of our labors.





In order to avoid confusion, dates are written with the day of the month, the months written out, and the year following. All pictures are identified from left to right. The index only includes those who are married. Single people can be located through their parents.


The first number before the name is the generation number and the second number is the position of the child in the family. For the purposes of this book, generation 1 is Joachim and Dorothea Elizabeth (Juhre) Hans, who were married in 1814 in Frstenfelde, Germany. The spelling of the name Hans is quite consistent -- the pronunciation indicates that it might have been spelled Hanss at some time.


The order in which the families appear is in chronological order: the oldest first, then other members in order of birth. For example: Carl, William, Ernstina, Martin Julius, Dorothea, Ernst, Amalia, and August Ferdinand.




Hans Background


We have been unable to find records which would indicate the name of Joachim's father and thus trace the ancestry back to Herrnhut in Germany. Meta Nienow corresponded with a Gerhard Hans in Herrnhut and from those letters we found the following:


"Christian David Hans (born 1739) possibly father of Joachim Hans, and then he would be great-great grandfather of us and Elsie Hans (cousin of Gerhard??). Perhaps Joachim Hans was a brother of Friedrich Christian Hans who was the father of Elsie Hans's grandfather Carl Wilhelm Hans and the Ferdinand Hans she mentioned. Since your grandfather Johan was born in 1787, Friedrich and Christian 1773, they were only 14 years apart in age and may have been of the same family. Elsie's grandfather would be a nephew of Joachim Hans your grandfather."


We are including a biography of David Hans received from the Moravian Archives in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, together with a translation made by a descendant of Dorothea (Hans) Flath. Perhaps in the future someone will find records that will prove the descent.



Copy from Alte Herrnhutter Familier by Felix Moeschler

pp. 47-48 Herrnhutt 1922/24 received by Evelyn Kolek from the Moravian Archives in Bethelem, Pennsylvania.






FAMILIE HANS. (mahrisch)



The Hanss belong to the few; still today (Marichen Exulanten) these few, thru one of their forbears, keep a close relationship with the Marichen brehern as David Hans wrote in his Diary that he was told (when still a boy) by his great uncle that the wood in the granary (barn) was from the "last Brethrns Church in Stachenwald by Fulnek". The family stems from Zauchtenthal in Mahren, has an excellent record of bookbinding, printing and paper making and broadened itself outside the Brethrens Church at Brudergemeine to Wittenberg and Holland. To the members of this family belong the aforementioned David Hans, a carpenter and bookbinder, 19, 11, 1707 in Zauchtenthal and emigrated 24, 5, 1731 (two days after his parents) after he had earlier been subjected to four weeks of detention because of visiting the meeting of the Christian David Society at Hirshgrunt and Nesserdorf (where Bro. Schmidt lodged him) to Herrnhut. In 1732 he built a house (now Schumasher Schurter). In 1733 he was named the first keeper of the Hall; 1736 on the Ronneburg, 1737 in Berlin, 1738 in the service of the congregation was ordained (blessed), helper in the marriage choir and assistant to the ill and poor. 1775-82 the marriage choir. The bookbinding business belonged to his father George Hans (mother Barbara born Nitchman), learned masonry, carpentry and tailoring and it was to serve the Brethren then in hiding. While through the constant hiding of the books in the ground so much damage occurred that eventually they were lost.


He was honored and loved by all and called a true Patriarch and died in Herrnhut 29, 7, 1799 at the age of 91 years and 8 months.


23, 10, 1737 Rosina, born Teucher. daughter of Mathew Teucher and died 1758 and Maria Shulius (1738) in Hht 14, 4, 1716 in Kunewa1de in Mahren in 23, 2, 1783 in Hht she was a Deaconess in the Brethren Church. She had worked for the Graffin Heinrich news Ebersdorf and was lady-in-waiting to Contessa Maria of Zinzendorf, emigrated 1, 7, 1725 to Hht with her mother out of the prison as they had come as (Exulanten), 7 children born, 3 died before the father and there were 8 grandchildren; 8 died before the father. (Hht-Herrnhut)


Translated by Mrs. Herbert (Esther) Flath--1ast 8 lines not translated.

Mathes Hans born about 1570 from which the family Hans came to Herrnhut from Zauchenthal (or Zauchte1) in Moravia, the name today is Suchdol nad Odrou, CSSR.





At the time of the migration of the Joachim Hans family to the United States, economic conditions in Germany were poor. Prices soared in 1845-46 and there was extensive migration to other countries, especially the United States. The French February Revolution of 1848 had electrifying effects. Throughout the Germanies, demands were made for the abolition of the remaining feudal restrictions, for more religious toleration, for ministerial responsibility, and for freedom of the press. It was in this atmosphere that the group of which the Hans family were a part left Germany. The Lutheran Church was the state church for the area from which they migrated. Required military service was mandatory for all young men, and Julius was reported to have had to get permission to leave the military, and Ernst had also served in the Prussian Army according to family reports. After their migration, the families were Pacifists, and few served in the armed forces until WWII.


In Meta Nienow's notes she listed Furstenwalde as the birthplace of Joachim Hans. However, Giulio Vogliano wrote, "Our compiled information I got from a so called 'Ahnenpass', which was made and confirmed about 1940. There I found as birth place for Joachim not Furstenwalde but Frstenfelde and I believe that this is correct because all these places: Zackerick, Alt-Lietze-goricke, Zellin, Frstenfelde and Kalenzig are near together and they are behind the river Oder. ... I believe also, that the correct maiden name of Elizabeth (Joachim's wife) was Juhre and not Jurie (as recorded by Meta Nienow).


Frstenfelde is now in Poland and the name has been changed to Boleszkowice. Thus far we were unable to trace Joachim's birth record as there seem to be no church records surviving. A search was made of the Evangelisches Zentralarchiv in Berlin; the Evangelische Kirche Der Union in Berlin; the Bund Der Evangelischen Kirchen in Der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik, and no church record was found. Since the Lutheran Church was the State Church at the time the Hans family emigrated from Germany, baptisms and marriages would have had to take place there. Perhaps other members of the family may have more success searching than we have had. Frstenfelde is so close to Berlin it is thought that the church and records were destroyed in WWII.



In the "Ahnenpass" of the Hans family which Giulio sent, the name of Christian David appears, but not Joachim. Had we been able to verify the lineage, descent could be traced to Mattes Hans who lived in Zauchtenthal. Christian David Hans was listed as a 'bookbinder'. Many on the Hans lineage were of this occupation as well as 'Papierhandler'. The name also was 1isted as Hanss.


Giulio Vogliano, in a letter dated 6 April 1982, wrote the following: "Hans Gutersohn, a grandson of Paul Hans's brother Emil Hans, visited this territory together with his grandfather, who died 27 March 1924 in Frankfurt a. Oder, in 1922. There they found no more families with the name Hans but there were existing married girls with the maiden name Hans.


Additional Hans history which we have been unable to fit into the history at present:


In the 1860 index (census) of Watertown, Wisconsin, there is the following family listed:


Charles Hans age 46, born in Prussia;

Olerica Hans age 40, born in Prussia;

Louisa age 11, born in Prussia;

Amelia age 9, born in Wisconsin;

Frederick age 1, born in Wisconsin;

F. Kader age 65 (possibly parent to Olerica)

Living very near:

F. Hans age 23, born in Prussia;

Manistrello, age 21, born in Prussia;

Elizabeth, age 64, born in Prussia.


There is also:

Henry Hans with wife Fredrika.


Just as the migration from Germany to the United States took place because of religious, economic, political and social reasons, the migration of the Hans families within the United States followed similar patterns. It could be that the migration from Wisconsin to Minnesota took place because of the Civil War. Many from Wisconsin were engaged in that conflict and there must have been pressure for the Moravians to also participate. The Homestead Act of 1862 may have precipitated the migration to North Dakota and Nebraska. The migration to Canada again followed a search for free or cheap land.

Included in the following is a map of the Germanies as they existed at the time of the Hans migration. Also a portion of Germany -- East and West and Poland is included to show present day Furstenfelde.




The Germanies as they appeared when the Hans family migrated,

Historical Atlas, Wm. R. Shepherd 1956




Since the Moravian Church is a small denomination and some of the Hans 'relatives' may not be acquainted with it, I have included a summary of both the denomination and the congregations with whom the family have been associated.

"From the time of the first propagation of the gospel among them by Cyril and Methodius, the Bohemians and Moravians have stood for freedom in religion and in national life, and under the leadership of John Huss and Jerome of Prague they offered a firm resistance to the rule of both the Austrian Empire and the Roman Catholic Church. For several years after the martyrdom of Huss in 1415, and of Jerome in 1416, near Kunwald in Bohemia, an association was formed to foster pure scriptural teaching and apostolic discipline.

"In spite of continued persecution the union grew steadily, so that at the opening of the sixteenth century, before the German and Swiss reformations, it had about 11,000 adult male members in Bohemia and 100,000 in Moravia. Most cordial relations were maintained with Martin Luther and Jean Calvin, though no formal union with the German and Swiss churches was ever reached, and the Moravian confession of faith, published in 1535, had Luther's approval. In its organization the church was episcopal, having a supreme judge to reside in the assembly and a synod to decide matters of faith and discipline. Priests, living at first in celibacy, were ordained after the apostolic example, and pursued trades for their support. The administration of the congregations was in the hands of elected elders who had supervision over the church members, the women being under the control of matrons.


"The union proved to be strongest in the fields of education and literature. In nearly every large town the Moravian Brethren had schools and a printing house. Their greatest achievement, however, was the translation of the Bible into both the Bohemian and Moravian languages (completed in 1593).


"Meanwhile, the opposition of the Roman Catholic Church had increased, and the Thirty Years' War devastated the country. At its close in 1648, the evangelical churches of Bohemia and Moravia had been practically destroyed. Of the 200,000 members in those countries, large numbers had been put to the sword and others had fled into Hungary, Saxony, Holland, and Poland, in which countries, as well as in Bohemia and Moravia, they continued in scattered communities. The last bishop of the United Church, the famous John Amos Comenius, died at Amsterdam in 1670.



"In 1722 a small company from Moravia, followed later by others who cherished the traditions of their ancestral church, were permitted to settle on an estate of Nicholas Louis Count von Zinzendorf, in Saxony, where the village of Herrnhut was established. Colonists from Germany also joined, and an association was formed in which the religious plans of Zinzendorf and those of the Moravians were combined. The Protestant confession of the realm was accepted, and a distinct order and discipline, perpetuating elements of the old Moravian Church, was established under royal concessions. In 1735 the historical Moravian episcopate was transferred to the association by two surviving bishops of the old line who were filling state church positions, and the Unitas Fratrum, or Church of the Brethren, known at the present time in America as the Moravian Church, was established.


"The chief purpose of the church was to carry on evangelistic work in Christian and heathen lands. In accordance with this purpose, the first Moravian missionary came to Pennsylvania in 1734, and in the same year an attempt was made at colonization and missionary work in Georgia. David Nitschmann, the first Moravian bishop in America, who in 1732 had helped to found the first Moravian mission among the heathen in the West Indies, came to Georgia in 1735. Political disturbances ruined the work in Georgia, and in 1740 the colony moved to Pennsylvania. In 1741 Bishop Nitschmann and his associates founded the town of Bethlehem, and a little later the neighboring land belonging to the evangelist, George Whitefield, was purchased. This second settlement was named Nazareth. A cooperative union to develop the settlements and support missionary work was formed by the colonists and was maintained until 1762. All members labored for a common cause and received sustenance from a common stock, but there was no surrender of private property or of personal liberty, nor any individual claim on the common estate. Missionary work was begun among the Indians and also among the white settlers.


"In 1749 an act of the British Parliament recognized the Moravian Church as 'an ancient Protestant Episcopal Church.' This gave it standing and privileges in all British colonies; but its policy of doing undenominational leavening work, with the hope of furthering evangelical alliance, caused it to remain a comparatively small body. In subsequent years it was mainly active in cooperating with the European branches of the church in the conduct of missions among the heathens.



"Bethlehem, Nazareth, and Lititz, in Pennsylvania, and Salem in North Carolina, were organized in colonial times as exclusive Moravian villages, after the model of the Moravian communities in Germany, England, and Holland. During the years between 1844 and 1856 this exclusive system was abolished, and the organization of the church was remodeled to meet modern conditions. At the same time home missionary work was revived, and since then the membership of the church in the United States has grown rapidly." (1)



(1) "Souvenir of the Centennial", Ebenezer Moravian Church, 1853-1953.



Watertown, Wisconsin


"Mid-nineteenth century Europe was being rocked by strife and revolution, and life in Germany was anything but pleasant for the common people, and children, many of whom were members of the State Church. In the 'Warthe' and 'Netz Bruch', sections of Brandenburg, Germany, a deacon from the Moravian Diaspora, Jachus Niedershoe and his wife, had aroused much spiritual interest and many were quickened to new life. Faced with increasing taxes, compulsory military service for their sons, and forbidden the right to build and establish a Moravian Church of their own, a group of these simple-minded, unsophisticated, agricultural people about thirty in number, joined the tide of German migrants to America, seeking greater spiritual freedom and better opportunities for themselves and their children.


"This pioneer band embarked in 1852 on a three-masted, freight sailboat, encountered a severe storm at sea during the eleven weeks trip, and feared for their lives when the three masts broke off. But the Lord miraculously saved everyone, bringing them at last to Castle Garden, New York. After enjoying Sunday dinner as guests of a doctor, a relative of some of the party's number (Dr. Ringer, a cousin of Julius Witte and Emilie (Witte) Hans), they boarded a train for Milwaukee, going by way of Buffalo where a valuable box of dry goods was lost. As the railroad did not yet run to Watertown, the final lap of the journey had to be done on foot and by ox or horse drawn wagon.


The infant city at this time had only a few houses and stores scattered about an open field, and all around there was a heavy stand of huge, virgin timber stretching for miles in every direction. Great elm, basswood, oak and maple grew in profusion; and in the shade of these gigantic trees to the south of Watertown our forefathers staked their claims, built their one or two room cabins, and began the tremendous task of clearing the land of timber, underbrush, and stones of which there were a generous supply.


"The life of the early settlers was difficult. While an abundance of fish of almost every variety was to be found in the Rock River, lying a half-mile to the west, and deer, bear and smaller game roamed the forest; it was some time before grain could be grown. Sickness was a frequent visitor, and unidentified fever striking the homes and especially the little children in them, taking a large number of little folk from the community. Money was very scarce, and about the only source the early settlers had was from the sale of wood ashes, sold at 7 cents a bushel for the making of soap, lye, soda, potash, etc., and from wages received from day laboring. They traded eggs for merchandise; and later when the railroad was built through and brick burning started in Watertown, hardwood sold for 75 cents a cord and opportunity for employment increased with the growth of industries. Meanwhile the soil was slowly being cleared; grain was planted, harvested by cradle cutting and hand bundling, threshed with a hand flail, and the chaff winnowed out on a windy day.


"As though to sustain them in their laborious utilizing of the opportunities in their new home, the Lord sent the Rev. John Frederick Fett into their midst. Our forefathers requested this pioneer home missionary, working among the German settlers of Milwaukee, to petition the Church's Headquarters at Bethlehem to send another home missionary to minister to them and other Germans in Jefferson County. This he did, and in the spring of 1853 the Rev. John Gottlob Kaltenbrunn, himself the product of the Diaspora work in Silesia and a former teacher and missionary there before coming to work amongst Moravians in New York City, arrived and started to minister in the vicinity of Watertown. Under God the beginning of our Moravian Church's Christian work in this neighborhood centers around the personality of this man -- a man of great energy, faithfulness and abounding love to God and man. From the days of his arrival in early May 1853, Father Kaltenbrunn, as he has come to be called, lived in a house owned by Brother Klatte. Here the first gatherings were held, and on June 17th the Congregation was duly organized, the official drawing up being in the hands of a notary public named Seabury. Those forming the membership of the Congregation, first called 'The Moravian Church in the Town of Watertown' were: Friederick Strehlow, Ludwig Klatte, Ferdinand Flath, Julius Witte, Joachim Hans, Carl Hans, Julius Hans, Gotthilf Strehlow, August Klausch, Gottfried Botzel, Jacob Klar, Friederick Gerbsch, and Gustaf Eberle. The last two named were from Watertown.



"In the fall of 1853 a long, low-roofed log house was built upon 10 acres of land owned by a certain Mr. Collins, this serving as a parsonage, schoolhouse, and gathering place for the Congregation. Meanwhile, following his enthusiastic reception and the extending of every inducement to settle, Brother Kaltenbrunn returned to New York and moved his own and the other German families he had been serving to the Watertown area, this with the help of the New York Home Missionary Society. By the following year the parsonage had become too small for the gatherings in as much as additional families were joining the Congregation right along. For that reason the thoughts of the people turned to the erection of a church. Because of the straightened circumstances of the settlers' finances, and because the Watertown brethren were thinking of forming their own congregation, it was not possible to carry out their plans without outside help. For this reason the pastor undertook a collecting journey among the congregations in the East. In many of these tangible interest was manifested, and about $500 were contributed toward the new project. Of this amount $40 was given for the purpose of buying a lot upon which they intended to build a schoolhouse.


"Dedication of the completed sanctuary took place on October 5, 1856.


"Who captured the 'firsts'? The first baptism recorded in the church register was that of Nanni Dorothea, daughter of Friederick Strehlow and his wife, Maria Dorothea Menge, born March 5, 1853, and baptized in the home of her parents on April 8, 1853. Her sponsors, the first for Ebenezer, were: Ludwig Klatte, Julius Hans and Dorothea Hans. The first confirmation Class occurred in the year 1856 and consisted of three young people: Gotthilf Theodore Buchholz, Friederick Mueller, and Elizabeth Straub. The first wedding was that of Martin Julius Hans, farmer in town of Watertown, born on March 23, 1827 in Saratoga, Brandenburg, Germany (son of Joachim Hans and Dorothea Jure), and Albertine Emelie Witte, born on February 18, 1830 in Ludwigsthal, Brandenburg. They were married on July 7, 1853, and the witnesses were Julius Witte and Ferdinand Flath. The first funeral was that of Joachim Hans, who died on June 13th and was buried June 15th 1853. He was one of those buried south of the parsonage, and later disinterred to rest on the hillside. The first regular church service was held Whitsunday, May 15, 1853, although the organization took place a month later on June 17, 1853. (1)




(1) Encyclopedia of German-American Genealogical Research, pp. 53-54.



Bethany Moravian Church History



"Bethany Moravian congregation was organized one hundred years ago after the arrival of a group of four Moravian families immigrating from Ebenezer, Wisconsin, to Minnesota, when the call of 'young men go west' was eminent and where they could purchase land at a low cost which was very rich and productive to raise crops. They needed wheat, corn, grain and hay to feed their horses and cattle, vegetables for the home, wood to burn, logs and lumber to build homes and shelter for livestock. These four families by the names of Ferdinand Strehlow, August Strehlow, William Buchholz, and Ferdinand Hans immigrated from Ebenezer, Wisconsin, Jefferson County, on March 9th 1864, to Winona County, Minnesota, by horse and wagon, arriving six days later on March 15th. They settled in the Northwest corner of Utica Township, calling the spot Bethany, where they purchased land, built homes, and served their Lord and Master by having services and prayer meetings in their homes until a chapel or meeting place could be established. Soon other groups joined them.


" ... This small group of four families purchased five acres of land from Ferdinand Hans for $160 and he donated five acres more making a total of 10 acres on which they built a chapel and parsonage, and provided space for a cemetery. On July 1, 1867, a joint chapel and parsonage was started and built by Rev. Reuswig who also was a carpenter and handyman, working five days a week until the building was completed. On July 6th 1867, a small group of 14 adults and three children met in the home of Ferdinand Hans, now the home of Mr. and Mrs. Meinert Nienow, and organized the Bethany Moravian Mission Church. It consisted of the following members: Henrich and Katarina Reuswig, Christian and Maria Buchholz, Daniel and Maria Strehlow, Gottlieb and Wilhelmina Menge, Ferdinand and Wilhelmina Hans, August and Amanda Strehlow, Wilhelm and Louise Buchholz, and three children, Eli and Marie Strehlow and Emma Buchholz.


"On August 12th, Rev. Reuswig and family moved into the partly finished building and on October 27th this building was dedicated. For many years after Rev. Reuswig built his own home it was used as a combined parochial school and teacher's residence. Rev. Reuswig purchased five acres of land across the highway north in Norton Township and built his own home. After his retirement from the ministry there, the congregation purchased it and used it as a parsonage for many years. In 1920 a new parsonage was built and the old parsonage was sold and used as a private home up to this date."


"Before we let the picture of these early pioneer days fade from our vision in our reminiscing, let us return once more to Bethany's beginning, for a closer acquaintance with the every day life activities of its people, and on down through the years.


"Beginning then with the first four families who came from the Ebenezer, Wisconsin, area and settled here in the area of Bethany, most information regarding these families have been handed down from generation to generation, and carefully preserved in memory to be recorded with as much accuracy as possible. This is hopefully possible, mainly because some of their descendants of the third and fourth generation are still residents here and members of the Bethany Congregation!


"Their mode of travel from Wisconsin to Minnesota was, of course, by horse and covered wagon. Their plan was to travel westward as far as Mankato, Minnesota. One of the group, August Strehlow by name, had worked in the Mankato area previously during the harvest season, and took a liking to the farming territory there.


"Having passed through the Winona settlement, their travel trail led them up and over the Stockton Hill and onward through the beautiful valley. But it was here at the summit of the hill, that the little caravan came to a halt, to rest both themselves and their road weary horses. At this point of their journey, the women of the group had become discouraged by the long trek. Thus from weariness and fear of whatever obstacles might be encountered on the way, they gave way to tears. A short distance away from the trail, they spied a huge oak tree, lying prone on the ground. Together they went to this tree and knelt there to pray. However, their gallant husbands cheered them on. For had they not that very morning on reading the Daily Text, been assured of God's continual guidance?


"Continuing onward, then through the valley arriving on the more level land about one mile eastward of Bethany, the scene looked inviting. Upon inquiring, they found that land could be purchased in this very area. The women of the group were quite content to settle down to begin their new life right here. Thus it was that Ferdinand Hans and wife purchased the farm place now owned by Mr. and Mrs. Meinert Nienow".


Editor's note: It was from this congregation that Ferdinand Hans and others migrated to the Fargo, North Dakota area and established churches at Goshen, Canaan, etc. The minister of Bethany traveled periodically to the Fargo area to hold services until they had their own pastors.


Gl. Joachim Hans was born 31 December 1787 in Frstenfelde, Frankfurt, Brandenburg, Germany. He was married in 1814 in Frstenfe1de, Germany, to Dorothea Elizabeth Juhre. Dorothea was born 13 August 1786 at Kustrin, Kalenzig, Landsberg, Germany. Dorothea was a nurse. Joachim was the first to be buried at the Ebenezer Moravian Church, Watertown, Wisconsin. He died 13 June 1853. Dorothea died 20 March 1877 at Watertown, Wisconsin, and was also buried at Ebenezer. They came to America in 1851. Four of the ohi1dren were left in Germany; Carl was reported to have preceded them to America; and the other six children accompanied the group to America.

G2-1. Carl Martin Hans, born 14 December 1818 at Frstenfelde, Germany; married (1) Ulrika Ernestina Henrietta Flath (sister to Ferdinand); (2) 1865 to Minnie Christine Mack;

G2-2. Friedrich Hans;

G2-3. William Hans (Wilhelm), born 9 May 1823; married Sophie Kleinschmidt; died 1 April 1907 at Friedrichshagen, Germany;

G2-4. Calinia Hans;

G2-5. Catalina Hans, married a Radock;

G2-6. Ernstina Hans, born 26 April 1825; married (1) Julius Witte; (2) 24 December 1858 to Christian Trachte; died 6 September 1890;

G2-7. Martin Julius Hans, born 23 February 1827 at Saratoga, Brandenburg, Germany; married 7 July 1853 to Emelie Witte; died 25 October 1900;

G2-8. Dorothea Wilhelmina Hans, born 20 March 1829 at Saratoga, Brandenburg, Germany; married 30 July 1854 to Ferdinand Flath; died 10 October 1911;

G2-9. Ernst Julius Hans, born 29 March 1833 at Frstenfelde, Germany; married 14 August 1855* to Alvina Wegener; died 15 August 1915;

G2-10. Amalia Hans, born 18 June 1835; married 30 April 1854 to Ferdinand Wegener; died 21 August 1911;

G2-11. August Ferdinand Hans, born 22 September 1837; married (1) 18 March 1859 to Minnie Strelow; (2) 17 July 1868 to Wilhelmine (Minna) Schoechert; died 2 July 1893;

(*Ernst and Alvina's marriage date is recorded as above at the Ebenezer Moravian Church; Jefferson County marriage records indicate 14 November 1855 (date of recording?)


Joachim's will is recorded in the Probate Court in Jefferson County, Wisconsin, and states that he left everything to his widow, Dorothea. (Editor's note: this seems to be very unusual for the times, as women usually did not own property)




Joachim and his wife Dorothy Hans, together with six of their children and other Moravians, came to America in 1851 on an old freight boat converted for passengers. They were on the way eleven weeks. They encountered a storm at sea when all three masts broke off. They fixed them up again and arrived at New York. Dr. Ringer at New York welcomed them for Sunday dinner.


He had come before and was a cousin of Amelia and Julius Witte, perhaps Albertine Witte Keil's brother's son. Albertine Witte was the mother of Amelia and Julius Witte. While aboard ship they almost ran out of food. They were promised plum pudding, but all they got was a batter of rye flour cooked with prune pits of which the pulp had been eaten. (More about this trip can be found in the Ebenezer Moravian Church History)

"From New York, they came to Watertown, Wisconsin on the train. In Buffalo, New York, they lost a valuable box of goods from Germany. The material was to be made into suits and dresses. The box was never returned and meant a great loss to them.


" ... They were all farmers while in Germany. They sold their farms so they could come to America. They all settled around Ebenezer and bought little farms. Their homes were made of logs. They had to cut down the tree to clear the land. Money was very hard to make. Trees were burned and the ashes were sold for charcoal. This and eggs were sold or traded for goods. The Indians lived along the Rock River. When they would go to town for supplies the Indians stole their meat, which were in barrels in the woodshed.

The main reason for their coming to America was to give their children a better start in life. In Germany the Diaspora Moravians sent deacons over in Germany where they had lived to get more spiritual life between the people. The Landeskirchie, which is the government church, had not much spiritual life. There was one case of a poor boy that did not have his money so he had to wait for the congregation to pay for the confirmation. The minister put him back a year because he could not pay.


"Niedershuh and his wife Caroline were sent there from the head of the Moravian Church trying to get more spiritual life among their people but could not build a church. In the forenoon they had to go to the government church where it was common for the preacher and teacher to go into a tavern in the afternoon and this they thought nothing of. They had the Bible in school so it was not hard for them to understand what was wrong and right. They had sociable gatherings, like Bruderfest, sisterfest, adultfest, and also lovely spiritual gatherings, from the different villages. Here is where the Christian spirit started. (When) They came over to America their first longing was to have a Moravian Church. They sent a letter to Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, asking for a minister.


"Father Kaltenbrunn, who was a schoolteacher in New York came to Ebenezer in 1853. The Church was a brick structure with two rows of wooden benches. Father Kaltenbrunn sat on a wooden bench painted white. The seat was covered (with) black broadcloth. Everyone joined in building the church. Julius Witte (first husband of Ernstina (Hans) Witte Trachte, died of typhoid fever at the age of 35. He left two children, Emil and John ... " ... Father Kaltenbrunn had wonderful prayer meetings. They could notice the Holy Spirit was with them. Even the Sisters would take part in prayer. They had prayer meeting sometimes twice a week in the homes and church. My mother, Emilie Hans walked to church where trees were fallen over. She stumbled in the dark but would get up again and run through the woods. It was about two miles to church. That shows how much they loved their church, nobody wanted to stay home. A family by the name of Klaush who lived on the river road, made a snow plow of board, so his wife could follow him in the track so they could go to church."


(Notes from Meta Nienow's talks with Emma Trachte)


Family legend reports that Carl, the oldest son of Joachim and Dorothy Hans, was the first to come to America. It also was thought that he first settled in the Horicon, Wisconsin, area.


Joachim and Dorothy Hans left four of their children in Germany: Friedrich, a farmer; William, a teacher and musician; Calinia, a baker; and Calinia who was married to a Radock, who was a teacher and organist.

Dorothea was a trained nurse. She spent her last years with her daughters Mrs. Flath and Ernstina Trachte. Wilhelmina Flath took care of her in her log house. Flath's had built a new house which later burned down. Dorothea died at the age of 82; had only 50 cents in her purse. She had a cow by which she supported herself. At her funeral were 80 teams. She never accepted pay when she helped sick people. (Editor's note: what a heart break it must have been for her when so many of her grand children did not survive infancy.)


























Ernstina (Hans) Witte Trachte

Dorothea (Hans) Flath

Amalia (Hans) Wegener


Carl Hans

Friedrich (Fritz) Hans and Wife


G2-1. Carl Martin Hans, son of Joachim and Dorothea Elizabeth (Juhre) Hans, was born 14 December 1818 at Frstenfelde, Brandenburg, Germany. He was married (1) to Ulrika Flath, sister to Ferdinand; (2) in 1885 to Minnie Christina Mack. U1rika was born 5 November 1821 at Saratoga, Brandenburg, Germany, and died 1 April 1864 at Watertown, Wisconsin, and is buried on Ebenezer Moravian Cemetery. They lived in the Ebenezer Moravian Church vicinity after having settled in the Horicon, Wisconsin area first. It is then reported that he went to Valentine, Nebraska, as a fur trader, then came back to Ebenezer and lived near the Zilkee farm (this reported by Emma Trachte). After U1rika's death, he married Minnie Mack who was born 9 December 1825. Information re Carl after his second marriage could not be substantiated.


     G3-1. Anna Marie Pauline Hans, born 24 January 1854 at Watertown, Wisconsin; died 15 February 1854;

     G3-2. Carl Herman Hans, born 12 December 1854 at Watertown, Wisconsin; died 29 December 1854 at Watertown;

     G3-3. Carl Gustav Hans, born 2 March 1856 at Watertown, Wisconsin; died 15 May 1857 at Watertown, Wisconsin;

     G3-4. Carl Johannes Hans, born 13 March 1857 at Watertown, Wisconsin; died 21 November 1857 at Watertown, Wisconsin;

     G3-5. Carl Friedrich Hans, born 5 March 1859; (we think) married Mary Brasch;

     G3-6. Carl Ernst Hans, born 14 November 1861; died 27 January 1862;

     G3-7. Friedrich Wilhelm Hans, born 19 March 1864; died 1864.




G3-5 Carl Friedrich Hans, son of Carl Martin and U1rike (Flath) Hans, was born 5 March 1859. In the 1910 census for Stanton County, Nebraska, we find the following information:


Fred Hans born 5 March 1859; Mary Brasch, born August 1859, died 27 February 1909; children:


     G4-1. Oscar Hans, born May 1886;

     G4-2. Carl Hans, born March 1889;

G4-3. Ella Hans, born April 1893, married D. Millburn;

G4-4. Freddie Hans, born 4 March 1895;

G4-5. Pearl Hans, born 28 March 1898.


























Present Day Ebenezer Moravian Church,

Watertown, Wisconsin


*This information comes from Giu1io Vog1iano.


G2-3. *Wilhelm (William) Hans, son of Joachim and Elizabeth (Juhre) Hans, was born 9 May 1823. He was married to Sophie Kleinschmidt, daughter of Karl Fr. and Sophie (Rese) Kleinschmidt. Sophie was born 17 April 1824 at Zellin, Germany; died 22 March 1897 at Friedrichshagen, Germany. Wilhelm died 1 April 1907 at Friedrichshagen, Germany. Wilhelm was a teacher and musician. (They had thirteen children, 7 sons, and 6 daughters.)


G3-1. Emil Hans, born 2 April 1849 at Barwalde, Germany; married Emma Schmidt; died 27 March 1924 at Frankfurth/Oder, Germany;

G3-2. Helene Hans;

G3-3. Elise Hans;

G3-4. Marie Hans;

G3-5. Auguste Hans;

G3-6. Daughter;

G3-7. Daughter;

G3-8. Son who came to America;

G3-9. Ernst Paul Hans, born 5 August 1861; married Johanna Koster; died 18 December 1948 at Berlin, Germany;

G3-10. Wilhelm Hans married Anna.

G3-11. Son;

G3-12. Son;

G3-13. Son.


G3-1 Emil Hans, son of Wilhelm and Sophie (Kleinschmidt) Hans was born 2 April 1849 at Barwa1de, Germany. He married Emma Schmidt, who died in Frankfurth/Oder in 1909. Emil died 27 March 1924 at Frankfurth/Oder, Germany.

G4-1. Gertrud, born 1885; died 1909 in Frankfurth/Oder;

G4-2. Margarete Hans, born 4 April 1888 at Halberstadt, Germany; married Carl Gutersohn; died 2 July 1949 at Berlin, Germany.

G4-2. Margarete Hans, daughter of Emil and Emma (Schmidt) Hans, was born 4 April 1888 at Halberstadt, Germany and married Carl Gutersohn. Margaret died 2 July 1949 at Berlin, Germany. Carl was born 15 June 1873 at Wesel, Germany; and died 19 June 1911 at Frankfurth/Oder, Germany.


G5-1. Hans Wolfram Gutersohn, married Else Garbe;

G5-2. Edith Gutersohn, born 20 June 1910; married Bruno Just; died 25 March 1935 at Lych/Ostpreussen.


G5-1. Hans Wolfram Gutersohn, son of Carl and Margaret (Hans) Gutersohn, was married to Else Garbe. Else was born 1 April 1913 at Lampersdorf Kr. Oels, Schlesian. Hans was born 7 January 1909 at Leipzig.


G6-1. Peter Gutersohn, born 22 February 1940 at Berlin, Germany; married Eva Lotte Fromme.

G6-2,3. Gerd Gutersohn, born 6 July 1945 at Boizenburg; married Christa Seche1mann;

G6-2,3. Heike Gutersohn, born 6 July 1945 at Boizenburg; married Karl Hoves;


G6-1 Peter Gutersohn, son of Hans Wolfram and Else (Garbe) Gutersohn, was born 22 February 1940 at Berlin, Germany. He was married to Eva Lotte Fromme who was born 7 December 1942.


G7-1. Achim Gutersohn, born 16 February 1970 at Bocholt;

G7-2. Silvan Gutersohn, born 29 December 1972 at Bocbo1t;

G7-3. Vera Gutersohn, born 21 November 1974 at Bocho1t.



G6-2,3. Gerd Gutersohn, son of Hans Wolfram and Else (Garbe) Gutersohn, was born 6 July 1945 at Boizenburg. He married Christa Seche1mann, who was born 24 December 1949 at Wo11beck.


G6-2,3. Heike Gutersohn, daughter of Hans Wolfram and Else (Garbe) Gutersohn, was born 6 July 1945. She married Karl Hoves who was born 7 August 1932.

G7-1. Sabine Hoves, born 10 September 1973;

G7-2. Beate Hoves, born 24 May 1976.


G5-2 Edith Gutersohn, daughter of Carl and Margaret (Hans) Gutersohn, was born 20 June 1910 at Kustrin. She married Bruno Just. Edith died 25 March 1935 at Lyck/Ostpreussen. Bruno was born I June 1897 at Pa1nicken bei Hubnicken; and died November 1968 at Mnchen.


G6-1. Helga Just, born 14 March 1935 at Lyck/Ostpreussen; married to Rudi Hasel; died in 1969.



G3-9. Ernst Paul Hans, son of Wilhelm and Sophie (Kleinschmidt) Hans, was born 5 August 1861 at Zackerick Kr. Konigsberg, Newn. He was married on 10 April 1896 to Johanna Koster, daughter of Johann Friedrich and Ernestine Pauline (Hosenfe1der) Koster. Johanna was born 19 July 1874 at Berlin, Germany; died 21 December 1950 at Berlin, Germany. Paul died 18 December 1948 at Berlin, Germany. He owned a paper products store in Berlin near Check Point Charlie. The store was operated until 1963 by one of the daughters after Paul's death. After the Berlin Wall was built the people were not allowed to come that close and the business dwindled until finally there wasn't enough to keep it going. Paul had five daughters which grandson Giulio considered a problem to get them married off. Paul fixed up two rooms in the bottom of his house to rent out to students and professors at the University. Two of these professors ended up marrying two of Paul Hans's daughters, one of which was Giulio's mother.


G4-1. Elsbeth, born 1 April 1897; died 18 April 1983;

G4-2. Margarete, born 20 March 1898 at Berlin, Germany; married Robert Neymans; died 24 April 1940 at Berlin, Germany;

G4-3. Johanna Hans, born 3 September 1899; married Paul Herman Beckmann; died 1969 in Berlin, Germany;

G4-4. Sophie Hans, born 19 October 1900 at Berlin, Germany; died September 1969 at Berlin, Germany;

G4-5. Charlotte Hans, born 1 May 1904; married Achille Aldo Stefano Vogliano.


G4-2. Margarete Hans, daughter of Ernst Paul and Johanna (Koster) Hans, was born 20 March 1898 at Berlin, Germany. She was married to Robert Neymans. She died 24 April 1940 at Berlin, Germany. Robert was born 29 March 1892.


G5-1. Ingeborg Neymans, born 4 March 1921.


G5-1. Ingeborg Neymans, daughter of Robert and Margarete (Hans) Neymans, was born 4 March 1921.

G6-1. Roman Neymans, born 4 March 1944.


G4-3. Johanna Hans, daughter of Ernst Paul and Johanna (Koster) Hans, was born 3 September 1899; died 1969 at Berlin, Germany. She was married to Paul Hermann Beckmann, who was born 21 May 1900 at Witten/Ruhr and died in 1980. They were divorced.


G4-5. Charlotte Hans, daughter of Ernst Paul and Johanna (Koster) Hans, was born 1 May 1904. She was married to Achille Aldo Stefano Vogliano. Achille was born 17 October 1881 at Florence, Italy. He died 28 June 1953 at Berlin, Germany. Achille was a Professor of German, Latin, and Ancient Egyptian in Berlin. He came from Italy to teach in Berlin. He also went to Egypt to do research. Crocodiles in Egypt are considered sacred. Crocodiles had been wrapped in papyrus paper and on this paper were inscriptions written in Egyptian hieroglyphics and apparent translation in Greek. He went there to study this and found a key to interpret other Egyptian writings. Charlotte still resides in Berlin.


G5-1. German Vogliano, born 5 July 1931; married Wilma Rossl;

G5-2. Giulio Vogliano, born 29 September 1936; married 24 January 1984 to Dorit Hechler.

G5-l. German Vogliano, son of Achille Aldo Stefano and Charlotte (Hans) Vogliano, was born 5 July 1931. He was married to Wilma Rossl. Wilma was born 13 October 1940 in Oberwart, Austria. German is an engineer and resides in Berlin.

G6-1. Alexandra Vogliano, born 2 July 1969;

G6-2. Michaela Vogliano, born 18 February 1973.


G5-2 Giulio Vogliano, son of Achille Aldo Stefano and Charlotte (Hans) Vogliano, was born 29 September 1936. He was married 24 January 1964 to Dorit Hechler at Berlin. Dorit was born 19 March 1935 in Potsdam. Giulio is a market analyst and lives in Buchholz, Germany.


G3-10 William Hans, Jr., son of Wilhelm (William) and Sophie (Kleinschmidt) Hans, was married to Anna.


G4-1. Walter Hans;

G4-2. Maximilian Hans; married;

G4-3. Weimer Hans;

G4-4. Kate Hans;

G4-5. Lotte Hans; married Ehemann;

G4-6. Grete Hans, married Pastor Frommhold.





G2-6. Ernstina Hans, daughter of Joachim and Dorothea Elizabeth (Juhre) Hans, was born 26 April 1825 in Germany. She was married in Germany to Julius Witte, son of Julius and Albertine Witte. Julius was born 19 January 1818 at Ludwigtha1 by Landsberg, Germany. Julius died 13 November 1856 at Watertown, Jefferson County, Wisconsin. He was buried on the Ebenezer Moravian Cemetery. In the Meta Nienow notes is recorded the following comment from Emma Trachte: "The first house built on the John Witte farm was built by Julius Witte. He was a very fine man -- a quiet man. He did a lot of hard work when the church was built."


G3-1. Franz Emil Witte, born 16 January 1850; married 22 February 1877 to Anna Theresa Yaeck; died 23 April 1903;

G3-2. Johannes (John) Witte, born 15 August 1856; married 20 March 1883 to Emilie Ida Ulm; died 6 March 1916.

Ernstina Hans married (2) Friedrich Christian Trachte 24 December 1858 at Watertown, Wisconsin. His parents were Christoph and Charlotte (Blome) Trachte. His birth date was 24 June 1830 and he died 18 October 1915. Ernstina died 6 September 1890. Following her death, Christian Trachte moved into an apartment which had originally been built onto the William Trachte home for Albertine Kile, mother of Julius Witte. He resided there until his death.


G3-3. William Frederick Trachte, born 27 October 1859; married Emma Elizabeth Hans, 27 October 1887; died 26 July 1926.

















Emil Witte. John Witte



Christian Trachte

Ernstina Trachte

William Trachte










Notes from Meta Nienow re Witte family:


Albertine (mother of Julius and Amelia) lived in Napoleon's time in Ludwigsthal, Germany, on a farm on the shore of the Oder River. They were very rich, but lost all during the Napoleonic War. (Note says home of Edwin, grandfather.)


Albertine came over later with her son, Herman. He was a carpenter in St. Louis, Missouri. After her first husband died (Julius Witte), she married again, but he was a spendthrift and she divorced him, sold her 60 A. farm for a good price, came to USA and gave the money to Julius Witte, her son, and built the house and apartment for herself.


When Julius (her son) died, his wife married Christian Trachte and had one son, William. Mrs. Albertine Rehel (Rail) did not feel at home there and went to Minnesota to her daughter Amelia Hans. She had no place there and after a year or two returned to Wisconsin. Her two room apartment which she had built for herself was now occupied by Christian Trachte, Sr., who came to live with his son Christian and Ernestina. So she lost her house and possessions. She moved into a small house across the road and later died there alone when her two daughters came to see her.


The Wittes lived at Landsberg on the Warthe(?) River, a branch of the Oder River. It was from this vicinity a colony of 30 including the Hanses and Wittes in 1852 rigged up an old freight ship with three masts and migrated to America arriving in eleven weeks at New York.


Wittes--dark hair and eyes, short;

Hans--blue eyes and blond, tall.


Great-grandma (Albertine Kile) was quite wealthy. The daughters for their wedding dresses got a silk dress and calico dress (I think it says $1 a yard --EK). The hood for their weddings were trimmed with pure gold and cost $30 each and the shawls $30 of silk. Her sister was married at the same time at a double wedding and the husbands were brothers. In Germany Albertina's brother had a nice farm and Holstein cows and Julius Witte was placed there to learn farming.


(These notes were from information given by Emma Trachte to Meta Nienow and recorded by the latter.)


Children of second marriage of Albertine to Rehel (Rehl)


1. Herman, lived at St. Louis, Missouri; died of yellow fever or malaria;

2. Paulina, lived at Watertown, Wisconsin; married August Negeman:

1. Albert

2. Chris

3. Otto

4. Arthur

5. Max

3. Female (Married teacher in Germany--Meyer--Meier?

(Due to the fact that the above information was probably given in German and orally, some may be in error.)




Albertine (Witte) Rehel
















G3-1. Franz Emil Witte, son of Julius and Ernstina (Hans) Witte, was born 16 January 1850 at Ludwigsthal, Landsberg, Germany. He was married 22 February 1877 at Watertown, Wisconsin, to Anna Theresa Yaeck, daughter of Carl (Karl) and Henriette (Paschmann) Yaeck*. Anna was born 20 May 1856, town of Farmington, Jefferson County, Wisconsin. Emil died 23 April 1903 at Watertown, Wisconsin, of axe wound complicated by diabetes. Anna died 3 September 1939 at Lake Mills, Wisconsin. Both are buried on Ebenezer Moravian Cemetery, Watertown, Wisconsin.


G4-1. Max Arthur Witte, born 11 April 1878 at Watertown, Wisconsin; married 24 November 1904 to Clara Lydia Trachte; died 22 December 1961;

G4-2. Lydia Eleonora Witte, born 22 February 1881 at Watertown, Wisconsin; married 22 February 1900 to Paul Hans; died 23 September 1919 at Bismarck, North Dakota;

G4-3. Edwin Emil Witte, born 7 April 1882 at Watertown, Wisconsin; married 2 September 1916 to Florence Rimsnider; died 20 May 1960;

G4-4. Ella Witte, born 4 May 1888 at Watertown, Wisconsin; married 25 August 1909 to George Eichmann, died 22 February 1958;

G4-5. Agine Ester Witte, born 21 September 1897 at Watertown, Wisconsin; married 21 October 1920 to Herbert Kant; died 4 September 1977.


*Immigration papers spell the name Yaecke.


Anna Yaeck Witte

Franz Emil Witte





G4-1. Max Arthur Witte, son of Emil and Anna Theresa (Yaeck) Witte, was born 11 April 1878. He was married 24 November 1904 to Clara Lydia Trachte. Clara was born 18 May 1882. Max died 22 December 1961 at Madison, Wisconsin. Max was a farmer until 1926 when he moved to Madison where he was a sheet metal worker for Trachte Bros. Co. Clara died 28 May 1984, just ten days after her 102 birthday.

    G5-1. Violet Laura Witte, born 17 December 1905 at Watertown, Wisconsin; married 12 June 1926 to Oscar August William Jahnke;

    G5-2. Estella Olivia Witte, born 24 July 1908 at Watertown, Wisconsin; married 5 September 1930 to Irvin Julius Hermsmeier;

    G5-3. Anita Ruth Witte, born 6 January 1910 at Watertown, Wisconsin; married 27 July 1934 to Edward Clement Check;

    G5-4. Rosetta Charlotte Witte, born 10 July 1911 at Watertown, Wisconsin; married 9 June 1932 to Norman Morgan Vethe;

    G5-5. Ruby Grace Witte, born 20 November 1914 at Watertown, Wisconsin; married 8 June 1940 to Frank Ernest. Boy;

    G5-6. Clarice Evangeline Florence Witte, born 27 April 1920 at Watertown, Wisconsin; married 16 June 1942 John Frederick Wintermantel;

    G5-7. Sylvia Joy Witte, born 7 October 1925 at Watertown, Wisconsin; married 17 July 1954 to Lee Norman Hammersley.



by Ruby (Witte) Boy


"The memories I treasure most from my parents Max and Clara, is faithfully reading the scriptures every day with the family and kneeling down to pray. They were a wonderful inspiration for all."







Max and Clara Witte's Golden wedding

Max and Clara with their seven

daughters L to R: Sylvia Hammersley,

Ruby Boy, Rosetta Vethe, Max Witte,

Estella Hermsmeier, Clara Witte, Violet Jahnke, Anita Check, Clarice Wintermantel




G5-1. Violet Laura Witte, daughter of Max Arthur and Clara Lydia (Trachte) Witte, was born 17 December 1905 at Watertown, Wisconsin. She was married 12 June 1926 at Ebenezer Moravian Church to Oscar August William Jahnke, son of August and Emma (Mohr) Jahnke. Oscar was born 27 August 1903 at Ixonia, Wisconsin; died 24 March 1989 at Madison, Wisconsin; buried Glenview Memorial Gardens, Ixonia, Wisconsin. Violet resides in Watertown, Wisconsin.


G6-1. Dolores Jane Jahnke, born 11 September 1929 at Watertown, Wisconsin; married 27 December 1950 to Robert William Grunewald, died 8 May 1974;

G6-2. Myron Jahnke, born 16 March 1937 at Watertown, Wisconsin; married 23 July 1960 to Charlene Zick;

G6-3. Kenneth Lyn Jahnke, born 25 January 1939 at Watertown, Wisconsin; married 3 June 1962 to Ellen Laurel Ewing;

G6-4. Darlene Jahnke, born 4 December 1942 at Watertown, Wisconsin; married 1 July 1961 to Carl Seeber.


G6-1. Dolores Jane Jahnke, daughter of Oscar A. and Violet Laura (Witte) Jahnke, was born 11 September 1929 at Watertown, Wisconsin. She was married 27 December 1950 at Watertown, Wisconsin, to Robert William Grunewald, son of Carl and Viola (Griep) Grunewald. Robert was born 7 June 1930 at Watertown, Wisconsin, and died 25 May 1977 in Forsythe, Georgia. Dolores died 8 May 1974 at Oconomowoc, Wisconsin. Both are buried at Glenview Memorial Gardens, Ixonia, Wisconsin.


G7-1. Wayne Lyle Grunewald, born 17 December 1951 at Riverside, California; married 5 July 1975 to Mary Jane Geib;

G7-2. Stanley Dale Grunewald, born 31 July 1953 at Riverside, California; married 4 May 1974 to Linda Bence.


G7-1. Wayne Lyle Grunewald, son of Robert William and Dolores (Jahnke) Grunewald, was born 17 December 1951 at Riverside, California. He was married 5 July 1975 at Oconomowoc, Wisconsin to Mary Jane Geib, daughter of Henry and Mary (O'Donnell) Geib. Mary was born 3 January 1954 at Watertown, Wisconsin. They reside at Appleton, Wisconsin.


G8-1. Michelle Lynn Grunewald, born 10 February 1977 at Arlington Heights, Illinois;

G8-2. Sarah June Grunewald, born 8 October 1978 at Neenah, Wisconsin;

G8-3. Craig Robert Grunewald, born 8 July 1980 at Neenah, Wisconsin.



G7-2. Stanley Dale Grunewald, son of Robert William and Dolores (Jahnke) Grunewald, was born 31 July 1953 at Riverside, California. He was married 4 May 1974 at Oconomowoc, Wisconsin, to Linda Susan Bence, daughter of Gerald and Mildred (Schroeder) Bence. Linda was born 8 May 1951 at Watertown, Wisconsin. They reside at Oconomowoc, Wisconsin.


G8-1,1. Ryan Daniel Grunewald, born 14 December 1981 at Hartford, Wisconsin;

G8-1,2. Kelly Lynn Grunewald, born 14 December 1981 at Hartford, Wisconsin.


G6-2. Myron (Mike) Merle Jahnke, son of Oscar August William and Violet Laura (Witte) Jahnke, was born 16 March 1937 at Watertown, Wisconsin. He was married 23 July 1960 at Waukesha, Wisconsin, to Charlene Marian Zick, daughter of Matthew and Grace (Montgomery) Zick. Charlene was born 5 January 1939 at Waukesha, Wisconsin. They reside at Waukesha, Wisconsin.


G7-1. Robert Michael Jahnke, born 16 May 1961 at Waukesha, Wisconsin; married 2 June 1984 to Susan Ruth Henricks;

G7-2. Richard Allen Jahnke, born 20 August 1964 at Waukesha, Wisconsin; resides Tampa, Florida;

G7-3. Ronald David Jahnke, born 7 March 1969 at Waukesha, Wisconsin.


G7-1. Robert Michael Jahnke, son of Myron and Charlene (Zick) Jahnke, was born 16 May 1961 at Waukesha, Wisconsin. He was married 2 June 1984 at Waukesha, Wisconsin, to Susan Ruth Henricks, daughter of Arthur and Judy (Schoeneck) Henricks. Susan was born 23 June 1956 at Milwaukee, Wisconsin. They reside at Waukesha, Wisconsin.


G6-3. Kenneth Lyn Jahnke, son of Oscar August William and Violet Laura (Witte) Jahnke, was born 25 January 1939 at Watertown, Wisconsin. He was married 3 June 1962 at Lawton, Oklahoma, to Ellen Laurel Eving, daughter of Elmer and Lillian (Stotlar) Eving. Ellen was born 15 October 1940 at Lawton, Oklahoma. They reside at Wichita Falls, Texas.


G7-1. Shasta (Shay) Clare Jahnke, born 11 June 1966 at Wichita Falls, Texas; married 25 August 1984 to Jeffrey Lynn Arnold;

G7-2. Jill Laurel Jahnke, born 19 August 1969 at Wichita Falls, Texas.


G7-1. Shasta (Shay) Clare Jahnke, daughter of Kenneth Lyn and Ellen Laurel (Ewing) Jahnke, was born 11 June 1966 at Wichita Falls, Texas. She was married 25 August 1984 at Wichita Falls, Texas, to Jeffrey Lynn Arnold, son of Dennis and Barbara (Perrin) Arnold. Jeffrey was born 7 May 1964 at Wichita Falls, Texas. They reside at Galveston, Texas.


G6-4. Darlene Ann Jahnke, daughter of Oscar August William and Violet Laura (Witte) Jahnke, was born 4 December 1942 at Watertown, Wisconsin. She was married 1 July 1961 at Watertown, Wisconsin, to Carl John Seeber, son of Joseph and Irma (Iwen) Seeber. Carl was born 3 June 1937 at Watertown, Wisconsin. They reside at Watertown, Wisconsin.


G7-1. John Edward Seeber, born 10 September 1962 at Watertown, Wisconsin;

G7-2. Paul Glen Seeber, born 3 July 1964 at Watertown, Wisconsin;

G7-3. Andrew Russell Seeber, born 17 December 1965 at Watertown, Wisconsin.



Max and Clara Witte with their grandchildren

Golden Wedding anniversary of Max and Clara








Back row: Gerald Check, Ronald Hermsmeier, Delores Grunewald, Myron Jahnke, Julia Hermsmeier, Kenneth Jahnke.

Middle row: Sharon James, Max and Clara Witte, Darlene Seeber.

Front row: Fred Wintermantel, Carmen Vethe, Marla Muckala, Karen Wintermantel, Jana Wintermantel, Cosetta Rodefeld.



G5-2. Estella Olivia Witte, daughter of Max Arthur and Clara Lydia (Trachte) Witte, was born 24 July 1908 at Watertown, Wisconsin. She was married 5 September 1929 at Madison, Wisconsin, to Irvin Julius Hermsmeier, son of Martha (Hahn) Hermsmeier. Irvin was born 19 December 1906 at Madison, Wisconsin. They reside at Boulder Junction, Wisconsin. They started a florist business in Madison, which is being carried on by the third generation. It is named "Ronlies" after their children.

G6-1. Ronald Dean Hermsmeier, born 4 March 1931 at Madison, Wisconsin; married 24 July 1954 to Gertrude Irma Tschanz;

G6-2. Julie Ann Hermsmeier (adopted), born 6 July 1936 at Wauwatosa, Wisconsin; married (1) to Gerald Ott, div., (2) 30 January 1971 to Howard Warren Okum.

G6-1. Ronald Dean Hermsmeier, son of Irvin and Estella (Witte) Hermsmeier, was born 4 March 1931 at Madison, Wisconsin. He was married 24 July 1954 to Gertrude Irma Tschanz at Cottage Grove, Wisconsin. Gertrude was born 9 May 1932 at Blue Mounds, Wisconsin. Ronald took over the family florist business and is an ordained minister in the Word of Life church at Madison, Wisconsin.


G7-1. Dawn Marie Hermsmeier, born 16 December 1955 at Madison, Wisconsin; married 21 April 1979 to Ronald Garcia;

G7-2. Renee Ann Hermsmeier, born 6 October 1958; married 1 December 1978 to Ronald Alan Showers;

G7-3. Michael John Hermsmeier, born 5 January 1967 at Madison, Wisconsin.


G7-1. Dawn Marie Hermsmeier, daughter of Ronald Dean and Gertrude Irene (Tschanz) Hermsmeier, was born 16 December 1955 at Madison, Wisconsin. She was married 21 April 1979 to Ronald Garcia, son of Oscar and Santina Garcia. Ronald was born 1 December 1946 at Iron Mountain, Michigan. He graduated from Layton School of Art in Iron Mountain, Michigan; and is currently employed by Sub Zero Freezer Company as a draftsman-designer. Dawn is a floral designer for Ronlies Floral, a company founded by her grandparents.


G8-1. Justin Leigh Garcia, born 6 March 1985, (adopted);

G8-2. Kayla Maria Garcia, born 17 May 1989, (adopted).



G7-2. Renee Ann Hermsmeier, daughter of Ronald and Gertrude Hermsmeier, was born 6 October 1958 at Madison, Wisconsin. She was married 1 December 1978 to Ronald Alan Showers, son of William and Jaoque1ine Showers. Ronald was born 18 December 1955 at Madison, Wisconsin. He is currently employed at Sentry Foods in Sun Prairie, Wisconsin. Renee is a service representative for General Telephone in Sun Prairie, Wisconsin.


G8-1. Nichole Renee Showers, born 7 May 1981 at Madison, Wisconsin;

G8-2. Melissa Marie Showers, born 8 May 1983 at Madison, Wisconsin.

G6-2. Julie Ann Hermsmeier, adopted daughter of Irvin and Estella (Witte) Hermsmeier, was born 6 July 1936 at Wauwatosa, Wisconsin. She was married (1) Gerald Ott, div.; (2) 30 January 1971 at Los Angeles, California, to Howard Okum, son of Dr. Maurice D. and Shirley (Nesley) Okum. Howard was born 6 December 1936 at Cleveland, Ohio. Howard won the Louis I. Dublin Public Service Award for 1969, 1970, 1971, 1972 and 1973. Julie raises horses and is an outstanding horsewoman, actress, model and nurse. Both had previous marriages. Howard is a life insurance salesman, life member of Million Dollar Round Table.


G7-1. Joel Ott Okum, born 19 August 1960 at Torrance, California.


G5-3. Anita Ruth Witte, daughter of Max Arthur and Clara Lydia (Trachte) Witte, was born 6 January 1910 at Watertown, Wisconsin. She was married 27 July 1934 at Madison, Wisconsin, to Edward Clement Check, son of Thomas and Anna (Marra) Tomicek. Ed was born 18 March 1905 at Chicago, Illinois. He died 16 January 1979 at Madison, Wisconsin, of a heart condition. He is buried at Madison Roselawn Memorial Park.


G6-1. Gerald Dale Check, born 5 July 1937 at Madison, Wisconsin; married 17 July 1962 to Joan Marie Hanson;

G6-2. Sharon Lynn Check, born 26 April 1940 at Madison, Wisconsin; married 28 August 1965 to Philip James.



G6-1. Rev. Gerald Dale Check, son of Edward Clement and Anita Ruth (Witte) Check, was born 5 July 1937 at Madison, Wisconsin. He was married 17 July 1962 at Devils Lake, North Dakota, to Joan Marie Hanson, daughter of Rudolph Carl and Anna (Moen) Hanson. Joan was born 17 October 1938 at Devils Lake, North Dakota. Gerald is a Lutheran minister; Joan is an R. N. graduate of Fairview Hospital School of Nursing. The family hobbies include: cross-country skiing, reading, concerts, hiking and hauling wood for a wood furnace.


G7-1. Paul Edward Check, born 2 March 1964 at Cabri, Saskatchewan, Canada;

G7-2. Michael Rudolph Check, born 24 October 1965 at Rose Valley, Saskatchewan, Canada;

G7-3. Anita Ann Check, born 28 February 1970 at Eau Claire, Wisconsin; adopted.


G6-2. Sharon Lynn Check, daughter of Edward Clement and Anita Ruth (Witte) Check, was born 26 April 1940 at Madison, Wisconsin. She was married 28 August 1965 at Madison, Wisconsin, to Philip Benjamin James, son of Benjamin and Catharine (Bagley) James. Philip was born 18 March 1940 at Kansas City, Missouri. They reside at University City, Missouri.


G7-1. Eric Benjamin James, born 19 April 1967 at Urbana, Illinois;

G7-2. Kevin Philip James, born 21 August 1970 at St. Louis, Missouri;

G7-3. Kirsten Lynn James, born 17 December 1977 at Arcadia, California.


G5-4. Rosetta Charlotte Witte, daughter of Max Arthur and Clara Lydia (Trachte) Witte, was born 10 July 1911 at Watertown, Wisconsin. She was married 9 June 1932 at Madison, Wisconsin, to Norman Morgan Vethe, son of Nels and Martha (Rothe) Vethe. Norman was born 25 October 1903 at Sun Prairie, Wisconsin, and is a retired schoolteacher. He taught for forty-three years. They live at Watertown, Wisconsin.


G6-1. Cosette Sandra Vethe, born 19 March 1943 at Madison, Wisconsin; married 16 August 1962 to Richard Donald Rodefeld;

G6-2. Carmen Wayne Vethe, born 26 March 1945 at Madison, Wisconsin; married 11 March 1978 to Kay Ellen Klein.



G6-1. Cosette Sandra Vethe, daughter of Norman Morgan and Rosette Charlotte (Witte) Vethe, was born 19 March 1943 at Madison, Wisconsin. She was married 16 August 1962 to Richard Donald Rodefeld at Cottage Grove, Wisconsin. Richard was born 26 November 1943 at Madison, Wisconsin.


G7- 1. Christian Richard Rodefe1d, born 18 July 1969 at Madison, Wisconsin; died 3 April 1970 at Madison, Wisconsin;

G7- 2. Nels Christian Rodefe1d, born 1 June 1971 at Lansing, Michigan.


G6-2. Carmen Wayne Vethe, son of Norman and Rosetta (Witte) Vethe, was born 26 March 1945 at Madison, Wisconsin. He was married 11 March 1978 at Plymouth, Minnesota, to Kay Ellen Klein, daughter of John and Eleanor (Geffre) Klein. Kay was born 29 June 1944 at Aberdeen, South Dakota. Carmen is an engineer with GE; Kay is a teacher. They reside at Plymouth, Minnesota.


G7-1. Robyn Kay Vethe, born 27 November 1979 at Golden Valley, Minnesota;

G7-2. Luke Morgan Vethe, born 2 January 1982 at Golden Valley, Minnesota.


G5-5. Ruby Grace Witte, daughter of Max Arthur and Clara Lydia (Trachte) Witte, was born 20 November 1914 at Watertown, Wisconsin. She was married 8 June 1940 at Madison, Wisconsin, to Frank Ernest Boy, son of Charles Henry and Augusta (Schwanke) Boy. Frank was born 27 March 1909 at Madison, Wisconsin. Frank was an assistant Occupational Therapist and had a year of service in the medical branch of the Army. Ruby is a registered nurse. Frank retired in 1974.

G6-1. Kathlyn Ann Boy (adopted), born 19 January 1953 at Milwaukee, Wisconsin; married 20 December 1975 to Ross Bente, div.

G6-1. Kathlyn Ann Boy, daughter of Frank and Ruby (Witte) Boy, was born 19 January 1953 at Madison, Wisconsin. She was married 20 December 1975 at Madison, Wisconsin, to Ross Bente, son of Ellsworth and Frieda Bente. Ross was born 7 December 1949 at Oconomowoc, Wisconsin. Ross was an architect; Kathlyn is an environmentalist and a business manager. She resides at Jackson, Wyoming. They are divorced.



G5-6. Clarice Evangeline Flora Witte, daughter of Max Arthur and Clara Lydia (Trachte) Witte, was born 27 April 1920 at Watertown, Wisconsin. She was married 16 June 1942 at Madison, Wisconsin, to John Frederick Wintermantel, son of Fred and Laura (Witwen) Wintermantel. John was born 13 February 1919 at Prairie du Sac, Wisconsin. They reside at Minnetonka, Minnesota, where John is a chemist for General Mills. Clarice was a beautician before marriage.


G6-1. Fred Lynn Wintermantel, born 1 August 1943 at Memphis Tennessee; married 20 February 1983 to Sue Van Lehe;

G6-2. Marla Mae Wintermantel, born 2 November 1946 at St. Paul, Minnesota; married 10 June 1967 to Raymond Merle Muckala;

G6-3. Jana Jean Wintermantel, born 1 December 1949 at St. Paul, Minnesota;

G6-4. Karen Kay Wintermantel, born 11 March 1951 at St. Paul, Minnesota; married 13 June 1970 to Bernard Haase.


G6-1. Fred Lynn Wintermantel, son of John Frederick and Clarice Evangeline (Witte) Wintermantel, was born 1 August 1943 at Memphis, Tennessee. He was married 20 February 1983 to Sue Van Lehe at Duluth, Minnesota. Fred is a forester at Duluth, Minnesota.


G6-2. Marla Mae Wintermantel, daughter of John Frederick and Clarice Evangeline (Witte) Wintermantel, was born 2 November 1946 at St. Paul, Minnesota. She was married 10 June 1967 to Raymond Merle Muckala, who was born 8 August 1945 at Laverne, Minnesota. Ray owns a garage and is a mechanic. Marla tunes pianos. They reside in St. Paul, Minnesota.


G7-1. Christina Marie Mucka1a, born 2 December 1967 at Minneapo1is, Minnesota;

G7-2. Daniel John Mucka1a, born 20 August 1970 at Minneapolis, Minnesota;

G7-3. Joshua Merle Muoka1a, born 6 June 1985 at St. Pau1, Minnesota.

G7-4. David Raymond Mucka1a, born 16 August 1987 at St. Pau1, Minnesota.


G6-3. Jana Jean Wintermante1, daughter of John Frederick and Clarice Evangeline (Witte) Wintermante1, was born 1 December 1949 at St. Paul, Minnesota. She is a violin teacher; works in an office in St. Louis Park, Minnesota.


G6-4. Karen Kay Wintermantel, daughter of John Frederick and Clarice Evangeline (Witte) Wintermantel, was born 11 March 1951 at St. Paul, Minnesota. She was married 13 June 1970 to Bernard Haase. Both are social workers and Karen has a doctorate.


G7-1. Sean Michael Haase, born 6 October 1979 at Minneapolis, Minnesota.


G5-7. Sylvia Joy Witte, daughter of Max Arthur and Clara Lydia (Trachte) Witte was born 7 October 1925 at Ebenezer, Wisconsin. She was married 17 July 1954 at Madison, Wisconsin, to Lee Norman Hammersley, son of Mr. and Mrs. Morris Hammersley. Lee was born 14 April 1918 at Madison, Wisconsin. Lee was a Madison bus driver for thirty-three years, now retired. Hobbies were stamps, coins, and puzzles. Lee died 10 August 1988. Sylvia was a piano teacher and bookkeeper, now housewife; has a small collectible shop; was treasurer of church and other groups. She lives at Brooklyn, Wisconsin.


G4-2. Eleonora Lydia Witte, daughter of Emil and Anna (Yaeck) Witte, was born 22 February 1881 at Ebenezer, Wisconsin. She was married 22 February 1900 to Paul Hans, son of August Eerdinand and Wilhelmine Caroline (Schoechert) Hans. Paul was born 8 April 1875 at Bethany, Winona County, Minnesota. Eleonora died 23 September 1919 at Bismarck, North Dakota. Paul died 30 January 1945 at Fargo, North Dakota, and both are buried on Canaan Moravian Cemetery. They farmed on the Hans family homestead.

G5-1. Edwin Victor Hans, born 1 August 1901 at Addison Township, North Dakota; married 7 November 1936 to Marie Dittmer; died 18 December 1957;

G5-2. Vera Adeline Hans, born 7 March 1903; married 1 February 1923 to Reinhold Heuer;

G5-3. Esther Mable Hans, born 3 November 1904; married 27 November 1924 to Adolph Paul Heuer;

G5-4. Hubert Walter Hans, born 26 May 1906; married 4 June 1953 to Cecelia Florence Glasow; died 13 June 1977;

G5-5. Della Ruth Hans, born 26 September 1907 at Addison Township, North Dakota; died October 1986:

G5-6. Cora Leona Hans, born 4 September 1909 at Addison Township, North Dakota; married 15 December 1937 to Ronald Shoesmith;

G5-7. Elsie Grace Hans, born 8 August 1911 at Addison Township, North Dakota;

G5-8. Eleanora Anne Hans, born 7 September 1912 at Addison Township, North Dakota; married 27 November 1936 to Myrto Olaf Rood;

G5-9. Pearl Olive Hans, born 7 September 1914 at Addison Township, North Dakota; married 3 August 1937 to John Gillespie; died 6 June 1945;

G5-10. Clifford Witte Hans, born 23 October 1918 at Addison Township, North Dakota; died 9 March 1929 of ruptured appendix; buried Canaan Moravian Cemetery.




Vera, Esther, Della,

Cora, Elsie, Eleanora Hans





G5-1. Edwin Victor Hans, son of Paul and Eleonora Lydia (Witte) Hans, was born 1 August 1901 at Addison Township, North Dakota. He was married 7 December 1936 to Marie Dittmer, daughter of Edward John and Elizabeth (Roth) Dittmer. Marie was born 26 October 1911. Edwin died 18 December 1957 at Fargo, North Dakota, and is buried on Canaan Moravian Cemetery. He farmed all his life. Marie resides in a nursing home in Moorhead, Minnesota.


G5-2. Vera Adeline Hans, daughter of Paul and Eleonora Lydia (Witte) Hans, was born 7 March 1903. She was married 1 February 1923 by Rev. Kant at Canaan Moravian Church, to Reinhold Heuer, son of Carl and Otti1ia (Schultz) Heuer. Reinhold lived from 1894-1954. Vera lives in Fargo, North Dakota.


G5-3. Esther Mabel Hans, daughter of Paul and Eleonora Lydia (Witte) Hans, was born 3 November 1904. She was married 27 November 1924 to Adolph Paul Heuer, son of Carl and Ottilia (Schulz) Heuer. Adolph was born in 1900 and died 28 January 1951. They lived in the Davenport, North Dakota, area where Adolph was one of the first sugar beet growers in the valley. He raised purebred livestock. Adolph served as city assessor of Davenport village and was on the school board from 1941-1951. Many people will remember A. P. Heuer for the homemade bus, which transported the local players and cheerleaders to basketball games.


G6-1. Carl Heuer, born 11 April 1929 at Fargo, North Dakota; married 14 February 1954 to Wilma A. Miller;

G6-2. Ruby Heuer, born 12 October 1934; married 22 November 1962 to Donald Forbes.


G6-1. Carl C. Heuer, son of Adolph Paul and Esther Mabel (Hans) Heuer, was born 11 April 1929 at Fargo, North Dakota. He was married 14 February 1954 at the Canaan Moravian Church, Davenport, North Dakota, to Wilma A. Miller, daughter of Emil R. and Clara Louise (Miller) Miller. Wilma was born 20 August 1934 at Durbin, North Dakota. Carl is a farmer and served on church boards; also was the fire chief in Davenport. Wilma likes gardening and scrapbooks. They spend their winters in Arizona.


G7-1. Paul Carl Heuer, born 18 March 1955 at Fargo, North Dakota;

G7-2. Lori Ann Heuer, born 2 August 1960 at Fargo, North Dakota; died 18 March 1961 of congenital heart problems.



G6-2. Ruby Heuer, daughter of Adolph Paul and Esther Mable (Hans) Heuer, was born 12 October 1934 at Fargo, North Dakota. She was married 22 November 1962 at Golden, Colorado, to Donald Forbes, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Forbes. Donald was born 26 November 1933 at Greeley, Colorado. Donald is owner of a lawn maintenance firm; Ruby is an elementary art teacher in the Jefferson County Schools.


G7-1. Carla Forbes, born 14 November 1963 at Wheatridge, Colorado; married 17 June 1989 to William Antoine Kelly;

G7-2. James Forbes, born 17 July 1965 at Wheatridge, Colorado;

G7-3. Julie Forbes, born 7 February 1967 at Wheatridge, Colorado;

G7-4. Leslie Forbes, born 30 November 1968 at Wheatridge, Colorado; married 4 March 1989 to Gerard Fransis Lutz.


G7-1. Carla Forbes, daughter of Donald and Ruby (Heuer) Forbes, was born 14 November 1963 at Wheatridge, Colorado. She was married 17 June 1989 to William Antoine Kelly, son of William and Cecile Kelly, Jr., at Washington, D. C.


G7-4. Leslie Forbes, daughter of Donald and Ruby (Heuer) Forbes, was born 30 November 1968 at Wheatridge, Colorado. She was married 4 March 1989 to Gerard Fransis Lutz, son of Joseph and Theresa (Petronella) Lutz, at Golden, Colorado.


G5-4. Hubert Walter Hans, son of Paul and Eleonora Lydia (Witte) Hans, was born 26 May 1906, Addison Township, Davenport, North Dakota. He was married 4 June 1953 to Cecelia Florence Glasow, daughter of Bernard R. and Martha A. (Heuer) Glasow. Cecelia was born 20 November 1915 in Addison Township. Hubert died 13 June 1977 at Fargo, North Dakota, and was buried on Canaan Moravian Cemetery. Hubert farmed in Section 24, Addison Township. He and his wife were active in the Canaan Moravian Church.

G5-5. Della Ruth Hans, daughter of Paul and Eleonora Lydia (Witte) Hans, was born 26 September 1907 in Addison Township, Davenport, North Dakota. She worked for the Veteran's Administration in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Della died October 1986 and is buried on Canaan Moravian Cemetery.



G5-6. Cora Leona Hans, daughter of Paul and Eleonora Lydia (Witte) Hans, was born 4 September 1909. She was married 15 December 1937 to Ronald Shoesmith. They did Gospel work in the Ozarks in and around Berryville. They built the Countryside Bible Church, RR, Berryville, Arkansas.


G6-1. Betty Ann Shoesmith, born 23 December 1938 in Iowa; married 10 August 1963 to Raymond Warner;

G6-2. Leroy John Shoesmith, born 23 April 1940 in Iowa; married 14 June 1963 to Sarah Minor; died 29 December 1972;

G6-3. Karen Joyce Shoesmith, born 17 September 1943 in Arkansas; married 19 April 1968 to Kenneth Glover;

G6-4. Bernard Paul Shoesmith, born 24 March 1946 in Arkansas; married June 1968 to Barbara Miller;

G6-5. Jennie Ruth Shoesmith, born 30 May 1949; married 19 October 1968 to Jonathan Futch.


G6-1. Betty Ann Shoesmith, daughter of Ronald and Cora Leona (Hans) Shoesmith, was born 23 December 1938 in Iowa. She was married 10 August 1963 to Raymond Warner. Raymond retired as a Lieutenant Colonel in the Air Force. He was born 1 October 1941. Betty is a 7/8th grade teacher and head of the Special Education Department in Harrington, Delaware.


G7-1. Russell Mark Warner, born 25 September 1964; married 2 June 1988 to Marilee Sue Laursen;

G7-2. Cynthia Ann Warner, born 23 December 1969;

G7-3. Harmony Joy Warner, born 25 January 1972.


G7-l. Russell Mark Warner, son of Lieutenant Colonel Raymond and Betty Ann (Shoesmith) Warner, was born 25 September 1964. He was married 2 June 1988 to Marilee Sue Laursen of Tacoma, Washington. Both graduated from the Air Force Academy on 1 June 1988 and both are Air Force Lieutenants. They live in San Antonio, Texas.


G6-2. Leroy John Shoesmith, son of Ronald and Cora Leona (Hans) Shoesmith, was born 23 April 1940 in Iowa. He was married 14 June 1963 to Sarah Minor. He died 29 December 1972. He was an engineer. Sarah married (2) Louis Blankenship.


G7-1. Jay Bradley Shoesmith, born 13 March 1968;

G7-2. John Mark Shoesmith, born 12 December 1972.


G6-3. Karen Joyce Shoesmith, daughter of Ronald and Cora Leona (Hans) Shoesmith, was born 17 September 1943 in Arkansas. She was married 19 April 1968 to Kenneth Glover. They were missionaries on the Island of Dominica and then served a church in Lisbon, Iowa. They moved to Indiana where Ken graduated from Grace Theological Seminary in June 1989. They are presently raising support to be missionaries in Guyana, South America, through UFM.


G7-1. Karla Kay Glover, born 19 April 1968;

G7-2. Steven Paul Glover, born 7 February 1970.


G6-4. Bernard Paul Shoesmith, son of Ronald and Cora Leona (Hans) Shoesmith, was born 24 March 1946 in Arkansas. He was married June 1968 at Dallas, Texas, to Barbara Miller. They are serving their fourth term as missionaries in Venezuela, South America.


G7-1. Brian Paul Shoesmith, born. 18 January 1972;

G7-2. Richard Leroy Shoesmith, born 14 April 19'16;

G7-3. Sarah Marie Shoesmith, born 9 April 1978;

G7-4. Alan Patrick Shoesmith, born 27 April 1979.

(All children born in Venezuela, South America)


G6-5. Jennie Ruth Shoesmith, daughter of Ronald and Cora Leona (Hans) Shoesmith, was born 30 May 1949 in Arkansas. She was married 19 October 1968 at Venice, California, to Jonathan Futch, who was born 4 October 1949 at Hollywood, California. They have served as missionaries to South Korea and then on the island of Tonga, employed as teachers. They now reside in Honolulu, Hawaii, and are not church employed.


G7-1. Shaun Alan Futch, born 15 August 1970;

G7-2. Launna Michelle Futch, born 15 August 1971, Berryville, Arkansas.


G5-7. Elsie Grace Hans, daughter of Paul and Eleonora Lydia (Witte) Hans, was born 8 August 1911 at Addison Township, North Dakota. She worked at North Dakota State University in the Seeds Department. She resides in Fargo, North Dakota.



G5-8. Eleanora Anne Hans, daughter of Paul and Eleonora Lydia (Witte) Hans, was born 7 September 1912. She was married 26 November 1936 to Myrto Olaf Rood, son of Mr. and Mrs. Morris Rood. Myrto was born 23 December 1912 at Pettibone, North Dakota.


G6-1. Orville Clifford Rood, born 9 November 1937 at Jamestown, North Dakota; married 15 July 1967 to Rebecca Jean Wachsmann;

G6-2. Valorie Jean Rood, born 18 February 1940 at Jamestown, North Dakota; married 2 November 1963 to Jesse T. Hancock, Jr.;

G6-3. Robert Myrto Rood, born 6 November 1941 at Williamsport, Pennsylvania; married 31 December 1966 to Joan McKenzie;

G6-4. Judith Eleanor Rood, born 30 June 1945; married 14 July 1979 to James Branscomb;

G6-5. Vernon Paul Rood, born 3 February 1950 at Richmond, Virginia; married 11 August 1973 to Judy Tallman.


G6-l. Orville Clifford Rood, son of Myrto Olaf and Eleanora Anne (Hans) Rood, was born 9 November 1937 at Jamestown, North Dakota. He was married 15 July 1967 at Martinsville, Virginia, to Rebecca Jean Wachsmann, daughter of Rudolph and Rebecca (Williams) Wachsmann. Cliff attended Mars Hill College in North Carolina; was in the U. S. Navy 1958-1960. He has worked as a draftsman for National Homes Corporation in Martinsville, Virginia, since 1964. He has won over fifty tennis trophies in local tournaments and has been very active in First Baptist Church as choir member since 1964, Sunday school teacher and Chairman of Deacons. Hobbies are tennis, gardening and watercolor painting.

Jean earned a B. S. degree in Elementary Education from Longwood College in Farmville, Virginia. She taught school for eight years, and then stayed home with the children. She has been a substitute teacher since 1980. Her hobbies include: sewing, needlepoint, crocheting, knitting, and counted cross-stitching. She is active in the Baptist Church; sang in the choir 15 years; has been Sunday school and training union teacher; is active in the W.M.U.; is active in the United Daughters of the Confederacy; and in Christian Women's Club. They reside at Martinsville, Virginia.


G7-1. Rebecca Anne Rood, born 3 February 1974 at Martinsville, Virginia;

G7-2. John Walter Rood, born 10 July 1975 at Martinsville, Virginia.


Primary source of information re this branch from O. Clifford Rood.



G6-2. Valorie Jean Rood, daughter of Myrto Olaf and Eleanora Anne (Hans) Rood, was born 18 February 1940 at Jamestown, North Dakota. She was married 2 November 1963 at Charlottesville, Virginia, to Jesse T. Hancock, Jr., son of Jesse T. and Elma (Hedgepeth) Hancock, Sr. Jesse has a Ph. D. in Electrical Engineering and works for a consulting firm on power transmission lines. His hobbies include electronics--ham radio and computers (has his own and is building one also.) Valorie has a BS in Nursing Education and is nursing. She enjoys homemaking-cooking, sewing, gardening. Both are born again Christians.


G7-1. Laura Suzanne Hancock, born 24 July 1965 at Norfolk, Virginia;

G7-2. Donna Carol Hancock, born 20 February 1967 at Norfolk, Virginia;

G7-3. Joy Lavonne Hancock, born 8 May 1974 at Jackson, Michigan;

G7-4. Rachel Ellyn Hancock, born 8 November 1975 at Jackson, Michigan.


G6-3. Robert Myrto Rood, son of Myrto Olaf and Eleanora Anne (Hans) Rood, was born 6 November 1941 at Williamsport, Pennsylvania. He was married 31 December 1966 at Hampton, Virginia, to Joan McKenzie, daughter of Burton Haywood and Bertha Lois (Morgan) McKenzie. Joan was born 23 May 1944 at Newport News, Virginia. Bob is a Lieutenant Commander, U. S. Naval Reserve (21 years service). He is an Engineer with C & P Telephone of Virginia; has an AA Mars Hill College; MBA Virginia Tech; BS Virginia Tech. He has been a Sunday school teacher and deacon of Columbia Baptist Church. Hobbies are woodworking and stained glass. Joan earned her BS degree from Longwood College. She is employed in Washington, D.C., with the Mathematical Sciences Education Board. They reside at Fairfax County, Virginia.


G7-1. Melissa Carol Rood, born 31 March 1970 at Radford, Virginia;

G7-2. Mark McKenzie Rood, born 22 April 1972 at Lynchburg, Virginia;

G7-3. Catherine Ann Rood, born 17 November 1973 at Lynchburg, Virginia.



G6-4. Judith Eleanor Rood, daughter of Myrto Olaf and Eleanora Anne (Hans) Rood, was born 30 June 1945. She was married 14 July 1979 to James Branscomb. He is a graduate of North Carolina State University. James owns Branscomb Wholesale Co. Judith graduated from the University of Virginia School of Radiology. She is active in her church. Her hobbies include skiing, tole painting, appliqueing, cross stitch, photography, and Tom Clark gnomes.


G6-5. Vernon Paul Rood, son of Myrto Olaf and Eleanora Anne (Hans) Rood, was born 3 February 1950 at Richmond, Virginia. He was married 11 August 1973 at Norfolk, Virginia, to Judy Tallman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nixon G. Tallman, Jr. Judy was born 14 June 1951 at Jacksonville, North Carolina. Paul is Director of Building and Grounds at the University of Virginia. He has a B.S. degree from Old Dominion University. Judy is now a high school librarian and Media Specialist at Charlottesville High School. She has a M. Ed. from James Madison University. Both attended Mars Hill College. They live at Charlottesville, Virginia.


G7-1. Erick Tiller Rood, born 22 November 1982 at Charlottesville, Virginia.

G7-2. Carla Anne Rood, born 6 August 1987 at Charlottesville, Virginia.


G5-9. Pearl Olive Hans, daughter of Paul and Eleonora Lydia (Witte) Hans, was born 7 September 1914 at Addison Township, North Dakota. She was married 3 August 1937 at the St. Paul Cathedral to John James Gillespie, son of Austin Mathew and Ellen (Caneff) Gillespie. John worked at Superior Packing Co. for twenty-four years until the company went bankrupt; then worked fifteen years at American Can Company when he retired in 1977. He then worked part-time at the Presbyterian Home. His hobby was golfing. Pearl died 6 June 1945 and John died 25 May 1982. Both are buried at Sunset Memorial in St. Anthony, Minnesota.


G6-1. Larry John Gillespie, born 16 June 1942 at St. Paul, Minnesota; married 13 June 1964 to Delores Jane Starck; divorced;

G6-2. Mary Ellen Gillespie, born 11 February 1945 at St. Paul, Minnesota; married 4 November 1967 to Raymond John Flor.


G6-1. Larry John Gillespie, son of John James and Pearl Olive (Hans) Gillespie, was born 16 June 1942 at St. Paul, Minnesota. He was married 13 June 1964 at St. Paul, Minnesota, to Delores Jane Starck, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Starck. Delores was born 24 March 1944 at St. Paul, Minnesota. They are divorced.


G7-1. Deborah Lynn Gillespie, born 2 August 1965;

G7-2. Gregory John Gillespie, born 10 July 1969; died 11 July 1969;

G7-3. Douglas Michael Gillespie, born 28 November 1970;

G7-4. Sarah Jane Gillespie, born 8 January 1973.


G6-2. Mary Ellen Gillespie, daughter of John James and Pearl Olive (Hans) Gillespie, was born 11 February 1945 at St. Paul, Minnesota. She was married 4 November 1967 at New Brighton, Minnesota, to Raymond John Flor, son of William Andrew and Alice Menne (Trojanowski) Flor. Raymond was born 25 May 1945 at Shoreview, Minnesota. They reside at Arden Hills, Minnesota.


G7-1. Jeffrey John Flor, born 31 March 1969;

G7-2. Timothy William Flor, born 17 March 1970;

G7-3. Jennifer Rae Flor, born 14 January 1975.




G4-3. Edwin Emil Witte, son of Emil and Anna (Yaeck) Witte, was born 4 January 1887 at Watertown, Wisconsin. He was married 2 September 1916 at Madison, Wisconsin, to Florence Rimsnider. A summary of his accomplishments follows taken from the book, Edwin F Witte, Cautious Reformer, by Theron F. Schlabach. Edwin died 20 May 1960 at Madison, Wisconsin.

"Edwin Witte graduated from the University of Wisconsin and received his Ph. D. also from that institution. While there he studied under many of the progressive scholars of that time, John R. Commons, an economist, having the most influence. Through Commons' influence, Witte worked for the Wisconsin Industrial Commission in 1914 for which he was statistician; then in December 1912 as secretary to John M. Nelson, the Congressman from the Madison area for whom Witte had once done a bit of party footwork. In 1914 Witte had the opportunity of working on the historic Clayton Antitrust bill, since it was assigned to the House Judiciary Committee of which Nelson was a member. (1)

"But each task under Commons, whether advising the Industrial Commission on workmen's compensation, advising Nelson on legislation, researching and recommending labor law, contributing to books, or acting as industrial mediator, gave Witte opportunity to put some idea of Commons' into practice, and foreshadowed some part of his future career.


"In 1916 Witte returned temporarily to his formal academic studies, and prepared for his preliminary doctoral examination. When he took it in August, Ely praised his performance and that of his fellow student of Commons, Selig Perlman, as the best in Ely's quarter century at Wisconsin. That done, the twenty-nine year old Witte turned once again to other matters, and not until 1927 did he receive his Ph.D. degree.


"Witte had met a young lady while working in Chicago for the United States Industrial Relations Commission in 1915. Florence Rimsnider was a trained librarian of the Commission staff, in her mid-twenties. She had been reared in Madison, and like Witte, was a participant in the pursuit of progressive legislation, having worked for five years in the Wisconsin Legislative Reference Library. Because she decided to carry through a previous commitment to work for nearly a year in New York cataloguing material in the Columbia Law Library, Witte courted her largely by correspondence--plus several visits to her city. Back at Madison on September 2, 1916, they were married in a small ceremony on the porch of her family's Lake Waubesa cottage." (2)



1. Edwin E. Witte, Cautious Reformer, by Theron F. Schlabach, p. 27.

2. Ibid, p. 29.



"In the fall of 1916, after his marriage, Witte returned to the University as an assistant in political economy. His assignment was to teach 'Labor Legislation and Administration' in Commons' absence, to help supervise Commons' students, and to help Ely revise several books. Shortly after the academic year began, he was asked to become the executive secretary of the Wisconsin Industrial Commission. After the election, he accepted. (3)


"When Witte moved his office from the University of Wisconsin to the State Capitol in January of 1917 he did not intend to renounce an academic career, but not until 1933 did he finally retrace the steps back to the campus. For the first five years he worked as secretary of the Wisconsin Industrial Commission, and then, for eleven years more, he was chief of another agency closely associated with Wisconsin progressivism, the Legislative Reference Library. (4)


"In 1933, at the age of forty-six, Witte returned to the University of Wisconsin to become Professor of Economics. As Wilbur J. Cohen wrote: Professor Witte's greatest reward in life may have been his influence on and through his students. Although he was also a social reformer and a public servant, he was primarily a teacher, in and outside of the classroom. He gave unselfishly of his time and energy to his students." (5)


" ... In Washington several people were busily drawing up plans for an elaborate organization to aid the cabinet committee (Committee on Economic Security.) (This committee was assigned the task of drafting the Social Security Act.) They were Bryce Stewart of the Industrial Relations Counselors of New York, Meredith B. Givens of the Social Science Research Council, and Assistant Secretary of Labor Arthur Altmeyer, a Wisconsin man and Commons' student who knew Witte as an old friend. Miss Perkins, chairman of the cabinet committee, had had frequent professional contacts with Witte, and she knew him as an able, honest and practical investigator. Suddenly on July 24, 1934, with no advance warning, Altmeyer informed Witte that he and Miss Perkins wanted him to be executive director of their organization, heading the research staff and taking immediate charge of all investigations and studies. Within twenty-four hours Witte arranged a semester's leave of absence from the university and Unemployment Compensation in Wisconsin. On July 26 he arrived in Washington, accepted the new post and took up his duties." (6)


"Wilbur Cohen wrote: He (Witte) was a human dynamo. In six months' time he compiled voluminous reports and drafted one of the most important pieces of legislation enacted in the nation's history. I doubt that anything like that would be accomplished today . . . He started from scratch in setting up an organization; he had to balance the interplay of ideas and interests among many groups; there were violent differences of opinion, and petty jealousies. There were no statistics on which to base accurate reports. There were no demonstration projects, from which to benefit. . . His task was not over, however, with the completion of the report and the drafting of the bill. He found himself explaining and defending the proposed legislation before both the House Committee on Ways and Means and the Senate Committee on Finance. He sat in the executive sessions of both committees, on the floor of the Senate and in conference committees, helping to mold the technical and legal modifications and policy compromises. . . (7)


"After he returned to Madison. . . The high point of this period of his career was when he was elected president of the American Economic Association in 1956. . ." (8)


"A complex but humble man, he always disclaimed fame for his many accomplishments. Although many people called him the Father of Social Security, he unhesitatingly gave the credit to others. He was an ordinary man in many ways, unimpressed by superficialities. He loved his family and his home. He was a man on whom you could depend. Regardless of the problem, his students, his friends and associates knew that Ed Witte would find the time and energy to help find a solution. He was a source of great strength, a compassionate and kind man of absolute integrity." (9)

G5-1. John Witte, born 3 September 1918 at Madison, Wisconsin; married to Willene Cone;

G5-2. Margaret Witte, born 6 February 1922; married 6 February 1945 to Felder S. Weeks;

G5-3. Elizabeth Witte, born 1926, married Thomas L. Thompson.



3. Ibid, p. 31

4. Ibid, p. 33

5. Ibid, p. 50

6. Ibid, p. 97;

7. Ibid, Foreword, p. VI;

8. Ibid, Foreword, p. VII;

9. Ibid, Foreword, p. VIII.



G5-1. John Witte, son of Edwin Emil and Florence (Rimsnider) Witte, was born 3 September 1918 at Madison, Wisconsin. He was married to Willene Cone, who was born 11 September 1918 at Muskegon, Michigan. John was the owner of two children's clothing stores at Fort Atkinson and Monroe, Wisconsin. He died 5 July 1961 at Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin. Willene married (2) in 1978 to Harry Winn.


G6-1. Willard Edwin Witte, born 13 June 1944 at Milwaukee, Wisconsin; married 14 June 1969 to Victoria Stafford;

G6-2. John Fredrick Witte, born 12 June 1946 at Milwaukee, Wisconsin; married 9 August 1968 to Mary Catherine Polk.


G6-1. Willard Edwin Witte, son of John and Willene Witte, was born 13 June 1944 at Milwaukee, Wisconsin. He was married 14 June 1969 to Victoria Stafford. Willard is Professor of Economics at the University of Indiana, Bloomington, Indiana.


G7-1. James Stafford Witte, born 18 July 1978 at State College, Pennsylvania.


G6-2. John Fredrick Witte, son of John and Willene Witte, was born 12 June 1946 at Milwaukee, Wisconsin. He was married 9 August 1968 to Mary Catherine Polk. He is Professor of Political Science at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin.


G7-1. David Scott Witte, born 19 June 1971 at Washington, D. C.;

G7-2. Amy Jennereau Witte, born 12 February 1974 at New Haven Connecticut.


Wedding of Edwin and Florence Witte

Back: Rimsnider family. George Eichman. Max Witte.


Middle: Mrs. Rimsnider, Edwin and Florence Witte,

Anna Witte, Ella Eichmann, Agina Kant, Clara Witte;


Front: Rimsnider relative with 2 boys; Ruth Rupprecht, Rosetta Vethe, Estella Hermsmeier, Anita Check, Violet Jahnke.



G5-2. Margaret Witte, daughter of Edwin Emil and Florence (Rimsnider) Witte, was born 26 February 1922 at Madison, Wisconsin. She was married 6 February 1945 at Perry, Florida, to Felder S. Weeks, who was born 13 January 1920. Felder is a retired architect.


    G6-1. Paul Douglas Weeks, born 12 January 1947 at Atlanta, Georgia; married 26 January 1970 to Jeannine Creech;

    G6-2. Sally Elizabeth Weeks, born 4 May 1949 at Knoxville, Tennessee; married Frank Wingate December 1970;

    G6-3, Susan Jean Weeks, born 1 August 1952 at Knoxville, Tennessee; married 12 February 1983 to Steven Wright;

    G6-4. Martha Ellen Weeks, born 24 January 1957 at Knoxville, Tennessee;

    G6-5. Mary Amanda Weeks, born 17 March 1961; married 1 July 1989 to Kaya Senyuz.


G6-1. Paul Douglas Weeks, son of Felder S. and Margaret (Witte) Weeks, was born 12 January 1947 at Atlanta, Georgia. He was married 26 January 1970 at Columbia, South Carolina, to Jeannine Anne Creech. Jeannine was born 27 September 1946 at Smithfield, North Carolina. Paul has Ph.D. in Chemistry from University of Wisconsin, Madison, and is Manager at Pfizer Central Research Drug Company. He is active in Boy Scouts and the Episcopal Church. Jeannine has a Masters in Immuno-Hematology from University of North Carolina. She is active in church and is on the Town Board of Education Advisory Committee.


G7-1. James Lovie Weeks, born 24 June 1977;

G7-2. Catherine Anne Weeks, born 26 August 1984 (adopted).


G6-2. Sally Elizabeth Weeks, daughter of Felder S. and Margaret (Witte) Weeks, was born 4 May 1949 at Knoxville, Tennessee. She was married December 1970 to Francis Wingate, son of Francis Baldwin and Sara Lee (Banks) Wingate. Francis was born 29 September 1948 at Birmingham, Alabama. They are divorced and Sally has resumed her maiden name. Sally is presently employed by Emory University and is a graduate student at Georgia State University. She is a clarinet player and is a member of the community band; also is an active Girl Scout leader.


G7-1. Laura Anne Wingate, born 30 September 1977 at Portland, Oregon;

G7-2. Sarah Amanda Wingate, born 10 June 1982 at Atlanta, Georgia;

G7-3. David Frazer Wingate, born 17 April 1986 at Atlanta, Georgia.


G6-3. Susan Jean Weeks, daughter of Felder S. and Margaret (Witte) Weeks, was born 1 August 1952 at Knoxville, Tennessee. She was married 12 February 1983 at Albuquerque, New Mexico, to Steven Alan Wright, son of Donald Edwards and Alma June (Herrige) Wright. Steven was born 15 April 1949 at Whittier, California. He is a nuclear engineer employed by Sandia National Laboratory. He did his doctoral research in Karlsruhe, West Germany, for one year in 1973-74. Susan is an attorney. Daniel was born in Karlsruhe, West Germany, when Steven was working as a guest scientist at a research institute there.

G7-1. Paul Weeks Wright, born 16 June 1985;

G7-2. Daniel Weeks Wright, born 31 May 1987, Karlsruhe, West Germany.

G6-4. Mary Amanda Weeks, daughter of Felder S. and Margaret (Witte) Weeks, was born 17 March 1961 at Knoxville, Tennessee. She was married 1 July 1989 to Kaya Senyuz.


G5-3. Elizabeth Witte, daughter of Edwin Emil and Florence (Rimsnider) Witte, was born in 1926. She married Thomas L. Thompson.


G6-1. Patricia Thompson;

G6-2. Michael Thompson;

G6-3. Richard Thompson;

G6-4. Thomas Thompson;

G6-5. Ann Thompson.


Sally Weeks. Laura Wingate,

Sarah Wingate, David Wingate





Below: Paul Weeks, Sally (Weeks) Wingate, Felder Weeks, Susan Weeks, Martha Weeks, Mary (Weeks) Senyus


G4-4. Ella Irma Witte, daughter of Emil and Anna Theresa (Yaeck) Witte, was born 4 May 1888 at Watertown, Wisconsin. She was married 25 August 1909 at the Ebenezer Moravian Church to George Paul Eichmann, son of Gustav and Maria (Rettig) Eichmann. Ruth Rupprecht reported that her parents were raised and lived all their lives on a farm. George Eichmann was born on what was later the Herman Schuenke farm. When George and Ella married they lived just across the road for eighteen years. They then moved to the farm which had been my Grandfather Emil Witte's and after he died my Uncle Max Witte (who was the oldest son) bought it, and lived there till my parents bought it in 1927." George died 25 January 1942 at Watertown, Wisconsin; and Ella died 21 February 1958 at Watertown, Wisconsin. Both are buried on the Ebenezer Moravian Cemetery, Watertown, Wisconsin.


G5-1. Ruth Clara Eichmann, born 11 October 1912 at Watertown, Wisconsin; married 9 February 1933 to Leo Rupprecht.


G5-1. Ruth Clara Eichmann, daughter of George and Ella (Witte) Eichmann, was born 11 October 1912 at Watertown, Wisconsin. She was married 9 February 1933 at town of Jefferson, Wisconsin, to Leo John Rupprecht, son of John and Margaret (Grill) Rupprecht. Leo was born 5 August 1906, town of Jefferson, Wisconsin. They were both raised on the farm. When Ruth's father died, they took over the operation of the farm from 1942 to 1957 when they moved to Florida. Leo owned and operated a party fishing boat until he retired in 1964. They reside in Tampa, Florida.


G4-5. Agine Ester Witte, daughter of Emil and Anna Theresa (Yaeck) Witte, was born 21 September 1897 at Watertown, Wisconsin. She was married 21 October 1920 at Ebenezer Moravian Church to Rev. Herbert Kant, son of Rev. Theobold and Louise (Friedmann) Kant. Herbert was born 29 January 1893 and died 31 August 1962. Agine died 4 September 1977. Both are buried on the Moravian Cemetery at Watertown, Wisconsin. They served Moravian pastorates in the Western Province.


G5-1. Harrold Kant, born 18 July 1924;

G5-2. Kenneth Kant, born 22 March 1931; married 2 July 1954 to Sandra Noyer.


G5-2. Kenneth Kant, son of Rev. Herbert and Aginea (Witte) Kant, was born 22 March 1931. He was married 2 July 1954 to Sandra Noyer. Sandra was born 23 January 1935. Kenneth is a Civil Engineer.


G6-1. Deborah Kant, born 16 July 1955; married 4 June 1978 to Mike Taschner;

G6-2. Larry Kant, born 17 March 1957 at Madison. Wisconsin; married 9 June 1979 to Gwen Wahlberg;

G6-3. Kathryn Kant, born 13 April 1962.


G6-1. Deborah Kant, daughter of Kenneth and Sandra (Noyer) Kant, was born 16 July 1955. She was married 4 June 1978 to Mike Taschner. Deborah is a Special Education teacher and lives at Richmond, California.


G6-2. Larry Kant, son of Kenneth and Sandra (Noyer) Kant, was born 17 March 1957 at Madison, Wisconsin. He was married 9 June 1979 at Hudson, Wisconsin, to Gwen Wahlberg, daughter of Bernal and Geraldine (Rolston) Wahlberg. Gwen was born 22 June 1957 at Hudson, Wisconsin. Larry has a degree in Marketing. They live in Denver, Colorado.




G3-2. Johannes (John) Witte, son of Julius and Ernstina (Hans) Witte, was born 15 August 1856. He was married to Emelie Ida Ulm, daughter of Ferdinand and Amalia Ulm. Emelie was born 19 December 1859 and died 4 June 1925. John died 6 March 1916 of angina pectoria with diabetes a contributory cause.


G4-1. Laura Emilie Witte, born 11 March 1885 at Watertown, Wisconsin; married 12 August 1908 to John Piper; died 6 June 1955.


G4-1. Laura Emilie Witte, daughter of Johannes (John) and Emelie Ida (U1m) Witte, was born 11 March 1885 at Watertown, Wisconsin. She was married 12 August 1908 at Ebenezer Moravian Church, Watertown, Wisconsin, to John (Johannes) Emanuel Piper, son of Karl August and Auguste Pauline Emelie (Hans) Piper. John was born 8 January 1880 at Davenport, Cass County, North Dakota. He attended a Lutheran College, Northwestern, in Watertown, Wisconsin, and while there met Laura. After their marriage, John and Laura continued farming Laura's parents' farm in the vicinity of the Ebenezer Moravian Church all their lives. Since 1904 the farm has been known for its breeding of registered Holstein cattle. Laura became the church organist at the age of twelve. John was a member of the Board of Education, served on church boards, was Superintendent of the Sunday School, and President of the Milk Producers Association; John died 6 April 1943 and Laura died 6 June 1953 at Watertown, Wisconsin. Both are buried on the Ebenezer Moravian Cemetery, Watertown, Wisconsin.


G5-1. Ervin Witte Piper, born 25 June 1909 at Watertown, Wisconsin; married 21 June 1940 to Pauline Doolittle; died 10 October 1980;

G5-2. Esther Anna Piper, born 22 January 1911 at Watertown, Wisconsin; married 25 September 1943 to Clarence Wollin;

G5-3. Olive Viola Piper, born 29 August 1912 at Watertown, Wisconsin; married 1 October 1932 to Dean Long;

G5-4. George Washington Piper, born 22 February 1914 at Watertown, Wisconsin; married (1) 25 May 1941 to Helen Maybelle (May) Fredrich; (2) 27 February 1960 to Ethel Owens; died 27 January 1985;

G5-5. Carl John Piper, born 3 May 1915 at Watertown, Wisconsin; married 16 November 1941 to Eleonora Schmidt; died 23 September 1987;

G5-6. Milton W. Piper, born 23 April 1917 at Watertown, Wisconsin; married 4 September 1950 to Margaret Henderson; died 1 September 1986;

G5-7. Male child, born and died 15 February 1920;

G5-8. Alvin R. Piper, born 21 May 1921 at Watertown, Wisconsin; married 29 January 1950 to Marion Galloway;

G5-9. Arden L. Piper, born 23 June 1923 at Watertown, Wisconsin; married 3 November 1945 to Betty Weidenhoeft;

G5-10. Grace E. Piper, born 21 February 1925 at Watertown, Wisconsin; married 14 June 1947 to Eugene Ke1m; died 16 April 1967.







Above: John and Laura Piper



Seated: Laura, Esther, Grace, Olive, John Piper

Standing: Ervin, Carl, Arden, Milton, Alvin, George Piper




G5-l. Ervin Witte Piper, son of John Emanuel and Laura Emilie (Witte) Piper, was born 25 June 1909 at Watertown, Wisconsin. He was married 21 June 1940 to Pauline Doolittle. Pauline was born 19 May 1919. They resided at Kalama, Washington. Ervin died 10 October 1980; buried Longview, Washington. Ervin worked in a defense plant during WWII and later became a contractor.


G6-1. Ruth Ann Piper, born 11 July 1941 at Watertown, Wisconsin; married 19 September 1959 to Gary H. Gregg;

G6-2. Barbara Lynn Piper, born 14 April 1945 at Manitowoc, Wisconsin; married 12 July 1969 to Richard T. Dierst, Jr.;

G6-3. Lee Ervin Piper, born 12 June 1948 at Longview, Washington, married (1) 12 June 1971 to Linda Lucille Self; (2) 12 April 1980 to Judith Branden;

G6-4. Robert John Piper, born 15 October 1949 at Longview, Washington; married 8 March 1969 to Penny Bea White.


G6-l. Ruth Ann Piper, daughter of Ervin Witte and Pauline (Doolittle) Piper, was born 11 July 1941 at Watertown. Wisconsin. She was married 19 September 1959 to Gary H. Gregg. Gary was born 27 January 1937 at Longview, Washington, Gary is the owner of a construction firm.


G7-1. Joel Lee Gregg, born 7 March 1973 at Longview, Washington (adopted);

G7-2. Jill Ann Gregg, born 7 July 1973 in Taiwan (adopted);


G6-2. Barbara Lynn Piper, daughter of Ervin Witte and Pauline (Doolittle) Piper, was born 14 April 1945 at Manitowoc, Wisconsin. She was married 12 July 1969 to Richard T. Dierst. Richard was born 23 September 1943 at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He is a lab technician at Boeing Aircraft. Barbara is employed by the school district.


G7-1. Jeremy Shawn Dierst, born 11 March 1973 at Renton, Washington.


G6-3. Lee Ervin Piper, son of Ervin Witte and Pauline (Doolittle) Piper, was born 12 June 1948 at Longview, Washington. He was married (1) 12 June 1971 to Linda Lucille Self. Linda was born 11 November 1952. Lee was married (2) 12 April 1980 to Judith Brandon. Judith was born 23 October 1945. Lee is a chemical engineer at a research lab in Bellevue, Washington.


G7-1. Jenny Piper, born 31 January 1976.


G6-4. Robert John Piper, son of Ervin Witte and Pauline (Doolittle) Piper, was born 15 October 1949 at Longview, Washington. He was married 8 March 1969 to Penny Bea White. Penny was born 6 October 1949 at Longview, Washington, Robert is meat Department Manager in F Market. Penny is a registered nurse and works part time in the local hospital emergency room.


G7-1. Matthew Robert Piper, born 10 August 1969 at Longview; Washington;

G7-2. Deanna Lynn Piper, born 5 August 1972;

G7-3. Joshua Leonard Piper, born 2 October 1976.


G5-2. Esther Anna Piper, daughter of John Emanuel and Laura Emilie (Witte) Piper, was born 22 January 1911 at Watertown, Wisconsin. She was married 25 September 1943 at Watertown, Wisconsin, to Rev. Clarence Wollin. Clarence was born 10 July 1913 at Aztalan Township, Jefferson County, Wisconsin. Rev. Wollin is a minister of the Moravian Church and they have served parishes in North Dakota, Minnesota, Michigan, and Wisconsin. Following retirement he has served interim pastorates in the Moravian Church, and as a Presbyterian associate pastor in Linden, Michigan.


G6-1. Carl Piper Wollin, born 8 January 1945 at Minot, Ward County, North Dakota; married (1) 24 November 1965 to Lynn Burgett; (2) 27 June 1987 to Paula Anderson Atherton;

G6-2. Ruth Esther Wollin, born 31 March 1947 at Fargo, Cass County, North Dakota;

G6-3. Eunice Ann Wollin, born 12 February 1949 at Fargo, Cass County, North Dakota; married 7 October 1972 to David Brady.


G6-1. Carl Piper Wollin, son of Clarence and Esther Anna (Piper) Wollin, was born 8 January 1945 at Minot, Ward County, North Dakota. He was married (1) 24 November 1965 to Lynn Burgett. Lynn was born 8 August 1946. They were divorced. He was married (2) 27 June 1986 to Paula Anderson Atherton, daughter of Ervin and Joyce Neely Anderson. Paula was born 6 April 1956 at Flint, Michigan. She has a daughter by a previous marriage. Paula is a registered nurse in Flint. Carl is a machinist at Buick Motors; their hobbies are skiing instruction and boating.


G7-1. Timothy James Wollin, born 16 June 1966 at Fort Sill, Oklahoma; science graduate of Michigan State University;

G7-2. Amanda Marie Atherton, born 3 May 1960 at Princeton, New Jersey.



G6-2 Ruth Esther Wollin, daughter of Clarence and Esther Anna (Piper) Wollin, was born 31 March 1947 at Fargo, Cass County, North Dakota. She resides in Flint, Michigan, where she is a Flint Community Schools Administrator. She enjoys skiing and traveling.


G6-3 Eunice Ann Wollin, daughter of Clarence and Esther Anna (Piper) Wollin, was born 12 February 1949 at Fargo, Cass County, North Dakota. She was married 7 October 1972 at Freedom, Wisconsin to David Brady, son of Loren and Arlene (Stoll) Brady. David was born 1 September 1949 at Bay City, Michigan. David is an Area Law Supervisor for the Department of Natural Resources. Eunice is a secondary education teacher. They reside in Traverse City, Michigan, and enjoy nature and boating.


G7-1. Jennifer Ann Wollin Brady, born 11 October 1976 at White Pine, Michigan;

G7-2. Benjamin David Brady, born 16 July 1979 at Port Huron, Michigan.





Growing up in rural Minnesota, the Wollin children lived in an ideal setting, the Lake Auburn Moravian Church parsonage and Home for the Aged, were set among five homes and one farm. The community was surrounded by hills, woods and a small lake.


It was like living in a park as we hiked, climbed trees, had picnics, explored, swam, fished and ice-skated. The hills were perfect for sledding and tobogganing. Neighbors had horses that we often rode.


Attached to the old brick parsonage with slanted floors was a wonderful big screen porch. We spent hours and hours playing games on that porch, and in the evening of a hot summer day, it was 0001 and sheltered. We had a huge garden, bordered by mother's beautiful flowers, a kitchen with baking smells, mountains of leaves, acres of grass and a cemetery and a dog.

Sunday afternoon dad often read to us. He read books like "West Point Story", "Little Women", "Zane Gray", etc. Sunday evenings mom would gather us together to sing around the piano. Later, we added our band instruments. Every summer we visited scenic and historical sites across America and camped in State Parks. On one trip we visited Aunt Pauline and Uncle Ervin in Oregon. Digging clams with our cousins brought to reality the source of that annual box of holly we received each Christmas.



None of our relatives lived near us. We really looked forward to our summer and Christmas trips to Watertown, Wisconsin, where there were lots of cousins. In the summer, there was always a Piper family picnic, usually at Rock Lake in Lake Mills. In December, there was always a Piper Christmas party, where exchanging names for gifts was a tradition.

We usually stayed at the Kelms. Aunt Grace lived in town, not far from Aunt Olive. Margie, Jill and Pete were great playmates and knew the way to the candy store. In the afternoons and evenings, we'd often visit the other relatives. Out at Uncle George's farm, Curtis and Gayle had a room full of trains, cattle in the pasture, and a lane crossing the railroad tracks. They told stories about tramps. The "Home Farm" is where we often saw the other Uncles and their families. The Piper Family farmhouse had become the office. Aunt Olive was usually there and would take us out to see the bulls in the barn. Nearby was Uncle Al's home; Uncle Arden's was across from the Ebenezer Church, with Uncle Carl and Uncle Milton's homes on a farm across the field. Adults would catch up on old acquaintances, and we children would hang around -- at first self-consciously, and then be off playing as our parents visited.

Wisconsin relatives did come to see us in Minnesota.

One evening, I remember waiting in the Minneapolis train station as Margie and Gayle stepped off the train, as sophisticated young teens, in matching corduroy skirts. Another memory is of Billy and David Long, capturing a boatful of turtles on our lake. One summer we returned to Wisconsin (without mom and dad) with Uncle Arden's family. On one trip, in an old brown and tan Chevy, we brought several young cousins and Aunt Grace back with us from Wisconsin. Almost home, we stopped at the Dairy Queen, piled out for ice cream and piled back in to head home. At Lake Auburn, we discovered that "Goldie", our dog who had spent the long trip under six or seven pairs of young and restless legs, was no longer with us. Dad quickly drove back the seven miles to find Goldie patiently waiting for us.

As adults, our lives changed, became very busy and we have been engrossed with day-to-day issues. However, so much of what we are, and what we value is tied to the sweet memories of our childhood and the people connecting us to that solid heritage of our past.

G5-3. Olive Viola Piper, daughter of John Emanuel and Laura Emilie (Witte) Piper, was born 29 August 1912 at Watertown, Jefferson County, Wisconsin. She was married 1 October 1932 to William Dean Long, who was born 29 September 1909 at Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin. Dean died 12 September 1952. Olive worked in the office for Piper Brothers Farms and Carnation Company in Watertown, Wisconsin. She now resides at Hansen, Idaho.


G6-1. William Dean Long, Jr., born 30 November 1937 at Watertown, Wisconsin; married 21 September 1966 to Doreen Loveall Erekson;

G6-2. David John Long, born 27 February 1942 at Milwaukee, Wisconsin; married 30 December 1968 to Dorothy June Stanger.


G6-l. William Dean Long, Jr., son of William Dean and Olive Viola (Piper) Long, was born 30 November 1937 at Watertown, Wisconsin. He was married 21 September 1966 in Utah to Doreen Loveall Erekson. Doreen was born 5 July 1934. Bill is President and Chairman of the Board of sixteen large grocery stores in Idaho, Oregon, and Washington. He employs about 1200. Doreen had four children from a previous marriage.


G7-1. Angie Erekson, born 2 January 1955; married on 29 July 1973 to Ernie Elliott;

G7-2. Scott Erekson, born 14 April 1957; married on 8 August 1976 to Laurie Copelan;

G7-3. Irene Erekson, born 26 June 1958; married on 8 September 1985 to Brian Law;

G7-4. Jeffery Erekson, born 25 May 1962; married on 18 August 1984 to Tina Thurber;

G7-5. William Dean Long Jr., born 8 January 1968 in Sandy, Utah; is serving a 2-year mission for the Mormon Church;

G7-6. Jennifer Long, born 9 February 1973 in Boise, Idaho; she is the Baton Twirler of the Borah High School Band, Boise, Idaho; in 1984 was Miss Idaho National Pre-Teen Baton Twirler.


G7-l. Angie Erekson, daughter of Doreen Loveall Erekson Long and stepdaughter of Bill Long, was born 2 January 1955. She was married on 29 July 1973 to Ernie Elliott. Ernie is a Principal of a Junior High School in Weston, Utah. Angie is an elementary school teacher.


G8-1. Holly Elliott, born 18 October 1975 in Boise, Idaho;

G8-2. Emily Elliott, born 14 June 1977 in Boise, Idaho;

G8-3. Ernie Elliott, born 25 May 1979 in Boise, Idaho;

G8-4. Amanda Elliott, born 26 March 1982 in Boise, Idaho;

G8-5. Travis Elliott, born 15 August 1985 in Boise, Idaho.


G7-2. Scott Erekson, son of Doreen Loveall Erekson Long and stepson of Bill Long, was born 15 April 1957. He was married on 8 August 1976 to Laurie Copelan. Laura was born 10 January 1957. She teaches exceptionally smart kids math in a high school in Salem, Oregon. Scott manages one of his father's grocery stores in Salem, Oregon.


G8-1. Scotty Erekson, born 24 December 1978 in Salem, Oregon;

G8-2. Nichols Erekson, born 20 August 1983 in Salem, Oregon;

G8-3. Daniel Erekson, born 11 March 1987 in Salem, Oregon.


G7-3. Irene Erekson McAllister Law, daughter of Doreen Loveall Erekson Long and stepdaughter of Bill Long, was born 26 June 1958. She married Brian Law on 8 September 1965. Brian was born on 17 September 1955. Irene had two children from a previous marriage. Irene gives baton lessons to 50 students. Brian works for an insurance company.


G8-1. Tara McAllister, born 2 February 1979 in Boise, Idaho;

G8-2. Nathan McAllister, born 29 April 1980 in Boise, Idaho;

G8-3. Breanna Law, born 22 August 1986 in Boise, Idaho;

G8-4. Kassano Law, born 3 January 1990 in Boise, Idaho.


G7-4. Jeffery Erekson, son of Doreen Loveall Erekson Long and stepson of Bill Long was born 25 May 1962. He was married 18 August 1984 to Tina Thurber. Tina was born 25 February 1963. Tina gives piano, organ and violin lessons. Jeffery sells New York Life Insurance.


G8-1. Stephanie Erekson, born 28 February 1986 in Boise, Idaho.


G8-2. Katelin Erekson, born 5 November 1987 in Boise, Idaho;

G8-3. Ashley Erekson, born 24 August 1989 in Boise. Idaho.


G6-2. David John Long, son of William Dean and Olive Viola (Piper) Long, was born 27 February 1942 at Milwaukee, Wisconsin. He was married 30 December 1968 at Elko, Nevada, to Dorothy June Stanger, daughter of Charles Adonis and Helen A. (Lewis) Stanger. Dorothy was born 29 December 1937 at Twin Falls, Idaho. David does heavy equipment construction work. Dorothy had three children from a previous marriage who were legally adopted by David.


G7-1. Randell Adonis Long, born 21 July 1957 at Jerome, Idaho; married 15 July 1982 to Kellee Gail Spring;

G7-2. Douglas John Long, born 24 January 1959 at Boise, Idaho; married and divorced;

G7-3. Scott David Long, born 3 November 1963 at Caldwell, Idaho; married 30 June 1984 to Brook M. Bourn.


G7-l. Randell Adonis Long, son of David John and Dorothy June (Stanger) Long, was born 21 July 1957 at Jerome, Idaho. He was married 17 July 1982 to Kellee Gail Spring. Kellee was born 7 October 1979 in Jerome, Idaho. Randy is an electrician.


G8-1. Ryan Adonis Long, born 10 March 1984 at Denver, Colorado.

G8-2. Casey Dean Long, born 18 November 1986.


G7-2. Douglas John Long, son of David John and Dorothy Stanger Long, was born 24 January 1959 in Boise, Idaho. He was married and divorced. Douglas is an electrician.


G8-1. Danny Long, born 20 April 1986 in Twin Falls, Idaho.


G7-3. Scott David Long, son of David John and Dorothy Stanger Long, was born 3 November 1963 in Caldwell, Idaho. He was married 30 June 1984 to Brook Bourn. Brook was born on 21 February 1966. Scott is an electrician.


G8-1. Melissa Louise Long, born 15 August 1986 in Twin Falls, Idaho.



G5-4. George Washington Piper, son of John Emanuel and Laura Emilie (Witte) Piper, was born 22 February 1914 at Watertown, Jefferson County, Wisconsin. He was married (I) 25 May 1941 to Helen Maybelle (May) Fredrich, who was born 1 May 1920 and died 19 April 1958. George was married (2) 27 February 1960 to Ethel Owens, who was born 26 October 1913 and died 24 June 1984. George died 27 January 1985; buried at Ebenezer Moravian Cemetery, Watertown, Wisconsin. He was a successful independent farmer along the Rock River, near the family farm. His favorite hymn was Rock of Ages.


G6-1. Curtis Fredrich Piper, born 18 January 1945 at Watertown, Wisconsin; married 6 April 1968 to Cheryl Hartford; (2) 31 January 1987 to Karen Zimmerman Odegaard;

G6-2. Gayle Merry Piper, born 15 December 1946 at Watertown, Wisconsin; married 15 August 1970 to Larry T. Finley; (2) 6 July 1984 to Raymond E. Krek.


G6-1. Curtis Fredrich Piper, son of George Washington and May (Fredrich) Piper, was born 18 January 1945 at Watertown, Wisconsin. He was married 6 April 1968 to Cheryl Hartford. Cheryl is a French and Spanish teacher. Both are college graduates. They were divorced.


G7-1. Kelly Lynn Piper, born 11 March 1970;

G7-2. Krista Leigh Piper, born 4 March 1972;

G7-3. Kari Lynette Piper, born 21 February 1975.


Curtis was married (2) 31 January 1987 to Karen Zimmerman Odegaard, born 13 June 1949. Her son has been legally renamed Christoffer Odegaard Piper. Curtis was District Sales Manager for Marine Division of Chrysler Corp., but decided in 1976 to return to the home farm and also to be a cattle broker and salesman. Karen is an employment recruiter and has assisted her husband in the cattle business.


G7-4. Christoffer Odegaard Piper, born 22 July 1979.


G6-2. Gayle Merry Piper, daughter of George Washington and May (Fredrick) Piper, was born 15 December 1946 at Watertown, Wisconsin. She was married (1) 15 August 1970 to Larry T. Finley. Larry was born 22 October 1945 and is a farmer and auctioneer. Gayle is a college graduate and primary teacher. Larry had been an industrial arts teacher prior to 1975.


G7-1. Brandon James Finley, born 16 January 1974;

G7-2. Meghan May Finley, born 21 August 1978 at Watertown, Wisconsin.



Gayle was married (2) 6 July 1984 to Raymond E. Krek, born 18 January 1947. He is an attorney in Jefferson, Wisconsin. Raymond has three ohi1dren from a previous marriage.


G7-3. Amy Allen Krek, born 9 October 1973 in Watertown, Wisconsin;

G7-4. Liza Marie Krek, born 9 May 1978 in Watertown, Wisconsin;

G7-5. David Douglas Krek, born 28 August 1981 in Watertown, Wisconsin.


G5-5. Carl John Piper, son of John Emanuel and Laura Emilie (Witte) Piper, was born 3 May 1915 at Watertown, Jefferson County, Wisconsin. He was married 16 November 1941 to Eleonora Schmidt who was born 26 March 1916. Carl was a farmer and salesman for Carnation Milk Co. Carl died 23 September 1987 and was buried in Glenview Memorial Gardens in Ixonia, Wisconsin.


G6-1. Dennis Robert Piper, born 23 May 1943, married 11 June 1966 to Joyce Ertl, died 29 April 1980;

G6-2. JoAnn Laura Piper, born 20 January 1946;

G6-3. Susan Margaret Piper, born 24 June 1950;

G6-4. Arthur Carl Piper, born 16 November 1952; married 16 April 1977 to Sara Faith Knief.


G6-1. Dennis Robert Piper, son of Carl John and Eleonora (Schmidt) Piper, was born 23 May 1943. He was married 11 Jun. 1966 to Joyce Ert1. Joyce was born 30 September 1944. Dennis died 29- April 1980. Dennis was in the recreational vehicle business with his brother and father. Joyce is an office worker.


G7-1. Daniel Robert Piper, born 6 December 1966; engaged to be married on 29 December 1990 to Sheryl Scheel;

G7-2. Shel1i Marie Piper, born 29 November 1967;

G7-3. Kimberly Piper, born 6 July 1972.


G6-2. JoAnn Laura Piper, daughter of Carl John and Eleonora (Schmidt) Piper, was born 20 January 1946. JoAnn works for Schweigert Furniture Company in Jefferson, Wisconsin.

G6-3 Susan Margaret Piper, daughter of Carl John and Eleonora (Schmidt) Piper, was born 24 June 1950. Susan works for Schweigert Furniture Company in Jefferson, Wisconsin.



G6-4. Arthur Carl Piper, son of Carl John and Eleonora (Schmidt) Piper, was born 16 November 1952. He was married 16 April 1977 to Sara Faith Knief. Sara was born 18 April 1953. Sara is a speech therapist in the Sturgeon Bay Wisconsin Schools. Arthur works for Wisconsin lottery.


G7-1. Carl John Piper, born 11 July 1979;

G7-2. Michael Enno Piper, born 17 July 1981;

G7-3. Jessica Elaine Piper, born 15 August 1983.

G7-4. Laura Grace Piper, born 23 June 1985; died at birth;

G7-5. Samuel Piper, born 2 November 1986;

G7-6. Christopher Arthur Piper, born 3 January 1990.


G5-6. Milton Walter Piper, son of John Emanuel and Laura

Emilie (Witte) Piper, was born 23 April 1917 at Watertown, Jefferson County, Wisconsin. He was married 4 September 1950 to Margaret Henderson. Margaret was born 8 January 1910. Milton died 1 September 1986 at Watertown, Wisconsin, and is buried on Oak Hill Cemetery, Watertown, Wisconsin. Milton served with the 37th Infantry Division on Luzon during WWII and was awarded the Bronze Star Medal for Meritorious Achievement. He farmed many acres and sold registered Holstein cattle to Iran, Brazil and Mexico. He was a graduate of Spencerian Business College.


G6-1. Claude (Chips) Richards, born 14 April 1936.


Dr. Claude Richards, son of Margaret Henderson and stepson of Milton Piper, was born 14 April 1936. He married Carroll Cavanaugh. Carroll was born 14 October 1942. Claude is an instructor at Mesa College, San Diego, California.


1. Piper Sue Richards, born 26 June 1965;

2. Mark Henderson Richards, born 2 June 1967.


G5-8. Alvin Ralph Piper, son of John Emanuel and Laura Emilie (Witte) Piper, was born 21 May 1921 at Watertown, Jefferson County, Wisconsin. He was married 29 January 1950 to Marion Galloway, daughter of Robert and Louise (Thorson) Galloway. Marion was born 23 August 1919. Alvin and Marion's business was International Registered Holstein Cattle Sales and Services. Alvin also managed dispersal cattle sales and consignment auction sales.


G6-1. Mary Lynn Piper, born 8 January 1954.


G6-1. Mary Lynn Piper, daughter of Alvin and Marion (Galloway) Piper, was born 8 January 1954. She attended the University of Wisconsin. She produces cattle sales catalogues and operates a travel agency in Lake Mills, Wisconsin.


G5-9. Arden Louis Piper, son of John Emanuel and Laura Emilie (Witte) Piper, was born 23 June 1923 at Watertown, Wisconsin. He was married 3 November 1945 to Betty Louise Wiedenhoeft, who was born 18 January 1927 at Watertown, Wisconsin. Arden was Production Manager, Carnation Genetics, Watertown, Wisconsin, and is now retired.


G6-1. John Ervin Piper, born 19 May 1947;

G6-2. Daniel R. Piper, born 17 March 1950; married 22 December 1979 to Shelly Scheel Mallow;

G6-3. Beri K. Piper, born 14 July 1956; married 9 August 1975 to Ted Voigt;

G6-4. Tod K. Piper, born 24 August 1967.


G6-1. John Ervin Piper, son of Arden L. and Betty (Weidenhoeft) Piper, was born 19 May 1947 at Watertown, Wisconsin. He graduated from Milton College and is employed at 7-up Bottling Company in Watertown, Wisconsin.


G6-2. Daniel Reed Piper, son of Arden L. and Betty (Weidenhoeft) Piper, was born 27 March 1950 in Watertown, Wisconsin. He was married 22 December 1979 to Shelly Scheel Mallow, daughter of Orville and Marleen (NeeKottwitz) Scheel of Lake Mills. Shelly was born 24 February 1956 in Watertown, Wisconsin. Dan is a foreman at Crepaco in Lake Mills, Wisconsin. Shelly is a graduate of beauty and modeling school. She is a beautician.


G7-1. Sommer Mallow, born 4 January 1977;

G7-2. Nicole Lyn Piper, born 25 February 1981.


G6-3. Beri K. Piper, daughter of Arden L. and Betty (Weidenhoeft) Piper, was born 14 July 1956 at Watertown, Wisconsin. She was married 9 August 1975 at Lake Mills, Wisconsin, to Ted Voigt, son of Tom H. and Carol K. (Lehman) Voigt. Ted was born 3 November 1954 at Roswell, New Mexico. Ted is a tool setter and Beri is a dispatcher at Crepaco in Lake Mills, Wisconsin.


G7-1. Tyler Ted Voigt, born 29 December 1983 at Watertown, Wisconsin.



G6-4 Tod Kevin Piper, son of Arden L. and Betty (Weidenhoeft) Piper, was born 24 August 1967 at Watertown, Wisconsin. Tod is a junior at the University of Wisconsin, Waukesha, majoring in accounting. Tod works part time in the accounting department at Hamlin L.C.D., Lake Mills, Wisconsin.


G5-l0 Grace E. Piper, daughter of John Emanuel and Laura Emilie (Witte) Piper, was born 21 February 1925 at Watertown, Wisconsin. She was married 14 June 1947 at Watertown, Wisconsin, to Eugene Kelm, son of Lawrence and Mabel (Flath) Kelm. Eugene was born 4 August 1923 at Watertown, Wisconsin. Eugene is a specialized bricklayer and resides in Watertown, Wisconsin. Grace died 16 April 1967. Eugene was married (2) 4 December 1982 to Pearl Klingbeil.


G6-l. Margie G. Kelm, born 17 June 1948, in Watertown, Wisconsin; married 29 December 1975 to Steven Hersh;

G6-2. Jill M. Kelm, born 28 January 1952 at Watertown, Wisconsin; married 1 November 1982 to Carl Tessman;

G6-3. Peter E. Kelm, born 10 June 1956 at Watertown, Wisconsin; married 29 September 1979 to Dionne Kagerbauer.


G6-l Margie G. Kelm, daughter of Eugene and Grace (Piper) Kelm, was born 17 June 1948 at Watertown, Wisconsin. She was married 29 December 1975 in Madison, Wisconsin, to Steven Hersh, son of Henry and Marjorie (Abel) Hersh. Steve was born 29 December 1947 at Trenton, New Jersey. Margie is a registered nurse. Steve is an artist. They reside in Haiku, Maui, Hawaii. Their special interests are hiking and swimming.


G6-2 Jill M. Kelm, daughter of Eugene and Grace (Piper) Kelm, was born 28 January 1952 at Watertown, Wisconsin. She was married 1 November 1982 in California to Carl Tessman. Carl was born 31 October 1947 in Watertown, Wisconsin. Jill is a printer. Carl is a machinist. They reside in San Francisco, California. Their special interest is sailing.


G6-3 Peter E. Kelm, son of Eugene and Grace (Piper) Kelm, was born 10 June 1956 in Watertown, Wisconsin. He was married 29 September 1979 to Dionne Kagerbauer, daughter of Don and Dionne (Gensch) Kagerbauer. Dionne was born 21 May 1956. Peter is an artist. Dionne is an art teacher. They reside in Watertown, Wisconsin. Their special interests are water skiing, tennis, and family outings.


G7-1. Chase Lawrence Kelm, born 6 March 1981 at Watertown, Wisconsin;

G7-2. Adam Peter Kelm, born 1 September 1983 at Watertown, Wisconsin;

G7-3. Ivy Elizabeth Grace Kelm, born 16 May 1986 at Watertown. Wisconsin.



G3-1. William Frederick Trachte, son of Friedrich Christian and Ernstina (Hans) Trachte, was born 28 October 1859 at Watertown, Jefferson County, Wisconsin. He was married 27 October 1887 to Emma Elizabeth Hans, daughter of Martin Julius and Emilie (Witte) Hans. Emma was born 28 February 1865 at Winona County, Minnesota. William was the organist at Ebenezer Moravian Church for many years and owned a music store in Watertown, Wisconsin. It was in their home that Christian Trachte lived until his death. Also, Martin Julius and Emilie Hans (parents of Emma) lived in the same home when they retired. All had separate apartments, but ate together. William died 26 July 1926; Emma died 18 March 1958. Both are buried on Ebenezer Moravian Cemetery, Watertown, Wisconsin.

G4-1. Cornelius Arthur Wilhelm Trachte, born 14 July 1890 at Watertown, Wisconsin; married 15 June 1912 to Esther Ording (div.); died 28 September 1957;

G4-2. Gerhardt Paul Trachte, born 17 September 1892 at Watertown, Wisconsin; married 13 January 1929 to Ella Viola Weseman; died 24 February 1974.

The William Trachte family: Cornelius, Emma, William, Gerhardt




Emma (Hans) Trachte, William Trachte



G4-1. Cornelius Arthur Wilhelm Trachte, son of William Frederick and Emma Elizabeth (Hans) Trachte, was born 14 July 1890 at Watertown, Wisconsin. He was married 15 June 1912 to Esther Ording (divorced). Cornelius died 28 September 1957 at Hot Springs, South Dakota. He was buried at Ebenezer Moravian Cemetery.

    G5-1. Caroline Emma Trachte, born 23 September 1916.

G4-2. Gerhardt Paul Trachte, son of William Frederick and Emma Elizabeth (Hans) Trachte, was born 17 September 1892 at Watertown, Wisconsin. He was married 13 January 1929 to Ella Viola Weseman. Ella was born 22 September 1901. They assisted Gerhardt's mother with the management of rental properties. Gerhardt died 24 February 1974. Ella resided in the Trachte home place in Watertown, Wisconsin. Ella died 21 October 1992.

    G5-1. Naomi Dorothy Elizabeth Trachte, born 11 August 1929 at Watertown, Wisconsin; married 27 January 1951 to Paul Steven Athas;

    G5-2. William Fredrick Trachte, born 26 April 1931 at Watertown, Wisconsin; married (1) 27 February 1954 to Elizabeth Janet Walkowski, div.; (2) 3 August 1986 to Gloria Neuman;

    G5-3. Cornelia Emma Trachte, born 2 April 1934 at Watertown, Wisconsin; married 26 January 1958 to James Oriss Schlosser.




Trachte Music Store












G5-1. Naomi Dorothy Elizabeth Trachte, daughter of Gerhardt and Ella Viola (Weseman) Trachte, was born 11 August 1929 at Watertown, Wisconsin. She was married 27 January 1951 to Paul Steven Athas. Paul was born 3 August 1929.


     G6-1. David Paul Athas, M.D., born 2 February 1952 at Jefferson County, Wisconsin; married 23 October 1983 to Ann Fisher;

     G6-2. James Robert Athas, born 3 October 1955 at Jefferson County, Wisconsin; married 25 September 1982 to Barbara Stortz;

     G6-3. Ellen Joyce Athas, born 21 March 1959 at Jefferson County, Wisconsin; married 1 October 1983 to Paul Bradly Didion;

G6-4. Mark Allen Athas, born 26 August 1960 at Jefferson County, Wisconsin; married 9 March 1985 to Victoria Herchner;

G6-5. Karen Jean Athas, born 31 January 1964 at Jefferson County, Wisconsin; married 27 February 1988 to Roland James Lee; married 27 February 1988 to Roland Lee.


G6-1. Dr. David Paul Athas, son of Paul Steven and Naomi Dorothy Elizabeth (Trachte) Athas, was born 2 February 1952 in Jefferson County, Wisconsin. He was married 23 October 1983 to Ann Fisher, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Paul Fisher.


G7-1. Julie Ann Athas, born 19 March 1985 in San Antonio, Texas.


G6-2. James Robert Athas, son of Paul Steven and Naomi Dorothey Elizabeth (Trachte) Athas, was born 3 October 1955 in Jefferson County, Wisconsin. He was married 25 September 1982 at St. Joseph Church, Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin, to Barbara Stortz, daughter of Roland and Margaret Stortz.


G7-1. Aaron Paul Athas, born 11 April 1985 at Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin;

G7-2. Kathryn Leona Athas, born 14 December 1986 at Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin.


G6-3. Ellen Joyce Athas, daughter of Paul Steven and Naomi Dorothy Elizabeth (Trachte) Athas, was born 21 March 1959 at Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin. She was married 1 October 1983 to Paul Bradly Didion, son of Dr. Paul and Lee Didion.


G7-1. Brady Paul Didion, born 4 November 1984 at Champaign, Illinois;

G7-2. Kelsey Ahlene Didion, born 28 May 1987 at Champaign, Illinois.



G6-4. Mark Allen Athas, son of Paul Steven and Naomi Dorothy Elizabeth (Trachte) Athas, was born 28 August 1960 at Jefferson, County, Wisconsin. He was married 9 March 1985 to Victoria Herchner.


G6-5. Karen Jean Athas, daughter of Paul Steven and Naomi Dorothy Elizabeth (Trachte) Athas, was born 31 January 1964 at Jefferson County, Wisconsin. She was married 27 February 1988 to Roland Lee.


G7-1. Alexander Lee, born 7 August 1988;

G7-2. Chloe Jane Lee, born 4 August 1989.


G5-2. William Fredrick Trachte, son of Gerhardt and Ella Viola (Weseman) Trachte, was born 26 April 1931 at Watertown, Jefferson County, Wisconsin. He was married (1) 27 February 1954 at Madison, Dane County, Wisconsin, to Elizabeth Janet Walkowski, daughter of Edward Francis and Elizabeth Margaret (Cook) Walkowski. Elizabeth was born 3 September 1932 at Rhinelander, Oneida County, Wisconsin. She attended the Waukesha Technical Institute; William is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin. William was a Lieutenant in the Signal Corp at Ft. Monmouth, New Jersey, and Ft. Leonard Wood, Missouri, from 1954 to 1957. He is District Manager, Construction, with the Wisconsin Telephone Company. William was married (2) 9 August 1986 to Gloria Neumann. Gloria was born 24 June 1931. They reside in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.


G6-1. William Fredrick Trachte, Jr., born 20 October 1954 at Ft. Leonard Wood, Missouri; married 13 November 1981 to Jill Marie Sanders;

G6-2. Marie Ann Trachte, born 17 July 1957 at Milwaukee, Wisconsin; married 22 October 1977 to Steven Knodl, div.; married (2) Mark Thierfelder, div.;

G6-3. Paul Edward Trachte, born 25 August 1961 at Milwaukee, Wisconsin; married 27 June 1987 to Lynn Fairchild.


G6-1. William Fredrick Trachte, Jr., son of William Fredrick and Elizabeth Janet (Walkowski) Trachte, Sr., was born 20 October 1954 at Ft. Leonard Wood, Missouri. He was married 13 November 1981 to Jill Marie Sanders. Jill was born 2 September 1956.

G6-2. Marie Ann Trachte, daughter of William Fredrick and Elizabeth Janet (Walkowski) Trachte, Sr., was born 17 July 1957 at Milwaukee, Wisconsin. She was married (1) 22 October 1977 to Steven Knod1, div.; married (2) to Mark Thierfelder, div.


G7-l. Elizabeth Rose Thierfelder, born 3 October 1986.



G6-3. Paul Edward Trachte, son of William Fredrick and Elizabeth Janet (Walkowski) Trachte, Sr., was born 25 August 1961 at Milwaukee, Wisconsin. He was married 27 June 1987 to Lynn Fairchild. Lynn was born 22 September 1961. They live at Tempe, Arizona.


G5-3. Cornelia Emma Trachte, daughter of Gerhardt and Ella Viola (Weseman) Trachte, was born 2 April 1934 at Watertown, Wisconsin. She was married 26 January 1957 to James Oriss Schloesser, who was born 13 April 1929.


G6-1. Lori Jean Schloesser, born 6 December 1958, Jefferson County, Wisconsin;

G6-2. Thomas James Schloesser, born 13 November 1959, Jefferson County, Wisconsin; married 6 September 1980 to Renee Zastrow;

G6-3. Robert Charles Schloesser, born 22 February 1962 at Jefferson County, Wisconsin; married 14 May 1988 to Jill Marie Wagner;

G6-4. Lisa Marie Schloesser, born 25 July 1963 at Jefferson County, Wisconsin; married Crawford Ira Smith III;

G6-5. Kari Sue Schloesser, born 17 April 1969 at Jefferson County, Wisconsin.


G6-2. Thomas James Schloesser, son of James Oriss and Cornelia Emma (Trachte) Schloesser, was born 11 November 1959 at Jefferson County, Wisconsin. He was married 6 September 1980 to Renee Zastrow, who was born 18 February 1958.


G7-1. Joshua Thomas Schloesser, born 14 September 1982;

G7-2. Ryan Walther Schloesser, born 1 July 1984;

G7-3. Justin Schloesser, born 5 May 1986.


G6-3. Robert Charles Schloesser, son of James Oriss and Cornelia Emma (Trachte) Schloesser, was born 22 February 1962 at Jefferson County, Wisconsin. He was married 14 May 1988 to Jill Marie Wagner who was born 24 July 1963.


G7-1. Ashley Lynn Schloesser, born 30 September 1989.


G6-4. Lisa Marie Schloesser, daughter of James Oriss and Cornelia Emma (Trachte) Schloesser, was born 25 July 1963 at Jefferson County, Wisconsin. She was married to Crawford Ira Smith III who was born 8 December 1960.


G7-1. Amber Lynn Smith, born 22 August 1989.





G2-7. Martin Julius Hans, son of Joachim and Dorothea Elizabeth (Juhre) Hans, was born 23 February 1827 at Saratoga, Brandenburg, Germany. He was married 7 July 1853 at Ebenezer Moravian Church, Watertown, Wisconsin, to Emelie Witte, daughter of Julius and Albertine Witte. Emelie was born 18 February 1830 at Ludwigtha1, Brandenburg, Germany. Their wedding was the first to be performed in the Ebenezer Moravian Church. Emelie had accompanied her brother Julius to America on the same boat that her future husband had come with his parents. They farmed in the Watertown area until 1864 when they moved to Winona County, Minnesota. They farmed in the vicinity of Altura, Minnesota, and were founding members of the Altura (Hebron) Moravian Church. Julius and Leberecht and Pauline accompanied the group, which migrated from Watertown, Wisconsin, to Bethany, Minnesota, and the account of their migration is recorded in the history of the Bethany Moravian Church. During their last years they moved back to Watertown, Wisconsin, with their daughter Emma (Hans) Trachte. Julius died of the flu 25 October 1900; and Emelie died of cancer 22 March 1905. Both died at Watertown, Wisconsin, and are buried on the Ebenezer Moravian Cemetery, Watertown, Wisconsin.


G3-1. Auguste Pauline Emilie Hans, born 15 April 1854 at Watertown, Wisconsin; married 6 November 1870 to Carl Piper; died 10 July 1936 at Heading1y, Manitoba, Canada;

G3-2. Leberecht Hans, born 11 January 1856 at Watertown, Wisconsin; died 24 December 1873 at Norton Township, Winona County, Minnesota;

G3-3. Maria (Mary) Magdalena Hans, born 5 August 1858 at Watertown, Wisconsin; married 18 July 1878 to August Herman Nienow; died 3 December 1931 at St. Char1ea, Minnesota;

G3-4. Herman Julius Hans, born 25 March 1860 at Watertown, Wisconsin; married 22 October 1885 to Magdalena E. Meinert; died 2 October 1950;

G3-5. Johann Herman Hans, born about 1 August 1861 (was 10 yrs. 7 mos. 12 days at death on 12 February 1872;

G3-6. Albertine Emilie Hans, born 4 September 1863 at Watertown, Wisconsin; died 12 February 1872;

G3-7. Emma Hans, born 28 February 1865 at Winona County, Minnesota; married 27 October 1887 to William Trachte; died 18 March 1958;

G3-8. Anna Hans, born 28 March 1867 at Winona County, Minnesota; died 12 February 1872 at Winona County, Minnesota;

G3-9. Stillborn child, born and died 23 April 1869;

G3-l0. Newborn son, born and died 23 April 1871;

G3-11. Male child, born and died 2 August 1875.






Martin Julius Hans had been in the German Cavalry and had to have special permission to leave Germany. Family tradition indicated that he was a highly skilled horseman and had to be able to jump into the saddle from the ground.


In the land transactions for Jefferson County, Wisconsin, it is recorded that in 1852 Martin Julius Hans bought from George Hurlbert for $400 80 acres in 1/2 SE Sec. 30 Township 8 N of Range 15 East; in 1857 they sold 20 A. for $400; in 1859 they sold 24 A. for $500. In June of 1863 they sold 28 1/2 A to Gottfried Kirschberg for $900; and 20 A. for $500 to Christian Groelle. This latter transaction prepared them for their migration to Minnesota in March of 1864. Ernest and Julius Hans also owned 39 and 24/100 acres in partnership, bought in August 1861 and sold in September 1863.


"In the sixties, Abraham Lincoln's time, a group of Moravians from Watertown, Wisconsin, left to go to Minnesota. They went with canvas covered wagons. It took them about two or three weeks. Cattle and sheep were also taken along. Julius Hans went with his two children, Pauline and Leberecht. When the cattle got off the track they had to find them. Their clothes, which were of new denim when they started, were in shreds when they arrived.


"Traveling was very hard. They crossed the Mississippi on a ferry. When they came to Stockton Bluff, it took two teams of horses to pull the wagon up. The women were very disappointed so they sat down and cried that they wouldn't go any further. They would rather die. After the long hard climb they came to Bethany. The land was very good. Uncle Fred Hans gave fifteen acres to build the church. William Bucholz name the church Bethany... Julius Hans went to Hebron alone. He went north because the land was better. He built a house so his wife could come up." He and Emilie were founding members of the Hebron Moravian Church. (Notes from Meta Nienow)


A great tragedy struck the family in February of 1872. Doris Persons records what was told her by Meta Nienow whose mother Mary survived the fire:


"Great Grandma Hans had been quite sick, I think with pregnancy, and so the boys had been seeing to the fires. They stacked the wood around the stove to dry out -- stacked too closely, and on a bitter cold night the house caught on fire. Great Grandma was put out in the snow in a wardrobe. Great Grandpa and the oldest boy got most of the children out. As Great Grandpa came back to the stairs, one called, "Here I am Papa--come and get me." Then the stairs collapsed with the fire and three of them left up there burned to death. Great Grandma cried and cried till she cried herself blind for a temporary period of time. There was a baby that died after a bit, and I think it was hers. I remember Aunt Meta said it was so hard to get to a doctor or for him to come, as that was such a hard winter.


"The oldest daughter, (must have been Aunt Pauline Piper) was married and lived some distance away. She was also seriously ill at the time, and I think with a pregnancy. So they felt that they must not say anything about the fire and deaths to her, as it would affect her. But when someone of the family saw her (I think a brother) she said, "What happened on such and such a night? I know something terrible happened. A great light like a fire came into my room, and I know something happened there at home." So she was told.


"That fire burned up all the quilts and things they had brought over from Germany and that they had managed to bring West with them. (It seemed to me that Aunt Meta said that when they first arrived in Hebron, their main concern was to get a house of God set up so they built the church before their own house.)


"In the spring or summer, Great Grandpa had a new house built. While the scaffolding was still up, lightning struck on a Saturday night and burnt the new house to the ground. Next morning Great Grandpa said, "We're all going to church, even if we haven't shoes and have to go barefoot."(Doris Persons)


My mother, Lydia Nienow Persons, commented about the fire: glass panes for the windows were so expensive and hard to get that no one thought of breaking them and dropping the children to the ground. (Edith (Persons) Korpi)


Leberecht had been attending school in Winona. He died of lung disease (pneumonia?) on December 25, 1873. It was he who carried my great-aunt Emma Trachte through the fire--she had scars on her arms from having been burned. Leberecht's death certificate says he died on the above date; the church records say December 24, 1873.





































February 12 1872 Newspaper



Original brick house built by Julius Hans Sr. following the fires.




1867 plat of Jefferson Township

Section 8 Julius Hans owned 320 acres


Altura, Minnesota 1868-1968


"The first Moravian preaching service north of Altura was held in the district school house on Oak Ridge on September 18, 1867, with the pastor from Bethany, the Rev. Heinrich Reusswig, as the preacher. The congregation, although not yet organized, purchased 160 acres of land for $300 on July 31, 1868, . . . At a meeting on October 1, 1868, the congregation was organized and given the name "Hebron," Brother Heinrich Reusswig was the first pastor.


"The following sixteen persons made up the first charter membership list: Johann and Rechina (Rickert) Dittmer, Julius and Emilie Albertine(Witte) Hans, Gottlieb and Anna Rosine (Batsch) Buchholz, Daniel and Barbara (Krebs) Aimmerman, Johann and Wilhelmine (Behrent) Piper, Wilhelmine Dittmer, Louise Dittmer, Edward Meilicke, Carl Piper, Ferdinand Piper, Johann Dittmer Jr. These members had settled in the community after leaving Ebenezer, Wisconsin, area; the members of the older generation were born in Prussia and Switzerland.


"The Register of the Hebron congregation records the following 'firsts': the first wedding recorded was of Edward Meilicke and Wilhelmine Dittmer on November 21, 1868. The first baptism recorded preceded the organization of the congregation on July 26, 1867, and was Anna Elizabeth Hans, daughter of Julius and Emilie Hans. The first confirmation class was received on March 21, 1869, and consisted of Caroline Dittmer and Pauline Hans. The first burial on the Hebron cemetery was that of an infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Julius Hans on April 23,1869.

"On January 4, 1869 Brother Julius H. Hans donated 40 acres of land with the provision that the church be built on that land. This offer was accepted. But later Brother Hans changed his offer to $300 in cash and 15 acres of land and then this second offer was accepted. (Emma Trachte related that the reason for the change was that the church board did not want that much land.) For the balance of the cost, contributions for the church edifice were gathered from members and the Rev. H. Reusswig collected for the cause among other Moravian congregations.


"On November 1, 1870, the first church building was dedicated for services to the glory of the Triune God. The Rev. J. G. Kaltenbrunn from Ebenezer, Wisconsin, preached the dedication sermon. Within four years a parsonage was built next to the church and the work was advancing rapidly. The Rev. Hermann Meinert became the first resident pastor on December 10, 1874.





Seated: Julius Hans, Emilie (Witte) Hans, Pauline (Hans) Piper Mary (Hans) Nienow

Standing: Emma (Hans) Trachte,

Pauline (Hans) Piper, Julius Hans, Jr.

Mary (Hans) Nienow

Emma (Hans) Trachte




Emma Trachte Julius Hans, Jr. Mary Nienow, Pauline Piper




Julius and Amelie (Witte) Hans


G3-1. Auguste Pauline Emilie Hans, daughter of Martin Julius and Emelie (Witte) Hans, was born 15 April 1854 at Watertown, Wisconsin. She was married 6 November 1870 at Norton Township, Winona County, Minnesota, to Karl August Piper, son of John Samuel and Louise (Dittmer) Piper. Karl was born 9 March 1843 in Ko1bitzou, Pommern, Germany. On the marriage record and the birth records of three of the children, Karl is listed as Charles. Rev. Reusswig of the Hebron Moravian Church performed the marriage ceremony. Karl served three years in the Army in Germany and came to Winona County, Minnesota, with his father and brothers in 1868. He acquired 160 acres and farmed in Winona County, Minnesota, until they moved to Addison, Cass County, North Dakota, in 1881. Karl and Pauline were charter members of the Canaan Moravian Church to which Karl donated 15 acres for the church site. Karl acquired three sections, served on the township board, had business interests including a store at Addison, and held various civic and church offices. Karl died of typhoid 9 January 1899 at Davenport, North Dakota. Following Karl's death, most of the family moved to Carberry, Manitoba, Canada, in 1901 and continued farming. Pauline died 10 July 1936 of a heart condition at Headingly, Manitoba, Canada. Both are buried on Canaan Moravian Church cemetery.


G4-1. Anna Piper (Elizabeth on birth record), born 23 January 1872 at Hebron, Winona County, Minnesota; married 17 March 1892 to Otto Albert Emil Piper; died 10 December 1907;

G4-2. Hulda Maria Piper, born 24 January 1874 at Hebron, Winona County, Minnesota; died 28 October 1960;

G4-3. Adolph Gustave Piper, born 28 November 1875 (on birth record December 5 is listed) at Hebron, Winona County, Minnesota; died 17 April 1898 of typhoid;

G4-4. Edmund Ferdinand Piper (Fredrick on birth record), born 11 November 1877 at Hebron, Winona County, Minnesota; married 21 November 1908 to Nora Broten; died 13 December 1974;

G4-5. John (Johannes) Emanuel Piper, born 8 January 1880 at Davenport, North Dakota; married 12 August 1908 to Laura Witte; died 6 April 1943;

G4-6. Paul Julius Gerhardt Piper, born 15 March 1882 at Addison, North Dakota; died 25 August 1979 at Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada;

G4-7. Elizabeth Selma Pauline Piper, born 26 April 1884 at Addison, North Dakota; died 26 September 1918;

G4-8. Arthur Reinho1dt Albert Piper, born 27 August 1886 at Addison, North Dakota; married 17 November 1937 to Vera McIntosh; died 25 December 1982 at Vancouver, British Colombia, Canada;

G4-9. Carl August Oswald Piper, born 7 January 1889 at Addison, North Dakota; married 15 July 1923 to Alice Qually;

G4-10. Ella Selma Piper, born 13 December 1891 at Addison, North Dakota; died 22 September 1893 at Addison, North Dakota;

G4-11. Meta Selma Florence Piper, born 29 June 1895 at Addison, North Dakota, married 23 February 1922 to Henry Broten; died 20 December 1966.


by Edith (Persons) Korpi


We called Pauline, 'Aunt Piper', which was contrary to family pattern for all other aunts. When I asked my mother why this was so, she had no answer. She did comment that Aunt Piper was always very much in love with her husband from the time she had married at sixteen, and perhaps she wanted to be called by his name.


During her last years, Aunt Piper found the winters in Canada too cold. She stayed one winter with us, and one winter with our Uncle and Aunt -- Chancy and Selma (Nienow) Persons. I can remember her sitting in the kitchen stripping goose feathers for pillows. This was a tedious job that necessitated holding the tip of the feather in one hand while stripping the soft part of the feather from the center stem. The fingers soon became sore, and the stripped feathers and down tended to fly all over the room the minute there was a current of air from a door being opened or someone walking past. I cannot remember that she ever uttered a cross word to us children, and I'm sure we must have tried her patience many times.






Carl Piper

Pauline (Hans) Piper
























Anna (Mrs.) Albert Piper







"The prairies of Dakota Territory were the Land of Promise to many German Moravian families from Minnesota and Wisconsin who established homes along the Maple River in 1878-1881. This community they founded was called Canaan -- the Land of Promise.

"In 1881 when the nearby Goshen Moravian Church received their first resident pastor, Brother Frank E. Wolff, the settlers of Canaan had the services of an ordained minister. Prior to this, they met in their homes, reading from a book by Martin Luther or another German preacher.


"Brother Wolffs first service in the Canaan community was held in the district schoolhouse on September 18, 1881. .... Anxious for the ministers services, the group of settlers offered to supply him with a horse and a cart to make it possible for him to come each Sunday for a worship service for them.


"Seeing the need for a congregation to be organized among the Maple River settlers as well as Goshen, Brother Wolff encouraged Bishop Edmund de Schweinitz of the Provincial Elders Conference to make an official visit to the Dakota Moravians. Only a month later, October 20, 1881, Brother de Schweinitz arrived and on October 22 visited all the Moravian families in the Canaan community. He called an organizational meeting the following evening at the Goshen schoolhouse. The Maple River settlers drove across the prairie to affix their signatures to the Charter of the Canaan congregation that night. Bishop de Schweinitz led them in a closing service of Holy Communion.

"Thus on October 23, 1881, Der Bruedergemeine zu Canaan, the Canaan Moravian Congregation was born ...

"At the church council, August 27, 1882, the congregation accepted the kind offer of Brother Carl Piper to donate 15 acres of land a mile south and a mile east of the school house to be used for future church building. On November 2, 1883, the Canaan Moravian Church was incorporated under the corporate name of 'The Moravian Society of Canaan" by James B. Teller, then the Secretary of the Territory of Dakota." (1)


Listed among the charter members of Canaan were Carl August Piper and wife, Pauline (Hans) Piper (daughter of Julius Hans).




G4-1. *Anna (Elizabeth on birth record) Piper, daughter of Karl August and Auguste Pauline Emilie (Hans) Piper, was born 23 January 1872 at Hebron, Winona County, Minnesota. She was married 17 March 1892 to Otto Albert Emil Piper, son of William and Emilie (Kewitt) Piper. Albert was born 17 March 1864 at Kolbitzow, Pommern, Germany. In 1881 Albert's parents and eight children immigrated to America. The family farmed Sec. 31 of Addison Township. Anna died 10 December 1907 and is buried on Canaan Moravian Cemetery.


G5-1. Marie Martha Piper, born 13 June 1893 at Addison Township, North Dakota; married 7 February 1918 to Arnold Herman Glasow; died 4 November 1983;

G5-2. Robert Hubert Piper, born 5 July 1895 at Addison Township, North Dakota; married 15 December 1949 to Blanche O'Connel;

G5-3. Daughter, born and died 26 June 1897 at Addison Township, North Dakota;

G5-4. Martha Ann Piper, born 5 February 1899 at Addison Township, North Dakota; died 17 February 1899 at Addison Township, North Dakota.


Albert married (2) 4 April 1910 to Harriet Agnes Marsch, daughter of John and Emma (Heberling) Marsch. She was born 28 January 1879 and died 7 May 1924. He married (3) Minna Glasow in 1927. Minna was born 9 April 1887 and died July 1949. Albert died in March 1946 at Fargo, North Dakota. Albert served on church and township boards. In 1907 he was instrumental in the organization of the incorporation of the Woods elevator, which later became the Woods Farmers Co-operative Elevator Company. He was a charter member of the Canaan Moravian Church and of the Fargo Moravian Church. He served on the building committee of the brick building for Canaan Church in 1914. Children of the second marriage were: Albert Marsch Piper, born 3 February 1911; Verna (Piper) Schatzke, born 29 April 1912; Ruth E. (Piper) Morris, born 14 December 1914.


*Laura (Glasow) Jones assembled much of the information on this branch of the family.




L to R:

Laura Jones, Donald Glasow, Doris Larson,

Marie Glasow, Ervin Glasow

Marie's 90th birthday

Hulda Piper

Anna (Piper) Piper

Standing: Stacy Franson.

Sandra Olson

Seated: Jessica Lynn Franson.

Laura Jones

Standing: Donald Glasow Doris Larson

Seated: Laura Jones

(time of Ervin's funeral)






G5-1 Marie Martha Piper, daughter of Otto Albert Emil and Anna Elizabeth (Piper) Piper, was born 13 June 1893 at Addison Township, Cass County, North Dakota. She attended school at Lititz, Pennsylvania. She was married 7 February 1918 to Arnold Herman Glasow, son of Herman and Ida (Scharbow) Glasow. Arnold was born 13 June 1892 in Maple River Township, Davenport, North Dakota. They farmed on Sec. 24 of Maple River Township. Arnold died 13 July 1941 and was buried on Canaan Moravian Cemetery. Prior to her death Marie lived in Detroit Lakes, Minnesota. She died 4 November 1983 at Detroit Lakes, Minnesota, and was buried on the Canaan Moravian Cemetery.


G6-1. Laura Ann Glasow, born 19 December 1918 at Maple River Township, Cass County, North Dakota; married 13 June 1940 to Carmie Dean Jones;

G6-2. Helen Marie Glasow, born 26 May 1920 at Maple River Township, Cass County, North Dakota; married 26 January 1952 to Virgil Schmidt; died 27 April 1977;

G6-3. Ervin Arnold Glasow, born 28 December 1921 at Maple River Township, Cass County, North Dakota; died 4 May 1989;

G6-4,5. Donald Herman Glasow, born 23 June 1925 at Maple River Township, Cass County, North Dakota;

G6-4,5. Doris Elaine Glasow, born 23 June 1925 at Maple River Township, Cass County, North Dakota; married 17 November 1948 to Dale Martin Larson.




by Laura Jones


"I think what I remember most were the fun times we had going to visit our relatives in Canada, which seemed so very far away then, and having our great grandmother come to visit Grandmother Pauline, because we didn't know our grandmother.


"Another fun thing was in summer we would go to church, hurry and eat dinner, and go to the ball game. My dad just loved ball games and so did we. He and Arnold Glasow managed the Maple River Speed Kings -- it was mostly all relatives and friends that played on the team.


"One Sunday in June we had the Canaan Moravian Church picnic at our place for years, which was always a fun Sunday too."





G6-1. Laura Ann Glasow, daughter of Arnold Herman and Marie Martha (Piper) Glasow, was born 19 December 1918. She was married 13 June 1940 to Carmie Dean Jones, son of Harry R. and Amelia Marie (Dobrinz) Jones. Carmie was born 17 April 1910. He died 20 July 1981 of a brain tumor.


G7-1. Monte Dean Jones, born 10 March 1941; married 13 June 1964 to Karen Rae Kohler;

G7-2. Sandra Kay Jones, born 14 July 1943 at Fargo, North Dakota; married 9 March 1963 to Har1en Torgerson.

G7-1. Monte Dean Jones, son of Carmie Dean and Laura Ann (Glasow) Jones, was born 10 March 1941. He was married 13 June 1964 to Karen Rae Kohler. Karen was born 22 October 1944. Monte is a teacher; Karen is a beauty operator and a housewife.


G8-1. Machelle Renae Jones, born 14 August 1965;

G8-2. Anthony Dean Jones, born 21 June 1968.


G7-2. Sandra Kay Jones, daughter of Carmie Dean and Laura Ann (G1asow) Jones, was born 14 July 1943 at Fargo, North Dakota. She was married 9 March 1963 at Audubon, Minnesota, to Harlen Torgerson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Torgerson. Harlen was born 20 December 1942. They are divorced. Sandra married (2) 24 July 1987 to David Lee Olson. David was born 31 October 1951 and is an Environmental Technician. Sandra is a Deputy Registrar.


G8-1. Stacy Jo Torgerson, born 23 September 1963; married 16 August 1986 to Scott Allen Franson;

G8-2. Todd Har1en Torgerson, born 26 September 1967.


G8-1 Stacy Jo Torgerson, daughter of Har1en and Sandra Kay (Jones) Torgerson, was born 23 September 1963. She was married 16 August 1986 to Scott Allen Franson. Scott was born 19 February 1963. Stacy manages a Day Care and Scott is a student.


G9-1. Jessica Lynn Franson, born 15 June 1988.


G8-2. Todd Harlen Torgerson, son of Har1en and Sandra Kay (Jones) Torgerson, was born 26 September 1967. He is a welder.



G6-2 Helen Marie Glasow, daughter of Arnold Herman and Marie Martha (Piper) Glasow, was born 26 May 1920. She was married 26 January 1952 to Virgil Schmidt. Virgil was born 11 August 1922 and is a farmer. Helen died 27 April 1977. They lived at Odessa, Washington.


G7-1. Virgil Ervin Schmidt, born 11 July 1953;

G7-2. Lynn J. (Schmidt) Arnold, born 27 March 1955.


G6-4,5. Doris Elaine G1asow, daughter of Arnold Herman and Marie Martha (Piper) Glasow, was born 23 June 1925. She was married 17 November 1948 to Dale Martin Larson. Dale was born 1 December 1915. They reside at Spokane, Washington.


G7-1. Linda Rhea Larson, born 28 May 1950;

G7-2. Douglas Martin Larson, born 10 January 1952; married (1) 8 November 1971 to Nancy Lee Watson; (2) 18 September 1980 to Linda Sue Watson;

G7-3. Andy Donald Larson, born 6 April 1963.


G7-1 Linda Rhea Larson, daughter of Dale Martin and Doris Elaine (Glasow) Larson, was born 28 May 1950. She is a court reporter.

G7-2 Douglas Martin Larson, son of Dale Martin and Doris Elaine (Glasow) Larson, was born 10 January 1952. He was married (1) 8 November 1971 to Nancy Lee Watson; (2) 18 September 1980 to Linda Sue Watson.


G8-1. Rachel Lee Larson, born 24 March 1973;

G8-2. Jessica Marie Larson, born 12 June 1983;

G8-3. Jacob Martin Larson, born 7 January 1986;

G8-4,4. Eric Douglas Larson, born 27 March 1989;

G8-4,5. Ryan Douglas Larson, born 27 March 1989.


G5-2. Robert Hubert Piper, son of Otto Albert Emil and Anna Elizabeth (Piper) Piper, was born 5 July 1895. He was married 15 December 1949 to Blanche O'Connel. Blanche was born 25 July 1898 and died 16 October 1964. Robert died 7 January 1983.




G4-4. Edmund (Edd) F. Piper, son of Karl and Pauline (Hans) Piper, was born 11 November 1877 at Winona County, Minnesota. He was married 21 November 1908 to Nora Broten. Nora was born 14 May 1886 at Davenport, North Dakota. She died 10 November 1917; Edd died 13 December 1974. He is buried at Bethlehem Memorial Gardens, Decotah, Manitoba, Canada.


G5-1. Percy E. Piper, born 15 November 1909 at Cabot, Manitoba, Canada; married 8 November 1939 to Winnifred Lee;

G5-2. Frances Louise Piper, born 12 March 1912; married 16 September 1939 to Lorne McIntosh; died 25 March 1946;

G5-3. Norma Piper, born 14 April 1915; married 15 November 1939 to Stanley Qually;

G5-4. Arnold Piper, born 21 October 1916 at Cabot, Manitoba, Canada; married 30 June 1940 to Mabel Qua11y.


G5-1. Percy E. Piper, son of Edmund (Edd) and Nora (Broten) Piper, was born 15 November 1909 at Carberry, Manitoba, Canada. He was married 8 November 1939 at Carberry, Manitoba, Canada, to Winnifred Lee, daughter of Thomas and Florence (Butler) Lee. Winnifred was born 13 March 1911 at Carberry, Manitoba, Canada. Percy worked for the Canadian Pacific Railroad for thirty-two years, now retired; Winnie worked as postal clerk for fifteen years.


G6-1. David Piper, born 16 March 1949 at Dryden, Ontario, Canada; married 29 July 1978 to Tami Meyers;

G6-2. Linda Piper, born 2 April 1951 at Carberry, Manitoba, Canada; married 20 July 1974 to Alan Baron.


G6-l David Piper, son of Percy E. and Winnifred (Lee) Piper, was born 16 March 1949 at Dryden, Ontario, Canada. He was married 29 July 1978 to Tami Meyers. Tami was born 25 March 1959.


G7-l. Dylan David Piper, born 19 August 1980;

G7-2. Nathan Lee Piper, born 24 July 1983.



G6-2. Linda L. Piper, daughter of Percy E. and Winnifred (Lee) Piper, was born 2 April 1951 at Carberry, Manitoba, Canada. She was married 20 July 1974 at Carberry, Manitoba, to Alan G. Baron, son of Joseph C. and Margaret, S. (Murray) Baron. Alan was born 10 November 1947 at Brandon, Manitoba, Canada. Alan is a farmer (grain, potatoes, corn); took a machinist course. Linda has a BS in nursing from the University of Saskatchewan; worked for six and one-half years in Public Health; now is full time homemaker.


G7-1. Cory Alan Baron, born 30 July 1978 at Carberry, Manitoba, Canada;

G7-2. Kevin Neal Baron, born 8 May 1980 at Carberry, Manitoba, Canada;

G7-3. Alison Lynne Baron, born 23 May 1984 at Carberry, Manitoba, Canada.


G5-2 Frances Louise Piper, daughter of Edmund (Edd) and Nora (Broten) Piper, was born 12 March 1912. She was married 16 September 1939 to Lorne McIntosh. Lorne was born 9 February 1913. Frances died 25 March 1946.


G6-1. Dennis W. McIntosh, born 5 August 1940.


G5-3. Norma Piper, daughter of Edmund (Edd) and Nora (Broten) Piper, was born 14 April 1915. She was married 15 November 1939 to Stanley Qually, son of William and Martha Qually. Stanley was born 3 January 1918. They reside at Headingly, Manitoba, Canada.


G6-1. Carole Lynne Qually, born 7 November 1941, married 8 June 1963 to Maurice Gellatly; died 6 November 1976;

G6- 2. Gwendolyne Frances Qually, born la September 1947; married 27 August 1971 to Victor Bartnik.


G6-1. Carole Lynne Qually, daughter of Stanley and Norma (Piper) Qually, was born 7 November 1941 at Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. She was married 8 June 1963 to Maurice Gellatly. Maurice was born 23 July 1940 at Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Carol died 6 November 1976 and is buried at Bethlehem Memorial Gardens, Dacotah, Manitoba, Canada.


G7-1. Shelley Ann Gellatly, born 15 December 1963 at Winnipeg, Canada;

G7-2. Robert (Bobby) Wayne Gellatly, born 25 January 1967 at Winnipeg, Canada;

G7-3. Shaun Edward Gellatly, born 21 October 1968 at Winnipeg, Canada.



G6-2 Gwendolyne Frances Qually, daughter of Stanley and Norma (Piper) Qually, was born 13 September 1947. She was married 27 August 1971 to Victor Bartnik. Victor was born 11 June 1946.


G7-1. Brigeeta Candice Bartnik, born 15 May 1980 at Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada;

G7-2. Braden Qually Bartnik, born 11 July 1983 at Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

G7-3. Torey Bartnik born 2 May 1985.


G5-4. Arnold Piper, son of Edmund (Edd) and Nora (Broten) Piper, was born 21 October 1916 at Cabot, Manitoba, Canada. He was married 30 June 1940 to Mabel Qually.


G6-1. Wayne Piper, born 3 March 1941; married 31 March 1961 to Joyce McGhan;

G6-2. Dr. Marlene F. Piper, born 21 May 1943;

G6-3. Lois Piper, born 21 August 1947; married 26 January 1968 to Jock McIntosh;

G6-4. Joanne Piper, born 24 March 1960; married 23 August 1980 to Douglas Lulster.


G6-1. Wayne Piper, son of Arnold and Mabel (Qually) Piper, was born 3 March 1941. He was married 31 March 1961 to Joyce McGhan. They live at White Rock, British Columbia, Canada.


G7-1. Nolan Piper, born 12 July 1965;

G7-2. Trev Piper, born 23 December 1966;

G7-3. Renay Piper, born 26 November 1973.


G6-2. Dr. Marlene F. Piper, daughter of Arnold and Mabel (Qually) Piper, was born 21 May 1943. She resides at Milwaukie, Oregon.


G6-3 Lois Piper, daughter of Arnold and Mabel (Qually) Piper, was born 21 August 1947. She was married 26 January 1968 to Jock McIntosh. They reside at Canterbury, New Zealand.


G7-1. Paul McIntosh, born 2 September 1969;

G7-2. Rachael McIntosh, born 20 February 1971;

G7-3. Belinda McIntosh, born 14 April 1972.


G6-4. Joanne Piper, daughter of Arnold and Mabel (Qually) Piper, was born 24 March 1960. She was married 23 August 1980 to Douglas Lulster.


G7-1. Ryan Francis Lulster, born 2 December 1964;

G7-2. Brianna Mae Lulster, born 25 January 1987:

G7-3. Colin Douglas Lulster, born 16 April 1989.



G4-5. John (Johannes) Emanuel Piper, son of Karl August and Auguste Pauline Emilie (Hans) Piper, was born 8 January 1880 at Davenport, Cass County, North Dakota. He was married 12 August 1908 at Ebenezer Moravian Church, Watertown, Wisconsin, to Laura Emilie Witte, daughter of John and Emilie (Ulm) Witte. Laura was born 11 March 1885 at Watertown, Jefferson County, Wisconsin, and died 6 June 1953 at Watertown, Wisconsin. John and Laura continued farming Laura's parents' farm, in the vicinity of the Ebenezer Moravian Church all their lives. Since 1904 the farm has been known for its breeding of registered Holstein cattle. Laura became the church organist at the age of 12. John was a member of the Board of Education, served on church boards, was Superintendent of the Sunday school, and president of the Milk Producers Association. John died 6 April 1943 and Laura died 6 June 1953 at Watertown, Wisconsin, and both are buried on the Ebenezer Moravian Cemetery, Watertown, Wisconsin.


G5-1. Ervin Witte Piper, born 25 June 1909 at Watertown, Wisconsin; married 21 June 1940 to Pauline Doolittle; died 10 October 1980;

G5-2. Esther Anna Piper, born 22 January 1911 at Watertown, Wisconsin; married 25 September 1943 to Clarence Wollin;

G5-3. Olive Viola Piper, born 29 August 1912 at Watertown, Wisconsin; married 1 October 1932 to Dean Long;

G5-4. George Washington Piper, born 22 February 1914 at Watertown, Wisconsin; married (1) 25 May 1941 to Helen Maybelle (May) Fredrich; (2) 27 February 1960 to Ethel Owens; died 27 January 1985;

G5-5. Carl John Piper, born 3 May 1915 at Watertown, Wisconsin; married 16 November 1941 to Eleonora Schmidt; died 23 September 1987;

G5-6. Milton Walter Piper, born 23 April 1917 at Watertown, Wisconsin; married 4 September 1950 to Margaret Henderson; died 1 September 1986;

G5-7. Male child, born and died 15 February 1920;

G5-8. Alvin Ralph Piper, born 21 May 1921 at Watertown, Wisconsin; married 29 January 1950 to Marion Galloway;

G5-9. Arden Louis Piper, born 23 June 1923 at Watertown, Wisconsin; married 3 November 1945 to Betty Louise Weidenhoeft;

G5-10. Grace Ethel Piper, born 21 February 1925 at Watertown, Wisconsin; married 14 June 1947 to Eugene Kelm; died 16 April 1967.


The complete history of this branch of the family can be found under Laura Emilie Witte.



G4-6. Paul Julius Gerhardt Piper, son of Karl August and Auguste Pauline Emilie (Hans) Piper, was born 15 March 1882 at Addison, North Dakota. He died in Grace Hospital, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, on 25 August 1979.


G4-8. Arthur Piper, son of Karl August and Auguste Pauline Emilie (Hans) Piper, was born 26 August 1886 at Addison, North Dakota. He was married 17 November 1937 to Vera (Batters) McIntosh. Vera was born 16 September 1906; died 9 January 1966 in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.


G5-1. Reid William Piper, (child of Vera's by previous marriage, adopted by Arthur); born 13 August 1926; married 14 February 1962 to Janet Clare Fraser.


G5-l. Reid William Piper, son of Arthur and Vera (McIntosh) Piper, was born 13 August 1926. He was married 14 February 1962 to Janet Clare Fraser.


G6-1. Brian Reid Piper, born 29 June 1965;

G6-2. Darin William Piper, born 30 April 1968.


G4-9. Carl August Oswald Piper, son of Karl and Pauline (Hans) Piper, was born 8 January 1889. He was married 15 July 1923 to Alice Qually. Alice was born 13 January 1898; died 28 May 1961. She is buried at Chapel Lawn Memorial Gardens, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Carl was a farmer.


G5-1. Baby girl, deceased;

G5-2. Eric Piper, born 14 October 1928; married 5 October 1950 to Estelle LaCroiz;

G5-3. Trevellyan Piper, born 11 January 1933; married 29 July 1961 to Anne McAneeley;

G5-4. Jean Piper (adopted), born 16 May 1936; married Russell Johnston.









Arthur Piper









Paul Piper











G5-2. Eric Carl Piper, son of Carl Herman and Alice Marion (Qually) Piper, was born 14 October 1928 at Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. He was married 5 October 1950 at Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, to Estelle Claire LaCroix, daughter of Conrad and Marie Rose (Laramee) LaCroix. Estelle was born 17 September 1929 at Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Eric and his sons are farming the home place of Carl Herman Piper, his father.


G6-1. Karen Rose Piper, born 13 August 1954; died 28 January 1955 at Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada;

G6-2. Marshal Carl Piper, born 25 November 1956 at Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada;

G6-3. Garry William Piper, born 10 July 1961 at Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada;

G6-4. Dale Eric Piper, born 5 March 1963 at Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.


G5-3. Trevellyan Piper, son of Carl Herman and Alice Marion (Qually) Piper, was born 11 January 1933 at Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. He was married 29 July 1961 at Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, to Anne McAneeley, daughter of Joseph and Hannah (Miller) McAneeley. Anne was born 13 December 1931 at Humboldt, Saskatchewan, Canada. Trevellyan was a graduate of the University of Manitoba in mechanical engineering in 1955; now is production manager of Canadian Reserve Oil and Gas in Calgary. Anne is a graduate registered nurse of St. Elizabeth Hospital of Humboldt, Saskatchewan 1953. They reside in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.


G6-1. Karla Jo Piper, born 30 January 1968 at Williston, North Dakota;

G6-2. Tracy Anne Piper, born 14 April 1969 at Williston, North Dakota.









Trevellyan and Ann Piper


Karla Jo (16) Tracy Anne (15)









G5-4 Jean Piper, adopted child of Carl Herman and Alice Marion (Qually) Piper, was born 16 May 1936. She was married to Russell Johnston and lives in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.


G6-1. Valerie Jean Johnston, born 13 September 1970.


G4-11. Meta Selma Florence Piper, daughter of Karl August and Auguste Pauline Emilie (Hans) Piper, was born 29 June 1895 at Addison, North Dakota. She was married 23 February 1922 to Henry Broten. Henry was born 20 February 1893; died 18 March 1976. Florence died 20 December 1966 and both are buried at Chapel Lawn Memorial Gardens, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.


G5-1. Kenneth Owen Broten, born 11 January 1923; died 16 February 1945 in Europe in World War II; he is buried in Nymeken Cemetery, Holland.

G5-2. Warren Carl Broten, born 8 August 1924; married 28 December 1948 to Vera Lofto;

G5-3. Vernon Nels Broten, born 25 October 1926; married 20 April 1948 to Vivian Moar;

G5-4. Florence Shirley Broten, born 13 December 1927; married 6 April 1963 to Clarence Christian Benum.


G5-2. Warren Carl Broten, son of Henry and Meta Selma Florence (Piper) Broten, was born 8 August 1924. He was married 28 December 1948 to Vera Lofto, daughter of Ted and Florence (Olson) Lofto. Vera was born 3 May 1928. They live at Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.


G6-1. Glenn Arnold Broten, born 31 October 1949; married 29 November 1969 to Audrey Mumford;

G6-2. Wayne Calvin Broten, born 5 June 1952; died 12 October 1968 in a car accident; buried Bethlehem Memorial Gardens, Dacotah, Manitoba, Canada;

G6-3. Craig Dennis Broten, born 20 July 1955; married 26 June 1976 to Brigitte Feser;

G6-4. Ronald Warren Broten, born 1 February 1958; married 23 September 1978 to Yolande Richard;

G6-5. Barry Eugene Broten, born 27 August 1962.


G6-1. Glenn Arnold Broten, son of Warren Carl and Vera (Lofto) Broten, was born 31 October 1949. He was married 29 November 1969 to Audrey Mumford. Audrey was born 10 February 1948. They are divorced. Glenn married (2) Lynn Jacobsen, October 1982.


G7-1. Tracy Marie Broten, born 4 March 1971 at Winnipeg;

G7-2. Kyle Jonathan Broten, born 22 January 1979 at Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.



G6-3. Craig Dennis Broten, son of Warren Carl and Vera (Lofto) Broten, was born 20 July 1955. He was married 26 June 1976 to Brigitte Feser, daughter of Edward and Giesla (Nagel) Feser.


G7- 1. Robert Wayne Broten, born 11 December 1976 at Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada;

G7- 2. Marc Warren Broten, born 20 April 1981 at Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.


G6-4. Ronald Warren Broten, son of Warren Carl and Vera (Lofto) Broten, was born 1 February 1958. He was married 23 September 1978 to Yolanda Richard.


G7-1. Ryan Richard Broten, born 27 April 1984.


G5-3. Vernon Nels Broten, son of Henry and Florence (Piper) Broten, was born 25 October 1926. He was married 20 April 1948 to Vivian Moar. They reside at Headingly, Manitoba, Canada.


G6-1. Kenneth James Broten, born 16 February 1949; married March 1976 to Ann Sobolsky;

G6-2. Debra Lee Broten, born 5 November 1952; married 25 March 1972 to Dewey Roy;

G6-3. Wendy Victoria Broten, born 9 May 1951; died 15 April 1953;

G6-4. Pamela Broten, born 6 June 1955; married 17 October 1975 to Terry Penner;

G6-5. Timothy Broten, born 7 August 1957.


G6-1. Kenneth James Broten, son of Vernon Nels and Vivian (Moar) Broten, was born 16 February 1949 at Port Arthur, Ontario, Canada. He was married March 1976 at Gera1dton, Ontario, to Ann Sobo1sky, daughter of Steve and Donna (Sarduk) Sobolsky. Ann was born 30 December 1951 at Geraldton, Ontario, Canada.


G7-1. Richard Wayne. Broten, born 2 November 1977 at Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada;

G7-2. Darin James Broten, born 19 September 1980 at Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.


G6-2. Debra Lee Broten, daughter of Vernon Nels and Vivian (Moar) Broten, was born 5 November 1952. She was married 25 March 1972 at Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, to Dewey Roy, son of Charles and Mary (Nickole) Roy.



G6-4. Pamela Sue Broten, daughter of Vernon Nels and Vivian (Moar) Broten, was born 6 June 1955 at Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. She was married 17 October 1975 to Terry Penner, son of Peter and Edith (Haines) Penner. Terry was born 10 June 1956 at Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.


G5-4. Florence Shirley Broten, daughter of Henry and Florence (Piper) Broten, was born 13 December 1927 at Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. She was married 6 April 1963 to Clarence Christian Benum. Clarence was born 1 March 1920 at Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.


G6-1. Susan Barbara Benum, born 25 August 1955; married 28 May 1976 to Kent Reid.


G6-1. Susan Barbara Benum, daughter of Clarence and Florence Shirley (Broten) Benum, was born 25 August 1955 at Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. She was married 28 May 1975 at Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, to Kent Reid, son of David and Rita (Hourigan) Reid. Kent was born 25 August 1951 at Smith Falls, Ontario, Canada.


G7- 1. Matthew Benum Reid, born 23 August 1983.



G3-3. Marie (Mary) Hans, daughter of Julius and Emilie (Witte) Hans, was born 5 August 1858 at Watertown, Wisconsin. She was married 18 July 1878 at Hebron Moravian Church, Winona County, Minnesota, to August Herman Julius Nienow (Ninow), son of Friedrich Johann and Dorothea (Liermann) Ninow.* August was born 12 April 1854 at Wisbu, Pommern, Germany. He left his home in Germany on 18 July 1877; arrived 1 August 1877 in New York, and on 9 August 1877 in Minnesota. He farmed near St. Charles, Minnesota, until he died 26 July 1920 of pernicious anemia. Mary died 3 December 1931 of a heart attack. Both were buried on the Berea Moravian Cemetery at St. Charles, Minnesota.


G4-1. Lydia Wilhelmina Augusta Nienow, born 18 December 1879; married 21 June 1905 to Charles Edwin Persons; died 15 November 1958 at Rochester, Minnesota;

G4-2. Selma Hedwig Emmeline Nienow, born 27 January 1882; married 9 December 1909 to Chancy Persons; died 19 October 1954 at Rochester, Minnesota;

G4-3. Emma Mary Magdaline Nienow, born 31 March 1884 at St. Charles, Minnesota; married 21 June 1905 to Albert Zastrow; died 2 March 1970;

G4-4. Meta Margartha Nienow, born 11 March 1886 at St. Charles, Minnesota; died 10 October 1974 at St. Charles, Minnesota;

G4-5. Emil August Nienow, born 5 August 1888 at St. Charles, Minnesota; died 11 April 1981;

G4-6. Arthur Henry Nienow, born 15 April 1891 at St. Charles, Minnesota; married 15 June 1927 to Ella Fluegel; died 1 December 1966;

G4-7. Victor Herman Albert Nienow, born 30 March 1897 at St. Charles, Minnesota; married 6 September 1932 to Elsie Fluegel; died 9 April 1981.


*Ninow was the German spelling; Nienow is the Americanized spelling.




August Nienow family

Back: Lydia, Selma,

Meta, Arthur, Emma.

Front: August, Emil,



On stool: Victor
















Albert Zastrow,

Victor Nienow,

Chancy Persons,

Arthur Nienow,

Emil Nienow,

Charles Persons



Emma Zastrow,

Elsie Nienow,

Selma Persons,

Lydia Persons,

Meta Nienow





Above: Meta Nienow, David Athas,

Above: Emil Nienow. Meta Nienow, Emma (Hans) Trachte

Arthur Nienow. Victor Nienow









Right: Berea Moravian Church where Nienow children and grandchildren were baptized and confirmed.





Victor Nienow commented: "My father left Germany to avoid marrying a girl he did not love. His older brother had died of pneumonia and he was betrothed. It was a custom that the next older brother was to marry the fianc. He asked for his inheritance of $5,000 and left for the United States where his uncles were living near St. Charles, Minnesota.

Edith (Persons) Korpi relates the following family stories. "My mother, Lydia (Nienow) Persons, told me that Mary Nienow had been in love with someone other than August Nienow, but her parents regarded August Nienow as a 'good catch' and the marriage took place. She also commented that she had never seen her mother as carefree and happy as she was when she met the sister of the man she preferred to marry when they were on a trip to Yellowstone Park in 1926.


"The trip to Yellowstone was made by Emil and Victor Nienow; Mary Nienow, their mother; and my mother Lydia Persons. The roads through the Dakotas and Montana were dirt roads -- gumbo -- and became almost impossible when it rained, as the dirt would cling to the tires where it became impacted against the fenders. One time as they were climbing a mountain, the brakes failed and they had to jump out and put a stone behind the wheel to keep it from going backward. They talked of being amazed that people lived in what they called run down homes, but had an aerial mounted on their house which indicated they owned a radio.


"My Aunt Meta Nienow was engaged for fifteen years to a Moravian minister, but my grandmother would not give her consent to the marriage. My aunt was a very dutiful daughter and would not marry without their consent. Finally, the engagement was broken by mutual consent, and neither ever married.


"My grandfather had a French car imported in the early 20's. It was a Lozier and was quite well known in the community.


"At Christmas time we spent either First Christmas Day or Second Christmas Day with my mother's parents. We always hoped for snow as then we would take our skis or sleds with us and spend the afternoon outdoors. Usually after we had eaten a very bountiful dinner, my grandmother would personally hand each of us grandchildren a silver dollar. Since there were eighteen grandchildren by the time she died, this meant she started with quite a stack of dollars. She usually had them in the pocket of a large apron she wore.


"My grandfather attended the World's Fair at St. Louis. He also went to Chicago when he became ill, as at that time there seemed to be no cure for pernicious anemia. There were a number of cures attempted for him, but nothing helped. At Chicago, he was put on a diet of bananas. As he became weaker, my mother said that he would allow no one except his wife to help him and he wanted her beside him all the time.


"My mother was the oldest child so she was not able to go to school till she was eight years of age. Her family talked only German at home. The schoolteacher only knew English. At home she was not allowed to speak English; at school she was not allowed to speak German. That was a difficult time. Her father required her to read to him regularly from German reading materials so she was a fluent reader. Her spelling ability was exceptional -- we never bothered to look up a word in the dictionary, but would ask mother how to spell a word we didn't know. She did not attend school very long as she was needed at home to help. She told of helping to run the binder (a machine that cut grain) until her brothers were old enough to help.


"My grandmother bought cloth by the bolt -- especially materials for quilts. They used wool, which had been carded by hand to put in the quilts. After the daughters were married, they would set up the quilting rack and they would have their own quilting party when they would tie the quilts at "grandmas" In the winter we would have at least two quilts on each bed. In addition, we had feather beds on the mattresses on which we slept -- very cozy -- especially toward morning when the fire would go down."



August Nienow home with Lozier car and family members




G4-1. Lydia Augusta Wilhelmina Nienow, daughter of August and Mary (Hans) Nienow, was born 18 December 1879 at St. Charles, Minnesota. She was married 21 June 1905 to Charles Edwin Persons, son of Edwin George and Hester Lucy Baker (Hardwick) Persons. Charles was born 17 October 1879 at St. Charles, Minnesota. He worked on farms in the area prior to his marriage and purchased a farm one and a half miles east of St. Charles at the time of his marriage. They lived on the farm most of their lives, retiring to St. Charles when their son Cyril took over the farm. Charles served on the St. Charles Public School Board for about twenty years, twelve of which he was president. He also was on the town board and the Winona County Fair Board. They raised purebred Holstein cows and exhibited them at fairs. Charles and Lydia were active members of the Berea Moravian Church.

Charles was killed in an auto accident at Mt. Ida, Arkansas, when the brakes failed on a dangerous curve on a mountain road. He and his wife were en-route to Florida for a vacation with his brother-in-law and sister-in-law, Emil and Meta Nienow. He died 24 February 1954. Lydia died 15 November 1958 at Rochester, Minnesota. Both are buried on Hillside Cemetery, St. Charles, Minnesota.


G5-1. Infant daughter, stillborn in 1907;

G5-2. Orville Charles Persons, born 28 May 1908 at St. Charles, Minnesota; married 3 June 1931 to Selma Naomi Gegan; died 11 December 1952 at Perkasie, Pennsylvania;

G5-3. Milton George Persons, born 19 September 1911 at St. Charles, Minnesota; married 5 November 1939 to Madonna Mullenix;

G5-4. Cyril Dale Persons, born 27 September 1914 at St. Charles, Minnesota; married 9 June 1939 to Elizabeth Jeannette Michel;

G5-5. Edith Bernelda Persons, born 14 May 1916 at St. Charles, Minnesota; married 11 October 1941 to Milton Leonard Korpi;

G5-6. Grace E. Persons, born 1 November 1919 at St. Charles, Minnesota; married 19 August 1944 to Clifford David Gohdes.


















Charles Persons










Lydia (Nienow)














Wayside Inn

Original house on the

Charles Persons farm.

(Birthplace of five of the children.










Home of Cyril and Elizabeth Persons (House and barn built by Charles and Lydia Persons during their ownership--US 14 in foreground; old Great Western right of way south of the buildings.)




by Edith Korpi


My father and mother farmed all their lives on a farm my father purchased shortly before they were married. It was located 1 1/2 miles east of St. Charles, Minnesota, on U. S. 14. Besides the highway going through the farm, we had the Great Western and the Northwestern railroad tracks. We were located on the chief rail and roadways between Winona and Rochester, Minnesota. When I was growing up, Winona was the chief trading center for the area. Rochester was just becoming known for its clinic. My father's first hired man was the man who later became the business manager for Mayo Clinic. When I had surgery in 1935, he greeted my father on a first name basis and personally adjusted the fee, which was paid. In those days, the clinic operated on the basis of ability to pay--those who could, paid for those who couldn't.


My father lived only one-half mile from my mother's home when they were growing up. However, there was more than that distance between them. He grew up in an English home, attended the Congregational Church in St. Charles. My mother's home was German and she attended the Moravian Church about seven miles from St. Charles. In both homes, there was no mixing with people not of their nationality or religion. My father worked as a 'hired man' at various homes after he finished the eighth grade, and became acquainted with my mother when he worked for her father. My mother at that time was engaged to a man who was a Moravian and one whom she had known all her life. She broke her engagement, but her family objected strenuously to her marrying my father. One of the problems was that my father stuttered. At that time they thought this was inherited. In order to remove that obstacle, my father went to Detroit, Michigan, to attend a speech school to learn not to stutter. He did conquer this problem and was able to talk in public by hesitating before speaking, taking a deep breath and then beginning.


My father and mother had a long courtship conducted by passing notes to each other, delivered by their siblings. I have in my possession those notes kept by my mother. Within the year before their marriage, my father considered going to Canada to homestead as there was a group from St. Charles and the Piper family from Fargo who had gone. He made a trip to visit with members of the Piper family to learn more about Canada. Instead of going to Canada, he purchased the farm near St. Charles.

Later my father was accepted without animosity by the family and my father together with my Uncle Emil were made executors of my grandfather and grandmother Nienows estate. My father later remarked that he would not pass judgment on anyone else's marriage as no one outside of the two involved could know what was best.


Our customs were a melding of the German and English. The story in our family is that when Orville was small, he talked both English and German. When something was said in German, he would repeat whatever was said to Dad in English. My mother was fluent in both English and German and was an excellent speller. When she started school at the age of eight, she was not allowed to speak German in school. Her father would not allow English to be spoken at home. She learned the hard way and often remarked how difficult that had been. My mother continued to talk German to her family or when she did not want the children to know what she said. My brothers had a hard time their first year in school probably because of the language problem. By the time I came along, English was the main language and German was very secondary.


My mother liked gardening, especially with her flowers. As she was the oldest child at home, she had helped with driving the binder until her brothers became old enough to help. We girls were expected to help when needed with the farm work, especially at haying and harvesting. We milked cows in the evening, but never in the morning before school. The boys were expected to get up at 5:00 A.M. and help with the milking before breakfast at 7:00 A.M. We usually had a 'hired man' and a 'hired girl'. Our kitchen had a big dining table around which we would gather to do our homework in the evening. There was also a radio usually tuned to WNAX at Yankton, South Dakota. My mother had a 'couch' in the kitchen also -- this was used by any who were sick or for my dad to catch a quick nap in the later years. The kitchen was heated by the wood cook stove, and the rest of the house had the chill taken off by the wood hot air furnace. After my father built the new house in 1916, we had running water and indoor bathrooms.


There were no school buses so transportation was provided by my father either by horses or when Orville was able to drive, by Model T. Later we had a Model A Ford, and after that a seven-passenger Buick. When my brothers drove, we had to take the cream to the creamery before school. That created problems as sometimes there would be a long line ahead of us and we always worried whether we would get to school on time. We attended the school in St. Charles. There was some rivalry between the 'country kids' and the 'town kids', but this was only evident at noon, as we had to go home right after school. In the spring and fall, we could walk home, as it was not too far.





G5-2. Orville Charles Persons, son of Charles Edwin and Lydia Wilhelmina Augusta (Nienow) Persons, was born 28 May 1908 at St. Charles, Minnesota. He attended Taylor University, Upland, Indiana, where he met his wife Selma Naomi Gegan, daughter of H. James and Sovinnia (Hendricks) Gegan. They were married 3 June 1931 at Perkasie, Pennsylvania. Naomi was born 30 October 1909 at Perkasie, Pennsylvania. Orville was graduated from Albright College, Reading, Pennsylvania. At the time of his death 11 December 1952 he was owner-manager of the Gegan Clothing Company and had had several patents granted for modifications of machinery used in the shop. He died of a brain tumor. Naomi is a gifted soprano and has sung for churches, on the radio and for various entertainments. She resides at Cherry Hill, New Jersey.


G6-1. Sylvia Ann Persons, born 4 August 1932 at Reading, Pennsylvania; married James J. McGlone 19 July 1958;

G6-2. Perry Barton Persons, born 29 January 1934 at West Rockhill Twp., Pennsylvania; died 24 August 1983 of a heart attack;

G6-3. David Lee Persons, born 21 February 1935 at Perkasie, Pennsylvania; married Grace K. Ruth 21 June 1958; divorced; died 18 February 1987;

G6-4. Dennis Charles Persons, born 27 November 1936 at Perkasie, Pennsylvania; married Sheila M. Erikson 3 February 1959;

G6-5. Michael Hardwicke Persons, born 11 January 1952 at West Rockhill Twp., Pennsylvania; married 22 November 1986 to Nina Maria Llorens.


G6-1. Sylvia Anne Persons, daughter of Orville Charles and Selma Naomi (Gegan) Persons, was born 4 August 1932 at Reading Pennsylvania. She was married to James Joseph McGlone, son of John James and Doris Virginia (Snyder) McGlone, on 19 July 1958 at Elkton, Maryland. James was in the army tor tour years and is Vice President of Fox and Lazo Real Estate Corporation. They reside at Cherry Hill, New Jersey.


G7-1. Marguerite Anne McGlone, born 9 January 1961 at Camden, New Jersey; married 10 August 1985 to Michael N. Kazanjian;

G7-2. James Joseph McGlone, Jr., born 17 June 1962 at Camden, New Jersey;

G7-3. Gerald Lee McGlone, born 23 September 1963 at Camden, New Jersey;

G7-4. Michelle Marie McGlone, born 11 July 1965 at Altoona, Pennsylvania.





G7-1. Marguerite Anne McGlone, daughter of James Joseph and Sylvia Anne (Persons) McGlone, was born 9 January 1961 at Camden, New Jersey. She was married 10 August 1985 to Michael N. Kazanjian, son of Philip and Mary Leona (Maslikewicz) Kazanjian. Michael was born 2 February 1959 at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.


   G8-1. Ashlee Naomi Kazanjian, born 18 July 1986 at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania;

   G8-2. Chelsea Anne Marie Kazanjian, born 15 January 1988 at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.


G6-2. Perry Barton Persons, son of Orville Charles and Selma Naomi (Gegan) Persons, was born 29 January 1934 at West Rockhill Township, Pennsylvania. He had polio when sixteen years of age, underwent treatment at Warm Springs, Georgia, then graduated from the University of Illinois as an electrical engineer. He had his own business and lived at Sun Valley, California. Perry died 24 August 1983 of a heart attack. He is buried at Perkasie, Pennsylvania.


G6-3. David Lee Persons, son of Orville Charles and Selma Naomi (Gegan) Persons, was born 21 February 1935 at Perkasie, Pennsylvania. He graduated from Stroudsburg State College at East Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania and was a Lieutenant in the Nsvy. He married Grace Katherine Ruth, daughter of Wilson and Grace Katherine (Rummer) Ruth, on 21 June 1958 at Perkasie, Pennsylvania. Grace was born 3 May 1939 at Lansdale, Pennsylvania. They were divorced. David died 18 February 1987 at Cherry Hill, New Jersey, of a heart attack. He is buried at Perkasie, Pennsylvania.


   G7-1. Daniel Forrest Persons, born 25 January 1959 at Bethesda, Maryland; married 18 June 1983 to Karen Elizabeth Kendus;

   G7-2. Mark David Persons, born 6 March 1960 at Bethesda, Maryland;

   G7-3. Cheryl Denise Persons, born 23 March 1961 at Bethesda, Maryland;

   G7-4. Andrew Charles Persons, born 5 September 1964 at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.






David Persons






Sylvia and Jim McGlone










G7-1. Daniel Forrest Persons, son of David Lee and Grace Katherine (Ruth) Persons, was born 25 January 1959 at Bethesda, Maryland. He was married 18 June 1983 to Karen Elizabeth Kendus, daughter of Stanley Walter and Edith Margaret (Clarke) Kendus. Karen was born 2 August 1959 at Roxborough Pennsylvania.


   G8-1. Bryan Alexander Persons, born 6 January 1987.


G6-4. Dennis Charles Persons, son of Orville Charles and Selma Naomi (Gegan) Persons, was born 27 November 1936 at Perkasie, Pennsylvania. He was married while in the army at Kenai, Alaska, 3 February 1959, to Sheila Marie Erikson, daughter of George and Alice (Corrigan) Erikson. Dennis subsequently went to Officer's Candidate School at Fort Benning, Georgia, in 1965. He served as an Army 1st Lieutenant in Vietnam 1966-67. They reside at Gardner, Massachusetts.


G7-1. Pamela Ellen Persons, born 28 April 1960 at Anchorage, Alaska; died 26 October 1967 at Townsend Harbor, Massachusetts;

G7-2. Sharon Janet Persons, born 13 August 1961 at Shirley, Massachusetts; married Christopher Brown, 9 February 1980.

G7-3. Cynthia Marie Persons, born 28 March 1963 at Shirley, Massachusetts.

G7-4. Douglas George Persons, born 21 January 1966 at Warrenton, Virginia.


G6-5. Michael Hardwicke Persons, son of Orville Charles and Selma Naomi (Gegan) Persons, was born 11 January 1952 at West Rockhill Township, Pennsylvania. He graduated from Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey in 1975. He served in the New Jersey Army National Guard 1971-1977. Michael is a Consular Officer of the United States Department of State serving as a Passport Operations Officer at Washington, D. C. He was married 22 November 1986 at Huntington Valley, Pennsylvania, to Nina Maria Llorens, daughter of Richard E. and Rosita M. (Calzada) Llorens. Nina was born 6 March 1960 at Bellefonte, Pennsylvania. Nina is a Passport Operations Officer at Washington, D. C.


G7-1. Paige Victoria Llorens Persons, born 28 August 1987. G8- 2. Faith Angelica Llorens Persons, born 30 July 1990.


Michael, Nina

and Paige Persons

















G5-3. Milton George Persons, son of Charles Edwin and Lydia Augusta Wilhelmine (Nienow) Persons, was born 19 September 1911 at St. Charles, Minnesota. He was graduated from Taylor University, Upland, Indiana and Asbury Theological Seminary, Wilmore, Kentucky. He is a retired United Methodist minister in the North Indiana Conference. He was married 5 November 1939 to Madonna Elnora Mullenix, daughter of Orlando and Esther Mullenix. Madonna was born 19 May 1916. Madonna is a violinist and has played with symphony orchestras.


G6-1. Gretchen Louise Persons, born 31 May 1941 at Richmond, Indiana; married 8 March 1963 to John Greubel;

G6-2. Charles David Persons, born 20 December 1944 at Winchester, Indiana; married 21 December 1968 to Sharon Dexter.


G6-1. Gretchen Louise Persons, daughter of Milton George and Madonna (Mullenix) Persons, was born 31 May 1941 at Richmond, Indiana. She was married 8 March 1963 to John Greubel at Evansville, Indiana. John was born 18 August 1941 at Evansville, Indiana. Gretchen is a nurse and they reside at Fort Wayne, Indiana.


G7-1. Eric John Greubel, born 3 February 1967 at Evansville, Indiana; married 23 September 1989 to Brenda Lee Roos;

G7-2. Bradley Allan Greubel, born 23 May 1970 at Richmond, Indiana.


G7-1. Eric John Greubel, son of John and Gretchen Louise (Persons) Greubel, was born 3 February 1967 at Evansville, Indiana. He was married 23 September 1989 to Brenda Lee Roos, who was born 25 January 1969 at Fort Wayne, Indiana. Brenda has a son, Cameron Neil who was born 14 March 1988 at Fort Wayne, Indiana.


G6-2. Charles David Persons, son of Milton George and Madonna (Mullenix) Persons, was born 20 December 1944 at Winchester, Indiana. He was married 21 December 1968 to Sharon Dexter. Sharon was born 4 June 1946 at Abingdon, Illinois, and is a social worker. David is an architectural draftsman. They reside at Columbia City, Indiana.


G7-1. Matthew Tobias Persons, born 8 October 1977.























Standing: Brenda and Eric Greubel, Bradlev Greubel,

Milton and Madonna Persons:

Seated: John and Gretchen Greubel, Cameron Roos





















Milton and Madonna Persons





Standing: Sharon Persons,

David Persons, Matthew Persons

Seated: Orlando Mullenix 1988







G5-4. Cyril Dale Persons, son of Charles Edwin and Lydia Augusta Wilhelmine (Nienow) Persons, was born 27 September 1914 at St. Charles, Minnesota. He attended Taylor University, Upland, Indiana, after completing high school at St. Charles. He was married 9 June 1939 at Northfield, Minnesota, to Elizabeth Jeannette Michel, daughter of Rev. Eugene Levine and Anna Laura (Wiggle) Michel. Elizabeth was born 19 May 1917 at Tagus, Mountrail County, North Dakota. Her father was a Moravian minister so she lived at Bluefields, Nicaragua, from 1918 to 1923; St. Charles, Minnesota; and Northfield, Minnesota, where her father had pastorates. She attended Moravian College for Women at Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, prior to her marriage. Cyril and Elizabeth have farmed on the former Charles Persons' farm until they retired to St. Charles when their son Merlin went into partnership with him.


G6-1. Kenneth LeRoy Persons, born 10 July 1940, at Winona, Minnesota; married 18 December 1971 to Roberta Jane Shrode at Northfield, Minnesota;

G6-2. Merlin Richard Persons, born 19 June 1941 at Winona, Minnesota; married Cheryl Kathryn Rountree 19 February 1955; divorced:

G6-3. Shirley Jeanne Persons, born 2 November 1947 at Winona, Minnesota; married 18 March 1972 to Ivor Hunt.


Left to right:

Elizabeth (Michel) Persons, Merlin Persons, Kenneth Persons,

Shirley (Persons) Hunt, Cyril Persons






G6-1. Kenneth LeRoy Persons, son of Cyril Dale and Elizabeth Jeannette (Michel) Persons, was born 10 July 1940 at Winona, Minnesota. He received a B.S. degree from Mankato State in 1963; M.S. in 1970. He was married at the Church of St. Dominic, Northfield, Minnesota, 18 December 1971 to Roberta Jane Shrode. Jane was born 1 August 1947 at St. Cloud, Minnesota, the daughter of Lloyd Gilbert and Rose Areline (Mrozla) Shrode. She graduated from St. Cloud State College and taught in Northfield, Minnesota, prior to her marriage. Kenneth has taught and coached wrestling and baseball in the Northfield Schools following graduation from college.


G7-1. Michele Lynn Persons, born 25 November 1972 at Northfield, Minnesota.

G7-2. Gail Marie Persons, born 2 May 1975 at Northfield, Minnesota.


G6-2 Merlin Richard Persons, son of Cyril Dale and Elizabeth Jeannette (Michel) Persons, was born 19 June 1941 at Winona, Minnesota. He served in the Army Intelligence from 1962-64, after attending Carroll College and Luther College. He was married 19 February 1966 at Minneapolis, Minnesota, to Cheryl Kathryn Rountree, daughter of Laurence Adison and Evelyn Rita (Leekey) Rountree. Cheryl was born 20 August 1944 at Grand Rapids, Minnesota, and is a nurse. Merlin is a computer programmer and also was in partnership with his father in farming.


G7-1. Brian Lee Persons, born 9 August 1966 at Rochester, Minnesota;

G7-2. Sean Charles Persons, born 31 March 1969 at Rochester, Minnesota.

G7-3. Kevin Richard Persons, born 8 October 1970 at Rochester, Minnesota;

G7-4. Catherine Janelle Persons, born 8 February 1972 at Rochester, Minnesota; died 24 July 1972 at Minneapolis, Minnesota.

G7-5. Daniel Lawrence Persons, born 28 January 1980 at Rochester, Minnesota.








Sean, Brian, Kevin Persons


Cheryl, Daniel, and Merlin Persons


Jane, Michele, Kenneth and Gail Persons



G6-3. Shirley Jeanne Persons, daughter of Cyril Dale and Elizabeth Jeannette (Michel) Persons, was born 2 November 1947 at Winona, Minnesota. She was married 18 March 1972 at Minneapolis, Minnesota, to Ivor Hunt, son of Albert and Margaret (Bartlett) Hunt. Ivor was born 19 August 1947 at Bushey, Heartford, England. Ivor is currently an Electrical Engineer for McDonnell Douglas in Huntington Beach, California. Shirley is an Assistant Professor at California State University, Long Beach, teaching child and family development.


G7-1. Andrea Sara Hunt, born 11 November 1987.

Above: Standing:

Brian Persons, Ivor Hunt, Merlin Persons, Kenneth Persons, Sean Persons


Front: Michele Persons, Elizabeth Persons, Shirley Hunt, Kevin Persons, Cheryl Persons, Daniel Persons, Jane Persons, Cyril Persons, Gail Persons







Shirley, Andrea, Ivor Hunt




G5-5. Edith Bernelda Persons, daughter of Charles Edwin and Lydia Augusta Wilhelmine (Nienow) Persons, was born 14 May 1916 at St. Charles, Minnesota. She was graduated from Taylor University, Upland, Indiana, in 1939; University of Minnesota, MA in Social Work 1946; BS in Education 1959 from St. Cloud State University. Edith was married 11 October 1941 to Milton Leonard Korpi, son of John and Hilda (Heglund) Korpi. Milton was born 14 March 1915 at Gilbert, Minnesota. They met at Unity Settlement House in Minneapolis where both were employed while attending the University. Milton taught at Gonvick, Belle Plaine and Dassel in Minnesota; then was a guidance counselor and teacher at Manitowoc, Wisconsin, until his retirement in 1980. Edith worked as a Child Welfare worker in Shakopee, Minnesota; case- worker and executive secretary at Sheboygan Family Service, Sheboygan, Wisconsin; and as an Elementary School Social Worker with the Manitowoc Wisconsin Public Schools. Both are retired and travel as a hobby.


G6-1. Janice Elaine Korpi, born 16 January 1946 at New Prague, Minnesota; married 15 June 1968 to Robert Karl;

G6-2. Carol Lynn Korpi, born 15 February 1950 at New Prague, Minnesota; married 12 April 1968 to Edward Yohanek, Jr.; divorced;

G6-3. Ronald Milton Korpi, born 28 October 1952 at Litchfield, Minnesota.


G6-1 Janice Elaine Korpi, daughter of Milton Leonard and Edith B. (Persons) Korpi, was born 16 January 1946 at New Prague, Minnesota. She was graduated from Stout State University at Menominee, Wisconsin, with a BS in Home Economics in 1968. She was married 15 June 1968 to Robert Karl, son of Robert and Marion Ella (Rupp) Karl, at Manitowoc, Wisconsin. Robert was born 8 January 1946 and is a graduate of Stout with a BS and MA in Industrial Arts. He was drafted to serve in the Vietnam War, was injured and honorably discharged. He teaches industrial arts at Kaukauna High School, Kaukauna, Wisconsin. Janice has taught school; was a floral designer for a floral shop; and an assistant manager for a fast food shop.


G7-1. Chad Jason Karl, born 23 June 1970 at Manitowoc, Wisconsin;

G7-2. Josh Robert Karl, born 24 September 1974 at Appleton, Wisconsin.

Edith (Persons) Korpi Milton L. Korpi













G6-2. Carol Lynn Korpi, daughter of Milton Leonard and Edith B. (Persons) Korpi, was born 15 February 1950 at New Prague, Minnesota. She was married 12 April 1968 at St. Louis, Missouri, to Edward Yohanek, Jr., son of Edward and Helen Yohanek, Sr. Edward is a systems analyst and has been employed at Toyota in Long Beach, California. They are divorced. Carol was Office Manager for the Santa Anna branch of Nursing Services, Inc.; is now Staff Supervisor of Extra-Corporeal, Inc.


G7-1. Teresa Marie Yohanek, born 12 July 1968 at Manitowoc, Wisconsin;

G7-2. Deborah Ann Yohanek, born 13 April 1972 at Milwaukee, Wisconsin; died 30 June 1972 at Menominee, Wisconsin, in a car accident;

G7-3. Scott Edward Yohanek, born 29 October 1973 at Milwaukee, Wisconsin;

G7-4. Sarah Lynn Yohanek, born 19 October 1977 at Racine, Wisconsin.

G7-5. Jennifer Lynn Yohanek, born 1 June 1983 at Diamond Bar, California.


G6-3. Ronald Milton Korpi, son of Milton Leonard and Edith B. (Persons) Korpi, was born 28 October 1952 at Litchfield, Minnesota. He is a graduate of the University of Minnesota School of Architecture. He coaches Women's Crew at the University of Minnesota and is currently chairman of the Olympic (1988) Women's Crew committee. He is a partner in the architectural firm of Wolterstorff Associates at St. Paul, Minnesota.


Standing: Chad and Robert Karl, Ron Korpi

Seated: Milton Korpi, Josh Karl, and Jan Karl


Sarah, Scott, Teresa, Carol

and Jennifer Yohanek




G5-6. Grace E. Persons, daughter of Charles Edwin and Lydia Augusta Wilhelmine (Nienow) Persons, was born 1 November 1919 at St. Charles, Minnesota. She received a BS cum laude in Nursing Education in 1943; M.Education in 1960 from the University of Minnesota. Grace has had a career in Nursing Administration in hospitals in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and in Florida. She married Clifford David Gohdes, son of Bernhard C. and Selma (Koepsel) Gohdes, 19 August 1944 at St. Charles. Minnesota. Clifford entered the USAF 30 October 1941; was commissioned 2nd Lieutenant 3 July 1942; 1st Lieutenant 13 January 1943; Captain, 25 February 1944; Major, 16 November 1946; discharged 14 January 1947. Honors he received were: Distinguished Flying Cross, 1 Bronze Oak Leaf Cluster; Air Medal, 13 Oak Leaf Clusters; European Theater Operation, two Bronze Service Stars; American Theater Campaign Medal; American Defense Service Medal; World War II Victory Medal. He began thirty-one years of service with the government as an airport traffic controller at Fargo, North Dakota. He was transferred to Minneapolis, Minnesota, and retired 27 April 1974. After retirement they made their home in Punta Gorda, Florida. Clifford died of a heart attack on 11 September 1985 and is interred at Royal Palm Memorial Garden.


G6-1. Lee Dean Gohdes, born 21 April 1946 at Memphis, Tennessee; married 18 March 1972 to Carol Jean Edmonson;

G6-2. Cheryl Lynn Gohdes, born 10 March 1948 at Rochester, Minnesota; married 17 August 1968 to William Charles Goggin;

G6-3. Gregory Craig Gohdes, born 23 June 1951 at Minneapolis. Minnesota; married 25 September 1976 to Barbara Blesener, divorced;

G6-4. Craig Clifford Gohdes, born 28 June 1955 at Minneapolis, Minnesota; married 1 September 1979 to Julie Diane Johnson.


G6-1. Lee Dean Gohdes, son of Clifford David and Grace E. (Persons) Gohdes, was born 21 April 1946 at Memphis, Tennessee. He trained as an electronics technician at Brown Institute in 1966; Apostolic Bible Institute Graduate, May 1975. He was married 18 March 1972 at Minneapolis, Minnesota, to Carol Jean Edmonson. Carol was born 24 January 1951 at Minneapolis, Minnesota. She is a Graduate Dental Hygienist of the University of Minnesota, June 1972. They reside in Florida where Lee is employed by Bendix Corporation.


G7-1. Kaye Elizabeth Gohdes, born 15 April 1975 at Kansas City. Missouri;

G7-2. Laura Rachel Gohdes, born 4 April 1977 at Kansas City, Missouri.


























Clifford and Grace (Persons) Gohdes



Wedding of Clifford and Grace (Persons) Gohdes













L to R

Lee Gohdes

Carol (Edmonson) Gohdes

Kaye Gohdes Laura Gohdes 1988







G6-2. Cheryl Lynn Gohdes, daughter of Clifford David and Grace E. (Persons) Gohdes, was born 10 March 1948 at Rochester, Minnesota. She was married to William Charles Goggin, son of Michael James and Christine (Shott) Goggin, on 17 August 1968 at Mayflower Congregational Church in Minneapolis, Minnesota. William was born 24 July 1947 at Denver, Colorado. Both received BA degrees from Rice University in 1970. William received a Ph. D. in Clinical Psychology from Indiana University in 1979. Cheryl received an MA in 1974 and a Ph.D. in 1982 in Art History from Indiana University. They are living at Hattiesburg, Mississippi, where William is an Assistant Professor of Psychology in Clinical Psychology at the University of Southern Mississippi. Cheryl is also teaching art at the same university.


G7-1. Michael Stephen Goggin, born 5 June 1982, Hattiesburg, Mississippi;

G7-2. Stephen Nicholas Goggin, born 31 March 1987 at Hattiesburg, Mississippi.


G6-3. Gregory Craig Gohdes, son of Clifford David and Grace E. (Persons) Gohdes, was born 23 June 1951 at Minneapolis, Minnesota. He received a BS in Psychology in 1973 from the University of North Dakota. He was married 25 September 1976 at the Mayflower Congregational Church to Barbara B1esener, daughter of Fredrick and Else (Sempaur) Blesener; div. Barbara was born 18 June 1951 and has an RN from Abbott School of Nursing in 1972. Gregory was an air traffic controller until the strike; now is employed at IBM in Rochester, Minnesota, where they reside. They are divorced.


G7-1. Jennifer Alissa Gohdes, born 29 August 1979 at Rochester, Minnesota;

G7-2. Jason Andrew Gohdes, born 15 April 1981 at Rochester, Minnesota.


G6-4. Craig Clifford Gohdes, son of Clifford David and Grace E. (Persons) Gohdes, was born 28 June 1955 at Minneapolis, Minnesota. He is a graduate of the Aposto1ic Bible Institute. He was married 1 September 1979 at Kansas City, Kansas, to Julie Diane Johnson, daughter of John Edward and Glenda Nell (Gillion) Johnson. Julie was born 18 May 1961 at Joplin, Missouri. They reside at Lee's Summit, Missouri.


G7-1. Matthew Craig Gohdes, born 26 January 1982 at Kansas City, Missouri.

G7-2. Justin Adam Gohdes, born 8 November 1986 at Kansas City, Missouri.











Greg Gohdes,

Barbara (Blesener) Gohdes,

Jennifer and Jason Gohdes















Craig Gohdes,

Julie (Johnson) Gohdes,

Matthew and Justin Gohdes

























Cheryl (Gohdes) Goggin,

Michael Goggin,

William (Bill) Goggin




Michael and

Stephen Goggin 1987






G4-2. Selma Hedwig Emeline Nienow, daughter of August Herman Julius and Mary (Hans) Nienow, was born 27 January 1882 at St. Charles, Minnesota. She was married 9 December 1909 at St. Charles, Minnesota, to Chancy Persons, son of Edwin George and Hester Lucy (Hardwick) Persons. Chancy was born 5 July 1881 at St. Charles, Minnesota. They farmed all their lives north of St. Charles on the farm where Russell Persons and son Lee now live. This adjoined the farm on which Chancy Persons had been raised and was about one mile from Selma's home farm.


Selma died 19 October 1954 at Rochester, Minnesota, of a stroke. Chancy passed away at the good age of 96 1/2 (27 January 1978) of complications of the flu. Both are buried on Hillside Cemetery, St. Charles, Minnesota.


G5-1. Harold Emanuel Persons, born 4 March 1912 in Dover Township, Olmsted Township, Olmsted County, Minnesota; married Ruth Pauline Hoff 18 August 1949; divorced;

G5-2. Chancy Myron Persons, born 9 October 1913 at St. Charles, Minnesota; married (1) 4 November 1943 to Mary Louise Butz; (2) 10 August 1986 to Fannie (Seitz) Duncanson;

G5-3. Russell Arthur Persons, born 26 July 1915, St. Charles, Minnesota; married 3 June 1944 to Donna Mae Green;

G5-4. Emily Florence Persons, born 23 February 1917 at St. Charles, Minnesota; married 10 June 1942 to Arny Harold Urban;

G5-5. Doris Marie Persons, born 16 November 1919 at St. Charles, Minnesota;

G5-6. Curtis Alvin Persons, born 2 September 1923 at St. Charles, Minnesota; married 17 November 1944 to Marjorie Estella Harcey.











Standing: L to R:

Harold, Myron, Doris,

Emily, Russell, Curtis

Seated: Selma, Chancy,

Mrs. Edwin (Lucy) Persons


Chancy and Selma

(Nienow) Persons














Back: Vance, Ruth, Harold Persons

Front: Sharon, Paul, Dora Persons


Back: Karen, Charlene

Seated: David, Mary, Myron Persons











Standing: Barbara, Arthur

Seated: Donna, Carol, Lee,

Russell Persons




Standing: Marilyn, Darrell

Seated: Arny and Emily Urban













Doris Persons

Standing: Gary, Fay, Dick,

Jan, Neil, Jim, Bev, Keith


Seated: Christy, Curtis, Eileen

Judy, Marjorie, Nancy Persons




G5-1. Harold Emanuel Persons, son of Chancy and Selma Hedwig Emeline (Nienow) Persons, was born 4 March 1912 in Dover Township, Olmsted County, Minnesota. He was married 18 August 1949 at St. Charles, Minnesota, to Ruth Pauline Hoff. Ruth was born 7 May 1925 at Dayton, Ohio. They are divorced.


G6-1. Vance DeNitt Persons, born 6 October 1950 at St. Charles, Minnesota; married Phyllis Lee Rebhorn, 30 May 1981;

G6-2. Sharon Ann Persons, born 4 January 1955 at St. Charles, Minnesota; married Travis Landers at Gary, Indiana; divorced;

G6-3. Dora Ruth Persons, born 27 April 1956 at St. Charles, Minnesota; married Earley Romero Johnson;

G6-4. Paul Harold Persons, born 5 January 1957 at Winona, Minnesota.


G6-1. Vance DeNitt Persons, son of Harold Emanuel and Ruth Pauline (Hoff) Persons, was born 6 October 1950 at St. Charles, Minnesota. Vance was married 30 May 1981 at Chicago, Illinois, to Phyllis Lee Rebhorn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L.~ Rebhorn. Vance is in electrical work at Chicago.


G7-1. Joshua Chancy Persons, born 1 April 1982 at Chicago, Illinois;

G7-2. Benjamin Persons, born 6 May 1983 at Chicago, Illinois;


G6-2. Sharon Ann Persons, daughter of Harold Emanuel and Ruth Pauline (Hoff) Persons, was born 4 January 1955 at St. Charles, Minnesota. She was married to Travis Landers at Gary, Indiana. They are divorced.


G7-1. Ramona Landers, born 24 December 1972;

G7-2. Eric Landers, born 8 August 1974.


G6-3 Dora Ruth Persons, daughter of Harold Emanuel and Ruth Pauline (Hoff) Persons, was born 27 April 1956 at St. Charles, Minnesota. She was married to Earley Romero Johnson who was born 29 November 1950.


G7-1. Juonito Romero Johnson, born 30 December 1977;

G7-2. Jorge Romero Johnson, born 7 February 1980;

G7-3. Jomaa1 Romero Johnson, born 3 April 1981.

G7-4. Earley Romero Johnson III, born 26 April 1987.

















Back: Charlene Persons, David Persons

Jan Persons, Andy Persons

Front: Karen (Persons) Richards,

Fannie Persons, C. Myron Persons,

Carlina Persons, Jonathan Richards












Vance, Phyllis Persons Josh 2 1/2

Benjie 1 1/2 1984






























Andy, Jan, David,

Carlina Persons 1987





G5-2. Chancy Myron Persons, son of Chancy and Selma Hedwig Emeline (Nienow) Persons, was born 9 October 1913 at St. Charles, Minnesota. He was married (1) 4 November 1943 at Zion, Waukegan, Illinois, to Mary Louise Butz, daughter of Charles W. and Minnie (Menzie) Butz. Mary was born 13 September 1916 at Zion, Waukegan, Illinois. Myron and Mary were home missionaries and served in the Ozarks; Ray, Minnesota; and other places. Mary suffered a stroke in 1959 and died 11 December 1985. He was married (2) 10 August 1986 to Fannie (Seitz) Duncanson, and they live in St. Charles, Minnesota. Fannie was born 28 October 1917 at Larned, Kansas. She was married previously to Lloyd Duncanson.


G6-1. David Duane Persons, born 24 July 1944 at Springfield, Baca County, Colorado; married 4 October 1969 at St. Charles, Minnesota, to Jan Allison Benefield;

G6-2. Charlene Louise Persons, born 7 November 1946 Zion, Waukegan County, Illinois;

G6-3. Karen Sue Persons, born 21 May 1951 at Lincoln, Arkansas; married 19 August 1972 to David Richards.


G6-1. David Duane Persons, son of Chancy Myron and Mary Louise (Butz) Persons, was born 24 July 1944 at Springfield, Baca County, Colorado. He was married 4 October 1969 to Jan Allison Benefield, daughter of Walter D. and Mary Allison (Hill) Benefield. Jan was born 22 November 1943. David and Jan are missionaries in Mexico with Wycliffe Bible translators. They were translating the Bible into the Lachixio Zapotec Indian language, which was never written (only orally spoken) before.


G7-1. Carlina Losha Persons, born 9 November 1970 at San Cristobal, Chiapac, Mexico; (adopted);

G7-2. Andrew Russell Persons, born 11 February 1973 at Anaheim, California.


G6-2. Charlene Louise Persons, daughter of Chancy Myron and Mary Louise (Butz) Persons, was born 7 November 1946 at Zion, Waukegan County, Illinois. She was a Mission Office worker with the Wycliffe Bible Translators at Evanston, Illinois and in New Zealand; taught in Mexico for two years; also served with Jungle Aviation and Radio Service for Wycliffe Bible translators. She is a full member of WBT. She received her MA in Linguistics from the University of Texas, Arlington, Texas.



G6-3. Karen Sue Persons, daughter of Chancy Myron and Mary Louise (Butz) Persons, was born 21 May 1951 at Lincoln, Arkansas. Karen has a BA in Christian Education from Calvary Bible College. She married David Richards, son of Donald and Barbara (Mortimer) Richards on 19 August 1972. David was born 4 October 1948 at Detroit, Michigan. David has an MA in Theology from Wheaton Graduate School. He is Registrar at Calvary Bible College, Kansas City, Missouri. Karen teaches computer courses.


G7-1. Jonathan Richards, born 11 March 1974;

G7-2. Joseph Richards, born 13 February 1976;

G7-3. Joshua Caleb Richards, born 17 May 1977.


G5-3. Russell Arthur Persons, son of Chancy and Selma Hedwig Emeline (Nienow) Persons, was born 26 July 1915 at St. Charles, Minnesota. He was married 3 June 1944 at St. Charles, Minnesota, to Donna Mae Green, daughter of Herbert K. and Minnie M. (Corwin) Green. Donna was born 30 May 1925 at Beaver, Winona County, Minnesota. They have farmed all their lives on the former Chancy Persons farm north of St. Charles.


G6-1. Arthur Chancy Persons, born 10 April 1945 at St. Charles, Minnesota; married Elaine Marie Hamilton, 15 February 1969;

G6-2. Barbara Marie Persons, born 2 August 1948 at St. Charles, Minnesota; married Darrell Clyde Borneman 9 August 1966;

G6-3. Carol Elaine Persons, born 6 May 1951 at St. Charles, Minnesota; married Leland James Smith 24 July 1971;

G6-4. Lee Russell Persons, born 23 April 1954; married 27 August 1977 to Carol Phillips.























Kari, Elaine, Chad, Christopher, Arthur, and Kimberly Persons




G6-1. Arthur Chancy Persons, son of Russell Arthur and Donna Mae (Green) Persons, was born 10 April 1945 at St. Charles, Minnesota. He received a BS degree from Calvary Bible College, Kansas City, Missouri, in Christian Education. Arthur taught one year in Peoria, Illinois; two years in Kansas City; and is now Planning Director, Winona County, Minnesota. Arthur married Elaine Marie Hamilton, daughter of Nissie and Nettie (Wilkonson) Hamilton, 15 February 1969 at St. Charles, Minnesota.


G7-1. Chadwick Lynn Persons, born 17 February 1972 at Norman Oklahoma (adopted);

G7-2. Kari Lynn Persons, born 17 March 1975 at Seoul, Korea (adopted);

G7-3. Kimberly Lynn Persons, born 21 February 1976 at Rochester, Minnesota;

G7-4. Christopher Lynn Persons, born 25 June 1980 at Rochester, Minnesota;


G6-2. Barbara Marie Persons, daughter of Russell Arthur and Donna Mae (Green) Persons, was born 2 August 1948 at St. Charles, Minnesota. She was married 9 August 1968 to Darrell Clyde Borneman, son of Clyde Edwin and Eleanor Mae (Vogen) Borneman. Darrell was born 7 January 1947 at Yorkville, Illinois.


G7-1. Brian Darrell Borneman, born 27 August 1971;

G7 2. Diane Lyn Borneman, born 13 April 1973.

G7-3. Derrick Lee Borneman, born 31 October 1986 at Rochester, Minnesota.

















Brian, Darrell, Derrick, Barbara, and Diane Borneman



G6-3. Carol Elaine Persons, daughter of Russell Arthur and Donna Mae (Green) Persons, was born 6 May 1951 at Winona, Minnesota. She married Leland James Smith, son of Homer A. and Jessie L. (Kinnett) Smith, on 24 July 1971 at the St. Charles Bible Church. Leland was born 14 August 1947 at Iowa City, Iowa. He is a minister and they are living at Augusta, Michigan.


G7-1. Mark Russell Smith, born 5 May 1978 at Cambridge, Minnesota;

G7-2. Matthew Dean Smith, born 29 March 1980 at Mora, Minnesota.

G7-3. Micah Lee Smith, born 18 September 1984 at Augusta, Michigan.





























Mark, Lee, Carol, Matthew, and Micah Smith


G6-4. Lee Russell Persons, son of Russell Arthur and Donna Mae (Green) Persons, was born 23 April 1954 at St. Charles, Minnesota. He was married 27 August 1977 to Carol Phillips at the Bethany Moravian Church. Carol was born 18 February 1958 at Viroqua, Wisconsin. They are farming at the home place of his parents and grandparents (north of St. Charles, Minnesota.)


G7-1. Rochelle Marie Persons, born 26 March 1981 at St. Charles, Minnesota;

G7-2. Wendy Mae Persons, born 4 August 1982 at St. Charles, Minnesota.

G7-3. Rita Ann Persons, born 21 June 1984 at St. Charles, Minnesota.


G5-4. Emily Florence Persons, daughter of Chancy and Selma Hedwig Emeline (Nienow) Persons, was born 23 February 1917 at St. Charles, Minnesota. She completed Normal School at St. Charles and taught for several years before her marriage. Emily was married 10 June 1942 to Arny Harold Urban, son of Henry and Rosina (Moehnke) Urban at the Berea Moravian Church in St. Charles, Minnesota. They farmed on the Urban farm northeast of St. Charles all their lives. Arny died 11 April 1990 and was buried on Hillside Cemetery, St. Charles, Minnesota.


G6-1. Darrell Arny Urban, born 31 July 1943 at St. Charles, Minnesota;

G6-2. Marilyn Elaine Urban, born 29 June 1944 at St. Charles, Minnesota; married 9 August 1975 to Dennis Harvey.


G6-1. Darrell Arny Urban, son of Arny Harold and Emily Florence (Persons) Urban, was born 31 July 1943 at St. Charles, Minnesota. He is now operating the farm which his parents and grandparents farmed.


G6-2. Marilyn Elaine Urban, daughter of Arny Harold and Emily Florence (Persons) Urban, was born 29 June 1944 at St. Charles, Minnesota. She worked as a Medical Technician at Rochester, Minnesota, and then as an RN in Colorado and California. She married Dennis Harvey, son of Laurence and Frances Harvey on 9 August 1975 at St. Charles, Minnesota. Dennis was born 20 May 1941. They live at San Diego, California, where Dennis is employed as an electronics technician with General Dynamics.


G7-1. Christina Renae Harvey, born 3 November 1976, Riverside, California;

G7-2. Michael Dennis Harvey, born 28 September 1978 at San Diego, California;

G7-3. Matthew Laurence Harvey, born 7 July 1980 at San Diego, California;

G7-4. Timothy Andrew Harvey, born 5 April 1982 at San Diego, California.






Back: Dennis and Marilyn Harvey;

Front: Christina, Timothy, Michael, and Matthew Harvey















by Emily Urban


Now that I have become a Senior Citizen, I sometimes sit back and think of the times when I was a girl on the farm. Back then we had cows, horses, pigs, a dog, cats, ducks, geese, and chickens. Today we have only cattle and several cats. Then the hens had the freedom of the farmyard to roam, and would sometimes "steal" their nests. It was exciting to find one of these hidden nests full of eggs. One time I crawled under our dusty old granary to retrieve a nest of eggs in the farthermost corner. It was worth it.


I remember the fun of going barefoot in the summertime and wading in the horse tank. It was sometimes my job to get the cows home for milking. I often managed to run into a patch or two of Canadian thistles. Barefoot quickly lost its charm.


My aunt and uncle lived three or four miles south of us and always had a big strawberry patch. I remember riding with my mother and sister to their house in our surrey one afternoon. The berry picking was left to our mothers while we girls had a fun afternoon playing with our cousins.


I remember cooking soap in our back yard in the big black kettle, turning the eggs in the incubator, carrying in drinking water from the well house, pumping water by hand from the cistern to fill the copper boiler on wash days, helping with the butchering (that has many memories), and helping prepare and set the table for a threshing crew of twenty men.


I remember carrying the lantern to do chores, milking the cows by hand, then turning the cream separator by hand. But a worse job was later -- washing it and the milk pails and cans. I detested that job! Things are quite different now.


I remember driving horses on the grain binder and wondering if wind-broken black Beauty would survive the heat until the field was done. I also remember driving horses on the hayrack while Dad loaded it with loose hay with the hay loader.


I remember the winter fun of sledding and skiing. For this we could make good use of the roads, as no cars were able to travel through the deep snow. With the first heavy snow, the car batteries were carried into the basement and the car "put up" for the winter. The roads were not streamlined like now but often were low down with banks on either side causing them to fill in deep with snow. No snowplows went through and travel was by team and sled. The town doctor had a Model T Ford equipped with snow runners so he could get in the country on emergencies. I remember dad getting us home from school early one day because of a blizzard. The snow was so deep the horses had to jump through the banks while we kids held on the upper side of the sled so we wouldn't tip over.

One more childhood memory I can never forget is our Sunday afternoon rides in the Overland while Dad played his harmonica.


G5-5. Doris Marie Persons, daughter of Chancy and Selma Hedwig Emeline (Nienow) Persons, was born 16 November 1919 at St. Charles, Minnesota. For six years Doris taught in Winona County schools. Since 1949-1982 she was a missionary to Zaire, Africa, under the Africa Inland Mission, except for 1971-1978 when she cared for her father until his death. In Africa she taught in a Teacher Training Institute, in Junior High, and in a Bible Institute. She is retired at Rochester, Minnesota.



G5-6. Curtis Alvin Persons, son of Chancy and Selma Hedwig Emeline (Nienow) Persons, was born 2 September 1923 at St. Charles, Minnesota. He was married 17 November 1944 to Marjorie Estella Harcey, daughter of Ralph Gerald and Ruby Sophia (Small) Harcey, at St. Charles, Minnesota. Marjorie was born 18 May 1925 at Utica, Minnesota. They have farmed all their life on a farm north of St. Charles, Minnesota. Curtis has tractor pulling as a hobby and has been successful in many competitions.


G6-1. Gary Curtis Persons, born 27 March 1946 at St. Charles, Minnesota; married 20 July 1974 to Diane Anderson;

G6-2. Eileen Ruby Persons, born 4 February 1948 at St. Charles, Minnesota; married 30 January 1967 to Dwight Dennis Oredson;

G6-3. Christine Loretta Persons, born 24 March 1949 at St. Charles, Minnesota; married 17 August 1972 to Larry Graham;

G6-4. Judith Annette Persons, born 15 April 1950 at St. Charles, Minnesota; married 3 July 1971 to Gilman Halbakken;

G6-5. Richard Dean Persons, born 13 July 1951 at St. Charles, Minnesota; married 20 December 1985 to Gloria Olarte;

G6-6. James Robert Persons, born 31 December 1953 at St. Charles, Minnesota; married 24 June 1978 to Lois Faye Hanson;

G6-7. Beverly Jean Persons, born 21 October 1955 at St. Charles, Minnesota; married 10 June 1978 to David McLaughlin;

G6-8. Janalee Marjorie Persons, born 12 September 1956 at St. Charles, Minnesota; married 18 December 1982 to Kenneth Ray Gilsrud;

G6-9. Keith Allan Persons, born 17 August 1957 at St. Charles, Minnesota; married 18 June 1983 to Kathy Marie (Johnson) Smith;

G6-10. Fay Ellen Persons, born 29 October 1958 at St. Charles, Minnesota; married 13 June 1981 to David Van Vliet;

G6-11. Gordon Ralph Persons, born 19 January 1961 at St. Charles, Minnesota; died 7 November 1971 at St. Charles, Minnesota, in a tractor accident;

G6-12. Neil LeRoy Persons, born 27 March 1963 at St. Charles, Minnesota;

G6-13. Nancy Louise Persons, born 2 December 1964 at St. Charles, Minnesota; married 23 January 1988 to Apolinar Arismendy.



G6-l. Gary Curtis Persons, son of Curtis Alvin and Marjorie Estella (Harcey) Persons, was born 27 March 1946 at St. Charles, Minnesota. He graduated from Calvary Bible College, Kansas City, Missouri, where he specialized in music. He also graduated with a BA degree in Agriculture Engineering from the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota. He was married 20 July 1974 at St. Paul, Minnesota, to Diane Lynn Anderson, daughter of Roger George and Ruth Helga Matilda (Thor) Anderson. Diane was born 29 May 1952 at Chicago, Illinois. Diane was raised in Hong Kong, a great-grandchild of missionaries with China Inland Mission -- Gary and Diane's children are fifth generation to live in the Orient. Gary and Diane are doing translation work in the Philippines under the Wycliffe Bible Translators.


G7-1. Seth Gordon Persons, born 11 April 1977 in Manila, Philippines;

G7-2. Andrea Renee Persons, born 11 June 1981 in Manila, Philippines;

G7-3. Jonathan Bradley Persons, born 23 July 1983 in Manila, Philippines;

G7-4. Bonita Joy Persons, born 26 November 1985 in Manila, Philippines.

G7-5. David Andrew Persons, born 31 July 1988 in St. Paul, Minnesota.


G6-2. Eileen Ruby Persons, daughter of Curtis Alvin and Marjorie Estella (Harcey) Persons, was born 4 February 1948 at St. Charles, Minnesota. She was married 30 January 1967 to Dwight Dennis Oredson, son of Dennis and Eleanor (Smith) Oredson. Dwight was born 14 September 1947 at Rochester, Minnesota. Dwight is a transmission repair specialist and had his own business in St. Charles, Minnesota. Eileen likes artwork and is a secretary.


G7-1. Darren Oredson, born 2 August 1967; married 22 July 1989 to Michelle Rae Schnell;

G7-2. Dean Oredson, born 31 December 1968;

G7-3. Deanne Oredson, born 24 August 1970;

G7-4. Dana Oredson, born 4 June 1973;

G7-5. Danielle Lynn Oredson, born 5 May 1978.


G7-1. Darren Oredson, son of Dwight Dennis and Eileen Ruby Oredson, was born 2 August 1967. He was married 22 July 1989 to Michelle Rae Schnell, daughter of Raymond and Marion Schnell. Michelle was born 19 March 1971.

1. Shayla Michelle Oredson, born 30 January 1990.











Diane, Bonita, Seth, Andrea, Gary, and Jonathan Persons












Marshall, Christine, Cassandra, Larry, and Jared Graham


















Gilman, Timothy, Todd, Judith, and Teena Halbakken








G6-3. Christine Loretta Persons, daughter of Curtis Alvin and Marjorie Estella (Harcey) Persons, was born 24 March 1949 at St. Charles, Minnesota. Christine was married 17 August 1972 at St. Charles, Minnesota, to Larry Graham, son of Larry and Pauline (Flowers) Graham. Larry was born 24 May 1950 at Winona, Minnesota. He is a licensed boiler man at St. Mary's Hospital, Rochester, Minnesota. He was in military service in Viet Nam from March 1970 to October 1971. Christine is an RN at St. Mary's Hospital at Rochester, Minnesota. They live in a farm north of St. Charles, Minnesota.


G7-1. Marshall Graham, born 16 August 1974 at Rochester, Minnesota;

G7-2. Jared Graham, born 24 January 1978 at Owatonna, Minnesota;

G7-3. Cassandra Ann Graham, born 26 September 1982 at Rochester, Minnesota;


G6-4. Judith Annette Persons, daughter of Curtis Alvin and Marjorie Estella (Harcey) Persons, was born 15 April 1950 at St. Charles, Minnesota. Judy is an RN at St. Mary's Hospital, Rochester, Minnesota. She was married 3 July 1971 at St. Charles, Minnesota, to Gilman Halbakken who was born 24 May 1950. Gil is a TV specialist and farmer, living on his farm near St. Charles, Minnesota.


G7-1. Timothy Halbakken, born 17 June 1972;

G7-2. Teena Halbakken, born 4 July 1974;

G7-3. Theodore Halbakken, born 27 June 1981;

G7-4. Todd Allen Halbakken, born 4 September 1983.


G6-5. Richard Dean Persons, son of Curtis Alvin and Marjorie Estella (Harcey) Persons, was born 13 July 1951 at St. Charles, Minnesota. He graduated from Moody Bible Institute, Chicago, Illinois and from Minnesota State University with a BA in Industrial Arts and Mathematics. He received a Masters in Education from Pacific College, Azusa, California. He taught for two years in a U.S. Government Secondary School in Guam; then taught four years at Faith Academy, Manila, Philippines under Wycliffe Bible Translators. He then studied linguistics at the University of Texas, Arlington, Texas. Richard was married 20 December 1985 at Manila to Gloria Olarte. They are serving as missionaries in the Philippines under the Unevangelized Fields Mission.


G7-1. Arlene Ruby Persons, born 18 September 1986 at Rochester, Minnesota.

G7-1. Gordon Richard Persons, born 18 February 1990, at Sawang, Philippines.
















Janalee, Jaclyn, Crystal,

and Ken Gilsrud














David, Anna, Fay, Ginger,

and Emily Van Vliet























Dick, Gloria

and Arlene Persons





G6-6. James Robert Persons, son of Curtis Alvin and Marjorie Estelle (Harcey) Persons was born 31 December 1953 at St. Charles, Minnesota. He was graduated from Grand Rapids School of the Bible and Music, Grand Rapids, Michigan. He was married 24 June 1978 to Lois Faye Hanson, daughter of Arthur and Beth Lucille (Goetting) Hanson. Lois was born 18 May 1956 at LaCrosse, Wisconsin. Jim is a farmer and mechanic on their farm near St. Charles, Minnesota.


G7-1. Corey James Persons, born 25 March 1979 at Rochester, Minnesota;

G7-2. Chancy Scott Persons, born 5 March 1981 at Rochester, Minnesota;

G7-3. Cayla Noel Persons, born 14 December 1983 at Rochester, Minnesota.


G6-7. Beverly Jean Persons, daughter of Curtis Alvin and Marjorie Estella (Harcey) Persons, was born 21 October 1955 at St. Charles, Minnesota. She was married 10 June 1978 at St. Charles, Minnesota, to David McLaughlin, son of Robert C. and Diane M. (Corner) McLaughlin. David was born 9 December 1955 at Rahway, New Jersey. They are proprietors of the Westend Shoe Repair in Winona, Minnesota.


G7-1. Erin McLaughlin, born 22 February 1980 at Winona, Minnesota;

G7-2. Nathaniel Curtis McLaughlin, born 22 June 1981 at Winona, Minnesota;

G7-3. Patrick David McLaughlin, born 29 January 1983.

G7-4. Allison Marie McLaughlin, born 21 July 1988.


G6-8. Janalee Marjorie Persons, daughter of Curtis Alvin and Marjorie Estella (Harcey) Persons, was born 12 September 1956 at St. Charles, Minnesota. She was married 18 December 1982 to Kenneth Ray Gilsrud, son of Raymond and Lois (Groscost) Gi1srud. Kenneth works at the Crenlo Manufacturing Co. at Rochester, Minnesota. Janalee is an RN at St. Mary's Hospital, Rochester. They reside on a farm near St. Charles, Minnesota.


G7-1. Crystal May Gilsrud, born 1 May 1984 at Bloomington, Minnesota.

G7-2. Jaclyn Lucy Gilsrud, born 22 June 1986 at Rochester, Minnesota.



G6-9. Keith Allan Persons, son of Curtis Alvin and Marjorie Estella (Harcey) Persons, was born 17 August 1957 at St. Charles, Minnesota. He attended Briercrest Bible Institute, Caranport, Canada, and is employed at St. Charles Equipment, St. Charles, Minnesota. Keith was married 18 June 1983 to Kathy Marie (Schwartz) Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Orvis Johnson. Kathy was born 17 November 1956 and was previously married to Dennis Smith, who is deceased. They live at St. Charles, Minnesota.


G7-1. Heather Smith Persons, born 28 February 1977; adopted by Keith;

G7-2. Allan Michael Persons, born 18 September 1984 at St. Charles, Minnesota.

G7-3. Chad Allan Persons, born 27 April 1987 at Rochester, Minnesota.


G6-10. Fay Ellen Persons, daughter of Curtis Alvin and Marjorie Estella (Harcey) Persons, was born 29 October 1958 at St. Charles, Minnesota. She was married 13 June 1981 to David Van Vliet, the son of John and Myrna Jean (Johnson) Van Vliet. David was born 4 October 1957 at Lincoln, Nebraska. He was graduated from Dallas Theological Seminary, Dallas, Texas, with a Master of Divinity degree. They live at Broken Bow, Nebraska where he has a pastorate.


G7-1. Ginger Renee Van Vliet, born 21 July 1983 at Dallas Texas;

G7-2. Emily Michelle Van Vliet, born 16 December 1984 at Dallas, Texas.

G7-3. Anna Marjorie Van Vliet, born 5 September 1986 at Dallas, Texas.


G6-11. Gordon Ralph Persons, son of Curtis Alvin and Marjorie Estella (Harcey) Persons, was born 19 January 1961 at St. Charles, Minnesota. He died 7 November 1971 in a tractor accident.


G6-12. Neil LeRoy Persons, son of Curtis Alvin and Marjorie Estella (Harcey) Persons, was born 27 March 1963 at St. Charles, Minnesota. He attended Western Bible College, Denver, Colorado, and is now employed on a farm near St. Charles.


G6-l3. Nancy Louise Persons, daughter of Curtis Alvin and Marjorie Estella (Harcey) Persons, was born 2 December 1964 at St. Charles, Minnesota. She was graduated from Miami Christian College, Miami, Florida. Nancy was married 23 January 1988 to Apolinar Arismendy, son of Emelinda and Eligie Arismendy Apolinar was born 24 July 1961 in the Dominican Repub11c. Nancy is employed as a secretary and Apolinar is attending Miami Christian College while working as a Behavior Modification Technician.



G4-3. Emma Mary Magdalena Nienow, daughter of August Herman Julius and Mary (Hans) Nienow (Ninow), was born 31 March 1884 at St. Charles, Minnesota. She was married 21 June 1905 at the Berea Moravian Church to Albert Zastrow, son of Karl and Willhelmine (Bodtke) Zastrow. Albert was born 17 June 1873 at Elba, Winona County, Minnesota. Albert and Emma lived east of the Berea Moravian Church and farmed all their lives. Albert died 22 February 1957 at Rochester, Minnesota; Emma died 2 March 1970 at Gilman, Wisconsin. Both are buried on the Berea Moravian Cemetery, St. Charles, Minnesota.


G5-1. Carl Zastrow, born 6 June 1906 at St. Charles, Minnesota; married 6 June 1946 to Irene Priebe; died 18 January 1974;

G5-2. Paul Zastrow, born 24 April 1908 at St. Charles, Minnesota; died 11 January 1975 at Winona, Minnesota;

G5-3. Dorothy Zastrow, born 31 May 1910 at St. Charles, Minnesota; married 20 November 1933 to Herbert Benedett;

G5-4. Evelyn Zastrow, born 29 January 1912 at St. Charles, Minnesota; married 2 June 1930 to Garrett Feils; died 29 August 1975 at Winona, Minnesota.














Double wedding of


Charles and Lydia Persons (L)


Albert and Emma Zastrow (R)





Carl and Irene Zastrow.

Evelyn and Garrett Feils.

Emma and Albert Zastrow.

Dorothy and Herbert Benedett










Paul, Evelyn,

Albert, Emma,

Dorothy, Carl









G5-1. Carl Zastrow, son of Albert and Emma Mary Magdalena (Nienow) Zastrow, was born 6 June 1906 at St. Charles, Winona County, Minnesota. He was married 6 June 1946 at Sheffield, Iowa, to Irene Priebe, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Priebe. Irene was born 16 April 1923 at West Albany, Minnesota. They lived at Elba, Minnesota, until 1960 when they moved to the Gilman, Wisconsin, area where they started the Zastrow Nursing Home. Carl died 18 January 1974 at Gilman, Wisconsin; Irene died 23 June 1978 at Eau Claire, Wisconsin, of a heart condition.


G6-1. Wayne C. Zastrow, born 6 April 1947; married Charlene Ann Duffy on 21 June 1969;

G6-2. James A. E. Zastrow, born 23 February 1949; married 14 September 1968 to Linda Peterson;

G6-3. Margaret Elaine Zastrow, born 6 July 1951; married Frank Haller 24 November 1973.


G6-1. Wayne C. Zastrow, son of Carl and Irene (Priebe) Zastrow, was born 6 April 1947. He was married 21 June 1969 to Charlene Ann Duffy, daughter of Edmund D. and Victoria (Chaplinski) Duffy. Charlene was born 24 June 1948. Wayne attended the University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire, and Charlene attended Taylor County Teachers College. After they were married, they moved to Bloomer, Wisconsin, and Wayne worked as a carpenter building farm buildings. In 1973 they moved back to Gilman after Wayne had worked for two years in Milwaukee at road construction. Following his father's death, he assisted his mother in the nursing home, which they purchased in 1977. He and Charlene operate a 24 bed ICF Nursing Home and an eight-bed residential care unit adjacent to the nursing home. Wayne served six years with the Army National Guard (53rd assault helicopter group), Truax Field, Madison, Wisconsin. He is a state licensed Nursing Home Administrator; state licensed Emergency Medical Technician; Village Board member; charter member of Gilman Jaycees and area representative for Commission on Aging; secretary of Gilman Industrial Foundation, Inc.


G7-1. Tammy Lynn Zastrow, born 30 July 1971 at Chippewa Falls. Wisconsin;

G7-2. Dana Cariss Zastrow, born 15 April 1975 at Chippewa Falls. Wisconsin;

G7-3. Kelly Marie Zastrow, born 17 October 1977 at Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin;

G7-4. Chad Allen Zastrow, born 9 November 1979, at Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin.



G6-2. James A. E. Zastrow, son of Carl and Irene (Priebe) Zastrow, was born 23 February 1949. He was married 14 September 1968 to Linda Peterson. Linda was born 11 February 1949. James is the owner and operator of two Interstate Semi-trailer trucks which travel throughout the United States. They have a 440 acre dairy farm at Gilman, Wisconsin, which he rents out to neighboring farmers.


G6-3 Margaret Elaine Zastrow, daughter of Carl and Irene (Priebe) Zastrow, was born 6 July 1951. She was married 24 November 1973 to Frank Haller. Frank was born 24 October 1943. Margaret is a cosmetologist and has her own shop in Gilman, Wisconsin. Her husband is a test pilot and part owner of the Gyrocopter company for which he builds and flies gyrocopters.


G7-1. Michael Haller, 13 in 1977 (step-son);

G7-2. Randy Haller, 9 in 1977 (step-son).


G5-3. Dorothy Meta Emily Zastrow, daughter of Albert and Emma Mary Magdalena (Nienow) Zastrow, was born 31 May 1910 at St. Charles, Winona County, Minnesota. She was married 20 November 1933 at the Berea Moravian Church to Herbert Benedett, son of Carl and Theresa (Treder) Benedett. Herbert was born 11 February 1900, Hillsdale Township, Winona County, Minnesota. Herbert farmed in the vicinity of St. Charles, Minnesota, all his life. He died 29 August 1982 at St. Mary's Hospital, Rochester, Minnesota, of lymphoma. He is buried on the Berea Moravian Cemetery.


G6-1. Carol Benedett, born 5 November 1937 at St. Charles, Minnesota; married 1 August 1958 to Richard Turner.



















Herbert Benedett,

Carol (Benedett) Turner,

Daniel Turner,

Dorothy Benedett



















Standing: Susan and David Turner

Seated: Richard, Carol and Daniel Turner




G6-1. Carol Benedett, daughter of Herbert and Dorothy Meta Emily (Zastrow) Benedett, was born 5 November 1937 at St. Charles, Minnesota. She was married 1 August 1958 at the Berea Moravian Church to Richard Turner, son of Ira and Helen (Dowd) Turner. Richard was born 5 June 1936 at Wabasha, Minnesota. Richard is a Civil Engineer at Roseville, Minnesota.


G7-1. Daniel Richard Turner, born 24 August 1965 in Minnesota;

G7-2. Susan Carol Turner, born 1 May 1968 in Minnesota;

G7-3. David Allen Turner, born 23 September 1970 at St. Paul, Minnesota.


G5-4. Evelyn Zastrow, daughter of Albert and Emma Mary Magdalene (Nienow) Zastrow, was born 29 January 1912 at St. Charles, Minnesota. She was married 2 June 1930 to Garrett Feils. Garrett was born 30 March 1904; died 24 April 1973. Evelyn worked at the Behrens Manufacturing Company in Winona, Minnesota, where they lived. Evelyn died 29 August 1975 at Winona, Minnesota.


G6-1. Jean Feils, born 19 February 1931, married Charles J. Peh1er 6 September 1952.


G6-1. Jean Fei1s, daughter of Garrett and Evelyn (Zastrow) Feils, was born 19 February 1931. She was married 6 September 1952 at Columbus, Georgia, to Charles Pehler, who was born 6 August 1931. Charles was a Buffalo County Traffic Officer for sixteen years. He died 12 February 1982 at LaCrosse, Wisconsin. Jean does telemarketing at Win Craft, Inc., at Winona, Minnesota. Jean lives at Fountain City, Wisconsin.


G7-1. Thomas Paul Pehler, born 28 June 1958; married 19 April 1986 to Sandra Lloyd;

G7-2. Jay Charles Pehler, born 17 May 1961.


G7-1. Thomas Paul Pehler, son of Charles J. and Jean (Feils) Pehler, was born 28 June 1958. He was married at Fountain City, Wisconsin, 19 April 1986 to Sandra Lloyd; Thomas works at Lake Center in Galesville, Wisconsin.


G8-1. Alysa Marie Pehler, born 2 August 1987;

G8-2. Alexandria Pehler, born 30 January 1989.


G7-2. Jay Charles Pehler, son of Charles J. and Jean (Feils) Pehler, was born 17 May 1961. He is a Supervisor at Winona Industries and lives in Winona, Minnesota.



G4-6. Arthur Henry Nienow, son of August Herman Julius and Mary (Marie) (Hans) Nienow, was born 15 April 1891 at St. Charles, Minnesota. He was married 15 June 1927 at Cochrane, Wisconsin, to Ella Fluegel, daughter of Albert and Lena (Brosig) Fluegel. Ella was born 16 January 1905 at Springfield, Minnesota. Arthur farmed until his marriage, and then was a carpenter and painter in the area. Ella has been a clerk in various businesses in St. Charles, where she still resides. Arthur died 1 December 1966 at Rochester, Minnesota, and is buried on the Berea Moravian Cemetery, St. Charles, Minnesota.


G5-l. Ivan A. Nienow, born 30 April 1928 at St. Charles, Minnesota; married 20 July 1957 to Clair Brewer; died 15 January 1979;

G5-2. Duane Nienow, born 7 August 1929 at St. Charles, Minnesota; married 7 July 1957 to Elaine Nienow; G5-3. Lois Nienow, born 26 July 1930 at St: Charles, Minnesota; married 11 April 1953 to David C. Dalton.


G5-1. Ivan A. Nienow, son of Arthur Henry and Ella (Fluegel) Nienow, was born 30 April 1928 at St. Charles, Minnesota. He was married 20 July 1957 at Sacramento, California, to Clair Brewer. Ivan was a contractor in the Sacramento, California, area for twenty-five years. He died of a heart attack 15 January 1979 at Sacramento, California. He is buried on Newcastle California Cemetery.


G6-1. Caryn Nienow, born 3 July 1959 at Sacramento, California;

G6-2. Trecia Nienow, born 30 November 1960 at Sacramento, California;

G6-3. LeAna Rene Nienow, born 12 February 1965 at Sacramento, California.


G5-2. Duane Nienow, son of Arthur Henry and Ella (Fluegel) Nienow, was born 7 August 1929 at St. Charles, Minnesota. He was married 7 July 1957 at Plainview, Minnesota, to Elaine Nienow, daughter of Edward and Beth (Purvis) Nienow. Duane is retired from employment at IBM, Rochester, Minnesota, and was a former teacher.


G6-1. Beth Nienow, born 22 January 1961 at Rochester, Minnesota.



G5-3. Lois Nienow, daughter of Arthur Henry and Ella (Fluegel) Nienow, was born 26 July 1930 at St. Charles, Minnesota. She was married 11 April 1953 at Sacramento, California, to David C. Dalton, son of Robert D. and Jennie (Hubbard) Dalton. They reside in Oakland, California.


G6-1. David Dalton, Jr., born 4 April 1958 at Oakland, California;

G6-2. Charlene Dalton, born 26 March 1960 at Oakland, California; married 8 October 1983 to Albert Richard Heckman.


G6-1. David Dalton, Jr., son of David C. and Lois (Nienow) Dalton, Sr., was born 4 April 1958 at Oakland, California. David is a graduate of the University of California, San Diego, in chemistry and works at Salk Vaccine Institute.


G6-2. Charlene Dalton, daughter of David C. and Lois (Nienow) Dalton, Sr., was born 26 March 1960 at Oakland, California. She is working on an advanced degree at Stanford University after having graduated in chemistry from UCLA. She was married 8 October 1983 at Indio, California, to Albert Richard Heckman.






Above: Arthur and Ella

(Fluegel) Nienow

Above: Victor and Elsie

(Fluegel) Nienow




G4-7. Victor Herman Albert Nienow, son of August Herman Julius and Mary (Maria) (Hans) Nienow, was born 30 March 1897 at St. Charles, Minnesota. He was married 6 September 1932 at Bethany Moravian Church to Elsie Fluegel, daughter of Albert and Lena (Brosig) Fluegel. Elsie was born 16 January 1905 at Springfield, Brown County, Minnesota. They farmed on the home farm of August Nienow until their retirement when they moved to St. Charles and their son David took over the farm. Victor died 9 April 1981 at Rochester, Minnesota. Elsie resides at St. Charles, Minnesota.


G5-1. Maxine Nienow, born 29 April 1933 at St. Charles, Minnesota; married 13 July 1975 to Vernon Simmons;

G5-2. Ruth Nienow, born 22 July 1934 at St. Charles, Minnesota; died 24 September 1984;

G5-3. David Nienow, born 14 May 1940 at St. Charles, Minnesota; married (1) 13 August 1960 to Janice Heacock, div.; (2) 26 November 1983 to Beth E. Balvance.


G5-1. Maxine Nienow, daughter of Victor Herman Albert and Elsie (Fluegel) Nienow, was born 29 April 1933 at St. Charles, Minnesota. She was married 13 July 1975 to Vernon Simmons. Vernon was born 17 July 1932 in Michigan. Maxine is a teacher and they reside in Seattle, Washington.


G5-2. Ruth Nienow, daughter of Victor Herman Albert and Elsie (Fluegel) Nienow, was born 22 July 1934 at St. Charles, Minnesota. She was a secretary at an insurance firm in Fargo, North Dakota. Ruth died of cancer 24 September 1984.


G5-3. David Victor Nienow, son of Victor Herman Albert and Elsie (Fluegel) Nienow, was born 14 May 1940 at St. Charles, Winona County, Minnesota. He was married (1) 13 August 1960 at Northfield, Rice County, Minnesota, to Janice Kay Heacock, daughter of Kenneth and Mildred (Heidecker) Heacock. Janice was born 10 June 1941 at Northfield, Minnesota. They are divorced.


G6-1. Leah Marie Nienow, born 17 February 1962 at Rochester, Minnesota; married 5 October 1985 to Morris Farrel Holst;

G6-2. Naomi Dawn Nienow, born 27 April 1965 at Rochester, Minnesota;

G6-3. Mark David Nienow, born 29 January 1968 at Red Wing, Goodhue County, Minnesota; married 21 May 1988 to Tara Lynn Wiltgen;

G6-4. Michael Kenneth Nienow, born 12 March 1969 at Red Wing, Goodhue County, Minnesota;

G6-5. Paul Victor Nienow, born 19 September 1971 at Rochester, Olmsted County, Minnesota.


David was married (2) 26 November 1983 at St. Charles, Minnesota, to Beth E. Balvance, daughter of Lawrence C. and Edna (SIeper) Balvance. Beth was born 30 September 1942 at Buffalo Center, Iowa. Beth was previously married to Jerome M. Giordano. Beth's children from her previous marriage are:


1. Scott Jerome Giordano, born 8 September 1962; died 13 August 1969;

2. Stephen John Giordano, born 16 December 1963;

3. Stacey Jean Giordano, born 18 November 1971.


Beth is a legal secretary and David is a retailer of nursery sales. They reside at St. Charles, Minnesota.


G6-1. Leah Marie Nienow, daughter of David Victor and Janice Kay (Heacock) Nienow, was born 17 February 1962 at Rochester, Minnesota. She was married 5 October 1985 to Morris Farrel Holst, son of William and Helen (McKinnley) Holst. Morris was born 30 March 1952 in Goodhue County. Morris has a child from a previous marriage: John Holst, born 25 May 1981.


G7-1. Kimberly Ann Holst, born 25 July 1986 at Red Wing, Minnesota;

G7-2. Jeffery Ross Holst, born 25 April 1989 at Red Wing, Minnesota.


G6-2. Mark David Nienow, son of David Victor and Janice Kay (Heacock) Nienow, was born 29 January 1968 at Red Wing, Minnesota. He was married 21 May 1988 at Stewartville, Minnesota, to Tara Lynn Wiltgen, daughter of Roger and Kristine (Nelson) Wiltgen. Tara was born 11 October 1967 at Rochester, Minnesota.


G7-1. Andrew Mark Nienow, born 27 September 1989 at Silverdale, Washington.









L to R:


Elsie (Fluegel) Nienow, Maxine Nienow, David Nienow, Ruth Nienow, Victor Nienow









*Information re this branch of the family was primarily received from Rev. Charles Fluegel.


G3-4. *Julius Herman Hans, son of Martin Julius and Emilie (Witte) Hans, was born 25 March 1860 at Watertown, Wisconsin. He was married 22 October 1885 at the Hebron Moravian Church to Magdelin Elizabeth Meinert, daughter of Rev. Herman and Pauline (Freitag) Meinert. Magdelin (Lena) Elizabeth was born 1 December 1867 at Watertown, Wisconsin. She died of cancer 7 May 1928. Julius died 2 October 1950, and both are buried on the Hebron Moravian Cemetery, Winona County, Minnesota.


G4-1. Edmund Ewald Hans, born 21 December 1886, Norton Township, Winona County, Minnesota; married 26 December 1952 to Miriam Wettlaufer; died 6 July 1959;

G4-2. Lydia Elizabeth Hans, born 25 April 1888 at Norton Township, Winona County, Minnesota; married 30 September 1908 to John Fluegel; died 10 October 1981 at Winona, Minnesota;

G4-3. Herman Cornelius Hans, born 2 August 1890, Norton Township, Winona County, Minnesota; died 17 July 1974;

G4-4. Gerhard Paul Hans, born 4 July 1892, Norton Township, Winona County, Minnesota; died 30 September 1898 of rheumatic fever;

G4-5. Cornelius Daniel Hans, born 4 April 1894, Norton Township, Winona County, Minnesota; married 24 December 1923 to Lucille Kenega; died 31 January 1977;

G4-6. Martha Emma Hans, born 1 October 1896, Norton Township, Winona County, Minnesota; married 12 June 1918 to Henry Nelson;

G4-7. Emma Magdalena Hans, born 4 December 1897, Norton Township, Winona County, Minnesota; married 25 October 1924 to Vern Marking; died 24 December 1987.


G4-l. Edmund Hans, son of Julius Herman and Magdelin (Meinert) Hans was born 21 December 1886 at Norton Township, Winona County, Minnesota. He was married 26 December 1952 to Miriam Wettlaufer. Miriam was born 14 November 1904. They lived at Detroit, Michigan. Edmund was listed in Who's Who for American Businessmen. He invented car parts. He died 6 July 1959. Miriam married (2) Wayne Ransom who has since died, and she lives at Memphis, Tennessee.



Julius Hans farm in Sections 7 and 8


G4-2. Lydia Elizabeth Hans, daughter of Julius Herman and Magdelin (Meinert) Hans, was born 25 April 1888 at Norton Township, Winona County, Minnesota. She was married 30 September 1908 at Altura, Minnesota, to John Fluegel, son of Charles and Emelia Fluegel. John was born 15 July 1882, Norton Township, Winona County, Minnesota. John was an insurance agent and farm manager and they lived in Winona, Minnesota. Lydia died 10 October 1981 and John died 21 February 1983 at 101 years of age. They lived independently until both went to the Watkins Nursing Home in Winona where both died.


G5-1. Garhard Fluegel, born 1 March 1911; died 3 March 1911;

G5-2. Carlton Fluegel, born 8 January 1914 at Oak Ridge, Nt. Vernon Township, Winona County, Minnesota; married 4 June 1938 to Ella Evangeline Een.


G5-2. Carlton Paul Fluegel, son of John William and Lydia Elizabeth (Hans) Fluegel, was born 8 January 1914 at Oak Ridge, Mt. Vernon Township, Winona County, Minnesota. He was married 6 April 1938 at Medo Lutheran Church, Mapleton, Minnesota, to Ella Evangeline Een, daughter of Knute and Lavina (Rogness) Een. Evangeline was born 3 May 1916 at Medo, Blue Earth, Minnesota. Evangeline was a primary teacher and taught piano and organ. Carlton was a teacher and school administrator at Claremont, Minnesota for six years. He was a product control engineer at Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing in St. Paul, Minnesota, for thirty-three years. They live in Minneapolis, Minnesota.


G6-1. Charles Jonathan Fluegel, born 12 January 1940 at Owatonna, Minnesota; married (1) 17 June 1967 to Ruth Hagestuen; (2) 8 December 1989 to Anne M. (Vanden Heuvel) Hibbard;

G6-2. John David Fluegel, born 9 September 1941 at Clarement, Minnesota; married (1) 15 January 1966 to Joan Hinds; (2) 15 September 1978 to Connie Jean Moats;

G6-3. Paul Edmond Fluegel, born 8 March 1943 at St. Paul, Minnesota; married 28 August 1966 to Signe Svensson;

G6-4. James Russell Fluegel, born 6 July 1945 at St. Paul, Minnesota; married (1) 5 August 1967 to Patricia Carlson; (2) 18 August 1973 to Deborah Thompson; (3) 7 October 1989 to Pat Kennedy;

G6-5. Virginia Ann Fluegel, born 16 June 1949 at St. Paul, Minnesota; married 1 April 1972 to Frank Brigham;

G6-6. Carol Jean Fluegel, born 12 September 1950 at St. Paul, Minnesota.



G6-1. Charles Jonathan Fluegel, son of Carlton and Ella Evangeline (Een) Fluegel, was born 12 January 1940 at Owatonna, Minnesota. He was married (1) 17 June 1967 to Ruth A. Hagestuen. Charles was ordained into the American Lutheran Church in June 1967. He served as a missionary in Madagascar for nearly ten years. Lutheran World Relief (NYC) literally drafted him to work for them as a third world development specialist in Western African countries. After being in New York for over four years he worked for Lutheran World Federation (Geneva) as director of their development program in Bangladesh. This is a Muslim country and it was very difficult to carry out a program among very poor people in one of the very poorest countries on earth. He was a Chaplain Resident, Ebenezer Society, Minneapolis, Minnesota, in 1985-86; and a Hospital Chaplain, Oshkosh, Wisconsin, 1987-present. Charles was married (2) 8 December 1989 to Anne M. (Vanden Heuvel) Hibbard.


G7-1. Nathan A. Fluegel, born 25 April 1969 in Madagascar;

G7-2. Michele R. Fluegel, born 21 March 1972 in Madagascar.


G6-2. John David Fluegel, son of Carlton and Ella Evangeline (Een) Fluegel, was born 9 September 1941 at Claremont, Minnesota. He was married (1) 15 January 1966 to Joan Hinds at Topeka, Kansas.


G7-1. David Fluegel, born 15 December 1968;

G7-2. Douglas Fluegel, born 17 December 1969.

John was married (2) 15 September 1978 to Connie Jean Moats at Sioux Falls, South Dakota. He is a graduate of Winona State, Winona, Minnesota; and received a MS from Oklahoma University. He is a CPA.


G7-3. Toni Fluegel, born 8 August 1981;

G7-4. James Fluegel, born 23 November 1983.



G6-3. Paul Edmond Fluegel, son of Carlton and Ella Evangeline (Een) Fluegel, was born 8 March 1943 at St. Paul, Minnesota. He was married 28 August 1966 to Signe Svensson at Redeemer Lutheran, White Bear Lake, Minnesota. Paul is a graduate of Mankato State, Mankato, Minnesota.


G7-1. Eric Fluegel, born 6 January 1975;

G7-2. Hans Fluegel, born 5 August 1976.


G6-4. James Russell Fluegel, son of Carlton and Ella Evangeline (Een) Fluegel, was born 6 July 1945 at St. Paul, Minnesota. He was married (1) 5 August 1967 to Patricia Carlson; who died 30 October 1970. He was married (2) 18 August 1973 to Deborah Thompson at Norman, Oklahoma. James is a graduate of Luther College; and has M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from Oklahoma University.


G7-1. Matthew Fluegel, born 12 January 1979;

G7-2. Adam Fluegel, born 19 November 1979.


James was married (3) 7 October 1989 to Pat Kennedy at Tulsa, Oklahoma.


G6-5. Virginia Ann Fluegel, daughter of Carlton and Ella Evangeline (Een) Fluegel, was born 16 June 1949 at St. Paul, Minnesota. She was married 1 April 1972 to Frank Brigham.


G7-1. Baedon Brigham, born 8 December 1973;

G7-2. Jeffrey Brigham, born 24 June 1980.















John and Emma (Hans)












G4-5 Cornelius Daniel Hans, son of Julius Herman and Magdelin Bertha (Meinert) Hans, was born 4 April 1894, Norton Township, Winona County, Minnesota. He was married 24 December 1923 at Chicago, Illinois to Lucille Kenega. Lucille died 12 March 1971 at St. Petersburg, Florida, and was buried at Detroit, Michigan. Cornelius was a postal employee, and a World War I veteran. Cornelius died 31 January 1977.


G5-1. Daniel C. Hans, born 2 November 1924 at Detroit, Michigan; married October 1946 to Eleanor Mitchell;

G5-2. Lois Jeanne Hans, born 15 April 1926 at Detroit, Michigan; married 19 December 1959 to John Spires.


G5-1. Daniel C. Hans, son of Cornelius and Lucille (Kenega) Hans, was born 2 November 1924 at Detroit, Michigan. He was married at Ferndale, Michigan, October 1946 to Eleanor Mitchell. Eleanor was born 1 December 1927 at Ferndale, Michigan.


G6-1. Kathy Jeanne Hans, born 3 December 1854 at Dearborn Heights, Michigan; married 22 May 1976 to Edward Sloan;

G6-2. Nicolette Lucille Hans, born 6 June 1957 at Dearborn Heights, Michigan;

G6-3. Daniel Neal Hans, born 19 October 1959 at Dearborn Heights, Michigan.


G6-1. Kathy Jeanne Hans, daughter of Daniel G. and Eleanor (Mitchell) Hans, was born 3 December 1954 at Dearborn Heights, Michigan. She was married 22 May 1976 to Edward Sloan.


G5-2. Lois Jeanne Hans, daughter of Cornelius and Lucille (Kenega) Hans, was born 15 April 1926 at Detroit, Michigan. She was married 19 December 1959 at Detroit, Michigan, to John Spires.


G6-1. Nannette Spires, born 3 December 1960 at Dearborn Heights, Michigan;

G6-2. Pamela Spires, born 10 April 1962 at Dearborn Heights, Michigan;

G6-3. John Timothy Spires, born 19 January 1965 at Dearborn Heights, Michigan;

G6-4. Kimberly Spires, born 30 September 1971 at Lapeer, Michigan.



*This branch researched by Doris Persons


G4-6 Martha Emma Hans, daughter of Julius Herman and Magdalena Bertha (Meinert) Hans, was born 1 October 1896, Norton Township, Winona County, Minnesota. She was married 12 June 1918 to Henry Nelson. Henry was born 12 August 1895 at Elba, Minnesota. He died 1 June 1959. Henry was a mail carrier for many years. Martha also drove with horse and wagon up Whiskey Hill.


G5-1. Priscilla Nelson, born 2 February 1920; married (1) 6 June 1940 to Leonard Hobmann; (2) 28 September 1950 to Herbert Walch; died 4 August 1958.


G5-1 Priscilla Nelson, daughter of Henry and Martha Emma (Hans) Nelson, was born 2 February 1920 at Altura, Minnesota. She was married (1) 6 June 1941 at Altura, Minnesota, to Leonard Hohmann, son of John William and Stella Anna (Arduser) Hohmann. Leonard was born 12 September 1920 at Arcadia, Wisconsin.


G6-1. Daniel Henry Hobmann, born 6 September 1943; married 22 July 1967 to Jo-Ann Walch;

G6-2. Judith Catherine Hohmann, born 2 July 1945; married 16 March 1970 to William Stromgren.


Priscilla was married (2) 28 September 1950 at Altura, Minnesota to Herbert Walch, son of Leo and Lillian (Honer) Walch. Herbert was born 20 June 1920 at St. Charles, Minnesota. Priscilla died 4 August 1958 at Altura, Minnesota, and was buried on the Hebron Moravian Cemetery. Herbert was an Economist at the University of Tennessee and is now retired. He married (2) 26 December 1959 to Marguerite Kroening.


G6-3. Wendy Walch, born 28 September 1951 at Winona, Minnesota; married 1 September 1974 to Myron Casada.


G6-1. Daniel Henry Hohmann, son of Leonard and Priscilla (Nelson) Hohmann, was born 6 September 1943 at Winona, Minnesota. He was married 22 July 1967 to JoAnn Welch, daughter of John and Ann Welch. JoAnn was born 23 February 1947 at Warwick, Rhode Island. Daniel has a degree in Industrial Arts and is an electrician at St. Mary's College, Winona, Minnesota. JoAnn is a dental hygienist.


G7-1. Daniel John Hohmann, born 28 November 1970;

G7-2. Matthew Laird Hohmann, born 20 April 1974;

G7-3. Amanda Ann Hohmann, born 6 August 1979.




G6-2. Judith Catherine Hohmann, daughter of Leonard and Priscilla (Nelson) Hohmann, was born 2 July 1945 at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. She was married 16 March 1970 at Sioux Falls, South Dakota, to William Stromgren, son of Charles Oscar and Hazel Grace (Vaughn) Stromgren. William was born 28 October 1943 at Waterloo, Iowa. William is an electronic technician at IBM; Judy works at St. Mary's Graduate Center, Rochester, Minnesota.


G7-1. Tracy Allan Stromgren, born 5 September 1966 at Rochester, Minnesota; married 7 October 1989 to Kitty Burgess;

G7-2. Brent Allan Stromgren, born 21 January 1971 at Rochester, Minnesota.


G6-3. Wendy Walch, daughter of Herbert and Priscilla (Nelson) Walch, was born 28 September 1951 at Winona, Minnesota. She was married 1 September 1974 at Knoxville, Tennessee, to Myron Casada, son of Ray R. and Mary Helen (Weaver) Casada. Myron was born 28 January 1952 at Savannah, Georgia. Myron is a Reliability Engineer at J. B. F. Associates in Knoxville, Tennessee.


G4-7. Emma Magdalena Hans, daughter of Julius Herman and Magdalena Bertha (Meinert) Hans, was born 4 December 1898. She was married to Vern Marking. He was born 4 September 1896; died 8 August 1970. Emma died 24 December 1987. They lived at LaCrosse, Wisconsin.
















Magdelin Elizabeth Meinert and Julius Herman Hans













G3-1 William Frederick Trachte, son of Friedrich Christian and Ernstina (Hans) Trachte, was born 28 October 1859 at Watertown, Jefferson County, Wisconsin. He was married 27 October 1887 to Emma Elizabeth Hans, daughter of Martin Julius and Emilie (Witte) Hans. Emma was born 28 February 1865 at Winona County, Minnesota. William was the organist at Ebenezer Moravian Church for many years and owned a music store in Watertown, Wisconsin. It was in their home that Christian Trachte lived until his death. Also, Martin Julius and Emilie Hans (parents of Emma) lived in the same home when they retired. All had separate apartments, but ate together. William died 26 July 1926; Emma died 18 March 1958. Both are buried on Ebenezer Moravian Cemetery, Watertown, Wisconsin."


G4- 1. Cornelius Arthur Wilhelm Trachte, born 14 July 1890 at Watertown, Wisconsin; married 15 June 1912 to Esther Ording (div.); died 28 September 1957;

G4- 2. Gerhardt Paul Trachte, born 17 September 1892 at Watertown, Wisconsin; married 13 January 1929 to Ella Viola Weseman; died 24 February 1974.


Complete information re this family can be found under the Ernstina (Hans) Witte Trachte family.





Chief source of information re this branch was Evelyn Kolek.


G2-8. Dorothea Wilhelmine Hans, daughter of Joachim and Dorothy Elizabeth (Juhre) Hans, was born 20 March 1829 at Frstenfe1de, Germany. She was married 30 July 1850 at Watertown, Wisconsin, to Ferdinand Flath. Ferdinand was born 17 November 1823 at Saratoga, Brandenburg, Germany. They farmed all their lives in the vicinity of the Ebenezer Moravian Church, Watertown, Wisconsin. Ferdinand died 17 June 1898 and Dorothea died 10 October 1911 at Watertown, Wisconsin. Both are buried on Ebenezer Moravian Cemetery, Watertown, Wisconsin. Ferdinand came to America in 1851.


G3-1. Johann Emil Flath, born 23 February 1854 at Watertown, Wisconsin; died 18 September 1854 at Watertown, Wisconsin;

G3-*2. Herman Traugott Flath, born 26 July 1855 at Watertown, Wisconsin; married 25 February 1879 to Maria Podewells; died 23 May 1906;

G3-*3. Gustav Adolph Flath, born 12 Apri1 1857 at Watertown, Wisconsin; married 12 March 1882 to Pauline Schoechert; died 26 December 1922;

G3-*4. John Ferdinand Flath, born 27 October 1858 at Watertown, Wisconsin; married 30 May 1888 to Martha Schoechert; died 27 August 1934;

G3-5. Maria Elizabeth Flath, died 6 November 1860;

G3-6. Wilhelm Ferdinand Flath, born 19 September 1862 at Watertown, Wisconsin; died 2 October 1862;

G3-*7. Ernest Ferdinand Flath, born 14 December 1863 at Watertown, Wisconsin; married (1) 30 October 1890 to Martha Lehman; (2) to Mamie Cundy;

G3-8. Wilhelmine Elizabeth Flath, born 24 February 1865 at Watertown, Wisconsin;

G3-*9. Emil Ferdinand Flath, born 7 June 1886 at Watertown, Wisconsin; married 30 October 1890 to Amanda Emilie Lehman; died 10 November 1947;

G3-10. Wilhelm Robert Flath, born 9 November 1867 at Watertown, Wisconsin; died 27 July 1870;

G3-11. Emil Edmund Flath, born 11 December 1888 at Watertown, Wisconsin;

G3-12. Ferdinand Friedrich Adolph Flath, born 1 April 1870 at Watertown, Wisconsin; died 28 December 1870;

G3-*13. Edmund Emanuel Flath, born 30 September 1871 at Watertown, Wisconsin; married Mary Earhardt; died 28 November 1948.


*Children who survived to adulthood.


The family reports there were sixteen children.



























Ferdinand Flath and Dorothea

Wilhelmine Hans


Ferdinand Flath




















The Ferdinand Flath sons



Herman, Gustave, John



Ernest, Ferdinand Jr., Edmond



Early Plat showing Fred (Ferdinand) Flath farm Section 17/20 (1872)



Later Plat map showing Herbert and John Flath farms Section 17/20 (!934)


G3-2. Herman Traugott Flath, son of Ferdinand and Wilhelmina (Hans) Flath, was born 26 July 1855 in Watertown. Wisconsin. He was married 25 February 1879 at Ebenezer Moravian Church, Watertown, Wisconsin, to Maria (Mary) Minna Podewells. Mary was born 25 December 1855 and died 22 April 1935. Herman died 23 May 1906 of encephalitis. Both are buried on Embden Moravian Cemetery. Cass County. North Dakota. They moved to North Dakota in 1879 following their marriage. Emma Johnson reported that they lived south of Goshen Moravian Church near Casselton, North Dakota. He farmed and did carpenter work.


G4-1. Edith Flath, born 31 December 1879 at Durbin. North Dakota; married 26 November 1902 to William Priebe; died 28 December 1971 at Waconia, Minnesota;

G4-2. Edmund Walter Flath, born 6 December 1881 at Durbin. North Dakota; died 30 April 1898 of measles;

G4-3. Reinhard Ferdinand John Flath, born 29 March 1884 at Durbin. North Dakota; married 19 December 1919 to Anne Bahls; died 14 July 1968 at Portland, Oregon;

G4-4,4. Herman Wilhelm Flath, born 7 February 1886 at Durbin. North Dakota; married (1) Frieda Bahls; (2) Ida Bahls; died in 1955;

G4-4,5. Emil Otto Flath, born 7 February 1888 at Durbin, North Dakota; married 8 December 1915 to Hulda Luckow; died 1 June 1971;

G4-8. Arthur Johanes Flath, born 28 May 1887 at Durbin. North Dakota; married 28 August 1916 to Esther Krueger; died 25 May 1963;

G4-7. Albanus Ferdinand (Barney) Flath, married Mattie; died 29 November 1969;

G4-8. Bernard Valerin Flath, born 19 February 1892 at Durbin. North Dakota; died 14 August 1942;

G4-9. Eugene (Eugin) Levinus John Flath, born 17 September 1893 at Durbin, North Dakota; died 16 February 1944;

G4-10. Ade1ina Maria Flath, born 21 February 1898 at Durbin. North Dakota; married 20 December 1894 to Reinhard Lindemann; died 26 June 1981;

G4-11. Lillian (baptized Lilly Clara Elisabeth) Flath, born 28 April 1899 at Durbin, North Dakota; married 11 August 1919 to Rex Lindemann; died 18 September 1981;

G4-12. Clement Flath, born 20 September 1900 at Emden, North Dakota; married 19 December 1928 to Martha Sommerfeld; died 27 May 1957;

G4-13. Emma (baptized Edna Maria) Flath, born 1 November 1902 at Durbin, North Dakota; married 9 January 1920 to Paul A. Johnson; died 31 January 1985.


Julie (Lindemann) Slag contributed pictures and narratives in addition to helping to research this branch.









Herman Flath

Maria (Podewells) Flath







Herman Flath Home

Mother: Mary (Maria)

Father: Herman

Oldest girl: Edith

Twins: Herman and Emil

Boy standing: Reinhard (John)

Boy sitting: Art

Baby in high chair:

Albanus (Barney)











L to R: Herman Flath children and mother

Back: Eugene, Albanus (Barney), Herman, Reinhard (John), Emil, Arthur, Bernard (Ben)

Middle: Lilly (Lillian), Maria (Mary), Clement, Evelyn (baby), Edith, Adeline.

Front: Emma





Early years of Herman and Maria (Mary) Flath from an oral history given by Adeline (Flath) Lindemann and recorded by Vicki (Lindemann) VosKuil.


Herman and Maria (Mary) (von Podewells) came together for some church doings, a wedding, and met there. Adeline remembers a discussion between the two: "they married February 25, in the winter (so) they had time to enjoy themselves, as summer was for working" ... Mary came from Janesville, Wisconsin, which was a Moravian settlement.


They homesteaded on a farm eight miles south of Casselton, North Dakota, and all the children were born in what is called Durbin. The original house the Flaths later moved into from the farm still stands in Casselton. R. C. Lindemann bought it when Mary died in 1936 and then Ben and Eugene Flath bought it from him. The von Podewells name was thought to be aristocratic, but Mary never bragged about the family as wealthy, so Ad doesn't know. (Julie understood it to mean estate holder.) One time Adeline asked Maria about "von" when they were getting the family tree ready for school purposes. Mary said it should be included; it originally was


Mary spoke German well and was fairly well educated in speaking English. .. Mary had full, long skirts and continued to wear them even around the time she died (1930's). A lot of older women in the Moravian Church wore them and never changed to shorter styles. There was a black cashmere shawl in every family and a green cashmere shawl for the babies -- 'very grand material.'

Ludwig von Podewells, Mary's father, was a lower-ranked Civil War officer for the North. There was a picture of him in his uniform, guns, etc., in the front room.

Herman Flath owned three quarters of land two miles south of Embden, North Dakota. He homesteaded some of the land, not much, but you had to put up a house and live on it. He did carpenter work when not farming to earn more money. Mary and Herman were always kind. Only once does she remember them arguing: Herman brought home a sack of candy while carpentering in town, and Mary said, "Don't bring home so much candy, that isn't good for children." Then he got mad and threw the sack of candy out. Ad and another kid went outside with a lantern to hunt for it.



... There are presently Moravian churches in Alice, Fargo, and used to be six around the Durbin area. The family church still remains. Adeline was confirmed at 13 and the service was in German. The parents didn't believe in working on Sundays ... Prayer meetings were held in the Flath home every Wednesday evening and Mary could say the most beautiful prayers - "just from her heart, but I (Ad) never could express myself. I have to talk to God like I'm talking to common people." Herman invited the new preachers to the home place every Sunday and "we had to sit and listen and be good." Edith used to play hymns. Herman led the family in a daily prayer book. There was a German prayer and the song had many verses... All had to stand around the organ and sing it. Herman played the organ also.


The biggest sign of wealth in their home was a piano -- that was unusual. Herman "got stuck with it at a sale." Also a red chaise lounge and 'it seemed like it was plush.' Herman made furniture including cradles for the kids, beds upstairs. There were a lot of feather beds 'because we had to sleep in the cold.' Three big beds in one room upstairs, and Edith had one little room downstairs. The boys had the room over the kitchen and the heat went through that from the kitchen range. Three beds in there. Ad remembers an old washing machine -- a manual where the inside moved back and forth. "You'd put the clothes in the boiler -- that was the dangerous part. Clothes were then taken out with a big wooden stick and had big dishpans for rinsing. The clothes were first put in rinse water and then a bluing water (always had bluing); then through a wringer and also rung by hand. Clothes were always hung out to dry ... The only way we got soft water, for we had no cistern at first, was make an eaves trough out of wood and drain it into a big barrel. It generally rained enough for washing clothes and then the four youngest ones all had baths in the same water to conserve."


Mary had a new cook stove with a built-in enclosure in back (a warming oven 1) where she stored her pans. There she placed a cottage cheese where it would age, Kasse, (pronounced Keeza) which Ad loved -- melted it and added butter. It smelled a little bit but tasted 'darn good.' They had mostly white flour with some dark. It was sometimes purchased at a general store or they ground their own in the fall to last the whole winter and placed in 100 lb. sacks. Mary breast fed her babies and fed them mashed potatoes, rice, scrambled eggs, soup, and oatmeal to eat when ready for solids. At Christmas time they always had a tree with candles and you'd go together for presents. Baking consisted of Moravian sugar coffee cake, cinnamon rolls, kuchen with raisin and citron in it. Potatoes and potato water were used for the coffee cake and a sponge was made first. They had great big cookie cutters -- like a saucer. Ad would usually get a new dress at Christmas that Edith had made.


During threshing Adeline helped set the table the night before. 28 men 'who would sleep in the hay barn mostly because houses were always small.' Parents would have about four hours sleep and at 4 A. M. men would get up and start feeding their horses and maybe get the harness on. Then they would go in the house and eat. Mary rose at 4 A. M. 'to get things cooking. "I would say her whole day was spent in the kitchen.' They ate at 5:30 A.M. in the kitchen. 'No beds ever got made unless us kids made them. The flies were so bad at threshing time every night you had to chase them around the house. We had one window with a screen and that was the only one we opened. The in-and-out brought them in." Adeline remembers baby Emma tied with a dishtowel in a big rocking chair with arms on the side being rocked by the kids. She was covered with a 'fly net'.


"My mother at night used to put an axe by her bed. There were always men around and you know where they'd sleep? In the hay barn or straw pile. She always worried about those hoboes, they called them. And they'd always come and say, 'Can I split some wood for y' ma'am for a meal?' She always gave 'em something. She was scared. It was before most of the children were born.


"In the winter Herman would usually spend evenings reading and Ma always had some knitting or patching to do. The boys played cards. The kids did school work or wrote. If we had a new pencil, we enjoyed writing. We got two tablets a year, one pencil and one slate pencil. The boys farmed one more year after Herman died and then they had a sale." Ad was ten years old when the family moved to Casselton and she was enrolled in the 5th grade. She had a superintendent examine her. "They always figured country kids were dumber. I could read just as good as this other kid. "


Ad graduated from high school in Casselton but previously had attended the German country school by Embden. Adeline and Lillian drove to the school themselves. They used a buggy as transportation and at age nine Ad could harness a horse. "At the school there was a barn to put the horses and you had to take the bridle off, put a halter on and tie the horse to the manger. When school was out, I had an awful time to put the bridle on being I was so small, so the elevator man's wife came out, heard me crying said, "Tie the rope real tight so the head is down. " Now why didn't my brothers tell me that? Then it was easy. There was a small riding horse for the kids named Sally. One time, you know we never had saddles, and I tried to put a blanket on her and I didn't have it tight enough and the horse started to go and I slid off."


"Lillian had typhoid fever and had a relapse at age 4. The symptoms were pain in your stomach and intestines from a germ that was in the water. Her hair was light brown. It fell out then and came in auburn and coarse. And me, I was the little nut who had to go wait on everybody up and down stairs." Four children had it at once at that time.


Lillian was taller than Ad. Ad thought she resembled Mary's sister when younger as 'her hair was auburn.' Lillian said her dad was handsome."





G4-1. Edith Flath, daughter of Herman and Maria Minna (Podewells) Flath, was born 31 December 1879 at Durbin, North Dakota. She was married at Embden, North Dakota, 26 November 1902 to William Albert Priebe, son of William and Wilhelmina (Liebenow) Priebe. William was born 2 December 1872 at Burtzloff, Germany. They resided in Casselton continuously with the exception of a few years at Sebeka, Minnesota. Before retiring Mr. Priebe was employed at Casselton by the International Harvester Company. William died January 31, 1953 at Fargo, North Dakota, of cancer. Edith resided her last years at the Moravian Home at Waconia, Minnesota, where she died on 28 December 1971. Both are buried at Casselton, North Dakota. Edith sewed beautifully and made the clothes for her younger sisters while at home.


G5-1. Alvin Priebe, born 3 October 1903, died 5 November 1905 at Goshen, North Dakota;

G5-2. Evelyn Regina Priebe, born 2 February 1906 at Everest, North Dakota; married 5 October 1925 to Clarence Haase;

G5-3. Lillian Edith Priebe, born 2 May 1912 at Casselton, North Dakota; married 2 May 1942 to Walter Johnson.


G5-2. Evelyn Regina Priebe, daughter of William Albert and Edith (Flath) Priebe, was born 2 February 1906 at Everest, North Dakota. She was married 5 October 1925 at Moorhead, Minnesota, to Clarence Haase, son of Carl M. and Anna M. (Stichman) Haase. Clarence was born 5 July 1899 at Casselton, North Dakota. He served in WW I, 1st Division, and was active in all veteran affairs. He was a businessman in Huntington Park, California. Clarence died 26 February 1971 of a heart attack at Huntington Park, California. He was buried at Rose Hills, Whittier, California. Evelyn resides at Huntington Park, California.


G6-1. Mildred Edith Haase, born 7 December 1926 at Casselton, North Dakota; married 26 March 1955 to Paul G. Colton;

G6-2. Robert Franklin Haase, born 24 April 1929 at Casselton, North Dakota; married 23 June 1956 to Helen Brant.



Four generations:

Mrs. Ferdinand Flath,

Edith (Flath) Priebe,

Evelyn (Priebe) Haase,

Mary (Podewells) Flath.







G6-1. Mildred Edith Haase, daughter of Clarence Franklin and Evelyn Regina (Priebe) Haase, was born 7 December 1926 at Casselton, North Dakota. She was married 26 March 1955 at Huntington Park, California, to Paul Guarde Colton, son of Ivan Guarde and Elsie Myrtle (Beckdol) Colton. Paul was born 23 November 1923 at Mercer County, West Salem Township, Pennsylvania. He is a graduate of UCLA; is a research rubber chemist, and served three years with the Aviation Engineers in WWII. Mildred is a UCLA graduate and was a Lab Research Assistant before marriage. They reside in Torrance, California.


G7-1. Kristen Regina Colton, born 14 October 1959 at Lynwood, California;


G6-2 Robert Franklin Haase, son of Clarence Franklin and Evelyn Regina (Priebe) Haase, was born 24 April 1929 at Casselton, North Dakota. He was married 23 June 1956 at Huntington Park, California, to Helen Jo Brant, daughter of Joe Lloyd and Helen Irene (McGee) Brant. Robert was in military service in the army from 22 November 1950 through 10 November 1952 in Korea where he was wounded. He is a member of DAV and BPOE. They reside in Anaheim, California.


G7-1. Cindy Jo Haase, born 23 July 1957 at Lynwood, California; married 28 November 1981 to Timothy Prescott Elder;

G7-2. Mark Robert Haase, born 24 January 1959 at Lynwood, California.







L to R:

Martha Flath,

Evelyn (Priebe) Haase, Maria Flath, Unknown?

Emma (Flath) Johnson, Edith (Flath) Priebe.


Children not identified





G5-3. Lillian Edith Priebe, daughter of William Albert and Edith (Flath) Priebe, was born 2 May 1912 at Casselton, North Dakota. She was married 2 May 1942 at Moorhead, Minnesota, to Walter Johnson, son of Louis John and Bertha Mary (Olson) Johnson. Walter was born 1 June 1899 at Horace, North Dakota. Walter was a farmer and sub-clerk at the post office; Lillian was postmaster. They lived on the Johnson home farm until 1963 when they built a home in Horace on the Johnson land. Walter retired from farming in 1970, and died 4 August 1985.


G6-1. Donna Johnson, born 6 February 1943 at Fargo, North Dakota; married 19 June 1971 to Jerry F. Isley;

G6-2. Jeanne Johnson, born 5 September 1944 at Fargo, North Dakota; married 20 June 1981 to Dennis Olson;

G6-3. Judith Johnson, born 3 June 1946 at Fargo, North Dakota.


G6-1. Donna Johnson, daughter of Walter and Lillian Edith (Priebe) Johnson, was born 6 February 1943 at Fargo, North Dakota. She was married 19 June 1971 at Horace, North Dakota, to Jerry F. Isley, son of Arthur and Leah Marie (Laney) Isley, Sr. Jerry was born 25 May 1946 at Valley City, North Dakota. He is a graduate of North Dakota State University in Business Administration and has done graduate study in the same college. He served in the army in Vietnam from 1968 to 1970. Donna is a graduate of North Dakota State University in Social Services.


G7-1. Michelle Marie Isley, born 27 September 1974;

G7-2. Jennifer Lynn Isley, born 3 September 1976.


G6-2. Jeanne Johnson, daughter of Walter and Lillian Edith (Priebe) Johnson, was born 5 September 1944 at Fargo, North Dakota. She was married 20 June 1981 at Horace, North Dakota, to Dennis Olson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Olson. Jeanne is a graduate of (Northern Michigan) Marquette University; MS Moorhead State; and is a speech and language coordinator and clinician. They reside in Wadena, Minnesota.


G7-l. Kevin Olson, born 30 June 1985.


G6-3. Judith Johnson, daughter of Walter and Lillian Edith (Priebe) Johnson, was born 3 June 1946 at Fargo, North Dakota. She graduated from the University at Moorhead, Minnesota, with a degree in speech pathology. She has an MA in speech pathology from University of Wisconsin at Eau Claire, Wisconsin. She is employed at Fergus Falls, Minnesota.



G4-3. Reinhard Ferdinand John Flath, son of Herman Traugott and Maria (Mary) Minna (Pedewell) Flath, was born 29 March 1884 at Goshen, North Dakota. He was married 19 December 1919 at Wadena, Minnesota, to Anna Lena Bahls, daughter of John and Mary (Damlo) Bahls. Anna was born 17 December 1901 at Perham, Minnesota and died 15 October 1982. Reinhard was a carpenter and died of natural causes on 14 July 1968 at Portland, Oregon.


G5-1. Viola Mary Flath, born 17 November 1920 at Casselton, North Dakota; married 19 January 1946 to John Knight;

G5-2. Violet Johanna Flath, born 11 September 1922 at Casselton, North Dakota; married 30 December 1942 to John Gannett;

G5-3. Virgil Reinhard Flath, born 25 November 1923 at Casselton, North Dakota; married 24 August 1946 to Ruth Willis;

G5-4. Virginia Ann Flath, born 29 July 1927 at Casselton, North Dakota; married (1) to Manfred Troxel, (2) 27 October 1980 to Ronald Robertson.


G5-1. Viola Mary Flath, daughter of Reinhard Ferdinand John and Anna Lena (Bahls) Flath, was born 17 November 1920 at Casselton, North Dakota. She was married 19 January 1946 at Adel, Iowa, to John Knight, son of Fred G. and Melvina (Hoover) Knight. John was born 20 February 1920 at West Union, Iowa. They reside at Austin, Minnesota.


G6-1. Lana Jo Knight, born 4 April 1947 at Charles City, Iowa; married 12 April 1969 to Terry Teigen;

G6-2. John William Knight, Jr., born 17 February 1948 at Charles City, Iowa; married 13 September 1975 to Suzi Benear.


G6-1. Lana Jo Knight, daughter of John William and Viola Mary (Flath) Knight, Sr., was born 4 April 1947 at Charles City, Iowa. She was married 12 April 1969 at New Hampton, Iowa, to Terry Teigen, son of Leonard and Esther (Mayhood) Teigen. Terry was born 28 July 1941 at Rochester, Minnesota. They reside at Crystal, Minnesota.


G7-1. Tracy Lana Teigen, born 21 May 1971 at St. Paul, Minnesota;

G7-2. Heather Diane Teigen, born 3 May 1974 at Minneapolis, Minnesota.



G6-2. John William Knight, Jr., son of John William and Viola Mary (Flath) Knight, Sr., was born 17 February 1948 at Charles City, Iowa. He was married 13 September 1975 to Suzi Benear, daughter of Robert and Jean (Nelson) Benear. Suzi was born 3 February 1949 at Tulsa, Oklahoma. They reside at Midland, Texas.


G7-1. Robert Bradley Knight, born 2 February 1981 at Midland, Texas;

G7-2. Hilary Regan Knight, born 5 March 1984.


G5-3. Violet Johanna Flath, daughter of Reinhard Ferdinand John and Anna Lena (Bahls) Flath, was born 11 September 1922 at Casselton, North Dakota. She was married 30 December 1942 at Portland, Oregon, to John (Jack) Gennett, son of Leon and Natalie (Berryman) Gannett. John was born 3 January 1920 at Glouster, New Jersey. John is a WW II veteran and is retired from Sears; Violet is a retired nurse.


G6-1. Patricia Carole Gannett, born 28 May 1944 at Portland, Oregon; (1) May 1976 to Patrick J. Mitts; (2) married 1 August 1976 to James Sutton;

G6-2. Kathleen Susan Gannett, born 21 January 1952 at Portland, Oregon; married 26 May 1973 to Todd A. Watson, div.;

G6-3. Jeanette Kay Gannett, born 2 December 1953 at Portland, Oregon; married 6 December 1975 to Ronald Vormittag.


G6-1. Patricia Gannett, daughter of John (Jack) and Violet Johanna (Flath) Gannett, was born 28 May 1944 at Portland, Oregon. She was married (1) May 1967 to Patrick J. Mitts;(2) 1 August 1976 to James Sutton, son of Clayton and Ruby Sutton. Jim was born 14 July 1945 at Portland, Oregon. He is manager for Denver Freightlines; Patricia is a secretary.


G7-1. Kathryn Kay Mitts, born 20 February 1969 in Portland, Oregon;

G7-2. Deborah Dawn Sutton, born 30 December 1977 in Denver, Colorado.


G6-2. Kathleen Susan Gannett, daughter of John (Jack) and Violet Johanna (Flath) Gannett, was born 21 January 1952 at Portland, Oregon. She was married 26 May 1973 to Todd A. Watson, div. Kathleen is a nurse.



G6-3. Jeanette Kay Gannett, daughter of John (Jack) and Violet Johanna (Flath) Gannett, was born 2 December 1953 at Portland, Oregon. She was married 6 December 1975 in Portland, Oregon, to Ronald A. Vormittaag, son of Alfred and Anna Marie (Derner) Vormittaag. Ronald was born 29 June 1954 at Flushing, New York. He is a Bio-Med Tech at Good Samaritan Hospital; Jeannette is a business manager for U. S. Bank.


G7-1. Kristin Michelle Vormittagg, born 26 January 1978 at Portland, Oregon;

G7-2. Michael Antony Vormittagg, born 25 March 1980 at Portland, Oregon; died 13 October 1983 at Portland, Oregon;

G7-3. Jason John Vormittagg, born 13 August 1987 at Portland, Oregon.


G5-3. Virgil Reinhard Flath, son of Reinhard Ferdinand John and Anna Lena (Bahls) Flath, was born 25 November 1923 at Casselton, North Dakota. He was married 24 August 1946 to Ruth Willis. No further information available.


G5-4. Virginia Ann Flath, daughter of Reinhard Ferdinand John and Anna Lena (Bahls) Flath, was born 29 July 1927 at Casselton, North Dakota. She was married (1) to Manfred Troxel; (2) 27 October 1980 at the Dalles, Oregon, to Ronald R. Robertson, son of Roy and Eula (Look) Robertson. They reside at The Dalles, Oregon.


G6-1. William M. Troxel, born 24 September 1949 at Whittier, California;

G6-2. David D. Troxel, born 28 March 1956 at the Dalles, Oregon; married 5 August 1978 to Donna Burgard.



G4-4,4. Herman Wilhelm Flath, son of Herman Traugott and Maria (Mary) Minna (Podewell) Flath, was born 7 February 1886 at Lisbon, North Dakota. He was married (1) to Frieda Bahls. Frieda was born in 1897 and died in 1919 of the flu.


G5-1. Clarence Flath, born and died in 1918.

Herman was married (2) to Ida Bahls, sister to Frieda and daughter of John and Mary (Damlo) Bahls. Ida was born in 1899 at Perham, Minnesota. Herman died in 1955 at Perham, Minnesota, as the result of a tree falling on him. After his death, Ida married Mr. Small, born 26 October 1893 and died 15 June 1968.


G5-2. Alvin Flath, born 1920 at Perham, Minnesota; died 1943 at Perham, Minnesota;

G5-3. Vernon Flath, born 25 April 1922 at Gorman Township, Ottertail County, Minnesota; married 23 August 1949 to Rosella Nygaard;

G5-4. Clarence Rinehart Flath, born 7 September 1923; married; died 4 June 1986;

G5-5. Adelyne Flath, born 19 April 1925; married 26 December 1968 to Daniel Boone;

G5-6. Blanche Flath, born 13 April 1927 at Perham, Minnesota; married 1952 to Harry Dornbush;

G5-7. Roy Flath, born 1928 at Perham, Minnesota; died 1928 at Perham, Minnesota;

G5-8. Edwin Flath, born 1929 at Perham, Minnesota; died 1944 at Perham, Minnesota;

G5-9. Marie Flath, born 18 September 1932 at Perham, Minnesota; married (1) 7 October 1950 to Vergi1 Anderson; (2) 8 March 1969 to Orlan Walker, div.;

G5-10. John Flath, born 1934 at Perham, Minnesota;

G5-11. Irma Flath, born 17 October 1936 at Corliss Township, Perham, Minnesota; married 19 February 1957 to Carl Rinas;

G5-12. Marvin Flath, born 9 February 1940 at Perham, Minnesota; married 2 June 1962 to JoAnn Fix.




G5-3. Vernon Flath, son of Herman Wilhelm and Ida (Bahls) Flath, was born 25 April 1922 at Gorman Township, Ottertail County, Minnesota. He was married 23 August 1949 at Ottertail County, Minnesota, to Rosella Nygaard, daughter of Robert and Esther (Garrison) Nygaard. Rosella was born 11 July 1933 at Wilken County, Minnesota. Vernon served in the U. S. Army in World War II. He received a Purple Heart. He owns a road maintenance business.


G6-1. Schelby Arlene Flath, born 1 May 1950 at Fergus Falls, Minnesota; married 6 September 1971 to William Weyrens;

G6-2. Deborah Leigh Flath, born 14 August 1952 at Fargo, North Dakota; married 16 October 1971 to Douglas Fliss;

G6-3. Kari Roberta Flath, born 19 December 1955 at Perham, Minnesota; married 28 December 1973 to Leslie Pierce.


G6-1. Schelby Arlene Flath, daughter of Vernon and Rosella (Nygaard) Flath, was born 1 May 1950 at Fergus Falls, Minnesota. She was married 6 September 1971 at Fergus Falls, Minnesota, to William Weyrens, son of Nicholas and Laura (Schwankle) Weyrens. William was born 7 September 1949 at Willmar, Minnesota. William is a photography instructor at Fergus Falls Community College and manages the college print shop. He runs a backhoe service, specializing in grave digging. Is a basketball and swimming enthusiast. Schelby has an elementary teachers degree, minoring in nursery school. She is a YMCA member, participating in aerobic dance and aquarobics and teaches' a playschool nursery school program at the YMCA.


G7-1. Angela Heather Weyrens, born 10 June 1976 at Fergus Falls, Minnesota;

G7-2. Kristi Nichol Weyrens born 5 December 1979 at Fergus Falls, Minnesota.


G6-2. Deborah Leigh Flath, daughter of Vernon and Rosella (Nygaard) Flath, was born 14 August 1952 at Fargo, North Dakota. She was married 16 October 1971 to Douglas Fliss.



G6-3. Kari Roberta Flath, daughter of Vernon and Rosella (Nygaard) Flath, was born 19 December 1955 at Perham, Minnesota. She was married 28 December 1973 at Pelican Rapids, Minnesota, to Leslie Pierce, son of Norman E. and Deloris (Robley) Pierce. Leslie was born 19 January 1951 at Perham, Minnesota. He is an industrial arts instructor in Fargo, North Dakota. Kari is a dental assistant, manager of the dental office.


G7-1. Ryan Robert Pierce, born 10 September 1977 at Fargo, North Dakota;

G7-2. Kealy Ann Pierce, born 15 July 1979 at Fargo, North Dakota.


G5-4. Clarence Rinehart Flath, son of Herman and Ida (Bahls) Flath, was born 7 September 1923 in Homestead Township, near Perham, Minnesota. He served in the army during the Korean Conflict and was a pipe layer for Sorenson Construction in Fargo for 34 years. He was a member of the Perham VFW. He died 4 June 1986 at the Veteran Administration Medical Center in Fargo, North Dakota, and was buried in the Perham Village Cemetery.

Children not in order of birth: (from obituary)


G6-1. Cindy Flath, married Glenn Niehaus;

G6-2. Helen Flath;

G6-3. Verna Flath, married Scott Mead (live in Tyroone, Spain);

G6-4. Judy Flath, married Ken Massey; Apache, Arizona;

G6-5. Linda Flath;

G6-6. Roger Flath;

G6-7. John Flath;

G6-8. Robert Flath;

G6-9. Mark Flath;

G6-l0. Jeffrey Flath.



G5-5. Adelyne Flath, daughter of Herman Wilhelm and Ida (Bahls) Flath, was born 19 April 1925 in Homestead County, Minnesota. Adelyne moved to Oregon where she met and married Earl David Speck on 6 January 1944. Earl was born on 11 May 1920 to Luther David and Pearl (Boyd) Speck in Antlers, Oklahoma. Earl was in the armed forces stationed in Dallas, Oregon. While there Adelyne gave birth to their daughter, Vivian Joyce Speck. Following discharge from the army, Adelyne and Earl moved to Merced, California where Earl was employed in the grape industry. Adelyne gave birth to a son, Jerry David Speck. After several years, Earl moved his family to Colusa County where he was employed for Speckles Sugar Company in Woodland, California. Disenchanted, Earl and Adelyne moved near Pelican Rapids, Minnesota, where Earl sought employment in the dairy industry. Earl, not caring for the winters of Minnesota, moved his family back to Colusa County where he became ranch foreman on a rice farm. For a number of years Adelyne worked domestically while raising her children. During this time the family enjoyed water skiing, fishing, hunting, and camping, etc. ... Vivian and Jerry were baptized at the American Lutheran Church in Woodland, California, during the year 1956.

They were divorced in 1963. Earl moved to Knights Landing where he continued to work in agriculture until being disabled after suffering from a stroke. He passed away on July 6, 1987, death caused by cancer. His ashes are interred in Merced Cemetery, Merced, California.


Following their separation, Adelyne moved with her two children to Colusa where they completed their education. During this period Adelyne worked as a nurse/companion for elderly people.

Adelyne met her current husband, Daniel Boone, son of William Daniel and Florence (Smith) Boone, and they were married 26 December 1967 in Woodland, California. Daniel was born in Shawnee, Oklahoma on 6 August 1925. Daniel worked as a welder for a number of years prior to the firm's closure. He currently manages his own gardening business in Woodland.


Adelyne began caring for 3 month-old twin girls and their older brother. Twenty years later she is still an important figure in their lives, providing a home for one of the twins while she caring for another two children, cousins of the twins. During this time she also began working for the Yolo County School District. As you can see, Adelyne keeps busy with her 'children' and wants them in her life. They keep her young and alive. Adelyne enjoys keeping in touch with her family, traveling to visit whenever possible.


G6-1. Vivian Joyce Speck, born 13 July 1945 in Dalles, Oregon; married (1) 10 May 1964 to Larry Meyers; (2) 23 June 1973 to Richard Sharp;

G6-2. Jerry David Speck, born 23 July 1946; married 5 February 1966 to Joyce Ernest.


G6-1. Vivian Joyce Speck, daughter of Adelyn (Flath) Speck, was born 13 July 1945 at Dalles, Oregon. She attended the schools in Colusa, California, and a local Junior College briefly. She was married (1) 10 May 1964 to Larry Meyers at Reno, Nevada. Harry was born 14 February 1941 and attended local schools in Colusa. Vivian worked for several years at a local agriculture parts business prior to following her husband to Marysville, California, where he was employed. After a year they returned to Colusa where Larry became self-employed with a service station. Vivian worked in the business office of the local hospital prior to becoming employed at a local rice mill. Vivian is currently manager of the Sales Service Department of Comet Rice, Inc., located in Maxwell, California. Vivian and Larry were divorced, and she married (2) 23 June 1973 to Richard Sharp at Colusa, California. Richard was born 2 March 1946 in Tulare, California, son of Raymond Andrew and Naomi Lee (Shiplor) Sharp. Richard was in the armed services and has been in the trucking business most of his life. They were divorced in 1984, and Vivian continues to live in Colusa. She enjoys reading, some dancing and photography, and loves to work craft projects when time allows. She has traveled some and hopes to travel a great deal more in the future.


G6-2 Jerry David Speck, son of Adelyne (Flath) Speck, was born 23 July 1946 at Merced, California. He was married to Joyce Ernest 5 February 1966. Jerry worked with a chemical firm for a number of years prior to becoming self-employed in the agriculture transportation business. Due to changes in regulations governing transportation, Jerry sold his business and is currently working for a large farming organization. Joyce managed a child-care center in her home while the children were small; then became employed with the County of Colusa and is currently a senior member in the Auditor's offices. When not building or remodeling around their home, Jerry, Joyce and children (when available) spend time skiing, boating, camping and hunting.


G7-1. Bryan David Speck, born 14 August 1967 in Colusa, California;

G7-2. Kelli Ann Speck, born 20 July 1970 in Colusa, California.



G5-6 Blanche Flath, daughter of Herman Wilhelm and Ida (Bahls) Flath, was born 13 April 1927 at Perham, Minnesota. She married Harry Dornbush in 1952. Harry died in 1989.


G6-1. Donna Jean Flath, died at birth;

G6-2. Clifford Dornbush, born 13 June 1952 at Perham, Minnesota;

G6-3. Sharon Dornbush, born 3 November 1953 at Perham, Minnesota;

G6-4. Sandra Dornbush, born 19 February 1955 at Detroit Lakes, Minnesota;

G6-6. Susan Dornbush, born 1 June 1957.


G5-8. Marie Flath, daughter of Herman Wilhelm and Ida (Bahls) Flath, was born 18 September 1932 at Homestead County, Minnesota. She was married 7 October 1950 at Perham, Minnesota, to Vergil Anderson, son of Alfred and Celia (Hawkins) Anderson. Vergil was born 10 July 1924 at Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada. He died 4 October 1965 at Sacramento, California, and is buried at Woodland, California. Marie married (2) Orland Walker 8 March 1969, div. Since 1975 Marie has cared for elderly people in their homes. She loves to spend as much time with her grandchildren as possible. She also likes to sew, dance, travel and take pictures.


G6-1. Charlene Yvonne Anderson, born 14 May 1951 at Fergus Falls, Minnesota; married 9 June 1973 to Chester Dean;

G6-2. Elaine Alfreida Anderson, born 27 May 1952 at Harvey, North Dakota; married 5 November 1970 to Keith Schantz;

G6-3. Joyce Marie Anderson, born 19 September 1957 at Woodland, California; married 14 June 1975 to James Mayberry;

G6-4. James William Anderson, born 12 November 1958 at Woodland, California; married (1) Paula Lopez; (2) 21 November 1981 to Patricia Ann Storck.


G6-1. Charlene Yvonne Anderson, daughter of Vergil Faye and Marie Helen (Flath) Anderson, was born 14 May 1951 at Fergus Falls, Minnesota. She was married 9 June 1973 at Woodland, California, to Chester Ray Dean, son of William Chester and Vivian Charlene (Sooter) Dean. Chester was born 28 September 1952 at Rogers, Arkansas. Charlene lives at Pea Ridge, Arkansas, and is a teacher's aide.


G7-1. Tonya Yvonne Dean, born 10 September 1974 at Woodland, California;

G7-2. Sherry Lynn Dean, born 10 June 1976 at Woodland. California:

G7-3. Brandon Allen Dean, born 12 February 1979 at Woodland. California.



G6-2. Elaine Alfreida Anderson, daughter of Vergil Faye and Marie Helen (Flath) Anderson, was born 27 May 1952 at Harvey, North Dakota. She was married 5 November 1970 at Colusa, California, to Keith Elwyn Schantz, son of Jacob and Esther (Schmidt) Schantz. Keith was born 10 June 1952 at Colusa, California. They are separated. Elaine lives at Arbuckle, California.


G7-1. Tephany Marie Schantz, born 23 May 1971 at Colusa, California;

G7-2. Keith Jacob Schantz, born 20 March 1973 at Woodland, California.


G6-3. Joyce Marie Anderson, daughter of Vergil Faye and Marie Helen (Flath) Anderson, was born 19 September 1957 at Woodland, California. She was married (1) 14 June 1975 at Carson City, Nevada, to James Ronnie Mayberry, son of James Walker and Janie Elizabeth (Hutto) Mayberry. James was born 27 August 1956 at Bakersfield, California. They are divorced. She married (2) 1 December 1989 to Robert Earl Jeffrey. Robert was born 13 February 1945.


G7-1. Janie Marie Mayberry, born 31 October 1975 at Woodland, California;

G7-2. Jill Renee Mayberry, born 7 March 1977 at Woodland, California.


G6-4. James William Anderson, son of Vergil Faye and Marie Helen (Flath) Anderson, was born 12 November 1958 at Woodland, California. He was married (1) 1 July 1977 at Reno, Nevada, to Paula Jean Lopez, daughter of Paul Rudy and Jean (Matzka) Lopez. Paula was born 28 June 1961 at Fremont, California. They were divorced.


G7-1. Kimberly Lynn Anderson, born 13 August 1978 at Woodland, California.

James was married (2) 21 November 1981 at Arbuckle, California, to Patricia Ann Storck, daughter of David and Edith (Cline) Storck. Patricia was born 6 January 1959 at Manville, Ohio.


G7-2. James David Vergil Anderson, born 2 July 1981 at Sacramento, California;

G7-3. Shannon Elizabeth Anderson, born 12 October 1985 at Woodland, California.



G5-10. Irma Flath, daughter of Herman Wilhelm and Ida (Bahls) Flath, was born 17 October 1936 at Perham, Minnesota. She was married 19 February 1957 at the Zion Church of Christ, Perham, Minnesota to Carl Rinas, son of Carl F. and Emma M. (Loebrick) Rinas. Carl was born 29 May 1929 at Corliss Township, Perham, Minnesota. They reside at Menahga, Minnesota.


G6-l. Connie Lou Rinas, born 12 July 1957 at Perham, Minnesota; married 21 July 1984 to Gary Dierks;

G6-2. Vicky Lynn Rinas, born 29 August 1960 at Perham, Minnesota; married 15 October 1983 to Danny Marvin Feldt;

G6-3. Pamela Joy Rinas, born 1 November 1968 at Perham, Minnesota; married 1 October 1988 to Thomas Joseph Minten;

G6-4. Karla Kay Rinas, born 8 December 1974 at Detroit Lakes, Minnesota.


G6-1. Connie Lou Rinas, daughter of Carl and Irma (Flath) Rinas, was born 12 July 1957 at Perham, Minnesota. She was married 21 July 1984 to Gary Dierks. Gary was born 4 January 1956.


G7-1. Kimberly Lynn Dierks, born 19 February 1986 at Detroit Lakes. Minnesota;

G7-2. Kelli Marie Dierks, born 30 March 1988 at Detroit Lakes, Minnesota.


G6-2. Vicky Lynn Rinas, daughter of Carl and Irma (Flath) Rinas, was born 29 August 1960 at Perham, Minnesota. She was married 15 October 1983 to Danny Marvin Feldt. Danny was born 19 April 1960.


G7-1. Tyler Ross Feldt, born 27 September 1985 at Detroit Lakes, Minnesota;

G7-2. Ryan Andrew Feldt, born 7 June 1988 at Detroit Lakes, Minnesota.


G6-3. Pamela Joy Rinas, daughter of Carl and Irma (Flath) Rinas, was born 1 November 1965. She was married 1 October 1988 to Thomas Joseph Minten.



G5-ll. Marvin Flath, son of Herman Wilhelm and Ida (Bahls) Flath, was born 9 February 1940 at Perham, Minnesota. He was married 2 June 1962 at Park Rapids, Minnesota, to JoAnn Fix, daughter of Paul and Helen (Totzke) Fix. JoAnn was born 16 June 1944 at Wheaton, Minnesota.


G6-l. Terry Ann Flath, born 17 September 1962 at Park Rapids, Minnesota; married 23 May 1981 to Mike Miller;

G6-2. Daniel Roy Flath, born 10 April 1966 at Park Rapids, Minnesota;

G6-3. Tracy Kay Flath, born 28 October 1967 at Park Rapids, Minnesota; married 5 July 1986 to Steven Cunningham;

G6-4. Toni Elaine Flath, born 30 March 1970 at Park Rapids, Minnesota.


G6-1 Terry Ann Flath, daughter of Marvin and JoAnn (Fix) Flath, was born 17 September 1962 at Park Rapids, Minnesota. She was married 23 May 1981 at Park Rapids, Minnesota, to Michael Miller, son of John Henry and Loretta (Stearns) Miller. Michael was born 13 October 1960 at Park Rapids, Minnesota. He graduated from Wadena Vo-Tech for Telephone combination and is now employed at Control Date (NFI) in Bemidji. Terry graduated from Bemidji Vo-Tech for Dental Assisting.


G7-1. Stephanie Ann Miller, born 7 September 1982;

G7-2. Mandy Lynn Miller, born 3 May 1985;

G7-3. Krista Marie Miller, born 24 April 1987.


G6-2. Daniel Roy Flath, son of Marvin and JoAnn (Fix) Flath, was born 10 April 1966. He graduated in 1986 from St. Cloud Vo-Tech in Auto Body. He works for Country Custom in Park Rapids, Minnesota.


G6-3. Tracy Kay Flath, daughter of Marvin and JoAnn (Fix) Flath, was born 28 October 1967. She was married 5 July 1986 to Steve Cunningham, divorced.


G7-1. Craig Robert Cunningham, born 22 April 1986 in Park Rapids, Minnesota;

G7-2. Heather Nicole Cunningham, born 2 December 1989.


G6-4. Toni Elaine Flath, daughter of Marvin and JoAnn Fix) Flath, was born 30 March 1970 at Park Rapids, Minnesota, She lives in Marion, Iowa, and is working in child-care. She plans to marry 9 June 1990 to Alan M. Husby who works for Rockwood International in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.



G4-4,5. Emil Otto Flath, son of Herman Traugott and Maria Minna (Podewells) Flath, was born 7 February 1886 at Goshen, North Dakota. He was married 8 December 1915 at Sebeka, Minnesota, to Hulda Luckow, daughter of August and Friedricka (Polzin) Luckow. Hulda was born 30 March 1895 at White, South Dakota. Emil died 1 June 1971 at Sandy, Oregon; Hulda died 2 October 1984 and both are buried in Scandinavian Cemetery, Sandy, Oregon, where they resided.


G5-1. Gordon Emil Erdmann Flath, born 23 March 1917 at Durbin, North Dakota; married 30 June 1943 to Rosa Wolfram;

G5-2. Dorothea Mary Edith Flath, born 13 January 1919 at Lynchberg, North Dakota; married 18 May 1938 to Carl Rubbert Neumann;

G5-3. Kenneth Robert William Flath, born 24 March 1922; married 23 January 1948 to Shirley Olson.


G5-1. Gordon Emil Erdmann Flath, son of Emil Otto and Hulda (Luckow) Flath, was born 23 March 1917 at Durbin, North Dakota.. He was married 30 June 1943 at Our Redeemer Lutheran Church, Wilson, North Carolina, to Rosa Wolfram, daughter of Ernest F. and Rosa A. W. (Rieck) Wolfram. Rosa was born 10 June 1912 at Portland, Oregon. Gordon served in the Air Force March 1942 to December 1945 -- two years overseas in India, China, and Burma. He was employed by and retired from the Pacific Northwest Telephone after thirty-three years of service. Rosa was employed and retired from the Internal Revenue Service of the Treasury Department after fifteen years of service. Gordon died 20 March 1987 and is buried at the Willamette National Cemetery in Portland, Oregon.


G6-1. Rev. Richard Ernest Flath, born 1 July 1947 at Portland, Oregon; married 30 December 1970 to Sandra Kay Crossman;

G6-2. Deborah Rose Flath, born 10 September 1949 at Portland, Oregon; married 26 December 1979 to John Charles Viets;

G6-3. Karen Mae Flath, born 14 May 1952 at Portland, Oregon; married 9 June 1973 to Rev. Frank W. Anderson II.







Karen Mae Anderson

Rev. Richard E. Flath Deborah Rose Flath


Gordon and Rosa Flath










G6-1. Rev. Richard Ernest Flath, son of Gordon Emil Erdmann and Rosa (Wolfram) Flath, was born 1 July 1947 at Portland, Oregon. He was married 30 December 1970 to Sandra Kay Crossman. Richard is a graduate of Concordia Teachers College, Seward, Nebraska, and Concordia Theological Seminary, St. Louis, Missouri. His parish is at Snohomish, Washington. He is a Chaplain in the United States Army National Guard as a Major. Sandra is a graduate of Concordia Teachers College, Seward, Nebraska.


G7-1. Kimberly Michelle Flath, born 13 September 1974;

G7-2. Christopher Andrew Flath, born 25 May 1977;

G7-3. Nathan Timothy Flath, born 5 October 1979;

G7-4. Sarah Elizabeth Flath, born 7 February 1982.


G6-2. Deborah Rose Flath, daughter of Gordon Emil Erdmann and Rosa (Wolfram) Flath, was born 10 September 1949 at Portland, Oregon. She was married 26 December 1979 to John Charles Viets. Deborah is a graduate of Concordia Teachers College, Seward, Nebraska. John is a graduate of Kansas State University in Engineering, and is employed as an engineer for Boeing.


G7-1. Rachel Rose Viets, born 9 March 1976;

G7-2. Elizabeth Ann Viets, born 26 June 1981.


G6-3. Karen Mae Flath, daughter of Gordon Emil Erdmann and Rosa (Wolfram) Flath, was born 14 May 1952 at Portland, Oregon. She was married 9 June 1973 to Rev. Frank W. Anderson II. Karen is a graduate of Arizona State University in Music. Frank is a graduate of Concordia Theological Seminary, St. Louis, Missouri. His parish is at Woodburn, Washington.


G7-1. Katrina Mae Anderson, born 1 September 1978;

G7-2. Angelica Mae Anderson, 19 March 1981;

G7-3. Frank William Anderson III, 4 October 1983.

G7-4. Paul Michael Anderson, born 2 April 1987.

July 1982

Front row: L to R

Gordon Flath, Deborah Viets, Kimberly Flath, Christopher Flath.

Sandra Flath holding daughter Sarah, Karen Anderson holding daughter Angelica, Katrina Anderson, Rosa Flath

Back row:

John Charles Viets holding daughter Elizabeth, Rachel Viets, Nathan Flath, Rev. Richard Flath, Rev. Frank Anderson II.



G5-2. Dorothea Mary Edith Flath, daughter of Emil Otto and Hulda (Luckow) Flath, was born 13 January 1919 at Lynchburg, North Dakota. She was married 18 May 1938 to Carl Rubbert Neumann, son of Carl Wilhelm and Otil1ie (Kunkel) Neumann. Carl was born 25 March 1914 at McMinnville, Oregon. They reside at Sandy, Oregon.


G6-1. Barbara Ann Neumann, born 1 July 1939; married 13 August 1960 to James Hensley;

G6-2. Carl Emil Neumann, born 2 April 1941; married (1) 3 June 1960 to Judy Erie; (2) 15 December 1979 to Pamela Sherman;

G6-3. Arnold Dean Neumann, born 27 September 1951; married Cindi DeWolfe 30 November 1974;

G6-4. Ardell Louise Neumann, born 9 September 1952; married 1 September 1973 to Patrick O'Hara.


G6-1. Barbara Ann Neumann, daughter of Carl Rubbert and Dorothea Mary Edith (Flath) Neumann, was born 1 July 1939. She was married 13 August 1960 to James Hensley.


G7-1. Sherrie Lee Hensley, born 21 October 1960, married 4 February 1984 to David McKenzie;

G7-2. Scott James Hensley, born 16 September 1963;

G7-3. Jody Lyn Hensley, born 24 September 1968.


G7-1. Sherrie Lee Hensley, daughter of James and Barbara Ann (Neumann) Hense1y, was born 21 October 1950. She was married 4 February 1984 to David McKenzie.


G8-1. Shannon Lynn McKenzie, born 24 June 1986;

G8- 2. David Rodger McKenzie, born 1 July 1989.


G6-2. Carl Emil Neumann, son of Carl Rubbert and Dorothea Mary Edith (Flath) Neumann, was born 2 April 1941. He was married (1) 3 June 1960 to Judy Erie; (2) 15 December 1979 to Pamela Sherman.


G7-1. Steven Carl Neumann, born 31 October 1961; married 6 June 1987 to Lori Williams;

G7-2. Gregory Scott Neumann, born 10 June 1964;

G7-3. Anthony Lynn Neumann, born 19 June 1968.


G6-3. Arnold Dean Neumann, son of Carl Rubbert and Dorothea Mary Edith (Flath) Neumann, was born 27 September 1951. He was married 30 November 1974 to Cindi DeWolfe.


G7-1. Jenette Lee Neumann, born 11 January 1980.



G6-4. Ardell Louise Neumann, daughter of Carl Rubbert and Dorothea Mary Edith (Flath) Neumann, was born 9 September 1952. She was married 1 September 1973 to Patrick O'Hara.


G7-1. Kristin Amber O'Hara, born 15 July 1981.


G5-3. Kenneth Robert William Flath, son of Emil Otto and Hulda (Luckow) Flath, was born 24 March 1922. He was married 23 January 1948 to Shirley Olson, who was born 10 November 1929.


G6-1. Vicki Flath, born 19 March 1949; married 21 July 1967 to Don Ulman;

G6-2. Robert Flath, born 23 August 1950; married 4 September 1971 to Kathy Ross;

G6-3. Becky Flath, born 2 April 1954; married 12 September 1975 to Ed Hanning.


G6-l. Vicki Flath, daughter of Kenneth Robert William and Shirley (Olson) Flath, was born 19 March 1949. She was married 21 July 1967 to Don Ulman.


G7-1. Jeff Ulman, born 11 August 1969;

G7-2. Julie Ulman, born 26 October 1972.


G6-2. Robert Flath, son of Kenneth Robert William and Shirley (Olson) Flath, was born 23 August 1950, He was married 4 September 1971 to Kathy Ross.


G7-1. Allison Flath, born 30 October 1976;

G7-2. Kristina Flath, born 10 July 1979;

G7-3. Michael Flath, born November 1983.


G6-3. Becky Flath, daughter of Kenneth Robert William and Shirley Olson Flath, was born 2 April 1954. She was married 12 September 1975 to Ed Hanning.


G7-1. Joshua Hanning, born 22 December 1976;

G7-2. Jacob Hanning, born 11 February 1979.



G4-6. Arthur Johannes Flath, son of Herman and Maria Minna (Podewells) Flath, was born 28 May 1887 in North Dakota. He was married 26 August 1916 in Wisconsin to Esther Krueger, daughter of George and Bertha (Stark) Krueger. Esther was born 28 December 1897 in Wisconsin. Arthur was a carpenter-contractor. He died 25 May 1963 at Janesville, Wisconsin; and Esther died 8 May 1982 at the home of her daughter in Rockford, Illinois. Both are buried in Oakhill Cemetery, Janesville, Wisconsin.


G5-1. Betty Flath, born 19 September 1923 at Watertown, Wisconsin; married 23 December 1942 to Alvin Clark II.


G5-1. Betty Flath, daughter of Arthur Johannes and Esther (Krueger) Flath, was born 19 September 1923 at Watertown, Wisconsin. She was married 23 December 1942 at Albuquerque, New Mexico, to Alvin M. Clarke II. Alvin was born 19 December 1923 at Meridian, Mississippi. He has owned and operated Capitol Cleaners in Rockford since 1956.


G6-1. Alvin M. Clarke III, born 22 August 1949 at Janesville, Wisconsin; married (1) 31 December 1967 to Deena Allen; (2) 30 September 1970 to Catherine Michaelson;

G6-2. Jeffrey L. Clarke, born 20 August 1951 at Janesville, Wisconsin; married 14 August 1976 to Deborah Eve Divan; died 21 June 1986.


G6-1. Alvin M. Clarke III, son of Alvin M. and Betty (Flath) Clarke II, was born 22 August 1949 at Janesville, Wisconsin. He was married (1) 31 December 1967 at Rockford, Illinois, to Deena Allen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Allen. Deena was born April 1949 at Rockford, Illinois.


G7-1. Alvin M. Clarke IV, born 17 December 1968 at Rockford, Illinois;

G7-2. Shannon Clarke, born 5 December 1969;


Alvin III married (2) 30 September 1970 to Catherine Michaelson, daughter of Kenneth and Virginia (Burkhart) Michaelson.


G7-3. Leslie Ann Clarke, born 16 January 1972.


G6-2. Jeffrey L. Clarke, son of Alvin M. and Betty (Flath) Clarke II, was born 20 August 1951 at Janesville, Wisconsin. He was married 14 August 1976 to Deborah Eve Divan. Deborah was born 28 July 1953 at Rockford, Illinois. Jeffrey died 21 June 1986 in Rockford, Illinois.


G4-7. Albanus Ferdinand (Barney) Flath, son of Herman and Maria Minna (Podewells) Flath, was born 18 August 1889 at Durbin, North Dakota. He was married to Matilda (Mattie). He died 29 November 1939 of cancer.


G5-1. Kenneth Flath, born 22 August 1928; married (1) Pauline Mohr 3 May 1949, div.; (2) 22 January 1956 to Mary Congar.


G5-1. Kenneth Flath, son of Albanus Ferdinand (Barney) and Matilda Flath, was born 22 August 1928. He was married (1) 3 May 1949 to Pauline Mohr; divorced.


G6-1. Bernard Flath, born 23 December 1949;

G6-2. LeRoy Flath, born 7 August 1951 at Perham, Minnesota; married 24 July 1976 to Sharon Matthiesen;

G6-3. Thomas Flath, born 3 February 1953;

G6-4. James Flath, born 27 June 1954; married 7 October 1975 to Susie Schwa1baugh;


Kenneth married (2) 22 January 1956 to Mary Congar.


G6-5. Mark Flath, born 25 March 1956.


G6-2. LeRoy Flath, son of Kenneth and Pauline (Mohr) Flath, was born 7 August 1951 at Perham, Minnesota. He was married 24 July 1976 at St. John's Lutheran Church, Wadena, Minnesota, to Sharon Matthiesen, daughter of Vernon and Loretta (Lehmku1) Matthiesen. They reside at Wadena, Minnesota.


G7-1. Michael Flath, born 24 November 1977 at Wadena, Minnesota.


G6-4. James Flath, son of Kenneth and Pauline (Mohr) Flath, was born 27 June 1954. He was married 7 October 1975 to Susie Schwa1baugh. They live at Wadena, Minnesota. James served in the Army 1974 to 1983.


G7-1. Benjamin Flath, born 12 March 1975; died 9 November 1975.



G4-8. Bernard Valerin Flath, son of Herman Traugott and Maria Minna (Podewells) Flath, was born 19 February 1892 at Durbin, North Dakota. He resided with his brother Eugene and was a carpenter. He fell from a third story while changing windows and broke his spinal cord. He lived a year and four months afterward. In an oral history, Adeline reported that she stayed with him in the hospital most of that time and hired someone to come in and do her housework. Bernard died 14 August 1942 at Fargo, North Dakota.


G4-9. Eugene (Eugin) Levinus John Flath, son of Herman Traugott and Maria Minna (Podewells) Flath, was born 17 September 1893 at Durbin, North Dakota. He was associated with his brother Ben as carpenter and contractor in and near Casselton, North Dakota. He suffered a heart attack and died in St. Johns Hospital in Fargo where he had been rushed after neighbors had found him unconscious in the snow near his home. He died 16 February 1944.


Lillian (Flath) Lindemann,

Bernard Flath,

Eugene Flath.

Adeline (Flath) Lindemann
















Tabor Moravian Church 1900 near Embden, North Dakota

(Edith made doll clothes for angel over altar.)



G4-l0. Adeline (Adelina Maria) Flath, daughter of Herman Traugott and Maria (Mary) Minna (Podewells) Flath, was born 21 February 1896 at Durbin, North Dakota. She was married 25 June 1917 at Moorhead, Minnesota, to Reinhard Lindemann, son of Paul Carl and Elvina Willamina (Eckelberg) Lindemann. Reinhard was born 20 December 1894 at Lucca, North Dakota. He had been active in Flying Farmers since 1935 and had been flying airplanes for about 20 years. Adeline was Flying Farmer Queen, State and National, and Reinhard was President of Flying Farmers about twenty years ago. He rented farmland until 1942, bought the former Ohm farm and lived next door on what would be Junior's farm. Had 300 head of cattle. He owned two passenger planes and two spray planes. Reinie sang in the choir for fifteen years; Adeline belonged to the Rachel Circle and Aide Society. Had a Crop Spraying business; Jack operated it and now Dan Lindemann does. Adeline belonged to a painting society in Enderlin -- toured in Bismarck and Jamestown to show their paintings. Adeline died 26 June 1981 in Rareton Township, Barnes County. Reinhard died at age 92 on 3 July 1986. Both are buried on Lucca Cemetery.


G5-1. Reinhard (Junior) Alvin Lindemann, Jr., born 13 April 1919 at Enderlin, North Dakota; married 1 September 1946 to Bernice (Bunny) Huseby;

G5-2. Rolland (Rolly) Wallace Lindemann, born 14 December 1920;

G5-3. Earl Myron Lindemann, born 29 April 1922 at Enderlin, North Dakota; died 26 September 1926 when smothered in bin of grain;

G5-4. John (Jack) Flath Lindemann, born 5 January 1927; married 11 June 1945 to Harriet Godfredson; died 19 May 1974.

G5-5,6. It was reported that these children died at birth or shortly thereafter.




(From an oral history given by Adeline (Flath) Lindemann and recorded by Vicki (Lindemann) Voskuil)


During her time at NDAC in Fargo, she (Adeline) rode streetcars to school and roomed with a friend named Mabel Schultz near the college, twenty miles from home. Her brother gave her money to go, and she went one year. Board cost the most, so "we watched our eating and came home every weekend on the train. Every penny we had to figure for."

At age 21 she married Reinhard C. Lindemann. They were married two years and Reinhard. Jr. was born. The first year they were hailed out so "I started teaching again so we could have food to eat and fuel." She taught country school one mile west of the Herbert Lindemann farm. Junior was four months old, so Reinie took care of him. They went to the mill in Valley City with a load of wheat and came back with 500 lbs. of flour for the whole year.

On Saturdays, Ad churned butter, made bread and washed clothes. "Not much got ironed though." She had a gas iron and flames used to shoot up over her hands and burn them. So instead she used to take old-fashioned ones; the handles clamped on. Baking was done the same day to save fuel; the stove was hot. When young, Adeline "had one change (of clothes) a week, two dresses, and one for Sunday. At Christmas I'd get a new one. Edith always did all the sewing." Adeline made her own clothes most of the time as a young woman. She worked a whole week housecleaning to earn $3 to buy some nice button shoes.



Adeline (Flath) Lindemann










Adeline and Reinhard Lindemann









Reinhard, Jr.

Rolland Lindemann








Harriet (Godfredson) and

Jack Lindemann







G5-l. Reinhard (Junior) Alvin Lindemann, Jr., son of Reinhard Alvin and Adeline (Flath) Lindemann, was born 13 April 1919 at Enderlin, North Dakota. He was married 1 September 1946 to Bernice Huseby. He died 28 March 1959 in a truck accident.


G6-1. Alan Reinhard Lindemann, born 10 February 1948 at Valley City, North Dakota; married 14 February 1970 to Carol Tangen;

G6-2. Mary Patricia (Patty) Lindemann, born 7 April 1950 at Enderlin, North Dakota; married 24 April 1978 to Gary Langenbahn;

G6-3. Bonita Ann Lindemann, born 27 May 1955.


G6-l. Dr. Alan Reinhard Lindemann, son of Reinhard and Bernice (Huseby) Lindemann, Jr., was born 10 February 1948 at Valley City, North Dakota. He was married 14 February 1970 at Fargo, North Dakota, to Carol Tangen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Erland Tangen. They reside in Crookston, Minnesota.


G7-1. Matthew Lindemann, born 25 June 1971 at Grand Forks, North Dakota;

G7-2. Jessie Lindemann, born 27 August 1974 at Grand Forks, North Dakota;

G7-3. Paul Andrew Lindemann, born 22 April 1982 at Crookston, Minnesota.


G6-2 Mary Patricia (Patty) Lindemann, daughter of Reinhard and Bernice (Huseby) Lindemann, Jr., was born 7 April 1950 at Enderlin, North Dakota. She was married 24 April 1978 at Las Vegas, Nevada, to Gary Langenbahn, son of Earnest A. and Audrey (McGrath) Langenbahn. Gary was born 17 June 1949 at Downers Grove, Illinois. Gary is the manager of a clothing store, a college graduate; and enjoys racquetball, softball, and skiing. Patty is a loan officer at a mortgage company; a college graduate, enjoys reading, skiing, horseback riding.


G6-3 Bonita Ann Lindemann, daughter of Reinhard and Bernice (Huseby) Lindemann, Jr., was born 27 May 1955.















Alan, Mary (Patty),

Bonita Lindemann






G5-2. Rolland (Rolly) Wallace Lindemann, son of Reinhard and Adeline (Flath) Lindemann, was born 14 December 1920. He bad been in partnership with his father on the farm, played saxophone, and enjoys all-star wrestling.


G5-4. John (Jack) Flath Lindemann, son of Reinhard and Adeline (Flath) Lindemann, was born 5 January 1927. He was married 11 June 1945 to Harriet Godfredson. Harriet was born 12 April 1929 and died 28 September 1975. Jack died 19 May 1974.


G6-1. Daniel John Lindemann, born 15 October 1946 at Fargo, North Dakota; married 19 April 1974 to Polly Spiekermeier;

G6-2. Larry Lowell Lindemann, born 31 December 1948 at Fargo, North Dakota; married 28 December 1970 to Kathy Huettl;

G6-3. Paula Ann Lindemann, born 11 April 1957, married Douglas Krall.


G6-1. Daniel John Lindemann, son of John (Jack) Flath and Harriet (Godfredson) Lindemann, was born 15 October 1946 at Fargo, North Dakota. He was married 19 April 1974 at Sheldon, North Dakota, to Polly Jane Spiekermeier, daughter of Paul and Ardys (Torfin) Spiekermeier. Polly was born 24 September 1954 at Fargo, North Dakota. Dan and Larry (his brother) built an aerobatic airplane, the first of its kind completed in the United States. They received magazine coverage and local coverage. They live at Lucca, North Dakota, on the home farmstead.


G7-1. Paul Daniel Lindemann, born 3 September 1977 at, Valley City, North Dakota;

G7-2. Jarrod Roy Lindemann, born 31 January 1981 at Valley City, North Dakota.

G7-3. Andrea Laureen Lindemann, born 20 April 1987 at Valley City, North Dakota.







Daniel Lindemann











Larry Lindemann






G6-2. Larry Lowell Lindemann, son of John (Jack) Flath and Harriet (Godfredson) Lindemann, was born 31 December 1948 at Fargo, North Dakota. He was married 28 December 1970 at Max, North Dakota, to Kathy Huettl, daughter of George and Elna (Schmidt) Huettl. Kathy was born 17 February 1949 at Minot, North Dakota. Larry co-owns with Dan and operates an aircraft, mechanic shop and flying business. His hobbies are flying and restoring antique and classic motorcycles. They reside at Valley City, North Dakota.


G7-1. Tiarra Lindemann, born 19 July 1975 at Fargo, North Dakota;

G7-2,2. Rachelle Lindemann, born 26 July 1978 at Valley City, North Dakota;

G7-2,3. Ryan Lindemann, born 26 July 1978 at Valley City, North Dakota.


G6-3. Paula Ann Lindemann, daughter of John (Jack) Flath and Harriet (Godfredson) Lindemann, was born 11 April 1957. She married Douglas Krall and resides at Palm Springs, California.


G7-1. Kristine Ann Krall, born 24 May 1986 at Palm Springs, California;

G7-2. Sean Douglas Krall, born 21 July 1988 at Palm Springs, California.













Lillian (Flath) Lindemann

Adeline (Flath) Lindemann

Traditional Christmas Eve celebration beginning 1943











11 August 1969

50th Anniversary

Standing: Emma (Flath) Johnson,

Adeline and Reinie Lindemann;

Rev. Schiable, Rex and Lillian Lindemann, Mrs. Schiable




G4-l1 Lillian (Lilly) Clara Elisabeth Flath, daughter of Herman Traugott and Maria Minna (Podewells) Flath, was born 28 April 1898 at Durbin, North Dakota. She was married 11 August 1919 at Lisbon, North Dakota, to Richard Paul Robert (Rex) Lindemann, son of Carl and Louise (Kieselbach) Lindemann. Rex was born 19 September 1885. Lillian died 18 September 1981 at Valley City, North Dakota, and is buried on the Pontiac Cemetery (Trinity Lutheran Cemetery, Pontiac Township.) Rex was 100 years of age at the time of his death on 10 November 1985. Further information follows in the memory section.


G5-1. Donald Lindemann, born 6 April 1921 at Enderlin, North Dakota; married 24 December 1943 to Verna Harriett Severson.




(as told by Julie (Lindemann) Slag 1982)


Rex Lindemann, when he died at age 100, was in full possession of his mental faculties. Despite failing sight and hearing, he attempted to read, listen to tapes for the handicapped and had an avid interest in his former hobbies and occupations. Raised on a farm; he went to two years of Law School in Chicago before deciding to go into business for himself. One of five sons, he entered into a three-man venture of selling life insurance and later gasoline and fuel in Enderlin during 1909-1919. Also his father helped him get started in the first automobile dealership in our area; often he traded in horses for vehicles. When radio came in 1921, he and son Donald built the first radio receiver/antenna unit in Enderlin and listened to the first broadcast station from Philadelphia in the early twenties. The Lindemann family had moved from the farm, divided the land between the sons and built a large 13 room home on the edge of town during 1907-1910. It was here in the large paneled music room that Rex and his brothers played their music. Rex had perfect pitch and could play by ear, piano (usually played with 6 flats); cello, trombone, mandolin, and had a go at any other instrument that struck his fancy. Before attending Law School, Rex had attended Valley City Normal School and was active in the EBC Fraternity and the sohoo1 dance band. Throughout his early adulthood and middle years, he performed and sang in a variety of social and civic orchestras and choirs.



Rex Lindemann went on to sell cars until 1951, had a retail paint dealership, and sold farm machinery. He was a 50 year Mason, king of the 1976 Bicentennial, written up in major newspapers, and interviewed by the State Historical Society and his grandchildren.


In 1919 he married Lillian Flath in Lisbon, North Dakota, after a five-week courtship. In 1921 a son, Donald Rex, was born. In the thirties life was difficult in a rural community, and Rex sold a lot of his land and had the big family home torn down. At this point Lillian Flath Lindemann became an invaluable asset to his business.


Lillian attended Valley City Normal School and received a one-year teaching certificate. Her first school was in Douglas, North Dakota, and she taught there for two years. In 1919 when she married Rex Lindemann they lived in a flat above a merchant in Enderlin. It was here my father Donald was born. Throughout her life, she lived in a flat above or in the basement of the Lindemann building (built by Carl in 1921). She took a bookkeeping course and was the bookkeeper of the Lindemann trust, which included all income monies, etc., from cropland, investment, etc. She also kept the books for the business enterprises of her husband and son, and in 1936, went into the liquor business, which she solely managed and retailed until 1980. She was a superb cook, often winning primes for her breads and cakes. Until she opened a liquor store, she was an active member of Eastern Star and one-time Worthy Matron. A Moravian churchgoer, she began attending the Trinity Lutheran Church in Enderlin in 1941 and was a life-long member of the Rachel Circle and a large contributor to all building funds. She also made donations to the Moravian Church and kept the Moravian prayer book by her side.


It is the general family consensus that "Granny" (as everyone called her) had a phenomenal memory, a ready wit, a kind heart (especially toward children) and an extremely astute mental capacity. She was very tidy and neat, and loved all feminine items like flowers, doilies, and fine jewelry and clothes. She and Grandpa lived together for over 62 years, rarely travelled, and were in the store every day of the week. In later years, the family moved them to a ground floor apartment in the building because of deteriorating health of both of them. In 1981 the family suffered a terrible blow when she died--she had built so many wonderful memories for all of us, especially her grandchildren, whom she had a great deal to do with raising.






Lillian (Flath) Lindemann 1917





Back: Rex Lindemann, Lillian (Flath) Lindemann, Verna (Severson) Lindemann, Donald (Bug) Lindemann, Bette (Lindemann) Schneider

Front: Rex: B. Lindemann, Julie (Lindemann) Slag. Vicki (Lindemann) Voskuil, Duane VosKuil, November 1977

















Don Lindemann and Art Flath



Left: Standing: Lillian (Flath) Lindemann

Seated: Vicki (Lindemann) Voskuil; Verna (Severson) Lindemann; Vanessa Voskuil





G5-l. Donald Rex Lindemann, son of Richard (Rex) Paul Robert and Lillian (Lilly) Clara Elisabeth (Flath) Lindemann, was born 6 April 1921 at Enderlin, North Dakota. He was married 24 December 1943 to Verna Harriett Severson, daughter of Henry and Clara Emilia (Trangsrud) Severson.


G6-1. Vicki Diane Lindemann, born 11 January 1947 at Fargo, North Dakota; married (1) 25 June 1966 to Arnold Jack Drendel; div., (2) 7 June 1975 to Duane Martin Voskuil;

G6-2. Julie Ann Lindemann, born 4 October 1950 at Fargo, North Dakota; married 19 July 1980 to Kenneth James Slag;

G6-3. Rex Bradley Lindemann, born 3 March 1953 at Lisbon, North Dakota; married 21 December 1985 to Joyce Marie Hummel;

G6-4. Bette Louise Lindemann, born 17 January 1959 at Lisbon, North Dakota; married 21 December 1978 to Jerry Lydell Schneider.




As told by Julie (Lindemann) Slag


"Donald (Bug) was in continuous business with his father and his mother until their deaths. An excellent musician, he has written music and performed for forty years in a swing band. The Lindemann and Flath families were both musical.

"Verna was the daughter of second generation Norwegian immigrants, one of eight daughters. She began working the restaurant area of the Lindemann Building (a large brick edifice on the corner of the Enderlin business district) and dated my father for four years while working with him on remodeling an older home for them to live in after their marriage. She subsequently managed the Newsstand (restaurant) and is still managing it 50 years later. A creative woman, Verna is an excellent imaginative seamstress but unfortunately has had little time to pursue her gifts. Our home has been remodeled for outdoor family weddings, and we have a garage for lumber, which is my father's passion: carpentry. He is an excellent carpenter. He began his vocation in the late 1930's by selling records in the family store. He completed an RCA correspondence course and was one of the first distributor-dealers of television in our area. He follows the example of Grandfather Lindemann who was the first man to sell cars, have a radio and sell musical instruments in our area ...



G6-l. Vicki Diane Lindemann, daughter of Donald Rex and Verna Harriett (Severson) Lindemann, was born 11 January 1947 at Fargo, North Dakota. She was married (1) 25 June 1966 to Arnold Jack Drendel. They were divorced.


G7-1. Bryan Scott Drendel, born 3 December 1966 in Naperville, Illinois.


Vicki was married (2) 7 June 1975 at Enderlin, North Dakota to Duane Martin Voskuil, son of Wallace Christian and Marion Elizabeth (Martin) Voskuil. Duane was born 26 March 1938 at Sisseton, South Dakota. They reside in Bismarck, North Dakota.

G7-2. Vanessa Iolanthe Voskuil, born 1 July 1977 at Grand Forks, North Dakota;

G7-3. David Brann Etu Voskuil, born 19 July 1981 at Bismarck. North Dakota.


by Vicki Voskuil (1984)


Early years: I grew up in a small railroad town that had one of the best baseball parks around for a town that size and a baseball team to match. Early years were spent in my parents and grandparents store on the corner, a special place that offered an ever-willing playmate in my grandmother, in addition to the banker's daughter next door; plus the excitement of business activity at the lunch counter and repair shop/radio and television showroom. There were always ever-handy treats, gadgets, office supplies to play 'store' with, and a grandpa and father who cartooned to keep me busy. As we grew older we played cowgirls and Indians, made and sold mud-pies with Fay, the banker's daughter, to bank customers and other alley travelers, played cards with grandmother, and 'Clue' by the hours under the steps in her office. The upbeat and soft swing music of the 1940's enlivened the fun atmosphere of the store and has kept me a dedicated fan to this day.

Music is my father's joy--he played in dance bands for 35 years and sings beautifully. Music is also my joy, having pursued piano for six years, alto saxophone since 5th grade, and most recently, cello, as an adult. My high school saxophone playing took me and members of our quartet to many state music contests, two TV appearances, and an appearance before the NDEA state music convention. I continued my training in college, obtaining enough credits for a music minor.


Though we were the only family among our many relatives in the area who were in business and lived in town, we had many outings to great-aunt Adeline Flath Lindemann's farm home, and to her children's farms. My mother had a huge gathering every Christmas Eve (their wedding anniversary) after the church program for these relatives, plus other relatives and friends.

That was magic time. To this day I don't know how she managed to give everyone a little something.

Adulthood: I feel my childhood was special because of the diversity it contained. It paved the way for a successful high school experience where I was very active in many different activities. I had hoped to prolong this success in college, but marriage interrupted this goal. My memories of my first marriage are filled with Arnie's superb humor, our life in Chicago, his athletic pursuits, and the many people his outgoing personality brought to our life, plus the accompanying heartache when a marriage fails. Our son Bryan, is a composite of the humor and fun times that emanate from both sides of the family. His creativity and good humor have brought me much enjoyment and sense of pride.

Valley City State College had been small and more intimate compared to the University of North Dakota where I eventually obtained my B. A. degree in 1976, eleven years after high school graduation. It was a proud time for both my sister and I, as we were the first to obtain that status/honor in 4+ generations.

At the University of North Dakota I gained independence and a sense of myself missing before. Though I felt happy and free, my first year was an adjustment having been in the work world for five years previous. I was a staff member of the student newspaper for 3 1/2 years in both production and reporting, a job which helped support me financially. I also made the concert band. It was at U.N.D. that I met my second husband, Duane, then a professor of philosophy. He is a serious scholar, fine artist, adventurer, and athlete whose interests have taken our blended family on many adventures:' whether it be to New York City to visit the old violin makers on 57th St., to discussing metaphysical propositions, or canoeing the St. Croix. I have memories of pain and the struggle encountered living with other people's children, and sorting out husband and wife relationships now influenced by the Women's Movement, poor economic conditions where women must work to support the family, and those women as role models who actively seek careers. The challenges have been great, but we do have the memories of exhilaration and further bonding when life becomes easier due to our hard work in our careers or in our relationships.

My two children from this marriage are a joy. My daughter, age 12, is fair and dark-haired, like her father and his Irish descendants. She had musical and artistic interests and is a natural dancer. My sensitive 8 year-old son, is a fair-haired Dutch/German boy and already a master builder with good spatial conception. Perhaps a partner for our architectural design and contracting business we founded in 1981. David is a cellist in the Suzuki School of Music.

My favorite time with these two is still at bedtime when I hold their little hands or cuddle them while singing our special goodnight song, and read the 'old books', tattered and many without covers, signed by "Granny" 1951 etc., Lillian Flath Lindemann, my never-tiring playmate and endless storybook reader."


G6-2. Julie Ann Lindemann, daughter of Donald Rex and Verna Harriett (Severson) Lindemann, was born 4 October 1950 at Fargo, North Dakota. She was married 19 July 1980 at the Lindemann home in Enderlin, North Dakota, to Kenneth James Slag, son of Herman Joseph and Eleanor Frances (Brilz) Slag. Kenneth was born 19 November 1953 at Bismarck. North Dakota. He is descended from Dutch immigrants on his father's side and German-Russian immigrants on his mother's side. His grandparents, Frank and Hermina Slag traveled from Enschede, Holland about 1915 and homesteaded on the Missouri River... Kenneth attended Bismarck Junior College and the University of North Dakota. He now works for Western Steel and Plumbing as their purchasing agent. Ken was a good wrestler, but due to injuries to his leg, he has had to give up sports pursuits.


G7-1. Lindsey Eleanor Gabrielle Slag, born 30 September 1983 at Bismarck, North Dakota.


Julie comments about her life: "If I have learned anything in our family -- it's to speak up! Granny (Lillian Flath) taught me to read before I went to school; I do not remember a time when I did not read. She even taught me the Lord's Prayer in German when I was five. My childhood was spent at her desk, with my 'library' of Golden books and endless projects and experimental ideas--all supported by my grandmother. I do think all of us children have a wealth of imagination and experience that others have not shared because they did not have grandparents like mine. Regardless, I grew up in a perfectionistic and creative family where to work, and work well, was the highest calling. My older sister followed in the musical tradition.

I devoted most of my adolescence to art. Senator Quentin Burdick wrote me a letter when I was thirteen years old, asking me to paint a picture for his office in Washington, D. C. (he had seen a painting I had done of President and Mrs. Kennedy.) ... 1 attended Moorhead State College (University) from 1968-72 without completing my degree ... At one time I made the MSU Dean's list and was selected to be on a pilot teaching program project. I completed most of my senior year at MSU when I decided to leave school. Part of my reason for leaving when I did had to do with the summer-long trip I took to Israel in 1971. For years I had studied the Jewish religion and cultural history. I organized the trip through an Israeli representative and arranged to be sent to a half/work-half/Hebrew study "Ulpan" in northern Galilee, between the Golan Heights and Lebanon. It was easily the high point of my life; I experienced no culture shock or disappointment in the Israeli culture and people. I made many friends and saw much of the country with American and Israeli groups.

"1 worked in hospitals for three years in Minneapolis, Fargo, and discovered I had a natural aptitude for nursing. Unfortunately, 1 contracted Guillain-Barre syndrome in 1974, the debilitating muscle-nerve disease, and was incapacitated as far as a career in nursing went. 1 returned to school at the University of North Dakota, completing my English major in 1976. . . 1980 was a great year for me. I was married in 1980 and am currently a Secretary/Administrative Assistant to the Manager of Accounting at Basin Electric Power Company. My family is my greatest joy and I am active in pursuing my hobbies of reading history, listening to music and writing.


G6-3. Rex Bradley Lindemann, son of Donald Rex and Verna Harriett (Severson) Lindemann, was born 3 March 1953 at Lisbon, North Dakota. He was married 21 December 1985 at Valley City, North Dakota, to Joyce Marie Hummel.


G7-1. Kathy Celeste Lindemann, born 4 July 1986 at Valley City, North Dakota.

G7-2. Christina Marie Lindemann, born 22 January 1988 at Valley City, North Dakota.


G6-4. Bette Louise Lindemann, daughter of Donald Rex and Verna Harriett (Severson) Lindemann, was born 17 January 1959 at Lisbon, North Dakota. She was married 21 December 1978 at Enderlin, North Dakota, to Jerry Lydell Schneider, son of Leo Finhart and Velma Lucille (Collis) Schneider. Jerry was born 4 January 1958 at Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.


G7-1. Joshua Paul Schneider, born 28 January 1982 at Westmoreland, Kansas;

G7-2. Autumn Elizabeth Schneider, born 8 March 1984, at Wamego, Kansas;

G7-3. Daniel James Schneider, born 27 April 1986 at Champaign, Illinois.

G7-4. Benjamin Gabriel Schneider, born 3 April 1988 at Akron, Ohio.




G4-12. Clement Flath, son of Herman Traugott and Maria Minna (Podewells) Flath, was born 20 September 1900 at Embden, North Dakota. He was married 19 December 1928 at Fargo, North Dakota, to Martha Sommerfeld, daughter of Emil and Ernstine (Fisher) Sommerfeld. Martha was born 11 September 1903 at Ottertail. Minnesota. Clement was a carpenter-contractor and lumber company manager. He died 27 May 1957 at Thompson, Iowa. He was buried on Casselton Cemetery, Casselton, North Dakota. Martha is a former employee of the University of Minnesota, now retired. She resides in Brooklyn Center, Minnesota.


G5-1. Marilyn Flath, born 13 January 1930 at Casselton, North Dakota;

G5-2. Colleen Flath, born 22 September 1939 at Forest City, Iowa; married 27 July 1968 to Roderick J. Loss.


G5-1. Marilyn Flath, daughter of Clement and Martha (Sommerfeld) Flath, was born 13 January 1930 at Casselton, North Dakota. Marilyn is a Supervisor at the University of Minnesota Hospitals. She resides in Brooklyn Center, Minnesota.


G5-2. Colleen Flath, daughter of Clement and Martha (Sommerfeld) Flath, was born 22 September 1939 at Forest City, Iowa. She was married 27 July 1968 at Bloomington, Minnesota to Roderick J. Loss, son of Stanley and Marie (Wijas) Loss. Roderick was born 15 May 1944 at Cook County, Chicago, Illinois. Roderick is a computer systems analyst for the U. S. Treasury Department and is a Professor at the University of Maryland; is a real estate entrepreneur. Colleen is a former laboratory technician in biochemistry, CCD teacher, and school volunteer. They reside in Potomac. Maryland.


G6-1. Rebecca Jeanelle Loss, born 2 August 1971 in Washington, D.C.;

G6-2. Christopher Mark Loss, born 25 July 1974 in Washington, D.C.





Clement and Martha (Sommerfeld)










Above: Rebecca, Christopher,

Roderick, Colleen Loss










G4-13. Emma Flath, daughter of Herman Traugott and Maria Minna (Podewells) Flath, was born 1 November 1902. She was married 9 January 1920 at Valley City, North Dakota, to Paul A. Johnson. Emma died 31 January 1985, and is buried on Riverside Cemetery, Fargo, North Dakota.


G5-1. Pauline Johnson, born 9 April 1922, died 9 May 1922;

G5-2. Madelyn Johnson, born 7 December 1923; married 10 June 1948 to Robert Hargrave;

G5-3. Frances Johnson, born 2 April 1926; married 26 December 1946 to Alvin Nielson, died 5 May 1970;

G5-4. Elaine Johnson, born 29 January 1928; married 19 March 1949 to Melvin Swanson;

G5-5. Paul Johnson, born 3 December 1929; married (1) 1950 to Mable Wagner; (2) Gail Rostad.


G5-2. Madelyn Johnson, daughter of Paul A. and Emma (Flath) Johnson, was born 7 December 1923. She was married 10 June 1948 at Fargo, North Dakota, to Robert Hargrave, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Hargrave. Robert was born 27 January 1918 at Carrington, North Dakota. Robert was a parts-man for General Motors Parts, now retired. Madelyn is a retired dietitian.


G6-1. Nancy Hargrave, born 5 January 1950 at Carrington, North Dakota;

G6-2. Joan Hargrave, born 27 October 1953 at Carrington, North Dakota; married 28 August 1978 to John Dillery.


G6-1. Nancy Hargrave, daughter of Robert and Madelyn (Johnson) Hargrave, was born 5 January 1950 at Carrington, North Dakota. Nancy is a cataloguer at Hennepin County Library Technical Center.


G6-2 Joan Hargrave, daughter of Robert and Madelyn (Johnson) Hargrave, was born 27 October 1953 at Carrington, North Dakota. She was married 28 August 1978 at Minneapolis, Minnesota, to John Dillery, son of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Dillery. John is a transit planner and a railroad enthusiast. Joan works as a sales associate for the Ordway Music Theatre.













Frances (Johnson) Nielsen, Madelyn (Johnson) Hargrave,

Emma (Flath) Johnson, Adeline (Flath) Lindemann



Emma (Flath) Madelyn (Johnson) Elaine (Johnson)

Johnson Hargrave Swanson



Frances (Johnson) Nielsen




David Nielsen, Frances (Johnson) Nielsen:

Alvin, Peggy and Diane Nielsen











Roger Kelly Family:

Kimberly, Diane, Curtis,

Adam, Roger








G5-3. Frances Johnson, daughter of Paul and Emma (Flath) Johnson, was born 2 April 1926 at Enderlin, North Dakota. She was married 28 December 1946 at Fargo, North Dakota, to Alvin Nielsen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Nielsen. Frances died 5 May 1970 of a brain tumor at Kansas City, Missouri.


G6-1. Diane Nielsen, born 3 January 1948 at Fargo, North Dakota; married 27 December 1969 to Roger Kelly;

G6-2. Peggy Nielsen, born 12 December 1950 at Fargo, North Dakota; married 22 August 1970 to Danny Fowler;

G6-3. David Nielsen, born 9 July 1954 at Fargo, North Dakota; married 30 August 1975 to LuAnn J. Green; G6- 4. Richard Nielsen, born 30 September 1964 at Kansas City, Missouri.


G6-1. Diane Marie Nielsen, daughter of Alvin and Frances (Johnson) Nielsen, was born 5 January 1948 at Fargo, North Dakota. She was married 27 December 1969 at Parkville, Missouri, to Roger L. Kelly, son of Carl Robert and Madge Lee (Cook) Kelly. Roger was born 13 January 1946 at Leon, Iowa. Roger is a mechanic (heavy equipment); enjoys hunting and fishing; and served in Vietnam with the Seabees. Diane is a housewife and part-time clerk for a water company; helps with PTA and church activities. The whole family enjoys camping. They reside at Kansas City, Missouri.


G7-1. Curtis Lee Kelly, born 20 October 1970 at Kansas City, Missouri;

G7-2. Kimberly Lynn Kelly, born 7 December 1973 at Kansas City, Missouri;

G7-3. Adam Patrick Kelly, born 18 October 1977 at Kansas City, Missouri.


G6-2. Peggy Nielsen, daughter of Alvin and Frances (Johnson) Nielsen, was born 12 December 1950 at Fargo, North Dakota. She was married 22 August 1970 at Park Hill Baptist Church, Kansas City, Missouri, to Danny E. Fowler, son of David F. and Hazelee (Fox) Fowler. They reside in Kansas City, Missouri. Peggy works full time as an Assistant Supervisor in the Accounting Department of a small company. Danny is a used car manager of a Chevrolet dealership in Kansas City.


G7-1. Jennifer D. Fowler, born 19 January 1972 at Kansas City, Missouri;

G7-2. Andrew J. Fowler, born 30 May 1976 at Kansas City, Missouri.




G6-3. David A. Nielsen, son of Alvin and Frances (Johnson) Nielsen, was born 9 July 1954 at Fargo, North Dakota. He was married 30 August 1975 at Kansas City, Missouri, to LuAnn J. Green, daughter of Lewis and Doris (Bulman) Green. LuAnn was born 8 February 1957 at Waterloo, Iowa. They reside in Kansas City, Missouri. David works in sales of parts for a machinery company and is also a mechanic. He enjoys hunting and fishing. LuAnn is a dental assistant for an orthodontist. They enjoy camping with the whole family.


G7-1. Amanda Rachelle Nielsen, born 23 December 1979 at Kansas City, Missouri;

G7-2. Michael David Nielsen, born 14 March 1981 at Kansas City, Missouri;


G6-4. Richard A. Nielsen, son of Alvin and Frances (Johnson) Nielsen, was born 30 September 1964 at Kansas City, Missouri. He attended a junior college and worked for a food service company at Kansas City International Airport. He enjoys working on cars and electronics.


G5-4. Elaine Johnson, daughter of Paul A. and Emma (Flath) Johnson, was born 29 January 1928. She was married 19 March 1949 to Melvin Swanson, son of John and Hulda (Hanson) Swanson. Melvin was born 19 February 1926 and died 9 January 1979. Elaine resides in Fargo, North Dakota.


G6-1. Susan Swanson, born 8 November 1949 at Fargo, North Dakota; married 23 October 1976 to Jacques Marjo1let;

G6-2. Patricia Swanson, born 18 June 1952 at Fargo, North Dakota; married 14 October 1971 to David Sawatsky.


G6-1. Susan Swanson, daughter of Melvin and Elaine (Johnson) Swanson, was born 8 November 1949 at Fargo, North Dakota. She was married 23 October 1976 to Jacque Marjollet, son of Andre and Marie (Masse) Marjo11et. Jacque was born 2 October 1933 in Paris. He is a nuclear physicist; Susan teaches in a private school in France.


G7-1. Julienne Elaine Marie Marjollet, born 19 May 1987.







Susan Swanson

Patricia Swanson






G6-2. Patricia Swanson, daughter of Melvin and Elaine (Johnson) Swanson, was born 18 June 1952 at Fargo, North Dakota. She was married 14 October 1971 to David Sawatsky, son of Jacob and Catherine Sawatsky. David is a parole officer; Patricia is a nurse and attends college. They reside in Winnipeg, Canada.


G7-1. Matthew David Sawatsky, born 21 June 1981.


G5-5. Paul Johnson, son of Paul A. and Emma (Flath) Johnson, was born 3 December 1929 at Enderlin (Lucca), North Dakota. He married (1) February 1950 to Mabel Wagner, daughter of Emil and Katharina (Joens) Wagner; (2) 17 May 1973 to Gayle (Olson) Rostad, daughter of Leonard and Hazel (Peterson) Olson. Gayle was born 21 October 1941 at Breckenridge, Minnesota. Paul and Gayle reside at Detroit Lakes, Minnesota.


G6-1. Debra Johnson, born 5 October 1950 at Fargo, North Dakota; married (1) 5 May 1973 to Jeffrey Liljestrand; (2) 1 July 1883 to Steven Olson;

G6-2. Stephen Johnson, born 27 February 1953 at Fargo, North Dakota; married 1 September 1973 to Bette Lynn Johnson;

G6-3. Craig Johnson, born 13 January 1958 at Fargo, North Dakota; married 23 January 1982 to Karla Newton;

G6-4. Kimberly Johnson, born 26 February 1966 at Fargo, North Dakota.


G6-1. Debra Johnson, daughter of Paul and Mabel (Wagner) Johnson, was born 5 October 1950 at Fargo, North Dakota. She married (1) 5 May 1973 to Jeffrey Liljestrand, son of George and Loretta (Hultman) Liljestrand; (2) 1 July 1983 to Steven Olson, son of Raymond and Adrienne (Daigle) Olson. Steven was born 5 July 1944 at Winnipeg, Manitoba. Steven is a self-employed masonry contractor; Debra is a secretary for the city of Moorhead, Minnesota. They reside in Fargo, North Dakota.


G7-1. Jason Michael Liljestrand, born 9 February 1975 at Fargo, North Dakota;

G7-2. Jill Maria Liljestrand, born 14 October 1977 at Fargo, North Dakota.



G6-2. Stephen Johnson, son of Paul and Mabel (Wagner) Johnson, was born 27 February 1953 at Fargo, North Dakota. He married 1 September 1973 to Betty Lynne Johnson, daughter of Gilbert and Ruth (Swensson) Johnson. Bette was born 18 November 1953 at Waupaca, Wisconsin. She is a Licensed Practical Nurse at a Veteran's Home; Stephen works in food service at a Veteran's Home and has also worked in construction. They reside in Waupaca, Wisconsin.


G7-1. Emily Ann Johnson, born 14 April 1987 at New London, Wisconsin.


G6-3 Craig Johnson, son of Paul and Mabel (Wagner) Johnson, was born 13 January 1958 at Fargo, North Dakota. He married 25 January 1982 to Karla Newton, daughter of Robert and Verlan (Hoefel) Newton. Karla was born 20 February 1960 at Moorhead, Minnesota. She is an operator for the telephone company; Craig is employed by the city of Moorhead, Minnesota, and has also worked in construction. They reside in Fargo, North Dakota.


G7-1. Nathan Alan Johnson, born 29 May 1987 at Fargo, North Dakota.


G6-4. Kimberly Johnson, daughter of Paul and Mabel (Wagner) Johnson, was born 26 February 1966 at Fargo, North Dakota. She is a registered nurse and temporarily resides in San Diego, California.

















Back: Steven, Debbie.

Front: Kimberly, Craig Johnson












204 A



Gustav and Pauline (Schoechert) Flath










Gustav and Pauline Flath

Gustav Flath family 1917

Rear: Arnold, Elsie, George, Meta, Emanuel,

Center: Elsie Freize, Pauline, Gustav, Lena with Chester;

Front: Doris, twins of George, Mildred



G3-3. Gustav Adolph Flath, son of Ferdinand and Dorothea Wilhelmine (Hans) Flath, was born 12 April 1857 at Watertown, Wisconsin. He was married 12 March 1882 at Watertown, Wisconsin, to Pauline Schoechert, daughter of Julius and Maria (Wendorf) 5choechert. Pauline was born 6 October 1859 and died 8 September 1918. Gustav died 26 April 1922 at Cass County. North Dakota. 30th are buried on Embden Moravian Cemetery. Gustav moved to North Dakota from Wisconsin in 1879.


G4-1. George Ferdinand Julius Flath, born 14 April 1883, died 1 November 1883.

G4-2. George A. Flath, born 9 June 1884; married 11 July 1908 to Lena Miller; died 4 November 1920;

G4-3. Emanuel Flath, born 7 September 1886; married 20 December 1905 to Helen Erdman; died 10 March 1966;

G4-4. Meta (Mada) Elizabeth Flath, born 12 December 1888 at Lynchburg, North Dakota; married 26 June 1919 to Fred Buschold; died 8 October 1970;

G4-5. Arnold William Flath, born 15 August 1891; married to Else Ida Margaret Fraase; died 1 June 1963.


G4-1. George A. Flath, son of Gustav Adolph and Pauline (Schoechert) Flath, was born 9 June 1884. He was married 11 July 1908 at Omaha, Nebraska, to Lena (Helene) Miller, daughter of Julius and Ottilie (Janke) Miller. Lena was born 3 January 1890 at Glencoe, Minnesota. George died 4 November 1920 at Fargo, North Dakota, after he suffered a broken back in a car accident the year previously. George owned and operated an auto mechanic school in Fargo; had the first car in Grand Forks; invented turn signal for car. Lena was married (2) 29 May 1928 in Flint, Michigan, to Dewey Hitchen. Dewey was born 12 February 1899; died 12 September 1967. Lena died 15 September 1982. Clarence and Lloyd are buried beside George at the Tabor Cemetery, Embden, North Dakota. Lawrence is buried in a cemetery at Frazee, Minnesota, where Helen and Dewey are also buried. Lloyd died suddenly while Lena held him in her arms. He had been to church, was in his bedroom and said suddenly, "Mommy, I don't want to die, and fell dead as he clung to the bedpost. (Related by Mildred Lindsey)


G5-1. Clarence Flath, born 20 May 1909; died 17 April 1910 at Chaffe, North Dakota;

G5-2,3. Lawrence Flath, born 10 September 1910; died 7 May 1971 from injuries in car accident;

G5-2,3. Lloyd Flath, born 10 September 1910; died 21 October 1921 at Chaffee, North Dakota.



G4-3. Emanuel F. Flath, son of Gustav Adolph and Pauline (Schoechert) Flath, was born 7 September 1886. He was married 20 December 1905 to Helen Erdman, daughter of Friedrich and Emilie (Schlieker) Erdman. Helen was born 1 April 1886 in Germany; she died 9 March 1955. Emanuel died 10 March 1966. When Emanuel was ten or eleven years old he was riding on a wagon and had his leg twisted in the wheel. As a consequence, he wore a brace on the leg. He farmed from 1906-1919 south of Embden, North Dakota. Then he ran a Standard Oil bulk station at Chaffee, North Dakota, from 1919-1921, and from 1921-1927 owned a General Merchandise store. Then he went back to the farm for two years from 1927-1929 and on April 1, 1929, purchased a store in Hammond, Wisconsin, which he sold in October 1929 and bought a store in Moorhead, Minnesota. In August 1930 he and his family left Moorhead and returned to Chaffee, North Dakota, and ran a store there until purchasing a beer parlor in Buffalo, North Dakota, on March 5, 1942 and on November 1, 1942, he purchased the Buffalo Hotel.


G5-1. Chester Flath, born 6 March 1907; married 23 November 1937 to Wanda Liebenow; died October 1975;

G5-2. Violet Flath, born 5 May 1910; died 26 October 1910;

G5-3. Mildred Flath, born 15 February 1916 at Embden, North Dakota; married 27 June 1937 to Stewart Lindsey;

G5-4. Pearl Flath, born 26 September 1925 at Chaffee, North Dakota; married 6 June 1947 to Dallas Radloff;

G5-5. Esther Flath, (foster child), born 30 June 1909; married John Chappell.



G5-1. Chester Lloyd Flath, Sr., son of Emanuel and Helen (Erdman) Flath, was born 8 March 1907 at Embden, North Dakota. He was married 23 November 1937 to Wanda Liebenow, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Berthold Liebenow. Wanda was born 23 November 1916. Chester attended school in Embden and Chaffee, North Dakota, and North Dakota Agricultural College in Fargo. He operated a garage and light plant in Chaffee for several years supplying the town of Chaffee with electricity until 1937 when the REA began operating in North Dakota. At this time Chester went to work for Victor Apiaries in Chaffee and Uvalde, Texas. In 1941 he worked for the Bilstad Company in Fargo and the International Harvester in Fargo. In 1948 he went into the electrical business known as Flath Electric. He had been in and out of electrical work earning his Journeyman's license before moving to Buffalo. He received his Master's license in 1952, and in April 1975 he received his fiftieth year award from the Electrical Board at the Electrical Convention at Minot, North Dakota. Chester died in October 1975.


G6-1. Claudia Ann Flath, born 17 March 1941 at Fargo, North Dakota; married 11 February 1961 to Gary Von Bank;

G6-2. Chester Lloyd Flath, Jr., born 8 March 1943 at Fargo North Dakota; married 16 July 1966 to Devonna Myrhe;

G6-3. Gayle Susan Flath, born 8 October 1947 at Fargo, North Dakota; married 3 October 1973 to Alan Klefstad.


G6-1. Claudia Ann Flath, daughter of Chester and Wanda (Liebenow) Flath, was born 17 March 1941 at Fargo, North Dakota. She was married 11 February 1961 at Buffalo, North Dakota, to Gary Von Bank, son of A1phonsus and Margaret (Muldoon) Von Bank. Gary was born 3 February 1940 at Fargo, North Dakota. Gary is a Journeyman Electrician; Claudia is a waitress at Tower View Cafe at Tower City, North Dakota.


G7-1. Jan Von Bank, born 5 September 1961 at Fargo, North Dakota; married 27 June 1980 to Jeanine Hansen;

G7-2. Jeff Von Bank, born 13 August 1962 at Fargo, North Dakota;

G7-3. Jackie Von Bank, born 12 November 1963 at Fargo, North Dakota;

G7-4. Jodi Von Bank, born 3 October 1968 at Fargo, North Dakota;

G7-5. Jeri Von Bank, born 12 April 1971 at Fargo, North Dakota.



G7-1. Jan Von Bank, son of Gary and Claudia Ann (Flath) Von Bank, was born 5 September 1961 at Fargo, North Dakota. He was married 27 June 1980 to Jeanine Hansen, daughter of John G. and Helen (Ausk) Hansen. Jan works for Farm Builders and they reside in Fargo, North Dakota.


G6-2 Chester Lloyd Flath, Jr., son of Chester and Wanda (Liebenow) Flath, was born 8 March 1943 at Fargo, North Dakota. He was married 16 July 1966 at Casselton, North Dakota, to DeVonna Myhre, daughter of Kenneth and Esther (Heger) Myhre. DeVonna was born 2 August 1944 at Fargo, North Dakota. Chester served in the United States Army in the United States, Korea and Vietnam. He has a Master Electrician license and a pilot license; is a graduate of North Dakota State University, Fargo, BS in Social Science in 1970. DeVonna is a graduate of Valley City State College, Valley City, North Dakota. Both taught in the West Fargo schools. 'Butch' took over Flath Electric in Jun. 1975.


G7-1. Lynae Leah Flath, born 22 November 1971;

G7-2. Corey Lloyd Flath, born 6 October 1975.


G6-3 Gayle Susan Flath, daughter of Chester and Wanda (Liebenow) Flath, was born 8 October 1947 at Fargo, North Dakota. She was married 3 October 1973 at Fargo, North Dakota, to Alan Klefstad, son of Arnot and Mercedes (Messner) Klefstad. Alan was born 24 August 1946 at McVille, North Dakota. Alan served in the armed forces; works in First State Bank of Buffalo and is a Board of Director; is mayor of Buffalo; likes farming (gardening). Gayle has her own beauty shop and works part-time in it. They are members of the Buffalo Lutheran Church.


G7-1. Andy (Andrew) Klefstad, born 9 May 1975 at Fargo, North Dakota;

G7-2. Justin Klefstad, born 28 January 1978 at Fargo, North Dakota;

G7-3. Quinn (F) Klefstad, born 13 April 1979 at Fargo, North Dakota.



G5-3. Mildred Flath, daughter of Emanuel and Helen (Erdman) Flath, was born 15 February 1916 at Embden, North Dakota. She was married 27 June 1937 at the Moravian Church, Durbin, North Dakota, to William Stewart Lindsey, Sr., son of William Earl and Ellen (Hudson) Lindsey. Stewart was born 7 September 1913 at Casselton, North Dakota. Stewart worked as the Recreational Director at the State School. Mildred taught in the elementary grades in Grafton, North Dakota for thirty-one years until retirement in 1984.


G6-1. William Stewart Lindsey, Jr., born 2 May 1939 at Fargo, North Dakota; married 11 March 1961 to Louise Christopherson;

G6-2. Loree Lindsey, born 27 July 1945 at Detroit, Michigan; married 7 April 1963 to DeWayne Ebertowski;

G6-3. Mark Flath Lindsey, born 23 August 1951 at Fargo, North Dakota; married 11 May 1974 to Bonnie Sabourin.










Mildred (Flath) and William Stewart Lindsey















G6-1. William Stewart Lindsey, Jr., son of William Stewart and Mildred (Flath) Lindsey, Sr., was born 2 May 1939 at Fargo, North Dakota. He was married 11 March 1961 to Louise Christopherson, daughter of Henry and Anne Marie (Kempel) Christopherson. Louise was born 19 February 1942 at Milton, North Dakota. "Stew" is a construction laborer; Louise is a teacher. They enjoy camping, hunting, fishing, bowling, and Louise enjoys sewing.


G7-1. Todd Lindsey, born 30 September 1961 at Grafton, North Dakota;

G7-2. Terry Wayne Lindsey, born 20 October 1963 at Denver County, North Dakota.






G6-2. Loree Lindsey, daughter of William Stewart and Mildred (Flath) Lindsey, Sr., was born 27 July 1945 at Detroit, Michigan. She was married 7 April 1961 at Grafton, North Dakota, to DuWayne Ebertowski, son of Steve and Sarah (Mozinski) Ebertowski. DuWayne was born 12 February 1939 at Grafton, North Dakota. DuWayne served in the USAF from April 1962 to February 1965 and is a Lieutenant Colonel in the Colorado Air National Guard. He is a Federal Government Planner and has a MA degree in City Planning. His hobbies are fishing and hunting and he has been active in the American Red Cross and Boy Scouts. Loree has a degree in Early Childhood Education and Management and started a Pre-school several years ago where she is director and teacher; active in church choir and Girl Scouts; hobbies are sewing, ceramics, knitting, gardening, photography and piano. They reside at Lakewood, Colorado.


G7-1. Joel Ebertowski, born 31 August 1962 at Fargo, North Dakota;

G7-2. Jay Ebertowski, born 27 November 1963 at Winnemucca, Nevada;

G7-3. Angela Ebertowski, born 22 April 1970 at Denver, Colorado.







DuWayne. Jay, Loree, Angela Ebertowski










G6-3. Mark Flath Lindsey, son of William Stewart and Mildred (Flath) Lindsey, Sr., was born 23 August 1951 at Fargo, North Dakota. He was married 11 May 1974 at Grafton, North Dakota, to Bonnie Sabourin, daughter of Rene and Evelyn (Dauksavage) Sabourin. Mark and Bonnie are graduates of Grafton Central; Mark was employed as a carpenter for Adamsen Construction Co. from 1970 to 1979; beginning in 1979 to present he is certified building trades instructor, Grafton State School, Grafton, North Dakota. He is an avid hunter and fisherman, and has archery interests. Bonnie is a graduate in secretarial course, NDSSS, Wahpeton, North Dakota, and is employed as secretary to the Director of Administration at Grafton State School, Grafton, North Dakota, since 1972.


G7-1. Leah Lindsey, born 14 September 1978 at Grafton, North Dakota;

G7-2. Teresa Lindsey, born 1 May 1983 at Grafton, North Dakota.



G5-4. Pearl Flath, daughter of Emanuel and Helen (Erdman) Flath, was born 26 September 1925 at Chaffee, North Dakota. She was married at the Goshen Moravian Church, Durbin, North Dakota, 6 June 1947 to Dallas Radloff, son of Walter and Esther (Saar) Radloff. Dallas was born 17 August 1924 at Durbin, North Dakota. Pearl has been organist at the Goshen Moravian Church from 1947 to the present time. Dallas farms in the Chaffee area.


G6-1. Tim Radloff, born 4 December 1951 at Fargo, North Dakota; married 2 June 1973 to Renee Hansen;

G6-2. Paula Radloff, born 22 February 1955 at Fargo, North Dakota; married 12 July 1975 to Dallas G1asow;

G6-3. Scott Radloff, born 16 June 1960 at Fargo, North Dakota.


G6-1. Tim Radloff, son of Dallas and Pearl (Flath) Radloff, was born 4 December 1951 at Fargo, North Dakota. He was married 2 June 1973 at Alice, North Dakota, to Renee Hansen, daughter of John G. and Helen G. (Ausk) Hansen. Renee was born 18 August 1954 at Fargo, North Dakota. Tim works at Steiger Tractor in Fargo, North Dakota. His interests are bowling, softball, and basketball. Renee does typing in their home and is a Wicker dealer. She enjoys bowling.


G7-1. Jesse Joel Radloff, born 10 August 1978 at Fargo, North Dakota;

G7-2. Troy Jonathan Radloff, born 6 April 1981 at Fargo, North Dakota.







Tim and Renee Radloff Jesse 3 1/2

Troy 9 months





G6-2. Paula Radloff, daughter of Dallas and Pearl (Flath) Radloff, was born 22 February 1955 at Fargo, North Dakota. She was married 12 July 1975 at the Canaan Moravian Church, Davenport, North Dakota, to Dallas Glasow, son of Clifford J. and Frances (Discher) Glasow. Dallas was born 26 January 1954 at Fargo, North Dakota. Dallas is a farmer, with his dad and brother. He enjoys playing softball in the summer for Davenport. Paula was a former secretary. They reside at Davenport, North Dakota.


G7-1. Tracey Glasow, born 18 May 1978 at Fargo, North Dakota;

G7-2. Trisha Glasow, born 5 October 1981 at Fargo, North Dakota.


G6-3. Scott Radloff, son of Dallas and Pearl (Flath) Radloff, was born 16 June 1960 at Fargo, North Dakota.


G4-4. Meta Flath, daughter of Gustav Adolph and Pauline (Schoechert) Flath, was born 12 December 1888 at Durbin, North Dakota. She was married 26 June 1919 at the Moravian Church, Embden, North Dakota, to Fred Buschold, son of Fred and Alma (Wedeman) Buscho1d. Fred was born 8 November 1897 in Germany. He came to the Perham, Minnesota area with his parents in 1907 when he was ten years of age. As a young man he moved to the Wheatland and Embden, North Dakota, area where he farmed. He farmed near Buffalo, where he also served on township and school boards. He retired in 1965. Meta died 7 October 1970 at Valley City, North Dakota. Fred died 18 October 1983 and both are buried on the Buffalo Cemetery.


G5-1. Violet Buschold, born 12 March 1927 at Wheatland, North Dakota; married 18 March 1948 to Cecil Sabe.


G5-1. Violet Buschold, daughter of Fred and Meta (Flath) Buschold, was born 12 March 1927 at Wheatland, North Dakota. She was married 18 March 1948 at Grand Forks, North Dakota, to Cecil Sabe, son of Peter and Susan (Buschaw) Sabe. Cecil was born 16 February 1936 at Grand Forks, North Dakota. He was in the navy during WW II; was formerly a butcher by trade; now is a farmer. He enjoys CB radio. Violet is a farm wife; enjoys plants. Both are members of St. Bernard's Catholic Church.


G6-1. Bette Jane Sabe, born 2 October 1953 at Fargo, North Dakota; married 16 November 1974 to Roger Hovelson;

G6-2. Donna Jean Sabe, born 7 October 1959 at Fargo, North Dakota; married 24 April 1981 to Kevin Harstad;

G6-3. Nancy Ann Sabe, born 21 July 1962 at Fargo, North Dakota.


G6-1 Bette Jane Sabe, daughter of Cecil and Violet (Buschold) Sabe, was born 2 October 1953 at Fargo, North Dakota. She was married 16 November 1974 to Roger Hovelson. Roger was born 9 February 1946 at Hawley, Minnesota. Roger was married previously to Cheryl Schmidt and has a son Roger, Jr., born 9 April 1970, from that marriage. Roger is an experimental technician at Steiger tractor in Fargo, North Dakota. Steiger manufactures 4-wheel drive tractors. He enjoys building and designing equipment and is a Church Council member. Both are members of St. Paul's Lutheran Church. Bette owns and operates a ceramics shop, is in church circle, and is a member of Homemakers' Club.


G7- 1. Stillborn daughter, July of 1976;

G7- 2. Corey Cecil Hovelson, born 21 June 1977.





G6-2. Donna Jean Sabe, daughter of Cecil and Violet (Buschold) Sabe, was born 2 October 1959 at Fargo, North Dakota. She married Kevin Harstad 24 April 1962. Kevin is a farmer and they live near Rogers, North Dakota. Donna works at a small bulk service station in Rogers and is an Avon representative. Kevin is a church council member.


G6-3. Maney Ann Sabe, daughter of Cecil and Violet (Buschold) Sabe, was born 21 July 1962. She is a nurse's assistant at Mercy Hospital.


G4-5. Arnold William Flath, Sr., son of Gustav Adolph and Pauline (Schoechert) Flath, was born 15 August 1891 in Watertown, Wisconsin. He was married to Elsie Ida Margaret Fraase who was born in Germany. Elsie died 18 November 1970 in Greensburg, Pennsylvania; Arnold died 1 June 1963 in Monongahela, Pennsylvania. Both are buried in Greensburg, Pennsylvania. Arnold graduated from the Moravian Theological Seminary in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania and was a YMCA General Secretary in Buffalo, New York; Wilmerding, Pennsylvania; and Greensburg, Pennsylvania. After retiring from the Greensburg YMCA position, he served as the Director of the United Fund in Greensburg until his death.


G5-1. Doris Flath, born 22 November 1916 in Buffalo, New York; married Herbert Mattson; deceased;

G5-2. Raymond Flath, born in 1919 in Wilmerding, Pennsylvania; married Ruth Evans; died in Rochester, Minnesota;

G5-3. Robert Flath, born 22 October 1927 at Greensburg, Pennsylvania; married 29 May 1948 to Marilyn Bastress;

G5-4. Arnold W. Flath, Jr., born 19 August 1929 at Greensburg, Pennsylvania; married 25 December 1951 to Reita Ramage.


G5-1. Doris Flath, daughter of Arnold William and Elsie Ida Margaret (Fraase) Flath, Sr., was born 22 November 1916 at Buffalo, New York. She was married to Herbert Mattson, and is now deceased.


G6-1. Amelia Mattson;

G6-2. Paula Mattson.


G5-2. Raymond Flath, son of Arnold William and Elsie Ida Margaret (Fraase) Flath, Sr., was born in Wilmerding, Pennsylvania. He was married to Ruth Evans. Raymond was a research technician at the Mayo Clinic and died at the age of 45 (1964).


G6-1. David Flath, (adopted);

G6-2. Richard Flath (adopted).



G5-3. Robert Flath, son of Arnold William and Elsie Ida Margaret (Fraase) Flath, Sr., was born 22 October 1927 at Greensburg, Pennsylvania. He was married 29 May 1948 at Clarion, Pennsylvania, to Marilyn Bastress. Marilyn was born 17 December 1928 at Oil City, Pennsylvania. Robert is a high school teacher and coach in the Oil City High School. They reside at Cranberry, Pennsylvania.


G6-1. Gretchen Flath, born 21 April 1949; married 22 November 1975 to Patrick McGinley;

G6-2. Eric Flath, born 10 March 1953.


G5-4 Dr. Arnold W. Flath, Jr., son of Arnold W. and Elsie Ida Margaret (Fraase) Flath, Sr., was born 19 August 1929 at Greensburg, Pennsylvania. He was married 26 December 1951 at Langdon, North Dakota, to Reita Ramage, daughter of Gordon and Retta (Blair) Ramage. Reita was born 24 October 1931 at Langdon, North Dakota, and died 16 April 1982 at Corvallis, Oregon. She is buried in Oakville Cemetery, Corvallis, Oregon. Arnold married. (2) Shavo Chai Pao-Chu on 20 August 1982 in Corvallis, Oregon. Dr. Arnold Flath graduated from Valley City State Teachers College; received a degree from UND and a Ph.D. from Michigan. He was a high school coach at Casselton and LaMoure. He was Director of Men's Physical Education at Central Connecticut State College; Assistant Professor of Physical Education at the University of Illinois; Professor of Physical Education at Oregon State University, 1967 to present. He authored a book, "A History of Relations between the National Collegiate Athletic Association and the Amateur Athletic Union, 1905-1963," which was published by the Stripes Publishing Company of Champaign, Illinois.


G6-1. Deneva Kay Flath, born 30 December 1953 at Valley City, North Dakota;

G6-2. Douglas Dale Flath, born 2 November 1956 at Valley City, North Dakota;

G6-3. Robin Rae Flath, born 2 August 1960 at Valley City, North Dakota;

G6-4. Andrew William Flath, born 9 May 1964 at Hartford, Connecticut;

G6-5. Rachel Lee Flath (adopted), born 19 February 1938 in Seoul, Korea.



G3-4. John Ferdinand Flath, son of Ferdinand and Dorothea Wilhelmine (Hans) Flath, was born 27 October 1858 at Watertown, Wisconsin. He was married 30 May 1888 at Watertown, Wisconsin, to Martha Elizabeth Schoechert, daughter of Julius and Maria (Wendorf) Schoechert. Martha was born 24 November 1862 at Gnadau, Germany (Prussia). John died 27 August 1934 at Watertown, Wisconsin, and Martha died 15 June 1927 at Watertown, Wisconsin. Both are buried on Ebenezer Moravian Cemetery, Watertown, Wisconsin. They farmed in the vicinity of the Ebenezer Moravian Church. Having moved to town, John had the business of delivering tobacco (to be stripped) to the homes. During the depression the stripping of tobacco leaves was sometimes the only income for numerous families. He employed his sons, Herbert and Ben along with numerous other men.


G4-1. Lydia Selma Flath, born 12 April 1889 at Watertown, Wisconsin; married 24 February 1909 to Frank Vergenz; died 31 August 1976;

G4-2. Arno Ferdinand Frederick Flath, born 21 June 1890 at Watertown, Wisconsin; married 9 June 1913 to Leona Naatz; died 13 September 1964;

G4-3. Freida Elizabeth Flath, born 24 December 1891 at Watertown, Wisconsin; married 27 October 1909 to Edward Weseman; died 23 April 1989;

G4-4. John Berthold Flath, born 14 November 1893 at Watertown, Wisconsin; married 21 November 1920 to Hilda Doering; died 21 April 1982;

G4-5. Bernard (Ban) Ferdinand Flath, born 9 April 1895 at Watertown, Wisconsin; married 1936 to June Sommerfeld Vogel; died 10 November 1983;

G4-6. Herbert Gerhard Flath, born 15 May 1896 at Watertown, Wisconsin; married 20 April 1922 to Esther Doering; died 14 November 1936;

G4-7. Edgar Oscar Flath, born 1 April 1901 at Watertown, Wisconsin; married 21 July 1926 to Esther Schultz; died 2 January 1972 at Watertown, Wisconsin;

G4-8. Mabel Myrtle Flath, born 14 August 1903 at Watertown, Wisconsin; married 14 June 1924 to Lawrence A. Kelm.

John Flath family:

Standing: Ben, Oscar, Herbert, Arno, John (Hans)

Seated: Frieda, Martha, Mabel, John Sr., Lydia


























Martha (Schoechert)

and John Flath




Lydia, Herbert, John, Arno (Top)

Ben, Frieda (Lower)

















Rear: Arno, Frieda, Lydia, Arnold

Front: Meta










G4-1. Lydia Selma Flath, daughter of John Ferdinand and Martha (Schoechert) Flath, was born 12 April 1889 at Watertown, Wisconsin. She was married 24 February 1909 at the home of the bride, Watertown, Wisconsin, to Frank Vergenz, son of Martin and Alvina (Halverstadt) Vergenz. Frank was born 12 December 1874; died 18 August 1943 at Watertown, Wisconsin. Lydia died 31 August 1976 at Watertown, Wisconsin, and both are buried on Ebenezer Moravian Cemetery, Watertown, Wisconsin. Lydia operated a foster home since 1930, at her home. She took care of approximately 200 children, many from infancy through high school. She even gave weddings to several of the girls. In 1959 she received the "International Kiwanis Senior Citizenship Award" in recognition of her many years' care for these foster children.
















    Lydia (Flath) and Frank Vergenz







    G5-1. Arthur Vergenz, born 11 September 1909 at Watertown, Wisconsin; married (1) to Hazel Lemke; (2) to Marian Untiedt; died 10 April 1975;

G5-2. Grace Marie Vergenz, born 8 June 1916 at Watertown, Wisconsin; died March 1917 at Watertown, Wisconsin;

G5-3. Ralph Vergenz, born 6 April 1918 at Watertown, Wisconsin; married 6 March 1943 to Norma McGeorge;

G5-4. Pearl Vergenz, born 29 May 1920 at Watertown, Wisconsin; married 1 June 1940 to William Kehl; died 1 February 1982.


G5-1. Arthur Vergenz, son of Frank and Lydia Selma (Flath) Vergenz, was born 11 September 1909 at Watertown, Wisconsin. He was married (1) to Hazel Lemke.


G6-1. Joanne Vergenz, born 1934 at Watertown, Wisconsin;

G6-2. Elaine Vergenz.

Arthur was married (2) to Marian Untiedt. He died 10 April 1975 at Madison, Wisconsin.

G6-3. Jay Kevin Vergenz, born 25 November 1963 at Madison, Wisconsin.


G5-3. Ralph Vergenz, son of Frank and Lydia Selma (Flath) Vergenz, was born 6 April 1918 at Watertown, Wisconsin. He was married 6 March 1943 to Norma McGeorge. Ralph was secretary-treasurer for the union of Kansas City employees. Norma was a nursing supervisor and took care of President Truman at one time.


From an article in the Watertown Daily Times, 9 December 1985, we learn: "Ralph Vergenz, of the Lake of the Ozarks, Missouri, a former Watertown resident and son of Frank and Lydia Vergenz, was honored by the Edison Credit Union of Kansas City, Missouri, at the dedication ceremony of the new Kansas City Power and Light Company facility. Vergenz had been secretary-treasurer of the credit union for twenty-one years, during which time he directed the growth of the company from $3 million to more than $15 million. He retired in July 1981.

"Vergenz was past president of the Kansas City Chapter of Credit Unions, past president of the Missouri Credit Union League, past chairman of the Board of Missouri Credit Union League, and past Director of the National Association of Credit Unions."


G6-1. GeorgeAnn Vergenz, born 13 February 1947; married to Larry Skorupan.


G6-1. GeorgeAnn Vergenz, daughter of Ralph and Norma (McGeorge) Vergenz, was born 13 February 1947. She was married to Larry Skorupan. Both teach exceptional children.


G7-1. Stephanie Michelle Skorupan, born 29 March 1972;

G7-2. Derrin Matthew Skorupan, born 30 May 1974.



G5-4. Pearl Vergenz, daughter of Frank and Lydia Selma (Flath) Vergenz, was born 29 May 1920 at Watertown, Wisconsin. She was married 1 June 1940 to William Frederick Kehl, son of William and Ottille (Stillman) Kehl. William was born 6 April 1917 at Watertown, Wisconsin, and died 1 February 1974 at Watertown, Wisconsin. Pearl died 1 February 1982. William was a veteran of WW II, a member of Amvet Post No. 35, 126-173 Field Artillery Veterans Assoc., American Legion Post No. 189, the 40 et 8 Voitujre 750, Blue Lodge No. 49 F. and A.M. Chapter No. 11 (RAM), Olivet Commandry No. 18 and the Knights Templar. Also a member of Elks Lodge No. 666, Watertown Turners, American Federation of Musicians Local No. 469, National Association of Letter Carriers, Zor Temple of Madison. He served as manager of the Watertown Municipal Band for a number of years. Being active he served many offices in the many organizations. He served as parade marshal in Watertown for many years. He was a letter carrier in Watertown for many years.


G6-1. William Frank Kehl, Jr., born 17 January 1943 at Governor's Island, New York; married 1 June 1963 to Sandra Cook;

G6-2. Shari Jo Keh1, born 6 March 1948 at Watertown, Wisconsin; married 14 September 1968 to Steven Charles Heller; died 10 August 1986.


G6-1. William Frank Kehl, Jr., son of William Frederick (Frank) and Pearl (Vergenz) Kehl, was born 17 January 1943 at Governor's Island, New York. He was married 1 June 1963 to Sandra Cook, daughter of Cecil and Pearl (Havey) Cook. William, Jr., is a computer analyst.


G7-1. Kimberly Sue Kehl, born 8 April 1967 at Watertown, Wisconsin;

G7-2. Kristen Lynne Kehl, born 10 November 1968 at Davenport, Iowa.


G6-2. Shari Jo Kehl, daughter of William Frederick (Frank) and Pearl (Vergenz) Kehl, was born 6 March 1948. She was married 14 September 1968 to Steven Charles Heller, son of Elroy and Margaret (Krueger) Heller. Steven was born 10 October 1945. He served four years in the United States Marine Corp. Shari died 10 August 1986.


G7-1. Tracy Renee Heller, born 27 July 1969 at Watertown, Wisconsin;

G7-2. Craig Charles Heller, born 6 April 1971 at Watertown, Wisconsin.



G4-2. Arno Ferdinand Frederick Flath, son of John Ferdinand and Martha Elizabeth (Schoechert) Flath, was born 21 June 1890 at Watertown, Wisconsin. He was married 9 June 1913 to Leona Maria Naatz, daughter of Charles and Maria (Schelatus) Naatz. Leona was born 14 March 1894 at Watertown, Wisconsin. Arno died 13 September 1964 at Milwaukee, Wisconsin; Leona died 1 March 1965 at Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Both are buried on Valhalla Cemetery, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Arno was the owner of Lake Cartage Trucking in the twenties, but his first love was horses. He would go almost anywhere to be near them, having spent about five summers at Mackinac Island, where no motorized vehicle is allowed.













Leona (Naatz)

and Arno Flath

















G5-1. Melvin Harvey Flath, born 1 September 1914 at Lake Mills, Wisconsin; married 23 February 1935 to Ida Bines; died 27 November 1973;

G5-2. Doris Margaret Flath, born 28 November 1915 at Watertown, Wisconsin; married (1) to Gilbert Krahn, div., (2) 18 May 1954 to Robert Holm;

G5-3. Evelyn Mildred Flath, born 3 July 1918 at Watertown, Wisconsin; married 28 November 1936 to Gustave John Kolek;

G5-4. Esther Gertrude Flath, born 9 March 1920 at Watertown, Wisconsin; married 15 January 1939 to Alfred Weier; died 8 June 1986;

G5-5. Roy Arno Flath, born 9 August 1922 at Watertown, Wisconsin; married (1) 28 June 19,41 to Rose DAngelo; (2) 4 November 1972 to Frances Murphy; died 26 July 1984.



G5-1. Melvin Harvey Flath, son of Arno Ferdinand and Leona Maria (Naatz) Flath, was born 1 September 1914 at Lake Mills, Wisconsin. He was married 23 February 1935 to Ida Bines, daughter of Julius and Molly J. (Hillman) Bines. Ida was born 15 June 1914. Melvin died 27 November 1973 at Baraboo, Wisconsin. Melvin founded in 1945 the amphibious DUKW line at Wisconsin Dells. "He must have been born before his time as he was always thinking of and starting new ideas. On his property at the Dells area he had the first out-door theater there, a miniature golf course, stagecoach rides, besides other attractions. Story-Book Gardens is located on his property and leased out. He also had rental property and a couple of filling stations (all leased out). He would get an idea, work it out, and as soon as it was productive, lease it and go on to the next idea. He also had equipped a bus for living accommodations for travel -- this was purchased by the Winnebago Company -- prototype of their campers. Although he had no musical training, he was a natural musician. Leave him alone with any instrument, and in a few minutes he would play a song. He was honored by the city of Wisconsin Dells by naming a road after him--Flath Road." (Evelyn Kolek)


G6-1. Sally Ann Flath, born 21 February 1936 at Milwaukee, Wisconsin; married 20 August 1960 to William Ivan Sommers;

G6-2. Barbara Flath, born 21 April 1938 at Milwaukee, Wisconsin; married (1) 15 October 1956 to Allen Hawes; (2) 19 December 1972 to John Atwood;

G6-3. Diana May Flath, born 21 October 1942 at Milwaukee, Wisconsin; married 18 March 1961 to Richard Allen Slayton; died 13 July 1981;

G6-4. Susan (Suzanne) Sharon Flath, born 22 June 1945 at Milwaukee, Wisconsin; married 4 May 1968 to George Oakley Field.















by Evelyn Kolek

"I remember -- in 1925 while living at grandpa's house, Melvin built a Ferris wheel in the back yard. It was all of wood and had four seats. Must have been about six feet tall. He would then charge the neighborhood children two cents for a ride. Since I did not have two cents to pay for a ride, I earned it by turning the crank that turned the wheel. After some mother in the neighborhood found out about it and complained, it had to be dismantled.


"By 1930 we had moved to Milwaukee. It was not a good part of town but it was where my father had work. Near us was a bakery, which made pies. We could see the trucks leaving to deliver the pies. Yes, it had to come. One day Mel built a truck (a miniature) resembling those of the bakery. He painted it the same and stole the motor from my mothers washing machine to make it run. He would then drive up and down the sidewalk. Yes, one of the Kalt brothers saw it. Yes, they bought it, and Yes, they used it for advertising.

"A couple of years passed, and it was still depression times. The WPA was established and the WPA workers did all kinds of manual work. Mel was still ahead of everyone else. Mel approached the Kalt brothers with his proposition.

The Kalt Pie Company was to make small pies to sell for a nickel. Mel rounded up all the neighborhood children and had them work as a team to sell to the workers. A boy and a girl always worked together -- the girls to sell, the boy to carry the basket and see that the girl was not molested. Each boy and girl earned a penny a piece for each pie sold, Mel received a cent and a half and the pie company received a cent and a half. Every workers place was visited at their break or lunch time. If you hustled you could make a couple of dollars each day."


G6-1. Sally Ann Flath, daughter of Melvin Harvey and Ida (Bines) Flath, was born 21 February 1936 at Milwaukee, Wisconsin. She was married 20 August 1960 to William Ivan Sommers, son of William John and Minnie E. (Schiltz) Sommers. William Ivan was born 24 October 1928 at Reedsburg, Wisconsin. He attended County Normal in Reedsburg for two years; served three years in the army at Fort Carlson, Colorado; then attended Platteville State Teachers College for three and a half years receiving a BS degree. He attended the University in Madison for an MS and then went to the Colorado University, Boulder, Colorado, for a half year to work for his Doctor's degree. He taught high school at Oxfordville, Wisconsin, for two years and at the Monona Grove High School ever since. He and his brother are also involved in building and selling homes, as a sideline.


G7-1. Jeffrey William Sommers, born 12 September 1966;

G7-2. Susan Kay Sommers, born 16 February 1969.



G6-2. Barbara Flath, daughter of Melvin Harvey and Ida (Bines) Flath, was born 21 April 1938 at Milwaukee, Wisconsin. She was married 12 October 1956 at Atlanta, Georgia, to Allen Hawes. Allen was born 10 January 1927 at London, England.


G7-1. Debra Lynn Hawes, born 27 September 1937 at Baraboo, Wisconsin; married 26 November 1977 to Dixon Gunderson;

G7-2. David Todd Hawes, born 7 December 1958; died 26 December 1982;

G7-3. Bonnie Jean Hawes, born 15 November 1960; married 19 May 1978 to John William Pfaff.

Barbara was married (2) 19 December 1972 to John Atwood.


G7-1. Debra Lynn Hawes, daughter of Allen and Barbara (Flath) Hawes, was born 27 September 1957 at Baraboo, Wisconsin. She was married 26 November 1977 to Dixon Irving Gunderson.


G8-1. Paul Dixon Gunderson, born 25 June 1978.


G7-3. Bonnie Jean Hawes, daughter of Allen and Barbara (Flath) Hawes, was born 15 November 1960. She was married 19 May 1978 to John William Pfaff. She was married (2) 2 June 1983 to John Klinkhammer.


G8-1. William Craig Pfaff, born 8 November 1978 at Rockton, Illinois;

G8-2. Jessica Pfaff, born 8 March 1983.


G6-3. Diana May Flath, daughter of Melvin Harvey and Ida (Bines) Flath, was born 21 October 1942 at Milwaukee, Wisconsin. She was married 18 March 1961 to Richard Allen Slayton. Richard was born 12 November 1941. Diana died 13 July 1981 at Madison, Wisconsin. Richard is Senior Vice-President of Budgetel Inns, Inc., a subsidiary of Marcus Corporation. Tammy graduated June 1989 from University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, with a degree in criminal justice.


G7-1. Gregory Allen Slayton, born 14 August 1961 at Milwaukee, Wisconsin; married 23 March 1985 to Penny Nelson;

G7-2. Shelli Marie Slayton, born 13 October 1962 at Milwaukee, Wisconsin;

G7-3. Tammy Marie Slayton, born 4 June 1966.



G6-4. Susan (Suzanne) Sharon Flath, daughter of Melvin Harvey and Ida (Bines) Flath, was born 22 June 1946 at Milwaukee, Wisconsin. She was married 4 May 1968 to George Coakley Field. Suzanne taught at a parochial school in Wisconsin Dells, at the time of her marriage. She later taught and managed a nursery school in LaCrosse while her husband was completing his education at the university there. His education had been interrupted by serving in the Vietnam War; serial number ER17755939.

Together Suzanne and George have again started a DUKW line business, following in Melvin's footsteps, at Wisconsin Dells.


G7-1. George Coakley Field II, born 26 February 1969;

G7-2. Jason Cain Field, born 8 December 1971 at LaCrosse, Wisconsin;

G7-3. Michael Melvin Field, born 2 May 1973 at Wisconsin Dells. Wisconsin.


G5-2. Doris Margaret Flath, daughter of Arno Ferdinand and Leona Maria (Naatz) Flath, was born 28 November 1915 at Watertown, Wisconsin. She was married (1) to Gilbert Krahn who was born 10 February 1904 and died 27 July 1974 at Milwaukee, Wisconsin. They were divorced. Doris was married (2) 18 May 1954 to Robert Holm, born 22 August 1918. Robert, now retired, was a draftsman and engineer. He worked in Milwaukee at the A. C. Spark Plug Corp having several inventions to his credit (inventions developed while working for a company belong to the company -- recognition being given in the form of stocks, bonuses, etc. for same.) He designed a printing press for the St. Regis Paper Co. in 1965-66, which printed in multiple colors and could print up to 1000 feet per minute. He later became involved in the space program, working on the design of the fuel intake valve of the Atlas, Gemini and the Saturn Rockets. After moving to California, he was working on processing salt water to drinking water, followed by working as a nuclear consultant. In 1981-82 he worked in Allentown, Pennsylvania, while working on the development of the Susquehanna Nuclear Plant in Pennsylvania.


G6-l. Karl Kenneth Krahn, born 5 December 1931 at Milwaukee, Wisconsin; married (1) 12 July 1955 to Ruby Perry; (2) 4 January 1986 to Marjorie Ann Fallon.


G6-1. Karl Kenneth Krahn, son of Gilbert and Doris Margaret (Flath) Krahn, was born 5 December 1931 at Milwaukee, Wisconsin. He was married (1) 12 July 1955 to Ruby Perry, daughter of James Walter and Laura Jane (Nance) Perry. Ruby was born on August 1935 at Merrill, Wisconsin, and died 12 April 1974 at Waukesha, Wisconsin. Karl attended Spencerian College for two years before being inducted into the army to serve in the Korean War. Pvt. U.S. 55 241260 G Co. 5th Inf. Reg. He was the recipient of two Purple Hearts and a Bronze Star. He is now in the process of writing a book about his experiences in the Korean War. Sailing has always been his first love. He was Junior Commander at the South Side Yacht Club at the time of his induction into service. He worked as a mill-right, now retired.


G7-1. Sandi Renette Krahn, born 9 December 1955 at Milwaukee, Wisconsin; married September 1983 to Robert Taylor;

G7-2. Kenneth Jay Krahn, born 25 February 1958; married 3 April 1978 to Mary Kate Majerus;

G7-3. Susan Jean Krahn, born 20 July 1959; married John Moehn;

G7-4. Karl Erik Krahn, born 10 July 1964.


Karl was married (2) 4 January 1986 to Marjorie Ann Fallon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Fallon, in Merrill, Wisconsin. Marjorie taught high school for eight years in Canada and the U.S.A. and now is an Audit Reviewer for Wausau Insurance.


G7-1. Sandi Renette Krahn, daughter of Karl Kenneth and Ruby (Perry) Krahn, was born 9 December 1955 at Milwaukee, Wisconsin. She was married September 1983 to Robert Taylor. Robert with his father own and operate Woodcraft Finishes of Merrill.


G8-1. Ryann Austin Taylor, born 4 June 1984. G8- 2. Sara Jean Taylor, born 11 August 1989.


G7-2. Kenneth Jay Krahn, son of Karl Kenneth and Ruby (Perry) Krahn, was born 25 February 1958. He was married 3 April 1978 to Mary Kate Majerus who was born 25 September 1956. He is a Supervisor at Semco Manufacturing.


G8-1. Amanda Kay Krahn, born 11 September 1984;

G8- 2. Katy Lynn Krahn, born 20 April 1986.


G7-3. Susan Jean Krahn, daughter of Karl Kenneth and Ruby (Perry) Krahn, was born 20 July 1959. She is married to John Moehn. John is an engineer at John Deere Co. in Horicon, Wisconsin, and Susan is in charge of Engineering Maintenance at the same plant.


G7-4 Karl Erik Krahn, son of Karl Kenneth and Ruby (Perry) Krahn, was born 10 July 1964. He works at Semco Manufacturing.



G5-3. Evelyn Mildred Flath, daughter of Arno Ferdinand and Leona Maria (Naatz) Flath, was born 3 July 1918 at Watertown, Wisconsin. She was married 28 November 1936 to Gustave John Kolek, son of Joseph and Eva (Hlavac) Kolek. Gus was born 28 July 1914 at Slopno, Austria-Hungary. Gustave was in trucking all his life. He was a partner, at one time, with his brother-in-law, Roy Flath, in the R. F. Trucking Company. After the sale of that business he started working for Barry Inc., who in turn sold the business to Sherman Trucking Co. where he worked for the last twenty-six years. His retirement was forced by open-heart surgery. Gustave died 13 May 1983 and is buried at Wisconsin Memorial Park, Brookfield, Wisconsin.

Evelyn worked at various lines of work, from assembly line at Briggs & Stratton, receptionist and bookkeeper, lab assistant in G. E. research lab, and ending her career serving the last ten years in real estate as both broker and sales person. As a volunteer she served as a Girl Scout leader, Sunday School teacher, worked with the Red Cross during HW II, and served in all offices of the National Service League which worked with the aged and infirm, and delivered Mobile Meals for nine years in Oconomowoc.


G6-1. Janice Mae Kolek, born 14 September 1937 at Milwaukee, Wisconsin; married 5 May 1956 to Donald Richard Nelson;

G6-2. Carol Arlene Kolek, born 25 September 1938 at Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin; married (1) 1956 to Hayne Blanchard, div.; (2) 29 May 1963 to Robert Moll, div.


G6-1. Janice Mae Kolek, daughter of Gustave John and Evelyn Mildred (Flath) Kolek, was born 14 September 1937 at Milwaukee, Wisconsin. She was married 5 May 1956 to Donald Richard Nelson, son of Carl and Anna Marie (Boese) Nelson. Donald was born 11 March 1935 in New York State. Janice has worked for over twenty years at J. C. Penny's Catalogue Distribution Center, at present being a computer analyst. Donald worked at the Babcock and Wilcock Foundry for over twenty-seven years, until they went out of business. He is now employed at Cooper Industries in Waukesha.


G7-1. Karen Jean Nelson, born 31 December 1957 at Milwaukee, Wisconsin; married 15 December 1984 to Thomas Condie;

G7-2. Wendy Ann Nelson, born 15 July 1960 at Milwaukee, Wisconsin; married 4 September 1982 to Lee Zulanch;

G7-3. Kim Denise Nelson, born 2 October 1961 at Milwaukee, Wisconsin; married 19 May 1984 to Ronald Schnell.



G7-1. Karen Jean Nelson, daughter of Donald Richard and Janice Mae (Kolek) Nelson, was born 31 December 1957 at Milwaukee, Wisconsin. She was graduated as a registered nurse in the class of 1979 at the Milwaukee County General Hospital School of Nursing. She has since been employed at West Allis Memorial Hospital, presently as a surgical nurse. She is now one of two nurses trained in the use of laser involving surgery. She was married 15 December 1984 to Thomas Condie. Thomas is president and part owner of Poehlman Studios, a commercial photography studio.


G8-l. Lukas Allan Condie, born 1 August 1988.


G7-2. Wendy Ann Nelson, daughter of Donald Richard and Janice Mae (Kolek) Nelson, was born 15 July 1960 at Milwaukee, Wisconsin. She was married 4 September 1982 to Lee Zulanch. Wendy graduated summa cum laude from the University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire, in 1982. She was on the Dean's list in the fall of 1978 and spring of 1982; received an honor scholarship award fall of 1978; belonged to Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society 1981-82; Council for Exceptional Children 1982; Yearbook staff 1975-1978; being the editor in 1977-78; drama club member 1974-78. She was certified to teach Elementary education 1-8 and Special Education-Mental Retardation, k-12. She teaches ninth grade English at Schoeles Middle School, Milwaukee. Lee is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire, 1981. He is presently employed as a manager and buyer for the Boston Store, Milwaukee.


G8-1. Benjamin Milton Zulanch, born 5 April 1988.


G7-3. Kim Denise Nelson, daughter of Donald Richard and Janice Mae (Kolek) Nelson, was born 2 October 1961 at Milwaukee, Wisconsin. She was married 19 May 1984 to Ronald Schnell. Ronald is an electrical technician.


G8-1. Crystal Marie Schnell, born 7 March 1985.


G6-2. Carol Arlene Kolek, daughter of Gustave John and Evelyn Mildred (Flath) Kolek, was born 25 September 1938 at Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin. She was married (1) in 1956 to Wayne Blanchard, son of Leonard and Mavis Blanchard.


G7-1. Keith Owen Blanchard, born 26 November 1956 at Milwaukee, Wisconsin; married 2 September 1980 to Christine Marie Bajak;

G7-2. Terri Lynn Blanchard, born 3 October 1958 at Milwaukee, Wisconsin; married 29 August 1981 to Ronald Carver.



Carol was married (2) 29 May 1963 to Robert Moll, son of William S. and Frances (Weseli) Moll. Robert was born 25 July 1927. He has worked for GE for over twenty-five years, now retired. They are divorced.


G7-3. Linda Jeanette Moll, born 18 March 1964 at Milwaukee, Wisconsin; married 24 July 1981 to Gary Lee Carver;

G7-4. William David Moll, born 10 August 1965 at Milwaukee, Wisconsin; married 23 March 1986 to Nancy Bilicki;

G7-5. Elizabeth (Becky) Jean Moll, born 25 September 1970 at Burlington, Wisconsin; married 15 April 1989 to Eugene Baas.


G7-l. Keith Owen Blanchard, son of Wayne and Carol Arlene (Kolek) Blanchard, was born 26 November 1956 at Milwaukee, Wisconsin. He was married 2 September 1960 to Christine Marie Badak, daughter of Ralph James and Antonina (Belanti) Bajak.


G7-2. Terri Lynn Blanchard, daughter of Wayne and Carol Arlene (Kolek) Blanchard, was born 3 October 1958 at Milwaukee, Wisconsin. She was married 29 August 1981 to Ronald Carver.


G7-3 Linda Jeanette Moll, daughter of Robert and Carol Arlene (Kolek) Moll, was born 18 March 1964 at Milwaukee, Wisconsin. She was married 24 July 1961 to Gary Lee Carver, son of Gary and Kay (Matson) Carver.


G8-1. Jeremiah Lee Carver, born 2 March 1962 at Milwaukee, Wisconsin;

G8-2. Jessica Lea Carver, born 26 June 1964 at West Allis, Wisconsin.


G7-4. William David Moll, son of Robert and Carol Arlene (Kolek) Moll, was born 10 August 1965 at Milwaukee, Wisconsin. He was married 23 March 1988 to Naancy Bilicki.


G7-5. Elizabeth (Becky) Jean Moll, daughter of Robert and Carol Arlene (Kolek) Moll, was born 25 September 1970 at Burlington, Wisconsin. She was married 15 April 1969 to Eugene Baas.



G5-4. Esther Gertrude Flath, daughter of Arno Ferdinand and Leona (Naatz) Flath, was born 9 March 1920 at Watertown, Wisconsin. She was married 15 January 1939 to Alfred Weier, son of Louis and Mollie (Ober) Weier. Alfred was born 4 June 1913 and died 21 November 1977 at Waukesha, Wisconsin. He was a member of Operating Engineers Local 139 for over twenty-five years. Esther died 8 June 1986.


G6-1. Jerome Lewis Weier, born 22 January 1940 at Milwaukee, Wisconsin; married 2 January 1960 to Sandra Sullivan; died 17 November 1971.


G6-1. Jerome Lewis Weier, son of Alfred and Esther Gertrude (Flath) Weier, was born 22 January 1940 at Milwaukee, Wisconsin. He was married 2 January 1960 to Dorothy Sandra Sullivan, daughter of Clifford and Mardel1 (Detert) Sullivan. Sandra was born 11 November 1940. Jerome died 17 November 1971 at Waukesha, Wisconsin. At the time of his death, he was vice-president of the Parker Construction Company in Appleton, Wisconsin. Before that, he was a supervisor for the Debelak Brothers, Milwaukee.


G7-1. Jill Nanette Weier, born 28 November 1960; married 25 June 1983 to Richard E. Adler;

G7-2. Kay Linette Weier, born 17 February 1962; married 20 June 1981 to Richard Hawkins; (2) Thomas Heine:

G7-3. William John Weier (adopted), born 16 April 1968; died 16 October 1984.


G7-1. Jill Nanette Weier, daughter of Jerome Lewis and Dorothy Sandra (Sullivan) Weier, was born 28 November 1980. Sb. was married 25 June 1983 to Richard E. Adler.


G8-1. Megan Lea Adler, born 24 July 1984;

G8-2. William Richard Adler, born 1 July 1986.


G7-2. Kay Linette Weier, daughter of Jerome Lewis and Dorothy Sandra (Sullivan) Weier, was born 17 February 1962. She was married (1) 20 June 1981 to Richard Hawkins, son of Tony and Joy Hawkins. Kay was married (2) to Thomas Heine.


G8-1. Monica Jean Weier Hawkins, born 4 June 1984.

G8-2. Allison Sandra Hawkins, born 20 September 1986.




G5-5. Roy Arno Flath, son of Arno Ferdinand and Leona Maria (Naatz) Flath, was born 9 August 1922 at Watertown, Wisconsin. He was married (1) 28 June 1941 to Rose D'Angelo, divorced. Rose was born 22 May 1925. Roy was married (2) 4 November 1972 to Frances Murphy who was born 5 March 1922. Roy served as Pvt. 1st Class 16 T. S. Sgt. 36817693-T. 183-416 bomber group during WW II. Returning from service he and his brother-in-law, Gustave Kolek, were in the trucking business. After selling the trucking company he was a member of Operating Engineers Local 139. He was a crane engineer and had several patents on crane equipment.


G6-1. Joyce Jean Flath, born 26 December 1942 at Milwaukee, Wisconsin; married 28 July 1962 to James Barg; died 29 December 1972 at West Bend, Wisconsin;

G6-2. Donna Marie Flath, born 29 November 1946 at Milwaukee, Wisconsin; married 1 April 1967 to William John Schulz.


G6-1 Joyce Jean Flath, daughter of Roy Arno and Rose (D'Angelo) Flath, was born 26 December 1942 at Milwaukee, Wisconsin. She was married 28 July 1962 to James Barg. Joyce died 29 December 1972 at West Bend, Wisconsin.


G7-1. David James Barg, born 13 January 1963 at Milwaukee, Wisconsin;

G7-2. Robert Wayne Barg, born 9 September 1965 at Milwaukee, Wisconsin.


G6-2. Donna Marie Flath, daughter of Roy Arno and Rose (D'Angelo) Flath, was born 29 November 1946 at Milwaukee, Wisconsin. She was married 1 April 1967 to William John Schulz, son of William E. and Marie (Haertley) Schulz. William was born 6 March 1941.


G7-1. Laura Lynn Schulz, born 19 October 1971 at Milwaukee, Wisconsin;

G7-2. Angela Marie Schulz, born 19 February 1975 at Milwaukee.




G4-3. Frieda Elizabeth Flath, daughter of John Ferdinand and Martha Elizabeth (Schoechert) Flath, was born 24 December 1891 at Watertown, Wisconsin. She was married 27 October 1909 at the Ebenezer Moravian Church to Edward Wesemann, son of Herman and Louise (Luttmann) Wesemann. Edward was born 15 February 1889, town of Farmington, Wisconsin. He died 10 March 1931 at the University Hospital, Madison, Wisconsin, and Frieda died 23 April 1989. Both are buried on Ebenezer Moravian Cemetery.


G5-1. Myrtle Louise Wesemann, born 28 September 1910, town of Farmington, Wisconsin; married 11 February 1945 to Arthur Homann; died 3 April 1975 at Lake Mills, Wisconsin;

G5-2. Esther Martha Wesemann, born 19 December 1911, town of Farmington, Wisconsin;

G5-3. Edward Everett Wesemann, born 1 May 1915, town of Farmington, Wisconsin; died 30 June 1915;

G5-4. Orville Edward Wesemann, born 23 August 1917, town of Farmington, Wisconsin; married 12 October 1940 to Helen Kohls.







Frieda (Flath)


Edward Wesemann





















Standing: Esther, Orville, Myrtle

Seated: Frieda and Edward Wesemann




G5-1. Myrtle Louise Wesemann, daughter of Edward and Frieda (Flath) Wesemann, was born 28 September 1910 in town of Farmington, Wisconsin. She was married 11 February 1945 to Arthur Wilhelm Robert Homann. Arthur was born 14 July 1897. Myrtle died 3 April 1975 at Lake Mills, Wisconsin, and is buried on the Ebenezer Moravian Cemetery, Watertown, Wisconsin.


G6-1. Beth Louise Homann, born 16 January 1947 at Lake Mills, Wisconsin; married 10 May 1969 to John Larry Stafeil;

G6-2. Barbara June Homann, born 18 June 1948 at Lake Mills, Wisconsin; married 23 June 1973 to Edward E. Grunden.


G6-1. Beth Louise Homann, daughter of Arthur Wilhelm Robert and Myrtle Louise (Wesemann) Homann, was born 16 January 1947 at Lake Mills, Wisconsin. She was married 10 May 1969 at Lake Milts, Wisconsin, to John Larry Stafei1, son of John D. and Lorraine (Huebner) Stafei1. John was born 10 April 1946 at Watertown, Wisconsin.


G7-1. Kristina Beth Stafeil, born 6 January 1972 at Richland Center, Wisconsin;

G7-2. Kevin John Stafeil, born 21 February 1975 at Monroe, Wisconsin;

G7-3. Brian Robert Stafei1, born 10 November 1976 at Monroe, Wisconsin.


G6-2. Barbara June Homann, daughter of Arthur Wilhelm Robert and Myrtle Louise (Wesemann) Homann, was born 18 June 1948 at Lake Mills, Wisconsin. She was married 23 June 1973 at Madison, Wisconsin, to Edward Grunden. Edward is a graduate of Milton College and is employed at the University of Wisconsin in clinical oncology. Barbara is a graduate of Eau Claire State University and was a nurse at Methodist Hospital in Madison.


G7-1. Stephanie Lynn Grunden, born 1 February 1979 at Madison, Wisconsin;

G7-2. Mark Edward Grunden, born 17 April 1983;

G7-3. Son, born 17 June 1985;

G7-4. Alison Elizabeth Grunden, born 26 March 1989.




G5-4. Orville Edward Wesemann, son of Edward and Frieda (Flath) Wesemann, was born 23 August 1917 in the town of Farmington, Wisconsin. He was married 12 October 1940 to Helen Kohls, daughter of Otto and Della (Block) Kohls. Helen was born 22 June 1917 at Watertown, Wisconsin. Orville is self-employed; has been a member of the Watertown Unified School District Board of Education since 1961, serving as president in 1973 and now serving as vice-president. His wife Helen has served as a volunteer at the Watertown Hospital for many years besides being active with the women's group of the Watertown Moravian Church.


G6-1. Karen Ann Wesemann, born 11 February 1944 at Watertown, Wisconsin; married 6 October 1971 to Wilfred Martin Kaulitz;

G6-2. Lynn Sue Wesemann, born 13 May 1950 at Watertown, Wisconsin; married Daniel Frederick.


G6-1. Karen Ann Wesemann, daughter of Orville Leo and Helen (Kohls) Wesemann, was born 11 February 1944 at Watertown, Wisconsin. She was married 9 October 1971 to Wilfred Martin Kaulitz, son of Frederick and Mildred (Bergmann) Kaulitz. Wilfred was born 6 July 1944. He served in the Armed Forces 14 June 1965 to June 1967. He works for the Carnation Co.


G6-2. Lynn Sue Wesemann, daughter of Orville Leo and Helen (Kohls) Wesemann, was born 13 May 1950 at Watertown, Wisconsin. She married Daniel Frederick, son of LeRoy Franklin and Delores Ardell (Huebner) Frederick. Daniel was born 21 August 1950.


G7-1. Kimberly Kay Frederick, born 15 April 1970 at Watertown, Wisconsin;

G7-2. Pamela Jean Frederick, born 16 May 1974 at Watertown, Wisconsin;

G7-3. Jodie Ann Frederick, born 8 September 1976 at Watertown, Wisconsin.




G4-4. John Berthold Flath, son of John Ferdinand and Martha Elizabeth (Schoechert) Flath, was born 14 November 1893 at Watertown, Wisconsin. He was married 21 November 1920 at Watertown, Wisconsin, to Hilda Doering, daughter of Herman and Minnie (Wilhelmine) (Strabnow) Doering. Hilda was born 1 March 1899 and died 12 October 1961 at Watertown, Wisconsin. John died 21 April 1982 at Watertown, Wisconsin, and both are buried on the Ebenezer Moravian Cemetery. They farmed on the Flath home farm, which has been in the family since 1853.


G5-1. Fay Nettie Flath, born 6 January 1922 at Watertown, Wisconsin; married 20 May 1944 to Donald Flint;

G5-2. Ray Erwin Flath, born 3 May 1925 at Watertown, Wisconsin;

G5-3. Ruby Marie Flath, born 11 April 1927 at Watertown, Wisconsin; married 11 October 1947 to Harold Kraus;

G5-4. Betty Lou Flath, born 9 December 1934 at Watertown, Wisconsin; married 2 June 1958 to Ralph Montgomery.












Hilda (Doering)

and John Flath







G5-1. Fay Nettie Flath, daughter of John Berthold and Hilda (Doering) Flath, was born 6 January 1922 at Watertown, Wisconsin. She was married 20 May 1944 to Donald Howard Flint, son of Walter and Della (Hershi) Flint. Donald was born 7 March 1923; died 16 December 1985.


G6-1. John Donald Flint, born 28 June 1950 at Watertown, Wisconsin; married 15 September 1973 to Patricia Ann Howlett.


G6-l. John Donald Flint, son of Donald Howard and Fay Nettie (Flath) Flint, was born 28 June 1950 at Watertown, Wisconsin. He was married 15 September 1973 to Patricia Ann Howlett, daughter of Dr. James R. and Marilyn Howlett. John took over the Flath family farm from his grandfather to keep it in the family. In 1984 he put the farm back in full time dairy operation.


G7-1. Rachel Lynn Flint, born 4 February 1977 at Oconomowoc, Wisconsin;

G7-2. Curtis Gregory Flint, born 28 July 1981 at Oconomowoc, Wisconsin;

G7-3. Amy Sue Flint, born 7 April 1983 at Oconomowoc, Wisconsin.


G5-2. Ray Erwin Flath, son of John Berthold and Hilda (Doering) Flath, was born 3 May 1925 at Watertown, Wisconsin. He did auto-body work and resides at Melbourne, Florida.


G5-3. Ruby Marie Flath, daughter of John Berthold and Hilda (Doering) Flath, was born 11 April 1927 at Watertown, Wisconsin. Ruby was married 11 October 1947 to Harold Joseph Kraus, son of Joseph and Elizabeth (Goeble) Kraus. Harold was born 23 June 1917.


G6-1. Harold Robert Kraus, born 18 November 1951; married 1 May 1976 to Debra Henry;

G6-2. Linda Kraus, born 25 April 1954;

G6-3. Sandra Sue Kraus, born 30 September 1958;

G6-4. Joseph John Kraus, born 26 September 1960; married 8 September 1984 to Judy Henry;

G6-5. Janet Lee Kraus, born 3 January 1964; married 30 July 1988 to Jewel Lietz.



G6-1. Harold Robert Kraus, son of Harold Joseph and Ruby Marie (Flath) Kraus, was born 18 November 1951. He was married to-Debra Henry 1 May 1976.


G7-1. Alan Robert Kraus, born 18 March 1979;

G7-2. Andrew John Kraus, born 14 April 1981.


G6-4 Joseph John Kraus, son of Harold Joseph and Ruby Marie (Flath) Kraus, was born 26 September 1960. He was married 8 September 1984 to Judy Henry.


G7-1. Joseph John Kraus, Jr., born 9 January 1987.


G5-4. Betty Lou Flath, daughter of John Berthold and Hilda (Doering) Flath, was born 9 December 1934 at Watertown, Wisconsin. She was married 2 June 1958 to Ralph Montgomery, son of Elmer B. and LoLa Belle (Wheat) Montgomery. Ralph was born 21 October 1934 at Tuscaloosa, Alabama. They are divorced.


G6-1. Faith Marie Montgomery, born 27 December 1959; married 19 May 1984 to Duane Donald Lahlum.

G6-2. Beth Robin Montgomery, born 31 August 1965;

G6-3. George Stephen Montgomery, born 19 July 1970.


G6-1. Faith Marie Montgomery, daughter of Ralph and Betty Lou (Flath) Montgomery, was born 27 December 1960. She was married 19 May 1984 to Duane Donald Lahlum. Both Faith and Duane graduated St. Paul Bible College, St. Bonifacius, Minnesota. Duane is attending seminary at Wheaton College.


G7-1. Nicholas Jonathan Lahlum, born 13 October 1986;

G7-2. Ian Benjamin Lahlum, born 20 March 1989.



G4-5. Bernard (Ben) Ferdinand Flath, son of John Ferdinand and Martha Elizabeth (Schoechert) Flath, was born 9 April 1895 at Watertown, Wisconsin. He spent some time in Cheyenne, Wyoming. Then being called to serve in WW 1, he returned to Wisconsin. The day he was to embark for overseas duty, the war ended. He was married in 1936 to June (Sommerfeld) Vogel, daughter of Charles and Mabel Sommerfeld. June was born 5 June 1903 and died 12 April 1981. Ben worked for his father delivering tobacco until the company no longer had home deliveries. After that he was garage foreman at Motor Transport Co. in Watertown.


G5-1. Jean Ann Flath, born 26 August 1937 at Watertown, Wisconsin; married Carl W. Oxendine.




as told by Evelyn Kolek


"Ben Flath spent some time in Cheyenne, Wyoming. Then being called to service in WWII, he returned to Wisconsin. The day he was to embark for overseas duty, the war ended. There was a black and white horse "Bubbles" that Ben would train (Bubbles belonged to Herb) to dance. The phonograph was placed on the back porch and I had the job of cranking it. Ben would put on his fur chaps, ten gallon hat, leather vest, and with his whip give us a show -- Bubbles dancing on his back legs, turning, circling. We loved it. The 101 Circus Ranch came through town and purchased Bubbles. For several years after (before the circus folded), Bubbles was seen on some of the advance notice posters."


G5-1. Jean Ann Flath, daughter of Bernard (Ben) Ferdinand and June (Sommerfeld) Vogel Flath, was born 26 August 1937 at Watertown, Wisconsin. She was married to Carl W. Oxendine, son of Mr. and Mrs. Griffin Oxendine. Carl was born 13 September 1936 at Pembrode, North Carolina. He served 20 years in the Air Force as Hospital Administrator, and has continued the same work in private industry since his Air Force retirement. Jean earned a BA degree in sociology in 1959 from the University of California at Berkeley. She was employed by the American Red Cross as a hospital social worker at David Grant Medical Center, Travis AFB, where she met her husband. Between 1965 and 1968 they were stationed at Hickam AFB near Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. Jean completed her fifth year of study at the University of Hawaii. She began employment with the Fairfield-Suisun Unified School District, California, in 1968 and taught in the elementary schools. In March 1977 she was featured as an educator in her community whose philosophy of education flows from her basic belief that "children are our most valuable assets. They need to be looked at as individuals to determine their needs: social, emotional and educational." She has been active in the community as a member of the American Assn. of University Women, and is active in the school community as a member of the Fairfield-Suisan Unified Teachers Assn., California Teachers Assn. and National Education Assn. She served on many important committees at her school, including textbook evaluation, report cards, and social functions.


G6-1. Jeffery Oxendine, born 5 June 1961 in California.


Jeffery Oxendine, son of Carl W. and Jean Ann (Flath) Oxendine, was born 5 June 1981 in California. He attended the University at Chico, California, receiving his Masters in Hospital Administration. Upon graduating he worked as Administrator at Alta Bates Hospital. After the earthquake in 1969 (his apartment was destroyed by the fire), he left to be administrator for a group of radiologists in Berkeley, Alta Imaging.


G4-6 Herbert Gerhard Flath, son of John Ferdinand and Martha Elizabeth (Schoechert) Flath, was born 15 May 1696 at Watertown, Wisconsin. He was married 20 April 1922 to Esther Doering, daughter of Herman and Minniie (Wilhelmine) (Strabnow) Doering. Esther was born 3 December 1904. Herbert died 14 November 1938 at Watertown, Wisconsin. Esther died 13 May 1969.


G5-1. William Flath, born 1 March 1923 at Watertown, Wisconsin; married to Arlene Raether;

G5-2. Marian Ruth Flath, born 6 December 1926 at Watertown, Wisconsin; married 1 September 1945 to Eugene Kraus;

G5-3. Richard Allen Flath, born 5 March 1933 at Watertown, Wisconsin; married 16 September 1954 to Yvonne Davis;

G5-4. Ruth Helen Flath, born 6 August 1934 at Watertown, Wisconsin.


G5-1. William Flath, son of Herbert Gerhard and Esther (Doering) Flath, was born 1 March 1923 at Watertown, Wisconsin. He was married to Arlene Raether, daughter of August and Mary (Tietz) Raether. Arlene was born 13 August 1916 at Lebanon, Wisconsin. In 1983 William was honored as one of the employees of the Oconomowoc Memorial Hospital for 15 years of service. He served in the Navy during WW II, Serial No. 9595280.


G6-1. Paul William Flath, born 14 May 1952 at Watertown, Wisconsin; married 9 June 1973 to Kathleen Linda Schneider.



G6-1. Paul William Flath, son of William and Arlene (Raether) Flath, was born 14 May 1952 at Watertown, Wisconsin. He was married 9 June 1973 to Kathleen Linda Schneider, daughter of William and Norine (Stehmeier) Schneider. Kathleen was born 6 November 1950 at Chicago, Illinois. Paul works for McLean Trucking in the Claims Department. They reside in Watertown, Wisconsin.


G7-1. Jennifer Lynn Flath, born 15 March 1975 at Oconomowoc, Wisconsin;

G7-2. Lisa Michelle Flath, born 4 January 1978 at Oconomowoc, Wisconsin.


G5-2. Marian Ruth Flath, daughter of Herbert Gerhard and Esther (Doering) Flath, was born 8 December 1926 at Watertown, Wisconsin. She was married 1 September 1945 to Eugene Kraus, son of Joseph and Elizabeth (Goebel) Kraus. Eugene was born 17 March 1922. He was married previously and had two children from his first marriage: Kathryn Kraus, born 4 June 1941, married to David Haltermann; Karen Ann Kraus, born 16 April 1942, married to Joseph Kokan. Eugene was a foundry foreman at International Harvester Co. until his retirement. He served as alderman of the 15th district in Waukesha, Wisconsin; was a local union officer and a leader of the County Labor Council before being promoted to management. He has been a member of the Police Radio Board since 1962 and also a member of the Board of Zoning Appeals. At various times he attended the University of Wisconsin, Madison and the Waukesha County Technical Institute. Eugene is presently serving as Waukesha County Board Supervisor. Marian serves as organist at St. Marks Lutheran Church at Waukesha.


G6-1. Karla Ruth Kraus, born 5 May 1952 at Waukesha, Wisconsin; married 14 August 1982 to Robert Hanson;

G6-2. Kay Sue Kraus, born 5 March 1955 at Waukesha, Wisconsin; married 21 December 1974 to Marc Bourgeois;

G6-3. Kamille Louise Kraus, born 3 September 1959 at Waukesha, Wisconsin; married 18 July 1981 to Albert Wilkinson.


G6-1. Karla Ruth Kraus, daughter of Eugene and Marian Ruth (Flath) Kraus, was born 5 May 1952 at Waukesha, Wisconsin. She was married 14 August 1982 to Robert Hanson, son of Lowell and Mae (Kutz) Hanson. Robert is a project engineer for Fischer, Fischer, Theis Architectural firm. Karla is an elementary teacher.


G7-1. Joshua Robert Hanson, born 15 November 1985;

G7-2. Jeremiah Eugene Hanson, born 21 March 1988.

G7-3. Jacob Josiah Hanson, born 20 November 1989.



G6-2. Kay Sue Kraus, daughter of Eugene and Marian Ruth (Flath) Kraus, was born 5 March 1955 at Waukesha, Wisconsin. She was married 21 December 1974 to Marc Bourgeois, son of Leonard and Mary Bourgeois. Marc owns and operates the Midwest Roofing Company at Waukesha, Wisconsin. Kay is a homemaker.


G7-1. Marc Leon Bourgeois, born 14 July 1981;

G7-2. Anastasia Renee Bourgeois, born 12 November 1983;

G7-3. Benjamin Alexander Bourgeois, born 31 October 1986.

G7-4. Dominic Adam Bourgeois, born 15 August 1989.


G6-3. Kamille Louise Kraus, daughter of Eugene and Marian Ruth (Flath) Kraus, was born 3 September 1959 at Waukesha, Wisconsin. She was married 18 July 1981 to Albert Wilkinson, son of Hobart and Mary (Bartlett) Wilkinson. Albert is a Journeyman Electrician with Roman Electric. Kamille is a homemaker.


G7-1. Nathaniel Eugene Wilkinson, born 16 September 1984;

G7-2. Emma Lee Kathryn Kraus Wilkinson, born 14 June 1989.


G5-3. Richard Allen Flath, son of Herbert Gerhard and Esther (Doering) Flath, was born 5 March 1933 at Watertown, Wisconsin. He was married 18 September 1954 to Yvonne Davis, daughter of Lilburn and Fern (Voight) Davis. Yvonne was born 23 February 1936 at Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Richard worked at International Harvester Company.


G6-1. Richard Allen Flath, Jr., born 12 September 1956 at Waukesha, Wisconsin; married 7 July 1984 to Valerie Jean Bautz;

G6-2. Carolyn Diane Flath, born 14 August 1958 at Waukesha, Wisconsin; married 1 December 1978 to Roger Wendorf;

G6-3. Patricia (Pattie) Ruth Flath, born 21 October 1960 at Milwaukee, Wisconsin; married 4 October 1986 to Barry Pickerall;

G6-4. Michael Herbert Flath, born 23 November 1961 at Waukesha, Wisconsin; married 3 December 1984 to Nesrin Uran.


G6-1. Richard Allen Flath, Jr., son of Richard Allen and Yvonne (Davis) Flath, Sr., was born 12 September 1956 at Waukesha, Wisconsin. He is co-owner of the chain of Marty's (pizza) Restaurants. His own restaurant is located at the intersection of 1-94 and Hwy 83, Delafield, Wisconsin. He was married to Valerie Bautz, daughter to Edward and Sandra (Acker) Bautz. Valerie was born 19 May 1960.


G7-1. Jonathan Richard Flath, born 4 September 1986.

G7-2. James Allen Flath, born 18 July 1990.


G6-2. Carolyn Diane Flath, daughter of Richard Allen and Yvonne (Davis) Flath, Sr., was born 14 August 1958 at Waukesha, Wisconsin. She was married 1 December 1978 to Roger Wendorf, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wendorf.


G7-1. Corrie Ann Wendorf, born 13 August 1979;

G7-2. Daniel Lee Wendorf, born 4 June 1981;

G7-3. Diane Ruth Wendorf, born 31 May 1984.


G6-3 Patricia (Pattie) Ruth Flath, daughter of Richard Allen and Yvonne (Davis) Flath, was born 21 October 1960 at Milwaukee, Wisconsin. She was married 4 October 1986 to Barry Pickerall.


G7-1. David John Pickerall, born 11 September 1989.


G6-4. Michael Herbert Flath, son of Richard Allen and Yvonne (Davis) Flath, Sr., was born 23 November 1961 at Waukesha, Wisconsin. He was married 3 December 1984 to Nesrin Uran in Turkey.


G5-4. Ruth Helen Flath, daughter of Herbert Gerhard and Esther (Doering) Flath, was born 8 August 1934 at Watertown, Wisconsin. She is employed in office work in Watertown, Wisconsin.



G4-7. Edgar Oscar Flath, son of John Ferdinand and Martha Elizabeth (Schoechert) Flath, was born 1 April 1901 at Watertown, Wisconsin. He was married 22 July 1926 to Esther Schultz, daughter of Frank and Clara (Gruetzmacher) Schultz. Esther was born 29 September 1907 at Elroy, Wisconsin. Oscar worked most of his life for Motor Transport Company, being general manager at the time of his death. He was a member of Watertown Masonic Lodge No. 49 Commandry No. 18, Royal Arch No. II, Select Master Council No. 16 of Fort Atkinson and the Watertown Chapter No. 44 of the Eastern Star. He was also a member of the Traffic Commission of the Watertown Chamber of Commerce. He was a former elder and served on the Board of Trustees of the Watertown Moravian Church. Oscar died 2 January 1972.


G5-1. Vada Mae Flath, born 15 November 1928 at Watertown, Wisconsin; married (1) 27 November 1952 to Kenneth Kaddatz; (2) 7 August 1982 to Harry Behrens;

G5-2. Grace E. Flath, born 6 January 1931 at Watertown, Wisconsin; married 5 September 1959 to Scott Bentzin.


G5-1. Vada Mae Flath, daughter of Edgar (Oscar)and Esther (Schultz) Flath, was born 15 November 1928 at Watertown, Wisconsin. She was married (1) 27 November 1952 to Kenneth Kaddatz, son of John and Anita (Heide) Kaddatz. Kenneth was born 12 December 1929 and died 23 December 1974. He served in the Korean War and then completed his education at Whitewater State University. He operated the Albert Shoe Store for three years, and then was a coach and teacher of the fifth grade at Lake Mills Elementary School. Vada is a teacher in Fort Atkinson after graduating from Whitewater State University. Vada married (2) 7 August 1982 to Harry Behrens.


G6-1. Tod Alan Kaddatz, born 14 May 1960; married 6 August 1983 to Lori Brasee;

G6-2. James Kent Kaddatz, born 3 September 1964.


G6-1. Tod Alan Kaddatz, son of Kenneth and Vada Mae (Flath) Kaddatz, was born 14 May 1960. He was married 6 August 1983 to Lori Brasee, daughter of Elden and Mary (Waters) Brasee. Lori was born 19 January 1960.


G5-2. Grace E. Flath, daughter of Edgar Oscar and Esther (Schultz) Flath, was born 6 January 1931 at Watertown, Wisconsin. She was married 5 September 1959 to Scott Bentz in, son of A. E. ("Mike") and Joy (Sou1en) Bentzin. Scott was born 13 October 1930, and died 13 February 1983 at Wheaton, Illinois. Scott was involved with his father's grocery and beer distribution business before going into the computer-consulting field. His father, A. E. Bentzin, held the post of Mayor of Watertown at one time.



G4-8. Mabel Myrtle Flath, daughter of John Ferdinand and Martha Elizabeth (Schoechert) Flath, was born 14 August 1903 at Watertown, Wisconsin. She was married 14 June 1924 at Wauwatosa, Wisconsin, to Lawrence A. Ke1m, son of Herman and Mary (Haberkorn) Ke1m. Lawrence was born 24 February 1896 at Watertown, Wisconsin. He died 3 August 1960 and is buried on the Ebenezer Moravian Cemetery. Lawrence served in WW I, Pvt. Co. F. 309 Infantry.


G5-1. Eugene Laurence Ke1m, born 4 August 1925 at Watertown, Wisconsin; married (1) 14 June 1947 to Grace Piper; (2) 4 December 1982 to Pearl Klingbeil;

G5-2. Virginia Mabel Kelm, born 14 July 1927 at Watertown, Wisconsin; married 1 November 1947 to Orval Vogt;

G5-3. Lois Irene Ke1m, born 17 January 1931 at Watertown, Wisconsin; married 31 August 1952 to Edwin Bratz.


G5-1. Eugene Laurence Kelm, son of Lawrence A. and Mabel Myrtle (Flath) Ke1m, was born 4 August 1925 at Watertown, Wisconsin. He was married (1) 14 June 1947 to Grace Ethel Piper, daughter of John Emanuel and Laura Emilie (Witte) Piper. Grace was born 21 February 1925 at Watertown, Jefferson County, Wisconsin, and died 16 April 1967. She is buried on Ebenezer Moravian Cemetery, Watertown, Wisconsin. Eugene served in the U. S. Navy in WW II, serial No. 3064323 Rate ASSV6. His occupation is a mason in construction. He has held office as secretary-treasurer in the Watertown Musician Association, loca1 419 A.F.M. (1982), and President (1983) of Watertown Turners Association. Eugene married (2) 4 December 1982 to Pearl Klingbeil.


G6-1. Margie Grace Ke1m, born 17 June 1948 at Watertown, Wisconsin, married 29 December 1975 to Stephen Hersh;

G6-2. Jill Mary Ke1m, born 28 January 1952 at Watertown, Wisconsin, married 1 November 1977 to Carl Tessman;

G6-3. Peter Gene Ke1m, born 10 June 1956 at Watertown, Wisconsin; married 29 October 1979 to Dionne Louise Kagerbauer.


G6-1. Margie Grace Ke1m, daughter of Eugene Lawrence and Grace Ethel (Piper) Ke1m, was born 17 June 1948 at Watertown, Wisconsin. She was married 29 December 1975 to Stephen Hersh in Madison, Wisconsin. Margie worked in the emergency room at the University Hospital in Madison, Wisconsin, after oomp1eting her training as a registered nurse. She also worked for private doctors. She now resides in Hawaii where she is continuing work in a conva1escent home.



G6-2. Jill Mary Kelm, daughter of Eugene Lawrence and Grace Ethel (Piper) Kelm, was born 28 January 1952 at Watertown, Wisconsin. She was married 1 November 1977 to Carl Tessman at Reno, Nevada. They now live in Oakland, California.

G6-3. Peter Gene Kelm, son of Eugene Lawrence and Grace Ethel (Piper) Kelm, was born 10 June 1956 at Watertown, Wisconsin. He was married 29 October 1979 at Glendale, Wisconsin, to Dionne Louise Kagerbauer, daughter of Donald Lawrence and Dionne Louise (Gensch) Kagerbauer. Dionne Louise was born 21 May 1957 at New Milford, New Jersey. Peter, owner of Kelm Pottery, was featured in 1984 by the Watertown Arts Council. A graduate of the University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh (BA in Art), has received numerous awards from the Jefferson Art Fair, the Oshkosh Museum Art Fair, and the Kenosha Library Art Fair. His wife Dionne is also a graduate of Oshkosh University and is presently employed as a teacher.


G7-1. Chase Lawrence Kelm, born 6 March 1981 at Watertown, Wisconsin;

G7-2. Adam Peter Kelm, born 1 September 1983 at Watertown, Wisconsin;

G7-3. Ivy Elizabeth Grace Ke1m, born 15 May 1986.


G5-2. Virginia Mabel Kelm, daughter of Lawrence A. and Mabel Myrtle (Flath) Ke1m, was born 14 July 1927 at Watertown, Wisconsin. She was married 1 November 1947 to Orval Vogt. Orval was born 24 December 1927. Orval worked in the Wisconsin National Bank for twenty-three years and for an insurance company for three years.


G6-1. Dale John Vogt, born 29 October 1948 at Watertown, Wisconsin; married 15 August 1970 to Linda Mundy;

G6-2. Bruce Allen Vogt, born 12 January 1952 at Watertown, Wisconsin; married 9 October 1976 to Teresa Lynn Weaver;

G6-3. Brad Scott Vogt, born 11 July 1955 at Watertown, Wisconsin; married to Charlene Wolfgram;

G6-4. Brian Jay Vogt, born 14 April 1960 at Watertown, Wisconsin; married 7 May 1983 to LuAnn M. Auchtung.



G6-1 Dale John Vogt, son of Orval and Virginia Mabel (Kelm) Vogt, was born 29 October 1948 at Watertown, Wisconsin. He was married 15 August 1970 to Linda Mundy, daughter of Charles and Leona Mundy. Linda was born 4 August 1952. Dale is a recreational therapist at Bethesda Hospital; Linda works for Bethesda Home. Michelle also works at Bethesda Home.


G7-1. Michelle Lynn Vogt, born 5 July 1971 at Rantoul, Illinois.


G6-2. Bruce Allen Vogt, son of Orval and Virginia Mabel (Ke1m) Vogt, was born 12 January 1952 at Watertown, Wisconsin. He was married 9 October 1976 to Teresa Lynn Weaver, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Weaver. Teresa was born 17 November 1955. Bruce does maintenance work at the Pepsi plant in Watertown. Teresa is a secretary to Dr. Becker.


G7-1. Jason Allen Vogt, born 22 January 1984;

G7-2. Rebecca Lynn Vogt, born 2 June 1986.


G6-3. Brad Scott Vogt, son of Orval and Virginia Mabel (Ke1m) Vogt, was born 11 July 1955 at Watertown, Wisconsin. He was married to Charlene Wolfgram. Charlene was born 8 March 1963. Brad is in Skill Care, Food Handling.


G7-1. Jean Marie Vogt, born 5 September 1981;

G7-2. Jennifer Nicole Vogt, born 1 December 1982;

G7-3. Jessica Donna Vogt, born 7 October 1984.


G6-4. Brian Jay Vogt, son of Orval and Virginia Mabel (Kelm) Vogt, was born 14 April 1960 at Watertown. Wisconsin. He was married 7 May 1983 to LuAnne Auchtung, daughter of Elwin and Ruth Auchtung. Brian is a graduate of Madison Area Technical College, with an Associate Degree in Finance and is employed by American Family Insurance in Madison. LuAnne is a 1982 graduate of the Waukesha County Technical Institute and is employed as a licensed practical nurse.



G5-3. Lois Iren Ke1m, daughter of Lawrence A. and Mabel Myrtle (Flath) Ke1m, was born 17 January 1931 at Watertown, Wisconsin. She was married to Edwin Bratz, son of Paul Ferdina1 and Ella (Behling) Bratz. Edwin was born 12 February 1932 at Oconomowoc, Wisconsin. Edwin is the owner of shoe stores in Madison, Wisconsin.


G6-1. David Carey Bratz, born 13 February 1954;

G6-2. Chris Allen Bratz, born 1 June 1956; married 8 September 1979 to Debra Denise Brookmi11er;

G6-3. Andrew James Bratz, born 4 April 1958; married Ruth Knapstein;

G6-4. Lawrence Paul Bratz, born 4 October 1966; married to Terri Murphree.


G6-2. Chris Allen Bratz, son of Edwin and Lois Irene (Ke1m) Bratz, was born 1 June 1956. He was married 8 September 1979 to Debra Denise Brockmi11er, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Keith Brockmi11er.


G7-1. Kadi Lois Bratz, born 4 June 1980 at Madison, Wisconsin;

G7-2. Alan Keith Bratz, born 30 May 1986.


G6-3. Andrew James Bratz, son of Edwin and Lois Irene (Ke1m) Bratz, was born 4 April 1958. He was married 27 September 1980 to Ruth Knapstein, daughter of Edwin and Dar1een (Doman) Knapstein. Ruth was born 9 May 1961.


G7-1. Edwin Joshua Bratz, born 7 February 1981 at Madison, Wisconsin.

G7-2. Ella Jean Bratz, born 12 January 1990.


G6-4. Lawrence Paul Bratz, son of Edwin and Lois Irene (Ke1m) Bratz, was born 4 October 1960. He married Terri Murphree, daughter of Charles and Elizabeth (Johnson) Murphree. Terri Lynn was born 24 February 1962.


G7-1. Elizabeth Ann Bratz, born 20 January 1981 at Madison, Wisconsin.


G3-7. Ernest Ferdinand Flath, son of Ferdinand and Dorothea Wilhelmina (Hans) Flath, was born 13 December 1863 at Watertown, Wisconsin. He was married (1) 30 October 1890 at Watertown, Wisconsin, to Martha Philipina Lehman. Martha was born 3 March 1865 and died in 1923. She was a sister to Amanda, Ferdinand Emil Flath's wife. Ernest married (2) Mamie Cundy.


G4-1. Claudia Rose Flath, born 25 March 1896; married W. Warren;

G4-2. Esther Flath, born 6 April 1898; married Rev. Arthur Scheel;

G4-3. Dorothy Flath, born 19 June 1901; buried Ebenezer.


G4-1. Claudia Rose Flath, daughter of Ernest Ferdinand and Martha Philipina (Lehman) Flath, was born 25 March 1896. She was married to W. Warren. No further information available.

G4-2. Esther Flath, daughter of Ernest Ferdinand and Martha Philipina (Lehman) Flath, was born 6 April 1898. She was married to Rev. Arthur Scheel.


G5-1. Virginia Scheel, died from burns from explosives from a Fourth of July celebration.


G3-9. Ferdinand Emil Flath, son of Ferdinand and Dorothea Wilhelmina (Hans) Flath, was born 27 October 1858 at Watertown, Wisconsin. He was married 30 October 1890 to Amanda Emilie Lehman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Lehman. Amanda was born 21 September 1868, and died in January 1937; Ferdinand Emil died October 1947. Both are buried on Valhalla Cemetery, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.


G4-1. Walter Persival Raymond Flath, born 31 January 1895; died 2 February 1895;

G4-2. Roland Roy Flath, married (1) Lillian Werth; (2) in 1958 to Olive Paul Olds; died 14 September 1970.


Above: Ferdinand and Amalie Flath.

Ernest and Martha Flath


Ernest Flath




G4-2. Roland Roy Flath, son of Ferdinand Emil and Amanda Emilie (Lehman) Flath, was married (1) to Lillian Werth. She died 18 October 1957 and is buried on Valhalla Cemetery, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Roland married (2) in 1958 to Olive Paul Olds. Olive died 15 September 1965 and Roland died 14 September 1970. Roland was owner of R. R. Flath Camera Company.


G5-1. Shirley Flath, married Allan Gruenisen.

G5-1. Shirley Flath, daughter of Roland Roy and Lillian Flath, was married to Allan Gruenisen.


G6-1. Gary Gruenisen;

G6-2. Gayle Gruenisen.


G3-l3. Edmund Emanuel Flath, son of Ferdinand and Dorothea Wilhelmine (Hans) Flath, was born 30 September 1871 at Watertown, Wisconsin. He was married to Mary Ann Ehrhart, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ehrhart. Mary Ann was born 7 January 1880.

Edmund died 26 November 1948 at Chicago, Illinois; Mary Ann died 3 July 1958 at Chicago, Illinois. A niece wrote: "Uncle Ed studied for the ministry, but did not complete the studies. I am told he could preach as well as an ordained minister. He later was an organ and piano tuner, a wonderful musician on organ and piano. Herman Flath's daughter Lillian (Flath) Lindemann reports: "Edmund Flath was good looking. He was called 'Dude'. He played the organ so it would shake the room and we used to envy him. He played it in Chicago and would come visit us on the farm. Herman had a 'plain organ'."


G4-1. Louis Flath, born 8 April 1905; married 19 June 1926 to Cora B. Shannon; died January 1983;

G4-2. Edna Flath (adopted), born 19 November 1913 at Chicago, Illinois; married 2 April 1939 to Herbert Westberg; died 17 January 1990.


G4-1. Louis Flath, son of Edmund Emanuel and Mary Ann (Ehrhart) Flath, was born 8 April 1905. He was married 19 June 1926 to Cora B. Shannon. He resided in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Louis died January 1983.


G4-2. Edna Flath, adopted daughter of Edmund Emanuel and Mary Ann (Ehrhart) Flath, was born 19 November 1913 at Chicago, Illinois. She was married 2 April 1939 at Chicago, Illinois, to Herbert Westberg, son of Emil Gustaf and Hulda (Nelson) Westberg. Herbert was born 20 December 1911 at Chicago, Illinois, and was buried 12 March 1984. Edna died 17 January 1990. They resided in Chicago, Illinois.



G5-1. Paul Glenn Westberg, born 29 December 1948 at Chicago, Illinois; married Maria Kirk 2 October 1981;

G5-2. Duane Louis Westberg, born 18 January 1953 at Chicago, Illinois; married 1 December 1971 to Yolanda Saldivar.


G5-1. Paul Glenn Westberg, son of Herbert and Edna (Flath) Westberg, was born 29 December 1948 at Chicago, Illinois. He was married 2 October 1981 at Cicero, Illinois, to Maria Kirk, daughter of Chester and Lorraine (Wozny) Kirk. Maria was born 24 May 1961 at Berwyn, Illinois. Paul is manager for N.T.N. Bearing Corp. of America at Elk Grove Village, Illinois. He is a member of the Elk Grove Chamber of Commerce; is a director of Harborland Jaycees; his hobbies include fishing, deep sea fishing, upland game hunting and traveling.


G5-2. Duane Louis Westberg, son of Herbert and Edna (Flath) Westberg, was born 18 January 1953 at Chicago, Illinois. He was married 1 December 1971 at Chicago, Illinois, to Yolanda Saldivar, daughter of Jose and Alica (Salazar) Saldivar. Yolanda was born 8 August 1954 at Chicago, Illinois. Duane is employed by the city of Elk Grove; rides motorcycles; enjoys fishing, hunting, camping. They reside at Carpentersville, Illinois. Duane's hobbies include Cub Scouts, stamp collecting, and violin playing. Yolanda enjoys cooking and baking.


G6-1. Duane Herbert Westberg, Jr., born 12 July 1972 at Chicago, Illinois.




Edmund and Mary (Ehrhart) Flath



















L to R:

Herbert Westberg, Chester Kirk, Verona Wash,

Maria Westberg, Paul Westberg,

Lorraine Kirk, Edna Westberg





G2-9. Ernst Julius Hans (Ferdinand Ernst, F. E. Hans, Ferdinand E.), son of Julius and Dorothea Elizabeth (Juhre) Hans, was born 29 March 1833 at Frstenfelde, Brandenburg, Germany. In 1851 he came to America with his parents and seven of his siblings. He was married 14 August 1855* (Ebenezer Church records) at Watertown, Wisconsin, to Ottilie Alvina Wegener, daughter of August and Elizabeth (Hammel) Wegener. Alvina's brother Ferdinand was married to Ernst's sister Amalie Wilhelmine Hans. Alvina was born 17 April 1836 at Giesenau, Brandenburg, Germany. Ernst was reported to have served in the Franco-Prussian War prior to coming to America.


Some of the children were baptized at the Ebenezer Moravian Church at Watertown, Wisconsin. On 9 August 1860 the census taker in Watertown, Wisconsin, recorded that A. Hans, age 27, born in Prussia, was a farmer with real estate valued at $1500 and personal property of $300. In addition to A. Hans, there were listed in the same household: Alvina, age 24, born in Prussia; Amanda age 4, Gustaff, age 2, and Emma age 3 months.

In the land transfers for Jefferson County in which Watertown is located, there were a number of land transfers in which the name appears of Ferdinand Ernst Hans, F. E. Hans and wife Alvina, Ferdinand E. Hans and Alvina, so we presume these all refer to Ernst and wife Alvina. (Ferdinand was a very popular name in the Hans family.) The last transfer of property in Section 29 and 32 of Watertown Township occurred in April and July of 1864. It is assumed that this is about the time that Ernst and Alvina quit farming and moved to Watertown. Emma (Hans) Trachte, niece of Ernst, reported that at one time Ernst owned a saloon in Watertown.


In the census of 1870 in the City of Watertown, 1st Ward, Ernst Hans was listed as a commercial merchant with real estate valued at $2000 and personal property of $1000. In addition to his wife Alvina, the following children were listed: Amanda, age 13; Emil age 11; Ewald age 8; William age 5; Adeline age 1 and Matilda age 2 months.


Emma Trachte also reported that the family had moved to Nebraska, then returned to Wisconsin for a time, and then moved back to Nebraska. We are not certain of the dates. Arthur Hans reported that they moved to Nebraska in 1878; Ernest said when he was 19. In the census of June 1880 in the Norfolk Precinct, Norfolk, Nebraska, the following members were listed:


Ernst, age 47; Alvina age 44; William age 15; Adeline age 11; E--- (very illegible) age 10; Arthur age 8. Ernest Hans age 18 was listed in the Ferdinand Wegener household as a hosteler. The Ferdinand Wegener family had moved to Nebraska in 1870 and had established Norfolk House, the first hotel in Norfolk, Nebraska.


The 1885 state census for South Branch in Pierce County includes the following family: Emil Hans 26 farmer; Elvina 44 mother; Anna 14; Arthur 12; William 20. (Arthur indicated that his father had left the family for a time. He also reported that his mother died when he was eleven years of age.) There is no census for 1890. In the census of 1900 Ernest Hans, age 69, was living in Hamburg Township, village of Pilger, Nebraska. With him was his son Emil, age 41. Occupation of both was listed as pedler. Alvina was not listed. Ernst was not listed in the census of 1910. Emil was listed in Pilger, occupation was painter. In his obituary, Ernst was reported to have been living with his daughter Mrs. Wisenstine prior to his death. It stated that he was engaged in business at Norfolk, Humphrey, Pilger and other places during his lifetime. He died 15 August 1915 and was buried at Battle Creek, Nebraska. (We do not know the date of Alvina's death nor where she was buried.)


G3-1. Amanda Emilie Hans was born 30 November 1856 at Watertown, Wisconsin;

G3-2. Emil Gustav Hans was born 17 October 1858 at Watertown, Wisconsin; died 19 September 1915;

G3-3. Emma Ottilie Hans was born 29 March 1860 at Watertown, Wisconsin; died 22 January 1870 at Watertown, Wisconsin; buried on Ebenezer Cemetery;

G3-4. Ernst Ferdinand Hans was born 25 November 1861 at Watertown, Wisconsin; married Matilda Nenow; died 7 August 1931; (Ewald in 1870 census);

G3-5. Friedrich William Hans was born 4 July 1864 at Watertown, Wisconsin; married 6 May 1889 to Pauline (Polly) Koplin; died 12 February 1915;

G3-6. Martha Adeline (Lena) Hans, born 16 September 1868 at Watertown, Wisconsin; died 1968 Battle Creek, NE;

G3-7. Matilda Emma Hans, born 12 March 1870 at Watertown, Wisconsin; married 16 January 1893 to John Wisenstine; died 30 January 1936;

G3-8. Arthur Hans, born 28 September 1872; married Mamie Ayres 9 June 1915; died 15 March 1946.


*In the Jefferson County Marriage Records, the date of marriage is given as 14 November 1855 (date of recording?)


Emma Hans


Lean Hans



Standing: Nelda Hans

Seated: Matilda and Ernest Hans

Ernst Hans



G3-4. Ernest Ferdinand Hans (christened Ferdinand Ernest), son of Ernst and Ottilie Alvina Hans, was born 25 November 1861 (Ebenezer Church record, obituary says 1860) at Watertown, Wisconsin. He moved to Norfolk, Nebraska, with his parents at the age of nineteen. In the 1880 census, he was listed as living in the household of Ferdinand Wegener (his uncle) -- occupation hosteler. His future wife, Matilda A. Nenow, was also working at the Norfolk Hotel. Matilda was born 5 December 1861; died 2 September 1929 of a heart condition. Ernest died 7 August 1931 in a car-train accident. Both are buried on the Lutheran Cemetery, Battle Creek, Nebraska.


E. Harlan Wisenstine gave the following report to Dorothy Monson in 1979: "The family farmed near Watertown, Wisconsin, until after the big storm in 1888. They moved to Norfolk from "Deutschland", Wisconsin. They cooked in the Pacific Hotel (located where Granada Building is); then the Bonton Cafe where Child's Bakery was from 1892-1896. When E. H. Wisenstine was one year old (1896) they moved to Columbus. When he was eight years old (1904) they moved to Battle Creek. They also moved to South Dakota but E. H. didn't move there. They came back to Battle Creek. They ran a general store in Battle Creek." The Ernest Hans family is listed in the Battle Creek Precinct in the census of 1900 and 1910.


G4-1. Nelda Hans, born 5 April 1883 at Norfolk, Nebraska; married 20 October 1929 to George Brechler; died 17 November 1969 at Columbus, Nebraska;

G4-2. Amalia Mathilde Hans, born 4 November 1887 in Stanton County, Nebraska; baptized St. Paul's Lutheran Church 11 March 1888; died 4 June 1888;

G4-3. Ernest A. Hans, born March 1889; married Eunice Lozier;

G4-4. Lenora Hans, born 19 September 1890 at Wisner, Nebraska; married 5 June 1916 to Ernest Hoffman; died 14 January 1969 at Norfolk, Nebraska;

G4-5. Ruby (Bubena) Hans, born 12 July 1895; died 2 May 1902.






Ruby Hans









Mike and

Lenora Hans





G4-l. Nelda Hans, daughter of Ernest Ferdinand and Matilda (Nenow) Hans, was born 5 April 1883 at Norfolk, Nebraska. She received her education in the Battle Creek Public Schools. She specialized in music and was a music teacher in Battle Creek over twenty years. On October 20, 1929 she married George Brechler, son of George and Mary (Winkler) Brechler, Sr. George Jr. was born 18 December 1929 at Boscobel, Wisconsin. Less than four years after their marriage, George died on 5 January 1933. For several years, George was deputy county treasurer of Madison County, Nebraska, following which he went to Washington, D.C. where he held a governmental position. He was an employee of the Battle Creek Valley Bank and later helped organize a bank at Page.


Mrs. Brechler was employed for many years in her father's General Store and then operated her own grocery store in Battle Creek until she retired. She died 17 November 1969 at Columbus, Nebraska, where she had resided in a nursing home and was buried on the Lutheran Cemetery, Battle Creek, Nebraska.


G4-3. Ernest A. Hans, son of Ernest Ferdinand and Matilda A. (Nenow) Hans, was born March of 1889. He was reported to have owned a general merchandise store in Valentine, Nebraska. He was married to Eunice Lozier from Creighton, Nebraska.


G5-1. Frances Hans, married Cleo Bloom, Jr., died April 1987.


G5-1. Frances Hans, daughter of Ernest A. and Eunice (Lozier) Hans, was married to Cleo Bloom, Jr. She died in April 1987.


G6-1. Mike Bloom, (adopted).


G4-4. Lenora (Leone Albertine on baptismal record) Hans, daughter of Ernest F. and Matilda A. (Nenow) Hans, was born 19 September 1890 at Wisner, Nebraska. She moved to Battle Creek, Nebraska, with her parents and was educated in the St. John's Lutheran School and the Battle Creek Public School. She attended Red Wing College for Women at Red Wing, Minnesota, from 1907 to 1910. On June 5, 1916, at Battle Creek, Nebraska, she married Ernest L. Hoffman, son of Rev. Jacob and Pauline (Lehner) Hoffmann. Ernest was born 8 February 1890 at Battle Creek, Nebraska. Ernest attended St. John's Lutheran and Battle Creek Public Schools and was a student at Northwestern College in Watertown, Wisconsin, from 1907-1909. He had a position in the Gregory National Bank, Gregory, South Dakota, from 1909 to 1911, then went into the banking business at Bazile Mills, Nebraska. He moved to Norfolk in 1930 and from 1931 to 1935 was employed by the Nebraska Banking Department as assistant receiver in charge of closed banks during the depression.

From 1935 until May 1950 he was employed by the National Life Insurance Company of Montpelier, Vermont, as a representative in liquidating farms and loans. In 1950 he went into the real estate and insurance business in Norfolk, Nebraska, and continued in this until retiring. Ernest died 2 December 1976 at Norfolk, Nebraska. Lenore died 14 January 1969 at Norfolk, Nebraska. Both are interred at the Hillcrest Memorial Park Cemetery, Norfolk, Nebraska.


G5-1. Janet Nelda Hoffman, born 8 April 1917 at Bazile Mills, Nebraska; married 24 December 1939 to Clarence Sixel;

G5-2. Maxine Hoffman, born 3 July 1921 at Norfolk, Nebraska; married 7 September 1943 at South Weymouth, Massachusetts to Charles A. Mills, Jr.


G5-1. Janet Nelda Hoffman, daughter of Ernest L. and Lenora (Hans) Hoffman, was born 8 April 1917 at Bazile Mills, Nebraska. She was married 24 December 1939 at Norfolk, Nebraska, to Clarence Sixel, son of Herman Jacob and Martha Marie (Schnuelle) Sixel. Clarence was born 3 February 1910 at Diller, Nebraska. Clarence is President of the State Bank of Scotia, Nebraska. Janet is a graduate of the University of Nebraska and is a former high school teacher. They reside at Scotia.


G6-1. Janet Jo Sixe1, born 11 May 1942 at Beatrice, Nebraska; married Allan W. Macklem 16 June 1963;

G6-2. Pamela Sue Sixel, born 26 May 1945 at Beatrice, Nebraska; married 15 August 1970 to Burdette Swe1ey; divorced;

G6-3. Robert Jay Sixel, born 18 March 1947 at Beatrice, Nebraska: married 1 August 1970 to Susan Hudson.



G6-1. Janet Jo Sixel, daughter of Clarence and Janet Nelda (Hoffman) Sixel, was born 11 May 1942 at Beatrice, Nebraska. She was married 16 June 1983 at Scotia, Nebraska, to Allan Macklem, son of Hurst and Eleanor (Belt) Macklem. Allan was born 10 March 1941 at Homer, Nebraska. They reside at Elkhorn, Nebraska.


G7-1. Monique Macklem, born 15 January 1966; married 14 October 1989 to Mark D. Rasmussen.

G7-2. Wade Macklem, born 24 August 1969;

G7-3. Britney Macklem, born 10 February 1972.


G7-l. Monique Macklem, daughter of Allan and Janet Jo (Sixel) Macklem, was born 15 January 1966. She was married 14 October 1989 to Mark D. Rasmussen, son of Arnold and Donna Rasmussen of Elkhorn, Nebraska.


G6-2. Pamela Sue Sixel, daughter of Clarence and Janet Nelda (Hoffman) Sixel, was born 28 May 1945 at Beatrice, Nebraska. She was married 15 August 1970 to Burdette Swe1ey. They are divorced.


G7-1. Angela Sweley, born 30 May 1973;

G7-2. Cheryl Sweley, born 12 April 1977.


G6-3. Robert Jay Sixel, son of Clarence and Janet Nelda (Hoffman) Sixel, was born 18 March 1947 at Beatrice, Nebraska. He was married 1 August 1970 to Susan Hudson, daughter of Edward and Mary Lou (Andrews) Hudson. Susan was born 1 April 1947 at Ord, Nebraska.


G7-1. Jason Sixel, born 24 May 1971;

G7-2. Justin Sixel, born 6 August 1974;

G7-3. Jarrod Sixel, born 9 February 1977.


G5-2. Maxine Hoffman, daughter of Ernest and Lenora (Hans) Hoffman, was born 3 July 1921 at Norfolk, Nebraska. She was married 7 September 1943 at South Weymouth, Massachusetts, to Charles A. Mills, Jr., son of Jack and Menla (Jones) Mills. Charles was born 12 August 1921 at Memphis, Tennessee.


G6-1. Charles Mills III, born 20 January 1947 at Long Beach, California; married (1) 27 September 1968 to Linda Stone; (2) 25 April 1987 to Sonia Velez;

G6-2. Kathryn Mills, born 17 August 1948 at Takoma Park, Maryland; married 11 December 1971 to Karl Roettger;

G6-3. Jack Q. Mills, born 12 July 1954 at South Weymouth, Massachusetts; married 10 July 1983 to Shirley Ann Schuster.



G6-l. Charles Mills III, son of Charles A. and Maxine (Hoffman) Mills II, was born 20 January 1947 at Long Beach, California. He was married (1) 27 September 1968 at Elizabeth City, North Carolina, to Linda Stone, daughter of Clifford Leon and Frances (Kircher) Stone. Linda was born 19 October 1948 at Weehawken, New Jersey.


G7-1. Meighan Menla Mills, born 18 February 1975 at Norfolk, Virginia;

G7-2. Charles Arthur Mills IV, born 22 March 1979 at Richmond, Virginia.

Charles III was married (2) 25 April 1987 to Sonia Velez.

G7-3. Christina Ashley Mills, born 26 May 1988.


G6-2 Kathryn Mills, daughter of Charles Arthur and Maxine (Hoffman) Mills II, was born 17 August 1948 at Takoma Park, Maryland. She was married 11 December 1971 at Stevensville, Montana, to Karl Walter Roettger, son of Karl H. and Irene K. (Hofe) Roettger. Karl was born 24 September 1946 at Summit, New Jersey. He is a graduate of Rutgers University (1969) and is employed as a manager of a garden center. Kathryn graduated from Douglass College (1988); Rutgers Law School (1976) and is self-employed as a lawyer.


G7-1. Andrew Robert Roettger, born 11 August 1979 at Morristown; New Jersey;

G7-2. Alexis Irene Roettger, born 19 February 1981 at Morristown, New Jersey.


G6-3. Jack Q. Mills, son of Charles Arthur and Maxine (Hoffman) Mills II, was born 12 July 1954 at South Weymouth, Massachusetts. He was married 10 July 1983 at Williamsburg, Virginia, to Shirley Ann Schuster, daughter of Robert J. and Shirley Lee (Palm) Schuster. Shirley was born 26 September 1953 at Zanesville, Ohio. Jack graduated U. of F., MBA Finance and is presently an Ensign, U. S. Navy Supply Corps. His hobby is competition water skiing.



G3-5. William (Friedrich William) Hans, son of Ernst and Ottilie Alvino Hans, was born 4 July 1864 at Watertown, Wisconsin. He was married 6 May 1889 at Wisner, Nebraska, to Pauline (Polly) Koplin, daughter of Frederick and Wilhelmina Koplin. Polly was born 5 September 1872; died on 3 September 1940 at age of 68 at Pilger, Nebraska. William died 12 February 1915 of Bright's disease. He had been almost blind for about six years prior to his death (obituary). William was buried on the Lutheran cemetery, Norfolk, Nebraska. William and Polly were divorced, and Polly married (2) 25 August 1913 to Arthur S. Tinning; (3) to Emil Schultz.


G4-1. Adeline Amma Hans, died 6 September 1890;

G4-2. Martha Hans, born 26 March 1891 at Wisner, Nebraska; married 27 April 1909 to Clarence Schroyer; (2) 18 April 1923 to Martin Modrow; died 6 February 1977;

G4-3. Henry Hans, born 9 January 1893; married 18 December 1914 to Rhoba Jewett; died 18 May 1965;

G4-4. Hattie Wilhelmine Hans, born 13 October 1895; married 8 February to Guy Jewett; died 3 December 1963;

G4-5. Conrad Hans, born 10 October 1898 at Randolph, Nebraska; married (1) 17 November 1921 to Luella Theresa Buettow (div.); (2) 3 September 1937 to Dorothy Rassette; died 11 November 1942;

G4-6. Freda Hans, born 1900; married 16 June 1919 to William F. Faubel; died

G4-7. Louis Hans, born 3 March 1902; married Marie Schumann; died 3 March 1972;

G4-8. Hugo Hans, born 13 August 1905 at Pilger, Nebraska; married Dorothy; died 1980.


G4-2. Martha Hans, daughter of William and Pauline (Polly) (Koplin) Hans, was born 26 March 1891 at Wisner, Nebraska. She was married (1) 27 April 1909 to Clarence Schroyer, son of Thomas and Julie (Riley) Schroyer.


G5-1. Gary Schroyer

G5-2. Leona Schroyer, married name Thornton

Martha was married (2) 18 April 1923 to Martin Modrow. Martin was born 13 November 1879 at Stanton, Nebraska; died 11 March 1954 at Stanton, Nebraska. His parents were Chris F. and Mary (Naden) Modrow. Martha died 6 February 1977 at Norfolk, Nebraska, and is buried at Stanton, Nebraska

G5-3. Shirley Modrow, born 12 November 1926 at Stanton, Nebraska; died 13 April 1977 at Norfolk, Nebraska;

G5-4. Viola Modrow, married name Johnsen;

G5-5. Lila Lee Modrow, born December 1930 at Stanton. Nebraska: married 15 October 1954 to LeRoy Duffy.



G5-5. Lila Lee Modrow, daughter of Martin and Martha (Hans) Modrow, was born 7 December 1930 at Stanton, Nebraska. She was married 15 October 1954 at Chester, Nebraska, to LeRoy E. Duffy, son of Joseph and Agnes (Hennessey) Duffy. LeRoy was born 6 September 1920 at Madelia, Minnesota. They live at Santa Maria, California.


G6-1. Patricia Lee Duffy, born 30 April 1961 at Sacramento, California.


G4-3. Henry William Hans, son of William and Pauline (Polly) (Koplin) Hans, was born 9 January 1893. He was married 18 December 1914 to Rhoba Jewett. Henry was a carpenter and worked for the railroad in Nebraska until he moved to California in 1938. Henry died 18 May 1965 and Rhoba died 12 October 1977; Both are buried in Colma, California.


G5-1. Gene Hans, born 1914; married (1) Charlyne Dalhelm; (2) Peggy;

G5-2. Hugo Hans, born 20 February 1916 at Norfolk, Nebraska; married 13 October 1938 to Clara Behnk;

G5-3. Russell Hans, born 1918; married (1) Goldie;(2) Wilma; (3) Barbara Jean; (4) Carole; died February 1975;

G5-4. Margaret Hans, born 17 January 1921 at Norfolk, Nebraska; married 30 September 1948 to Robert B1amey;

G5-5. Marcele Hans, born 1923; died 1929;

G5-6. Henry Hans, Jr., born 1925; married Doris Williams;

G5-7. Wayne Hans, born 1928; married (1) Deidre (DeeDee) Owens; (2) 1 April 1984 to Fayrene;

G5-8. Bonnie Hans, born 22 April 1930 at Norfolk, Nebraska; married (1) 9 December 1946 to Leroy Axelson; (2) 2 June 1966 to Vern LaClear;

G5-9. Richard Gayle Hans, born 1935; married Loretta, div.


G5-1 Gene Hans, son of Henry and Rhoba (Jewett) Hans, was born in 1914. He was married (1) to Charlyne Dalhelm.


G6-1. Carol Hans;

G6-2. Darrel Hans;


Gene Hans was married (2) to Peggy. Gene died 1988.


G6-3. Mary Ann Hans;

G6-4. Stephanie Hans;

G6-5. Tom Hans.



G5-2. Hugo Hans, son of Henry and Rhoba (Jewett) Hans, was born 20 February 1916 at Norfolk, Nebraska. He was married 13 October 1938 at North Hollywood, California to Clara Behnk, daughter of John and Frieda (Brockmouller) Behnk. Clara was born 23 November 1919 at Clearwater, Nebraska, and died 9 September 1973 at West Los Angeles, California. She is buried at Eternal Valley, Newhall, California. Hugo resides in Mission Hills, California.


G6-1. Harlan Hans, born 9 July 1940; married 13 January 1962 to Dana Anderson;

G6-2. Dennis Hans, born 5 August 1947 at San Francisco, California; married 13 May 1964 to Donna Overstreet;

G6-3. Sandra Hans, born 15 June 1945; married 18 June 1911 to Thomas Cosgrove.


G6-1. Harlan Hans, son of Hugo and Clara (Behnk) Hans, was born 9 July 1940. He was married 13 January 1962 at Las Vegas, Nevada, to Dana Anderson, daughter of R. George and Fayette L. Anderson. Dana was born 30 November 1942 at Southgate, California. Harlan is a mechanic, Dana is a waitress. They live in the mountains; Harlan likes hunting and fishing; Dana has a horse and likes yard-work.


G7-1. Harlan Lee Hans, born 2 October 1962 at Pacoima, California;

G7-2. Laurene Grace Hans, born 2 December 1963 at Pacoima, California;

G7-3. Genevieve Louise Hans, born 9 February 1965 at Pacoima, California;

G7-4. Darin Albert Hans, born 30 August 1969 at San Fernando, California;

G7-5. Darik Ole Anderson (foster son), born July 1969 at Panorama City, California.


G6-2. Dennis Hans, son of Hugo and Clara (Behnk) Hans, was born 5 August 1941 at San Francisco, California. He was married 13 May 1964 at Granada Hills, California, to Donna Overstreet, daughter of John T. and Juanita (Monday) Overstreet. Donna was born 22 August 1941 at Van Nuys, California. Dennis's occupation is automotive machinist; his hobbies are car races, water skiing and fishing. Donna is a housewife and her hobbies are sewing and same as her husband's.


G7-1. Deena Hans, born 10 October 1964 at Van Nuys, CA;

G7-2. Donald Hans, born 21 September 1961 at San Fernando, California.



G6-3. Sandra Hans, daughter of Hugo and Clara (Behnk) Hans, was born 15 June 1945. She was married 18 June 1977 to Thomas Cosgrove; divorced.


G5-3. Russell Hans, son of Henry and Rhoba (Jewett) Hans, was born in 1918. He was married (1) Goldie;


G6-1. Barbara Hans;

G6-2. Judy Hans;


Russell Hans was married (2) Wilma;


G6-3. William Hans;


Russell Hans was married (3) Barbara Jean;


G6-4. Stephen Hans;

G6-5. Greg Hans;

G6-6. Virginia Hans;


Russell Hans was married (4) Carole. He died in 1975.


G5-4 Margaret Hans, daughter of Henry and Rhoba (Jewett) Hans, was born 17 January 1921 at Norfolk, Nebraska. She was married 30 September 1948 at Las Vegas, Nevada, to Robert Blamey, son of Alvin O. and Mabel (Williams) Blamey. Robert was born 29 January 1918 at Bellaire, Ohio. Robert owned a bakery, then became a merchant seaman; is retired. Margaret was employed in a bakery. Robert Blarney, Sr., died 6 February 1989.


G6-1. Barry Blamey, born 31 January 1950 at San Fernando, California; married Linda Huggard; div.;

G6-2. Robert Blarney, born 6 September 1952 at Van Nuys, California; married 15 July 1976 to Darlis Lehman; div.;

G6-3. Kathleen Blamey, born 15 January 1957 at San Francisco, California; married Paul Farrens 24 October; lives in Sugarland, Texas;

G5-6 Henry Hans, Jr., son of Henry and. Rhoba (Jewett) Hans, was born in 1925. He was married to Doris Williams.



G5-7. Wayne Hans, son of Henry and Rhoba (Jewett) Hans, was born in 1928. He married (1) Deidre (DeeDee) Owens in Anchorage, Alaska; (2) 1 April 1984 to Fayrene. Wayne lived in Kodiak, Alaska, and had lived there for 35 years. He had a Bear Guide Service and also worked for the government; retired and lives in Owensboro, Kentucky.


G5-8. Bonnie Hans, daughter of Henry and Rhoba (Jewett) Hans, was born 22 April 1930 at Norfolk, Nebraska. She was married (1) 9 December 1946 at Reno, Nevada, to LeRoy Axelsen, son of Axel and Jeanette (Harck) Axelsen. LeRoy was born 16 August 1926 at Richmond, California. Bonnie was married (2) 29 June 1966 to Vern LaClear, son of Vernon and Florence (Erb) LaClear.


G6-1. Susan Axelsen, born 6 August 1947 at Richmond, California; married 7 September 1965 to John Mrgich;

G6-2. Michael Axelsen, born 27 April 1949 at Richmond, California; married 13 April 1969 to Penelope Mensinger;

G6-3. Marsha Axelsen, born 29 November 1951 at Albany, California; married (1) 11 January 1969 to Stanley Cortez; (2) 21 April 1979 to Jerry Dalla;

G6-4. Jeri Axelsen, born 13 October 1954 at Albany, California, married 12 August 1981 to Steven Strusis.


G6-1. Susan Axelsen, daughter of LeRoy and Bonnie (Hans) Axelsen, was born 6 August 1947 at Richmond, California. She was married 7 September 1965 to John Mrgich.


G7-1. Boy, born 21 May 1966; died 20 May 1969;

G7-2. Bonnie Lynn Mrgich, born 27 April 1968 at San Francisco;

G7-3. Shawna Suzanne Mrgich, born 11 April 1969 at Fremont, California; married 11 November 1989 to Mark Francis Brouillet;

G7-4. Leasa Marie Mrgich, born 17 June 1972 at Hayward, California.


G6-2. Michael Axelsen, son of LeRoy and Bonnie (Hans) Axeksen, was born 27 April 1949 at Richmond, California. He was married 16 April 1969 to Penelope Mensinger. They live in Sequim, Washington.


G7-1. Michael Wayne Axelsen II, born 1 October 1971;

G7-2. Danny Axelsen, born 14 December 1976;

G7-3. Shara Axelsen, born 21 October 1979.



G6-3. Marsha Axelsen, daughter of LeRoy and Bonnie (Hans) Axelsen, was born 29 November 1951 at Albany, California. She was married (1) 11 January 1969 at Fremont, California, to Stanley Cortez, son of John and Helen (Carvolho) Cortez. Stanley was born 13 May 1950 at San Jose, California.


G7-1. Stanley Nolan Cortez, Jr., born 13 January 1970 at Hayward, California; married Jenifer 20 August 1989;

G7-2. Sheri Renee Cortez, born 19 December 1972 at Hayward, California.


Marsha was married (2) 21 April 1979 at Paradise, California, to Jerry Dalla, son of Angelo and Catherine (Catone) Dalla. Jerry was born 16 March 1946 at San Jose, California. They reside at Paradise, California. Jerry's children from his first marriage are:


1. Joseph Scott Dalla, born 27 February 1967 at San Jose, California;

2. Lisa Marlene Dalla, born 1 July 1969 at San Jose, California.


G6-4. Jeri Axelsen, daughter of LeRoy and Bonnie (Hans) Axelsen, was born 13 October 1954 at Albany, California. She was married 12 August 1981 at Reno, Nevada, to Steven Strusis, son of Spiro and Gloria (Macchi) Strusis. Steven was born 8 March 1949 at Pittsburg, California. He is an L.V.N. working at Cypress Acres Conva1esant Hospital; Jeri is a housewife. Steven enjoys playing baseball and other outdoor activities. They reside at Paradise, California.


G7-1. William Stewart Zollinger, born 14 March 1975 at Paradise, California;

G7-2. Nicholas Spiro Strusis, born 12 February 1982 at Paradise. California;

G7-3. Stephanie Suzanne Strusis, born 14 June 1985.


Steven's children by his first marriage are:

1. Laine Quenby Strusis, born 5 June 1972 at Concord, California;

2. Zethen John Strusis, born 5 March 1975 at Medford, Oregon.



G5-9. Richard Gayle Hans, son of Henry and Rhoba (Jewett) Hans, was born in 1935. He was married to Loretta, divorced. He lived in New Orleans; died December 1984.


G6-1. Laura Hans;

G6-2. Daniel Hans;

G6-3. Sheri Hans.


G4-4. Hattie Wilhelmine Hans, daughter of William Friedrich and Pauline (Polly) (Koplin) Hans, was born 13 October 1895. She was married 8 February to Guy Jewett. Hattie died 3 December 1963. Guy was a mechanic till the depression; then was a policeman in Blackfoot, Idaho, where he died.


G5-1. Vernon Charles Jewett, born 7 August 1916;

G5-2. Betty Jewett, married to Leo Doyle.

G5-1. Vernon Charles Jewett, son of Guy and Hattie Wilhelmine (Hans) Jewett, was born 7 August 1916.


G6-1. Ronnie Jewett;

G6-2. Jolene Jewett.


G5-2 Betty Jewett, daughter of Guy and Hattie Wilhelmine (Hans) Jewett, was married to Leo Doyle.


G6-1. Stacey Doyle.


G4-5 Conrad Hans, son of William and Pauline (Koplin) Hans, was born 10 October 1898 at Randolph, Nebraska. He was married 17 November 1921 to Luella Theresa Buettow, daughter of Herman and Caroline (Schwartz) Buettow. Luella was born 2 March 1900. They were divorced and Luella married Leon Bennett, and resides at Whitewright, Texas.


G5-1. Merlin Hans, born 17 May 1922 in Nebraska; married Gwyneth Roush in 1950;

G5-2. Reta Hans, born February 1927 in Pilger, Nebraska; died February 1927;

G5-3. Doris Hans, born 25 February 1929 at Norfolk, Nebraska; married 30 June 1949 to Robert Adams, Jr.,



Conrad married (2) 3 September 1937 to Dorothy Rassette at Pierce, Nebraska. Dorothy was born 8 January 1914 at Garfield County, Nebraska. Conrad was working at the shipyards as a Pile Driver at the time of his death 11 November 1942 in an automobile accident at San Anselmo, California. He is buried at Golden Gate Military Cemetery, San Bruno, California. Dorothy resides at Ord, Nebraska.


G5-4. Larue Hans, born 29 September 1938 at Ord, Nebraska; married 10 August 1980 to William Swanson;

G5-5. Ron Hans, born 4 December 1940 at Van Nuys, California; married 4 December 1970 to Pat (Emmit) Cass.


G5-1. Merlin Hans, son of Conrad and Luella (Buettow) Hans, was born in Madison County, Nebraska, on 17 May 1922. He was married to Gwenyth Roush, daughter of Maurice F. and Willa Faye (Strait) Roush, in 1950. Gwenyth was born 6 April 1922 at Van Buren County, Iowa. Merlin was employed as a distributor for the San Francisco Examiner and retired in May of 1984. Gwenyth was treasurer of the local high school and she retired the same year. Merlin died June 1987.


G6-1. Alan Louis Hans, born 18 February 1954 at Norfolk, Nebraska.


Gwenyth's children by her first marriage:

1. Tom Morrow;

2. Jerry Morrow.


G5-3. Doris Hans, daughter of Conrad and Luella (Buettow) Hans, was born 25 February 1929 at Norfolk, Nebraska. She was married 30 June 1949 at San Francisco, California, to Robert Adams, Jr., son of Robert and Esther (Blomquist) Adams, Sr. Robert Jr. was born 18 June 1927 at Chowchilla, California. They reside at Visalia, California.


G6-1. Connie Adams, born 10 April 1953 at San Francisco, California; married 20 September 1980 to James Eggleston;

G6-2. Richard Adams, born 13 February 1957 at San Francisco, California; married 5 July 1980 to Marilyn Nikkel;

G6-3. Robert Adams, born 9 February 1959 at St. Helena, California;

G6-4. Ross Adams, born 25 August 1963 at Napa, California.



G5-4. Larue Hans, daughter of Conrad and Dorothy (Rassette) Hans, was born 29 September 1938 at Ord, Nebraska. She was married 10 August 1960 to William Swanson, son of Arthur and Joan (Fisher) Swanson. William was born 3 August 1938 at Whiting, Iowa. They are divorced. Larue lives at West Yarmouth, Massachusetts.


G6-1. Perry Conrad Swanson, born 22 November 1958 at Tacoma, Washington;

G6-2. Kimberly Kay Swanson, born 4 October 1966 at Lincoln, Nebraska.


G5-5 Ron Hans, son of Conrad and Dorothy (Rassette) Hans, was born 4 December 1940 at Van Nuys, California. He was married 4 December 1970 at Arcadia, California, to Patricia Emmitt, daughter of Jack and Madeline (West) Emmitt. Ron is a Logistics Program Engineer at Ford Aerospace and Communications Corp. He jogs and plays tennis. They reside at Irvine, California.


G6-1. Jon (Cass) Hans, born 25 November 1962 at Northridge, California;

G6-2. Caryn (Cass) Hans, born 1 February 1967 at Northridge, California;

G6-3. Michael Hans, born 18 April 1972 at West Covina, California.


G4-6. Freda Hans, daughter of William (Friedrich William) and Pauline (Polly) (Koplin) Hans, was born in 1900. She was married 16 June 1919 to William F. Faubel, son of John and Sophia (Dederman) Faubel. She is deceased.


G5-1. Duane Faubel, born 22 October 1920;

G5-2. Donald Faubel, born 31 October 1923;

G5-3. William (Billy) Faubel, born 18 Dec. 1925;

G5-4. Robert Faubel, born 26 January 1928 at Norfolk, Nebraska; married Nadeen Gladys Morris 25 November 1948.


G5-1. Duane Faubel, son of William F. and Freda (Hans) Faubel, was born 22 October 1920. He is a barber and printer in Lincoln, Nebraska.

G5-2. Donald Faubel, son of William F. and Freda (Hans) Faubel, was born 31 October 1923. He is a long distance truck driver and lives at Fremont, Nebraska.


G5-3. William (Billy) Faubel, son of William F. and Freda (Hans) Faubel, was born 18 December 1925. He is a conductor on the Chicago Northwestern Railroad.


G5-4. Robert Faubel, son of William F. and Freda (Hans) Faubel, was born 26 January 1928 at Norfolk, Nebraska. He was married 25 November 1948 at Norfolk, Nebraska, to Nadeen Gladys Morris, daughter of Everett and Ida V. (Hash) Morris. Nadeen was born July 1, 1930 at Norfolk, Nebraska. Robert is a graduate of Iowa State in Architectural Engineering. He worked as a Naval Architect for the Federal Government at Hunter's Point in San Francisco; and Long Beach Naval Shipyard, Long Beach, California. Nadeen graduated from San Francisco University -- B.A., M.A. in Educational Administration.


G6-1. Marialice Faubel, born 30 October 1955 at Presidio, San Francisco, California;

G6-2. Robert Lee Faubel II, born 21 September 1956;

G6-3. Peggy Mae Faubel, born 11 July 1962 at San Francisco, California; married (l) August 1981 to Carl James Crutcher II, div.; (2) April 1985 to Jeffrey Foltz.

G6-3. Peggy Mae Faubel, daughter of Robert and Nadeen Gladys (Morris) Faubel, was born 11 July 1962 at San Francisco, California. She was married (1) 5 August 1981 to Carl James Crutchen III, div., (2) April 1985 to Jeffrey Foltz, who was born 19 August 1965.


G7-1. Nicole Nadeen Foltz, born 16 January 1987 at Norfolk, Nebraska.


G4-7. Louis Hans, son of William (Friedrich William) and Pauline (Polly) (Koplin) Hans, was born 3 March 1902. He was married to Marie Schumann; died 3 March 1972. Marie was born 4 June 1904 at Martin, South Dakota. She lives in Canoga Park, California. Marie had two children from a previous marriage: Marion and Mina Jean. Louis was a painter; Marie worked in a hospital.


G4-8. Hugo Hans, son of William (Friedrich William) and Pauline (Polly) (Koplin) Hans, was born 13 August 1905. He married Dorothy and died in 1980.

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G3-7. Matilda Emma Hans, daughter of Ernst Julius (Ferdinand Ernst) and Ottilie. Alvina (Wegener) Hans, was born 12 March 1870 at Watertown. Wisconsin. She was married 16 January 1893 to John W. Wisenstine who was born in 1849 and died in 1922. Emma died 30 January 1936 at Norfolk. Nebraska. From Emma's obituary:


"In 1893 she was married to J. W. Wisenstine and the two operated a restaurant in Norfolk until 1897, when Mr. Wisenstine took over the operation of the Meridian Hotel in Columbus. Later the two operated Albion's leading hotel for several years and in 1909 they came to Battle Creek to engage in the hotel business. Retiring from business, they built the fine home on east Main Street in which Mrs. Wisenstine had accommodated a select transient trade since the death of her husband fourteen years ago."


G4-1. Frank Wisenstine, born 25 November 1893; died 30 June 1912 by drowning at Crete. Nebraska;

04-2. E. Harland Wisenstine, born 13 September 1896; married 16 August 1931 to Nelda Merz; died 27 May 1981;

G4-3. Rosella Wisenstine, born 17 July 1904; married 5 February 1928 to Harry Reeker; died 12 September 1972.


G4-2. E. Harland Wisenstine, son of John W. and Matilda Emma (Hans) Wisenstine, was born 13 September 1896 at Norfolk, Nebraska. He attended school at Battle Creek, Nebraska and served during and after World War I with the Army of Occupation in Germany. He was married 16 August 1931 to Nelda Merz. Nelda was born 4 August 1900; died 19 February 1989. He was Madison County Treasurer eight years, after which he was affiliated with Union Central Insurance Company in farm management and sales. Prior to his retirement, he was a salesman for the former Northrup Chevrolet Company for a number of years. He was a member of the American Legion and VFW with the latter membership dating to 1929. He died 27 May 1981 at Norfolk. Nebraska, and both Nelda and he are interred in the Hillcrest Memorial Park Cemetery, Norfolk, Nebraska.


G5-1. John Wisenstine, born 15 December 1933, married Joan Wilke 24 November 1956.



G5-1. John Wisenstine, son of E. Harland and Nelda (Merz) Wisenstine, was born 15 December 1933 at Norfolk, Nebraska. He was married 24 November 1956 at Norfolk, Nebraska, to Joan Wilke, daughter of Ray F. and Barbara (Deane) Wilke. Joan was born 16 January 1935 at Horicon, Wisconsin. They reside at Grand Junction, Colorado.


G6-1. Julie L. Wisenstine, born 28 July 1957 at Des Moines, Iowa; married 6 August 1977 to George M. Payne;

G6-2. Beth A. Wisenstine, born 3 November 1956 at Lincoln, Nebraska; married 12 June 1982 to Gilbert D. Gerber; divorced;

G6-3. John D. Wisenstine, born 12 January 1962 at Lincoln, Nebraska; married 4 July 1986 to Rae Alea Lyman;

G6-4. Andrew Wisenstine, born 28 September 1965 at Denver, Colorado; married 1969 to Heather A. Beckwith.


G6-1. Julie L. Wisenstine, daughter of John and Joan (Wilke) Wisenstine, was born 26 July 1957 at Des Moines, Iowa. She was married 6 August 1977 at Lakewood, Colorado, to George. M. Payne, son of George E. and Catherine M. (Hurley) Payne. George M. was born 6 May 1952 at Hempstead, New York. They reside at Phoenix, Arizona.


G7-1. Christopher Michael Payne, born 20 April 1980 at Denver, Colorado;

G7-2. Brianne Jenea Payne, born 12 August 1962 at Poteau, Oklahoma.


G6-2 Beth A. Wisenstine, daughter of John and Joan (Wilke) Wisenstine, was born 3 November 1956 at Lincoln, Nebraska. She was married 12 June 1962 at Lakewood, Colorado, to Gilbert D. Gerber, son of Alvan G. and Anita (Mortimer) Gerber. Gilbert was born 31 December 1956 at Chehalis, Washington. They are divorced. She resides at Lakewood, Colorado.


G7-1. Tyler John Wisenstine, born 27 April 1986 at Denver, Colorado.


G6-3. John D. Wisenstine, son of John and Joan (Wilke) Wisenstine, was born 12 January 1962 at Lincoln, Nebraska. He was married 4 July 1968 to Rae Alea Lyman in Woodland Park, Colorado. She is the daughter of L.P. and Sheila (Sherwood) Lyman. They reside at Woodland Park, Colorado.



G6-4. Andrew Wisenstine, son of John and Joan (Wilke) Wisenstine, was born 28 September 1965 at Denver, Colorado. He was married in 1989 to Heather A. Beckwith, daughter of Donald A. and Susan (Swezey) Beckwith, in Denver, Colorado. They reside in Grand Junction, Colorado.


G7-1. Lauren A. Wisenstine, born 23 October 1989 in Grand Junction, Colorado.



by John Wisenstine


According to E. H. Wisenstine, when he was a child, Grandpa Ernst Hans lived with the family. He reportedly was Prussian and walked with a cane. He was a staunch disciplinarian and when the children were ornery at the dinner table he would rap them on the head with his cane. Everyone in town (Battle Creek, Nebraska) was frightened of him.


G4-3. Rosella A. Wisenstine, daughter of John W. and Matilda Emma Wisenstine, was born 17 July 1904 at Columbus, Nebraska. She was married 5 February 1928 at Battle Creek, Nebraska, to Harry E. Reeker, son of Frederick and Rosa (Lucht) Reeker. Harry was a longtime livestock breeder and farmer. He was born 13 October 1901 at Meadow Grove, and died 9 March 1986. Rosella died 12 September 1972.


G5-1. Gene Reeker married Ruby A. Wisch; divorced.


G5-1. Gene Reeker, son of Harry E. and Rosella A. (Wisenstine) Reeker, was married to Ruby A. Risch. They are divorced.


G6-1. Suzanne Reeker married George Yager;

G6-2. Rebecca Reeker married Robin Thomas;

G6-3. Gene Reeker (lives in Omaha, Nebraska);

G6-4. Marilyn Reeker married Tony Kampa (lives in Norfolk);

G6-5. Sherri Reeker;

G6-6. Infant boy, deceased.

269 A


G3-8. Arthur Hans, son of Ernst Julius and Ottilie Alvina (Wegener) Hans, was born at Watertown, Wisconsin, September 28, 1872. He with his parents, eight brothers and sisters, came to Norfolk, Nebraska, in 1878, where he grew to manhood. His mother died when he was eleven years of age (1883?), and he went to live with an older brother who owned a saloon. (Jean thought it was Emil.) Arthur worked on the railroad from O'Neill to Lusk, Wyoming; and also traveled with Kurz as a photographer. In 1904 he went to Garfield County taking a homestead under the Kinkaid Act. He was married at Bartlett, Nebraska, 9 June 1915, to Mamie L. Ayres, daughter of George W. and Laura A. (Bernard) Ayres. Mamie was born 24 April 1889 in Dundy County, Nebraska. She attended college at Kearney and Franklin, Nebraska, to prepare herself to become a teacher in 1914. She went to Garfield County and taught in different schools. They farmed the ranch Arthur had homesteaded near Chambers, Nebraska. Arthur died on 15 March 1946 at the Burwell Hospital. He had been a constant sufferer for the last eight years of his life; much of the time was spent either in bed or at a hospital. He contracted bronchial pneumonia, from which he died. (Jean thought he was suffering from anemia.) He was buried at Chambers, Nebraska. Mamie stayed on the ranch and died 30 May 1975 at Burwell, Nebraska.


G4-1. Daughter, died at birth;

G4-2. Jean Hans, born 14 July 1924; married 20 July 1947 to Wetzel Backus.


G4-2. Jean Hans, daughter of Arthur and Mamie (Ayres) Hans, was born 14 July 1924 at Chambers, Nebraska. She was married 20 July 1947 to Wetzel Backus, son of Andrew and Emma (Turner) Backus. Wetzel was born 21 January 1910. He served fourteen months (1941-42) in the United States Army. Wetzel and Jean are living on the Hans homestead at Chambers, Nebraska, and raise quarter horses.























Arthur Hans, 1938

Mamie Hans,

Jean and Wetzel Backus













Jean and

Wetzel Backus












G2-l. Amalie Wilhelmine Hans, daughter of Joachim and Elizabeth (Juhre) Hans, was born 18 June 1835 at Frstenfelde, Brandenburg, Germany. She came with her parents to America in 1851. She was married 30 April 1854 to Ferdinand Julius Leopold Wegener, son of August and Elizabeth (Hammel) Wegener. Ferdinand was born 9 August 1828 in Albrechtsburg, Prussia, and came to America in 1850. They lived in the vicinity of Watertown, Wisconsin, until 1870 when they moved to Norfolk, Nebraska. In 1873 Ferdinand built Norfolk House, the first hotel in Norfolk, and operated it until his death on 7 April 1890 of "schwindtsucht" (tuberculosis) at Norfolk, Nebraska. His wife Amalie continued to operate the hotel for some years after his death. She also homesteaded land prior to her death. She died on 21 August 1911 at Norfolk, Nebraska. Ferdinand and Amalie are buried on Prospect Hill Cemetery, Norfolk, Nebraska. All the children were born at Watertown, Wisconsin. Records of their baptism (except for the last) were found at the Ebenezer Moravian Church near Watertown, Wisconsin. They had eleven children, only three of whom grew to adulthood.


G3-*1. Gustav Adolph Wegener, born 12 February 1855, Watertown, Wisconsin; married Wilhelmine Dorothea Villnow on 16 April 1880; died 25 May 1928;

G3-2. Loife Wegener, born 16 August 1856; died 8 September 1856;

G3-3. Luhis (Ludwig) Ferdinand Wegener, born 12 August 1857; died 30 August 1857;

G3-*4. Elizabeth Dorothea Wegener, born 1 August 1858; married 28 November 1878 to William H. Widaman; died 16 October 1933 at Compton, California;

G3-5. Amanda Wegener, born 9 July 1860; died 20 August 1860 at Watertown, Wisconsin;

G3-6. Antonie Mina Wegener, born 20 January 1862; died 26 January 1862;

G3-7. Theodore August Wegener, born 16 April 1863; died 7 November 1863;

G3-8. Hillena Wegener, born 12 May 1864; died 22 October 1864;

G3-*9. Admond (Edmond) Wegener, born 6 September 1865; married Hattie;

G3-10. Robert William Wegener, born 23 September 1886; died 5 October 1866;

G3-11. Ferdinand Emiel Wegener, born 18 May 1868; died 24 July 1868.


Information on this branch of the family was researched and compiled by Dorothy Monson.



Plat of Norfolk, Nebraska showing location of Norfolk House


From Centennial Reminiscing 1867-1967 (Battle Creek, Nebraska) we have the following account of the migration from Watertown, Wisconsin. Ferdinand and Amalie Wegener did not migrate with the first group, but it gives a background for their migration.

"On July 17, 1866, a party consisting of 42 families, about 125 souls, settled in the Madison County area, taking up land along the Northfolk River about its confluence with the Elkhorn River. These people were German immigrants who had first settled in Jefferson County, Wisconsin, but became dissatisfied with the area, as winters were cold and land costing around $40 per acre. Many of these people had been impoverished to pay passage to the United States and to the Midwest, and were forced to look for 'free land.'


"Their pastor, the Rev. Heckendorf of St. Paul's Lutheran Church of Ixonia, near Watertown, Wisconsin, encouraged them to immigrate to Nebraska as he had received glowing reports of virgin land with water and timber open for homesteading. Thereupon, like Moses of old, they voted to send three men out to 'spy' on the land and report to the congregation. They chose Ferdinand Wagner, Herman Braasch and John Gensmer. These three traveled by train from Chicago to St. Joseph, then by boat to Omaha and then' walked to West Point where they looked up the homesteader who had originally given the report of the land to Rev. Heckendorf. At his direction they proceeded on up the Elkhorn Valley until they reached the North fork of the Elkhorn.


They arrived there on September 14, 1865. They chose the spot and returned to Wisconsin to make the report. The party started their trek on May 14, 1866, reaching the area of the Northfork River on July 17. They immediately set about building the first church for the congregation still known as St. Paul's Lutheran Church.


In the records of St. Paul's Lutheran Church, birthplace of many members reads 'Deutschland, Wisconsin', meaning Watertown, Wisconsin.








Ruins of Wegener Homestead













Amalie (Hans) Wegener Ferdinand Wegener



Gustav Wegener Ed Wegener Elizabeth Wegener






by Dorothy (Wegener) Monson


Ferdinand Wegener was a native of Prussia. In 1851 he came to Jefferson County, Wisconsin, and followed farming about three years; he then ran a sawmill several years; sold this mill in 1859. He then opened a general store in Watertown, Wisconsin, and continued this business about ten years. In 1870, he came to Norfolk, opened a boarding house and saloon, and three years later he built the Norfolk House, this being the first hotel built in Norfolk; has since carried on this business. He married in 1854 to Amelia Hans of Prussia. They have three children living -- Gustav, Edmund and Elizabeth, now Mrs. Widaman. (1)


The ever-presence of the spring floods in the early days of the settlement is indicated in the recollections by Mrs. Cora A. Beels: "The Norfolk House was owned by Mr. Wegener. He would sit on the porch fishing on Main Street, during the annual spring floods." (2)

The Gustav Wegener children stayed at the hotel with their grandmother and went to the Old Grant School.


Arnold Wegener stated that his grandmother was a plump lady. One night a man came in to the hotel and she took the lamp and led the way up to the room. When he was almost to the top he fell all the way down. She stood at the top and laughed. He pulled himself up on the rail and when he got to the top she was still laughing, and said in broken English, "I thought you said you weren't drunk." Arnold and Bessie were at the foot of the steps. They were scared.


After Ferdinand Wegener passed away, his wife Amalie ran the hotel. Some years later she sold the hotel to a Mr. Farley. It burned down shortly after. Amalie Wegener went out to Garfield County to finish a claim on some land. She lived in a sod-wood shanty. This land was near Bill Hans.

Gustav Wegener bought this land. He sold it and purchased another piece of land in that area. This was close to Art and Mamie Hans and daughter Jean. For a number of years there would be a spring and fall cattle drive from Norfolk to this pasture.



Gustav Wegener and family farmed south east of Norfolk, Nebraska. Gustav had married Wilhelmine Dorothea Villnow. She had been helping at the hotel. They had seven children. They lost one son in infancy. The daughters married men who were farmers and the other two sons also farmed.


When their daughter Leona married Fred Melcher, the daily newspaper carried an article on their wedding. "After the ceremony preparations were made for the real old fashioned German dinner, which was enjoyed by friends and relatives. The young couple will go to housekeeping immediately on the farm of the groom seven miles south of the city, which is a present from the groom's father. Both the groom and bride are among Stanton's most popular young farmers. Saturday evening about 150 friends, neighbors, and relatives surprised the contracting couple in the home of the groom's parents in the way of a charivari. The visitors were armed with shotguns, revolvers, old pans and shoes, and the Norfolk Mandolin Club furnished music during the evening. It was at this time the old fashioned German feast began. Ten geese, twelve chickens, thirty-two pies, cakes of all kinds and in great abundance were ready to be consumed. According to some of the visitors, the cooking of these eatables commenced a week ago. Invitations had been sent out to 500 friends and relatives, including people in South Dakota, Oklahoma, North Dakota, Canada, and many parts of Nebraska. Monday night a dance was scheduled in the immense barn of the Groom's parents for which a farmer's orchestra was engaged to furnish the music. (3)


The farmers worked together. They would have wood-sawing bees, threshing bees, ice-packing bees, and corn-shelling bees. The women would prepare the meals for the group of men. They would also have fun together with charivaris for young married couples, barn dances, quilting bees, 4th of July celebrations, and when there was a birthday everyone celebrated. No invitations had to be sent. Cards were always played and a big lunch was served before everyone would return to their home.


The younger boys and girls would have a ball game in a pasture, or wade or swim in the river in the warm weather and ice skate in cold weather. Everyone knew what milking cows and carrying cobs meant.


1. History of the State of Nebraska 1882, Vol. 2;

2. The Norfolk Daily News Centennial, July 9, 1966.

3. The Norfolk Daily News, February 13, 1911, page 5, col. 3.


G3-l. Gustav Adolph Wegener, son of Ferdinand and Amalie Wilhelmine (Hans) Wegener, was born 12 February 1855 at Watertown, Wisconsin. He moved with his parents to Norfolk, Nebraska, in 1870. He was married on 16 April 1880 at Madison, Nebraska, to Wilhelmine Dorothea Villnow, daughter of Fredrick and Charlotte Fredricke (Lambrecht) Villnow. Wilhelmine was born 2 February 1861 in Prussia; died 24 February 1951 at Norfolk, Nebraska. Gustav died 25 May 1928 at Norfolk, Nebraska. They farmed southeast of Norfolk, Nebraska.


G4-1. Lillie Edith Emma Wegener, born 11 November 1881; married 14 November 1901 to William Radenz; died 8 April 1945;

G4-2. George Edgar Wegener, born 1 May 1883; died 20 September 1961 at Norfolk, Nebraska;

G4-3. Helen Louise Wegener, born 17 July 1884; married 21 February 1909 to Ernest Sporn, died 7 June 1964; G4- 4. Ralph Arnold Wegener, born 24 October 1886; died 22 February 1887;

G4-5. Leona Dorothea Wegener, born 15 April 1891 at Norfolk, Nebraska; married 12 February 1911 to Fred Melcher; died 4 December 1968 at Norfolk, Nebraska;

G4-6. Clara Elizabeth Wegener, born 23 January 1893; married 24 March 1913 to Reinhold (R. A.) Melcher; died 18 October 1979 at Norfolk, Nebraska;

G4-7. Arnold Friedrick Wegener, born 19 October 1896 at Norfolk, Nebraska; married 6 September 1922 to Selma Esther Emma Pribnow; died 11 January 1989

Standing: Leona Melcher, Edith Radenz, Arnold Wegener, George Wegener, Clara (Bessie) Melcher, Helen Sporn

Seated: Gustav Wegener. Wilhelmine (Villnow) Wegener



G4-1. Lillie Edith Emma Wegener, daughter of Gustav Adolph and Wilhelmine Dorothea (Villnow) Wegener, was born 11 November 1881. She was married 14 November 1901 to Wilhelm Leopold Ludwig Raduenz (Americanized to Radenz). William was born 4 December 1874 in Germany and died 17 May 1956 at Oakland, California. Lillie died 8 April 1945 at Oakland, California, and was buried with her husband at Prospect Hill Cemetery, Norfolk, Nebraska.


G5-1,1. Raymond Edgar Radenz, born 4 June 1903, died 19 January 1977; buried at Skyview Cemetery, Vallejo, California;

G5-1,2. Ralph Norman Radenz, born 4 June 1903; died 25 September 1911 of membraneus croup; buried at Prospect Hill Cemetery, Norfolk, Nebraska;

G5-3. Roy Harlan Radenz, born 14 August 1904; married Cornelia Mae Gillespie, 3 June 1944; died 6 December 1974;

G5-4. Myrtle Elizabeth Radenz, born 2 March 1907; married 28 July 1923 to William (Bill) Jennings Bryan Gillespie;

G5-5. Arnold Gustav Radenz, born 5 March 1915; married 9 April 1944 to Claire Mary Sobbe, died 29 August 1959.


G5-3. Roy Harlan Radenz, son of William Leopold and Lillie Edith Emma (Wegener) Radenz, was born 14 August 1904. He was married 3 June 1944 to Cornelia Mae Gillespie. Cornelia was born 23 March 1913 and died 9 December 1978. Roy died 8 December 1974 at Hayward, California. Roy and Connie are buried at Skyview Cemetery, Vallejo, California.

G5-4 Myrtle Elizabeth Radenz, daughter of William Leopold and Lillie Edith Emma (Wegener) Radenz, was born 2 March 1907. She was married 28 July 1923 to William (Bill) Jennings Bryan Gillespie. He was born 16 March 1898 and died 6 March 1976. Bill is buried at Holy Sepulchre Cemetery, Hayward, California. Myrtle lives at Oakland, California. Harold is a Purchasing Agent and lives with his mother.


G6-1. Donald Leonard Gillespie, born 23 March 1924; married 6 February 1949 to Evelyn Margaret Ganem;

G6-2. Harold Edgar Gillespie, born 9 April 1926.



G6-1. Donald Leonard Gillespie, son of William Jennings Bryan and Myrtle Elizabeth (Radenz) Gillespie, was born 23 March 1924. He was married 6 February 1949 to Evelyn Margaret Ganem. Evelyn was born 8 June 1927. Donald worked as an electrician at the Judson Steel Mills and Evelyn works as a bookkeeper. They live in Hayward, California.


G7-1. Ronald Allen Gillespie, born 15 April 1951;

G7-2. Gregory Lee Gillespie, born 17 November 1953; married 29 August 1981 to Patricia Guaraglia.


G5-5. Arnold Gustav Radenz, son of William Leopold and Lillie Edith Emma (Wegener) Radenz, was born 5 March 1915. He was married 9 April 1944 at Oakland, California, to Claire Mary Sobbe. Claire was born 15 December 1915. Arnold died 29 August 1959 and is buried at Holy Sepluchre Cemetery, Hayward, California. Arnold was a mechanic at the Judson Steel Mills and Claire worked in a Rest Horne.


G6-1. Elizabeth Mary Radenz, born 27 July 1944; married 23 July 1967 to Jerome John Blair.


G6-1. Elizabeth Mary Radenz, daughter of Arnold Gustav and Claire Mary (Sobbe) Radenz, was born 27 July 1944. She was married 23 July 1967 to Jerome John Blair, born 26 September 1943. Elizabeth is a teacher and Jerome is a scientist and mathematician. They live in Las Vegas, Nevada.


G7-1. Mark Jerome Blair, born 19 November 1968.

G4-2. George Edgar Wegener, son of Gustav Adolph and Wilhelmine Dorothea (Villnow) Wegener, was born 1 May 1883. He died 20 September 1961 at Norfolk, Nebraska.

Gustave and Minnie Wegener



G4-3. Helen Louise Wegener, daughter of Gustav Adolph and Wilhelmine Dorothea (Villnow) Wegener, was born 17 July 1884. She was married 21 February 1909 at St. John's Lutheran Church, Norfolk, Nebraska, to Ernest Sporn. Ernest was born 21 December 1879 and died 14 December 1953 at Norfolk, Nebraska. Helen died 7 June 1964 at Norfolk, Nebraska. They farmed in the vicinity of Norfolk, Nebraska.


G5-1. Mabel Beatrice Dorothea Sporn, born 14 December 1909; died 3 November 1911;

G5-2. Gladys Vera Elizabeth Sporn, born 4 November 1912; married 24 February 1935 to Vern Wolff;

G5-3. Bernice Hazel Sporn, born 6 November 1914, Stanton County, Nebraska; married to Ted (Theodore) K1awonn, died 29 September 1956;

G5-4. Beatrice Ruby Winifred Sporn, born 4 June 1919; married 18 November 1939 to Darwin Mrsny; div.


G5-2. Gladys Vera Elizabeth Sporn, daughter of Ernest and Helen Louise (Wegener) Sporn, was born 4 November 1912. She was married 24 February 1935 at Norfolk, Nebraska, to Vern Wolff. Vern was born 4 March 1913. They farmed and raised and fed cattle.


G6-1. Allen Dean Wolff, born 29 May 1936; married 29 May 1959 to Sharon Denney;

G6-2. Ronald Vernon Wolff, born 18 May 1938; married 24 September 1960 to Mary Hankins;

G6-3. Roger Lee Wolff, born 12 September 1944; married 28 June 1964 to Sharon LaRae K1ug;

G6-4,4. Duane Arlyn Wolff, born 1 January 1949; married 10 April 1976 to Darlene Ann Thompson;

G6-4,5. Dennis Allen Wolff, born 1 January 1949; died 12 January 1949.



G6-1. Allen Dean Wolff, son of Vern and Gladys Vera Elizabeth (Sporn) Wolff, was born 29 May 1938. He was married 29 May 1959 to Sharon Denney. Sharon was born 11 August 1938. They farmed and raised and fed cattle.


G7-1. Steven Allen Wolff, born 21 December 1959; died 3 July 1985 when drowned in crib of corn;

G7-2. Lauri Sue Wolff, born 28 September 1961; married 17 April 1982 to Ray Bierman;

G7-3. Lisa Wolff, born 10 December 1963; married 30 July 1983 to Donald L. Riley, Jr.;

G7-4. Timothy Steven Wolff, born 29 October 1965;

G7-5. Curtis Wolff, born 9 December 1968; married 2 August 1986 to Sherri Jaeke;

G7-6. Wendy Wolff, born 21 November 1972;

G7-7. Jon Wolff, born 19 November 1973.


G7-2. Lauri Sue Wolff, daughter of Allen Dean and Sharon (Denney) Wolff, was born 28 September 1961. She was married 17 April 1982 to Ray Frederick Bierman, born 28 August 1981. They farm and feed cattle near Battle Creek, Nebraska.


G8-1. Sarah Rae Bierman, born 9 May 1986;

G8-2. Katelyn Sue Bierman, born 17 February 1988.


G7-3. Lisa Ann Wolff, daughter of Allen Dean and Sharon (Denney) Wolff, was born 10 December 1963. She was married 30 July 1983 to Donald L. Riley, Jr., who was born 21 July 1962. Don is employed by Swans in Scotland, South Dakota.


G8-1. Mathew Donald Riley, born 9 March 1988;

G8-2. Mitchum Allen Riley, born 2 July 1987.


G7-4. Timothy Steven Wolff, son of Allen Dean and Sharon (Denney) Wolff, was born 29 October 1965. He is going to medical school in Kansas City to become an Osteopath.

G7-5. Curtis Wolff, son of Allen Dean and Sharon (Denney) Wolff, was born 9 December 1968. He was married 2 August 1986 to Sherri Jaeke, who was born 25 November 1965.



G6-2. Ronald Vernon Wolff, son of Vern and Gladys Vera Elizabeth (Sporn) Wolff, was born 18 May 1938. He was married 24 September 1960 to Mary Lu Hankins. Mary Lu was born 9 November 1942. They farmed near Stanton, Nebraska.


G7-1. Scott Brian Wolff, born 27 February 1962; died 3 November 1981 of muscular dystrophy; he appeared on the Jerry Lewis Marathon and was muscular dystrophy poster child;

G7-2. Joy Lynn Wolff, born 16 March 1968.


G6-3. Roger Lee Wolff, son of Vern and Gladys Vera Elizabeth (Sporn) Wolff, was born 12 September 1944. He was married 28 June 1964 to Sharon LaRae Klug. Sharon was born 21 November 1946.


G7-1. Todd Vernon Wolff, born 13 May 1965; married 27 July 1986 to Shayne Morgan;

G7-2. Daniel Lee Wolff, born 24 December 1966; married 23 July 1988 to Deborah Ann Dungan;

G7-3. Teresa Lynn Wolff, born 3 January 1968; married 4 June 1988 to Rick Daniel Benson;

G7-4. David Shane Wolff, born 15 February 1971;

G7-5. Jason Brian Wolff, born 28 March 1973.


G7-l. Todd Vernon Wolff, son of Roger Lee and Sharon LaRae (Klug) Wolff, was born 13 May 1965. He was married 27 July 1986 to Shayne Morgan, who was born 28 December 1968. They farm near Norfolk, Nebraska.


G8-1. Nicholas Jay Wolff, born 25 February 1987;

G8-2. Jacob Darrell Wolff, born 30 August 1988.


G7-2. Daniel Lee Wolff, son of Roger Lee and Sharon LaRae (Klug) Wolff, was born 24 December 1966. He was married 23 July 1988 to Deborah Ann Dungan. Deborah was born 29 December 1969. Daniel is in Agriculture Marketing; Deborah is employed at Big Red Printing.


G7-3. Teresa Lynn Wolff, daughter of Roger Lee and Sharon LaRae (Klug) Wolff, was born 3 January 1968. She was married 4 June 1988 to Rick Daniel Benson, who was born 16 July 1967. Rick is a paramedic employed by Eastern Ambulance in Omaha, Nebraska.



G6-4,4. Duane Arlyn Wolff, son of Vern and Gladys Vera Elizabeth (Sporn) Wolff, was born 1 January 1949. He was married 10 April 1976 to Darlene Ann Thompson. Darlene was born 24 September 1953. Duane farms near Norfolk; Darlene teaches school.


G7-1. Robin May Wolff, born 22 May 1982.

G7-2. Brent Ar1yn Wolff, born 17 June 1986.

G7-3. Martin John Wolff, born 12 March 1990.


G5-3. Bernice Hazel Sporn, daughter of Ernest and Helen Louise (Wegener) Sporn, was born 6 November 1914 at Stanton County, Nebraska. She was married to Theodore (Ted) K1awonn. Ted was born 29 January 1918. Both Ted and Bernice died 29 September 1956 in a boating accident.


G6-1. Darlene Dorothea Sporn, born 12 January 1935; married Jack Best; divorced;

G6-2. Janice Klawonn, born 28 April 1949;

G6-3. Susan K1awonn, born 25 September 1951; married Greg Bear; divorced.


G6-1. Darlene Dorothea Sporn, daughter of Bernice Hazel Sporn, was born 12 January 1935. She was married to Jack Edgar Best who was born 17 May 1931. Darlene lives in Bonita, California.


G7-1. Robert Allen Best, born 20 May 1954; married (I) to Diane Bartlett, div., (2) Nita Reeves;

G7-2. David Scott Best, born 10 December 1955; married to Marlene Riska;

G7-3. Brian Lee Best, born 21 October 1957.


G6-3 Susan Klawonn, daughter of Theodore (Ted) and Bernice Hazel (Sporn) Klawonn, was born 25 September 1951. She was married to Greg Bear, divorced. Susan works for Sherwood Medical.


G7-1. John Robert Bear, born 25 March 1973;

G7-2. Jeffrey Allen Bear, born 16 June 1978;

G7-3. Jamey Lee Bear, born 12 August 1985.


G7-1 Robert Allen Best, son of Jack and Darlene Dorothea (Sporn) Best, was born 20 May 1954. He married (1) Diane Bartlett, div., (2) Nita Reeves.


G8-1. Amanda Leigh Best, born 20 August 1983.



G7-2. David Scott Best, son of Jack and Darlene Dorothea (Sporn) Best, was born 10 December 1955. He married Marlene Riska, who was born 2 October 1960.


G8-1. Scott Michael Best, born 23 August 1989.


G5-4 Beatrice Ruby Winifred Sporn, daughter of Ernest and Helen Louise (Wegener) Sporn, was born 4 June 1919 at Norfolk, Nebraska. She was married 18 November 1939 to Darwin Mrsny. Darwin was born 23 June 1915 at Stanton, Nebraska. They were divorced. Darwin died 16 March 1986.


G6-1. Larry Lynn Mrsny, born 3 October 1944; married 23 February 1968 to Georgianna Lee Kent;

G6-2. James Lee Mrsny, born 28 February 1946; married 22 November 1969 to Pamela Mitchell, div.;

G6-3. Thomas Ray Mrsny, born 2 June 1947; married 18 April 1939 to Jere' L. Hash; divorced;

G6-4. Randall Joe11 Mrsny, born 23 December 1950;

G6-5. Linda Lou Mrsny, born 23 March 1952; married 28 June 1973 to Louis William Uecker;

G6-6. Rhonda Sue Mrsny, born 17 August 1959; married September 1985 to Chris Dunagan, div.;

G6-7. Rodney Shawn Mrsny, born 6 May 1966


G6-1 Larry Lynn Mrsny, son of Darwin and Beatrice Ruby Winifred (Sporn) Mrsny, was born 3 October 1944. He was married 23 February 1968 to Georgianna Lee Kent. Georgianna was born 14 July 1946. Larry is an accountant at Vu1craft.


G7-1. Jeffrey Lynn Mrsny, born 16 March 1969;

G7-2. Cheryl Jane111e Mrsny, born 31 August 1971;

G7-3. Erica Mae Mrsny, born 25 November 1978.


G6-2. James Lee Mrsny, son of Darwin and Beatrice Ruby Winifred (Sporn) Mrsny, was born 28 February 1946. He was married 22 November 1969 to Pamela Mitchell who was born 1 March 1951. (Divorced) James works for Great Dane Trucking.


G6-3 Thomas Ray Mrsny, son of Darwin and Beatrice Ruby Winifred (Sporn) Mrsny, was born 2 June 1947. He was married 18 April 1969 to Jere' L. Hash. Jere' was born 23 February 1952. (Divorced) Thomas works at Custom Feeds.


G7- 1. Shannon Thomas Mrsny, born 25 September 1969;

G7- 2. Shane Donavun Mrsny, born 4 September 1971.



G6-4. Randall Joel Mrsny, son of Darwin and Beatrice Ruby Winifred (Sporn) Mrsny, was born 23 December 1950. Randall works for Chicago Northwestern Railroad.


G6-5. Linda Lou Mrsny, daughter of Darwin and Beatrice Ruby Winifred (Sporn) Mrsny, was born 23 March 1952. She was married 28 June 1973 to Louis William Uecker. Louis was born 6 April 1942. They farm near Norfolk, Nebraska.


G7-1. Bryan Jason Uecker, born 8 May 1974;

G7-2. Andy William Uecker, born 21 October 1977;

G7-3. Nicholas Louis Uecker, born 13 December 1980.


G6-6. Rhonda Sue Mrsny, daughter of Darwin and Beatrice Ruby Winifred (Sporn) Mrsny, was born 17 August 1959. She was married September 1985 to Chris Dunagan, divorced. Rhonda lives at Columbus, Nebraska.


G7-1. Cody Christopher Dunagan, born 2 September 1988.


G6-7. Rodney Shawn Mrsny, son of Darwin and Beatrice Ruby Winifred (Sporn) Mrsny, was born 6 May 1966. He lives in Norfolk, Nebraska.


G4-5. Leona Dorothea Wegener, daughter of Gustav Adolph and Wilhelmine Dorothea (Villnow) Wegener, was born 15 April 1891. She was married 12 February 1911 to Fred Melcher, son of Ernest and Hanna (Lambert) Melcher. Fred was born 21 January 1884 at Beemer, Nebraska. (Fred and R. A. Melcher were brothers.) Leona died 4 December 1968 at Norfolk, Nebraska, and Fred died 13 June 1977 at St. James, Minnesota. Both are buried at Norfolk, Nebraska. They farmed near Norfolk until retirement.


G5-1. Norman Melcher, born 30 May 1916 at Norfolk, Nebraska, married 6 July 1941 to Ardith L. Groninger;

G5-2. Elizabeth Melcher, born 7 December 1928 at Norfolk, Nebraska; married 27 February 1949 to Stan Mather.



G5-1. Norman Melcher, son of Fred and Leona Dorothea (Wegener) Melcher, was born 30 May 1916 at Norfolk, Nebraska. He was married 6 July 1941 at Norfolk, Nebraska, to Ardith Groninger, daughter of Fred and Ruth (Miller) Groninger. Ardith was born 3 September 1919 at Pierce, Nebraska. Norman worked for the railroad. They live at St. James, Minnesota.


G6-1. Ronald Eugene Melcher, born 29 December 1941 at Norfolk, Nebraska; married 27 November 1965 to Dawn Dorothy Doring;

G6-2. Donald Melcher, born 7 December 1948 at St. James, Minnesota; died 9 December 1948 at St. James, Minnesota; buried Lutheran Cemetery, Norfolk, Nebraska;

G6-3. Joyce Melcher, born 21 May 1950 at Norfolk, Nebraska; died 14 November 1973 at Minneapolis, Minnesota; buried St. James, Minnesota.


G6-1. Ronald Eugene Melcher, son of Norman and Ardith (Groninger) Melcher, was born 29 December 1941 at Norfolk, Nebraska. He was married 27 November 1965 to Dawn Dorothy Doring, daughter of Marvin and Katherine Doring. Dawn was born 21 August 1943. Ronald is a teacher.


G7-1. Robin Eileen Melcher, born 29 June 1969;

G7-2. Erin Lynn Melcher, born 2 November 1972;

G7-3. Renee Evonne Melcher, born 8 January 1975.


G5-2. Elizabeth Melcher, daughter of Fred and Leona Dorothea (Wegener) Melcher, was born 7 December 1928 at Norfolk, Nebraska. She was married 27 February 1949 to Stanley Mather, son of Garfield and Florence (Matthews) Mather. Stanley was born 11 July 1926 and died of cancer 1 June 1988.


G6-1. Sheryl Beth Mather, born 17 January 1954; married 14 November 1981 to Steven John Revoir;

G6-2. Douglas Mather, born 19 June 1955;

G6-3. Greg Michael Mather, born 4 January 1957; married 5 June 1982 to Kakie Ann Roy;

G6-4. Bradley Mather, born 7 April 1959;

G6-5. Frederick Daniel Mather, born 8 April 1966.



G4-6. Clara Elizabeth Wegener, daughter of Gustav Adolph and Wilhelmine Dorothea (Villnow) Wegener, was born 23 January 1893. She was married 24 March 1913 at Norfolk, Nebraska, to R. A. (Reinhold A.) Melcher, (also known as Jack) son of Ernest and Anna (Lambert) Melcher. R. A. was born 3 June 1888 at Beemer, Nebraska. He died 8 May 1975 at Norfolk, Nebraska. Clara died 18 October 1979 at Norfolk, Nebraska. Both are buried at Norfolk. R. A. farmed in the vicinity of Norfolk.


G5-1. Arden Victor Melcher, born 4 August 1914, Norfolk, Nebraska; married 28 November 1937 to Inez Barr;

G5-2. Delilah Hazel Melcher, born 6 April 1916 at Norfolk, Nebraska; married 11 February 1936 to Eric Siecke; died 13 September 1947;

G5-3. Kenneth Clarence Reinhold Melcher, born 22 December 1922 at Norfolk, Nebraska; married 19 March 1944 to June Rowlett; died 28 November 1983;

G5-4. LaVerne Elinor Elizabeth Melcher, born 7 April 1925 at Norfolk, Nebraska; married 1 December 1943 to Elmer Starkel.


G5-l Arden Victor Melcher, son of R. A. (Reinhold) and Clara Elizabeth (Wegener) Melcher, was born 4 August 1914 at Norfolk, Nebraska. He was married 28 November 1937 to Inez Barr. Inez was born 7 September 1913. He was a farmer and catt1e feeder near Stanton, Nebraska; now retired.


G6-1. James Lee Melcher, born 17 August 1939; married November 1965 to Mary E. Jaeger;

G6-2. Theodore (Ted) Arden Melcher, born 10 November 1942; married 18 January 1964 to Bette Osborn;

G6-3. Todd Ray Melcher, born 28 August 1948; married 6 February 1971 to Suzanne Marie Kent.


G6-l. James Lee Melcher, son of Arden and Inez (Barr) Melcher, was born 17 August 1939. He was married November 1965 to Mary E. Jaeger. Mary was born 23 July 1942. James works for Norfolk Mills. Mary works at First Federal Lincoln, in Norfolk.

G6-2. Theodore (Ted) Arden Melcher, son of Arden and Inez (Barr) Melcher, was born 10 November 1942. He was married 18 January 1964 to Bette Osborn. Bette was born 19 March 1940. Ted has a trucking business; Bette works at Bank of Norfolk.


G7-1. Chad Melcher, born 20 September 1966;

G7-2. Mark Anthony Melcher, born 15 October 1968;

G7-3. Amy Barr Melcher, born 24 March 1974.


*R. A. Melcher also known as Jack.



G6-3. Todd Ray Melcher, son of Arden and Inez (Barr) Melcher, was born 26 August 1946. He was married 6 February 1971 to Suzanne Marie Kent. Suzanne was born 20 December 1949. Todd is in the military service.


G7-1. Heidi Rae Melcher, born 15 February 1973 in Germany;

G7-2. Andrea Suzanne Melcher, born 17 November 1977 at Norfolk, Nebraska.


G5-2. Delilah Hazel Melcher, daughter of R. A. and Clara Elizabeth (Wegener) Melcher, was born 6 April 1916. She was married 11 February 1936 to Eric (Slim) Siecke, who was born 23 March 1909. Delilah died 13 September 1947.


G6-1. Barbara Ann Siecke, born 16 October 1937; married 7 June 1959 to Norman Leon Wagner.


G6-1. Barbara Ann Siecke, daughter of Eric and Delilah (Melcher) Siecke, was born 16 October 1937. She was married 7 June 1959 to Norman Leon Wagner. Leon was born 31 August 1937. Leon works for Metz Baking Co.; Barbara does secretarial work for Farm Credit Services in Norfolk.


G7-1. Valorie Ann Wagner, born 16 June 1960 at Norfolk, Nebraska;

G7-2. Vickilee Beth Wagner, born 1 September 1962; married 23 March 1965 to Kent Wohler;

G7-3. Vance Norman Wagner, born 19 July 1964 at Norfolk, Nebraska.


G7-l. Valorie Ann Wagner, daughter of Norman Leon and Barbara Ann (Siecke) Wagner, was born 16 June 1960 at Norfolk, Nebraska. She is a medical technician for four doctors in San Diego, California.


G7-2. Vickilee Beth Wagner, daughter of Norman Leon and Barbara Ann (Siecke) Wagner, was born 1 September 1962. She was married 23 March 1965 to Kent Wohler of Lincoln, Nebraska. Kent was born 28 November 1980. Vicki lee has a degree in horticulture and is an Ag Specialist 2 and works for the State of Nebraska. Kent has a degree in Civil Engineering and is Safety Engineer for Department of Roads for State of Nebraska.


G7-3. Vance Norman Wagner, son of Norman Leon and Barbara Ann (Siecke) Wagner, was born 14 March 1953 at Norfolk, Nebraska. He is studying to be a pharmacist at Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha, Nebraska.



G5-3. Kenneth Clarence Reinhold Melcher, son of Reinhold (R. A.) and Clara Elizabeth (Wegener) Melcher, was born 22 December 1922. He was married 19 March 1944 to June Rowlett, daughter of George and Blanche (Serine) Rowlett. June was born 23 September 1924. Kenneth died of a heart attack 28 November 1983. He and June were owners of a nut and berry farm in Oregon.


G6-1. Dallas Melcher, born 15 February 1946 at Norfolk, Nebraska; married 10 January 1969 to Janet Parker;

G6-2. Karen Melcher, born 22 December 1947 at Norfolk, Nebraska; married 13 June 1969 to (1) William Smith; (2) Douglas Bales;

G6-3. Dennis Melcher, born 14 March 1953 at Norfolk, Nebraska; married 19 March 1983 to Sylvia Ruez;

G6-4. Jeffry Melcher, born 8 February 1958 at St. Paul, Oregon.


G6-l. Dallas Melcher, son of Kenneth and June (Rowlett) Melcher, was born 15 February 1946 at Norfolk, Nebraska. He was married 10 January 1969 at Sherwood, Oregon, to Janet Parker, daughter of Francis and Marjorie (Armitage) Parker. Janet was born 1 April 1947 at Eugene, Oregon. Dallas is an electrical engineer, part-time Christmas tree farmer. Janet is a home economist and her hobbies are sewing, gardening and re-decorating.


G7-1. Kandi Lea Melcher, born 18 May 1972;

G7-2. Heather Lynn Melcher, born 5 October 1975;

G7-3. Jacyln Louise Melcher, born 8 June 1977.


G6-2 Karen Melcher, daughter of Kenneth and June (Rowlett) Melcher, was born 22 December 1947. She was married (1) 13 June 1969 to William Smith. William was born 10 September 1937, and died 8 April 1986. Karen married (2) 11 August 1988 to Douglas Bales. They live in Washington. Karen worked in Medical Records.


G7-1. Stephanie Ann Smith, born 7 October 1970;

G7-2. William Smith, born 10 January 1976.


G6-3. Dennis Melcher, son of Kenneth and June (Rowlett) Melcher, was born 14 March 1953 at Norfolk, Nebraska. He was married 19 March 1983 to Sylvia Ruez. He farms the home place and is basketball coach for girls at a college.


G6-4 Jeffrey Melcher, son of Kenneth and June (Howlett) Melcher, was born 8 February 1958 at St. Paul. Oregon. He is an X-ray technician for surgeons at a hospital.



G5-4. LaVerne Elinor Elizabeth Melcher, daughter of R. A. (Reinhold) and Clara Elizabeth (Wegener) Melcher, was born 7 April 1925 at Norfolk, Nebraska. She was married 1 December 1943 to Elmer W. Starkel, son of Henry and Alice (Baker) Starkel. Elmer was born 4 October 1920 at Hoskins, Nebraska, and died 26 October 1987. They were long time dairy farmers at Norfolk, Nebraska.


G6-1. Gerald Elmer Starkel, born 2 November 1944 at Norfolk, Nebraska; married 24 July 1965 to Paula Titman;

G6-2. Robert William Starkel, born 26 January 1948 at Norfolk, Nebraska; married 2 June 1968 to Beverly Johnson.


G6-1. Gerald Elmer Starkel, son of Elmer W. and LaVerne E. (Melcher) Starkel, was born 2 November 1944 at Norfolk, Nebraska. He was married 24 July 1965 at Christ Lutheran Church, Norfolk, Nebraska, to Paula Titman, daughter of Kenneth E. and Phyllis E. (Lackas) Titman. Paula was born 19 February 1948 at Norfolk, Nebraska.


G7-1. Suzette Michelle Starkel, born 23 March 1967 at Norfolk, Nebraska; married 26 July 1986 to Jerald Wachter;

G7-2. Jerid Scott Starkel, born 7 March 1970 at Norfolk, Nebraska.


G7-1. Suzette Michelle Starkel, daughter of Gerald Elmer

and Paula (Titman) Starkel, was born 23 March 1967 at Norfolk, Nebraska. She was married 26 July 1986 to Jerald Wachter, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wachter. Jerald was born 2 October 1965.


G8-1. Adam Jerald Wachter, born 4 April 1989.


G7-2. Jerid Scott Starkel, son of Gerald Elmer and Paula (Titman) Starkel, was born 7 March 1970 at Norfolk, Nebraska. He is farming in Pierce County.


G6-2. Robert William Starkel, son of Elmer W. and LaVerne E. (Melcher) Starkel, was born 26 January 1948 at Norfolk, Nebraska. He was married 2 June 1968 to Beverly Johnson, daughter of Ralph Oliver and Lillian Esther (Klein) Johnson. Beverly was born 23 May 1947 at Norfolk, Nebraska. They farm in Pierce County.


G7-1. Bobbie Sue Starkel, born 17 September 1974 at Norfolk, Nebraska:

G7-2. Libby Ann Starkel, born 30 March 1977 at Norfolk, Nebraska.



G4-7. Arnold Friedrich Wegener, son of Gustav Adolph and Wilhelmine Dorothea (Villnow) Wegener was born 19 October 1896 at Stanton County, Nebraska. He was married 6 September 1922 at Norfolk, Nebraska, to Selma Esther Emma Pribnow, daughter of Louis and Mary (Brummund) Pribnow. Selma was born 15 July 1900; died 18 April 1968 at Norfolk, Nebraska. Arnold and Selma farmed near Norfolk, Nebraska. Arnold died 11 January 1989. Both are buried on the new Lutheran Cemetery, Norfolk, Nebraska.


G5-1. Clifford Donald Wegener, born 20 June 1923 at Norfolk, Nebraska; married 28 December 1947 at Lincoln, Nebraska to Mary Lou Ferguson;

G5-2. Dorothy Marie Wegener, born 21 March 1925 at Norfolk, Nebraska; married 18 June 1946 to Donald E. Monson;

G5-3. Arlene Fay Wegener, born 23 March 1927 at Norfolk, Nebraska; married 27 August 1955 to M. W. (Milton Wayne) McCabe; died 10 September 1966;

G5-4. Myrna Margaret Wegener, born 1 November 1932 at Norfolk, Nebraska; married 22 June 1951 to Robert Eugene Kirkland.


G5-l. Clifford Donald Wegener, son of Arnold Friedrich and Selma E. E. (Pribnow) Wegener, was born 20 June 1923 at Norfolk, Nebraska. He was married 28 December 1947 at Lincoln, Nebraska, to Mary Lou Ferguson, daughter of Ben and Grace (Murgatroyd) Ferguson. Mary Lou was born 4 July 1927 at Lincoln, Nebraska. Clifford graduated from the University of Nebraska. He taught Vocational Agriculture and has been in agricultural related business. Mary works for the Engineering Department of the University of Nebraska. They reside at Lincoln, Nebraska.


G6-1. Sandra Jean Wegener, born 21 April 1949 at Norfolk, Nebraska; married (1) 5 June 1971 to Norman Asa Balliet; (2) to Paul Hatfield, div.;

G6-2. Douglas Alan Wegener, born 6 December 1950 at Crete, Nebraska; married 2 May 1981 to Theresa Ann Makovicka, div.

G6-3. David Arnold Wegener, born 12 March 1956 at Columbus, Nebraska.


G6-1 Sandra Jean Wegener, daughter of Clifford Donald and Mary Lou (Ferguson) Wegener, was born 21 April 1949. She was married (1) to Norman Asa Balliet on 5 June 1971 in Lincoln, Nebraska. Norman was born 18 June 1949. Sandra was married (2) to Paul Hatfield, div. Sandra graduated from the University of Nebraska and is a chemist in Lincoln, Nebraska.


G7-1. Geoffrey Norman Balliet, born 15 March 1974 at Holdrege. Nebraska:

G7-2. Jehan Alyce Balliet, born 2, June 1976 at Ho1drege, Nebraska.



G6-2 Douglas Alan Wegener, son of Clifford Donald and Mary Lou (Ferguson) Wegener, was born 6 December 1950. He was married 2 May 1981 to Theresa Ann Makovicka. They are divorced. Douglas graduated from the University of Nebraska and is a computer trouble-shooter for First Federal, Lincoln, Nebraska.


G6-3 David Arnold Wegener, son of Clifford Donald and Mary Lou (Ferguson) Wegener, was born 12 March 1956. He graduated from the University of Nebraska and works for an advertising agency in Lincoln, Nebraska.


G5-2 Dorothy Marie Wegener, daughter of Arnold Friedrich and Selma E. E. (Pribnow) Wegener, was born 21 March 1925 at Norfolk, Nebraska. She was married 18 June 1946 at Norfolk, Nebraska, to Donald Elmer Monson, son of Elmer and Gladys (Johnson) Monson. Donald was born 17 September 1923 at Harvard, Nebraska. He was in the Coast Guard during WW II; graduated from the University of Nebraska in 1947; taught Vocational Agriculture for three years; farmed, and worked with feed, grain, fertilizer and seed. Dorothy graduated from the University of Nebraska in 1946 and had been dietitian at Lutheran Hospital for thirty years.


G6-1. Sharon Marie Monson, born 29 April 1948 at Osceola, Nebraska; married (1) 9 January 1971 to Jay R. Hash, div; (2) 15 October 1989 to David Butts;

G6-2. Steven Donald Monson, born 10 November 1950 at Norfolk, Nebraska; married 27 May 1973 to Jan Marie Benson;

G6-3. Linda Yvonne Monson, born 15 May 1954 at Norfolk, Nebraska; married 24 May 1975 to Dean Elroy Cyboron;

G6-4. Louise Kathryn Monson, born 15 May 1954 at Norfolk, Nebraska; married 20 July 1974 to Charles Skoglund, DDS.















Donald Elmer Monson


Dorothy Marie (Wegener) Monson














G6-1. Sharon Marie Monson, daughter of Donald Elmer and Dorothy (Wegener) Monson, was born 29 April 1948 at Osceola, Nebraska. She was married 9 January 1971 at Norfolk, Nebraska, to Jay Riley Hash, son of John Phleet and Frances Ann (Reed) Hash. Jay was born 6 February 1946 at Omaha, Nebraska. He was in the U. S. Air Force 12 1/2 years; was a pilot on cargo, tanker, and fighter planes. They are divorced. Sharon received a degree in Fashion Merchandising from the University of Nebraska. She is working at the Nebraska State Department of Social Services. Sharon married (2) 15 October 1989 to David Butts, son of Delbert and Jeanette (Walsh) Butts. David was born 11 December 1949. They live in Lincoln, Nebraska.


G7-1. Jay Brian Hash, born 2 April 1976 at Omaha, Nebraska;

G7-2. Justin Andrew Hash, born 20 February 1979 at Goldsboro, North Carolina.


G6-2. Steven Donald Monson, born 10 November 1950 at Norfolk, Nebraska, son of Donald Elmer and Dorothy (Wegener) Monson. He was married 27 May 1973 at Omaha, Nebraska, to Jan Marie Benson, daughter of Horace Milton and Marialys (Hull) Benson. Jan Marie was born 7 August 1951 at Moultrie, Georgia. Steven is a Commander in the U. S. Navy; has a BS degree in biochemistry and an MS in business; Jan attended the University of Nebraska. They are stationed in Belgium (1989) at SHAPE headquarters.


G7-1. Kristofer Steven Monson, born 3 March 1976 at Jacksonville. Florida.


G6-3. Linda Yvonne Monson, daughter of Donald Elmer and Dorothy (Wegener) Monson, was born 15 May 1954 at Norfolk, Nebraska. She was married 24 May 1975 at Norfolk, Nebraska, to Dean Elroy Cyboron, son of Adolph (Albert) George and Rose Elvina (Hansen) Cyboron. Dean was born 30 October 1953 at St. Paul. Nebraska. He is a Quality Control Engineer at the Lincoln Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co. Linda is an artist. Both graduated from Doane College, Crete, Nebraska. They reside at Lincoln, Nebraska.


G7-1. Aaron Dean Cyboron, born 20 January 1981 at Lincoln, Nebraska;

G7-2. Brandon Ryan Cyboron, born 4 May 1984 at Lincoln, Nebraska.



G6-4. Louise Kathyrn Monson, daughter of Donald Elmer and Dorothy (Wegener) Monson, was born 15 May 1954 at Norfolk, Nebraska. She was married 20 July 1974 to Charles Sidney Skoglund DDS, son of Sylvin Orville and Lois Charlene (Barbe) Skoglund. He was born 6 November 1953. Charles received his doctorate in dentistry in May 1981 and purchased an existing practice in Norfolk, Nebraska. Louise worked in the surgery department at OLL Hospital as a certified technician. She graduated from the Medical Institute of Minnesota in 1973. They own KarmelKorn in Norfolk and Louise manages it.


G7-1. Emily Melissa Skoglund, born 28 August 1983 at Norfolk, Nebraska;

G7-2. Charles Kyle Skoglund, born 10 September 1986 at Norfolk, Nebraska;

G7-3. Samuel Louis Skoglund, born 23 October 1989 at Norfolk, Nebraska.


Seated: Jan (Benson) Monson, Kristofer Monson, Dorothy (Wegener) Monson, Justin Hash, Donald Monson, Brian Hash, Aaron Cyboron,

Linda (Monson) Cyboron

Standing: Steven Monson, Louise (Monson) Skoglund, Charles Skoglund, Jay Hash, Sharon (Monson) Hash, Dean Cyboron





G5-3. Arlene Fay Wegener, daughter of Arnold Friedrich and Selma E. E. (Pribnow) Wegener, was born 23 March 1927 at Norfolk, Nebraska. She was married (1) to Henry Burch; (2) to Eddie Hannum; (3) 27 August 1955 to Milton Wayne McCabe who was born 8 May 1925 at Excelsior, Missouri. Arlene died 10 September 1966 at Omaha, Nebraska. She was buried at the New Lutheran Cemetery, Norfolk, Nebraska. Arlene worked as Air Controller for the Airlines in Cleveland, Ohio, and Buffalo, New York, and did secretarial work in Omaha, Nebraska. Wayne was employed by the U.P. Railroad.


G6-1. Carol Ann McCabe, born 30 September 1958 at Omaha, Nebraska; married 22 October 1977 to Daniel Lee Hardy.


G6-1. Carol Ann McCabe, daughter of Milton Wayne and Arlene Fay (Wegener) McCabe, was born 30 September 1958 at Omaha, Nebraska. She was married 22 October 1977 to Daniel Lee Hardy, son of Donald L. and Norma Jane (Nordahl) Hardy. Daniel was born 28 January 1957. He is a mechanic, and the family reside at Omaha, Nebraska.


G7-1. Jennifer Jane Hardy, born 27 March 1979 at Omaha. NE.

G7-2. Lisa Ann Hardy, born 15 May 1980 at Omaha. NE.


G5-4. Myrna Margaret Wegener, daughter of Arnold Friedrich and Selma E. E. (Pribnow) Wegener, was born 1 November 1932 at Norfolk, Nebraska. She was married 22 June 1951 at Norfolk, Nebraska, to Robert Eugene Kirkland, son of Albert and Thelma (Wells) Kirkland. Robert was born 4 November 1930 at Stanton County, Nebraska. Myrna is an elementary teacher in Seward, Nebraska; she received her BS and ME from the University of Nebraska. Robert is an auctioneer and has his own auction house. He works for the Goodyear plant in Lincoln. They reside at Garland, Nebraska.


G6-1. Kevin Eugene Kirkland, born 4 October 1957 at Lincoln, Nebraska;

G6-2. Rodney Arnold Kirkland, born 2 January 1960 at Lincoln, Nebraska;

G6-3. Timothy Allen Kirkland, born 13 August 1961 at Lincoln, Nebraska; married 20 August 1988 to Kelly Paulette Huston;

G6-4. Daniel Robert Kirkland, born 16 April 1963 at Lincoln, Nebraska.


G6-l. Kevin Eugene Kirkland, son of Robert Eugene and Myrna Margaret (Wegener) Kirkland, was born 4 October 1957 at Lincoln, Nebraska. He trains horses and was outrider for racetracks in Grand Island, Omaha, and New Orleans, Louisiana. He now resides in Garland, Nebraska where he manages a hay business.



G6-2. Rodney Arnold Kirkland, son of Robert Eugene and Myrna Margaret (Wegener) Kirkland, was born 2 January 1960 at Lincoln, Nebraska. He was graduated from the University of Nebraska and Northern College in Rapid City, South Dakota. He was head of portable survey crew for Western Geophysical. He is now studying for a civil engineering degree.


G6-3. Timothy Allen Kirkland, son of Robert Eugene and Myrna Margaret (Wegener) Kirkland, was born 13 August 1961 at Lincoln, Nebraska. He was married at Ames, Iowa, 20 August 1966 to Kelly Paulette Huston, daughter of Stan and Mirie (Mayner) Huston. Kelly was born 3 December 1962. Both graduated from Iowa State University of Veterinary Medicine and are veterinarians in Mesa, Arizona.


G6-4. Daniel Robert Kirkland, son of Robert Eugene and Myrna Margaret (Wegener) Kirkland, was born 16 April 1963 at Lincoln, Nebraska. He was an announcer for Armed Forces Radio and Television while in the service. He is presently in school studying electronics at Salt Lake City, Utah.


G3-4. Elizabeth (Bessie) Dorothea Wegener, daughter of Ferdinand and Amalie Wilhelmine (Hans) Wegener, was born 1 August 1858 at Watertown, Wisconsin. She was married 28 November 1878 to William H. Widaman, age 36 years, by Rev. Mead. William's parents were Benjamin and Elizabeth (Brubaker) Widaman. Elizabeth and William had five children. William was born 21 September 1840 and died 16 June 1912 at Norfolk, Nebraska. He is buried at Prospect Hill Cemetery. Elizabeth (Wegener) Widaman died 16 October 1933 at Compton, California, where she is buried.


G4-1. Dora Pearl Widaman, born 29 September 1879; married Jack Fogerty;

G4-2. William Harley Widaman, born 18 October 1881;

G4-3. Verbena Fay Widaman, born 13 July 1886; married 26 November 1907 to Steel Beck;

G4-4. Elizabeth Dorothy Widaman, born 12 August 1890;

G4-5. Edwin Widaman, born 8 May 1696.


G3-9 Admond (Edmond) Wegener, son of Ferdinand and Amalie Wilhelmine (Hans) Wegener, was born 6 September 1865 at Watertown, Wisconsin. See additional information under memories written by Dorothy Monson. Jean (Hans) Backus, daughter of Arthur Hans, recalled that Edmond homesteaded near her father at one time. He was married (1) 25 February 1669 to Lulu Frances Doty, age 18 years. This must have been the marriage that was annulled by her parents.



G2-11. August Ferdinand Hans, son of Joachim and Dorothea Elizabeth (Juhre) Hans, was born 22 September 1837 at Frstenfelde, Brandenburg, Germany. He was married 18 February 1859 at Watertown, Wisconsin, to (1) Wilhelmine (Minnie) Caroline Strehlow, who was born 31 October 1838 at Giesenau, Brandenburg, Germany. Caroline died in Berlin, Germany, following surgery.

In the Bethany Moravian Church history we find the following account: "Came a time when Mrs. Hans became ill. A doctor's examination revealed a need for major surgery. Since there was then nowhere a place in the United States where this surgery could be performed, her husband took her to Berlin, Germany. In spite of the best of care, the operation proved unsuccessful. Four days later she passed away and was buried at Berlin... Her husband then returned to his farm here at Bethany."


G3-1. Martha Elizabeth (Maria) Hans, born 11 January 1861 at Watertown, Wisconsin; died 3 May 1861 at Watertown, Wisconsin.


Ferdinand was married (2) 17 July 1868 at Watertown, Wisconsin, to Wilhelmine Caroline Schoechert, daughter of Carl and Wilhelmina (Kloninger) Schoechert. Wilhelmine was born 28 April 1847 at Philadelphia, Landsberg, Germany. She died 19 August 1890 at Cass County, North Dakota, and is buried on the Canaan Moravian Church Cemetery. Ferdinand died 2 July 1893 at Cass County, North Dakota, and is also buried on Canaan Cemetery. They moved on March 9, 1864 from Watertown, Wisconsin, to Bethany, Winona County, Minnesota. Further details of that move can be found in the history of the Bethany Moravian Church. The family moved again about 1886 to Canaan, Davenport, North Dakota. Ferdinand engaged in farming and was one of the early pioneers in both Minnesota and North Dakota.

G3-2. Helena Marie Hans, born 5 July 1869 at Bethany, Winona County, Minnesota; married 25 February 1892 to William Friedrich Ottow; died 2 April 1915;

G3-3. Martha A. Hans, born July 1870, Winona County, Minnesota; died 9 August 1873 at 2 yrs. 11 mo. 14 days;

G3-4. Reinhold Hans, born 3 November 1872 at Utica, Minnesota; died 27 January 1874 of cholera;

G3-5. Adolph Gustav Hans, 'born 29 December 1873 at Bethany, Minnesota; married 12 November 1897 to Hulda E. Ottow, died 23 May 1924 at Fargo, North Dakota;

G3-6. Paul Hans, born 8 April 1875 at Bethany, Winona County, Minnesota; married 22 February 1900 to Eleonora Witte; died 30 January 1945 at Davenport, North Dakota;

G3-7. Male Child, born 9 April 1876 at Bethany, Minnesota; died 10 April 1876 at Winona County. Minnesota:

G3-8. Selma Emma Hans, born 24 April 1877 at Bethany, Winona County, Minnesota; married (1) 10 May 1900 to Julian Roeser; (2) 10 April 1913 to Charles Piper; died 9 February 1923;

G3-9. Bernard (Ben) Gotholt Hans, born 4 November 1878 at Bethany, Winona County, Minnesota; married 30 November 1899 to Mary Augusta Koepsel; died 27 November 1984;

G3-10. Gerhard Max Hans, born 8 October 1881 at Bethany, Winona County, Minnesota; married 4 December 1902 to Hedwig Lydia Lebus; died 7 September 1945;

G3-ll. Alice Meta (Matah) Hans, born 28 June 1883 at Bethany, Winona County, Minnesota; married 18 December 1901 to Reinhold Piper; died 3 March 1910 at Dundern, Saskatchewan, Canada;

G3-12. Daughter, died 4 April 1886 at Canaan, North Dakota.


G3-2. Helena (Magdalene) Marie Hans, daughter of August Ferdinand and Wilhelmine Caroline (Schoechert) Hans, was born 5 July 1869 at Bethany, Winona County, Minnesota. She was married 25 February 1892 at Canaan Moravian Church to Friedrich Wi1helm, son of Fredrich and Caroline Henrietta (Borth) Ottow. William was born 20 March 1869 at Ebenezer, Wisconsin. William died 6 March 1939 at Davenport, North Dakota; Helene died 2 April 1915 at Davenport, North Dakota. Both are buried on the Canaan Moravian Church cemetery.


G4-1. Ella Amalia Ottow, born 15 March 1893, Cass County, North Dakota; married 26 June 1919 to Ewald Robert Buchholz;

G4-2. Clara Helena Ottow, born 2 January 1895 at Cass County, North Dakota; married 29 May 1917 to Theodore Fraase; died 8 June 1958;

G4-3. Meta Flora Ottow, born 13 January 1898 at Cass County, North Dakota; married 2 December 1919 to Herman Carl Appel; died 7 February 1972 at Fargo, North Dakota;

G4-4. Stillborn daughter, born 16 August 1899 at Davenport, North Dakota;

G4-5. Clarence Ferdinand Ottow, born 13 March 1901 at Cass County, North Dakota; married 4 July 1926 to Josephine Cramer; died 26 March 1939;

G4-6. Lester Rinhold Ottow, born 11 September 1903 at Tabor, North Dakota; died 28 October 1960 at Durbin, North Dakota;

G4-7. Wilbert William Ottow, born 8 May 1907 at Davenport, North Dakota.




G4-1. Ella Amalia Ottow, daughter of Friedrich William and Helena (Magdalene) Marie (Hans) Ottow, was born 15 March 1893 at Cass County, North Dakota. She was married 26 June 1919 at Davenport, North Dakota, to Ewald Robert Buchholz, son of Carl W. and Marie Dorothea (Witt) Buchholz. Ewald was born 18 May 1887 at Davenport, North Dakota; died 20 April 1966. Ella died 14 January 1985 and both are buried on the Canaan Moravian Cemetery.


G5-1. Verdi Buchholz, born 11 March 1920 at Davenport, North Dakota; married 18 May 1954 to Pearl Marion Toppin.

G5-1. Verdi Buchholz, son of Ewald Robert and Ella Amalia (Ottow) Buchholz, was born 11 March 1920 at Davenport, North Dakota. He was married 18 May 1954 to Pearl Marion Toppin, daughter of William and Henrietta (Hulst) Toppin. Pearl was born 13 September 1928 at Gilby, North Dakota.


G6-1. Brenda Renee Buchholz, born 25 April 1955 at Fargo, North Dakota; married 14 August 1976 to Mark Freier;

G6-2. Janice Faye Buchholz, born 2 October 1956 at Fargo, North Dakota;

G6-3. Dale Curtiss Buchholz, born 16 May 1966 at Fargo, North Dakota.


G6-1. Brenda Renee Buchholz, daughter of Verdi and Pearl Marion (Toppin) Buchholz, was born 25 April 1955 at Fargo, North Dakota. She was married 14 August 1976 to Mark Freier.


G7-1. John Joseph Freier, born 25 January 1981 at Grand Rapids, Michigan.

G7-2. Andrew Mark Freier, born 7 August 1984 at Devils Lake, North Dakota;

G7-3. Paul Gustave Freier, born 19 April 1986 at Devils Lake, North Dakota.



Plat of Addison Township 1906 showing location

of many of Ferdinand Hans descendants


G4-2. *Clara Helena Ottow, daughter of Friedrich William and Helena (Magdalene) Marie (Hans) Ottow, was born 2 January 1895, Cass County, North Dakota. She was married 29 May 1917 at the Canaan Moravian Church to Theodore N. Fraase, son of Henry and Johanna (Lentz) Fraase. Theodore was born 3 July 1895, Howes Township, Cass County, North Dakota. Theodore attended North Dakota Agricultural College in Fargo. He died 18 May 1971 at, Fargo, North Dakota; Clara died 8 June 1958 at Buffalo, Cass County, North Dakota. Both are buried on Buffalo Cemetery. They were members of the Buffalo Lutheran Church in Buffalo.


G5-1. Harold Elmer Fraase, born 7 April 1918, Howes Township, North Dakota; married 7 June 1947 to Hazel Johnson;

G5-2. Lawrence Theodore Fraase, born 7 September 1919, Howes Township, North Dakota; died May 1941;

G5-3. Arline Helena Fraase, born 6 January 1922, Howes Township, North Dakota; married 22 November 1941 to Curtiss Hogen;

G5-4. Earl Erwin Fraase, born 19 February 1923, Howes Township, North Dakota; married 18 June 1947 to Elsie Zick; died 1 August 1968;

G5-5. Charles Edward Fraase, born 6 August 1925, Howes Township, North Dakota; married 12 July 1959 to Betty Steele;

G5-6. Nyla Fraase, born 8 February 1927 at Buffalo, North Dakota; married 29 May 1952 to William Nolte.


G5-1. Harold Elmer Fraase, son of Theodore N. and Clara Helena (Ottow) Fraase, was born 7 April 1918, Howes Township, Cass County, North Dakota. He was married 7 June 1947 to Hazel E. Johnson, youngest daughter of Charles Oscar and Albertine (Kringler) Johnson of Buffalo. Hazel was born 24 February 1920 at Buffalo, North Dakota. Harold was graduated from Buffalo High School in 1938, and farmed until entering the Armed Forces in 1944, serving in the states and overseas. He was discharged in 1946 and has farmed since that time.


G5-2. Lawrence Theodore Fraase, son of Theodore N. and Clara Helena (Ottow) Fraase, was born 7 September 1919, Howes Township, Cass County, North Dakota. He died May 1941.


*Arline (Fraase) Hogen researched much of this branch of the family.



G5-3. Arline Helena Fraase, daughter of Theodore W. and Clara Helena (Ottow) Fraase, was born 6 January 1922, Howes Township, Cass County, North Dakota. She was married 22 November 1941 at Buffalo, North Dakota, to Curtiss Hogen, son of Orin G. and Bertha M. (Foss) Hogen. Curtiss was born 16 December 1919 at Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Curtiss moved with his parents to Buffalo, North Dakota, in March of 1928. He was graduated from Buffalo High School, attended Concordia College, and Valley City Teachers College, Valley City, North Dakota. He taught school in Tappen, North Dakota, one year. He served in the Armed Forces from 1942 to 1945. After his discharge, he and his wife purchased the homestead of Andrew Grondahl and farmed that acreage.


G6-1. Rodney Earl Hogen, born 4 December 1946 at Jamestown, North Dakota; married (1) Judy Kroeplin 27 April 1968; (2) 12 July 1980 to Wanda Graham;

G6-2. Steven Charles Hogen, born 19 February 1952 at Fargo, North Dakota; married 1972 to Marla G. Dimmer.


G6-1. Rodney Earl Hogen, adopted son of Curtiss and Arline Helena (Fraase) Hogen, was born 4 December 1946 at Jamestown, North Dakota. He was married (1) 27 April 1968 to Judy Kroeplin.


G7-1. Michael Lee Hogen, born 4 November 1970 at Fargo, North Dakota;

G7-2. Marby Lee Hogen, born 8 August 1973 at Fargo, North Dakota.

Rodney was married (2) 12 July 1980 to Wanda (Glemming) Graham, daughter of Arnold and Melva Glemming. Wanda has a daughter: Brandee Lynette Graham, born 29 September 1975 at Fargo, North Dakota. Rodney farms in Buffalo Township, and Wanda is a nurse.


G7-3. Darin Carter Hogan, born 30 July 1986.


G6-2. Steven Charles Hogen, adopted son of Curtiss and Arline Helene (Fraase) Hogen, was born 19 February 1952 at Fargo, North Dakota. He attended Concordia College in Moorhead, Minnesota, where he met and was married 27 April 1972 to Marla G. Dimmer, daughter of Lawrence and Verna (Stangler) Dimmer. Marla is a twin and was born 24 January 1952. She attended North Dakota State School of Science in Wahpeton, South Dakota, and was graduated magna cum laude from Moorhead State University. In 1973, Steve and Marla secured teaching positions in the Turtle Lake Mercer School District at Turtle Lake, North Dakota. They then moved to Page, North Dakota, in 1975 where Steve continued to teach. In the spring of 1983 Steve and Marla purchased a home in West Fargo, North Dakota, where he is in real estate business, and Marla works as a Ward Clerk at St. Luke's Hospital in Fargo, North Dakota.


G7-1. Amy Jolene Hogen, born 16 February 1974 at Bismarck, North Dakota;

G7-2. Jennifer JoAnne Hogen, born 28 April 1976 at Fargo, North Dakota;

G7-3. Deborah Jonell Hogen, born 16 May 1979 at Fargo, North Dakota;

G7-4. Victoria Jo Ellen Hogen, born 30 May 1981 at Fargo, North Dakota.





G5-4. Earl Erwin Fraase, son of Theodore W. and Clara Helena (Ottow) Fraase, was born 19 February 1923, Howes Township, Cass County, North Dakota. The day he was born there was a terrible blizzard, and the doctor, who had to come from Buffalo, lost his way. He did not arrive at the farm until the next day, so Earl was delivered by a midwife. Earl's father stood on a snow bank to look for the doctor, but all he could see was a light in the distance, which disappeared. He found out later that the doctor's horses had kicked over the lantern. The horses eventually found their way back to Buffalo. His first two years were spent at the home of his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Ewald Buchholz, due to the illness of his mother. He was graduated from Buffalo High School in 1942.


Earl was married 18 June 1947 at Leonard, North Dakota, to Elsie Marie Zick, daughter of Fredrick Leopold and Anna Wilhelmenia (Gropper) Zick. Elsie was born 25 January 1927. Earl was a farmer and Elsie was a homemaker. Both were active in the Buffalo Lutheran Church with Earl serving on the Church Council. Earl also served on the Buffalo School Board and was active in local activities. He had a great sense of humor and was vitally interested in education. He was always trying to persuade young people to go to college believing they would never see hard times if they had a degree. All four of his daughters graduated from college. (Told by Diane Smith)

Earl died 1 August 1968 at Fargo, North Dakota; and Elsie died 26 October 1978 at Casper, Wyoming. Earl's death at the age of 45 was due to an aneurysm of the aorta, which he developed from rheumatic fever, which he had 1 1/2 years before his death. Elsie died at the age of 51 from heart failure, a result of the scarlet fever she had as a teenager.








    Earl and Elsie

    Fraase James.










G6-1. Diane Marie Fraase, born 2 August 1948 at Fargo, North Dakota; married 24 November 1972 to James Edward Smith;

G6-2. Linda Renea Fraase, born 28 February 1951 at Fargo, North Dakota; married 27 April 1974 to Michael W. Steidl;

G6-3. Cheryl Ann Fraase, born 1 November 1952 at Fargo, North Dakota; married 29 June 1974 to Norman Diehl;

G6-4. Donna Jean Fraase, born 29 September 1958 at Fargo, North Dakota; married 20 January 1979 to John Kohler.



G6-1. Diane Marie Fraase, daughter of Earl Erwin and Elsie (Zick) Fraase, was born 2 August 1948 at Fargo, North Dakota. She was married 24 November 1972 at Fargo, North Dakota, to James Edward Smith, son of Warren Stuart and Dorothy Elizabeth (Kohler) Smith. James was born 1 February 1944 at Fargo, North Dakota. Jim's past occupations include being a rodeo cowboy and flying aircraft for a fixed base operation. Recently he made a career change to selling life insurance. He is also a helicopter pilot for the Army National Guard. He was graduated from the University of North Dakota. Diane graduated magna cum laude from Moorhead State University with a degree in music. While there, she served as president and was active in Sigma Alpha Iota (professional music fraternity for women.) She is presently a private piano teacher and also enjoys being a homemaker. The Smith family are members of the Lutheran Church. They reside in West Des Moines, Iowa.


G7-1. Shawn James Smith, born 5 February 1976, Fargo, North Dakota;

G7-2. Karin Marie Smith, born 22 February 1980, Casper, Wyoming.







James, Shawn,

Diane (Fraase),

and Karin Smith







G6-2. Linda Renea Fraase, daughter of Earl Erwin and Elsie (Zick) Fraase, was born 28 February 1951 at Fargo, North Dakota. She was married 27 April 1974 at Fingal, North Dakota, to Michael William Steidl, son of George and Genevieve (Faust) Steidl. Michael was born 27 November 1947 at Valley City, North Dakota. Michael is a clerk for the Burlington Northern Railroad. His hobbies are hunting, fishing, woodworking, and building furniture. He also collects American Flyer trains. Linda has a degree in elementary education from Valley City State College. She is currently a full time wife and mother, and her hobbies are all types of crafts and knitting. Linda is also active in the Jaycee Women. They live in West Fargo, North Dakota.


G7-1. Anna Jo Steidl, born 27 May 1977 at Fargo, North Dakota;

G7-2. Rebecca Lynn Steidl, born 26 November 1978 at Fargo, North Dakota;

G7-3. Andrew Michael Steidl, born 20 December 1980 at Fargo, North Dakota.





Michael and Linda (Fraase) Steidl

Andrew, Anna Jo, Rebecca







G6-3. Cheryl Ann Fraase, daughter of Earl Erwin and Elsie (Zick) Fraase was born 1 November 1952 at Fargo, North Dakota. She was married 29 June 1974 to Norman Gene Diehl, son of Ruben and Deloris (Bellon) Diehl. Norman was born 24 April 1951. He graduated from North Dakota State University with a degree in Agronomy. Norman is employed by American Cyanamid as a sales representative for the agricultural chemical division. Norman's hobbies include working with wood, building furniture, downhill skiing, canoeing and gardening. Cheryl graduated from Moorhead State University with a degree in Elementary Education. While there she was president of the Delta Zeta Sorority. Her hobbies include reading, macram downhill skiing, and camping. They are active in the Lutheran Church. They reside in Springfield, Illinois.


G7-1. Kristin Marie Diehl, born 17 December 1987.


G6-4. Donna Jean Fraase, daughter of Earl Erwin and Elsie (Zick) Fraase, was born 29 September 1958 at Fargo, North Dakota. She was married 20 January at Messiah Lutheran Church, Fingal, North Dakota, to John Timothy Kohler, son of Ken and Norma Jean (Dunham) Kohler. John was born 24 December 1954 at Valley City, North Dakota. John is a farmer; Donna is an elementary teacher. Donna attended Moorhead State University and Valley City State College. They reside in Valley City, North Dakota.


G7-1. Brooke Fraase Kohler, born 14 November 1982 at Valley City, North Dakota.

Norman and Cheryl

(Fraase) Diehl

















John and Donna

(Fraase) Kohler


G5-5. Charles Edward Fraase, son of Theodore W. and Clara Helena (Ottow) Fraase, was born 6 August 1925, Howes Township, Cass County, North Dakota. He was married 12 July 1959 at Bemidji, Minnesota, to Betty Mae Steele, daughter of Clarence and Mildred (Neff) Steele. Betty was born 31 January 1936 at Bemidji, Minnesota. After graduating from high school, Charles went into farming on his Grandfather Henry Fraase's farm. He retired in 1970, and died 11 December 1987.


G6-1. David Charles Fraase, born 18 April 1960 at Fargo, North Dakota;

G6-2. Keith Edward Fraase, born 8 July 1962 at Fargo, North Dakota; married 26 June 1987 to Sue Gibson;

G6-3. Donald Karl Fraase, born 2 July 1964 at Fargo. North Dakota.


G6-2 Keith Edward Fraase, son of Charles Edward and Betty Mae (Steele) Fraase, was born 8 July 1962. He was married 26 June 1987 to Sue Gibson, daughter of Tom and Beverly Gibson. Sue was born 25 January 1964. They live in Fargo. North Dakota.


G5-6. Nyla M. Fraase, daughter of Theodore W. and Clara Helena (Ottow) Fraase, was born 8 February 1927 at Buffalo, North Dakota. She was married 29 May 1952 at Wichita Falls, Texas, to William L. Nolte, son of Mr. and Mrs. Werner Nolte of Sebeka, Minnesota. They lived two years in Valdosta, Georgia, where William was stationed with the U.S. Air Force. They returned to the Buffalo area in 1955 where he farmed two years. In December 1956 they moved to Fargo, North Dakota, where Bill started working for the North Dakota Air National Guard.


G6-1. Karen Rose Nolte, born 2 May 1953 at Valdosta, Georgia; married 8 June 1974 to Gordon Rosby;

G6-2,2. Daniel Ray Nolte, born 8 May 1954 at Valdosta, Georgia; married September 1987 to Gina Larson;

G6-2,3. Deborah Kay Nolte, born 8 May 1954 at Valdosta, Georgia; died in 1958 in an accident;

G6-4. Kathleen Ann Nolte, born 18 August 1955 at Fargo, North Dakota; married to Richard Nayes.


G6-1. Karen Rose Nolte, daughter of William L. and Nyla M. (Fraase) Nolte, was born 2 May 1953 at Valdosta, Georgia. She was married 8 June 1974 to Gordon Rosby, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Rosby of Starbuck, Minnesota.


G7-1. Waldomiro dos Santos Rosby, born 13 January 1969 in Sao Paula, Brazil;

G7-2. Monica Rose Rosby, born 21 August 1984 in Bogota, Colombia.



G6-2,2. Daniel Ray Nolte, son of William and Nyla (Fraase) Nolte, was born 8 May 1954 at Valdosta, Georgia. He was married September 1987 to Gina Larson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bud Larson.


G6-4. Kathleen Ann Nolte, daughter of William L. and Nyla M. (Fraase) Nolte, was born 18 August 1955 at Fargo, North Dakota. She married 6 September 1980 to Richard Nayes, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Nayes of Fargo, North Dakota.


G7-1. Douglas Richard Nayes, born 10 October 1984;

G7-2,2. Samuel James Nayes, born 13 September 1988;

G7-2,3. Joseph Daniel Nayes, born 13 September 1988.


G4-3. Flora Meta Ottow, daughter of Fredrich William and Helena Marie (Hans) Ottow, was born 13 January 1898 at Davenport, Cass County, North Dakota. She was married 2 December 1919 at Davenport, North Dakota, to Herman Carl Appel, son of August and Bertha J. (Kruger) Appel. Herman was born 30 April 1891 at Davenport, North Dakota. Herman died 20 May 1966 at Davenport, and Flora died 7 February 1972 at Fargo, North Dakota. Both are buried on Canaan Moravian Cemetery, Davenport, North Dakota.


G5-1. Alvin L. Appel, born 30 August 1920 at Fargo, North Dakota; died 14 November 1982;

G5-2. Lois L. Appel, born 26 January 1927 at Davenport, North Dakota; married 6 October 1945 to Alfred Kurtz.


G5-2. Lois L. Appel, daughter of Herman Carl and Flora Meta (Ottow) Appel, was born 26 January 1927 at Davenport, North Dakota. She was married 6 October 1945 at Canaan Moravian Church, Davenport, North Dakota, to Alfred Kurtz, son of, Jacob and Martha E. (Salzwedel) Kurtz. Alfred was born 15 December 1921 at Enderlin, North Dakota. Alfred and Lois farmed all their lives. Roger farms with them on the old Appel homestead and works part time at the American Crystal Sugar factory in Moorhead, Minnesota. The Kurtz family have been choir members and Sunday school leaders at the Canaan Moravian Church.


G6-1. Ronald Kurtz, born 10 February 1953 at Fargo, North Dakota; married 18 March 1988 to Belinda Larson;

G6-2. Carol Kurtz, born 28 February 1955 at Davenport, North Dakota; married 15 October 1981 to Donald E. Olgeirson;

G6-3. Roger Kurtz, born 18 September 1956 at Davenport, North Dakota.



G6-1. Ronald Kurtz, son of Alfred and Lois L. (Appel) Kurtz, was born 10 February 1953 at Fargo, North Dakota. He was married 18 March 1988 to Belinda Larson who was born 9 July 1955. They live at Fargo. Ronald works at American Crystal Sugar factory in Moorhead, Minnesota.


G6-2 Carol Kurtz, daughter of Alfred and Lois L. (Appel) Kurtz, was born 28 February 1955 at Davenport, North Dakota. She was married 15 October 1981 to Donald E. Olgeirson. Donald was born 16 April 1952. Carol works at the First National Bank in Fargo.


G7-1. Beth Ann O1geirson, born 15 February 1984.

G7-2. Derek Donald Olgeirson, born 7 June 1987.


G4-5. Clarence Ferdinand Ottow, son of Friedrich William and Helena (Magdalene) Marie (Hans) Ottow, was born 13 March 1901 at Cass County, North Dakota. He was married 4 July 1926 to Johanna Cramer, daughter of Jacob and Katherine (Doerr) Cramer. Johanna was born 25 May 1905 at Lehr, North Dakota.


G5-1. Donna Ottow, married David Egleston;

G5-2. Clarence Ottow, Jr.


G4-6. Lester Reinhold Ottow, son of Friedrich William and Helena (Magdalene) Marie (Hans) Ottow, was born 11 September 1903 at Tabor, North Dakota. He worked in a bank. He died 28 October 1960 at Durbin, North Dakota.


G4-7. Wilbert William Ottow, son of Friedrich William and Helena (Magdalene) Marie (Hans) Ottow, was born 18 May 1907 at Davenport, North Dakota. He farmed and lived with the Curtiss Hogen family after 1951.


G3-5. Gustav Adolph Hans, son of Ferdinand and Wilhelmine Caroline (Schoechert) Hans, was born 29 December 1873 at Bethany, Winona County, Minnesota. He was married 12 November 1897 to Hulda E. Ottow, daughter of Frederich Martin and Caroline (Borth) Ottow. Hulda was born 4 January 1873 near Watertown, Wisconsin (Ebenezer). She died 16 November 1965 at Fargo, Cass County, North Dakota, and is buried on Canaan Moravian Church Cemetery. Adolph died 23 May 1924 of pernicious anaemia, and is also buried at Canaan. Adolph served as a trustee and elder of Canaan Moravian Church; was Sunday school teacher and trustee of the German School.


G4-1. Clemens Cornelius Hans, born 13 August 1898 at Addison Township, Cass County, North Dakota; married 10 November 1927 to Adeline Margaret Buchholtz; died 7 October 1967;

G4-2. Alvin Edward Hans, born 21 April 1900 at Cass County, North Dakota; married 23 June 1932 to Va1borg Bjornson;

G4-3. Edna Linda Hans, born 12 January 1904 at Cass County, North Dakota; married 13 November 1925 to Arthur Wichmann.


G4-1. Clemens Cornelius Hans, son of Gustav Adolph and Hulda E. (Ottow) Hans, was born 13 August 1898 at Addison Township, Cass County, North Dakota. He was married 10 November 1927 at Canaan Moravian Church to Adeline Margaret Buchholtz, daughter of Herbert L. and Minnie (Frederick) Buchholtz. Adeline was born 6 April 1906 at Davenport, North Dakota. Her parents were farmers. Clemens was a farmer, school board member and elder in the church. They farmed until 1964 when they moved to Davenport and their son Virgil farmed the family farm. Clemens had polio in 1946 and used crutches and a leg brace until his death. Clemens died 7 October 1967 at Fargo, North Dakota, and is buried on Canaan Moravian Cemetery.


G5-1. Caroline Laverne Hans, born 22 December 1929 at Fargo, North Dakota; married 31 January 1950 to Lowaine Mische;

G5-2. Virgil Roland Hans, born 25 March 1932 at Fargo, North Dakota; married Dorothea T. Heuer 28 June 1953;

G5-3. Shirley Faith Hans, born 11 January 1937 at Fargo, North Dakota; married 7 July 1958 to Darrell P. Janssen.



G5-1. Caroline Laverne Hans, daughter of Clemens Cornelius and Adeline Margarete (Buchholtz) Hans, was born 22 December 1929 at Fargo, North Dakota. She was married 31 January 1950 to Lowaine Mische, son of Fredrick and Pauline (Jaeger) Mische. Lowaine was born 19 August 1927 at Hebron, North Dakota. Lou was a salesman for Brown and Williamson Tobacco Corporation and is now retired. He and Caroline own a construction company and employ several of their sons. Their hobbies are fishing, hunting and camping.


G6-1. Gary Wayne Mische, born 28 September 1952 at Fargo, North Dakota; married (1) 22 May 1976 to Joyce Seidel, divorced; (2) 19 August 1983 to Vicky B1umhagen;

G6-2. Dale James Mische, born 5 May 1954 at Bismarck, North Dakota; married 22 August 1975 to Susan Weisser, div.;

G6-3. Jeffrey John Mische, born 15 June 1956 at Bismarck, North Dakota; died 8 September 1984;

G6-4. David Fredrick Mische, born 4 January 1963 at Bismarck, North Dakota;

G6-5. Brian Douglas Mische, born 7 December 1965 at Bismarck, North Dakota.


G6-1 Gary Wayne Mische, son of Lowaine and Caroline Laverne (Hans) Mische, was born 28 September 1952 at Fargo, North Dakota. He was married (1) 22 May 1976 to Joyce Seidel, div.


G7-1. Angelica Mische, born 19 February 1978.


Gary was married (2) 19 August 1983 to Vicky Blumhagen.


G7-2. Che1si Mische, born 7 August 1988.


G6-2. Dale James Mische, son of Lowaine and Caroline Laverne (Hans) Mische, was born 5 May 1954 at Bismarck, North Dakota. He was married 22 August 1975 to Susan Weisser, divorced.


G7-1. Jason Mische, born 26 November 1976;

G7-2. Leah Mische, born 4 August 1978.


G5-2. Virgil Roland Hans, son of Clemens Cornelius and Adeline Margarete (Buchholtz) Hans, was born 25 March 1932 at Fargo, North Dakota. He was married 28 June 1953 at Fargo, North Dakota to Dorothea Thelma Heuer, daughter of Clarence Henry and Freida Olga (Jahnke) Heuer. Dorothea was born 19 November 1931 at White Rock, South Dakota. Her father was a farmer and operated a hardware store and was active in amateur baseball and basketball as a coach. Virgil farms the home farm and both Virgil and Dorothea are active in the Canaan Moravian Church where Dorothea is organist.


G6-1. Dean Rodney Hans, born 27 September 1957 at Fargo, North Dakota; (adopted)

G6-2. Roberta Ann Hans, born 22 August 1962 at Minot, North Dakota (adopted); married 14 October 1983 to Roger William Hudson;

G6-3. Neil Alaric Hans, born 14 February 1965 at Jamestown, North Dakota (adopted).


G6-2. Roberta Ann Hans, adopted daughter of Virgil Roland and Dorothea Thelma (Heuer) Hans, was born 22 August 1962 at Minot, North Dakota. She was married 14 October 1983 to Roger William Hudson.


G7-1. Hope Marie Hudson, born 20 June 1986;

G7-2. Roger (Trar) Micah Hudson, born 30 August 1989.


G5-3 Shirley Faith Hans, daughter of Clemens Cornelius and Adeline Margarete (Buchholtz) Hans, was born 11 January 1937 at Fargo, North Dakota. She was married 7 July 1958 at Davenport, North Dakota, to Darrell P. Janssen, son of Henry F. and Anna M. (Buth) Janssen. Darrell was born 10 March 1931 at Barnesville, Minnesota. His parents were farmers in Clay County, Minnesota, Humboldt Township. Darrell is employed by O'Day Equipment, Inc. of Fargo. Shirley is employed by Fargo Public Schools, Fargo, North Dakota.


G6-1. Jay M. Janssen, born 28 November 1960 at Fargo, North Dakota; married 3 May 1986 to Linda Lee Tappe;

G6-2. Tracy R. Janssen, born 16 October 1962 at Fargo, North Dakota; married 7 October 1989 to Dean Wade Kipp;

G6-3. Kyle A. Janssen, born 18 July 1966 at Fargo, North Dakota. married 4 June 1988 to Jill Rene Rennick.



G6-1. Jay Merlyn Janssen, son of Darrell P. and Shirley Faith (Hans) Jenssen, was born 28 November 1960 at Fargo, North Dakota. He was married 3 May 1986 in Pueblo, Colorado, to Linda Lee Tappe, daughter of Richard and Glenna Tappe of Pine River, Minnesota. Jay is a correctional officer at the Colorado State Penitentiary, Canon City, Colorado. He is owner and operator of Data Con Corporation (a personal computer consulting firm.) Linda is employed by Lasting Impressions, Canon City, Colorado.


G7-1. Brandon Patrick Janssen, born 19 April 1988 in Canon City, Colorado.


G6-2. Tracy Robin Janssen, daughter of Darrell P. and Shirley Faith (Hans) Janssen, was born 16 October 1962 at Fargo, North Dakota. She was married 7 October 1989 at Fargo, North Dakota, to Dean Wade Kipp, son of Orris and Bernice Kipp of Edgeley, North Dakota. Tracy is employed by Bethany Homes, Fargo, North Dakota. Dean is an electrician, employed by State School of Science, Wahpeton, North Dakota.


G6-3. Kyle Anthony Janssen, son of Darrell P. and Shirley Faith (Hans) Janssen, was born 18 July 1966 at Fargo, North Dakota. He was married 4 June 1988 at Fargo, North Dakota, to Jill Rene Rennick, daughter of Richard and Dee Ann Rennick of Fargo, North Dakota. Jill is employed by Friendship Village of Fargo, North Dakota; Kyle is employed by F. M. Ambulance of Fargo, North Dakota.


G4-2. Alvin Edward Hans, son of Adolph Gustav and Hulda E. (Ottow) Hans, was born 21 April 1900 at Cass County, North Dakota. Following high school in Fargo Central High, Alvin attended Concordia College in Moorhead, Minnesota, graduating in 1929. His first teaching assignment was in the high school at Ryder, North Dakota, where he remained for two years. In the spring of 1931 when a vacancy occurred in the high school in Wahpeton, he made application and was hired for a nine-month salary of $1287. He was married 23 June 1932 to Valborg Bjornson, also a Concordia College graduate and a teacher in the high school at Warroad, Minnesota. Valborg was a daughter of Rev. and Mrs. Halvor Bjornson of Rothsay, Minnesota. Val was born 8 April 1906 at Thief River Falls, Minnesota; she died 12 October 1980.


Alvin's teaching assignments in Wahpeton High School were teaching language classes, German and Latin, directing a school orchestra, and coaching Junior High School football.



Outside of school, he soon became involved in Boy Scout work and participating in the church choir in Bethel Lutheran Church, first as a director and then as a tenor singer. He remained active in these activities for the next forty years. In 1940 he was assigned the duties of High School Principal in Wahpeton in addition to his language instruction. He continued as high school principal until 1968 when he reached the district's retirement age. In July 1968 Alvin was appointed to the office of Richland County Superintendent of Schools, a position he held until his voluntary retirement in 1974. Alvin died on 10 October 1989.


Because of a shortage of mathematics teachers in 1942 due to the war-time drain on manpower, Val Hans was hired by the Wahpeton Board of Education to teach algebra and geometry, until an unmarried teacher became available. She continued to teach high school mathematics courses until her voluntary retirement in 1966. In addition to her high school teaching, Val held the directorship of the Senior Church Choir at Bethel Church, a responsibility which she faithfully performed until 1972.


G5-1. Virginia Eloise Hans, born 31 December 1934;

G5-2. David Keith Hans, born 16 December 1936; married 9 June 1962 to Kathryn Jeanette Korbelik.


G5-1. Virginia Eloise Hans, daughter of Alvin Edward and Valborg (Bjornson) Hans, was born 31 December 1934. She graduated from the University of Minnesota, taught high school English at Hopkins, Minnesota, for three years. After this she became an editor of college textbooks, employed by Scribners Publishing Company and Dodd Mead Publishers, New York City. She was a freelance editor of textbooks, and has been working on college textbooks and university press books for Longman, Inc., of New York City; the Congressional Quarterly Press, of Washington. D.C.; and the University of Minnesota Press. Minneapolis. Her hobbies are photography and violin playing.


G5-2. David Keith Hans, son of Alvin Edward and Valborg (Bjornson) Hans, was born 16 December 1936. He was married 9 June 1962 at Davenport, Iowa to Kathryn Jeanette (Skip) Korbelik. David was graduated from the University of Iowa and is a teacher of instrumental music in the Senior High School in Barrington, Illinois. He is very active in Jazz Music Education, and has served as President of the Illinois Chapter of the National Association of Jazz Educators. A recording of his Jazz Band at Barrington, Rithum Machine, entitled "Just Friends" was selected as the most outstanding recording of a High School Jazz Band in the United States and Canada for 1984. His hobby is restoration of limited production sports cars.



G4-3. Edna Linda Hans, daughter of Gustav Adolph and Hulda E. (Ottow) Hans, was born 12 January 1904. She was married 13 November 1925 at Canaan, Davenport, North Dakota, to Arthur Wichmann. Arthur was a farmer and insurance agent. Edna was a music teacher. Arthur died 13 August 1964.


G5-1. Glenmore Wichmann, born 21 August 1926 at Fargo, North Dakota; married 15 June 1947 to Bonnie Trett;

G5-2. Arthur (Bud) Wichmann, born 24 May 1929; married (1) Marjorie Lindstom; (2) Barbara Stokey;

G5-3. Jerry Wichmann, born 20 August 1931; married (1) Kathy McNees; divorced.


G5-1. Glenmore Wichmann, son of Arthur and Edna Linda (Hans) Wichmann, was born 21 August 1926 at Fargo, North Dakota. He was married 15 June 1947 at Oakes, North Dakota, to Bonnie Trett, daughter of Wilbur and Ethel (Lindberg) Trett. Bonnie was born 25 February 1926 at Laferia, Texas. Glenmore is an insurance agent; Bonnie is a salesperson.


G6-1. Mark S. Wichmann, born 11 June 1948 at Fargo, North Dakota; married 23 August 1969 to Mary Sullivan;

G6-2. Sandra Lee Wichmann, born 7 September 1949 at Fargo, North Dakota; married 12 July 1969 to Donald Dronen;

G6-3. Scott D. Wichmann, born August 1954 at Fargo, North Dakota; married 28 June 1977 to Nancy Dronen.


G6-1. Mark S. Wichmann, son of Glenmore and Bonnie (Trett) Wichmann, was born 11 June 1948 at Fargo, North Dakota. He was married 23 August 1969 at Fargo Moravian Church to Mary Sullivan, daughter of Jacob and Lorraine (Krueger) Sullivan. Mary was born 6 January 1950 at Moorhead, Minnesota. Both are stockbrokers with E. F. Hutton. Their leisure time is spent at their lake home at Cotton Lake, Minnesota.


G6-2. Sandra Lee Wichmann, daughter of Glenmore and Bonnie {Trett) Wichmann, was born 7 September 1949 at Fargo, North Dakota. She was married 12 July 1969 at Fargo, North Dakota, to Donald Dronen, son of Arthur S. and Dorothy (Andreist) Dronen. Donald was born 9 September 1947 at Fargo, North Dakota. Don is a schoolteacher and an avid hunter. They have a cottage on Cotton Lake, Minnesota, where they enjoy snowmobiling in winter and summer sports as well.


G7-1. Jody Lynn Dronen, born 14 November 1970 at Fargo, North Dakota;

G7-2. Kristen Lee Dronen, born 24 June 1974 at Fargo, North Dakota;

G7-3. Scott Andrist Dronen, born 18 December 1978 at Fargo. North Dakota.


G6-3. Scott D. Wichmann, son of Glenmore and Bonnie (Trett) Wichmann, was born August 1954 at Fargo, North Dakota. He was married 28 June 1977 to Nancy Dronen, daughter of Arthur Severn and Dorothy Helen (Andrist) Dronen. Nancy was born 14 October 1955 at Fargo, North Dakota. Scott is Hardwood Manager, Stenerson Lumber Company; Nancy is receptionist-secretary, Dynamic Homes, Inc. Both enjoy snowmobiling, fishing and outdoor sports.


G5-2. Arthur (Bud) Wichmann, son of Arthur and Edna Linda (Hans) Wichmann, was born 24 May 1929. He was married (1) to Marjorie Lindstrom; (2) to Barbara Stokey.


G6-1. Kelly Wichmann married Ron Newton.


G5-3. Jerry Wichmann, son of Arthur and Edna Linda (Hans) Wichmann, was born 20 August 1931. He was married to Kathy McNees, divorced. Jerry is a realtor in Fargo, North Dakota. His daughter Susan is a department manager for City Lights, a truck stop in Fargo.


G6-1. Ricky Wichmann, born 28 March 1958; married June 1960 to Lori Fuglie;

G6-2. Paul Wichmann, born 4 January 1961;

G6-3. Susan Wichmann, born 4 January 1965;

G6-4. Ann Wichmann, born 30, November 1959; married June 1981 to Dennis Krier.


G6-1 Ricky Wichmann, son of Jerry and Kathy (McNees) Wichmann, was born 28 March 1958. He was married in June 1988 to Lori Fuglie. Lori was born 6 April 1958. Rick and Lori own "Heading West" a western shop in Fargo, North Dakota.


G7-1. Katie Wichmann, born 10 March 1983.


G6-4. Ann Wichmann, daughter of Jerry and Kathy (McNees) Wichmann, was born 30 November 1959. She married in June 1981 to Dennis Krier. Dennis was born 18 June 1957. Ann worked in the office at American Linen, Fargo, and Dennis worked at Shotwell Floral, Fargo.


G7-1. Kari Krier, born 24 December 1982.





G3-6. Paul Hans, son of August Ferdinand and Wilhelmine Caroline (Schoechert) Hans, was born 8 April 1875 at Bethany, Winona County, Minnesota. He was married 22 February 1900 to Eleonora Witte, daughter of Emil and Anna (Yaeck) Witte, at Ebenezer Moravian Church, Watertown, Wisconsin. Eleonora was born 22 February 1881 at Ebenezer, Wisconsin. She died 23 September 1919 at Bismarck, North Dakota. Paul died 30 January 1945 in Fargo, North Dakota, and both are buried on Canaan Moravian Cemetery. They farmed on the family homestead.


G4-1. Edwin Victor Hans, born 1 August 1901 at Addison Township, North Dakota; married 7 November 1936 to Marie Dittmer; died 19 December 1957;

G4-2. Vera Adeline Hans, born 7 March 1903; married 1 February 1923 to Reinhold Heuer;

G4-3. Esther Mable Hans, born 3 November 1904; married 27 November 1924 to Adolph Paul Heuer;

G4-4. Hubert Walter Hans, born 26 May 1906; married 4 June 1953 to Cecelia Florence Glasow; died 13 June 1977;

G4-5. Della Ruth Hans, born 26 September 1907 at Addison Township, North Dakota;

G4-6. Cora Leona Hans, born 4 September 1909 at Addison Township, North Dakota; married 15 December 1937 to Ronald Shoesmith;

G4-7. Elsie Grace Hans, born 8 August 1911 at Addison Township, North Dakota;

G4-8. Eleanora Anne Hans, born 7 September 1912 at Addison Township, North Dakota; married 27 November 1936 to Myrto Olaf Rood;

G4-9. Pearl Olive Hans, born 7 September 1914 at Addison Township, North Dakota; married 3 August 1937 to John Gillespie; died 6 June 1945;

G4-l0. Clifford Witte Hans, born 23 October 1918 at Addison Township, North Dakota; died 9 March 1929 of ruptured appendix; buried Canaan Moravian Cemetery.


For further information regarding this family, see the Emil Witte family history.



Paul Hans home
















Paul and Carl Heuer



G3-8. Selma Emma Hans, daughter of August Ferdinand and Wilhelmine Caroline (Schoechert) Hans, was born 24 April 1877 at Bethany, Winona County, Minnesota. She was married (1) 10 May 1900 to Julian Michael Roeser, son of Nicholaus and Margaretha (Kraus) Roeser. Julian was born 31 August 1889 at St. Cloud, Minnesota. They were divorced in 1911.


G4-1. Blanche Wilhelmine Roeser, born 1 May 1901 at Cass County, North Dakota; married 10 June 1925 to Samuel Paul Ottow;

G4-2. Lorine Constance Roeser, born 3 February 1904; died 19 January 1908; buried Canaan Cemetery;

G4-3. Violet Alice Roeser, born 9 February 1908 at Cass County, North Dakota; married 7 May 1926 to Harry Washburn.


Selma was married (2) 10 April 1913 at Fargo, North Dakota, to Charles Herman Piper, son of Johnas and Amelia Piper. Charles was born 20 September 1879; died 15 December 1944. Selma died 9 February 1923 at Fargo, North Dakota. After Selma's death, Charles married Erna Laske, daughter of August Laske.


G4-4. Alice Myrtle Piper, born 18 March 1914 at Durbin, Cass County, North Dakota; married 28 November 1935 to Royal R. McCulloch.


G4-1. Blanche Wilhelmine Roeser, daughter of Julian Michael and Selma Emma (Hans) Roeser, was born 1 May 1901 at Cass County, North Dakota. She was married 10 June 1925 at Canaan Moravian Church, Davenport, North Dakota, to Samuel Paul Ottow, son of Reinhold Edward and Lydia Marie (Piper) Ottow. Samuel was born 16 June 1899 at Freedom, Wisconsin. He died 1 December 1959 at Spokane, Washington and is buried at Pines Cemetery, Spokane Valley. Blanche is a retired schoolteacher and a member of Alpha Delta Kappa, International Honorary Sorority for Women Educators.


G5-1. Kent Elwood Ottow, born 31 January 1928 at Fargo, North Dakota; buried 18 Mary 1932 at Canaan Cemetery;

G5-2. Bruce Samuel Ottow, born 25 November 1931 at Fargo, North Dakota; married 14 June 1951 to Marian Skillman;

G5-3. Robert Jon Ottow, born 1 June 1944 at Ann Arbor, Michigan; buried at Ann Arbor, Michigan soon after birth.



G5-2. Bruce Samuel Ottow, son of Samuel Paul and Blanche Wilhelmine (Roeser) Ottow, was born 25 November 1931 at Fargo, North Dakota. He was married 14 June 1951 to Marian Skillman, daughter of Fred A. and Mildred E. (Miller) Skillman. Marian was born 24 May 1932 at Johnsburg, Illinois. Bruce was a Paratrooper 1951-1954 in the U. S. Military. He is a machinist; enjoys playing golf; and worked several years with boys in the local private wrestling club. Marian was a beautician for ten years; enjoys crocheting, knitting, and oil painting. They live in Grandville, Michigan.


G6-1. Timothy Kent Ottow, born 11 April 1953 at Grand Rapids, Michigan; married 31 May 1975 to Bonney Nyhoff;

G6-2. Nanette Louise Ottow, born 21 June 1957 at Grand Rapids, Michigan; married 7 August 1976 to Brian Kempski;

G6-3. Kenneth Paul Ottow, born 24 June 1967 at Grand Rapids, Michigan.


G6-1. Timothy Kent Ottow, son of Bruce Samuel and Marian (Skillman) Ottow, was born 11 April 1953 at Grand Rapids. Michigan. He was married 31 May 1975 to Bonney Nyhoff.


G7-1. Jordan Christopher Ottow, born 25 July 1978;

G7-2. Lee Michael Ottow, born 31 October 1980.

G7-3. El1exandra Rose Ottow, born 12 June 1989.


G6-2. Nanette Louise Ottow, daughter of Bruce Samuel and Marian (Skillman) Ottow, was born 21 June 1957 at Grand Rapids, Michigan. She was married 7 August 1976 to Brian Kempski.


G7-1,1. Allison Brianne Kempski, born 13 February 1984;

G7-1,2. Nathan Allen Kempski, born 13 February 1984.

G7-3. Hayley Nicole Kempski, born 26 January 1988.



G4-3. Violet Alice Roeser, daughter of Julian Michael and Selma Emma (Hans) Roeser, was born 9 February 1906 at Cass County, North Dakota. She was married 7 May 1926 at Canaan Moravian Church to Harry Washburn, son of Harry M. and Martha (Grienke) Washburn. Harry was born 28 December 1904 at Cass County, North Dakota. He was a parts manager and salesman. Harry died 25 May 1979 at Pendleton, Oregon, from cancer. His hobbies were hunting and gardening. Vi is a retired teacher and Past President of the Oregon Federation of Women's Clubs. She resides in Tucson, Arizona.


G5-1. Audrey Alice Washburn, born 10 January 1927; died 8 January 1937 at Fargo, North Dakota;

G5-2. Dorothy Joanne Washburn, born 6 October 1929 at Fargo, North Dakota; married May 1948 to Richard Buck;

G5-3. Jerry Michael Washburn, born 8 April 1942 at Fargo, North Dakota; married (1) February 1961 to Ramona McKenzie; (2) 22 May 1982 to Rebecca Meredith.


G5-2 Dorothy Joanne Washburn, daughter of Harry and Violet Alice (Roesser) Washburn, was born 6 October 1929 at Fargo, North Dakota. She was married May 1948 to Richard Buck. They reside at Sun Lakes, Arizona.


G6-1. James Buck, born 10 January 1950;

G6-2. Jody Buck, born 22 September 1953; married Ron Freeberg;

G6-3. Jane Buck, born 7 January 1954; married 1977 to Kerry Kreisler.

G6-4. Jill Buck, born 11 April 1961; married 28 November 1989 to Wade Smith.


G6-2. Jody Buck, daughter of Richard and Dorothy Joanne (Washburn) Buck, was born 22 September 1973. She married Ron Freeberg of Cannon Falls, Minnesota.


G7-1. Gary Freeberg, born February 1976;

G7-2. Peter Freeberg, born 11 February 1977;

G7-3. Elizabeth Freeberg, born 16 September 1978.


G6-3 Jane Buck, daughter of Richard and Dorothy Joanne (Washburn) Buck, was born 7 January 1954. She married Kerry Kreisler in 1977 at Cannon Falls, Minnesota. Jane and son now reside in Chandler, Arizona.


G7-1. Aaron Kriesler, born 7 August 1982.



G5-3. Jerry Michael Washburn, son of Harry and Violet Alice (Roesser) Washburn, was born 8 April 1942 at Fargo, North Dakota. He was married (1) February 1961 to Ramona McKenzie, divorced.


G6-1. Mike Washburn, born 9 June 1962;

G6-2. Michele Washburn, born 9 March 1964.


Jerry married (2) 22 May 1982 to Rebecca Meredith.

He retired from the Air Force February 1986 and resides in Tucson, Arizona.


G4-4. Alice Myrtle Piper, daughter of Charles Herman and Selma Emma (Hans) (Roeser) Piper, was born 18 March 1914 at Durbin, North Dakota. She was married 28 November 1935 at Fargo, North Dakota, to Royal Rothert McCulloch, son of James Andrew and Helen Hulda (Rothert) McCulloch. Royal was born 18 December 1908 at Cooperstown, North Dakota. Royal is a retired postal employee. They live at Fargo, North Dakota.


G5-1. Kathryn Rae McCulloch, born 7 February 1937 at Fargo, North Dakota; married 23 November 1956 to Burt Borreson Elstad;

G5-2. David Marshall McCulloch, born 7 August 1943 at Fargo, North Dakota; married 23 August 1967 to Claudia Jane Braseth.


G5-1. Kathryn Rae McCulloch, daughter of Royal R. and Alice Myrtle (Piper) McCulloch, was born 7 February 1937 at Fargo, North Dakota. She was married 23 November 1956 at First United Methodist Church, Fargo, North Dakota, to Burt Borreson Elstad, son of John Melvin and Selma (Borreson) Elstad. Burt was born 6 February 1928 at Bowbells, North Dakota. He works for the Fargo Forum (newspaper); Kathy is a nurse. Both Brian and Thomas were in the United States Marines.


G6-1. Brian Paul Elstad, born 15 September 1957;

G6-2. Thomas Marshall Elstad, born 29 June 1961;

G6-3. Nancy Rae Elstad, born 29 December 1967.


G5-2. David Marshall McCulloch, son of Royal R. and Alice Myrtle (Piper) McCulloch, was born 7 August 1943 at Fargo, North Dakota. He was married 23 August 1967 at Fargo, North Dakota, to Claudia Jane Braseth, daughter of Wilford R. and Bernice (Bettschen) Braseth. Claudia was born 23 August 1967 at Fargo, North Dakota. David works for Westinghouse Electric and Claudia works at Kemper Insurance as an insurance underwriter. They live in Chicago.


G6-1. Kevin Michael McCulloch, born 30 November 1970.



G3-9 Bernard (Ben) Hans, son of August Ferdinand and Wilhelmine Caroline (Schoechert) Hans, was born 4 November 1878 at Bethany, Winona County, Minnesota. He was married 30 November 1899 at Berea Moravian Church to Maria (Mary) Augusta Koepsel, daughter of Carl Frederick Ferdinand and Ernestine Wilhelmine Augusta (Wendt) Koepsel. Mary was born 6 January 1876 at Elba, Minnesota. Ben met Mary when she came to Addison from St. Charles, Minnesota, to work as a hired girl. They first settled on the former Berthold Lebus farm located 1/2 mile south of the Canaan Church in Sec. 20. The following year they built a farmstead on Sec. 29 and farmed 800 acres with horses. They also raised Hereford cattle, a few milk cows and hogs. B. G. and Mary Hans were active in District 29 schools and the Canaan Moravian Church. They retired to Fargo in 1943 and celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary in 1949. Ben died 27 November 1964 in Fargo, North Dakota, and was buried on their 65th wedding anniversary. Mary died 17 July 1967 at Fargo, North Dakota. Both are buried on Canaan Moravian Cemetery, Davenport, North Dakota.


G4-1. Gertrude Esther Hans, born 21 September 1900, Addison Township, North Dakota; married 10 March 1921 to Richard Baumgarten;

G4-2. Evelyn Viola Hans, born 7 April 1902 at Addison Township, Cass County, North Dakota; married 25 November 1926 to Victor Carl Gohdes;

G4-3. Lucinda Hans, born 22 October 1904 at Addison Township, Cass County, North Dakota; married (1) Charles McGrady; (2) Melvin McGrady;

G4-4. Allen Wesley Hans, born 18 April 1907 at Addison Township, Cass County, North Dakota; married 26 February 1931 to Grace Bellmore;

G4-5. Dorothy Marie Hans, born 12 October 1911 at Addison Township, Cass County, North Dakota; married 26 February 1931 to Ewald Moderow;

G4-6. Floyd Wesley Hans, born 22 November 1913 at Addison Township, Cass County, North Dakota.

Left: Ben and Mary Hans















Ben Hans




G4-1. Gertrude Esther Hans, daughter of Bernard (Ben) G. and Maria (Mary) Auguste (Koepsel) Hans, was born 21 September 1900 at Addison Township, Cass County, North Dakota. She was married 10 March 1921 to Richard Baumgarten.


G5-1. Hilbert Baumgarten, born 6 May 1921 at Durbin, North Dakota; married 30 December 1945 to Jordis Eleanor Robertsdahl;

G5-2. Arlene Marie Baumgarten, born 2 September 1924 at Durbin, North Dakota; married 26 June 1947 to George Edwin Cullen;

G5-3. Donald Baumgarten, born 19 November 1931 at Durbin, North Dakota; married 1 June 1952 to Barbara Ann Jabs.


G5-1. Hilbert Baumgarten, son of Richard E. and Gertrude Esther (Hans) Baumgarten, was born 6 May 1921 at Durbin, North Dakota. He was married 30 December 1945 at Hickson, North Dakota, to Jordis Eleanor Robertsdahl, daughter of Eddie and Christine (Gyl1and) Robertsdahl. Jordis was born 7 February 1925 at Christine, North Dakota. Hilbert is a farmer and was a Pioneer Corn salesman; Jordis is a volunteer in the Senior Companion Program.


G6-1. Lorraine Kay Baumgarten, born 24 July 1949 at Fargo, North Dakota; married (I) 10 September 1970 to Mitch Felchle; (div.); (2) 2 January 1988 to Scott Lucas;

G6-2. Lynette Renee Baumgarten, born 22 June 1953 at Fargo, North Dakota; married 30 October 1976 to Gary Nieuwsma;

G6-3. Cheryl Ann Baumgarten, born 21 May 1957 at Fargo, North Dakota; married 11 September 1982 to Randall Naze;

G6-4. Rolland Cary Baumgarten, born 17 February 1961 at Fargo, North Dakota; married 25 June 1982 to Tama Fischer.


G6-1. Lorraine Kay Baumgarten, daughter of Hilbert and Jordis Eleanor (Robertsdahl) Baumgarten, was born 24 July 1949 at Fargo, North Dakota. She was married (I) 10 September 1970 to Mitch Felchle (divorced); (2) 2 January 1988 to Scott Lucas.


G7-1. Brody Dylan Felchle, born 6 September 1978 at Minneapolis, Minnesota.



G6-2. Lynette Renee Baumgarten, daughter of Hilbert and Jordis Eleanor (Robertsdahl) Baumgarten, was born 22 June 1953 at Fargo, North Dakota. She was married 30 October 1976 to Gary Nieuwsma.


G7-1. Shawn Richard Nieuwsma, born 26 September 1983 in Linton, North Dakota.

G7-2. Kyle James Nieuwsma, born 16 January 1986 at Linton, North Dakota.


G6-3 Cheryl Ann Baumgarten, daughter of Hilbert and Jordis Eleanor (Robertsdah1) Baumgarten, was born 21 May 1957 at Fargo, North Dakota. She was married 11 September 1982 to Randall Naze.


G7-1. Douglas Randall Naze, born 28 June 1988 at Jamestown, North Dakota.


G6-4. Rolland Cary Baumgarten, daughter of Hilbert and Jordis Eleanor (Robertsdahl) Baumgarten, was born 17 February 1961 at Fargo, North Dakota. He was married 25 June 1982 to Tama Fischer.


G7-1. April Lee Baumgarten, born 4 September 1988 at Dickinson, North Dakota.


G5-2. Arlene Marie Baumgarten, daughter of Richard E. and Gertrude Esther (Hans) Baumgarten, was born 2 September 1924 at Durbin, North Dakota. She was married 26 June 1947 at the Canaan Moravian Church, Davenport, North Dakota, to George Edwin Cullen, son of James A. and Iva (Breaw) Cullen. George was born 13 January 1913 at Sheldon, North Dakota. They farmed in the Sheldon area for twenty-seven years. He was a veteran of WW II, seeing duty in Iwo Jima. George died 11 October 1989.


G6-1. Jane Marie Cullen, born 4 May 1948 at Fargo, North Dakota; married 31 May 1969 to David Jerry Mastroianna;

G6-2. Margaret Elaine Cullen, born 28 June 1950 at Fargo, North Dakota; married 21 August 1971 to Douglas Alan Weisgram;

G6-3. Richard James Cullen, born 22 October 1953 at Lisbon, North Dakota; married 17 November 1979 to Bridget Ann Letteer.



G6-1. Jane Marie Cullen, daughter of George Edwin and Arlene Marie (Baumgarten) Cullen, was born 4 May 1948 at Fargo, North Dakota. She was married 31 May 1969 at Sheldon, North Dakota, to David Jerry Mastroianna, son of Jerry and Helen (Norstebon) Mastroianna. David was born 31 March 1947 at Fargo, North Dakota. He is an abstractor, owning Central Minnesota Abstract Company, St. Cloud, Minnesota. Jane is a Home Economics teacher at St. Cloud Technical School.


G7-1. Mark David Mastroianna, born 21 November 1977 at St. Cloud, Minnesota;

G7-2. James Andrew Mastroianna, born 25 November 1982 at St. Cloud, Minnesota.


G6-2. Margaret Elaine Cullen, daughter of George Edwin and Arlene Marie (Baumgarten) Cullen, was born 28 June 1950 at Fargo, North Dakota. She was married 21 August 1971 at Sheldon, North Dakota, to Douglas Alan Weisgram, son of Joseph Harold and Elga Matilda (Wooddell) Weisgram. Douglas was born 25 September 1949 at Jamestown, North Dakota. Douglas was in the USAF from April 1972-April 1979. He is presently flying for the AF Reserves and employed by American Airlines. Margaret is involved with schooling for the children and active in the Lutheran Church. They reside in Palatine, Illinois.


G7-1. Troy Anthony Weisgram, born 7 July 1976 at Langley AFB, Virginia;

G7-2. Alissa Gaye Weisgram, born 14 March 1979 at Madigan Army Hospital, Tacoma, Washington.


G6-3. Richard James Cullen, son of George Edwin and Arlene Marie (Baumgarten) Cullen, was born 22 October 1953 at Lisbon, North Dakota. He was married 17 November 1979 to Bridget Ann Letteer, daughter of Richard Ray and Janice Leone (Koppelman) Letteer. Bridget was born 16 June 1957 at Breckenridge, Minnesota. Both Rick and Bridget are employed at Hastings, Nebraska. They reside at Ayr, Nebraska.





Donald and Barbara




Terry, Colleen, Catherine, Daniel







G5-3. Donald Baumgarten, son of Richard and Gertrude Esther (Hans) Baumgarten, was born 19 November 1931 at Durbin, North Dakota. He was married 1 June 1952 at Casselton, North Dakota, to Barbara Ann Jabs, daughter of Ferdinand and Anna (Nordin) Jabs. Barbara was born 24 September 1931 at Wheatland, North Dakota. They reside at Durbin, North Dakota and are farming.

G6-1. Daniel Lee Baumgarten, born 8 April 1953 at Fargo North Dakota; married 15 June 1974 to Colleen Joy Viger;

G6-2. Catherine Donn Baumgarten, born 12 October 1954 at Fargo, North Dakota; married 12 November 1982 to Jeffrey David Crocker;

G6-3. Terry Lynn Baumgarten, born 19 December 1959 at Moorhead. Minnesota;

G6-4. Colleen Ann Baumgarten, born 12 July 1969 at Far, North Dakota.


G6-1. Daniel Lee Baumgarten, son of Donald and Barbara Ann (Jabs) Baumgarten, was born 8 April 1953 at Fargo, North Dakota. He was married 15 June 1974 to Colleen Joy Viger. Daniel is farming and Colleen is a Registered Nurse at Dakota Hospital in Fargo, North Dakota.


G7-1. Joel Daniel Baumgarten, born 20 February 1977;

G7-2. Jennifer Donn Baumgarten, born 20 December 1978;

G7-3. Amy Marie Baumgarten, born 29 October 1981.


G6-2. Catherine Donn Baumgarten, daughter of Donald M Barbara Ann (Jabs) Baumgarten, was born 12 October 1954 at Fargo, North Dakota. She married 12 November 1982 to Jeffrey David Crocker. They live in Fargo, North Dakota. Catherine is employed by the Me1roe Company, and Jeffrey is employed by National Temperature Control Center.


G7-1. Zachary James Crocker, born 19 February 1986.





Jennifer, Joel (standing)

Colleen, Amy Daniel Baumgarten



Catherine, Zachary,

Jeffrey Crocker



G6-3. Terry Lynn Baumgarten, son of Donald and Barbara Ann (Jabs) Baumgarten, was born 19 December 1959 at Moorhead, Minnesota. Terry resides in Lincoln, Nebraska, where he is a District Manager for the Melroe Company.


G6-4. Colleen Ann Baumgarten, daughter of Donald and Barbara Ann (Jabs) Baumgarten, was born 12 July 1969 at Fargo, North Dakota. She resides in Moorhead, Minnesota, where she is a student at Moorhead State University.


G4-2. Evelyn Viola Hans, daughter of Bernard (Ban) Gottlieb and Mary Auguste (Koepsel) Hans, was born 7 April 1902 at Addison Township, Cass County, North Dakota. She was married 25 November 1926 at Canaan Moravian Church to Victor Carl Gohdes, son of Otto and Augusta (Dahn) Gohdes. Victor was born 19 September 1904 at Addison Township, Cass County, North Dakota. Victor attended North Dakota Agricultural College after graduating from Fargo Central High School. He started to farm in the spring of 1927 after his father retired to Davenport. The farm is located in that part of Section 9, Addison Township lying west of the Great Northern (GN), which was purchased from Evelyn's grandfather, August Ferdinand Hans. Victor was farming with his brother, O. Esra for 40 years. They were active workers in the Canaan Moravian Church; he as an elder and she in women's fellowship and teaching Sunday school. He was township assessor for twenty years, clerk of School District 29. Evelyn was a 4-H leader, 12 years, and a former homemaker. Victor died 21 March 1979 and Evelyn died 20 February 1985. Both are buried on Canaan Moravian Cemetery.


G5-1. Carol Gohdes, born 25 April 1932; married (1) Gordon Jones, (2) Joseph Hajek; (3) Frank Leddy;

G5-2. Harriet Marie Gohdes, born 1 February 1937; married (1) John Clarence Brown, div.; (2) Lewis Benjamin Conklin;

G5-3. Jacqueline (Jackie) Annette Gohdes, born 17 April 1944.


G5-1. Carol Gohdes, daughter of Victor Carl and Evelyn Viola (Hans) Gohdes, was born 25 April 1932. She was married (1) to Gordon Jones; (2) to Joseph Hajek; (3) to Frank Leddy.


G6-1. Evelyn Hajek, born 8 March 1954;

G6-2. Victor Joseph Hajek, born 11 September 1955;

G6-3. Terri Hajek, born 11 January 1958; married to Scott Miller, div; married (2) Tom Congdon.


G6-1. Evelyn Hajek, daughter of Joseph and Carol (Gohdes) Hajek, was born 8 March 1954. She is a coloratura soprano, pursuing a freelance career in opera and classical performance.



G6-l. Terri Hajek, daughter of Joseph and Carol (Gohdes) Hajek, was born 8 March 1954. She was married (1) to Scott Miller, div.; married (2) to Tom Congdon.


G7-1. Matthew Clint Congdon, born 2 October 1984;

G7-2. Maddie Katelan Congdon, born 20 June 1987.


G5-2. Harriet Marie Gohdes, daughter of Victor Carl and Evelyn Viola (Hans) Gohdes, was born 1 February 1937. She was married (1) to John Clarence Brown, div.; (2) Lewis Benjamin Conklin.


G6-1. Charisse Brown Conklin, born 19 June 1961;

G6-2. Reginald Bernard Brown Conklin, born 8 December 1962;

G6-3. Monique Conklin, born 9 May 1968;

G6-4. Lewis Benjamin Conklin II, born 29 October 1970.


G5-3. Jacqueline (Jackie) Annette Gohdes, daughter of Victor Carl and Evelyn Viola (Hans) Gohdes, was born 17 April 1944. She works for the Minneapolis School Board. Jackie sang with the St. Olaf College Choir on tour; also with the Minnesota Chorale of Minneapolis for a few years.


G4-3. Lucinda Hans, daughter of Bernard (Ben) Gottlieb and Mary (Koepsel) Hans, was born 22 October 1904 at Addison Township, Cass County, North Dakota. She was married (1) to Charles McGrady; (2) to Melvin McGrady. No further information available.


G4-4. Allen Wesley Hans, son of Bernard (Ben) Gottlieb and Mary Augusta (Koepsel) Hans, was born 18 April 1907 at Addison Township, Cass County, North Dakota. He was married 26 February 1931 in a double wedding ceremony to Grace Bellmore, daughter of Johnathan Harvey and Hazel Emily (Farlin) Bellmore. Grace was born 22 July 1909. They reside at Pelican Rapids, Minnesota.


G5-1. Glen Roger Hans, born 26 August 1933 at Cass County, North Dakota; married 28 June 1955 to Donnajean Grace Heuer;

G5-2. Harvey Hans, born 2 January 1935 at Cass County, North Dakota; married 20 April 1955 to Shirley Teschendorf;

G5-3. Ardis Hans, born 11 April 1942 at Fargo, North Dakota; married to John Bickel;

G5-4. Kenneth Hans, born 9 November 1944 at Cass County, North Dakota;

G5-5. Jerome Russel Hans, born 15 December 1945 at Fargo, North Dakota; married November 1970 to Barbara Karen Bakkerud.



G5-1. Glen Roger Hans, son of Allen Wesley and Grace (Bellmore) Hans, was born 26 August 1933 at Cass County, North Dakota. He was married 26 June 1955 to Donnajean Grace Heuer, daughter of Clarence Henry and Frieda O. (Janke) Heuer. Donnajean was born 2 July 1934 at Cass County, North Dakota.


G6-1. Steven Hans, born 16 March 1957 at Cass County, North Dakota; married 26 October 1976 to Darlene Stenberg;

G6-2. Susan Hans, born 13 February 1956 at Cass County, North Dakota; married 14 December 1979 to Robert Stevenson;

G6-3. Dennis Roger Hans, born 26 September 1959; died 26 September 1959; buried Canaan Moravian Cemetery;

G6-4. Carol Hans, born 27 October 1969, Cass County, North Dakota;

G6-5. Jeffrey Hans, born 15 January 1962 at Cass County, North Dakota;

G6-6. Scott Hans, born 16 March 1966 at Cass County, North



G6-1. Steven Hans, son of Glen Roger and Donnajean Grace (Heuer) Hans, was born 16 March 1957 at Cass County, North Dakota. He was married 26 October 1976 at Fargo, North Dakota, to Darlene Stenberg, daughter of Martell N. and Luella L. (Huhner) Stenberg. Darlene was born 9 February 1952 at Moorhead, Minnesota. Steve works for Building Sprinkler Company and Darlene is Office Secretary for Builders Management and Investment Co., Inc.


G6-2. Susan Hans, daughter of Glenn Roger and Donnajean Grace (Heuer) Hans, was born 13 February 1956 at Cass County, North Dakota. She was married 14 December 1979 at Reno, Nevada, to Robert Stevenson, son of Leroy W. and Loretta May (Bailey) Stevenson. Robert was born 2 August 1959 at St. Ansgard Hospital. He is a shovel operator at Cyprus Mines Corporations; Susan is a housewife. Robert was in the Navy. Their hobbies are rock hunting and going into the mountains.


G7- 1. Joshua Stevenson, born 7 February 1961 at Tonopah, Nevada.








Robert, Susan, and Joshua Stevenson











G5-2 Harvey Hans, son of Allen Wesley and Grace (Bellmore) Hans, was born 2 January 1935 at Cass County, North Dakota. He was married 20 April 1955 to Shirley Teschendorf.


G6-1. Timothy Hans, born 31 March 1956;

G6-2. Rodney Hans; born 11 August 1957; married Pat Medina;

G6-3. Cynthia Hans, born 12 July 1960;

G6-4. Vincent Hans, born 14 April 1965.


G6-2. Rodney Hans, son of Harvey and Shirley (Teschendorf) Hans, was born 11 August 1957. He married Pat Medina.


G7-1. Cy Hans, born 31 March 1977;

G7-2. Melanie Hans, born 4 February 1979;

G7-3. Fluare Hans, born 12 February 1982.


G5-3. Ardis Hans, daughter of Allen Wesley and Grace (Bellmore) Hans, was born 11 April 1942 at Fargo, North Dakota. She was married at Minneola, Minnesota, to John Bickel, son of Arthur and Melinda (Hildebrandt) Bickel. John was born 21 September 1939 at Faribault, Minnesota. They reside at Dundas, Minnesota.


G6-1. Joanna Bickel, born 1 March 1964 at Faribault, Minnesota; married 1 August 1981 to Arthur Ross;

G6-2. Melissa Bickel, born 5 December 1965 at Northfield, Minnesota;

G6-3. Angela Bickel, born 5 December 1965 at Northfield, Minnesota.


G5-4. Kenneth Hans, son of Allen Wesley and Grace (Bellmore) Hans, was born 9 November 1944 at Cass County, North Dakota. He resides at Santa Cruz, California.


G5-5. Jerome Russel Hans, son of Allen Wesley and Grace (Bellmore) Hans, was born 15 December 1945 at St. Johns, Fargo, North Dakota. He was married 7 November 1970 at Hickson Lutheran Church, Hickson, North Dakota, to Barbara Karen Bakkerud, daughter of Kermit E. and Mary Jane (Lahren) Bakkerud. Barbara was born 27 March 1922 at St. Johns, Fargo, North Dakota. They are farming at Davenport, North Dakota, on the home farm of his parents.


G6-1. Christopher Russel Hans, born 21 December 1976 at Fargo, North Dakota.



G4-5. Dorothy Marie Hans, daughter of Bernard (Ran) G. and Mary Auguste (Koepsel) Hans, was born 12 October 1911 at Addison Township, Cass County, North Dakota. She was married in a double wedding ceremony 26 February 1931 at Canaan Moravian Church, Davenport, North Dakota, to Ewald Moderow, son of Albert and Bertha (Washe) Moderow. Ewald was born 22 September 1905 at Durbin, North Dakota. They operated a farm at Casselton, North Dakota, until 1941 when they moved to W 1/2 Sec. 2, Buffalo Twp. Ewald has served his township and county by serving on the Buffalo Township Board, Cass County Farm Bureau Board, plus serving many years as a Republican precinct committee man for the 22nd District. He was also a helping hand to operate the pull type maintainer keeping the township roads in shape. They are members of the First Presbyterian Church in Buffalo, North Dakota, where both have been active on the board, and Dorothy served in United Presbyterian Women. They enjoy their winters in Mesa, Arizona, in their mobile home.


G5-1. Duane Moderow, born 30 August 1931 at Fargo, North Dakota; married 17 November 1956 to Mary Ann Berg;

G5-2. Ardell Moderow, born 7 November 1935 at Fargo, North Dakota; married to Joseph Long, Jr.


G5-1. Duane Moderow, son of Ewald and Dorothy Marie (Hans) Moderow, was born 30 August 1931 at Fargo, North Dakota. He served in the US Army from 1953 to 1955. He was married 17 November 1956 at the Pontoppidan Lutheran Church, Fargo, North Dakota, to Mary Ann Berg, daughter of Albert M. and Olga (Olafson) Berg. Mary Ann was born 14 July 1938 at Valley City, North Dakota. They bought the Ewald Moderow home farm in 1967. Duane has served on his church board and is presently clerk and treasurer of Buffalo Township. Mary Ann has served on the Cass County Farm Bureau Women's Committee and has taught Sunday school. She is presently serving on the Cass County Social Services Board in Fargo.


G6-1. Douglas Duane Moderow, born 31 August 1957 at Valley City, North Dakota;

G6-2. Pamela Rae Moderow, born 6 May 1959 at Valley City, North Dakota; married 22 September 1979 to Michael Nelson;

G6-3. Brenda Kay Moderow, born 24 January 1962 at Valley City, North Dakota; married 11 June 1988 to Jeffrey Blair Halverson.


G6-1. Douglas Duane Moderow, son of Duane and Mary Ann (Berg) Moderow, was born 31 August 1957 at Valley City, North Dakota. He was graduated from Trinity University in San Antonio, Texas, in 1979 with a degree in theatre and music. He lives in Fargo. North Dakota.




G6-2. Pamela Rae Moderow, daughter of Duane and Mary Ann (Berg) Moderow, was born 6 May 1959 at Valley City, North Dakota. She was married 22 September 1979 at Westminster Presbyterian Church in Casselton, to Michael Lynn Nelson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Nelson. Michael was born 12 January 1959. Both Michael and Pamela are graduates of Interstate Business College in 1979. Michael farms with his grandfather. Pamela was a secretary in the sales department of North Dakota Blue Cross Blue Shield; is now employed part time with Monsanto Corp, in the Fargo, North Dakota office as a secretary. They live and farm near Mapleton, North Dakota.


G7-1. Amanda Rae Nelson, born 19 March 1980 at Fargo, North Dakota.

G7-2. Rachel Ann Nelson, born 24 March 1985 at Fargo, North Dakota.


G6-3. Brenda Kay Moderow, daughter of Duane and Mary Ann (Berg) Moderow, was born 24 January 1962 at Valley City, North Dakota. She was married 11 June 1988 to Jeffrey Blair Halverson of Downer, Minnesota, in Buffalo, North Dakota. Brenda attended Wahpeton State School of Science. She is now employed at Northwestern Mutual Life of Milwaukee Insurance Company, Bismarck office, as a secretary. Jeff is employed by the Harland Check Corporation. They reside in Bismarck, North Dakota.


G7-1. Blair Jeffrey Halverson, born 20 October 1989 at Bismarck, North Dakota.


G5-2. Ardell Moderow, daughter of Ewald and Dorothy Marie (Hans) Moderow, was born 7 November 1935 at Fargo, North Dakota. She was married at Buffalo, North Dakota, to Joseph Long, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Long, Sr. They live in Billings, Montana.


G6-1. Tracy Long, born 26 February 1960 at Fargo, North Dakota; married Kerry Larson in Billings, Montana;

G6-2. Rick Long, born 6 October 1962 at Fargo, North Dakota.


G6-1. Tracy Long, daughter of Joseph and Ardell (Moderow) Long, was born 26 February 1960 at Fargo, North Dakota. She was married in Billings, Montana, to Kerry Larson. They live in Billings, Montana.


G7-1. Jess Larson,

G7-2. Allison Lorraine Larson




G4-6. Floyd Wesley Hans, son of Bernard (Ben) G. and Mary Auguste (Koepsel) Hans, was born 22 November 1913 at Addison Township, Cass County, North Dakota. He farmed in the Davenport, North Dakota area until he retired to Fargo, where he now lives.


G3-10. Gerhard (Gary) Max Hans, son of August Ferdinand and Wilhelmine Caroline (Schoechert) Hans, was born 8 October 1881 at Bethany, Winona County, Minnesota. He was married 4 December 1902 to Hedwig Lydia Lebus, daughter of Theodore F. and Augusta (Hoehne) Lebus. Hedwig was born 28 March 1880 at Bethany, Winona County, Minnesota. Gerhard died 7 September 1945; Hedwig died 6 May 1958.


G4-1. Elfie Angeline Hans, born 10 March 1904 at Davenport, North Dakota; married 1929 to Ralph Mercier;

G4-2. Milton Gerhard Hans, born 24 April 1907 at Addison, North Dakota; married 24 November 1931 to Edna Irene Piper; died 25 September 1988.


















Gerhard Hans Hedwig (Lebus) Hans





Hedwig (Lebus) and Gerhard Hans




G4-1. Elfie Angeline Hans; daughter of Gerhard Max and Hedwig Lydia (Lebus) Hans, was born 10 March 1904 at Davenport, North Dakota. She was married Good Friday of 1929 to Ralph Mercier. Elfie taught in schools in Durbin and Davenport, North Dakota, and in Bemidji from 1944 to 1970 when she retired. She now resides in Fargo, North Dakota.


G5-1. James Ralph Mercier, born 12 February 1930; married 28 December 1950 at Park Rapids, Minnesota, to Rosemarie Wiese; died September 1989.


G5-1. James Ralph Mercier, son of Ralph and Elfie Angeline (Hans) Mercier, was born 12 February 1930. He was married 28 December 1950 at Park Rapids, Minnesota, to Rosemarie Wiese, daughter of William and Margaret (Garrigan) Wiese. Rosemarie was born 29 June 1928. James worked for Motorola Company at Fort Wayne, Indiana. He died September 1989.


G6-1. Michael Mercier, born 8 May 1953;

G6-2. Michele Mercier, born 9 August 1954 at San Diego, California; married 11 January 1976 at Murphysboro, Illinois to Joseph William Kleber;

G6-3. Lisa Kay Mercier, born 10 December 1959.


G6-1 Michael Mercier, son of James Ralph and Rosemarie (Wiese) Mercier, was born 8 May 1953. He is a chemical geologist and lives in Orlando, Florida.


G6-2 Michele Marie Mercier, daughter of James Ralph and Rosemarie (Wiese) Mercier, was born 9 August 1954 at San Diego, California. She was married 11 January 1976 at Murphysboro, Illinois to Joseph William Kleber, son of Cornelius and Joan (Hoevel) Kleber. Joseph is a Senior Designer. They reside at Fort Wayne, Indiana.


G7-1. David Joseph Kleber, born 15 January 1979 at Fort Wayne, Indiana;

G7-2. Steven James Kleber, born 11 December 1961 at Fort Wayne, Indiana.

G7-3. Additional children for whom we have no information:





G6-3. Lisa Kay Mercier, daughter of James Ralph and Rosemarie (Wiese) Mercier, was born. 10 December 1959. She is a consumer analyst, and lives at Woodridge, Illinois.



G4-2. Milton Gerhard Hans, son of Gerhard Max and Hedwig Lydia (Lebus) Hans, was born 24 April 1907. He was married 24 November 1931 to Edna Irene Piper, daughter of Gustave C. and Martha (Oldenburg) Piper. Milton attended North Dakota Agricultural College, and Edna taught four years after attending Valley City Normal School. They had farmed on Section 5, Davenport Township, the farm formerly farmed by Milton's parents all their married lives. Milton died 25 September 1988. Edna resides in Fargo.


G5-1. Phyllis Irene Hans, born 7 September 1932 at Fargo, North Dakota; married 18 May 1957 to Ivan (Bud) Cossette;

G5-2. Leland Milton Hans, born 17 March 1934 at Fargo, North Dakota; married 3 February 1967 to Florence Alderman.


G5-1. Phyllis Irene Hans, daughter of Milton Gerhard and Edna Irene (Piper) Hans, was born 7 September 1932 at Fargo, North Dakota. She was married 18 May 1957 at St. Anthony's Church, Fargo, North Dakota, to Ivan (Bud) Cossette. Ivan was born 13 April 1929 at Wild Rice, North Dakota, son of Julian and Cecile (Sauvageau) Cossette. He is a service station owner.


G6-1. Paul Ivan Cossette, born 18 March 1959; married 9 October 1982 to Susan Murray;

G6-2. Julie Ann Cossette, born 8 June 1960; married 28 November 1981 to Duane Skyberg;

G6-3. Gary Lee Cossette, born 9 October 1961;

G6-4. Diane Irene Cossette, born 1 February 1963;

G6-5. James David Cossette, born 16 July 1965;

G6-6. Michael Allen Cossette, born 17 May 1967;

G6-7. Thomas Dean Cossette, born 6 October 1969;

G6-8. David James Cossette, born 24 December 1974.


G6-1. Paul Ivan Cossette, son of Ivan (Bud) and Phyllis Irene (Hans) Cossette, was born 18 March 1959. He was married 9 October 1982 to Susan Murray.


G7-1. John Cossette, born 28 November 1988.


G6-2. Julie Ann Cossette, daughter of Ivan (Bud) and Phyllis Irene (Hans) Cossette, was born 8 June 1980. She was married 28 November 1981 to Duane Skyberg.


G7-1. Joshua Skyberg, born 31 January 1985;

G7-2. Justin Skyberg, born 11 June 1986.



G5-2. Leland Milton Hans, son of Milton Gerhard and Edna Irene (Piper) Hans, was born 17 March 1934 at Fargo, North Dakota. He was married 3 February 1967 at Peace Lutheran Church, Fargo, North Dakota, to Florence Alderman. Florence was born 17 November 1937 at Fargo, North Dakota, daughter of Harvey Wallace and Winnie May (Hope) Alderman. They are farming the home farm of his parents and grandparents. Leland enjoys flying and has had his own plane until recently. He works with electronic equipment and is a veteran of the U.S. Army.


G3-11. Alice Matah (Meta) Hans, daughter of August Ferdinand and Wilhelmine C. (Schoechert) Hans, was born 28 June 1885 at Bethany, Winona County, Minnesota. She was married 18 December 1901 to Reinhold Carl Piper, son of Ferdinand and Nannie (Strehlow) Piper. She died of an accident on 3 March 1910 at Dundurn, Saskatchewan, Canada, and is buried on Canaan Moravian Cemetery. Reinhold married (2) Irene Heon on 7 December 1924; she died 6 March 1955.


Reinhold's children from marriage (2) were: Lawrence Piper and Maxine Piper who married Dexter C. Zernia. Reinhold moved to North Battleford in 1919 where he started a garage business and was also the local dealer for Oliver farm machinery. Reinhold died 26 April 1956.


G4-1. Rueben Floyd Piper, born 6 December 1902 at Durbin, North Dakota; married 21 December 1926 to Yvonne Elizabeth Herring;

G4-2. Elmer F. Piper, born 9 October 1905 at Winnipeg, Canada; married 22 August 1938 to Evelyn Minna Davies; died 9 February 1974 at Calgary, Canada:

G4-3. Gladys Piper, born 13 April 1908 at Fargo, North Dakota; married 17 March 1928 to Lloyd Nicholas Fetzer.









Above: Reinhold Piper, Alice (Hans) Piper





Gladys, Rueben and Elmer Piper




G4-1. Rueben Floyd Piper, son of Reinhold Carl and Alice Matah (Hans) Piper, was born 8 December 1902 at Durbin, North Dakota. He was married 21 December 1928 to Yvonne Elizabeth Herring, daughter of Silas Milburn and Mary Elizabeth (Drain) Herring. Yvonne was born 11 May 1901 at Teaken Dristek, Idaho.


G5-1. Douglas Rueben Piper, born 22 January 1928 at Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada; married June 1948 to Irene Nesome;

G5-2. Allen Lorne Piper, born 2 September 1929 at Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada; married November 1948 to Marjory Ann Gittens;

G5-3. Gilbert Duane Piper, born 18 April 1933 at North Battleford, Saskatchewan, Canada; married 25 June 1955 to Joyce Marilyn Newsham.


G5-1. Douglas Rueben Piper, son of Rueben Floyd and Yvonne Elizabeth (Herring) Piper, was born 22 January 1928 at Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. He was married June 1948 to Irene Nesome who was born 14 July 1924.


G6-1. Donald Rueben Piper, born 8 June 1950 at North Battleford, Saskatchewan, Canada; married 15 July 1972 to Linda Salisbury;

G6-2. Margaret Piper, born 1951 at North Battleford, Saskatchewan, Canada; married 11 November 1972 to Anthony ?;

G6-3. Doreen Catherine Piper, born 13 November 1953 at North Battleford, Saskatchewan, Canada; married Blake Glubrecht;

G6-4. Susan Piper, born 22 April 1955 at North Battleford, Saskatchewan, Canada; married 5 May 1973 to Edward Kramm.


G6-1. Donald Rueben Piper, son of Douglas Rueben and Irene (Nesome) Piper, was born 8 June 1950 at North Battleford, Saskatchewan, Canada. He was married 15 July 1972 to Linda Salisbury.


G7-1. Jeffrey Piper, born 1972;

G7-2. Andrew Piper, born 1973.


G6-4. Susan Piper, daughter of Douglas Rueben and Irene (Nesome) Piper, was born 22 April 1955 at North Battleford, Saskatchewan, Canada. She was married 5 May 1973 to Edward Kramm.


G7-1. Michael Kramm, born 1978;

G7-2. Paul Kramm, born 1977;

G7-3. Blain Kramm, born l98l.



G5-2. Allen Lorne Piper, son of Reuben Floyd and Yvonne Elizabeth (Herring) Piper, was born 2 September 1929 at Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. He was married November 1948 to Marjory Ann Gittens, who was born 28 November 1926. He is a trucker in Edmonton.


G6-1. David Piper, born 25 August 1949 in North Battleford, Saskatchewan, Canada;

G6-2. Lenard Alvin Piper, born 13 November 1953 in North Battleford, Saskatchewan, Canada; married 29 September 1973 to Wendy Edwards;

G6-3. Gordon Lloyd Piper, born 1 May 1959 in North Battleford, Saskatchewan, Canada; married;

G6-4. Ann Michelle Piper, born 3 February 1956 in North Battleford, Saskatchewan, Canada;

G6-5. Bryon Kenneth Piper, born 11 February 1957 in North Battleford, Saskatchewan, Canada;

G6-6. Michael Steven Piper, born 3 May 1958 in North Battleford, Saskatchewan, Canada;

G6-7. Carol Francine Piper, born 19 April 1959 in North Battleford, Saskatchewan, Canada;

G6-8. Kathleen Sue Piper, born 20 November 1960 in North Battleford, Saskatchewan, Canada;

G6-9. Scott Colemere Gittens Piper, born 27 July 1961 in North Battleford, Saskatchewan, Canada;

G6-10. Sandra Jill Piper, born 24 December 1963 in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada;

G6-11. Patricia Joan Piper, born 19 July 1965 in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.


G6-2. Lenard Alvin Piper, son of Allan Lorne and Marjory Ann (Gittens) Piper, was born 13 November 1952 at North Battleford, Saskatchewan, Canada. He was married 29 September 1973 to Wendy Edwards.


G7-1. Sara Lynn Piper, born 20 November 1974;

G7-2. Steven Michael Piper, born 12 June 1976.


G6-3. Gordon Lloyd Piper, son of Allan Lorne and Marjory Ann (Gittens) Piper, was born 1 May 1954 at North Battleford, Saskatchewan, Canada.


G7-1. Susan Ann Piper, born 5 August 1970;

G7-2. Shane Piper, born 16 July 1971;

G7-3. Calvin Lee Piper, born 29 October 1973.


G6-4. Ann Michelle Piper, daughter of Allan Lorne and Marjory Ann (Gittens) Piper, was born 3 February 1956 at North Battleford, Saskatchewan. Canada.


G7-1. Lori Ann Piper, born 27 October 1973.


G5-3. Gilbert (Bud) Duane Piper, son of Rueben Floyd and Yvonne Elizabeth (Herring) Piper, was born 16 April 1933 at North Battleford, Saskatchewan, Canada. He was married 25 June 1955 at North Battleford, to Joyce Marilyn Newsham, daughter of William Henry and Marie Alda (LaLonde) Newsham. Bud was a trucker until 1971 when he took over the family farm, fourteen miles northeast of North Battleford.


G6-1. Mona Louise Piper, born 19 May 1956 at North Battleford, Saskatchewan, Canada; married 18 October 1975 to Gary Cyril Bruynoghe;

G6-2. Gail Marilyn Piper, born 21 September 1958 at North Battleford, Saskatchewan, Canada; married 5 November 1977 to Franz Hegholz;

G6-3. Dennis Duane Piper, born 25 December 1960 at North Battleford, Saskatchewan, Canada; married 12 February 1983 to Sandra Sharon Mackie;

G6-4. Patricia Jean Piper, born 22 August 1966 at North Battleford, Saskatchewan, Canada;

G6-5. Jody Gilbert Piper, born 30 November 1971 at North Battleford, Saskatchewan, Canada;


G6-1. Mona Louise Piper, daughter of Gilbert (Bud) Duane and Joyce Marilyn (Newsham) Piper, was born 19 May 1956 at North Battleford, Saskatchewan, Canada. She was married 18 October 1975 at North Battleford to Gary Cyril Bruynoghe, son of Cony and Marie (Emel) Bruynoghe. Gary was born 9 May 1954 at North Battleford. Gary is a farmer and Mona is a housewife.


G7-1. Stephen Gary Bruynoghe, born 20 January 1978 at North Battleford; Saskatchewan, Canada;

G7-2. Lori Louise Bruynoghe, born 2 July 1979 at North Battleford.

G7-3. Rebecca Joyce Bruynoghe, born 2 May 1984.


G6-2. Gail Marilyn Piper, daughter of Gilbert (Bud) Duane and Joyce Marilyn (Newsham) Piper, was born 21 September 1958 at North Battleford, Saskatchewan, Canada. She was married 5 November 1977 at North Battleford, Saskatchewan, Canada, to Franz Hegholz, son of Hermann Joseph and Sophie (Rheidt) Hegholz. Franz was born 20 September 1953 at Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Franz is an electrician; also holds his Steam Engineer Class IV ticket; Gail is a registered nurse. They reside in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.


G7-1. Michael Franz Hegholz, born 25 April 1978 at Edmonton, Alberta;

G7-2. Jeffrey Gilbert Hegholz, born 22 March 1981 at Edmonton, Alberta.

G7-3. Jennifer Gail Hegholz, born July 1983.



G6-3. Dennis Duane Piper, son of Gilbert Duane and Joyce Marilyn, (Newsham) Piper, was born 25 December 1960. He was married 12 February 1983 to Sandra Sharon Mackie who was born 18 July 1962. Dennis is a member of the R.C.M.P. and is posted in Chatwynd, British Columbia, Canada.


G4-2. Elmer F. Piper, son of Rheinhold Carl and Alice Matah (Hans) Piper, was born 9 October 1905 at Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. He was married 22 August 1938 at Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada, to Evelyn Minna Davies, daughter of William Samuel and Margaret (Evans) Davies. Evelyn Minna was born 3 March 1911 at Newbridge-on-Wye, Wales, United Kingdom. After Elmer's mother's death, Elmer's father moved to Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, where Elmer attended elementary school. Elmer then went to Fargo, North Dakota, to complete his high school while staying with his grandmother Piper. Elmer's father had by this time moved to North Battleford, Saskatchewan, where Elmer joined him later. They operated a garage and machinery business in partnership. Elmer played football for Fargo High School and was well known in Western Canadian amateur hockey. Elmer died 9 February 1974 at Calgary, Alberta.

"Elmer Piper had a long and colorful career in hockey which spanned over three decades. He was active as a player and coach in various hockey hotbeds, starting as a player with the North Battleford Beavers in the late twenties. He joined the Saskatoon Quakers as a player in 1932-33, and in 33-34 the Quakers and Piper toured Europe and were acclaimed World Amateur Hockey Champions.


"He returned to North Battleford as a player coach the following year. He went from there to Moose Jaw where he coached the senior Millers in 1936-37. In 1937 he coached the Trail Smoke Eaters as they won the Allan Cup as senior amateur champions of Canada.

"Piper came to Turner Valley Oilers as coach during 1938-39-40 and then journeyed to Baltimore in the Eastern Amateur League. During the war years he spent three years as coach of the Currie Army team. In 1945 "Pipe" settled in business in Okotoks and commenced a very satisfying 15 years as coach of the Oilers." (Newspaper account, 11 January 1975)

In April 1986 the town of Okotoks paid tribute to Elmer's memory by naming an arena "The Elmer Piper Arena" for him. During all their married lives Elmer and Minna lived in Okotoks, Alberta, where they raised their three daughters and Elmer operated a successful machinery and garage business. In 1990 Minna is still living in the family home.



G5-1. Marguerite Ellen Piper (daughter of Minna by previous marriage, adopted by Elmer), born 31 July 1931 at Battleford, Saskatchewan, Canada; married 28 March 1950 to James Wegener;

G5-2. Beverly Lynn Piper, born 13 August 1941 at Calgary, Alberta, Canada; married 29 June 1963 to Darryl J. Donnelly;

G5-3. Diana Gail Piper, born 24 May 1945 at Calgary, Alberta, Canaday; married 28 February 1976 to David S. Hocking.













Minna and Elmer Piper



Minna Piper and daughters

Beverly, Diana, and Marguerite 1982













James and Marguerite




Sandra (Wegener) Michelle,

Glen and Cameron Lowe




G5-1. Marguerite Ellen Piper, daughter of Minna (Davies) Piper, adopted by Elmer Piper, was born 31 July 1931 at Battleford, Saskatchewan, Canada. She was married 28 March 1950 at Okotoks, Alberta, Canada, to James Wegener, son of Ernest Karl and Martha (Bredlow) Wegener. James was born 17 January 1930. Jim and Marguerite lived on a dairy farm twenty miles east of the Rocky Mountains, a country blessed with Chinook winds in winter. Jim retired from the dairy business, then worked in the oil fields and for the Highway Department. Marguerite worked in the post office. In 1989 they sold their farm and retired to Birchwook, Alberta, Canada.


G6-1. Sandra Darlene Wegener, born 22 September 1950 at Edmonton, Alberta, Canada; married 2 December 1972 to Glen Lowe.

G6-2. Terry Ellen Wegener, born 5 June 1952 at Wetaskiwin, Alberta, Canada; married 22 January 1976 to David James;

G6-3. Laurie Dawn Wegener, born 21 January 1958 at Fort St. John, British Columbia;

G6-4. Corinne Michele Wegener, born 27 January 1965 at High River, Alberta, Canada.


















G6-1. Sandra Darlene Wegener, daughter of James and Marguerite Ellen (Piper) Wegener, was born 22 September 1950 at Edmonton, Alberta Canada. She was married 2 December 1972 to Glen Lowe. Glen sells building products and Sandra works part time as a secretary. They live in St. Albert, Alberta.


G7-1. Cameron Lowe, born 1 June 1973;

G7-2. Michelle, born 3 May 1976;


G6-2. Terry Ellen Wegener, daughter of James and Marguerite Ellen (Piper) Wegener, was born 5 June 1952 at Wetaskiwin, Alberta, Canada. She was married 22 January 1976 to David James. Terry Ellen and David live in Athabasca, ninety miles north of Edmonton. Terry Ellen is a schoolteacher.


G7-1. Michael James, born 6 January 1980;

G7-2. Daniel Murray James, born 1 October 1982.








      Michael, David, Daniel and Terry (Wegener) James








G6-3. Laurie Dawn Wegener, daughter of James and Marguerite Ellen (Piper) Wegener, was born 21 January 1958 at Fort St. John, British Columbia. She is manager of a business selling food concession equipment and products in Edmonton.


G7-1. Tyler Ryan born 8 December 1986.



G6-4. Corinne Michele Wegener, daughter of James and Marguerite Ellen (Piper) Wegener, was born 27 January 1965 at High River, Alberta. She lives in Edmonton, Alberta, and works for a wholesale electrical firm.


G7-1. James Conrad, born 7 May 1988.


G5-2. Beverly Lynn Piper, daughter of Elmer F. and Evelyn Minna (Davies) Piper, was born 13 August 1941 at Calgary, Alberta, Canada. She was married 29 June 1963 at Okotoks. Alberta, Canada, to Darryl Donnelly, son of John and Cecilia Dolores (Wenner) Donnelly. Darryl was born 24 February 1939 at Turner Valley. Alberta. Canada. He died in a house fire on 16 July 1976 at Turner Valley. Alberta. He was a chemical technician. Beverly is a primary teacher in Calgary; hobbies are curling, swimming, skiing. Kim, their daughter, works for Alberta Government Telephones.


G6-1. Kim Nadine Donnelly, born 22 January 1964 at High River; married 8 October 1983 to Steven O'Ray.


G6-1. Kim Nadine Donnelly, daughter of Darryl and Beverly Lynn (Piper) Donnelly, was born 22 January 1964 at High River. She was married 8 October 1983 to Steven O'Ray, son of Kenneth and Florence O'Ray of Kingston, Ontario.


G7-1. Stephanie Lena O'Ray, born 15 October 1986.

Kim (Donnelly) and Steven O'Ray




Kim and Beverly Donnelly


G5-3. Diana Gail Piper, daughter of Elmer F. and Evelyn Minna (Davies) Piper, was born 24 May 1945 at Calgary, Alberta, Canada. On 28 February 1976 in Okotoks, Diana was married to David S. Hocking, son of Fredrick Lionel and Ethel (Campbell) Hocking. David was born 7 January 1942 at Whyalla, South Australia. He has a daughter from a previous marriage -- Brenda Elizabeth, born 29 June 1961. Diana is a member of the Okotoks Town Council as was her father before her; now serving her third term of three years. Both the children are avid hockey players and fans.


G6-1. Nathan Piper Hocking, born 21 December 1975;

G6-2. Brux David Hocking, born 29 July 1981.








Diana (Piper), David,

Brux and Nathan Hocking












G4-3. Gladys Wilhelmine Piper, daughter of Rheinhold Carl and Alice Matah Hans, was born 13 April 1908 at Fargo, North Dakota. After her mother's death, she was raised by her Grandmother Piper. She was married 17 March 1928 at Minneapolis, Minnesota, to Lloyd Nicholas Fetzer, son of Edward C. and Myrtle (Hartgrove) Fetzer. Lloyd was born 6 November 1904 at Hankinson, North Dakota. He died of a heart attack 18 July 1966 at Minneapolis, Minnesota. He was a shoe salesman; Gladys is a seamstress. Gladys resides in Bloomington, Minnesota.


G5-1. Patricia Barbara Fetzer, born 7 May 1934 at Minneapolis, Minnesota; married (1) 7 September 1973 to Dale Victor Hammer; (2) Thomas F. Zerse;

G5-2. Donadean Fetzer, born 22 August 1936 at Minneapolis, Minnesota; married (1) 1 October 1954 to Milo Ecklund; (2) 3 October 1967 to John McGowan; (3) 8 September 1983 to Richard Dunn;

G5-3. Dennis Lloyd Fetzer, born 8 February 1944 at Minneapolis, Minnesota; married 24 September 1965 to Kay Leslie Briley.


G5-1. Patricia Barbara Fetzer, daughter of Lloyd Nicholas and Gladys Wilhelmine (Piper) Fetzer, was born 7 May 1934 at Minneapolis, Minnesota. She was married (1) 7 September 1953 at Minneapolis, Minnesota, to Dale Victor Hamer, son of Earle and Sylvia (Olson) Hamer. They were divorced. She married (2) Thomas F. Zerse, who was born 14 January 1935. Pat is a Chemical Dependency Consultant in California.


G6-1. Lynn Marie Hamer, born 3 August 1957 at Minneapolis, Minnesota; born 3 August 1957 at Minneapolis, Minnesota; married 17 December 1978 to William Steven Young;

G6-2. Beth Ann Hamer, born 25 April 1962 at Minneapolis, Minnesota; married 21 December 1981 to Clayton Remington;

G6-3. Karen Leigh Hamer, born 14 February 1965 at Minneapolis, Minnesota.


G6-1. Lynn Marie Hamer, daughter of Dale Victor and Patricia Barbara (Fetzer) Hamer, was born 3 August 1957 at Minneapolis, Minnesota. She was married 17 December 1978 at Prince of Peace Lutheran Church to William Steven Young, son of Ray Alfred and Lillian (Houck) Young. William was born 2 May 1954 at Minneapolis, Minnesota. William is an elevator worker; hobbies are trains and fishing. Lynn is a homemaker; hobbies are oil-painting, drawing.


G7-1. Ryan Kelly Young, born 21 June 1978;

G7-2. Dustin Leigh Young, born 27 November 1979.



G6-2. Beth Ann Hamer, daughter of Dale Victor and Patricia Barbara (Fetzer) Hamer, was born 25 April 1962 at Minneapolis, Minnesota. She was married 21 December 1981 to Clayton Remington.


G7-1. Jessica Remington, born 23 December 1979;

G7-2. Joey Remington, born November 1981.


G5-2. Donadean Fetzer, daughter of Lloyd Nicholas and Gladys Wilhelmine (Piper) Fetzer, was born 22 August 1936 at Minneapolis, Minnesota. She was married (1) 1 October 1954 to Milo Ecklund, son of Russel and Alverna (Syrup) Ecklund. Milo was born in 1934 and died in 1974. They were divorced in 1959. She married (2) 3 October 1967 to John McGowan at Shakopee, Minnesota. He is the son of Percy and Blanche (Oxboro) McGowan. She married (3) 8 September 1983 to Richard Dunn.


G6-1. Sandra Kay Ecklund McGowan, born 7 March 1958 at Minneapolis, Minnesota;

G6-2. Tracy Alane McGowan, born 14 March 1964 at Minneapolis, Minnesota;

G6-3. Paula Jean McGowan, born 30 December 1966 at Minneapolis, Minnesota;


G5-3. Dennis Lloyd Fetzer, son of Lloyd Nicholas and Gladys Wilhelmine (Piper) Fetzer, was born 8 February 1944 at Minneapolis, Minnesota. He was married 24 September 1965 at Lutheran Church Redemption, Bloomington, Minnesota, to Kay Leslie Briley, daughter of Leslie B. and Charlotte E. (Moyer) Briley. Dennis owns two businesses: Fetzer Construction and Shakopee Millwork. He saw two year's active duty in the U. S. Navy aboard USS Long Beach. He was an apprenticed carpenter; hobbies are running, skiing. Kay does bookwork for both businesses; hobbies are running, skiing, reading, and needlework. They reside at Shakopee, Minnesota.


G6-1. April Lee Fetzer, born 16 April 1969 at Edina, Minnesota;

G6-2. Jonah Lee Fetzer, born 5 January 1972 at Edina, Minnesota.